
A fun script for a wedding. A script for a wedding without a toastmaster, or as a director. The script of the wedding for the toastmaster is complete and detailed with contests and music tracks


Little wedding with small amount guests can be as memorable as a large-scale celebration. To create the necessary atmosphere at the wedding at home will help cool script, which you can find on the site site.

How to design and implement a small wedding script

Regardless of the number of guests and the location of the event, you need to create a script and choose who will lead the holiday. Otherwise, the wedding runs the risk of turning into a boring feast. If you decide to hold a wedding in a small company and do without the services of a toastmaster, then you will have to draw up the script for the celebration yourself. First, you need to decide on the theme of the wedding. The following options can be distinguished:

  1. traditional wedding with observance of classical rites;
  2. creative themed celebration (biker wedding, quest wedding, etc.);
  3. mixed script (traditional ceremonies combined with original contests).

You can take as a basis any ready-made wedding scenario without a toastmaster and supplement it with ideas and contests in accordance with the wedding format.

You can suggest the role of a facilitator:

  • witness or witness;
  • one of the honorary matchmakers;
  • friend or relative.

The most important thing is to choose for the leading role a cheerful and charismatic person who will not be ashamed of the audience.

Scenario for a wedding at home: meeting young people

Regardless of what kind of wedding is planned, luxurious or small, the wedding script traditionally begins with a meeting of the newlyweds. The presenter says: “Let's meet the young, may God carry them in his arms! We wish them a lot of happiness, smiles, peace and harmony! " After the greeting, the host offers the bride and groom an interesting competition.

Overcoming obstacles

  • Participants: bride and groom.
  • Props: number plates and tape.

On the way of the newlyweds, signs with numbers are laid out: 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, with the help of a tape they mark the finish. The presenter says: “Dear bride and groom, from today on you will walk through life together, share the joys and hardships. And we have prepared a small symbolic test for you. You need to cross the finish line together, but only one can go along this path. How will you cope with this task? " Correct answer: the groom must carry the bride in his arms. If the newlyweds do not guess, then they need to be prompted. Guests can also give hints. During the movement of the newlyweds, guests can sprinkle them with rose petals, confetti or grains. When the task is completed, the leader tells the young: “Do you know what these numbers mean? After all, these are anniversaries living together... So let your path to the golden wedding be as easy and bright as today! "

Further, according to tradition, the newlyweds should treat each other with a loaf. Before giving the loaf, the parents say the words of parting words. During the meeting of the newlyweds, you can also conduct a farewell ceremony with the surname. The bride needs to write her maiden name on a piece of paper and fly into the sky along with balloons. Then the presenter solemnly invites guests and newlyweds to the festive table:

“And now the way for a couple!
Let life be without worries!
Come on in, dear ones,
The wedding feast is calling you! "

Wedding feast: toasts and congratulations

The wedding feast usually takes place in periods of 30-40 minutes. The presenter should make sure that toasts and shouts of "Bitter!" Are heard at the table at this time. If the scenario for a small wedding includes gifting the newlyweds during a feast, then it is necessary to give the floor to all relatives in turn so that they can solemnly present the gift and voice congratulations.

In a narrow family circle, toasts can be made by relatives and friends, but the presenter also needs to prepare several original congratulations.

Toast to the young

We wish our newlyweds
May their lives be successful.
Become sweeter and more beautiful over the years,
And let the house become a full bowl!
We wish you great victories and success.
And let's drink to the young rather!

Toast to love

Do you remember all your meetings
And your first confessions and words.
Love has united you forever.
And may she always be in our hearts.
For the feeling that the blood excites!
Let's drink to love!

Toast to parents

Attention please.
I want to say something important.
You and I must definitely
Raise a glass to the parents.
Today we wish young people
Live together happily and amicably.
To those who gave birth and raised them,
Thank you for everything.
Who brought to people, supported,
He taught, protected from troubles,
Whose hands shook them in childhood,
They are with us today.
Never forget,
Always love and respect them!

In between meals, you need to provide entertainment for guests, funny contests and dance blocks. The scenario of a wedding for a small company also does not exclude such wedding traditions as the first dance of the young people, taking off the veil, etc. At the end of the banquet, it is necessary to plan to take out the wedding cake. The newlyweds can end the evening by thanking their relatives for sharing this solemn and happy day with them. If you are planning a second wedding day, do not forget to inform the guests. You can find the script for the second wedding day on the portal.

Scenario of contests for a wedding in a narrow circle

A script for a wedding at home can include both mobile and table contests. When choosing contests, consider the age category, status and interests of the guests.

Question answer

  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: cards with questions and answers.

Participants take turns taking out cards and reading them out. The first participant voices the card with the question, and the second - with the answer.

Examples of questions:

  • Are you ready to kiss a stranger?
  • Do you like to drink?
  • Are you capable of stealing?

Examples of responses:

  • Only when there is money.
  • I dreamed about it all my life.
  • Not today.

You can come up with completely different questions and answers, but the most important thing is that they are funny and cool.


  • Participants: all guests.

The host says that no wedding is complete without alcohol, and invites guests to choose synonyms for the word "drink." The winner is the one who comes up with the maximum of synonyms.

Also, as a table entertainment at a wedding at home, you can include in the script contests such as solving a wedding crossword puzzle. It must be prepared in advance and drawn on a large Whatman paper. You can create a photo collage of children's photos of guests and newlyweds, and invite the participants to guess who is in the photo. As an active entertainment, you can hold a dance flash mob or various team relay races. Karaoke can also be appropriate.

Russian roulette

  • Participants: 6 men.
  • Props: 5 boiled and 1 raw egg.

The presenter calls the most courageous and courageous men who are ready to take risks. Warns that there is one raw egg among the boiled ones. Each of the participants is invited to get one egg out of the bowl and beat it on the forehead. The one who breaks the raw wins. You can trick the guests and boil all the eggs. In any case, the intensity of passions and a storm of emotions are guaranteed.

Cool wedding scenes can be great fun. The presenter reads out a short story, and the actors portray the actions of the characters. For such a game, you need to choose charismatic and fun participants.

A good script with fun contests will help create a vibrant and fun atmosphere for your wedding.

    Don't have the opportunity to have a wedding in a restaurant? Or maybe it is more comfortable for you to spend this day within the walls of your home? Do you want only close people to be around on your wedding day, and not surrounded by presenters, musicians and waiters? Celebrate your best wedding day at home with an original scenario! And so that the celebration does not transform into an ordinary feast, the portal offers a cool wedding script that can be easily realized without the participation of a toastmaster. Minimum costs and maximum fun are guaranteed.

    Scenario for a wedding at home: a meeting and a feast

    If the wedding takes place without a toastmaster, but ready script, you still need to choose people who can try on the role of leaders. Most the best option- a witness with a witness. A script for a small wedding should start with a newlywed meeting. Usually, newlyweds are supposed to be greeted with a loaf. But we offer an original comic version. The witness or witness demonstrates a donut to the guests and invites the newlyweds to determine the head of the family for the next few hours. After this action, a witness in the wedding scenario hints that it would be nice to have a donut at home for the daily election of an interim commander-in-chief.

    Feast: down with platitudes

    Guests are invited to the wedding table. The witness makes the opening speech at the table:

    We have gathered here for a single reason - to celebrate the most beautiful birthday of a new family. Another family ship sets out on a journey across the bottomless sea of ​​life. Let neither the Ninth Wave nor the Bermuda Triangle come across on his way, but boundless happiness will become the main companion. And now we simply have to choose a boatswain who will maintain order on the ship.

    Guests are encouraged to look under their chair seat. Whoever has a whistle attached there will become the ruler of order, honking before each toast and calling those around him to silence and concentration. Next, the rules of the wedding celebration are read in the form of a comic verse.

    I came to the wedding on time,
    Stifled, dressed up
    You are nobody else now -
    This wedding is a private.
    Quickly you read the charter
    Have fun, but consider.
    If the wedding shouts: "Bitter!" -
    You make noise, as much as urine is.
    Got tired - breathe softly,
    I drank a glass - you can sit down.
    If the song is sung
    You don't know the words - don't be shy.
    Sing out of words - the neighbor will pull up,
    Just sing, pull on.
    If there is a toast at the feast,
    Drink a glass quickly.
    Support the beginning with dignity
    If you can't drink, don't bother.
    When the dance starts suddenly
    Enter the circle quickly.
    Know that a shake is always useful
    If you don't dance, rest.

    The time comes for the first kiss of the newlyweds. The witness announces the first command.

    Just a moment of attention, the command "Bitter!" Sounds. But the first kiss is the most valuable in all respects. The starting price is announced, do not spare your savings.

    Assistants help collect the amount of the first kiss auction. The last winning number will determine the number of kisses for the winner. The money is transferred to a young family.

    The witness announces a toast to the parents.

    Today a toast sounds for you - "Advice to you and love",
    And I will mark those who gave you flesh and blood.
    Who, not sparing his strength, ran to your bed.
    And with persuasion, enduring, he fed you delicious porridge.
    I did not sleep at night, I was worried, sick with you.
    And he warmed milk with love - everything was in your childhood!
    Whoever took him to the garden to the ends of the earth studied together too,
    And I was next to you when you went on your first date,
    Who gave you all your life warmth, love, attention -
    Father and Mother - these are the two most valuable titles on Earth!
    From all the lowest bows to you and all the words of recognition!

    The floor is given to the parents of the newlyweds. After that, the witness invites the guests to become closer and dearer and announces a toast to the guests. Further, according to the scenario of a home wedding, you can proceed to a dance program for a small company without the participation of a presenter or toastmaster. If you need a continuation, you can diversify the wedding gatherings with comic table games. Several of them are presented below.

    Pink glasses

    The game perfectly cheers up and helps guests to relax. Of the props, only pink glasses... One of the guests or the one who plays the role of the presenter, for example, a witness, puts on rose-colored glasses and comes up to the nearest guest with a compliment: "You have an amazing smile, as I did not notice it before." The glasses go to this guest, and he follows the example of the leader - he turns to a neighbor at a feast and says something pleasant to him. The chain of compliments does not stop, the guests are enthusiastic and satisfied, because everyone will get pleasant words.

    Assistant calendar

    The presenter emphasizes that the first year after marriage is the most difficult, so it would not hurt to help the newlyweds cope with their responsibilities. The props appear - a hat with templates for assignment notes in the form of calendar sheets. They need to be prepared in advance. Each leaflet contains an assignment and a month when it needs to be fulfilled. Then the name of the guest is entered there, who will pull out the note. Examples of notes:

    • January- we instill a love for a healthy lifestyle, take newlyweds to the skating rink.
    • February- we warm from winter cold, take a steam bath.
    • March- we add brightness to the life of the young, wash the windows.
    • April- we saturate life with romance, arrange a romantic dinner.
    • May- we recuperate, cook a barbecue.
    • June- we prepare the soil for toddlers, buy a pack of diapers.
    • July- we expand our horizons in life, ride a Ferris wheel.
    • August- we express our love, organize fireworks in honor of the newlyweds.
    • September- We lend a helping hand, to fix the matrimonial bed after the honeymoon.
    • October- we organize a day of cleanliness, wash the family limousine (or bicycle).
    • November- we protect from household troubles, do a general cleaning.
    • December- we organize a holiday, decorate the Christmas tree and hang the house with garlands.

    Scenario for a small wedding: entertainment

    The time has come for the first dance of the newlyweds. After this moment, according to the script, the dance break of the wedding evening begins, during which contests can be held, they can be easily arranged at home.

    Happy wife and husband admire each other all day. It's time to take a look at them - this is the first dance of the young!

    The scenario for a wedding at home involves several competitions for the newlyweds between dances. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the guests so that they do not get bored.

    Contests for newlyweds

    Funny prank

    • Participants: newlyweds.
    • Props: blindfold.

    The bride is blindfolded and told that she needs to recognize her betrothed by kissing. Interestingly, only the groom will kiss the bride. But she doesn't need to know about it.

    Favorite knee

    • Participants: newlyweds and guests.
    • Props: blindfold.

    The blindfolded groom must guess his bride by the knee. For a laugh, you can invite a few guys to participate.

    Competition for guests

    Dance flash mob

    Absolutely all guests can be involved in the competition. The most charismatic and plastic guest is chosen, after whom all the others will repeat the dance moves.

    Further, the presenter offers to find out who will be born first to the newlyweds. To do this, assistants are given a pink and blue sock, in which they collect money. All who wish a young son - put money in a blue sock, daughter - pink.

    We have left to wish the lovers,
    So that children are born every year.
    And if twins suddenly arrive,
    In general, we will not condemn you for this.

    A wedding script for a small company does not always contain a complete set of standard customs. At the request of the young, you can still carry out several rituals:

    • the abduction of the bride's shoe;
    • throwing a wedding bouquet;
    • removal of the veil.

    Look for a modern script for a toastmaster on our website

    In which contests, toasts and the most popular traditions are included. The wedding script 2017 for the host can be very useful, giving the opportunity to update the repertoire and please the guests at the wedding.

    Solemn meeting of the newlyweds

    Friends and relatives line up in a living corridor in front of the restaurant and sprinkle the bride and groom with rose petals. Before entering, they are met by their parents. Mothers are holding a loaf, and fathers are holding a tray of glasses.

    Toastmaster says:

    “Dear newlyweds! Your friends and family have arranged this pink rain for you so that your life is as light, bright and beautiful as rose petals. Now is the time to receive congratulations from your parents. Your moms greet you with bread and salt. Break off each piece from the loaf and salt well. "

    When the newlyweds fulfill the request, the toastmaster says: “Salted? Now feed each other. And let this be the first and last time in your family life when you annoy each other. "

    Newlyweds are eating bread. The toastmaster continues:

    “Take the glasses from your fathers' hands. This is not a simple drink. It is made on the basis of honey to make your life as sweet as honey. He was insisted on petals of exquisite flowers, so that the bride was always irresistible. Oak root is added to it so that the groom is always strong. Drink this magic elixir and may all your dreams and desires come true. "

    In front of the door of the restaurant, you can immediately resolve the issue that worries many of those present - the sex of the first child. Wedding scenarios are not complete without collecting money in sliders during a feast, but in 2017 I want to bring new ideas to this ceremony.

    “Now break the glasses. Now we can find out the gender of your first child. If the fragments are large, then a boy will be born, if small - then a girl. "

    The lovers break their glasses. Then the presenter solemnly invites the bride and groom with all the guests to the table:

    “Everything went according to the law -
    Sealed the marriage with a crystal ringing.
    And finally the hour has come
    Everyone should go to the banquet hall. "

    Toasts and table games

    The wedding script should include toasts and fun drinking games that will help the toastmaster to maintain the appropriate mood of the guests. If a thematic evening is planned, then the presenter's speech should be appropriate. For example, for a pirate wedding scenario, references to treasures and the sea would be appropriate. And during a classic wedding banquet, it is better to use simple, sincere and romantic words.

    First toast

    See how beautiful the bride is
    And how charming the groom is.
    And today at a wonderful wedding
    Wishes and toasts for them.
    Perhaps it is high time for everyone to have a drink.
    A friendly "Hurray" to the bride and groom.
    To make them full of happiness,
    Let's drain the glasses to the bottom!

    Toast to parents

    This cannot be forgotten
    The moment is solemn and tense.
    Let's raise glasses friends
    For the parents of the newlyweds.
    How difficult it is, let everyone know
    And how joyful it is to bring up children.
    My toast, no dispute, is very important:
    For fathers and mothers!

    Before you say a toast to your parents, do not forget to give them the floor for the parting words of the newlyweds.

    Board game "Neighbors"

    Right hand raised
    And they waved to the young.
    Well, the left hand drops easily
    On the right knee of your neighbor.
    Right handle hot
    We will hug our neighbor by the shoulder.
    And everything looks decent.
    Does everyone like everything? Fine!
    Let's push the neighbor on the left,
    To the one on the right - wink.
    Let's take the glasses in our hands,
    We'll pour it to the brim.
    The fun continues.
    Clink glasses with the neighbor on the right.
    And of course not a problem
    Clink glasses with the neighbor to the left.
    Amicably, getting up from a place,
    Let's say in chorus "Congratulations!"
    And we all drink to the bottom!
    Do not forget to have a snack and pour again.

    This game will undoubtedly cheer up the guests and cause a lot of smiles.

    New contests for wedding script 2017

    When composing a wedding script, we suggest paying attention to contests that are popular in 2017, which the toastmaster or host can hold:

    1. "I kiss". Doubles competition. The men take turns kissing the girls, naming the place for the kiss: cheek, neck, hand, etc. You cannot repeat after your rivals. The winner is the one who comes up with the most places for kissing.
    2. "Musical group". A doubles competition in which women play the role of musical instruments and men play the role of musicians. First, the musicians take turns rehearsing, and then they pretend to perform together to a popular song.
    3. "Dance Battle". It is necessary to divide the guests into men's and women's teams. Witnesses or newlyweds are appointed captains. The task of the players: during the battle, synchronously repeat the movements of the captain. Then you can swap the captains.
    4. Crazy Dances. Have the participants sit on chairs and have them dance with different body parts (arms, legs, eyebrows, tongue, etc.).
    5. "Repeat". Several guests repeat funny tongue twisters after the host. You can invite participants to talk with candy in their mouths.
    6. "Gift". Men are offered to write on a piece of paper what they will give their ladies. And women tell how they will use the gift, not knowing what they will give them.

    On the site you can find many more different interesting contests for a wedding banquet and for a modern bride price.

    Scenario 2017: wedding traditions and ceremonies

    First dance

    The noise of the wedding verse is not in vain.
    I ask the loving couple to get up.
    After all, the sounds of music are exciting, beautiful
    You are invited to dance the first dance.

    As a rule, the wedding dance of the young people takes place during the first dance block. You can include it in the wedding script 2017, as the very first dance at a celebration.

    Throwing a bouquet and a garter

    Everyone is interested in learning
    Who will be the next bride.
    Get up the same girlfriends in line.
    Throw the bouquet, your bride.

    Everyone is expecting a denouement.
    Who will get the garter?
    Groom, do not lie, do not weary.
    Throw on command: one, two, three.

    No European wedding scenario is complete without throwing the bouquet. This tradition has been especially popular at weddings for many years, especially unmarried girls love it. After all, everyone is interested to know who is next to go down the aisle.

    Family hearth

    The family hearth is a rather old wedding custom, but it should not be excluded from modern script 2017 year. As before, many newlyweds dream of holding this ceremony. After all, this is the most touching and sentimental moment of the celebration.

    The newlyweds are holding a large candle, and their mothers are holding lighted candles. To a beautiful background melody, the presenter says:

    “From time immemorial, we cherish the custom:
    Bring fire to the family that is born.
    To light up such a familiar family hearth for them is a big guarantee of love.
    May it always be light from him
    There will be good luck and a happy joint journey.
    May everyone in your house be warm
    And let life become serene "

    “Dear parents, I invite you to light the hearth for your children. Thus, transferring them their warmth, love and care. Help them take the first step towards a happy joint future "

    Parents light a candle. The presenter solemnly announces:

    “Dear guests, you have witnessed a magical event - the formation of a new family hearth. Dear newlyweds, take care of it. Let this fire illuminate your path, give you warmth and help you overcome all life's obstacles. And now it's time to make wishes and blow out the candles. Anything you wish will come true! "

    The final stage of a modern wedding celebration, which the host should take into account in the script, is the cutting of the cake. Then the newlyweds say goodbye to the guests.

    We have presented only one of the possible options for the wedding scenario. You can supplement it with other contests and ceremonies, depending on the wishes of the newlyweds.

      Dear guests! Our young people are asking you for a festive table.

      Music. Guests take places for wedding table.

      I ask the guests to prepare for the first wedding toast. Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding salvo in honor of the young couple. They give a countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... volley!

      Guests fill their glasses with champagne.

      I ask everyone to stand up and support me at the end of the toast.

      Music, the first toast sounds against its background.

      Dear Ivan and Maria!
      On your main day
      We wish you only happiness.
      Have a nice meeting
      And sunny roads.
      In matters of success
      And in a family of harmony,
      Who knows no grief and anxiety!
      God forbid you to grow old in soul,
      Keep your love like a talisman
      And in a good hour on the way straight
      Hand in hand go your whole life!
      We all congratulate you in unison,
      We drink wine for you!

      While the guests are drinking the first glass and having a snack, the host reads out the rules of conduct at the wedding.

      Friends! I think that after each toast you will drink so that you can see the ceiling through the bottom of your glass;
      the first three glasses must be drunk (the rest will go by themselves);
      let everyone present take an active part in the celebration, otherwise his behavior will be recognized as a flagrant disgrace;
      adhere to the rule: if you pour yourself a drink, pour it to your neighbor; if you get drunk yourself, you will give your neighbor a drink;
      having heard the music, do not sit at the table, but start dancing, sparing no legs. If you can't dance while standing, dance while sitting.
      It is strictly forbidden to: sleep at the table, especially with snoring;
      skip toast;
      sing songs under the table; smashing dishes on the head of a neighbor;
      eat with a fork from someone else's plate;
      to leave all unmarried and unmarried one by one;
      the worst crime is to leave the wedding with a boring face.
      So that we have no place for boredom.
      We will congratulate the bride and groom!

      The presenter picks up a beautifully designed bottle and explains the rules of the game. While the music is playing, all the guests pass this bottle from hand to hand. The one who will have it after the end of the music, gets up, pours himself a glass of wine and makes a toast in honor of the newlyweds. The bottle “stops” 5-7 times.

      Drain the glasses to the bottom.
      Newlyweds loud ...
      Oh, you are dear guests!
      Everything is as if you are family,
      Everybody shout here "Hurray!"
      In honor of the bride, groom.
      But look left, right
      Fathers and mothers.
      That they grew tirelessly
      Sons and daughters.
      Dear bride and groom!
      Today, on this holiday, many wishes will sound to you, but what could be warmer and dearer than the words of your own mother and father? I am addressing the bride's parents.
      Let everyone hear at this hour
      Your parental mandate.

      Order of the bride's parents.

      Well, the groom's parents.
      It's time to give you your command.

      The order of the groom's parents.

      There is an old custom in Russia,
      Many years to him, many centuries:
      Congratulate on your wedding day
      Parents of brides and grooms.
      Dear Parents!
      Let time fly by
      But don't get old.
      Let the grandchildren grow.
      Be young in soul.
      Good health to you, a huge increase.
      We raise a festive toast for you!

      The guests are drinking.

      I wonder if the parents remember the time when they were the same as the bride and groom. Dear Parents! Try to answer my questions.

      Each parent is asked one question.

      What time of year did you meet your spouse?
      What day of the week was it?
      What was the weather like on the day of marriage registration?
      What was your wife wearing on the day they met?

      Thanks for answers.
      Dear newlyweds!
      Do not forget the first meetings
      And those rings that they took in hand,
      Manage to save to the end.

      The song "Parents' House" is played. Parents are invited to dance.

      How joyful it is to be
      At the wedding of the grandchildren
      And see them as
      Young spouses.
      So I want to say a lot, wish
      And in life path give parting words.
      The floor is given to the grandmothers and grandfathers of the bride and groom.


      Expensive... (names of grandmothers, grandfathers)!
      Let the years pass slower
      May your grandchildren bring you joy
      And here is our main covenant:
      Live healthy until a hundred years old!
      I propose to raise glasses of wine to the grandparents of our newlyweds!
      There is no better honor than serving the bride and groom. I want to introduce you to the best friends of the bride and groom. Meet ... I will ask them to stand up and congratulate our young.

      Congratulations to the witness and witness.

      Since you best friends newlyweds, you know very well their advantages and disadvantages. Assignment to the witness: praise the groom. Assignment to the witness: praise the bride.

      The witnesses are on a mission.

      Maybe the guests would like to add something?

      Guests help witnesses to praise the bride and groom by listing their merits.

      Witnesses! I appeal to you,
      After all, you are not just friends to the young.
      Besides your bonds of friendship,
      Putting your signatures with your hand,
      You have loaded a heavy load -
      Keep control of the new family
      And you have to keep the answer in front of everyone:
      Are you ready to help the young?
      We will make sure of your help now,
      We strive to check you as soon as possible.
      You will perform this task in pairs: a witness with a bride, a witness with a groom.

      Each pair is given one scissors and an album sheet with a heart drawn on it.

      Holding together for different rings scissors, you need to cut out a heart. Whose couple is the fastest to complete this task? Are you ready? Let's start!

      The results of the competition are being summed up.

      And now, dear bride and groom, show all the guests the hearts that you have turned out.

      From now on, two hearts sound to the beat.
      The union was fastened by two rings.
      Now in the depths of life
      Together you will go to the end.
      Assignment to the bride and groom: give each other hearts, while saying the most important words.

      The bride and groom give each other hearts.

      The bride is given a broken chair, nails, a hammer. She fulfills the task given to her.

      Ivan, we ask you to rate Masha's work.

      He checks, gets up with his feet on a chair.

      Yes, a real wife should be adjusted to everything. Some say that a wife is a suitcase: it's hard to carry and it's a pity to leave, others say: it's a diamond in the frame of our life. Ivan was lucky. Let's drink to his diamond and wish him good health!

      The guests are drinking.

      Bride! We approve of your decision and choice,
      But we will test the groom now.
      Imagine, Ivan, this situation: Some time passed after the wedding, and your beloved wife gave you twins. Once she left for the whole day on her business, and left you with two children.

      In front of the groom there is a coffee table, on which there are 2 dolls, 2 caps, 2 undershirts, 2 sliders, 2 plates, 2 spoons, 2 glasses, 2 toothbrushes, 2 diapers.

      Your task is to get the children out of bed, wash, brush their teeth, feed them, go for a walk with them and put them to bed, singing a lullaby. Get started!

      The groom completes the task.

      My toast, friends, for endurance,
      Self confidence.
      Sometimes it is not easy to nurse
      Two children in the family.

      They drink toast.

      Come on women, all together
      Let's envy the bride.
      And the bride is just a dawn,
      Well, together we will shout "Bitter!"
      The last test of our young people will show all guests whether the bride and groom are suitable for each other. To do this, the newlyweds will have to show mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Assignment: holding hands, hands free together try to tie one satin ribbon bow.

      The newlyweds carry out the task. The leader sums up the result.

      Dear Ivan and Maria!
      To grief and sorrow
      In your life, you don't know.
      We invite you today
      Dance of happiness to dance.
      I think the guests will support the bride and groom and form a ring around them.

      Dance department ... Music sounds. The bride and groom perform a dance. The guests, holding hands, walk around the young people to the right or to the left. During the dance break, the following contests and competitions can be held.

      "Portrait of the Bride and Groom". 2 teams of 10 people are selected. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 m, a sheet of Whatman paper is attached to the wall. The first participants are given a marker to blindfold. Participants in teams agree among themselves which details of the portrait each of them draws (ears, nose, head, hair, eyes ...). Objectives: to the first team with closed eyes to draw a portrait of the groom; the second team, with their eyes closed, draw a portrait of the bride. The winner is the one who draws the portrait faster and more accurately. In this case, the following competition rules are observed. The competition starts at the signal of the host. The first participant, having completed the task, returns to the team and passes the marker and kerchief to the second participant, who blindfolded himself and continues to draw a portrait, returns to the team, etc.

      Attention! The gentlemen invite the ladies, everyone is paired up. This dance will definitely cheer you up. Everyone is dancing while the music is playing. As soon as it was interrupted, all gentlemen should kneel on their left knee, put their right knee in front of them. The lady runs around the gentleman and sits on the exposed knee. The lady who sits down last is out of the game along with her beau.

      Our wedding continues
      At this wedding table.
      And the fun never ends
      We drink to the bride and groom.
      Guests, pour glasses,
      Drink every drop.
      Just, friends, just check
      Isn't the wine quite bitter?
      Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
      Dear newlyweds!
      I came to your wedding for a reason
      All the groom's relatives.
      I ask the groom's relatives to rise. Please imagine.

      Acquaintance with the groom's relatives.

      The groom's relatives have prepared an unforgettable gift for you.

      The groom's relatives are given comic musical instruments: a bunch of keys, a rustling bag, a saucepan lid, a rattle, a children's pipe, a grater with a fork, etc. The presenter prepares the lyrics of the songs "We wish you happiness" on the card in advance. The groom's relatives perform an excerpt from this song to the accompaniment of their comic musical instruments.

      Thanks! Please introduce yourself to the bride's relatives.

      Acquaintance with the bride's relatives.

      This party, too, will not remain in debt and will perform a wedding song for you.

      The soundtrack of the song "Smile" sounds. The bride's relatives perform new words for this motive.
      May you live happily ever after!
      Sing with us more merrily.
      Let the whole district ring from this song,
      As a bridegroom with his bride.
      So let's fall in love with each other.
      Chorus: And then for sure
      We will glorify the groom
      And his same bride.
      From the blue brook
      The river begins
      And at the wedding this song
      Very out of place.
      May it become brighter for everyone today.
      Our house will "shudder" with joy.
      Shout: “Bitter! Bitterly!" do not be sorry.
      It won't take long to persuade them.

      Like at a wedding table
      Gathered two kinds,
      Two different peoples.
      And how our young people got married,
      So their families became related for life!
      Dear bride and groom! Follow the popular wisdom: "Love me, love my relatives too." And you, dear relatives of the bride and groom, have found kindred friendship and brotherly help from today. I propose to raise a glass to the relatives of the bride and groom!
      And now I will ask the young friends to get up and introduce themselves to all the guests.

      Meeting friends of the bride and groom.

      In honor of our newlyweds, friends perform the fiery Yablochko dance. I propose to split into pairs and place an apple between the foreheads of each pair. Your task: without using your hands to hold the apple with your foreheads, performing dance movements. So, arms out to the sides! Let's start!

      Cheerful music sounds. Friends of the bride and groom perform a dance.

      Well, not hiding hot feelings.
      I want to raise this glass
      For the true, for the real,
      For the most loyal friends!

      Our dear guests!
      You came to the wedding together,
      Flowers, gifts, toasts
      They brought for the newlyweds.
      Come on, guests, do not be stingy,
      Share your generosity!

      Presenting gifts to the young.

      Dance department
      Dance fun "Lower and Lower." Two people at a certain height hold a 5 m long ribbon, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the ribbon goes down. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

      Dance fun "Train". Two male participants are selected. Their task: kiss as much as possible more women at a wedding in the cheek or pen. The one who was kissed becomes a train for her man. Who has the longer train? The game starts at the signal of the host.

      Dear guests! Today is also famous for the fact that the parents of the bride and groom are given new titles. ... becomes a mother-in-law. (Awarded a medal)... ... father-in-law. (Awarded a medal)... .... from today is called the mother-in-law. (A medal is awarded). ... father-in-law. (A medal is awarded).
      In order for the new titles to be firmly entrenched for the above people, it is necessary to arrange a test for them. Everyone knows that at first young people will have difficulties in family life. Often they will turn to their parents for advice. Dear Parents! Imagine this situation: you are in a hurry, you are late for work, at the last moment you hear a phone call. In a hurry, you pick up the phone and quickly answer the question. The son-in-law will call the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, and the mother-in-law and the father-in-law of the daughter-in-law.

      Parents are given a baby phone. The presenter acts as a telephone call.

      Son-in-law (father-in-law):
      Hello, I don't have a light bulb here, what should I do?

      The dialogue between the son-in-law and the father-in-law.

      Son-in-law (mother-in-law):
      When will the sausage arrive?

      The dialogue between the son-in-law and the mother-in-law.

      Daughter-in-law (mother-in-law):
      What if it is not sewn on?

      Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law dialogue.

      Daughter-in-law (father-in-law):
      Prompt an animal from 7 letters.

      Daughter-in-law and father-in-law dialogue.

      Well done! I drink to my mother-in-law and I drink to my father-in-law,
      I also drink for my mother-in-law and my father-in-law.
      Come on, guests, let's have a drink together
      For this friendly family!
      To make this big family even more friends, I propose to perform the dance in the following couples: the groom with the mother-in-law, the bride with the father-in-law, the mother-in-law with the father-in-law.

      Dance performance to the friendly applause of the guests.

      A goose flew past the wedding
      He flew to our holiday.
      His father-in-law caught him at once,
      The father-in-law nibbled quickly.
      Mother-in-law washed him in an instant,
      And the mother-in-law has already salted,
      And finding a place in the oven.
      The bride made the dish.
      The groom himself got the goose
      And he showed all the guests.

      Sale of a goose.

      I propose a toast to a perfectly cooked dish that a large family has worked on. For a good goose sale!

      At the end of the wedding evening, all the guests see off the newlyweds. The bride throws the wedding bouquet.

      Come on, stand still
      Now we will entrust the bride
      To throw your wedding bouquet:
      Whose wedding to celebrate next?
      Close your eyes Maria. And spin ...
      Say goodbye to the wedding bouquet!

      The bride throws a bouquet to the guests. Tradition says: whoever catches a bouquet will soon celebrate the beginning of family life.

      (Material from the site

      Even if you decide to celebrate your wedding at home, the script will never be superfluous, because the best impromptu is a prepared impromptu. In order for the identity to pass without unpleasant surprises, you need to think through each stage of your wedding. Our version of the wedding home scenario will help you with this.

      Meeting the newlyweds

      The newlyweds are met from the registry office near the entrance or near the house. From the car of the young people to the very door, relatives and friends of the newlyweds stand, forming an arch from their hands, and shower the passing couple with rice, coins and sweets so that their life is abundant and happy. A sheet of white paper or cloth is spread near the door. Parents block the passage for the young and turn to them: “Dear children, let all quarrels and resentments remain in the past life. Break up all the sorrows with this dish, and take only joy into your new life. " Young people are given a plate, they break it for good luck, stepping over a sheet of paper to start life from a new sheet. If young people have reliable shoes, they can jump on the debris to shatter them even more. Since the wedding is being held at home, the scenario of the celebration allows guests to participate in this activity. All fragments are wrapped in paper so as not to lose a single one. The groom takes the bride in his arms and brings her into the house through the threshold.

      First test

      Of course, in an apartment building, the groom is unlikely to carry the bride in his arms to the 8th floor. Therefore, you can allow him to carry his beloved on the first and last floors. Having crossed the threshold, the newly-made spouse lowers his wife to the floor. Mothers, who meet them in the apartment, invite the young to pass the first joint test - to determine the family responsibilities of a husband and wife. You can find options for responsibilities for this wedding contest in a special section of the Svadbagolik.Ru website. Here are some samples for a home wedding that you are using:

      1. The husband should be sympathetic and kind. Come home from work - take out the trash, wash the dishes and vacuum quietly so as not to interfere with your wife watching your favorite TV series.
      2. A good husband should be unpretentious in everyday life. Wear unironed items with dignity.
      3. The husband must bring two things to the family: money and flowers. The bigger, the better.
      4. The wife should only be in a good mood. Melancholy and female grunting irritate her husband.
      5. The wife must be healthy. Otherwise, it works worse.
      6. The wife must quickly fulfill all the wildest wishes of her husband, even if he has not yet had time to say them aloud.
      7. The wife must be a supporter healthy way life: no alcohol - men don't like to share.

      All the responsibilities of the young people take turns (for this, when organizing a wedding at home, the script requires the advance preparation of sheets of paper on which they will be written).


      The feast is the main part of any wedding event. At home, the importance of this particular stage of the holiday increases even more, since both contests and entertainment are usually held at the table, because the area of ​​an apartment or house is geographically limited. Therefore, when arranging tables and choosing games, one must take into account the fact that such a massive event as in a restaurant cannot be achieved. The feast should be divided into the first and second tables, although all the guests will be almost constantly in their places. We hold contests during the break.

      The first toast, as always, is for the young and the happiness of their new family. The second is for the parents and the third is for love.

      At first, only newlyweds participate in the competition program. Since the wedding is at home, the wedding script can consist of many contests that require the use of home items. So, you can determine how good the housewife went to the groom, and invite the bride to peel a few potatoes in a minute. The groom should also prepare a "household" task: for example, let him hammer nails into the board with improvised objects (slippers, rolling pin, large beets), but the nails should be small so that they easily enter the surface and do not hurt the groom.

      After a toast to parents, you can involve themselves in the entertainment. Mothers participate in the "Guess the Baby" competition. To do this, the newlyweds must draw a hidden object, and mothers guess which of the drawings belongs to their child. The drawing can be replaced with other "works of art". For example, the bride and groom can put together small compositions of their flowers, so that they can then be presented to their mothers when they guess right. But the daughter-in-law should give flowers to the mother-in-law, and the son-in-law - to the mother-in-law.

      In the scenario of a wedding at home, you need to provide for congratulations on behalf of the parents - in the form of monologues about their beloved children. Let the parents of the bride and groom say a few words about their child and promise to love both newlyweds now as their own children.

      The groom should make a toast to the guests. He says that the support of close people who came to share the joy of creating a new family on this day is very important for him and the bride. Immediately after that, it is the guests' turn to take part in the contests. The first competition is for witnesses. Since the witness is usually friends with the bride, and the witness is with the groom, it should be checked how well they know the "side of the enemy." The bridesmaid is asked questions regarding the groom's appearance and occupation. And the witness must answer questions about the life of the bride.

      Since the scenario for a wedding at home is special, do not forget to take into account the square of the premises when choosing entertainment for guests. And when someone wants to steal the bride, it is imperative to distract the groom, because in a small room he will perfectly control her whereabouts. You will have to hide the bride in another room, since there is simply no other option. Be sure to put "security" on the doors. To redeem the bride, you can hold a time-tested competition - the dance of the groom and the witness on the chairs. You can also ask them for a ransom. You should not be too sophisticated in the selection of tasks, because there may simply not be an opportunity for a competition.

      For dancing at a wedding, you need to select compositions that would suit most of the guests. Since there is no DJ at the party, guests will definitely order songs to their taste. At any home wedding, the script is always ignored by some guests. Therefore, in order not to embroil anyone and cause confusion, it is better to pre-record all the songs on a disc in a certain order and, turning on the music, “forget” about it. The perfect home wedding entertainment is the karaoke competition. Prepare phonograms of famous songs in advance, divide the guests into teams: the groom, the bride and the witnesses can form one team, the parents on both sides - the second, friends - the third, etc.

      At the end of the holiday, the newlyweds will certainly treat the guests with a wedding cake, after which they all together help the owners to clean the house. This is an unquestioning rule of any non-restaurant wedding.

      Noise, chaotic bustle of everyday life and the race for more and more new events annoys everyone. And if during this period two lovers decided to fix their relationship in their main document (passport) and a certificate of a new marriage union, then you simply do not want to organize a luxurious ceremony. The time frame is limited, finances, as usual, do not end on time, the wedding still has to take place. Maybe take advantage of the existing space and arrange a celebration in your apartment or house? This is real. First you need to decide how to make a wedding in such an environment. First of all, you need to really appreciate the room where the main thing is supposed to happen - the wedding celebration.

      Square meters matter: the number of guests adored by future newlyweds depends on them. If a larger number of relatives, employees, acquaintances come to the celebration, then their close stay in the same apartment will be inappropriate. It will even annoy someone. In order not to darken the high spirits of the guests, it is better to focus on old friends who are very dear, and, of course, the closest relatives. This factor will determine the number of invitations to be purchased. An apartment is one thing, but a spacious, luxurious and, moreover, your own house will allow you to diversify the standardly selected guest list. Several rooms will help to transfer the vector of communication for a certain period, as well as organize extraordinary entertainment.

      So that the invitees do not make a mistake and appear at the event prepared and on time, in addition to specifying the exact address of the house, the date and, of course, the time in the invitation, on the eve of the holiday, you need to call relatives and friends and find out if they will have the opportunity to come. When thinking about how to make a wedding at home, it is worth carefully preparing for the upcoming wedding the central, of course, the most spacious room. It is necessary to allocate places that will be used for competitive moments, and which - for the use of culinary delights. It is recommended to place tables next to the walls of the room - this will help to leave more space unoccupied with furniture and use it for competitive and concert performances.

      Those who wish will take part in them, the rest will be able to cheer for them. When there are several rooms, small in area, then for each you will have to determine its purpose. Some will become an organic room for all sorts of fun activities and dances, planned according to the wedding scenario. Somewhere it is preferable to organize a meal and in parallel - the distribution of gifts prepared for the newlyweds. Next, you should find out in what style the wedding will take place. If the main audience is young people, moreover, an active one, or the groom is from the military family, and he himself chose this path, then you can arrange the room in the military style. In order not to be too dark, you need to add bright and light attributes.

      A sporty and positive wedding will require some kind of stand with all the existing achievements. To them should be added several upcoming successes, recorded in a comic form, which are most likely to occur in their lives. Anyone who is not going to philosophize too much can buy a solid number of balls, from which you can then create several colors, funny figures. Also, to decorate the festive room, you will need ribbons, bows, glasses, postcards, posters. Those who know how to draw can be invited to depict pigeons, swans, hearts on one of the walls. In whatever style the wedding celebration is held, the newly-made couple must be met, observing the traditions. Parents and friends should sprinkle the young with rose petals, sweets, rice.

      Also, you can not do without a special cake at the holiday. The newlyweds must break it down and determine who is the boss in the new family. They do not eat dry loaf. Champagne is poured, bread is washed down and guests are poured. So that there are no difficulties, how to have a wedding at home, you must certainly proceed from the interests of the young. For romantics and lyricists, a wedding in the style of the Middle Ages will be quite appropriate. Costumes, homemade swords, coats of arms can be borrowed from some historical reconstruction club. It's great if the spouses themselves are members of such a club. Then both the script and the decor can be stylized using a knightly theme. For completeness of its implementation, you can use the park located not far from the house.

      Bridges, wooden buildings, benches, slightly draped, will help to realize ideas. In order for the pleasant moments of the wedding celebration to be preserved for a long time, a photo studio should be arranged in one of the small rooms. Those who wish will be able to capture their emotions there and soon get a picture. In advance, you can prepare masks, hats, watercolors, thanks to which you can play, creating unusual images. In addition, the costume of the musketeer and the princess will help to dream up and get the necessary emotions. To warm up and the appearance of stormy, flowing, lyrical dances, you can find among familiar people who are professionally engaged in dancing. Guests will be able to admire their skills, and even learn a little how to perform salsa or Spanish, ballroom dance compositions.

      You can, of course, arrange a competition to determine the best conqueror of the dance floor. It turns out that very little is needed to organize a memorable wedding in an apartment or at home: a creative idea, an excellent script, many attributes and decorative elements. If you buy them, then you need to look after them not at the height of the wedding season, but in advance. If you rent, then you need to negotiate with the relevant cultural institutions. And then a flock of lively girlfriends will help arrange everything right. You don't have to call the toastmaster - this is the case when you can find him among friends.

      Wedding at home or in the country.
      If for some reason you cannot celebrate your wedding in a restaurant or club, do not despair and be sad, the wedding can be played at home, the main thing is to approach it correctly! Believe me, a home-style wedding script will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions, joy, fun and romance to this important day in your life. Dedicated to everyone who decided to have a wedding at home!
      So, what we have, an apartment or a house, a dozen guests and an immense desire to make your wedding day the most memorable in your just starting life together! As popular wisdom says, as you play a wedding, you will live!

      A sample scenario for a wedding at home.

      1. Ransom of the bride

      Our home scenario takes its origin from the entrance of the house, when a car with newlyweds approaches it. Having passed the official registration of marriage, happy and in love, already husband and wife, go home. As soon as the car stops at the house, all guests line up in the corridor on either side of it, it doesn't matter in what order. If you want, you can ask the men to stand on the right and the women on the left, or, as in a checkerboard pattern, a boy-girl.

      And now the bride and groom get out of the car, they glow with happiness, accompanied by joyful shouts of congratulations, the guests shower them with rice or wheat (so that there is always enough food in the family). If you want the newlyweds not to know troubles in financial terms, you can shower them with coins. But only carefully! Having passed along the corridor, the young find themselves at the entrance to the house, here another surprise awaits them.

      The groom's father and the bride's father spread a snow-white veil in front of them, when the newlyweds step on it, the fathers say: “Forget all your quarrels and strife, all your sorrows and misfortunes. Break them into small pieces and start living in happiness! " After these words, the parents give the bride and groom a large porcelain plate, which they break for good luck, stepping over the white bedspread. If the pieces are too large, everyone can help the bride and groom become even happier by trampling the pieces into tiny pieces.

      2. Bread and salt for the wedding is carried out after the bride's ransom.

      After the porcelain plate has turned into a pile of small fragments, the parents fold the canvas and with the words: “Go away, grief and sorrow, may our children be happy!”, The groom takes the bride in his arms and brings it into the house!

      If you live in your own house, then the task for the groom is noticeably easier, if in an apartment building, then so that he does not overwork, the bride can be carried in his arms only on the first and last floor. On the threshold of the apartment, the young are met by their mothers, they invite the groom to cross the threshold. Once the last obstacle is overcome, the groom lowers the bride to her feet.

      Now the wedding is moving inside the apartment or house. Here the mother-in-law and mother-in-law pronounce their parting words to the young. In order to find out the aspirations of the young, their desires and thoughts, several paper paths are spread on the floor. On one of them the paths along which the young family will go: "To children", "To prosperity", "To adventure", "To a quiet life" can be written.

      On the second track, the family's mottos are indicated: "Not a step without each other", "Together we are strength", "Two pair of boots".
      Well, on the third track, the bride and groom, if they are lucky, will see their rights and obligations: “To wash the dishes”, “Go to the store”, “Sculpt dumplings on Saturdays”, “Walk with the dog”, etc.

      It must be remembered that the bride and groom should not see what is written on the sheets, only after they have chosen their path and walked along it, mothers read out the verdict. After the young people learned about their future, they are served a loaf! Breaking off a piece and dipping it in salt, the young once and for all protect their family life from evil and lies.

      3. Wedding banquet.

      Now the newlyweds, parents and guests are moving into a large room. A real wedding banquet will begin here. Having sat down at the table, the newlyweds begin to receive congratulations from guests and witnesses. Each toast to the young should carry only positive emotions. Wish the bride and groom love, happiness, health, children, prosperity, understanding, etc.

      After the toast to the newlyweds, a toast to the parents is said. Here it is necessary that it be spoken by a person who knows well both the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride. If there was no such speaker among the guests, let the children themselves, the bride and groom thank their parents for having them.

      Having raised their glasses to dads and moms, it was the turn of the guests to listen to the words of gratitude. And already at the end of this toast, everyone shouts in chorus: "Bitter!" And the young kiss.

      So that the home wedding feast does not develop into monotonous gatherings, it is necessary to arrange contests, comic tasks and riddles. In order for all guests to prove themselves, you must follow a certain pattern.

      For example, first contests for parents... The bride's mother and mother-in-law must guess the daughter by the voice, for this the bride herself and her bridesmaids take turns shouting: "Mom!"
      Fathers also have a task waiting for them, the groom and his friends take turns bringing them glasses of vodka, the parent needs to guess which glass is from the groom. If all parents have guessed their children, then they are presented with comic souvenirs and diplomas to the "Best Parents".

      The next competition is for guests, namely for witnesses... While they are trying to bite off the apple without touching it with their hands, the bride is kidnapped. Unlike a wedding in a restaurant or other large room, the apartment is small in size, so the bride hides in one of the rooms. To get her out, witnesses will have to pay a fine to the groom's friends who guard the door. They have no choice but to turn out their pockets and pay.

      The bride is free wedding celebration continues! To please guests and parents, the bride and groom dance their wedding dance. If there is not enough space in the apartment for this, you can go to the site or even to the street. Passers-by passing by the dancing couple will look at them with admiration.

      The dance is over, now it's time to carry the wedding cake! The bride and groom take a knife in their hands and cut off the first piece. Traditionally, the bride calls the name of the person who is entitled to the first piece of the wedding cake. It is at this moment, when the bride and groom are handing out sweet pieces of the cake, that guests who have not yet had time to present them can make up for lost time.

      Wedding at home
      There is a lot of controversy and different views around the home wedding celebration. Someone is convinced that there is no need to play a wedding at all, if the budget is limited, it is better to choose the "wedding for two" option. Someone will remember that once everyone celebrated like this, and there is nothing wrong with that ...
      Before organizing a wedding at home, consider the possible disadvantages and advantages of such a holiday. We will try to eliminate the minuses, and emphasize the pluses.


      - Balls on the curtain, a poster "advice and love", my mother's service, herring under a fur coat, Olivier and fried chicken with mashed potatoes, guests falling asleep from boredom, after everything eaten and drunk.
      - Poor mom, standing behind the stove all night, poor dad, carrying food, and poor aunt, who then wash all these dishes.

      - You need a lot of dishes and furniture.
      - It is very hot in the apartment in the summer.
      - Availability of space for storing food, food.
      - Limited number of guests.
      - There is a possibility that guests may stay overnight at your house after a hectic walk.


      - You are not tied to the required amount of the order in the restaurant, do not pay for the rent of the hall.
      - For you, a cozy family evening is preferable to a magnificent celebration.
      - You are not limited in time.
      - Usually after celebrations at home, you can live on everything ready for another week. The main thing is to have a place to store it all.

      Organization of a wedding at home.

      1. Number of guests.
      Before organizing a wedding at home, check the correspondence of the number of guests to the area of ​​the house or apartment.

      2. Season of the year.

      3. Furniture.

      4. Dance floor.
      If you have a large apartment or a house with large rooms, you can host the celebration in one room. Then you need to put tables along the walls, and in the center of the room there will be a dance floor and a competition area. If the rooms are small, then you can put tables in one room, and make a platform for dances and competitions in the second room.

      5. Table setting.

      Portion plates - for appetizers, hot dishes, desserts;
      - common dishes, salad bowls, bread bins, fruit bowls, dishes for canapes, sandwiches, slices, snacks;
      - cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, dessert spoons);
      - tea sets;
      - utensils for cooking (pots, salad bowls, pans);
      - utensils for storing food.

      So that your holiday does not look like ordinary home gatherings, decorate the table beautifully. Arrange the candles in luxurious chandeliers on the table. This will set you and your guests up for solemnity.

      Tableware. It is desirable that the dishes are in one color and style, even better - from one set. The dishes should fit under the tablecloth and fit into the interior. The option of full eclecticism in serving is possible: feel free to combine dishes from different sets;
      ... The tablecloth should be in harmony with the room and dishes;
      ... Napkins are matched to the tablecloth. Linen napkins are placed for each person. Paper napkins can be laid out for each guest separately, or just put in napkin holders.

      6. Menu.
      Think carefully about the menu, calculate the number of servings. You can do a little trickier: choose a restaurant or several restaurants that you like. Visit them, talk to the manager, what the restaurant has to offer as a standard menu for your number of guests. Often in restaurants there are special menu templates that they bring with them.

      A buffet table will help get rid of many problems. As a rule, a buffet table is organized when there are few places for guests, and a large number of people need to be fed. This way of serving frees up space for dancing, no one will stumble over chairs. Guests who are a little late will find refreshments freely. The guests themselves will determine where it is more convenient for them to settle down, they themselves will choose the dishes and drinks placed on the table. They eat and drink while standing at the buffet table or near it.

      7. Cooking food.
      There are several options for organizing home cooking for your wedding:

      one). Cooking meals on your own (bride, mother of the bride and groom, family, friends). Draw up a menu in advance, describe in detail what to cook, on what day (some food is prepared the day before, others can be made in two days, there are even certain pies that stand for a month), how long it takes to prepare each dish, calculate how many people need to be attracted.

      2). Invite a cook and waiters (1 for 10-15 people). You can find chefs through acquaintances, announcements, ask in a cafe or invite a neighbor who cooks well. Waiters can be found using the same method. Or ask someone you know to help you as a waiter. This will significantly free up your time, none of the guests will be distracted from the holiday.

      3). Order catering ("catering" - restaurant services outside stationary premises, arrangement of off-site catering events). Catering means not only food preparation and delivery, but also service, serving, decoration and similar services.

      Good companies will make everything beautiful and tasty. Service is better than most restaurants. Table setting is possible in colors that suit your interior. Service and serving are sometimes included in the price of the meal. Some dishes are cooked on site (piglet, grilled meat / fish, etc.). The amount of food will be calculated depending on the number of guests and the budget, so you don't have to puzzle over how to organize a feast.

      A wedding cake.
      If you decide to bake a wedding cake yourself, do it in advance (two days before the holiday). Don't make it go bad quickly. Before the wedding itself, you will have many other worries and may not be up to baking.

      It's much easier to order a wedding cake. Moreover, now the selection of confectionery products is very rich.

      The traditional wedding cake can be replaced with beautiful pastries. It will look very original if they are in harmony with the style of your wedding. To diversify the sweet table, cakes can be signed with the initials of the people who will be present at the wedding.

      8. Purchase of products for the table.
      After the menu is drawn up, write down the list necessary products... Describe what you can buy where and on what day. Calculate your budget. Designate purchasing managers. Think about what you can buy at wholesalers at a better price.

      9. Decoration of the apartment.
      Don't overlook this point. Even simply beautifully arranged bouquets in large glass vases on tables and on the floor will change the look of an apartment. The options for decorating an apartment are the same as decorating a wedding banquet hall: balloons, fabric and floristry.

      Do not forget to take into account the fact that the apartment is much smaller than the restaurant premises, the ceilings are lower. Try not to clutter up the space too much. It is enough to highlight the place of the newlyweds and make light accents in other places.

      In addition, guests will give you flowers, ask someone invited after the registry office (during your walk) to take the flowers home and tastefully arrange them in vases. You can put flowers in floor vases in the corners or next to the newlyweds, depending on how you will have your furniture.

      * Stock up on the required number of vases in advance!
      * Assign someone responsible for decorating the apartment.
      * Try to cook and decorate as much as possible in advance.

      10. Neighbors.
      An important point. You definitely don't need curses and quarrels on your wedding day. Walk around the neighbors in advance, warn about the upcoming event and possible noise and loud music.

      11. Host.
      So that the wedding does not turn into an ordinary feast, you need a person who can lead the process.

      one). Leading professional. The procedure for choosing a wedding toastmaster is standard: a list of hosts, call by phone, a meeting with the one you like most, a choice. When choosing an unfamiliar host, keep in mind that home wedding too personal and designed for a narrow circle of people. Will it be comfortable for you and your guests to observe a stranger in such an environment.

      2). The leader is a relative. If you have active guests, ask them to host your wedding. Choose one or a couple of friends who will be in charge of the event, who are close to the majority of the guests. Think over the program together or, if you are confident in your friends or relatives, ask to prepare at your discretion entertainment program with contests. Write down the course of the wedding, what follows, the order of words and speeches.

      3). Without a leader. If you are going to a friendly company that does not need to be managed, they are independent, intelligent people who know that when they need to say and do, they can do without a toastmaster. In this case, ask your friends to prepare for congratulations, for example, they prepared numbers: someone sings, someone dances, someone will prepare a scene, someone shows tricks. Use all the talents of the invitees. You can draw prizes for numbers - lots from the newlyweds.

      12. Entertainment program, traditions.
      After choosing a host, decide what you would like to see at your wedding. Think about which wedding traditions you like, which ones you want to apply to yourself. Think over competition program- since there is not enough space for outdoor games, you can hold games and contests either at the table, or those that do not require a lot of space, you can use karaoke.

      13. Musicians.
      It is not always convenient to invite musicians to an apartment - you may not be allowed to do this by the dimensions of a standard apartment and the sound is too loud. Alternatively, you can make a selection of music that you and your guests like, connect good speakers to your computer or music center, assign a person in charge of the music and enjoy your home disco. For a more dancefloor effect, hang a mirror ball, soundtrack, or bubble set.

      14. Pets.

      15. Parents.
      These are the people most dear to you. Don't make your wedding a job for them. Parents must be present in the registry office, and not stand at the stove at this time.

      16. Wedding night.
      It is advisable that there is no one else in the apartment where you will spend the night. If this is not possible due to the accommodation of guests for the night, rent a hotel or at least take a room for yourself, where only you will be.
      - Decorate the bed and the room.
      - Make a romantic setting.


      ... Don't forget to make an appointment with a few people in advance who can help you clean your house or apartment.
      ... You can arrange a great holiday at home and ruin a wedding in an expensive restaurant. It all depends on the organization.
      ... If there are relatives or acquaintances who have selflessly decided to help cook, tidy up an apartment or house - you are happy people! If there are no such people, then it is better to think about whether it is worth celebrating the wedding at home. Or it is better to arrange an option "for two" or "newlyweds, parents and witnesses", order a cozy cafe and sit with the family.
      ... If you are still in the mood for a celebration at home with friends and family, but there is no one to help you, consider a buffet table with games and dancing until you drop instead of the traditional feast.

      * * *
      Here is a scenario for a wedding at home! On the one hand, everything is very simple, but on the other hand, where, if not at home, celebrate such a significant event in your life! Therefore, believe me, the main thing is not where, but most importantly - with whom! In the circle of friends, in the circle of guests, you will be the happiest newlyweds! I wish you happiness and love!

      Somewhat different from a noisy celebration held in a restaurant. Here the emphasis is not on splendor and scope, but on home coziness and comfort for all guests. With all this, the holiday should be quite fun and interesting, both for the newlyweds and for all relatives. Improvised contests, competitions and games can help you with this. By the way, to make the holiday sparkle with interesting colors, invite a saxophonist to the wedding! You can find one of them on the website http: //saxophonist1.rf/

      How exactly to hold a wedding at home, we are not going to tell you now. You can read about all this in the scenarios offered on our website. From the abundance of options available, you can choose the most suitable wedding scenario at home for your occasion.

      All scenarios have a different thematic focus, contain various contests and differ in other minor features. If you want to have the perfect home celebration, then carefully read all of our options. Read, think and choose one of them, after which you can start preparing and implementing your plans. Have a nice celebration!

      Ready script for a home wedding

      Guests stand on either side of the walkway and greet the young at the porch. Each invitee holds coins and rice in his hands. While the young are walking in the direction of travel, we shout Congratulations! and sprinkle with rice and coins.

      Dear newlyweds! By tradition, you are greeted here by the most dear people - your parents. Mom is holding a loaf, a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

      Break off piece by piece and salt well! Thus, you can annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange pieces of loaf and feed each other, looking at each other with tenderness!

      And now we'll see who will be in charge of the family! Now drain your glasses to the bottom and whoever won first. On the count of three: One. Two. Three!

      What is this barrier?
      The border, but not simple: ahead of family life, behind - single.
      Do you friends have a pass to a house called Family?

      Young show the marriage certificate.

      Let me tell you briefly - the document is in order!
      Come in, hurry, the wedding feast is calling you!
      We invite everyone to a feast, to the wedding bread and salt.

      Everyone goes to the hall.

      Today there is joy in this house
      For family, friends, acquaintances.
      Today the holiday is big here,
      Because two are cute
      Two loving, beautiful
      Became husband and wife.

      Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, as a wedding is a long business! Choose a funnier neighbor with whom you can talk, and a prettier neighbor who can be courted. Men are closer to the snack, and women are closer to the drink. The responsibilities of each include: pouring, pouring, not to deprive all neighbors and not to forget yourself. Now, pour!

      I ask everyone to raise their glasses
      Congratulate standing young
      To herald the beginning of the wedding
      And a new life for two!
      May this day be like a bright holiday
      Will pour joy into your home
      And your life will be adorned forever
      Hope, Happiness and Love!
      And let love dawn at dawn
      It does not go out for many years
      Let it be "Bitter" only at the wedding,
      And never in your life!

      And now, dear guests, do not hesitate, gain strength before the festive program. Help yourself, while we will read you the rules of conduct at the wedding.

      You can't be sad, you can sing and dance.
      - You can't get bored, you can joke.
      - Look at other people's wives and husbands, but don't forget about your own.
      - We forbid to swear, also to fight, to argue under the table.
      - If you are a little drunk, it is better to go to sleep silently.

      Guests, did you take the glasses?
      Yes! Amicably, cheerfully raised?
      Then "Bitter!" let's shout to them, “Bitter! Bitterly!" - young.

      Kiss, newlyweds,
      Let those kisses countless
      Otherwise, the poor invitees
      And it is bitter to drink, and it is bitter to eat!
      Let's go for this couple
      Let's drink a full glass!

      Further, according to the program, we introduce guests
      Today ____ will be the most singing song.
      ____ will be dancing more of all.
      Everyone will shout "Bitterly!" ____.
      Everyone will drink more ____.
      Today ____ will give ____ one hundred rubles.
      ____ will gladly give ____ his TV.
      And ____ will give ____ itself.
      Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No recoil.
      The most beautiful today ____.
      The most shy today ____.
      The most hungry at the wedding ____.
      After the wedding, he (a) will leave on foot ____.
      Will leave by car ____.
      And ____ and ____ will hardly take away ____.
      After an hour, ____ will say that he is cool.
      After an hour and a half, ____ will say that he (s) sneezed at everyone.
      After two hours, ____ won't say anything.
      ____ will fall asleep at 22 o'clock.
      ____ will fall asleep at 23 o'clock.
      At 23 hours 30 minutes ____ will already wake up.
      Improve your health tomorrow, everyone is invited to ____.
      ____ will come with a box of beer tomorrow.
      It is taken to bring dried fish ____.
      And ____ and ____ will cook fish soup from 5 in the morning.
      ____ drinks everything to health.
      I have already drunk ____ seven times to the health of young people and all of them.

      So we met and remembered who will do what, and now:
      Let's raise a healthy spell
      For those who raised this glorious couple.
      Who in life did not know either sleep or peace,
      Forged such great happiness for them.
      Parents are sad, a little sad.
      For this, we will not judge them harshly.
      After all, it has long been their eternal destiny.
      Each of us would like to support them.
      For work and care, for everything that they could,
      Let the children bow down to you to the ground.
      And we, in turn, are kind guests,
      For the work of your parent, we will simply tell you:
      Let time fly by, but don't get old,
      Let the grandchildren grow, you make your soul younger,
      Good to you, a huge increase in health,
      We raise a festive toast for you.

      After the toast, we hand over comic documents to the young and give the floor to their parents.

      Oh, how the bride looks in love,
      Ah, how excited the proud groom is.
      The first waltz for you young,
      First dance for the two of you.
      Those who do not want to sit still to the sound of a waltz,
      Join the bride and groom boldly.

      After the dance, we boldly start competitions, and the first competition for witnesses.
      The witness lies down on chairs, sweets are scattered over her, the latter is placed on her lips. The witness should collect them all with their hands tied.

      For those who have taken honorable care,
      From now on must for many years in a row
      Follow with desire, with joy, with desire,
      So that there was peace and harmony in the family of friends.
      So that the wards walk together
      Dear bright, sunny, big
      Before the wedding, before the silver one at the beginning,
      Well, then - before the wedding gold!
      We drink as you noticed
      For young witnesses.

      The next competition is for guests. We choose six people from the groom's side and six from the bride's side.
      We distribute envelopes for the bride's guests with the following text, one to each.
      Honey, are we going to buy a mink coat?
      Zolotko, will you give me all my salary?
      My sun, will you serve me coffee and a bun in the morning?
      Honey, will you buy me outfits every day?
      Darling, do you want us to have three girls and not a single boy?
      Good, will you help me with the housework?

      And envelopes for the groom's guests:
      Dream, dream my love
      If the wages allow.
      As you say, my only one.
      It all depends on you, dear.
      I only dream about it, my dear.
      Well, you say too. Wait and see.
      The guests of the bride ask the bride a question, and the guests of the groom ask the groom the answer.

      Dance wedding script of the competition for couples with a balloon.
      Each pair is given balloon which they must hold between their foreheads or other parts of the body, for example, backs, shoulder blades, pops, knees. The choice of body parts at the discretion of the leader during the scenario of the competition, the method of holding the ball at the command of the leader can be changed, the couples dance, preferably to fast music. The pairs that dropped the ball are eliminated.

      Then you can come up with your own contests and mix it up with dancing. Well, and you can see off the newlyweds from the wedding along the corridor of burning candles held by the guests, with the words so many happy stars illuminate their joint life path, let so many lights light up in the houses of relatives and friends who are always ready to help, give the newlyweds warmth and joy meetings.

      Dear readers!

      The site provides only introductory information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I don't sell anything;)

      Where to buy? You can find and purchase the accessories for the celebration described in the articles in Special online stores where is delivery all over Russia

      Before organizing a wedding at home, consider the possible disadvantages and advantages of such a holiday. We will try to eliminate the minuses, and emphasize the pluses.

      Wedding at home. Minuses.

      • Most often it is boring, gray, and in general it looks like ordinary family gatherings - birthdays, home feasts. There is no sense of solemnity.
      • Balls on the curtain, "advice and love", my mother's service, herring under a fur coat, Olivier and fried chicken with mashed potatoes, guests falling asleep from boredom, after everything eaten and drunk.
      • Poor mom, standing behind the stove all night, poor dad, carrying food, and poor aunt, who then wash all these dishes.
      • Little room for dancing (may not be at all).
      • A large amount of dishes and furniture are required.
      • It is very hot in the apartment during the summer.
      • Availability of space for storing food, food.
      • Limited number of guests.
      • There is a chance that guests may stay overnight at your home after a hectic party.

      Wedding at home. Pros.

      • A good option if among the invitees there are elderly relatives who are very dear to you, but who find it difficult to withstand noisy restaurants (for many, this is a huge burden).
      • You are not tied to the mandatory amount of the order in the restaurant, you do not pay for the rent of the hall.
      • For you, a cozy family evening is preferable to a magnificent celebration.
      • You are not limited in time.
      • Usually after the celebrations at home, you can live on everything ready for another week. The main thing is to have a place to store it all.

      Organization of a wedding at home.

      You can read about the general preparation for the wedding in the article.

      01. Before organizing your wedding at home, take a look correspondence of the number of guests to the area of ​​the house or apartment.
      Can you accommodate everyone? Will it be too crowded?

      02. Season.
      It is better to do a wedding in an apartment during the cold season, since there is not enough refrigerator for all the treats, you will have to use the balcony as well.

      03. Consider having furniture.
      Is it possible to take chairs, benches, tables somewhere. To place tables, you need to take out too much. You can leave unnecessary furniture for a while with neighbors, relatives. Chairs and stools are always in short supply. Think in advance who you will take these necessary things for the time of the celebration.

      04. Will you have dance floor?

      If you have big flat or a house with large rooms, you can hold a celebration in one room. Then you need to put tables along the walls, and in the center of the room there will be a dance floor and a competition area.

      If rooms are small, then you can put tables in one room, and make a platform for dancing and competitions in the second room.

      05. SERVICE TABLE.

      Availability of utensils.
      Depending on the dishes that you will have at the family banquet, calculate how many complete sets you need:

      • portioned plates - for appetizers, hot dishes, desserts;
      • common dishes, salad bowls, bread bins, fruit bowls, dishes for canapes, sandwiches, slices, snacks;
      • cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, dessert spoons);
      • tea sets;
      • cooking utensils (pots, salad bowls, pans);
      • utensils for storing food.


      So that your holiday does not look like ordinary home gatherings, decorate the table beautifully. Arrange the candles in luxurious chandeliers on the table. This will set you and your guests up for solemnity. You can also festively decorate

      • tableware. It is desirable that the dishes are in one color and style, even better - from one set. The dishes should fit under the tablecloth and fit into the interior. The option of full eclecticism in serving is possible: feel free to combine dishes from different sets;
      • the tablecloth should be in harmony with the room and dishes;
      • napkins are matched to the tablecloth. Linen napkins are placed for each person. Paper napkins can be laid out for each guest separately, or just put in napkin holders.
      Continuing the theme of wedding decoration, table setting and other beautiful wedding decorations read articles:

      Don't let everything go by itself! And even more so, do not take everything upon yourself! Today you are heroes of the occasion! And everything should be for you! Who can be the host of the wedding?

      1. Leading professional. A man of his craft. standard: list of presenters, call by phone, meeting with the one you like most, choice.

      When choosing an unfamiliar host, keep in mind that a home wedding is too personal and is designed for a narrow circle of people. Will it be comfortable for you and your guests to observe a stranger in such an environment.

      2. The leader is a relative. If you have active guests, ask them to host your wedding. Choose one or a couple of friends who will be in charge of the event, who are close to the majority of the guests. Think over the program together or, if you are confident in your friends or relatives, ask at your discretion to prepare an entertainment program with contests. Write down the course of the wedding, what follows, the order of words and speeches.

      3. Without a leader. If you are going to have a friendly company that does not need to be managed, they are independent, intelligent people who know that when they need to say and do, they can do without a toastmaster. In this case, ask your friends to prepare for congratulations, for example, they prepared numbers: someone sings, someone dances, someone will prepare a scene, someone shows tricks. Use all the talents of the invitees. You can draw prizes for numbers - lots from the newlyweds.

      12. Entertainment program, traditions.
      After choosing a host, decide what you would like to see at your wedding. Think about which ones you like, which ones you want to apply for yourself. Think over the competition program - since there is not enough space for outdoor games, you can hold games and contests either at table, or those that do not require a lot of space, you can use karaoke.

      13. Musicians.
      It is not always convenient to invite musicians to an apartment - you may not be allowed to do this by the dimensions of a standard apartment and the sound is too loud. Alternatively, you can make a selection of music that you and your guests like, connect good speakers to your computer or music center, assign a person in charge of the music and enjoy your home disco. For a more dancefloor effect, hang a mirror ball, soundtrack, or bubble set.

      14. Pets.
      Think about your pets. Wedding at home will be a lot of stress for them. If possible, take them to another place on the wedding day so that they, by accident, do not run out into the street from your apartment when guests go for a smoke break or leave the premises.

      15. Parents.

      These are the people most dear to you. Don't make your wedding a job for them.

      Parents must be present in the registry office, and not stand at the stove at this time.

      Ask your girlfriends to help a day or two before the wedding, it will be more fun for everyone together, and you do not need to strain your mothers.

      16. The wedding night. should be special.

      It is advisable that there is no one else in the apartment where you will spend the night.
      If this is not possible due to the accommodation of guests for the night, rent a hotel or at least take a room for yourself, where only you will be.

      Decorate the bed and the room.

      Create a romantic setting.

      Home wedding script

      From the moment of preparation for the wedding.

      From the moment you prepare a notebook in which you can write down everything from the smallest details to a large organization.
      , ordering cars, ordering flowers, a DJ with his own equipment, a presenter, and products - all to find and prepare in advance. The sooner the better.

      Don't forget to consider fallbacks.

      During the week

      Prepare the room in a week. Free up space for tables, tank platforms.

      If necessary, bring an additional refrigerator, think over where all the products and ready meals will be.

      Prepare dishes, cutlery, borrow if necessary.

      Everything should be prepared so that on the night before the wedding you do not rub glasses or forks to a shine.

      Call all responsible persons, supervise all actors (including musicians, drivers, presenters, photographers, operators, etc.)

      A few days before the wedding

      Start preparing meals a few days before your wedding. ...

      If possible, decorate the apartment in advance (if it is fabric, or jewelry that does not deteriorate).

      You must distribute everything in such a way that the evening before the wedding remains free for you.

      Get everyone involved in the preparation. This will bring your guests closer and you will not feel like a squeezed lemon on your wedding day.

      The day before the wedding.

      In the late afternoon or early morning on your wedding day, set up a table setting.

      The bride and groom need to free up the evening as much as possible and prepare themselves for the wedding day.

      Think about who will go with you to be photographed, who sets the tables, who greets the guests at home.

      The best option would be to take a picture with the guests right after the registry office and offer to go to your home to relax a little, put yourself in order or get ready for the entertainment part of the celebration.

      It all depends on the guests. If you have more young people, you can arrange an interesting staged photo session in different places that you have planned for a walk. For older people, this route will be difficult, it is better to invite them to go to your home to rest.

      But guests in any of the options chosen must arrive at the wedding celebration house earlier than the newlyweds - for a solemn meeting.

      How to entertain guests during a walk?

      Those responsible for setting the table will be responsible for arranging dishes, cutting, heating and serving food.

      The rest of the guests can help set the table, arrange the flowers presented.

      If you have special people who are engaged in a feast, guests need to come up with entertainment while waiting for the newlyweds.

      Make a wish book in which guests will leave notes for you on your wedding day.

      It can be original, in which there will be interesting photographs from the life of the newlyweds and the guests present.

      Alternatively, you can record movies for viewing - comedies or something light, unobtrusive from an old movie or a new one. Guests can relax and cheer up before your arrival.

      Do not forget to leave water, juice and fruit for guests. Light sandwiches can be made.

      Wedding celebration at home

      Before returning home from your walk, inform your host or person in charge of the evening. This person should organize people to meet the newlyweds at the house or apartment.

      Guests are greeted at the entrance or gate of the young. Guests line up in a long corridor from the gate to the very doors of the house. If the meeting is at the entrance, then the guests line up in front of the entrance towards the young. The newlyweds pass forward, at this time, with coins, sweets and rice.

      At the end of the corridor, a young family is met by parents (with a loaf and glasses) and say parting words. After that, the husband takes his wife in his arms and carries her across the threshold into the house. If the wedding takes place in a multi-storey building, then the newly-made husband can carry his wife across the threshold to the entrance, then lower it, and then on the last staircase again take his wife in his arms and, carrying her along the stairs, carry her across the threshold of the apartment.

      In the apartment the newlyweds are greeted by the toastmaster or parents. Parents can be greeted with bread and salt on the doorstep of the apartment instead of entering the house, and friends will meet near the house.

      Everyone goes to the banquet room, at which time the bride and groom can put themselves in order, and then solemnly enter.