
Simple but cool scenario for February 14th. Events for the holiday. Competition program "Valentine and Valentine"


Show program by February 14 for high school students and students
"Great eternal temptress"

Registration: on the backdrop - 6 foam tablets, in the corner of each - the emblem of the holiday (heart), above the stage - Balloons in the form of hearts, on the right and on the left - 2 trees, on which prizes are in a gift box.


Good evening ladies and gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Girls and boys!
Valentina and Valentina!
And all the lovers in this hall!

After all, today is Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day. A holiday that is widely celebrated all over the world. Saint's day
Valentine is a joke or a tradition, someone else's custom or a clumsy invention - what difference does it make if hope smolders in your soul with a timid spark?

And I think that it is on this day that you can:
- to confess your love,
- to find a beloved or beloved,
- to save what can still be saved, even if it seems impossible.
And the impossible is wonderful!

Lovers work miracles.
If you give roses, ... then a million.
If you declare your love, ... then in meter letters.
If they are celebrating ... ... then they are celebrated by the whole planet.
And today we - a particle of this planet - say: "Welcome!" the holiday of lovers.


Every person dreams of loving and being loved. But not everyone succeeds. You can find all the treasures of the world, but be infinitely lonely, because the heart is not easy without love. Maybe that is why each of us is burning with the desire: “I wish we could meet, I wish we could meet”. Tell me where can you meet your love? (Answers from the audience). Most likely, at a party, in a library, on a train and at a disco, or maybe even just on the street ...
Imagine, dear girls, that a young man comes up to you and asks where to find such and such a street, what time is it, etc.? Well, if he is very shy, then you have to take the initiative into your own hands.

Music. Girls dressed in jeans leather jackets, hats, dark glasses, descend from the stage into the hall, "capture" the young men, take them to the stage.

You do not find, dear viewers, that this is original way acquaintance? Well, dear participants, you just have to introduce yourself.

(The leader approaches the couples).
to the guy: - Introduce yourself, please.
to the girl: - Your name.


So the participants of our festive program introduced themselves. Let's greet them again.


And I will lead this program ... (the presenter introduces himself). It seems to me that the young men are shocked by this way of getting to know each other. But the girls today will be no less shocked by the surprises and surprises that young people will present them. In the meantime, the girls are preparing another surprise for you, we will continue our conversation.

The girls leave.

And we will continue our conversation about gifts that are presented on Valentine's Day. These can be "valentines" in the form of a heart, sweets, flowers or decorations. While the song is playing, you need to confer and decide what gift you will present to your girlfriend. Go backstage.

The boys leave.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day….


Meet with friendly applause the participant of today's program ...

Music sounds. The presenter introduces the participants, they go on stage, changing their jackets for evening wear. Cavaliers present them with flowers, couples take places on the stage.

Let's get back to the "valentines". I invite each couple to imagine a situation when on Valentine's Day they bring you an envelope with congratulations. (Take out the props). You open the envelope and find a blank postcard and ... a cut sheet with some text written on it.
Assignment for couples: Connect the cut text as quickly as possible and glue it with the blank side to the card. Having completed the task, the couple with the finished text runs up to the microphone and sings 1 verse of the song. I think the fans will support their participants.

Gluing "valentines", singing songs.

Winners have the right to choose any 2 gifts they like on any surprise tree. (Choosing).
And now I invite all couples to present their “valentines” to friends in the hall and congratulate them on Valentine's Day.

Music. Presentation of "valentines".

I am very pleased to see the warmth and love with which the audience welcomes our participants. It manifests itself in everything: in smiles, gestures, looks. It should not be otherwise, because on this day love is the main thing.

Couples return to the stage.

And now - our task. Drop the balls!

Contribute 6 ligaments balloons 2 pieces each, the letters of the word "love" in different languages ​​of the peoples of the world are glued to them at random.

Your task: at my command, remove the letters from the bundle of balls and make up a word from them that is directly related to our holiday. Then carefully attach the letters to these tablets and show what you get to the audience.
Are the couples ready? Let's start! (Music. Competition. The winner pair is revealed). Let the fireworks sound in honor of our winners with the help of balloons. (Firework).
The winners deserve a prize. I ask you to go to any tree of miracles and choose gifts for yourself. (Choosing).
And now we would like to know what word you got. What does it mean when translated from other languages?

"Love" is Russian.
"Love" - ​​English
"Liebe" - German
"L, amour" - French
"Laska" - Czech
"Lubov" is Bulgarian.

This word unites all lovers on the planet, regardless of their age, nationality and place of residence. He gives you his love and congratulations ...


Everyone knows that Valentine's Day is a day for two, even birds on this day unite in pairs in the air ... We invite the participants to complete the following task. To do this, each pair must choose a card with the name of the bird. (Choosing).

First. You need to remember how this or that bird cries.
Second. Blindfolded find your mate by screaming. Who quickly?

Suggested bird name cards:
Rooster: ku-ka-re-ku!
Chicken: ko-ko-ko!
Sparrow: chick chirp!
Crow: car-car!
Goose: ha-ha!
Duck: quack, quack!
(The game).

We ask the winners to choose their prize.

They choose.

As you know, in unforeseen situations a man always comes to the aid of a woman. Suppose our members have a scarf untied. But this is a fixable thing. We invite our participants to tie a scarf around their girlfriend's neck with one hand

Music. Competition.

A tree of miracles awaits the winners. (Choose the prizes). Congratulations to the rest of the participants and spectators ...


You have heard many love songs today. But not only in the song do the romance pour out their feelings. Indian Deepak Sayal managed to write “I love you” 100 times and once again “I like you” on a grain of rice that he gave to his beloved. Thus, he received the hand and heart of his beloved. Today I invite our participants to write on this shell several times "My baby". Whoever gets the most of these phrases will become the winner.

The song "My baby" from the repertoire of gr. "Hands up". Participants carry out the task on pasta in the form of a shell.

I ask the winners to go to the tree of surprises and choose a gift for themselves.

They choose.

A holiday of love! How sublime and wonderful it all is! On this day, no follies are forbidden. You can sing a serenade under the balcony of your beloved, you can slip an envelope with a confession under the door, you can finally stick kissing doves on the same door. And it is better to confess to a person dear to you - be it a mother, sister, friend, beloved - in your feelings, which I propose to demonstrate to our participants. You need to confess your feelings to each other with the lines of songs performed by our favorite pop stars.

For instance:
confession of a young man:
"Girl-girl, black eyes,
I love you, girl, very much. "
("Ivanushki International")

Confession of a girl:
“I've been waiting for you, I've been waiting so!
You were my crystal dream. "
(Irina Alpegrova)
The couple who completes this task the fastest and utters more confessions will receive gifts from our tree of surprises.

Competition. Winner's reward ceremony.

Happy Valentine's Day congratulates everyone ...


Great, eternal temptress love! They sing songs about her, compose poems, write ballads. Listen to this quatrain, isn't it wonderful:

I can’t live without you, I can’t!
I cannot live without your cheek, without your voice.
Give me at least footprints in the snow
I can’t live without you, I can’t!
Or that:
“We exchanged hearts with love:
You took mine and gave me yours ... "

By the way, the participants of our program, dear guests, presented their hearts - "valentines" to you at the beginning of our evening. And now it's your turn to give them your "hearts" in return. Attention, participants! Each couple needs to collect as many hearts as possible in the hall in 1 minute. The one who copes with this task better will bring victory not only to himself, but also ... And this, I think, is not worth announcing now. Let it be a surprise for our guests. So, dear participants, remember that you only have 1 minute. Time has gone!

Music. Competition.

I ask the winners of the competition to choose their own gifts.

They choose.

Leading(addressing the audience).
And now I turn to you Dear friends, and I ask those who are called "Valentin" or "Valentina" to go on stage.

Applause. Those who are called "Valentin" and "Valentina" are leaving the hall.

Come out. Applause.

The organizers of the evening, all the participants of our program, guests wish you a happy holiday, birthday and give you souvenirs and this many hearts in memory of our meeting and the holiday of love.

Souvenirs are handed over, hearts are handed over by the participants of the program.

For those who love and love, the song sounds ... performed by ...


Well, here we are with you and came to the finale. The couple who wins this latest competition will receive our grand prize. Dear guests, support our participants!


Friends, our whole game was dedicated to Valentine's Day.
(Into the audience): And who will answer me, what holiday is celebrated by the Russian people on February 15?


In Russia, for a long time on February 15, they celebrated Presentation, the meeting of winter with spring. As you know, on holidays something wonderful happens to a person, birds sing in the heart, flowers bloom. Now look at these trees: they are dull and gray. (Bare tree branches are brought in vases). So let's decorate them the way it should be on such a holiday. Our last competition is called "The Tree of Life". Each pair is invited to decorate one small tree. (They take out a box, put it in the middle of the stage, there are toys on paper clips, ribbons).

In the middle of the stage, right here, there is a box with birds, flowers, hearts made of paper. There are an odd number of them. Assignment: each couple is asked to make their tree "come to life". To do this, you need to evenly decorate the tree with various items lying in the box. Moreover, each participant can take only one of the items that is in the box. After hanging the decoration, he returns to the box again, takes the toy and again hurries to decorate the tree.

The couple who hang the most jewelry on the tree will be the winner of this competition, and therefore the entire program.

Music. Competition. Winner's reward ceremony.

So ours ended festive evening... I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And once again, parting with you, I say:
“What could be more beautiful than love,
When she dominates us.
When she celebrates her holiday,
Our great holiday - all our life! "
Goodbye! Until next time! I wish you happiness and love!


Props: 6 natural flowers, 6 envelopes, 6 blank sheets, 6 cut sheets, 6 glue pencils, 6 bundles of balloons with letters.
The words "Love", "Love", "Liebe", "L, amour", "Laska", "Love".
Cards with the name of the birds.
6 balls, 6 scarves.
10 seashells, 6 pencils.
2 trees of miracles.
6 bare trees in vases.
Box with birds, hearts, flowers.
Table, chair for the leader.
12 pins, hearts for the presenter and participants with names.

MKOU Poddubenskaya OOSh

Valentine's Day (February 14) at school. Game program script

Vedas 2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family and friends. Celebrated for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must necessarily be in the shape of a heart, be it cushion or a box for needlework.

Vedas 2. So, we start our holiday and introduce the participants and their fans. (Command submission)

Ved. 1. For all stages of the competition, each team gains a certain number of points. The team with the most points in the entire game is declared the winner. (Contests are evaluated on a five-point system)

Ved. 1. We begin our competition program with a romantic and funny song "Love-carrot" (girls of 6.7 grades)

Love has no age! ( game program)

Vedas 2 And now about the main thing. Participants in the game will have to go through four rounds of trials. Between tours we will have pleasant musical breaks, all kinds of surprises and other events.

Lead 1 .First tour: "Who loved whom?" Participants are invited to answer the question “Who loved whom?

Whom did Tiny-Khavroshechka love? (To the cow.)

Whom did Gray love? (Assol.)

Whom did Gerasim love? (Mu Mu.)

Whom did Gerda love? (Kaya.)

Who the steadfast loved tin soldier? (To the dancer.)

Whom did Dunno love? (Sineglazka.)

Whom did the mosquito love? (Mukhu-Tsokotukhu.)

Whom did Pierrot love? (To Malvin.)

Whom did the Russian clergyman love? (The dog.)

Whom did Lunatic love? (Ruth.)

Whom did the Prince love? (To Cinderella.)

Whom did Chatsky love? (Sophia.)

Vedas 2. –We are addressing you, dear Referee. Please announce the results of the 1st round of our competition program.

Ved. 1. Number from grade 5. Flashmob

Vedas 2. Second round:"Do you believe?"

Teams, you are given two cards: "Yes" and "No". When answering questions that begin with “Do you believe that ...”, you must raise one of the two “yes or no” cards. The time to think over each question is 1 minute. Correct answers are encouraged.

The birthplace of the holiday "Valentine's Day" is Ancient Greece? (No. Ancient Rome.)

Cupid - a mischievous angel with a bow and arrow - the son of Venus and a symbol of Valentine's Day? (Yes.)

In Wales, on February 14, loved ones were presented with wooden "spoons of love" decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant: "You have found a way to my heart." (Yes.)

Is the rose a symbol of beauty and love? (Yes.)

Do red chrysanthemums, tulips, carnations mean love? (Yes.)

In Germany, on Valentine's Day, women present all their loved ones and simply acquaintances with chocolate? (No. This is a Japanese tradition.)

These lines about love were written by M. Yu. Lermontov:

It all starts with love.

With love! I know that for sure.

Everything, even hatred is dear

And the eternal sister of love.

(No. Robert Rozhdestvensky.)

Led. 1. We are waiting for the summing up of the previous 2 rounds from our fair and wise jury.

Vedas 2. Number from grade 8

Ved. 1. Third round: "Let's compliment each other."

The teams come up with compliments. Then the boys of the red table team compliment the girls of the blue table team, etc. Then the girls compliment the boys. The compliment goes through two circles. And compliments should not be repeated.

Fan contests

Vedas 2. Fourth round: "Smart Questions".

Ved. 1. 1.Do pupils in Japan write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 3.Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (Not)

Vedas 2. 4 did the Romans wear pants? (Not)

Ved. 1. 5. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 6. Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 7.In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (Not)

Vedas 2. 8 penguins fly north for the winter? (Not)

Ved. 1. 9. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)

Vedas 2. 10 some frogs can fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Ved. 1. 11. Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 12. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Ved. 1. 13. Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Vedas 2. 14. The bats can receive radio signals? (Not)

Ved. 1. 15.Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 16. Is the elk a type of deer? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 17. Do giraffes echo the leaves they eat at night? (Not)

Vedas 2. 18 Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 19. Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)

Vedas 2. 20. Do the Eskimos dry my wash and eat instead of bread? (Yes)

Ved. 1. 21. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

Vedas 2. 22. Are turnips grown most of all in Russia? (No, in America)

Ved. 1. 23. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

Vedas 2. 24. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Ved. 1. 25. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

Vedas 2. 26. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (Pooh).

Ved. 1. 27. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

Vedas 2. 28. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

Ved. 1. 29. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

Vedas 2. 30. What do they give up when they need it and pick it up when there is no need for it? (Anchor).

Ved. 1. 31.The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

Vedas 2. 32. What can travel the world while staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Ved. 1. 33. Can I light a match underwater? (It is possible if water is poured into a glass and the match is kept below the glass).

Vedas 2. 34. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly whole).

Ved. 1. 35. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people.)

Vedas 2. 36. How to jump off a 10-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

Veda 1. In the meantime, the respected jury will sum up the results, we will listen to the song "Half" performed by Inna Udovenko and Eli Muravyova.

At the end of the program, the hosts present prizes.

"Funny face"

On a sheet of Whatman paper, you need to draw a funny face that could relate to Valentine's Day. All participants (26 people) stand in line and, taking a marker, draw one face.

"One hundred to one"

Which celebrity has a last name that starts with the letter "P"?





Peter the Great


The most common with the letter "A"






Which pets are most common?







The student in the lesson sat down on a chair and shouted loudly. Why?

Sat down on the buttons

Forgot my backpack at home

Saw a ghost

This is a music lesson. Sings

Due to the control


"Two grand pianos"

You need 2 teams of 2 people to play. A line from a famous song is guessed. Each line closed from the eyes of the participants has several transitions. You can name any hidden word and sing a song in which this word occurs. Sample lines:

I won't tell anyone anything (column "Girls")

Sings like a nightingale and knew about it ("Cool you got on TV")

Boys are flying towards life ("Other rules" "Fly! Run!"

What are you so scary ("Andryukha"

"Smart Questions"

Answer only "yes" - "no

In Japan, do pupils write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

Is there a practice of disposable blackboards in Australia? (Not)

Ball pen was it first used only by military pilots? (Yes)

Are fortified pencils produced in Africa for children who have a habit of chewing on anything? (Yes)

Are carrot extract added to some types of colored pencils to make the lead stronger? (Not)

Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (Not)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)

Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before the battle. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

Do mice grow up to become rats? (No, these are two different squads of rodents)

Are some frogs able to fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Can bats receive radio signals? (Not)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Is an elk a species of deer? (Yes)

Do giraffes echo the leaves they eat at night? (Not)

Are dolphins little whales? (Yes)

Does a rhino horn have magical powers? (Not)

Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)

Is the monkey usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)

Scrooge's lucky coin was 10 cents? (Yes)

Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)

Do the Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)

An elephant, meeting with an unfamiliar relative, greets as follows - puts his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)

Hans Christian Andersen's real name was Swensen? (No, Hans)

Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

When they build new house, into what the first nail is driven? (In the hat).

What does a man have under his feet when he walks across the bridge? (Shoe sole).

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (Pooh).

How many peas can fit in one glass? (None - everything must be put).

What can you cook but not eat? (Lessons).

How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).

How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

What do they drop when they need it, and pick it up when there is no need for it? (Anchor).

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

What can travel the world while staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Can you light a match underwater? (It is possible if water is poured into a glass and the match is kept below the glass).

How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly whole).

Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people.)

What could be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Shadow of an elephant).

What are all people on earth doing at the same time? (Getting older)

What gets bigger if you put it upside down (Number 6).

How to jump off a 10-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).

When can the net draw out water? (When the water freezes).

What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies, and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken).

Bottom line. As a result, it may turn out that some boy and girl often coincide in a pair and they are awarded a "Diploma" for being a perfect match.

Entertainment script "Valentine's Day"

Characters: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: paper hearts cut in half, easels (by number of pairs), White paper, colour pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses of juice (according to the number of children), cocktail tubes, plates of flour, paper napkins, blindfold.

(Music sounds, children enter the hall, sit down)

Ved. 1. There are 14 days left until spring. And tomorrow, February 14, Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

Vedas 2. February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, a sweet, homely, funny and unusual holiday. It is unusual because it is not Russian. But in Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated with great pleasure. After all, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers.

Ved. 1. Well, yes, in our country it is generally accepted that only adults have the right to fall in love, and you can giggle and tease over a child: "Tili is dough, bride and groom!" Only this is stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten... And such a person can only be envied, because his whole life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

Vedas 2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Celebrated for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must necessarily be in the shape of a heart, be it a cushion or a box for needlework.

Ved. 1. In addition, on this day, it is customary to give each other postcards - "valentines" - with the image of hearts.

Vedas 2. So, we start our holiday and introduce you to the participants.

(Couples pre-selected in groups - participants of the competition program) enter the hall to the music.

Ved. 1. For all stages of the competition, each pair gains a certain number of points. The couple with the maximum number of points in the entire game is announced as Valentin and Valentina. (Contests are evaluated on a five-point system)

Vedas 2. And now we are pleased to introduce you to the jury ... (introduces the jury members)

Ved. 1. So, let's start our competition program.

1 contest "My half"

(Each pair is given a half paper heart, at the command of the leader, each pair must find their own half of the heart. The pair that completes the task faster wins).

Vedas 2.
Everyone has known for a long time about seven wonders in the world,
But there is another great miracle.
And I have now discovered the eighth miracle. This
Wonderful and better than all miracles.
That miracle has long been known to everyone on the planet,
It excites us and there is blood in our veins.
Immortal as life - the eighth wonder of the world
Lovely sorceress love!

2nd competition "Arrow of Cupid"

(Girls with blindfolds draw a heart on a sheet of Whatman paper attached to an easel, and boys - “Cupid's arrow.” “Cupid's arrow” must hit the heart).

Ved. 1. While the jury is evaluating the results of two competitions, listen to a joke song

This is for you ”, lyrics and music by I. Ponomareva. The word of the jury (The jury announces the number of points for two competitions)

Vedas 2. Love has no age. But love is different: mutual, and sometimes unrequited.

3rd competition "Broken Heart"

Ved. 1. Pay attention, on the central wall there are halves of hearts - these are “broken hearts”. You need to choose one half on which the question number will be indicated. By answering the question correctly, you will heal your “broken heart”.


Loyal friend of crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka)

What is the name of the hare in the program “ Goodnight, kids ”? (Stepashka)

Have teeth, but no mouth? (Saw)

What was the name of the calf of the cat Matroskin? (Gavryusha)

Which bird brings happiness? (Stork)

In the forest, carved, smoothly hewn, sings, poured, what is the name? (Svirel)

The word of the jury (the jury announces the results of the 3rd competition)

The song "From what, from what ..." is performed, music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by Y. Khaletsky

Vedas 2. You all probably know well the tale of C. Perrault “Cinderella” and remember how the prince found his beloved on a crystal slipper. And each of you boys will have to find your Cinderella.

4 competition "Cinderella"

(Boys-participants stand with their backs to the girls; each girl-participant takes off one shoe; on command, the boy must find and put on the girl her shoe as quickly as possible).

5 contest "Happy Valentine's Face"

(Each pair of paper cuts out a large heart and, with the help of small hearts, draws a nose, eyes, ears, mouth. Those who get the most interesting and funniest face will win this competition).

Couple dance“Find your mate”, muses. Spadewacchia

The word of the jury. (the jury sums up the results of the previous 2 competitions)

Ved. 1. Do you guys like sweets? Did you know that sometimes a couple in love is called a “sweet couple”?

6 competition "Sweet couple"

(Each couple should drink a glass of juice through the cocktail straws as soon as possible)

Vedas 2. Juice is not so difficult to drink, but do you boys have the courage to get a candy for your girl from a plate of flour without helping with your hands?

7 competition "The most daring"

(Boys have to get the candy out of the bowl of flour without using their hands)

Ved. 1. And now we will ask our jury to sum up the results of the last two competitions and announce the results of the whole game.

The word of the jury (when summing up the results, each participating couple is awarded its own nomination "The most charming couple", "The most cheerful couple", "The most smart couple", etc. according to the number of couples. The winners are announced by "Valentin and Valentina")

Vedas 2. Dear guys, thank you for participating in the game, fans for your support.

We wish you all good luck, happiness and love.

Host: Good afternoon, noble ladies and gentlemen.

Inspired by a high feeling, once upon a time,

Someone invented Valentine's Day, not knowing then,

That this day will become a favorite, desired holiday of the year,

That Valentine's Day it will be called with reverence.

Host2: For more than 18 centuries, there has been a holiday for all lovers. His goal was to find his soul mate.

Host: Many centuries ago, ancient Roman soldiers were not allowed by law to marry while they were in the service. And the service was long and lasted for 25 years. But there are no barriers between loving hearts. Church minister Valentine secretly blessed loving hearts and married lovers. But his enemies and envious people betrayed Valentine. The rebellious young man was sent to prison. In the days when the young Christian went to prison, the Roman calendar counted last days the outgoing year. And Valentine at that time ate prison cakes, prayed and knew that he would never see the real spring. His prison warden was harsh and hated Christians. Once he intercepted several notes addressed to Valentin, which were thrown to him by the children who stood under the window of his cell. The notes contained all sorts of things: congratulations on the holiday, greetings, wishes from the townspeople who knew him. The warden drove the kids away and thought. His beloved daughter was blind. Who needs a blind bride? The jailer took her daughter to the imprisoned doctor. Not knowing that the grief of the blind girl will turn into the grief of her beloved. A miracle happened: Valentine restored her sight, and she fell in love with him. The day before the execution, Valentine asked for paper, pen and ink. He wrote a farewell letter to his beloved. He was executed on February 14. Only one testimony remained of their love, a small letter, which the young man wrote for her, modestly signing at the end: "Your Valentine." Here is such sad story.

Host2: St. Valentine exists for this, so that people remember that each other must be treated with care, tenderness, with love. For adults it is the day of lovers, for children it is the day of friendship.

Host: According to an old tradition, all young people, boys and girls, can openly confess their love by sending a beloved or loved one a postcard, or a red tulip. According to a Persian legend, a tulip grew from the tears of its beloved. Since then, on February 14, people have been rushing to make gifts to each other, exchange kisses and valentines, on which they write lyric poetry.

And you can present a postcard with these words of A. Barto

I give you a heart on a white leaf,

I give you a heart - do whatever you want with it.

Walk anywhere, walk with him everywhere

Draw whatever you want, I won't get angry,

But you better not learn to draw on it,

May my heart remain pure

Host2: Did you know that cooing doves and hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows became the symbols of Valentine's Day.

"Sharp arrows"

A target with a heart in the center is mounted on the wall. Each player has three attempts. The presenter announces: "A heart pierced by an arrow is an ancient symbol of love."

Host: On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then everyone took out a piece of paper and recognized the name of their loved one. In some countries, until now, there is a custom to choose on February 14 their "Valentines" and "Valentines" for the whole next year.

"Collect a Valentine"

Props: a cut into pieces a valentine that needs to be collected. The couple that collects the valentine is the winner.

In England there is a tradition of giving pansies on this day.
In France, Valentine's Day is a traditional gift. A special feature is that this holiday is not only for two loving people, but also everyone they love: grandmothers, grandfathers, friends, acquaintances.
In Italy, this day is called "sweet", because Italians consider it their duty to present sweets to their half.
In Denmark, people send each other dried white flowers and unsigned valentines.
In England, children go from house to house and sing songs. As a reward, children are treated to goodies, given small money.
Americans traditionally give heart-shaped sweets. Another traditional gift is roses.
As for Russia, we draw a little from all these customs! All ingenious is simple!


"Answer the question"

What scum married a prince? (Cinderella)

With the help of what eastern vessel, the peasant son married the daughter of the shah? (Magic lamp)

Which bride had a mouse as a matchmaker? (Thumbelina)

What pet helped its owner marry a royal daughter? (Cat)

What is the name of the girl who, with the help of love, melted the icy heart of her friend? (Gerda)

In what fairy tale did the prince wake up the princess with his kisses? (Sleeping Beauty)

"Most lovely"

Each participant writes all his / her favorite.

Favorite color

Favorite flowers

Favorite tree

Favorite fairytale hero

Favorite number

Favorite animal

Favorite game

Warm up.

What happens if you write thirty I? (30th)

What kind of comb can you comb your head? (Petushin)

What is the name of the smallest girl from a fairy tale? (Thumbelina)

What time of year is it?

What falls from the trees in the fall?

Where do the children go to study every morning?

What falls in winter?

Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)

Which animal broke the egg? (Mouse)

What color is the snow?

Matching answers are counted, so pairs appear.

Contests for couples

"Finish the quatrain"

On Valentine's Day - I see a wonderful picture ...

"Understand me without words"

Using gestures, invite the girl to the cinema for an action movie, ballet, theater, circus, hunting ...

Questions for girls.

The boy you like slipped and sprawled funny on the ice. What are you going to do:

A) laugh and help to get up,

B) you won't laugh

C) do it differently. How?

You like a boy, and suddenly he offers you friendship, but mom is against it. What will you do:

A) agree to his proposal

B) obey your mom

C) do it your way.

A boy came to your birthday party and gave you a doll, and you already have exactly the same one. What will you do:

A) thank and gladly accept the gift

B) after thanking, refuse, saying: "I already have one."

C) do otherwise.


Props: multi-colored hair bands.

Each participant chooses a "half" for herself and creates a "ruffled" out of it. For this, hair ties are distributed. The task is to arrange as many "crests" as possible from the hair of the "half" with the help of elastic bands.

Questions for boys.

The girl you like has been called to the board to solve the problem, but she can't. What will you do:

A) you will prompt

B) do nothing

C) your own answer

The girl decided to treat you to a salad that she made herself. You tried the salad, you didn't like it. You:

A) refuse to eat

B) you will choke, but eat so as not to offend the girl

C) your own answer

Mom sent you to the store for bread. At the store, you meet a girl you like. She doesn't have enough for a chocolate bar just as much as your mother gave you for bread. What are you doing:

A) give her money so that she can buy chocolate

B) buy bread and leave

C) your own answer

On the wings of Love.

Props: 4 sheets of paper. Participants receive 2 sheets of paper. They must go to their loved ones through the "swamp" along the "bumps". Who will get to the beloved faster. He won.

Host: You are all great, smart and dexterous. But most importantly, you all have a kind, warm heart. All people are united by one thing - the ability to love and be loved. We wish you happiness and love, kindness and tenderness.

This story has a long way to go.
Long ago, that was. Ancient Rome.
Valentine's hand
Love secretly carried two.

He's a lovers relationship
Ritual in the church consecrated.
Crossing the line of the law
He himself suffered from the denunciation.

Although February at times
The spiritual shepherd was executed
Forever the name is golden
Remained among the holy names.

When the last snowflakes
Circling, painting mirages
We send Valentines
Those whose love we value!

The guys exchange valentines.

What scenario would you like for Valentine's Day for high school students? Probably, on this day, February 14, Valentine's Day, I want a spark of love to light up in every soul.

Scenario for February 14 for high school students

Valentine's Day contests for high school students

The decoration should not be cumbersome, the main thing is that the atmosphere in the hall is conducive to thought. The tables form a semicircle, on each of them a candle and small bouquets of flowers. On the walls there are reproductions of picturesque portraits of women by famous artists, as well as a screen onto which slides, postcards and illustrations will be projected. The speakers are not announced, but immediately after the words of the presenters get up from their seats and perform their number.

The script for Valentine's Day for high school students begins with two hosts.

Love. We read about it in books.
Love. We could not understand about this.
But the boys gradually matured
And now they have grown up to her,
Do you remember - we didn’t want to know,
And, often choosing paths for themselves.
We counted her until she was thirteen
A feeling that everyone despises.
Strict daggers with a penknife.
Contemporaries driving in awe with battles;
We decided that a real man
The one who does not tolerate girls ...
It all starts with love ...
They say: "In the beginning was the word."
And I declare again:
Weight begins with love! ..
It all starts with love.
And insight and work
Eyes of flowers, eyes of a child -
It all starts with love.
It all starts with love.
With love! I know that for sure.
Everything, even hatred is dear
And the eternal sister of love.
It all starts with love:
Dream and fear, wine and gunpowder.
Tragedy, longing and feat -
It all starts with love ...
Spring whispers to you: "Live" ...
And you will sway from a whisper.
And straighten up and begin.
It all starts with love!
R. Rozhdestvensky.
The word "love" in all languages ​​of the world is understandable without translation. The feeling of love is the most poetic - sublime, pure, beautiful. The theme of love is inexhaustible in literature, music, art. It is always new and unique for everyone who comes to this world.
Know how to cherish love,
Over the years - doubly cherish:
Love is not sighs on the bench
And not walks in the moonlight.
Everything will be: slush and powder,
But you have to live life together.
Love with a good song is like
And the song is not easy to put together.
S. Shchipachev.

The song "I will never forget you" from the play "Juno" and "Avos" (music by A. Rybnikov on verses by A. Voznesensky) sounds.
You wake me up at dawn
You will go out to see off without shoes.
You will never forget me
You will never see me.
Do not blink, watery from the wind
Hopeless brown cherries.
It's a bad omen to return
I will never see you.
And sway the meaningless heights
A couple of phrases flown from here:
I will never see you
I will never forget you.

The script for Valentine's Day for high school students is continued by the first presenter.
"All ages are submissive to love," Pushkin once said. And rightly so. Goethe, at 74, proposes to 19-year-old Ulrike. The famous Enrico Caruso was choked with sobs when he sang about love, the same sobs and tears choked the audience in the hall. Love is wings. No wonder they say: "All lovers are talented." We know examples of the true beauty of love - the only love for life, love not always divided, but uplifting and ennobling: Dante and Beatrice, Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, Arbenin and Nina, Chernyshevsky and Olga Sokratovna, Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova, Lermontov and Varenka Lopukhina ...
Not you, but fate was to blame
That soon you cheated on me.
She gave you the charms of women,
But she put a woman's heart.
Pain and sadness permeate these lines of Lermontov to Varenka Lopukhina. As a teenager, the poet met her in Moscow. The poet carried a strong feeling for this graceful and gentle woman throughout his life.

The scenario for Valentine's Day for high school students continues and on the screen is a portrait of Varenka Lopukhina by artist V.L. Borovikovsky.

Looking at this portrait, one involuntarily recalls Zabolotsky's verses:
Your eyes are like two mists
Half smile, half cry,
Your eyes are like two deceptions
Shrouded in the mist of failure.
A combination of two riddles:
Half-delight, half-frightened,
A fit of mad tenderness
Anticipation of mortal torment.
When darkness falls
And a thunderstorm is coming
From the bottom of my soul shimmer
Your beautiful eyes.
She was 18 years old when Borovikovsky painted a portrait from her. Soon she married Jägermeister Lopukhin, but she was unhappy. 6 years after her marriage, she died of consumption.
She has long passed -
And those eyes are gone
And that smile is not there
That they silently expressed
Suffering is a shadow of love
And thoughts are a shadow of sadness ...
But Borovikovsky saved her beauty.
So part of her soul
It didn't fly away from us:
And there will be this look
And this beauty of the body
Indifferent to her
Attract offspring,
Teaching him to love -
Suffer - forgive - be silent ...
Yakov Polonsky.

Almost two centuries have passed since the painting was painted. Generations and tastes have changed, and the portrait of Lopukhina is still attractive to us. We look at her face again and again. It worries, confuses. To her, a stranger's wife, his beloved, Lermontov dedicated lines written a few days before his death:
No, I do not love you so ardently,
Your glory is not for me:
I love in you the past suffering
And my lost youth.
When sometimes I look at you
Looking into your eyes with a long gaze:
Mysterious I am engaged in conversation.
But I'm not talking to you with my heart.
I'm talking to a friend of my early days
I'm looking for other features in your features,
The lips of the living have long been dumb,
In the eyes, the fire of extinguished eyes ...

A song from the repertoire of M. Zvezdinsky is played.
Not funny, not sad,
As if descended from a dark sky,
You and my wedding song
And my star is crazy.
I'll bend over your knees
I will embrace them with fierce strength,
And tears and poems
I will burn you, bitter, dear.
Open my midnight face
Let me enter these heavy eyes,
In those black oriental eyebrows,
In these hands are your half-naked.
What will increase will not decrease
What will not come true - will be forgotten.
Why are you crying, beauty?
Or is it just my imagination?

“Love is just a drop of poison on the sharp sting of beauty,” said the ancients. Indeed, in historical sources you can find many examples of her omnipotent breathing. The beloved daughter of the Roman emperor Servius Tulia passionately fell in love with the young man, who himself dreamed of becoming an emperor. And when he kills her father in the square in Rome, the daughter in a chariot at full gallop runs over the body of the murdered emperor. Yes! Under the onslaught of a strong, attractive, but vicious passion, mind and will weaken.
Love, in my opinion, is war
Where the battle roars the battle.
Don't cry.
If she
Will involuntarily be rude to you!
Love, in my opinion, is a springboard
The five senses are my soldiers.
And I, the sullen army commander,
I shout:
- Be brave, guys!
Tell me who is not rude in battle,
But this is not the point!
Struck down by the power of women's lips,
I wage war skillfully.
The eyes grow huge.
They frighten with a dull sheen.
Forward! Another redoubt -
And we have no one to fight with!
Blood is rolling, behind the shaft is a shaft,
Heart thunders march.
Head bent to one side.
Hooray! The head is ours!
And the night flies like a moment, like an hour,
Then at a trot
That is a career.
Five winged senses, hot,
Breaking down all barriers.
And the day, and I - all ahead.
I look around, confused,
And I feel that, having won,
Remained defeated!
In one of the ancient parables, it is told how a wanderer once met with the Plague and asks:
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to Baghdad, I need to kill 10 thousand people.
A few days later, the same wanderer meets the Plague again.
- You said that you would kill 10 thousand, but you killed only 5 thousand.
- Yes, I ruined 5 thousand, and the rest were saved by love.
You are alive, you are alive!
Flame and lava did not burn you,
Not covered with ashes, but only barely touched.
You're alive like grass
That had no right to fade.
You will be in the snow too
Green and late Pokrova,
And over my grave
You will rise as posthumous glory
And there will be no me -
You will stay forever alive.
Don't say words
And in response, only nod majestically -
Smile and nod
So that the empty rumor fell silent.
You are alive, you are alive
You are my joy and country,
Every hour on earth -
This is the hour of your celebration!
L. Martynov.

The phonogram on the verses of V. Vysotsky sounds.
When the water of the worldwide flood
Returned again to the borders of the coast,
From the foam of the outgoing stream
Lyubov quietly got out on land.
And disappeared into the air before the deadline,
And the deadline was forty-forties ...
The presenter continues the script for Valentine's Day for high school students
Love is based on 3 drives - mind, soul and body. Their unity is the basis of happiness and love. True love is not only a feeling, but also an action aimed at loving and being loved.
Longing of love, bitter honey,
Lips also keep your smack.
Not everyone, maybe, will understand
That there are monogamous people in the world.
But whoever understands - that is the whole century
Spring and youth will dream
When the noisy, fast rivers
Birds call out to each other.
May life pass year after year
And the funeral trumpets will sound.
Longing love bitter honey
Pass from one generation to another
In a kiss goodbye lips.
N. Rylenkov.

The presenters invite everyone present to compete in who knows how many proverbs and sayings about love.
Without a loved one, the world is hateful.
Would be nice to our liking, we will live in a hut.
True love neither burns in fire, nor drowns in water.
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
He who loves whom, that and doves.
You can't buy love with gold.
Though bread and water, but dear to you ...

The song "First Love" sounds to verses by L. Kretov, muses. A. Mazhukova.
In the waltz of the falling leaves
Autumn is golden ...
Girl and boy
Together - thirty-eight ...
Cycle of stars
Frozen in the moonlight
And love goes
Quiet across the planet.
Didn't you wander like that?
Didn't you love so much?
Take care, do not scare away
First love, first love!
Don't whisper, deadwood.
At the edge of the garden, -
Even the most gentle
Do not waste words, do not.
Be patient, don't sing.
Fidget wind,
Let love go
Embracing the planet!
Late or early
The gray will sparkle ...
In the morning gold-woven
Autumn will repeat ...
Years, don't get cold
Of their heart springs
Let them even be
Three times thirty-eight!

Love! The world blooms from her, the eyes and hearts of lovers are lit up. The ancient Greeks invented such a legend. Young Pan - the god of forests and meadows - once met a beautiful river nymph Sirenga - a gentle messenger of the morning dawn. For a long time he admired her gentle grace and beauty, forgot even about his amusements. The pan decided to speak to Sirenga, but she, frightened, ran away. Pan ran after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple, white flowers. So Sirenga became a lilac. Lilac bushes smell sweet at night when the time of lovers comes.
The fragrant sea is dizzy.
A girl opened the window to a knock,
Swung to a guy easier than an easy song
And with thin brushes of gentle hands
Took his face with lilacs together.
M. Beketova.

The song "Lilac" sounds to the verses of A. Safronov, muses. Yu. Milyutin.
Blooming lilac-bird cherry in the garden
To my misfortune, to my misfortune.
I walk in the garden, I walk
Yes, I look at the flowers, I look,
But in no way in flowers, in flowers
I won't find cute.
I won't find cute
Oh I won't find
So that I can find her sooner.
Apparently, all the flowers will have to be cut off,
Don't bother my love
Love you kiss,
Love you kiss,
Oh, kiss.
Only I touched the flower with my hand.
I hear the voice of my beloved, dear:
Leave the lilac, leave it
Yes, let it bloom, bloom,
Better we are in the garden, in the garden
Let us hide with you
Together with you.

Love is different: happy and bitter, mutual and unrequited, love-joy and love-suffering. But true love always elevates a person, makes him better.
According to an ancient Russian legend, the sea princess Volkhova fell in love with Sadko, and he gave his heart to the favorite of the fields and forests, Lyubava. The saddened Volkhova went ashore and began to cry. And where her tears fell, lilies of the valley grew - a symbol of love and sadness.

The song "Lilies of the Valley" sounds to the words of O. Fadeeva, muses. O. Feltsman. And in the continuation of the script for Valentine's Day at school, the following words sound.

On a clear and moonless night, the firmament is strewn with thousands of stars. Some shine like diamonds, others are barely visible. They send their distant light to the lovers. A man in love created poetic myths and legends about these mysterious stars. Here is one of them. Far, far away at the southern end of the earth was the flourishing country of Ethiopia, ruled by King Cepheus and his wife, Queen Cassiopeia. They had an only daughter, Andromeda. She was more beautiful than sea nymphs (Nereids), who spun a fleece in the depths of the sea on golden spinning wheels. Cassiopeia boasted of her daughter's beauty everywhere. The ruler of the seas, the god Poseidon, was angry and sent an unprecedented calamity to Ethiopia. Every day from the stormy sea a terrible monster appeared - the Whale. From his huge mouth and terrible eyes flew out clouds of flame, which he spewed in all directions. Blooming Ethiopia could turn into a dead desert. Fear and horror gripped the inhabitants of the country. And they turned to the oracle with the question of how to save their country. And the oracle replied: "The whale will stop burning the country when King Cepheus gives him his only daughter Andromeda to be devoured." The parents sobbed for a long time, but submitted. Even before dawn began, they took their daughter to the seashore and chained her to a rock. A whale emerged from the depths of the sea. He opened his mouth wide, tongues of flame burst from there. Kit rushed to the girl, and Andromeda screamed ... Then Perseus rushed from heaven in winged sandals to help. He pierced the monster with his sword, but Kit became even more furious and spewed out a terrible flame. Then Perseus pulled out the head of Medusa the Gorgon from the magic bag and directed the eyes of Medusa to the monster. In an instant, the Kit turned into a huge rocky island in the middle of the stormy sea. Perseus freed Andromeda and took him to his father's palace. Happy parents gave their daughter in marriage to the hero. The gods turned the heroes of the legend into stars and lifted them up to heaven, where the constellations of Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Cetus and Perseus still shine.
Love, love is a mysterious word
Who could fully understand you?
Always in everything you are old or new,
The languor of spirit are you or grace?

Love to me -
Like shining
Stars over the world of evil.
Love to me -
As a confession
For good deeds.
So that the world
Was washed clean
The soul beats the alarm.
Love to me -
Like a prophecy
Calling ahead.
Love -
Like a thirst for truth.
As the right to eat and drink.
I may be the only one
Who knows how to love?
Orpheus was born in Thrace. He devoted himself to music, playing the lyre. Orpheus began to sing even more tenderly and better after he married Eurydice. But the happiness was short-lived. Once, while walking with her friends, Eurydice stepped on a snake and died. Orpheus grieved for a long time, from his sad songs nature plunged into despair, as if mourning Eurydice with him. Orpheus could not forget his beloved. He had no joy in life. He decided to go to the underworld and beg Hades to return Eurydice to him. Orpheus descended to the sacred river Styx, but the carrier Charon refused to transport him, because he transported only the dead to the kingdom of shadows. Orpheus played on his golden lyre, Charon listened and did not notice how Orpheus climbed into the boat and drove it to the other side.
Orpheus sang and played for Hades. He sang about his pain and suffering, about a life that is unbearable without love. Hades agreed to return Eurydice to the kingdom of the living, but on condition that Orpheus, when he follows Hermes from the underworld, should not look back, otherwise Eurydice will forever remain in the underworld. Orpheus agreed. They started off. There was deathly silence around, no steps were heard. Orpheus forgot that Eurydice is still an ethereal shadow, so he could not hear her steps. Looking back, he saw the shadow of Eurydice, which immediately disappeared into the impenetrable darkness of the kingdom of the dead. Again he began to beg Charon to transport him to Hades. For seven days and nights Orpheus played sad songs, but old Charon did not flinch. Orpheus returned to Thrace. For four years he did not sing and did not look at any girl. But one day in the spring, nature awakened him, and he began to sing. The drunken women who took part in the celebration in honor of the god of wine Bacchus came running to the sound of the song. One of them shouted: "Here he is, our enemy, a misogynist!" And they threw stones at Orpheus. In the underworld of the shadows, Orpheus and Eurydice met again, and nothing could separate them.
The gods turned Orpheus into a snow-white swan and lifted him to heaven - he became a constellation. His lyre became the constellation Lyra.

All who feel love in their hearts try to express it in some playful, funny or romantic way. English word"valentine" means both the beloved (beloved), who is elected on this day, and humorous love poems, which are composed especially for this day. Their shape, rhythm and size can be any, but the meaning is always the same: "Do you want to become my beloved?"

We have this holiday has acquired a more romantic character. For couples in love, this is an occasion to once again express their feelings openly, and for youth companies - to meet and spend time fun and interesting together, and the proposed scenario of the party for February 14 "About love and only about love!" will help in organizing such a holiday.


To decorate the hall useful: flowers, hearts, balloons, possibly posters.

For the competition program you will need:

- Tokens in the form of hearts - for rewarding in intermediate contests.

- Tight blindfolds and scarves to tie your hands for the "Find a Sweetheart" Contest

- Ribbons with inscriptions or medals for conferring titles:

"To the most ardent lover"

"The most grateful listener"

"To the most perspicacious"

"Star of the Society"

"The most hospitable"

Scenario of a youth party for February 14.

Leading: I would like to start this evening with poems by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"Night haze lies on the hills of Georgia

Aragva rustles before me.

I'm sad and easy; my sorrow is light;

My sorrow is full of you,

By you, by you alone ... of my despondency

Nothing torments, does not disturb,

That it cannot not love.

And the heart again burns and loves - because,

That it cannot but love ... "

Agree, it is difficult to say about this feeling better and stronger? But we talk today "About love, and only about love!" as we can. Tell me, are there those among you who, at the present moment, have "the heart burns and loves again"? Wonderful. Are there those among our guests who have not yet found their soul mate? Do not be sad, perhaps today you will have an amazing romantic acquaintance. For now, let's talk about love.

Auction of proverbs and sayings about love.

Leading: Friends, today is an amazing day, and therefore, I propose - to leave behind the doorstep everyday worries and plunge into the atmosphere of love. And first, remember the proverbs and sayings about love.

An auction is held - the name of the last phrase wins.

Leading: Based on how many proverbs and sayings we have remembered, we can conclude that Love in our hearts lives at the genetic level, this topic does not age and even in the folklore format is close to everyone, including the modern generation.

(Author's note, if proverbs were remembered quite a bit, then the words of the presenter may be as follows: “Yes, the world has changed dramatically, now the statuses of social services“ rule ”. Networks, not folk art... So let's remember together ”).

Leading: So, armed with folk wisdom, we begin our romantic journey. And where it will lead us depends on you. I will only add that you and I will try to confirm (or refute) some of the well-established expressions about love. Let's start with this one: "Women love with their ears, and men with their eyes."

"Recognition or" Do women love with their ears? "

Young men are invited to read their favorite love poem. The best reader, who received the most stormy applause, is awarded the title "The most ardent lover".

* It can be a joke medal or a tape with an inscription.

If a very (well, very!) Ardent listener happens, she can be awarded the title of "The most listenable lover" or "The most grateful listener"

"Find your beloved or" do men love with their eyes? "

Leading: We decided on the girls: they know how to listen, now it's the turn of the young people, who, according to folk proverb, "love with the eyes". And for this, girls are invited to the stage. I'll ask the young people to come out. Literally. (The boys go out to the next room, or behind the scenes)

Now, my dears, I ask you to spread out over the site so that the young man can calmly walk around you from all sides, if necessary, and so that you do not interfere with each other. Let me explain that now young people will try to identify every girl present here with blindfolds and hands, guided only by touch, intuition or head, who will guess, use her.

Young people receive explanations, and then, in turn, go out in search of a lady of the heart.

A competition is held - the winner is the one who guesses the largest number of participants in the competition

Leading: So, we have proved that a woman loves with her ears, and a man ...

- if a lot of girls have been guessed, then: “Although the proverb says that a man loves with his eyes, our applicants have proved the opposite. Almost all of our beauties have been guessed! Particularly distinguished was "NN", which is awarded the honorary title "The most perspicacious").

The girl who was recognized the fastest, and most of all, can be awarded the title of "Hollywood Stars" (Class, Group, Course, Runway, or, say, "Cream of Society")

"Feed your loved one or find a" way to a man's heart "

Leading: We will ask the young people to take their places at the tables, and we will take care of the girls. Finally! And for them I have prepared another proverb: "The way to a man's heart lies through him ..."

Girls in chorus: Stomach!

Leading: Yes friends! Alas, the STOMACH! And now you will have to work with this organ. Do not be afraid! Not with the stomach itself, but with its filling. Moreover, the content is virtual.

(To young people): You have small pieces of paper on your tables. Please write on them the menu of your lunch, consisting of the following dishes: salad, first, second, dessert. Please note that each dish must be written on a separate piece of paper.

(Help for organizers: if there are many guests, you can limit yourself to one dish).

Leading: And now the task for the girls, whose halves are present in this room: try to remember and name the favorite food of your chosen one.

The girl answers, the guy says: right or wrong. If the answer is the same, the guy gives his note to the girl who answered correctly.

Leading: Now let's give the floor to those girls whose hearts have not yet heard the reciprocal beating of their dear hearts. Perhaps, it is in this duel, where the heart is so closely intertwined with ... gastronomy, that she will hear the timid whisper of a kindred spirit?

At the end of the competition, the correct answers are calculated. The girl is awarded the title of "The most hospitable". If there is a young man, whose culinary preferences have not been guessed, he can be awarded the title of "The most fastidious" or simply "Real gourmet".

Leading: We continue our game "The Way to a Man ...". Agree, no matter how good the names of exquisite dishes sound, but "the nightingale is not fed with fables."

Leading: Now, my beauties, you have to feed your man in reality. For this I will ask young people to come to me. Tell me honestly what is the tastiest dish? (Answers follow.) This is what "young-green" means. The most delicious delicacy is the one from the hands of the Beloved! And if not from the hands, but from the mouth?

The game "Feed the beloved" is held

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, the girl is given a long chocolate bar, which she holds in her mouth by one tip, and the opposite one - the partner starts to eat at the command of the presenter. The winner is who will cope with the task ahead, if there are a lot of them, it means that the presenter in her comments should draw the girls' attention to this effective method feeding and announcing general applause.

"Understand your partner or eat a pound of salt"

Leading: Yes, feeding a sweetheart to a beloved and not even a very familiar man turned out to be an easy task, but, as, again, folk wisdom says, this does not help to recognize a person, for this you need with him that ... (guests answer) That's right, "eat a pound of salt"! I will not offer you salt, but it is within your power to guess the addictions of your counterpart. So, now each of you will try to answer three simple questions. And your partner (partner) will confirm or deny your statement

Questions for girls:

1. What football team does your chosen one root for?

2. What dish will your partner NOT eat (drink) for any money?

3. Is your betrothed's mother-in-law Nina Petrovna? If not, how?

4. What bird can be attributed to your beloved? (Owl or Lark?)

5. How many children would your boyfriend want to have?

Questions for young men:

1. What education does your girlfriend have?

2. How many brothers and sisters are there in your spouse's family?

3. Does your lady love pets?

4. What is the profession of the future father-in-law of your passion?

5. What will your girlfriend choose for shopping or a new exhibition?

"About love and only about love"

Leading: It is evident that you are well acquainted with your chosen ones. Honor and praise to you! And our program continues, and we continue to argue about what is Love, how to find it, and once you find it, not to lose it? After all, Love is not just entertainment, but a serious and eternal feeling that requires not only balls and hearts, but also great dedication. What is love? Love is a dream, Love is hope, Love is happiness, Love is a mystery and cognition at the same time. Think and say in one word: What is love? (guests answer)

(A hint for the presenter: You need to wait, or bring the respondents to the phrase: "Love is a fairy tale!" and conduct an impromptu fairy tale on the theme of love, you can watch.

Leading: Friends, it’s true, if you think about it, it’s not only fairy tales, but all literature, art, music about love and for the sake of love!

(Author's note: if the company is active, then you can rehash between the male and female halves of the hall - exchange lines from songs to get a conversation about love. You can also arrange a wall to wall dance, including in turn incendiary dance excerpts from songs, first for boys, then for girls - who will dance whom. If not, then you can complete the program on this)

Leading: And how great it is that now there is also a holiday about Love! And I would like to congratulate you on him, Happy Valentine's Day, and wholeheartedly wish you the Love that we all dream of: eternal, understanding, generous! And to end the evening with poetry, too, but by the 20th century poet Robert Rozhdestvensky.

It all starts with love ...

They say: "In the beginning was the word." And I proclaim again: It all starts with love!

It all starts with love: both illumination and work, the eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child - it all starts with love.

It all starts with love. With love! I know that for sure. Everything, even hatred, is a dear and eternal sister of love.

It all starts with love: dream and fear, wine and gunpowder. Tragedy, longing and heroism - everything starts with love.

Spring will whisper to you: "Live." And you will sway from a whisper. And straighten up. And you will begin. It all starts with love!