
A conspiracy from sores on the soles of the feet. Conspiracies from trophic ulcers (on request). How to talk to sore joints


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Skin diseases

How to lime warts

From a letter:

“I am thirty-six years old and still unmarried. I think it's because of my warts. I have so many that I can't count. In one place alone, eight pieces grow!

I beg you, if there is a prayer or a conspiracy that will save me from this scourge, please print it in your books. These books are priceless, because you can find so many useful things in them. God bless you and the publishers of this book good health for life. Yours respectfully, Kruglova T.

Tear off a thread from a ball of wool and tie as many knots on it as there are warts on your body (if you make a mistake even by one knot, there will be no sense in the ceremony). Take this thread with knots into the forest and tie it to the lower branch of the spruce. Immediately after this, cross yourself and say:

How true is that spruce

Adam's apple does not give birth,

So true is that from now on all warts

They fall away from my (name) body.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then quickly leave without looking back.

Conspiracy from thorns

In the morning, when the boards on the fence are still damp, remove a drop of dew from the third board from the corner of the fence with your little finger and anoint the spike with it, saying:

As the fence dries up from the dew,

So my (name) spike will dry up.

How to treat thorns

Go to the fence, count the third board from the corner and remove a drop of dew or rain from it. Apply this drop to the spike and say:

How will this drop dry up?

So the spike on my foot will die.


Another conspiracy from the spike

After mowing, remove dew drops from the scythe (lithuary) and anoint the spike with it. At the same time, you need to say:

The scythe mowed the grass,

And the water mowed down the spike.

Acne conspiracy

On Maundy Thursday, take Thursday's holy water and dip Thursday's salt and some silver thing into it. Then wash yourself with this water, saying:

My Mother Mother of God,

Bless me for a clean Thursday.

How holy and pure this water is,

So my beauty would be pure.

How pure and radiant this silver is,

So that the whole year would be for me, God's servant (name),

In perfect health and beauty.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Another conspiracy for acne

Helps get rid of acne and such a conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am going, the servant of God (name), from the bath to the east side,

Behind me is a fiery river, copper banks, an iron tyn.

The Mother of God is walking with me, with God's servant (name).

She met me from the bathhouse and asked:

- Have you, servant of God (name), washed away everything?

Be the servant of God (name) pure, strong for all time,

For all eternity, forever.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to reduce acne

Melt the bath hotter and read a special conspiracy over the water, which then wash your face. The conspiracy is as follows:

Key water, dear sister,

You communed with the red sun,

Blessed by a clear month,

Pure stars, almi dawns.

You walked, water, through dark forests,

Hurry, ran steep banks,

Through the white-flammable stone,

I washed my face every dawn, cleansed myself every minute.

Wash off me, servants of God (name),

All the dirt and all the sores.

Be, my face, light, ruddy,

Like deep water, like a high dawn.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from subcutaneous boils and ulcers

From a letter:

“Natalya Ivanovna, I beg you to pay attention to my letter, because this is a cry from the heart, and if you don’t help me, then I don’t know at all what to do. For the past six months I have been struggling with boils and can not do anything. Some go down and others come up. They gave me blood transfusions, prescribed hormonal drugs, injected strong antibiotics - all in vain. I don't even care about beauty anymore. Natalya Ivanovna, these boils are very painful. In general, I no longer have the strength to fight this scourge.

I accidentally bought your book, read it, and liked it so much that now I will definitely buy all the others and look forward to the next ones.

I beg you to print in your next book good plot from subcutaneous boils. Sincerely, Katya Popova, Moscow.

Find a knot in a wooden fence and, after urinating in a jar, pour your urine on this knot. Once done, say:

How my urine dries on the bitch

So on my body, the father-boil will die.

His children will die, his children will dry with him,

Godfathers, matchmakers, matchmakers and sons-in-law,

Daughters, granddaughters, grandchildren,

All pimples and pimples.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another very strong conspiracy from boils

It will help to cope with boils and such a conspiracy:

Step, my leg, step

Wave my hand, wave it

Get off my body

Everything that stuck to him hurt,

Everything that began to rot and ripened.

As my ring finger has no name,

So there is no place on my body for chiriu-viriu.

Do not get sick chiry-viry, do not blush,

Not yellower chiry-viry, not blue.

So that you wither, turn black, dry up and not get sick.

As the right foot firmly sticks to the ground,

So true that from now on

Chiriy-viry will heal on my body.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from scabs on the body

Heat the bath and, entering it to take a steam bath, cross yourself with a piece of black bread. Then put this bread into the water with which you will rinse for the last time. When you begin to wipe yourself, then read this conspiracy:

My bathhouse, parushka, pure homie,

Washed me, steamed me,

Improved my health

She brought beauty, removed the bones.

How easily water flows from a goose,

So quickly let me leave

Dirt, dryness, scab, aches.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

What to do if your heels are cracked

From a letter:

“I think there are many people with similar problems. The fact is that the skin on my heels bursts, the cracks are constantly bleeding, and I can’t do anything about it. What tools have you just not tried! Maybe you can give me some advice? Thank you in advance, Dora Makimova, Kamyshinsk.”

Buy cedar cones and boil them whole with nuts and husks. When the cones become soft, add lard to them and calcine it all on the stove. You will end up with a reddish mixture. Let it cool, and then apply a thick layer on the heels. First, put on cotton socks from above, and woolen socks on them. The course of treatment is 1 week. After that, you will forever forget about your problem.

Conspiracy for eczema

I receive a lot of letters in which people ask me to teach a conspiracy for eczema and give some recipe to help cope with this ailment.

A plot for eczema is read against a strong wind. His words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Carry, wind-breeze,

From west to east

Where there is a light in the window.

There, a woman is spinning a thin woolen thread.

Let her thread break

My eczema will go away.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Very good for eczema helps fresh viburnum juice. Dampen gauze with juice and place it on the affected areas of the skin. Keep the compress for 15 minutes, then remove the gauze, but do not wash off the juice, but let it dry.

Take a hot bath before bed apple cider vinegar. After the bath, gently dry yourself with a towel and smear the sores with birch tar at night. Repeat this procedure for a week every day, and at first the scabs will dry and fall off, and then the redness will also go away.

How to whisper a rash (flying fire)

In my previous books, I have already talked about how to speak flying fire. However, as I promised you, my dear readers and students, I will share with you everything that I know and can do myself, so I continue to publish various conspiracies that help in the treatment of the same diseases.

For those who do not know what flying fire is, I will talk a little about this disease. Flying fire is called red spots, similar to inflamed lichen. Usually they appear around the mouth, near the wings of the nose, less often on the forehead, at the base of the hair. This ailment is not easy to treat, and doctors very often themselves advise patients to seek help from grandmothers, that is, healers.

Here is one way. In the evening, at sunset, ask the patient to stand facing the west, and read the following conspiracy in a whisper:

Oh, you, dawn-lightning, red maiden,

Take your fiery work, give me a body without redness.

I speak (the name of the healer) from the heat,

Flying fire, painful body,

From the Christmas tree tree, from the birch tree, from the aspen tree,

From the buckthorn tree, from all the holy trees.

The droplet melts on the rays, the flying fire disappears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from red spots on the skin

If red spots appeared on your body, then at dawn, read a special conspiracy over water, which then wash and rinse your whole body. The conspiracy is this:

Water you are my water - red maiden,

You walk along steep banks,

On the sand and on the pebbles,

You wash, water, foam, underwater roots,

Sharpening stones, cleaning, whitewashing,

You heal the sick.

Rinse, roll, rinse from me, from God's servant (name),

All sorrows, all diseases:

Night, day, forged,

From clear eyes, from black eyebrows,

With a zealous heart.

You, water, depth,

And on my body it is bleached.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from a trophic ulcer

Take a handful of poppy seeds and count exactly seventy-seven seeds. Holding them in your fist, go to the crossroads on foot, where you throw poppy seeds against the wind and say:

Seventy-seven evil spirits and half-spirits,

You fly everywhere, you go everywhere,

You collect tribute from sinners.

Take all the plagues from me

Carry them high, leave them far from me.

Throw on an empty, dry field,

In a rotten, dead expanse.

Leave my ulcers there

Do not return them to me.

And be you, my words, strong,

To poppy gray molding.

Go, word, word, go, business, business,

For everything said to come true

The word has grown together with the deed.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Plot from ulcers with varicose veins

The healer should bend over the wound so that his breath touches the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and, without interrupting, slowly, in an undertone, read the following conspiracy:

On the sea, on the ocean stands

Maiden - water right hand,

She does not suffer, she does not know pain, ailment,

Blood does not flow from her, her skin does not tear,

She does not crook, does not pull, her soul does not get tired,

Lives for centuries

Blooms day by day.

Peace below, peace above

Peace in the brain, in her zealous heart,

Peace in the liver of the father-in-law.

So is the servant of God (name)

You can't touch sickness

Do not hurt her wounds, do not grieve her body,

The veins are overgrown, the wreaths do not suffer.

My word, go to the word

And help the servant of God (name).

Peace below, peace above.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Conspiracy from erysipelas on the legs

This conspiracy is read by the patient himself for seven consecutive evenings, and on the eighth day the erysipelas on the legs should pass. Conspiracy words such:

The Most Pure Mother of God walked

She got up and saw me

Whispered three words:

"It's better to be worthless"

God help me,

To make my face go away.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from erysipelas on legs

Cover your leg with a red rag, cross yourself and say:

Twelve faces, twelve sisters:

Night, day, morning, noon,

Sham, red, bone, evil eye,

Unhappy, dray, blue, cold,

Your will is beyond anyone's control.

You yourself come uninvited,

You go yourself

You hate yourself, you have mercy on yourself.

Come on, mug, get off this skin

To distant fields, high forests,

On mosses, on swamps, on white birch.

Not that you, mug, Vasily Kosaretsky will beat,

It will burn, your navels will scatter on all sides.

Here you, faces, do not be,

Don't make a nest

Do not dry the servant of God (name),

Do not chill the heart, do not crush the body.

Be, my words, agile, conspiratorial

For now, for eternity, for eternity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from faces (red and blue)

Erysipelas are red and blue. It usually affects the legs, but it can also appear on the arms. Red face is considered the worst, as it does not go away for a long time and hurts a lot.

When they speak a red face, they take a red rag - linen or cotton (silk fabric is unsuitable in this case). If they speak a blue face, then they take a blue rag, but it should also be linen or cotton. After that, a special plot is read over the rag and wrapped around the leg for exactly one week.

Conspiracy from the red face

On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan,

There is an oak-starodub.

There are twelve faces on that oak tree:

Blue mug, red mug, fake mug,

The face of a demon, the face of a wonderful,

Prodigal erysipelas, ocular erysipelas,

Funny mug, dray mug, windy mug,

Mug hastily, and mug on laughter -

All the faces of the servant of God (name) are worthless.

Go, faces, to where the gates are open for you,

There they are waiting for you,

They are greeted with bread and salt.

Kings David and Constantine cut earth and sky,

Reduce the illness of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from blue faces

First time, good afternoon,

I pronounce, the servant of God (name), I give birth to a blue one.

I'm talking, I'm talking

I'm talking with a blue face:

“You, mug, wind, blue, fake,

Watery, painful, combustible,

peeping, peeping,

You, mug, calm down,

Reduce by three-quarters."

The Most Pure Mother of God herself stood,

With her lips she blessed my words,

From the servant of God (name) drove away the blue face.

Come out, mug, come out, mug,

From the servant of God (name), from her body is white,

So that it does not ache under you and does not hurt.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.


Conspiracy from erysipelas on the face

God help me,

God bless.

Painful erysipelas, prickly erysipelas,

Come out, mug, from my body,

So that it does not burn and does not sting.

Erysipelas, I am to you with a word,

And God is with you.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Eye diseases
How to reprimand tearfulness

It happens that a person starts to cry for no reason (for example, on the street from the wind, etc.). I will teach you, my dear readers and students, how to reprimand tearfulness. This conspiracy helps very quickly. Cover the head of the person who has addressed you with a tablecloth and put your left hand on the top of his head. Cross yourself with your right hand and say:

Stone water, spring water, eye water,

Go to the river, to the ocean-sea,

Tear off the eyes of the servant of God (name),

With river water, clean, spring, take it away,

Any illness, get away from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.


Conspiracy from strabismus

Looking through the sunset wedding ring, tell:

The sun to the west, the day to the end,

Kosina in the eye to exhaust.

Key to my words, lock to my deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to restore vision in diabetes

Draw a cross in each corner of your house, while pronouncing the following conspiracy words:

How the devil will not take God's cross in his hands,

So my vision will not go away from me.

I would also advise taking an infusion of wheatgrass roots (1 tablespoon of wheatgrass per I glass of boiling water).

Conspiracy for keen eyes

From a letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, my sister Asya and I are twins. We are very similar to each other, but all the sores we have are also the same. Seven years ago, Asya began to complain about her eyes: her eyesight was rapidly deteriorating. And after a while, I began to see badly.

I recently noticed that my sister no longer wears glasses. I was surprised and asked her what was the matter. Then I found out that she wrote you a letter and you sent her a conspiracy, after reading which she got rid of her vision problem.

I asked her to teach me this plot, but she did not do this: she said that she did not know whether it was possible to tell others about this, and advised me to write to you.

Asya has always considered me eye-catching, although I do not agree with this. In short, that is why she did not immediately tell me about your letter. I beg you very much to teach me the same plot that you sent to my sister. Thanks in advance, I love you very much. Luda.

To improve vision, first read the prayer, and then three times in a row a special conspiracy.


Oh, holy saints of God, Cyprian with Justina! By a good feat, those who were tied up on earth rose up in Heaven the crowns of truth, and the Lord prepared them for all those who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy images, we rejoice in the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, understand our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, oh hedgehog forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrow, illness, troubles and misfortunes and all secret evil. Let us live piously and righteously in this present age and be worthy of your intercession, if we are not worthy to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His Saints, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


An old blind man walked along the road,

A bough fell from an oak tree under his feet.

As from a dry branch there is no fruit

And they do not go to a dry stream for water,

Ore is not visible in the dark,

So the servant of God (name) does not have blindness.

Lord, help, Lord, repeat:

As ore is not visible in the night,

The headless rooster has a head,

So the servant of God (name) would not have been blind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.


If you suffer from pain in the eyes

Before sunrise, collect dew in the field and wash her eyes, saying:

Holy moisture, God's dear water,

Clear my eyes, go, my prayer, to Heaven,

Lord God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit.


To keep your eyes from getting inflamed, drink fresh carrot juice. It is also useful to make compresses from warm potatoes wrapped in gauze, or compresses from sauerkraut.

What to do if the eyelids become inflamed

From a letter:

“For as long as I can remember, I always go with red eyes. The eyelids swell, the edges become inflamed and itchy unbearably. Moreover, I don’t have allergies, I know this for sure, since I have already gone through a bunch of examinations. What can be done in my case?

Most likely, you have blepharitis, which develops against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia and hypovitaminosis. Blepharitis can also be caused by worms.

In any case, castor oil infused oil will definitely help you (by the way, it is used to make Castor oil). Therefore, if you have no time to prepare the oil yourself or you do not know where to get castor oil, you can use regular castor oil: you can easily buy it at any pharmacy.

To get rid of your ailment, lubricate your eyelids with this oil at night - and that's it.

However, this way you will not eliminate the root cause of the disease, and this must be done in any case. And you can also read about how to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or get rid of worms in my books.

How to speak an eyesore

Put your hand on the patient's head and read the following conspiracy forty times in a row:

In the middle of the forest stands an oak tree,

There is a dry bough on that oak.

There are two Orla Orlovichs on this branch,

They fight fiercely, claws, wings beat,

They cling to each other,

But they don't touch their eyes.

Let the thorn not touch

The eye of the servant of God (name).


Conspiracy from barley

Looking at the sunset, say these conspiracy words:

Light to light, dawn to dawn,

And you, barley, wither and die.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

hearing problems
Conspiracy from ringing in the ears

From a letter:

“Dear, my dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am a pensioner, I am seventy-two years old. It would seem that I lived a lot, but I didn’t notice how my life flew by, as if I didn’t live at all. I now have a lot of all sorts of diseases, doctors don’t help much, but I’m not offended, because they can’t change my old organs for new ones. I find consolation in your books - they are wise and very kind. It's not scary to live with them. Sometimes something breaks, it hurts - I immediately read prayers or conspiracies, and immediately it gets better. Kudos to you for everything you do. And here's what I want to ask you. For some time now I have been plagued by ringing in my ears. It rings so loud that I can't hear what they say to me. I'm already exhausted. Doctors prescribed some pills, but they were of no use. I did not find a suitable plot in your books, and maybe I overlooked it. Respect me, old, print a conspiracy from ringing in the ears. Don't send me a letter, I don't have a mailbox - the hooligans removed it and threw it away. I bow and hope for a pleasant surprise - to see my letter in your book. What a gift this would be for me, you have no idea. Matrena Filippovna Buldakova.

Dear Matrena Filippovna, as you requested, I am publishing in this book a conspiracy to get rid of ringing in the ears. Here's what you need to do. Three days after any church holiday, go to the temple and wait for the bells to ring, after which you will need to immediately cross yourself three times and say:

Like a blind man does not see the temple of God,

Like a deaf bell ringing does not hear,

So that I don't hear the ringing in my ears,

Never suffered from headaches.

From now on, for centuries and for all bright times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you find it difficult to learn a plot by heart, then you can read it from a book.

We will try to answer the question in detail: a prayer for healing from trophic ulcers on the site: the site is for our esteemed readers.

Take a handful of poppy seeds and count exactly seventy-seven seeds. Clutching them in your fist, go to the crossroads on foot, where you throw poppy seeds against the wind and say the incantation words:

You fly everywhere, you go everywhere,

You collect tribute from sinners.

Take all the plagues from me

In a rotten, dead expanse.

Leave my ulcers there

And be you, my words, strong,

To poppy gray molding.

For everything said to come true

The word has grown together with the deed.

Prayer for healing from trophic ulcers

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From the city of Jerusalem comes

Lord Jesus Christ.

He came to the world without motherly pain,

The Mother of God gave birth to him, without groaning,

Nobody heard about it.

So the servant of God (name) would not hurt the bones,

They did not mourn and did not creak.

He would walk straight, quickly,

Without pain, without unnecessary illness,

He didn't stumble, he didn't stumble between his legs.

God bless my words

And strengthen, O God, my works.

Word, go to the word, deed, go to deed,

So that the servant of God (name) does not hurt anything.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Skin diseases

“I am thirty-six years old and still unmarried. I think it's because of my warts. I have so many that I can't count. In one place alone, eight pieces grow!

I beg you, if there is a prayer or a conspiracy that will save me from this scourge, please print it in your books. These books are priceless, because you can find so many useful things in them. May God bless you and the publishers of this book with good health for life. Yours respectfully, Kruglova T.

Tear off a thread from a ball of wool and tie as many knots on it as there are warts on your body (if you make a mistake even by one knot, there will be no sense in the ceremony). Take this thread with knots into the forest and tie it to the lower branch of the spruce. Immediately after this, cross yourself and say:

How true is that spruce

Adam's apple does not give birth,

So true is that from now on all warts

They fall away from my (name) body.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then quickly leave without looking back.

Conspiracy from thorns

As the fence dries up from the dew,

So my (name) spike will dry up.

How to treat thorns

How will this drop dry up?

So the spike on my foot will die.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Another conspiracy from the spike

The scythe mowed the grass,

And the water mowed down the spike.

Acne conspiracy

My Mother Mother of God,

Bless me for a clean Thursday.

How holy and pure this water is,

So my beauty would be pure.

How pure and radiant this silver is,

So that the whole year would be for me, God's servant (name),

In perfect health and beauty.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another conspiracy for acne

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am going, the servant of God (name), from the bath to the east side,

Behind me is a fiery river, copper banks, an iron tyn.

The Mother of God is walking with me, with God's servant (name).

She met me from the bathhouse and asked:

- Have you, servant of God (name), washed away everything?

Be the servant of God (name) pure, strong for all time,

For all eternity, forever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to reduce acne

Key water, dear sister,

You communed with the red sun,

Blessed by a clear month,

Pure stars, almi dawns.

You walked, water, through dark forests,

Hurry, ran steep banks,

Through the white-flammable stone,

I washed my face every dawn, cleansed myself every minute.

Wash off me, servants of God (name),

All the dirt and all the sores.

Be, my face, light, ruddy,

Like deep water, like a high dawn.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from subcutaneous boils and ulcers

“Natalya Ivanovna, I beg you to pay attention to my letter, because this is a cry from the heart, and if you don’t help me, then I don’t know at all what to do. For the past six months I have been struggling with boils and can not do anything. Some go down and others come up. They gave me blood transfusions, prescribed hormonal drugs, injected strong antibiotics - all in vain. I don't even care about beauty anymore. Natalya Ivanovna, these boils are very painful. In general, I no longer have the strength to fight this scourge.

I accidentally bought your book, read it, and liked it so much that now I will definitely buy all the others and look forward to the next ones.

I beg you to print in your next book a good conspiracy from subcutaneous boils. Sincerely, Katya Popova, Moscow.

Find a knot in a wooden fence and, after urinating in a jar, pour your urine on this knot. Once done, say:

How my urine dries on the bitch

So on my body, the father-boil will die.

His children will die, his children will dry with him,

Godfathers, matchmakers, matchmakers and sons-in-law,

Daughters, granddaughters, grandchildren,

All pimples and pimples.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another very strong conspiracy from boils

Step, my leg, step

Wave my hand, wave it

Get off my body

Everything that stuck to him hurt,

Everything that began to rot and ripened.

As my ring finger has no name,

So there is no place on my body for chiriu-viriu.

Do not get sick chiry-viry, do not blush,

Not yellower chiry-viry, not blue.

So that you wither, turn black, dry up and not get sick.

As the right foot firmly sticks to the ground,

So true that from now on

Chiriy-viry will heal on my body.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from scabs on the body

My bathhouse, parushka, pure homie,

Washed me, steamed me,

Improved my health

She brought beauty, removed the bones.

How easily water flows from a goose,

So quickly let me leave

Dirt, dryness, scab, aches.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

What to do if your heels are cracked

“I think there are many people with similar problems. The fact is that the skin on my heels bursts, the cracks are constantly bleeding, and I can’t do anything about it. What tools have you just not tried! Maybe you can give me some advice? Thank you in advance, Dora Makimova, Kamyshinsk.”

Buy cedar cones and boil them whole with nuts and husks. When the cones become soft, add lard to them and calcine it all on the stove. You will end up with a reddish mixture. Let it cool, and then apply a thick layer on the heels. First, put on cotton socks from above, and woolen socks on them. The course of treatment is 1 week. After that, you will forever forget about your problem.

Conspiracy for eczema

A plot for eczema is read against a strong wind. His words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From west to east

Where there is a light in the window.

There, a woman is spinning a thin woolen thread.

Let her thread break

My eczema will go away.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Very good for eczema helps fresh viburnum juice. Dampen gauze with juice and place it on the affected areas of the skin. Keep the compress for 15 minutes, then remove the gauze, but do not wash off the juice, but let it dry.

Take a hot bath with apple cider vinegar before bed. After the bath, gently dry yourself with a towel and smear the sores with birch tar at night. Repeat this procedure for a week every day, and at first the scabs will dry and fall off, and then the redness will also go away.

How to whisper a rash (flying fire)

For those who do not know what flying fire is, I will talk a little about this disease. Flying fire is called red spots, similar to inflamed lichen. Usually they appear around the mouth, near the wings of the nose, less often on the forehead, at the base of the hair. This ailment is not easy to treat, and doctors very often themselves advise patients to seek help from grandmothers, that is, healers.

Here is one way. In the evening, at sunset, ask the patient to stand facing the west, and read the following conspiracy in a whisper:

Oh, you, dawn-lightning, red maiden,

Take your fiery work, give me a body without redness.

I speak (the name of the healer) from the heat,

Flying fire, painful body,

From the Christmas tree tree, from the birch tree, from the aspen tree,

From the buckthorn tree, from all the holy trees.

The droplet melts on the rays, the flying fire disappears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from red spots on the skin

Water you are my water - red maiden,

You walk along steep banks,

On the sand and on the pebbles,

You wash, water, foam, underwater roots,

Sharpening stones, cleaning, whitewashing,

Rinse, roll, rinse from me, from God's servant (name),

All sorrows, all diseases:

Night, day, forged,

From clear eyes, from black eyebrows,

With a zealous heart.

You, water, depth,

And on my body it is bleached.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from a trophic ulcer

Seventy-seven evil spirits and half-spirits,

You fly everywhere, you go everywhere,

You collect tribute from sinners.

Take all the plagues from me

Carry them high, leave them far from me.

Throw on an empty, dry field,

In a rotten, dead expanse.

Leave my ulcers there

Do not return them to me.

And be you, my words, strong,

To poppy gray molding.

Go, word, word, go, business, business,

For everything said to come true

The word has grown together with the deed.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Plot from ulcers with varicose veins

On the sea, on the ocean stands

Maiden - water right hand,

She does not suffer, she does not know pain, ailment,

Blood does not flow from her, her skin does not tear,

She does not crook, does not pull, her soul does not get tired,

Blooms day by day.

Peace below, peace above

Peace in the brain, in her zealous heart,

Peace in the liver of the father-in-law.

So is the servant of God (name)

You can't touch sickness

Do not hurt her wounds, do not grieve her body,

The veins are overgrown, the wreaths do not suffer.

My word, go to the word

And help the servant of God (name).

Peace below, peace above.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy from erysipelas on the legs

The Most Pure Mother of God walked

She got up and saw me

Whispered three words:

To make my face go away.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from erysipelas on legs

Twelve faces, twelve sisters:

Night, day, morning, noon,

Sham, red, bone, evil eye,

Unhappy, dray, blue, cold,

Your will is beyond anyone's control.

You yourself come uninvited,

You hate yourself, you have mercy on yourself.

Come on, mug, get off this skin

To distant fields, high forests,

On mosses, on swamps, on white birch.

Not that you, mug, Vasily Kosaretsky will beat,

It will burn, your navels will scatter on all sides.

Here you, faces, do not be,

Do not dry the servant of God (name),

Do not chill the heart, do not crush the body.

Be, my words, agile, conspiratorial

For now, for eternity, for eternity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from faces (red and blue)

When they speak a red face, they take a red rag - linen or cotton (silk fabric is unsuitable in this case). If they speak a blue face, then they take a blue rag, but it should also be linen or cotton. After that, a special plot is read over the rag and wrapped around the leg for exactly one week.

Conspiracy from the red face

There are twelve faces on that oak tree:

Blue mug, red mug, fake mug,

The face of a demon, the face of a wonderful,

Prodigal erysipelas, ocular erysipelas,

Funny mug, dray mug, windy mug,

Mug hastily, and mug on laughter -

All the faces of the servant of God (name) are worthless.

Go, faces, to where the gates are open for you,

There they are waiting for you,

They are greeted with bread and salt.

Kings David and Constantine cut earth and sky,

Reduce the illness of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from blue faces

I pronounce, the servant of God (name), I give birth to a blue one.

I'm talking with a blue face:

“You, mug, wind, blue, fake,

Watery, painful, combustible,

Reduce by three-quarters."

The Most Pure Mother of God herself stood,

With her lips she blessed my words,

From the servant of God (name) drove away the blue face.

Come out, mug, come out, mug,

From the servant of God (name), from her body is white,

So that it does not ache under you and does not hurt.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from erysipelas on the face

Painful erysipelas, prickly erysipelas,

Come out, mug, from my body,

So that it does not burn and does not sting.

Erysipelas, I am to you with a word,

And God is with you.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Eye diseases

How to reprimand tearfulness

Stone water, spring water, eye water,

Go to the river, to the ocean-sea,

Tear off the eyes of the servant of God (name),

With river water, clean, spring, take it away,

Any illness, get away from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from strabismus

The sun to the west, the day to the end,

Kosina in the eye to exhaust.

Key to my words, lock to my deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to restore vision in diabetes

How the devil will not take God's cross in his hands,

So my vision will not go away from me.

I would also advise taking an infusion of wheatgrass roots (1 tablespoon of wheatgrass per I glass of boiling water).

Conspiracy for keen eyes

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, my sister Asya and I are twins. We are very similar to each other, but all the sores we have are also the same. Seven years ago, Asya began to complain about her eyes: her eyesight was rapidly deteriorating. And after a while, I began to see badly.

I recently noticed that my sister no longer wears glasses. I was surprised and asked her what was the matter. Then I found out that she wrote you a letter and you sent her a conspiracy, after reading which she got rid of her vision problem.

I asked her to teach me this plot, but she did not do this: she said that she did not know whether it was possible to tell others about this, and advised me to write to you.

Asya has always considered me eye-catching, although I do not agree with this. In short, that is why she did not immediately tell me about your letter. I beg you very much to teach me the same plot that you sent to my sister. Thanks in advance, I love you very much. Luda.

To improve vision, first read the prayer, and then three times in a row a special conspiracy.

Oh, holy saints of God, Cyprian with Justina! By a good feat, those who were tied up on earth rose up in Heaven the crowns of truth, and the Lord prepared them for all those who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy images, we rejoice in the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, understand our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, oh hedgehog forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrow, illness, troubles and misfortunes and all secret evil. Let us live piously and righteously in this present age and be worthy of your intercession, if we are not worthy to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His Saints, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

An old blind man walked along the road,

A bough fell from an oak tree under his feet.

As from a dry branch there is no fruit

And they do not go to a dry stream for water,

Ore is not visible in the dark,

So the servant of God (name) does not have blindness.

Lord, help, Lord, repeat:

As ore is not visible in the night,

The headless rooster has a head,

So the servant of God (name) would not have been blind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

If you suffer from pain in the eyes

Holy moisture, God's dear water,

Clear my eyes, go, my prayer, to Heaven,

Lord God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

To keep your eyes from getting inflamed, drink fresh carrot juice. It is also useful to make compresses from warm potatoes wrapped in gauze, or compresses from sauerkraut.

What to do if the eyelids become inflamed

“For as long as I can remember, I always go with red eyes. The eyelids swell, the edges become inflamed and itchy unbearably. Moreover, I don’t have allergies, I know this for sure, since I have already gone through a bunch of examinations. What can be done in my case?

Most likely, you have blepharitis, which develops against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia and hypovitaminosis. Blepharitis can also be caused by worms.

In any case, castor bean oil will definitely help you (by the way, castor oil is made from it). Therefore, if you have no time to prepare the oil yourself or you do not know where to get castor oil, you can use regular castor oil: you can easily buy it at any pharmacy.

To get rid of your ailment, lubricate your eyelids with this oil at night - and that's it.

However, this way you will not eliminate the root cause of the disease, and this must be done in any case. And you can also read about how to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or get rid of worms in my books.

How to speak an eyesore

In the middle of the forest stands an oak tree,

There is a dry bough on that oak.

There are two Orla Orlovichs on this branch,

They fight fiercely, claws, wings beat,

This article contains: a prayer for a leg conspiracy so that trophic wounds do not hurt - the information is taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

In ancient times, it was believed that wounds could heal with time. But the one who believes in such statements is a little stupid, because every person knows that wounds heal for a very long time. In order to get rid of an unpleasant wound or cut, you should spend not only your own time, but also money. If waiting is not for you, then you should use magical powers. Perfect option is a conspiracy to heal wounds.

Conspiracies for wound healing

A conspiracy to heal wounds, if read correctly, will help heal even spiritual wounds. It was created many centuries ago when medicine was unable to help man. In the old days, people tried to seek help from healers or healers, because only they were able to heal any injury on the body or soul.

What is the meaning of such rituals

A large number of people visited healers to get rid of wounds or diseases. As soon as there was a misfortune that conventional medicine could not cope with, the person immediately went to the healer. Alternative medicine could cope even with the most difficult tasks. The most effective cases were when it was necessary to get rid of postoperative sutures on the body. If you think logically, it was this factor that gave impetus to the fact that the inhabitants of the planet began to believe more and more in the power of magic.

All rituals consist of reading prayers and energy sounds. All parts of the ritual are interconnected and it is their tandem that is able to help a person in need. Conspiracies for healing wounds are quite actively popular in modern times. Despite the high development of medicine, people are increasingly turning to traditional medicine for help.

First of all, magical rituals began to be used in the time of the Gentiles. In those days, there could not be a situation that would not be solved with the help of magic. All rituals were not hidden and anyone could use them. Rites are that they can be carried out independently at home. To do this, you do not need to go to the healer and waste your time.

Rituals to help you heal

What kind of conspiracy should be read on the wound so that it heals much faster. Prayers are considered especially important, which can save a person from minor injuries such as bruises or cracks. Sometimes they can be used to remove wounds in the facial area, because they will not only help you get rid of an unaesthetic appearance. But they will also help maintain overall health. Agree that wounds on the face have a very negative effect on mental balance and can bring very great discomfort.

Ritual to heal

All such rituals are carried out independently at home. In order for the magical method to work as best as possible, certain rules must be followed.

  1. Believe in a positive result.
  2. Mentally prepare yourself for the ceremony.
  3. Follow all the conditions that are prescribed in the instructions for conducting.

If you are sure that at least one of the above points is not subject to you, then it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“The Most Holy Theotokos helps humanity very much. She has a branch that she does not let go of her hands. With her prayers, she is able to protect and heal. As soon as she read the words of a certain prayer, it immediately became much easier for the servant of God. I, the servant of God (name), ask for help for myself and I want to read the conspiracy so that the wound heals faster, so that the edges of the wound converge much faster and do not diverge. I wish my body to become beautiful and nothing could spoil it appearance. I am a very busy person and I need to work. If there are hematomas or abrasions on my body, then no one will hire me. I wish that all the stitches heal after the operation and no longer bring me negative emotions. May my blood be cleansed and become normal. I wish you a speedy recovery. I ask the higher powers to help me and get rid of unpleasant sensations. My Lord, hear me. My words are like a key to a lock. I read them correctly, and they help much faster. Amen".

How to get rid of wounds on a hike

If you were injured while you were on a hike, then you should read the plot so that the deepest wound heals. Remember that healing is a complex process, and therefore it is so important to correctly read the words of an effective conspiracy.

“I, the servant of God (name), am in nature. I was injured here, so I ask for help from higher powers. Let all my pain stay here, and let nature help me get back on my feet. Nature has a great power that she can use to heal me. As soon as all the unpleasant sensations are taken away by mother nature, I will feel better and I will be able to move on. Hiking is a very complex process in which it is easy to get injured or injured. So let all the wounds come off me and do not appear again. Amen".

What to do if the healing process is very long

Sometimes there are situations when the wound heals for a very long time. In order to speed up this process, there is a large number of prayers. Most often there is one, as it is the strongest of all existing ones. This method is very simple but effective. To perform it, you must prepare the wild rosemary and prepare a tincture from it.

Rub the resulting oil on the sore spot and read the following plot if the wound does not heal:

“The Christian cross will help me drive out all demons from my body and soul. I read these words of prayer in order to get well faster. Once I had to get injured. And after that, my wound heals for a very long time. I ask the higher powers to help me and save me, a servant of God (name), from unpleasant sensations. A non-healing wound brings me a lot of discomfort, and I can no longer live like this. It seems to me that my life will soon end, because no medicines help me. My last hope is in the Lord. Let him hear my words and help as soon as possible. I am a believer and I ask you to help me. I want to feel like a normal person. Amen".

Conducting conspiracies for wound healing

André Maurois wrote: "Time heals all wounds", but not always. You have to suffer for a long time and be treated to get rid of them. And when our hands drop, we resort to supernatural powers.

Time does not always heal wounds, and to speed up the process, you can resort to conspiracies.

Since ancient times, people have believed in healing power words, it was believed that the words of a conspiracy or prayer said in time had a healing effect and were able to heal not only the soul, but also the body of a person. Therefore, in case of any illness, trouble or trouble in the family, people turned to sorcerers, folk healers, healers and healers for help.

Healers treated diseases and all kinds of injuries, read conspiracies from wounds, performed ceremonies to remove damage, the evil eye, read miraculous prayers, spoke water, performed rites of purification and consecration of the home, and much more. The bulk of people come to sorcerers and healers with the hope of getting help with a wide variety of wounds and ailments, especially in cases where modern medicine is powerless.

What are wound healing rituals?

Rites are combinations of certain magical words and energy sounds linked into specific verbal formulas. They are composed in such a way that, when pronounced, they have magical, healing and magical powers to fulfill or achieve a certain desire. On the this moment conspiracies for healing wounds - one of the most commonly used ways to influence human bioenergy fields.

Conspiracies for healing wounds - one of the most effective ways impact on human bioenergetic fields.

Conspiracies take their roots from the most ancient pagan prayers, incantations and spells. In the past, everyone could speak without exception. It was not a secret, and the texts of the conspiracies were available to everyone. Since this was a very responsible matter, and not all people said prayers for good, over time a certain group of people “with great faith, strong will and a pure heart” stood out, who began to engage only in rituals and providing the necessary assistance to different people.

Healers at all times were very respected people and performed rites of assistance and healing, regardless of status in society.

Are wound healing rituals effective?

Conspiracies consist of an introductory part, a desire or a desired effect (in our case, healing from wounds or their speedy healing), fixing a prayer or a “key” with which the ritual ends and which, according to legend, cannot be broken by anyone. This was only possible for those who read the prayer.

The words of conspiracies do not change at their discretion - therefore, the most powerful and effective conspiracies those that have been passed down from generation to generation for many years. Their effectiveness is so great that sometimes they help even hopeless bedridden patients and cure them of the most terrible ailments. Many people turn to healers and sorcerers for help as a last resort and do not leave in vain.

Many in desperation turn to sorcerers and shamans and in the end are very pleased with the result.

Conspiracies help only those people who believe in their healing power, so it is not recommended to perform such rituals for people who doubt or want to conduct a so-called "scientific experiment" - the consequences of such "experiments" can be very sad.

Rituals for healing wounds

One of the most common are folk conspiracies from wounds, bruises, bruises and injuries, and especially a ritual for healing wounds on the face, since a wound on the face gives not only an obvious cosmetic defect, but is also very dangerous for human health.

To carry out a conspiracy, there is no need to visit a healer, however, if you have any doubts or you do not fully believe in healing powers conspiracies, it is better to contact a healer or healer who deals with this professionally.

If you are confident in your abilities, the ceremony can be performed at home on your own or performed to help a loved one. You need to read a prayer:

“On the sea, on the ocean stands the Mother of God with a holy robe, With an honest veil, With the Lord's glory and beauty. She prayed for the whole world, For God's Grace to descend on the sick, For all sorrows, illnesses to disappear, And for (such and such) wounds to disappear from the body. You, wound, calm down in the body of (such and such), Dry up, overgrow, tighten up. There is no place for you here, And you should be on the other side. People don't live on that side, And songbirds don't sing in the sky, Fish don't swim in the water, Wheat doesn't grow in the fields. Disappear, disease, perish, Get away from this body. Key to my words. Castle to my business. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

To help a loved one, you can read the prayer yourself

The effectiveness of the treatment will largely depend on how strongly you believe in it. The rite of conspiracy to heal a wound can only be performed by believers with an open heart and pure thoughts.

It is desirable that the person who is undergoing the ritual of healing wounds be baptized and have a pectoral cross with him. If the rite of baptism was not performed, then when reading a conspiracy or prayer from wounds, twelve or more candles must be lit. An important point is also the fact that after the ceremony you can not take any payment - help should be disinterested.

If you are injured in a forest or field, say the following words:

“Accept, mother earth, Take the pain upon yourself, Calm down, Pacify my ailment. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

For wounds that do not go away for a long time, you can use wild rosemary oil.

For non-healing wounds, it is necessary to make wild rosemary oil. To do this, finely chop the wild rosemary and pour sunflower oil in the proportion of 100 grams of oil per 2 tablespoons of the plant. After 3 weeks, you can smear the wound.

For the wound to heal, read the prayer:

“As the Holy Cross casts out the Bes, So in this body the Ailment is appeased. You, wound, wash yourself with holy water, on all the keys, Locks Forever close. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen"

When should the ritual be performed?

Conspiracies are carried out depending on the phase of the moon, but if the wound on the face or body is fresh, bleeding, then the phase of the moon does not matter - the promptness of the assistance provided is important here.

Much depends on how exactly the prayer is read - it must be read in a muffled voice, and best of all in a whisper, exactly repeating the order of words and in no case changing or interchanging them. Otherwise, the conspiracy can not only lose its healing power, but also bring harm.

The hand of the person who is engaged in reading the conspiracy should be directly above the wound, sometimes a ceremony is performed with reading the conspiracy over water. Subsequently, the wound is washed with charmed water - such rituals are very helpful for painful wounds and injuries that do not go away for a long time.

The hand of the person who reads the plot should be over the sore spot

For men and women, conspiracies are read in different days weeks:

  • for men it is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • for women - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

And only in accordance with lunar calendar, since the phase of the moon plays a big role in the action of the plot.

Do not perform rituals during fasting and church holidays. If you follow all the rules, then after the prayer is read, the wounds heal faster and do not give complications in the form of suppuration, scars and scars. For greater effect, you can not only read a prayer for healing a wound, but also prepare a decoction of healing herbs, over which you also need to read a prayer and drink a certain amount of it, and at a strictly defined time of day.

Icons will help heal wounds

If there are wounds, you can seek help from the icon "Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted", as well as the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the righteous Artemy of Verkolsky, the great martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, the martyr Diomedes. A sincere prayer, uttered with the request of the saints for help, will certainly have a beneficial effect and accelerate the healing of an existing ailment.

To heal wounds, you can resort to the help of icons

For a minor injury, one of the many wound healing rituals can be read, many of which can be found in books or magazines. If you read a prayer over a wound three times, then it will heal very quickly. There are wound healing rites that help to stop the bleeding from the wound very quickly and prevent it from festering. Many prayers help get rid of rotting wounds, ulcerative skin lesions, blisters, dropsy and even acne.

Healing cuts

It often happens that the most dangerous and do not heal wounds from cuts. The ritual of healing cuts will help get rid of scars on the face and body. It is necessary to read a prayer and sacredly believe in its power:

“Blood does not flow back, Blood flows forward, Let me (such and such) not be taken by a cut. The knife does not cut itself And does not flog, And He will not take my body. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The choice of the method of treating wounds depends on you, but a rite performed according to all the rules with faith in the heart will definitely help get rid of the disease.

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Prayer for a leg conspiracy so that trophic wounds do not hurt

Blessed by the Lord God, the Mother of God.

Lord help me, Lord help me

Plant my strength in my body.

Three walked, three got up,

So that from this hour all my ailments are gone.

For strength to come

“Natalya Ivanovna, our dear sorceress, I decided to write to you, but I don’t know where to start. I am fifty two years old. It seems that I am not old yet, but I have no strength left at all - I will walk a little and immediately get tired. I would redo everything with my eyes, but there is no urine - I'm like a squeezed lemon. I heard that there is a conspiracy that adds vitality to a person. Can I hope that

Will you publish this conspiracy in your next book? Thank you in advance, G. M. Banina.”

Place a bowl of water so that the moon is reflected in it. Then, with your left hand, draw circles counterclockwise on the surface of the water so that the reflection of the moon oscillates. At the same time, read the following conspiracy:

The moon is walking, strength is coming,

The moon is growing, and the strength is growing,

A month walks on the water under my hand,

And to me, God's servant (name), power comes.

The keys are on the horns, and the strength is in the legs.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the patient does not take strength

“I live in America. I recently got a job, now I am a nurse, taking care of sick people. Some of them are mentally ill. During attacks they curse me, not knowing what they are saying.

You know, after visiting some patients, it is very difficult for me, as if they had sucked all the vitality out of me. I come home like a squeezed lemon. I beg you to teach me a conspiracy that would help me maintain strength and health in order to continue to help people who need me. Thank you in advance, Galina Skripko.

The plot, which will be given below, must be read before and after work. The spoken words are:

Lord help, Lord bless.

First time, good afternoon,

Not according to the cross, but with the cross,

With my deliverer.

I'm going to a place where you can't drink my blood,

Do not chew the body, do not destroy the soul.

The Mother of God covered me with Her robe,

On the way, the road with an angel saw off,

She blessed with her maternal hand.

Save me, Lord, for all days, for all hours.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

To prevent postoperative sutures from coming apart

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

On the sea, on the ocean, on the very island of Kurgan,

growing White birch, down by branches, up by roots.

Under that white birch Mother of God

Winds silk threads

He sews bloody wounds.

Mother Queen, cross yourself,

And you, the wound on the servant of God (name), grow together.

Edge of the body to the edge, I read a prayer.

Bless, Lord, with Your Savior's hand,

Grant health and peace to the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to speak any wound

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was born on Christmas night, at midnight.

God was betrayed, taken, tortured.

God is dead, God is risen

Glory to him from earth to heaven.

God on the Cross suffered, endured,

And the Lord God commanded:

To close any wound in the body,

For the pain to go away, the blood to stop,

And that she never turned

Not into pus, not into a smell, not into a rotting body,

So that it never hurts and does not mourn,

Like all five wounds of Jesus Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to make pus come out

Go, moon, to the left, go, sun, to the right.

In the hand are seven blades of grass, seven God's pancakes,

I carve one, I cut the other body,

By the third bylinochka I drive out the pus,

The fourth I will speak, the fifth I will pacify the pain,

I clean the sixth, I close the seventh wound.

Bless, Lord, all seven blades of grass,

Seven of His healing blades of grass.

And be, word, to the word, and become, deed, to deed.

So that the servant of God (name) does not hurt anything.

For pus to come out of the wound

How a fisherman takes a fish out of the water

So I take pus out of the wound.

Come out, perform, cleanse and grow.

What mother gave birth, the church baptized,

Be so clean.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from an unhealed wound

How the body dries without food

How a worm dries without water

So my ailment would die,

The blood has gone, the wound has dried up.

Instead of the word "amen," you need to spit over your left shoulder each time. At the end of the rite, throw the worms into the stove blower. After that, the wounds heal quickly and the patient recovers.

Conspiracy from heavy bleeding

Legless won't go

An armless cross does not lay.

So do I (name)

There is no bleeding from ulcers and wounds.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy with a strong cut

“I witnessed an accident when a man, while working on a mowing field, seriously injured his hand. There was an old woman who poured water on her hands, dried them, and then took hold of the cut. She had a needle with a thread wound around it pinned to her clothes on her chest. It was with this very needle and thread that the old woman sewed up the wound to the worker, whispering something at the same time. I could only make out a few lines about the needle and human body. But what is most interesting, while the old woman sewed up his wound, this man did not even gasp. Later he wondered why at that moment he did not feel pain at all. The old woman only answered this: “For this I read the conspiracy!” If possible, teach us a similar conspiracy. Sincerely, Lukyanova Lera.

Indeed, such a miraculous conspiracy exists. Here are his words:

Walk, needle, back and forth,

Know your business, body of steel

Climb and sew a living body,

So that it does not ache and does not hurt,

Not now, not in an hour did not mourn.

You bones break apart

You bitches, step aside.

The turf twitches, the earth hardens in drought,

No blood, no ore, no pain, no pinching.

There was no blood, no ore, no pain, no pinching

From under all the lanes

From under all the bones

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from a cut

An old man was walking through the forest, carrying a casket in his hand, He stumbled - the lid fell off the casket, And the servant of God (name) lost blood in the wound. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to speak a burnt place

First time, good afternoon.

The first is seven, the second is seven, the third is seven,

Fourth - seven, fifth - seven, sixth - seven,

I speak burn, pinch, ache,

I speak all seven at all.

Be my words strong, deeds stucco

From damp earth to the tombstone.

From now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Or spit on the burn and say these conspiracy words:

Mountain, go up the mountain, mouse, go into the hole.

Fire, go to the water, but do not approach this body.

You, Ozhog Ozhogovich, Obvar Obvarovich,

Arrived without wings, came without legs,

He was blind and did not burn anything at the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for burns

There was a fire in the body

Get out of my body, heat.

Come out, heat, from the skin.

Come out, heat, from the meat,

Come out, heat, from fat,

Come out, heat, from the bone,

Come out, heat, from the rib,

Come out, heat, from the vein,

From the room with smoke into the open field,

Out on the street, out in the open

Wind to wind, on four sides,

Black crows live there.

Leave my body.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or read this conspiracy:

The heat is not on the doorstep, the heat is not on the road,

Not nine miles away

Not ten fingers.

I drive the heat, I speak,

I speak every word.

Go mountain, go uphill

And you, fire, go to the blue sea.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy read at a fracture

I will go out of the door to the door,

I'll go out of the gate into the gate.

From the gate I will go into the open field, into the wide freedom,

Under the bright moon, under the scarlet dawn,

Under the hot, red sun.

I wash myself with morning dew,

I'll wipe off with a misty veil,

I pray to the Lord God

I will bow on four sides.

With me, the scarlet dawn will wash,

Before her beauty, the crystal door will open.

In the middle of the city is a tomb.

In this holy tomb

Mother of God, Mother,

Two angels flew to you -

Michael and Gabriel.

She called them:

- Why are you flying to me?

What do you notice about me?

I am not a widow and not a husband's wife,

I gave birth to a Son, Christ, from the Holy Spirit,

The grandmother of Solomonida was the nurse.

My son is God to all gods, King to all kings,

On earth and in Heaven, Sovereign.

Mother sent him beyond the dark forests,

Over steep mountains, loose sands, quicksand swamps.

She walked - got tired, lay down - fell asleep.

I saw a dream, how Christ's bones were broken,

On the high Cross, arms and legs were crucified,

They whipped His body with rods,

Shed holy blood.

The Lord God died and rose again

His Cross became famous for all ages.

All five wounds healed, overgrown,

All his holy bones have grown together.

So it would be with the servant of God (name)

Bone stuck to bone, fused

And every disease left him behind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

To make the bones heal faster

God, give me strength.

I cut, cut, words

The forces of heaven will converge in the marriage cup,

And these bones will grow together from my words.

Bone covers another bone

And the servant of God (name) does not know pain.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from dislocations and sprains

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Mother Mother of God held a willow in Her hand,

In Her hand, the willow did not hurt and did not tremble.

Mother leaned on a willow rod,

Covered with an incorruptible veil,

Flesh to flesh grew together, the wound closed.

There is no water from a stone, there is no ore from a bone.

The pain will subside, the bone will grow together,

From his place will never go crazy.

My word is strong, my deed is tenacious.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to speak stretch

Holy day, holy hour, holy Savior.

I will get up, blessing, go out, crossing myself,

Not in an open field, not in the blue sea,

I will go to the alatyr, to the holy stone.

I will come close, I will bow,

I will pray to the Lord God.

Lord help, Lord bless

Free from sickness and pain.

I'm not the first, not the second

Not silver, not gold

In my white body, the muscles do not hurt,

They do not whine, do not break and do not burn.

And be, my words, strong,

And stand, my deeds, sculpting.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

To avoid stretching

Forgive me, mother earth, for

that fell on you.

You don't get hurt and I'll be happy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy-amulet from bruises and injuries

God, royal dress on shoulders,

Peace and health towards me.

Go, oohs and sighs, to the singing,

Under the old, rotten root.

The pillar is standing, I am walking, I will bypass this pillar.

If not me, the injury is not mine.

Three is not me, you, grief, are not for me.

My first and second word

And yours, bruised, no word.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to speak dog bite

Count the dog's teeth.

Break one fang

Don't let this wound hurt you.

Various diseases

How to speak antonov fire (gangrene)

I order you not to stand still

As Satan commands his demons,

So I order antonov fire

Stand, calm down and do not burn. Amen.

Conspiracy from fever with consumption

Dispersed, played out by blood,

On the body of the white servant of God (name) is a demon.

Calm down, demon, calm down,

Get off the servant of God (name),

From the lungs, from the heart

Descend from the whole frame of man,

Step back three endless versts.

From now to eternity, Lord, help man.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy with brain atrophy (shrinkage)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Mother of God,

Bless the servant of God (name) for health,

Give thanks and take part

Save and have mercy on the sick servant of God (name).

Establish, Lord, my words

To the Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Grant, Lord, the grace of healing

From this hour and from this day.

Wash the patient with the resulting broth. Then the patient should eat the boiled brain without a trace.

Conspiracy from inflammation of the brain

So, on Friday (and Friday only!) take a cow's head (you can buy it in the market) and boil it. When the meat is cooked, separate it from the bone (it should come off easily), and then disassemble the head itself. Find a bone in your head that resembles a fork. Take it out and take it to the abandoned cemetery. Find there a grave in which a person who bore the same name as that of the patient is buried, and bury this bone there. After that, bow to the grave and read the following plot three times in a row:

Friday - mother of the peasant family,

Be my guide and helper.

And when from this bone new head will grow

Then only the servant of God (name)

The sickness will not go away in the head.

Not two, not four, not three

Mother Friday, take away all the sickness.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from paralysis

God was baptized with water

The cross was hoisted up, glorified.

So the patient with water would get rid of the disease,

To walk on his own feet

He ate bread with his own hands.

Water is purgatory, holy storage, -

Rinse, rinse the paralysis from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another conspiracy from paralysis

“Mother Natalya, my husband is paralyzed, Folichev Leonid Lavrentievich, born in 1961. He lies, not getting up, for nine years, and I have already despaired and do not believe in his recovery. But somehow I went to the church near the Annunciation and there I got into a conversation with a nun. She told me about how you cured her paralyzed son. You took her word that if her son gets on his feet, then she will have to serve God for the rest of her life. Her son recovered and even got married, and she has been tonsured for six years now.

I am writing to you and crying, because I have just finished reading your book, which I bought on the advice of a nun. I cry with joy because for the first time in years I have hope again. Unfortunately, I will not be able to come to you, because I am taking care of my husband and have not worked for many years, and we live with him on bread and water. We have no children, and indeed there is no one to help, so I ask you to answer me in your next book. Nina Vasilievna.

Dear Nina Vasilievna, I am fulfilling your request and printing a conspiracy that will help you. Read a special plot over water and wipe your husband from head to toe with it. The ceremony begins on men's day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Do not perform the ceremony during fasting and major church holidays. The conspiracy is as follows:

Yegory rode the brave, stopped,

Crossed himself and the verb:

“I see the boyar tower.

There are many chambers in that house,

In those chambers, people are lying down.

In one chamber, a downy feather bed,

On that feather bed Katerina sleeps.

Sleeping, lying for thirty-three years,

Three days and three hours

And don't see it sound sleep end.

And over that boyar tower

Seventy fly like one bird.

These birds plucked their feathers,

Thrown to the ground from a height

And one feather fell on the featherbed,

Where did Katerina sleep?

Thirty-three years, three days and three hours.

That feather the demons picked up,

They gave it to Satan Satanovich.

You, thin demon, do me a favor

And make friendship:

Raise the sleeping Katerina from the feather bed -

Thirty-three years, three days and three hours, -

Get her out of bed with her

So that (name) no longer lies on it.

Let him get up, get up and go

Let his ailment go away forever

Where people don't live

Doesn't bake white bread

Children do not give birth, do not swaddle,

Where such a bad disease is not known.

It's sick to be there, it's sick to live there,

And from (name) she retreat,

Do not beat, do not break, do not drink scarlet blood.

For now, for centuries, for all time.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

How to speak a pinched sciatic nerve

How are you, extreme hut, standing,

How do you, the extreme of the extreme, smoke,

So that my ailment would burn and decay,

My pain flew away with extreme smoke.

Smoke, smoke scatter

My body is white, heal.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from tuberculosis

God walked through a dry log,

I went to the cemetery and found three old graves.

The dead are buried in the graves.

And the dead say:

“God, nothing worries us now.

Our blood is standing, the little head does not hurt,

The heart does not prick, does not ache, the lungs do not bother.

Lord, so would I

All my pains were numb, my lungs didn't hurt.

Be strong, all my words,

Stand, all my words, sculpting.

For now, for eternity, for eternity.

All that I have said

The Lord God will command.

Key to my words, lock to my deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from bone tuberculosis

Mother water, your banks are steep.

You don't stand or sit

You don't sleep day and night

Sand is washed away, stones are broken.

You are deep, you are strong.

You take yourself deep

Easy to carry far.

Take my pain, take away my sickness.

How the aspen ash disappeared in your waters,

So that the disease will disappear from my bones.

Be you, my words, strong,

Oh, All-Merciful Lady Virgin, Lady, Mother of God! Hear us praying to You, and show Your mercy on Your people: pray to Your Son to deliver us from all evil, and save our city and all the country of the faithful and people who blissfully run and call on Your holy name, from all misfortune, destruction, famine, a coward, a flood, fire, a sword, an invasion of foreigners and internecine strife, from every illness, and every circumstance, but not with wounds, nor a ban, nor a pestilence, nor any righteous wrath of God, Thy servants will be diminished by them; but keep and save, by Your mercy, the Lady, those who pray for him, and grant us a useful goodness of the air at the time of the offering; ease, restore and have mercy, Merciful to the Lady, the Mother of God, Prepetaya, in every misfortune and need existing; remember Thy servants and do not despise our tears and sighs, and renew us with the grace of Thy mercy, but with thanksgiving we are consoled, find Thy Helper. Have mercy on the Most Pure Lady, on Your weak people, our hope: gather the scattered ones, guide those who have gone astray on the path of righteousness, return the packs of those who have fallen away from the piety of the fatherly faith, support old age, punish the young, raise babies, glorify those who glorify Thee, rather observe the Church of Your Son and save in the length of days. You are fighting, Mistress, the glory of heaven and the hope of the earth. You are our hope and intercessor for all those who flow to You and Your holy help for those who ask. You are our warm prayer house for Your Son and our God; Your Mother's Prayer can do much for the supplication of the Lord, and by Your intercession to the Throne of the Grace of the Most Holy and His life-giving Mysteries, we dare to approach, even unworthy. With the same holy image of Yours and Your hand held by the Almighty, with tenderness falling down and kissing this love, hoping, Madam, with Your holy prayers to reach heavenly, endless life and shamelessly stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Your Son and our God, glorifying Him together with the beginningless Father , the Most Holy, good and life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

From the city of Jerusalem comes
Lord Jesus Christ.
He came to the world without motherly pain,
without her illness.
The Mother of God gave birth to him, without groaning,
Nobody heard about it.
So the servant of God (name) would not hurt the bones,
They did not mourn and did not creak.
He would walk straight, quickly,
Without pain, without unnecessary illness,
He didn't stumble, he didn't stumble between his legs.
God bless my words
And strengthen, O God, my works.
Word, go to the word, deed, go to deed,
So that the servant of God (name) does not hurt anything.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Skin diseases

How to lime warts
From a letter:
“I am thirty-six years old and still unmarried. I think it's because of my warts. I have so many that I can't count. In one place alone, eight pieces grow!
I beg you, if there is a prayer or a conspiracy that will save me from this scourge, please print it in your books. These books are priceless, because you can find so many useful things in them. May God bless you and the publishers of this book with good health for life. Yours respectfully, Kruglova T.
Tear off a thread from a ball of wool and tie as many knots on it as there are warts on your body (if you make a mistake even by one knot, there will be no sense in the ceremony). Take this thread with knots into the forest and tie it to the lower branch of the spruce. Immediately after this, cross yourself and say:
How true is that spruce
Adam's apple does not give birth,
So true is that from now on all warts
They fall away from my (name) body.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Then quickly leave without looking back.

Conspiracy from thorns

In the morning, when the boards on the fence are still damp, remove a drop of dew from the third board from the corner of the fence with your little finger and anoint the spike with it, saying:
As the fence dries up from the dew,
So my (name) spike will dry up.

How to treat thorns

Go to the fence, count the third board from the corner and remove a drop of dew or rain from it. Apply this drop to the spike and say:
How will this drop dry up?
So the spike on my foot will die.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Another conspiracy from the spike

After mowing, remove dew drops from the scythe (lithuary) and anoint the spike with it. At the same time, you need to say:
The scythe mowed the grass,
And the water mowed down the spike.

Acne conspiracy

On Maundy Thursday, take Thursday's holy water and dip Thursday's salt and some silver thing into it. Then wash yourself with this water, saying:
My Mother Mother of God,
Bless me for a clean Thursday.
How holy and pure this water is,
So my beauty would be pure.
How pure and radiant this silver is,
So that the whole year would be for me, God's servant (name),
In perfect health and beauty.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Another conspiracy for acne

Helps get rid of acne and such a conspiracy:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I am going, the servant of God (name), from the bath to the east side,
Behind me is a fiery river, copper banks, an iron tyn.
The Mother of God is walking with me, with God's servant (name).
She met me from the bathhouse and asked:
- Have you, servant of God (name), washed away everything?
Be the servant of God (name) pure, strong for all time,
For all eternity, forever.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to reduce acne

Melt the bath hotter and read a special conspiracy over the water, which then wash your face. The conspiracy is as follows:
Key water, dear sister,
You communed with the red sun,
Blessed by a clear month,
Pure stars, almi dawns.
You walked, water, through dark forests,
Hurry, ran steep banks,
Through the white-flammable stone,
I washed my face every dawn, cleansed myself every minute.
Wash off me, servants of God (name),
All the dirt and all the sores.
Be, my face, light, ruddy,
Like deep water, like a high dawn.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from subcutaneous boils and ulcers

From a letter:
“Natalya Ivanovna, I beg you to pay attention to my letter, because this is a cry from the heart, and if you don’t help me, then I don’t know at all what to do. For the past six months I have been struggling with boils and can not do anything. Some go down and others come up. They gave me blood transfusions, prescribed hormonal drugs, injected strong antibiotics - all in vain. I don't even care about beauty anymore. Natalya Ivanovna, these boils are very painful. In general, I no longer have the strength to fight this scourge.
I accidentally bought your book, read it, and liked it so much that now I will definitely buy all the others and look forward to the next ones.
I beg you to print in your next book a good conspiracy from subcutaneous boils. Sincerely, Katya Popova, Moscow.
Find a knot in a wooden fence and, after urinating in a jar, pour your urine on this knot. Once done, say:
How my urine dries on the bitch
So on my body, the father-boil will die.
His children will die, his children will dry with him,
Godfathers, matchmakers, matchmakers and sons-in-law,
Daughters, granddaughters, grandchildren,
All pimples and pimples.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another very strong conspiracy from boils

It will help to cope with boils and such a conspiracy:
Step, my leg, step
Wave my hand, wave it
Get off my body
Everything that stuck to him hurt,
Everything that began to rot and ripened.
As my ring finger has no name,
So there is no place on my body for chiriu-viriu.
Do not get sick chiry-viry, do not blush,
Not yellower chiry-viry, not blue.
So that you wither, turn black, dry up and not get sick.
As the right foot firmly sticks to the ground,
So true that from now on
Chiriy-viry will heal on my body.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from scabs on the body

Heat the bath and, entering it to take a steam bath, cross yourself with a piece of black bread. Then put this bread into the water with which you will rinse for the last time. When you begin to wipe yourself, then read this conspiracy:
My bathhouse, parushka, pure homie,
Washed me, steamed me,
Improved my health
She brought beauty, removed the bones.
How easily water flows from a goose,
So quickly let me leave
Dirt, dryness, scab, aches.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

What to do if your heels are cracked

From a letter:
“I think there are many people with similar problems. The fact is that the skin on my heels bursts, the cracks are constantly bleeding, and I can’t do anything about it. What tools have you just not tried! Maybe you can give me some advice? Thank you in advance, Dora Makimova, Kamyshinsk.”
Buy cedar cones and boil them whole with nuts and husks. When the cones become soft, add lard to them and calcine it all on the stove. You will end up with a reddish mixture. Let it cool, and then apply a thick layer on the heels. First, put on cotton socks from above, and woolen socks on them. The course of treatment is 1 week. After that, you will forever forget about your problem.

Conspiracy for eczema

I receive a lot of letters in which people ask me to teach a conspiracy for eczema and give some recipe to help cope with this ailment.
A plot for eczema is read against a strong wind. His words are:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Carry, wind-breeze,
From west to east
Where there is a light in the window.
There, a woman is spinning a thin woolen thread.
Let her thread break
My eczema will go away.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Very good for eczema helps fresh viburnum juice. Dampen gauze with juice and place it on the affected areas of the skin. Keep the compress for 15 minutes, then remove the gauze, but do not wash off the juice, but let it dry.
Take a hot bath with apple cider vinegar before bed. After the bath, gently dry yourself with a towel and smear the sores with birch tar at night. Repeat this procedure for a week every day, and at first the scabs will dry and fall off, and then the redness will also go away.

How to whisper a rash (flying fire)

In my previous books, I have already talked about how to speak flying fire. However, as I promised you, my dear readers and students, I will share with you everything that I know and can do myself, so I continue to publish various conspiracies that help in the treatment of the same diseases.
For those who do not know what flying fire is, I will talk a little about this disease. Flying fire is called red spots, similar to inflamed lichen. Usually they appear around the mouth, near the wings of the nose, less often on the forehead, at the base of the hair. This ailment is not easy to treat, and doctors very often themselves advise patients to seek help from grandmothers, that is, healers.
Here is one way. In the evening, at sunset, ask the patient to stand facing the west, and read the following conspiracy in a whisper:

Oh, you, dawn-lightning, red maiden,
Take your fiery work, give me a body without redness.
I speak (the name of the healer) from the heat,
Flying fire, painful body,
From the Christmas tree tree, from the birch tree, from the aspen tree,
From the buckthorn tree, from all the holy trees.
The droplet melts on the rays, the flying fire disappears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from red spots on the skin

If red spots appeared on your body, then at dawn, read a special conspiracy over water, which then wash and rinse your whole body. The conspiracy is this:
Water you are my water - red maiden,
You walk along steep banks,
On the sand and on the pebbles,
You wash, water, foam, underwater roots,
Sharpening stones, cleaning, whitewashing,
You heal the sick.
Rinse, roll, rinse from me, from God's servant (name),
All sorrows, all diseases:
Night, day, forged,
From clear eyes, from black eyebrows,
With a zealous heart.
You, water, depth,
And on my body it is bleached.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from a trophic ulcer

Take a handful of poppy seeds and count exactly seventy-seven seeds. Holding them in your fist, go to the crossroads on foot, where you throw poppy seeds against the wind and say:
Seventy-seven evil spirits and half-spirits,
You fly everywhere, you go everywhere,
You collect tribute from sinners.
Take all the plagues from me
Carry them high, leave them far from me.
Throw on an empty, dry field,
In a rotten, dead expanse.
Leave my ulcers there
Do not return them to me.
And be you, my words, strong,
To poppy gray molding.
Go, word, word, go, business, business,
For everything said to come true
The word has grown together with the deed.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Plot from ulcers with varicose veins

The healer should bend over the wound so that his breath touches the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and, without interrupting, slowly, in an undertone, read the following conspiracy:
On the sea, on the ocean stands
Maiden - water right hand,
She does not suffer, she does not know pain, ailment,
Blood does not flow from her, her skin does not tear,
She does not crook, does not pull, her soul does not get tired,
Lives for centuries
Blooms day by day.
Peace below, peace above
Peace in the brain, in her zealous heart,
Peace in the liver of the father-in-law.
So is the servant of God (name)
You can't touch sickness
Do not hurt her wounds, do not grieve her body,
The veins are overgrown, the wreaths do not suffer.
My word, go to the word
And help the servant of God (name).
Peace below, peace above.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy from erysipelas on the legs

This conspiracy is read by the patient himself for seven consecutive evenings, and on the eighth day the erysipelas on the legs should pass. The spoken words are:
The Most Pure Mother of God walked
She got up and saw me
Whispered three words:
"It's better to be worthless"
She smiled and moved on.
God help me,
To make my face go away.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from erysipelas on legs

Cover your leg with a red rag, cross yourself and say:
Twelve faces, twelve sisters:
Night, day, morning, noon,
Sham, red, bone, evil eye,
Unhappy, dray, blue, cold,
Your will is beyond anyone's control.
You yourself come uninvited,
You go yourself
You hate yourself, you have mercy on yourself.
Come on, mug, get off this skin
To distant fields, high forests,
On mosses, on swamps, on white birch.
Not that you, mug, Vasily Kosaretsky will beat,
It will burn, your navels will scatter on all sides.
Here you, faces, do not be,
Don't make a nest
Do not dry the servant of God (name),
Do not chill the heart, do not crush the body.
Be, my words, agile, conspiratorial
For now, for eternity, for eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from faces (red and blue)

Erysipelas are red and blue. It usually affects the legs, but it can also appear on the arms. Red face is considered the worst, as it does not go away for a long time and hurts a lot.
When they speak a red face, they take a red rag - linen or cotton (silk fabric is unsuitable in this case). If they speak a blue face, then they take a blue rag, but it should also be linen or cotton. After that, a special plot is read over the rag and wrapped around the leg for exactly one week.

Conspiracy from the red face

On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan,
There is an oak-starodub.
There are twelve faces on that oak tree:
Blue mug, red mug, fake mug,
The face of a demon, the face of a wonderful,
Prodigal erysipelas, ocular erysipelas,
Funny mug, dray mug, windy mug,
Mug hastily, and mug on laughter -
All the faces of the servant of God (name) are worthless.
Go, faces, to where the gates are open for you,
There they are waiting for you,
They are greeted with bread and salt.
Kings David and Constantine cut earth and sky,
Reduce the illness of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from blue faces

First time, good afternoon,
I pronounce, the servant of God (name), I give birth to a blue one.
I'm talking, I'm talking
I'm talking with a blue face:
“You, mug, wind, blue, fake,
Watery, painful, combustible,
peeping, peeping,
You, mug, calm down,
Reduce by three-quarters."
The Most Pure Mother of God herself stood,
With her lips she blessed my words,
From the servant of God (name) drove away the blue face.
Come out, mug, come out, mug,
From the servant of God (name), from her body is white,
So that it does not ache under you and does not hurt.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from erysipelas on the face

The plot begins to be read on an odd day and continues for nine consecutive evenings. The conspiracy is as follows:
God help me,
God bless.
Painful erysipelas, prickly erysipelas,
Come out, mug, from my body,
So that it does not burn and does not sting.
Erysipelas, I am to you with a word,
And God is with you.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Eye diseases

How to reprimand tearfulness

It happens that a person starts to cry for no reason (for example, on the street from the wind, etc.). I will teach you, my dear readers and students, how to reprimand tearfulness. This conspiracy helps very quickly. Cover the head of the person who has addressed you with a tablecloth and put your left hand on the top of his head. Cross yourself with your right hand and say:
Stone water, spring water, eye water,
Go to the river, to the ocean-sea,
Tear off the eyes of the servant of God (name),
With river water, clean, spring, take it away,
Any illness, get away from the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from strabismus

Looking at the sunset through your wedding ring, say:
The sun to the west, the day to the end,
Kosina in the eye to exhaust.
Key to my words, lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to restore vision in diabetes

Draw a cross in each corner of your house, while pronouncing the following conspiracy words:
How the devil will not take God's cross in his hands,
So my vision will not go away from me.
I would also advise taking an infusion of wheatgrass roots (1 tablespoon of wheatgrass per I glass of boiling water).

Conspiracy for keen eyes

From a letter:
“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, my sister Asya and I are twins. We are very similar to each other, but all the sores we have are also the same. Seven years ago, Asya began to complain about her eyes: her eyesight was rapidly deteriorating. And after a while, I began to see badly.
I recently noticed that my sister no longer wears glasses. I was surprised and asked her what was the matter. Then I found out that she wrote you a letter and you sent her a conspiracy, after reading which she got rid of her vision problem.
I asked her to teach me this plot, but she did not do this: she said that she did not know whether it was possible to tell others about this, and advised me to write to you.
Asya has always considered me eye-catching, although I do not agree with this. In short, that is why she did not immediately tell me about your letter. I beg you very much to teach me the same plot that you sent to my sister. Thanks in advance, I love you very much. Luda.
To improve vision, first read the prayer, and then three times in a row a special conspiracy.
Oh, holy saints of God, Cyprian with Justina! By a good feat, those who were tied up on earth rose up in Heaven the crowns of truth, and the Lord prepared them for all those who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy images, we rejoice in the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, understand our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, oh hedgehog forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrow, illness, troubles and misfortunes and all secret evil. Let us live piously and righteously in this present age and be worthy of your intercession, if we are not worthy to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His Saints, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
An old blind man walked along the road,
A bough fell from an oak tree under his feet.
As from a dry branch there is no fruit
And they do not go to a dry stream for water,
Ore is not visible in the dark,
So the servant of God (name) does not have blindness.
Lord, help, Lord, repeat:
As ore is not visible in the night,
The headless rooster has a head,
So the servant of God (name) would not have been blind.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

If you suffer from pain in the eyes

Before sunrise, collect dew in the field and wash her eyes, saying:
Holy moisture, God's dear water,
Clear my eyes, go, my prayer, to Heaven,
Lord God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
To keep your eyes from getting inflamed, drink fresh carrot juice. It is also useful to make compresses from warm potatoes wrapped in gauze, or compresses from sauerkraut.

What to do if the eyelids become inflamed

From a letter:
“For as long as I can remember, I always go with red eyes. The eyelids swell, the edges become inflamed and itchy unbearably. Moreover, I don’t have allergies, I know this for sure, since I have already gone through a bunch of examinations. What can be done in my case?
Most likely, you have blepharitis, which develops against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia and hypovitaminosis. Blepharitis can also be caused by worms.
In any case, castor bean oil will definitely help you (by the way, castor oil is made from it). Therefore, if you have no time to prepare the oil yourself or you do not know where to get castor oil, you can use regular castor oil: you can easily buy it at any pharmacy.
To get rid of your ailment, lubricate your eyelids with this oil at night - and that's it.
However, this way you will not eliminate the root cause of the disease, and this must be done in any case. And you can also read about how to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or get rid of worms in my books.

How to speak an eyesore

Put your hand on the patient's head and read the following conspiracy forty times in a row:
In the middle of the forest stands an oak tree,
There is a dry bough on that oak.
There are two Orla Orlovichs on this branch,
They fight fiercely, claws, wings beat,
They cling to each other,
But they don't touch their eyes.
Let the thorn not touch
The eye of the servant of God (name).

Conspiracy from barley

Looking at the sunset, say these conspiracy words:
Light to light, dawn to dawn,

We offer you 5 folk recipes for the treatment of trophic ulcers. These methods will require some effort from you and will help you heal ulcers in 1-2 weeks. Alternative methods are effective and perfectly combined with medicines and have no contraindications. The only contraindications that may be are allergies to bee products. Good luck with your recovery.

Take care of yourself and loved ones and!

Trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This is a serious complication arising from thermal injury (burn or frostbite), chronic pathologies of the arteries or veins. lower extremities, diabetes mellitus, as well as some lesions of the connective tissue, lymphatic vessels, skin or nerve trunks.

Pathology manifests itself in the form of a non-healing wound located on the inner surface of the lower leg, sole of the foot, heel or toes. Patients suffering from trophic ulcers experience constant pain, burning and heat at the sites of skin damage, heaviness in the legs, and often night cramps.

In the case of a secondary purulent process, general weakness and other signs of intoxication of the body are observed. Complete and final disposal of trophic ulcers is impossible without treatment of the underlying disease that caused them. However, it is also impossible to ignore the process of damage to the soft tissues of the legs. It can and should be alleviated and even stopped.

There are a number of folk remedies that successfully cope with this task.

1. Honey with egg white

A mixture of equal parts of liquid and protein is whipped, applied to the wound and covered with a fresh burdock leaf. Outside, the compress is wrapped with plastic wrap and left overnight. The procedure is repeated 8-10 times. As a result, the ulcer stops getting wet, crusts over and heals.

2. Cabbage leaves

Raw oiled sea ​​buckthorn oil and attached to the wound. During the day, the compress dries up, and it is changed to a fresh one. The procedures should be continued until the ulcer disappears.

3. Cottage cheese and whey

About 150 g of curdled milk is poured into a gauze bag and hung over a container. After the formation of cottage cheese, the wound is washed with drained serum and a bag is attached to it, covering it with parchment or film. After a day, the cottage cheese is changed to freshly prepared.

4. Eucalyptus and calendula

The following method is considered very effective: the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb is lowered for 30 minutes in a pink solution. Then, alcohol tincture of calendula (100 ml per liter of water) is added to the same bath and the procedure is continued for another half hour. Prepare another container with a solution of eucalyptus oil (3 tablespoons per liter of water), and keep the wound in it for an hour, and then apply a clean, dry bandage. Treatment is carried out twice a week. A positive result is noticeable after 4-5 procedures.

5. Hydrogen peroxide

The wound is treated with a swab soaked and sprinkled with streptocide powder. Then the napkin is soaked with a solution prepared from two teaspoons of peroxide and 50 ml of water, and applied to the ulcer, fixing it with a film. The compress is changed at least 4-5 times a day, constantly sprinkling the weeping surface with streptocide.

The method requires some effort, but the ulcer can be healed in one to two weeks. Alternative methods of healing trophic ulcers are effective and safe. They are combined with traditional therapy and have practically no contraindications.

From this, however, it does not follow that such a severe pathology can be overcome by self-medication: before using any of the methods described, it is necessary to consult a doctor.