
How to write a family tree. How to start building a pedigree? My experience. Stages of compiling a family tree


In order to compile their family tree, some people do not limit themselves to searching for information in home archives and the stories of grandparents. Many enthusiasts go to the graves of their ancestors, because even the tombstone contains valuable data that helps to recreate the family tree. Where to start looking for roots?

Relatives survey

The collection of the necessary information always begins with a survey of relatives, as well as acquaintances who may know some important details from the history of your family:

It is quite difficult to draw up a pedigree, since this occupation is not two or three days. To collect all the necessary data at least within two or three generations, you will have to stock up on patience and perseverance.

The family tree is built mainly on the memories of relatives. After all, it is they who provide information that was not recorded in official acts and documents (external data, facts from life, attitude to work, habits and characteristics). When interviewing the older generation, you can find out information about social origin, dates of birth and death, admission to military service, marriages, etc.

family archive

In order to give an objective assessment of the events that took place several generations ago, one should carefully study all the available archival documents of the family. You can start with preserved front-line letters, personal diaries, diplomas, baptismal and birth certificates, medical records, work books, and photographs.

It will be easier to create a family tree if all the documents found are sorted correctly. It is advisable to make copies of securities in case of loss of any of them. A thorough analysis of the data will make it possible to establish by whom the documents were signed and in what years.

How to capture data?

How to make a family tree of a family with your own hands? The first step is to get a diary to record all the information found. It will reflect the results of the information found in the archives, as well as a survey of their relatives and friends.

Keeping a diary is desirable for several reasons:

  • Since genealogical research can take several years, answers to some important questions will not come immediately. Therefore, you will have to write your story for a long time, and a diary will help you with this. It will allow not to lose logical chains with family ties;
  • Sometimes there is too much information, so in order not to confuse some facts and not miss important points, you will have to record not only the data, but also the sources of information.

How to present the results?

How can you make a family tree? It is very important to learn how to properly format all the materials and facts found. Therefore, in order to create a family tree with your own hands, you will have to think over the storage system. In this case, a personal dossier will help you, with the help of which you will be able to systematize information.

All information provided should contain only important information:

Be prepared for the fact that at first many of the above columns will be empty. But as soon as you start to raise archives and find out information from relatives, many of them will begin to be filled with the necessary data.

Under conditions of strong information deficiency»Try to pay attention to the little things, they can be the key to unraveling many family secrets.

How to analyze archives?

Where should one start to make a family tree? To get started, pick up all the archival documents available in the house. They may contain very valuable and reliable information about your relatives, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about oral stories. In many acts (for example, work books) there is interesting information about the activities of your ancestors, the awards received, as well as the local authorities that issued this or that document.

Knowing the year and place of residence, one can clarify general information about the history of the city itself, about the size and composition of the population, as well as the average financial situation of citizens of that time. But here the question arises: where can I make a request to get such information? Public archival funds and local museums may contain valuable photographs, TV news and historical films that will allow you to recreate the picture of that time.

The principle of drawing up a pedigree

How to make a pedigree of your family? When collecting the necessary data, be sure to start designing a draft diagram, which can be radial or vertical-horizontal (tree-like). The radial option is convenient to use when very large numbers relatives. In any case, the pedigree should be easy to read.

Therefore, it is worth adhering to the following principles:

Help from experts

Where to make a written request to find out your pedigree? If you are unable to collect all the necessary data for registration family tree seek help from professionals. Then experts will collect the facts, but for a fee.

Keep in mind that useful data can be concentrated not only in the state archive, but even in local history museum or historical departments of the city. Invaluable support will be provided by bibliographers who specialize in collecting data on a specific subject. Old newspapers, autobiographical sketches, memoirs, as well as genealogical guides can be used, which will definitely help you with the design of the pedigree.

Drawing up a pedigree begins with the collection of information about the family, and above all with the collection of information about proband- an individual who is the subject of interest of the researcher (doctor, teacher). Most often it is a patient or a carrier of the trait being studied. However, healthy individuals can also apply for genetic counseling. In this case, the term "consultant" is used. In the graphic representation of the pedigree of the proband, it is marked with the corresponding sign and an arrow that goes from bottom to top and from left to right. Children of the same parent couple (brothers and sisters) are called siblings. If siblings have only one common parent, they are called half-siblings. There are uniuterine (common mother) and consanguineous (common father) siblings. A family in the narrow sense is called a parental couple and their children (nuclear family), but sometimes a wider circle blood relatives. In the latter case, it is better to use the term "genus".

Usually a pedigree is collected in connection with the study of one or more diseases (signs). A doctor or geneticist is always interested in a specific disease or trait.

Depending on the purpose of the study, a pedigree can be complete or limited: it can reflect either the clinical features or the genetic status of the members of the pedigree. In any case, you need to strive for the most complete compilation of the pedigree in ascending, descending and lateral directions. The more generations involved in a pedigree, the more information it can contain. However, its vastness can lead to the appearance of erroneous data in it. To clarify the information, various kinds of medical documentation, photographs of relatives, and the results of additional studies are involved. The greater the depth and breadth of the genealogical search, the more valuable and reliable the information obtained.

For clarity, the collected data is depicted in the form of certain symbols, some of which are shown in Fig. IX.1.

Rice. 1X.1. Symbols most commonly used in pedigrees:

1 - male person;2 - a female person;3 - sick;4 - marriage; 5 - consanguineous marriage;6 - siblings;7 - single siblings;8 - consanguineous siblings;9 - monozygotic twins;10 - dizygotic twins;11 - adoption;12 - gender unknown;13 - miscarriage;14 - medical abortion;15 - dead;16 - proband;17 - heterozygous individuals;18 - heterozygous carrier of a recessive gene on the X chromosome;19 - pregnancy;20 - fruitless marriage;21 - personally examined

By "clinical" pedigree is meant a reflection of the inheritance of a particular disease or several diseases. The maximum number of diseases (signs) in one symbol, i.e. in one individual, in a graphic image should not exceed four nosological forms or signs. If the clinical pedigree is devoted to the analysis of only one specific disease, then the designations correspond to the image of the male patient and the female patient. If two diseases are traced in a clinical pedigree, for example, hypertension and obesity, then the following notation is usually used: each symbol is divided into two equal parts, while patients with the first disease (hypertension) are designated patients with obesity as In this pedigree, the symbol would denote a male individual, suffering from both hypertension and obesity at the same time.

In some cases, different types of shading of elements are used to display various diseases in the pedigree (Fig. IX.2). The graphic representation of the pedigree is supplemented by obligatory sections: "Symbols" and "Legend of the pedigree".

Conditional designations - this is a list of symbols used in the graphical representation of the pedigree. As a rule, standard icons-symbols are used (Fig. IX.1). However, depending on the tasks, goals and characteristics of the pedigrees, the compiler has the right to use original (own) designations with their obligatory explanation in order to exclude the possibility of misinterpretations of the data. To explain the principles of designation and compilation of pedigrees, two examples are given (Fig. 1X.2 and 1X.3).

Legend The pedigree is an obligatory element of the description of the pedigree. It includes:

1) a detailed description of each member of the pedigree, information about which is mandatory or essential for understanding the nature of the inheritance of the disease (sign) or the characteristics of the clinical manifestation;

2) a list of sources of medical and other information with meaningful information;

3) an indication of the nature of the pathological process or its localization (for example, some members of the pedigree are diagnosed with an isolated malignant tumor of the stomach, others have multiple neoplasias);

4) an indication of the time of onset of the disease and the course of the disease;

5) indication of age and cause of death;

6) description of diagnostic and identification methods (for example, the qualitative or quantitative nature of the described (feature).

Thus, the "Legend of the pedigree" is information about the members of the pedigree with a detailed presentation of any, but necessarily essential information for analysis.

Generations are indicated by Roman numerals from top to bottom, usually they are placed to the left of the pedigree. The last generation of ancestors, on which information is collected, is designated as the I generation. All elements of one generation (the whole row) are numbered in Arabic numerals from left to right, sequentially. Siblings are listed in the pedigree in order of birth. Thus, each member of the pedigree has its own coordinates, for example, in the pedigree shown in Fig. IX.2, maternal grandfather of the proband - II-3, suffers from neurofibromatosis.

All individuals of one generation must be located strictly in one row. "Hanging" characters between rows of generations is gross mistake. If the pedigree is extensive, then generations can be arranged not in horizontal rows, but in concentric circles (Fig. IX.4). In the pedigree, it is important to note personally examined for the presence of a sign of disease or disease.

The researcher should strive to obtain objective primary material, which forms the basis of statistical and genetic analysis.


The main purpose of studying genealogical data is to establish genetic patterns associated with the analyzed disease or trait.

To detect the hereditary nature of a trait (disease) and to establish the type of inheritance, various methods of statistical processing of the obtained data are used.

The patterns of inheritance discovered by Mendel are subject only to those hereditary diseases, the cause of which (the etiological factor) is a mutation of one gene. Depending on the chromosomal localization and characteristics of the gene, there are:

autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive types of inheritance, when the gene is located in one of the 22 pairs of autosomes (non-sex chromosomes);

X-linked dominant and recessive types of inheritance when the gene is located on the X chromosome;

Y-sigotenous (holandric) inheritance, when the gene is located on the Y chromosome;

mitochondrial (cytoplasmic) inheritance, when a mutation occurs in the mitochondrial genome.

It is important to understand that in some cases, calculations of the ratio of sick to healthy in one particular family may give an incorrect idea of ​​​​the type of inheritance. This is mainly due to the random nature of the distribution of chromosomes in the process of gametogenesis. In a particular family, the ratio of sick and healthy children may differ significantly from the theoretically expected ratios characteristic of a particular type of inheritance. However, the nature of the pedigree, the characteristics of the transmission of the disease (trait) in generations, compliance with the criteria for inheritance of one type or another allow us to draw a definite conclusion about the type of inheritance of the pathology (trait) in a particular family.

Rice. 1. Pedigree of a family with anemia of Minkowski-Shoffard (autosomal dominant type of inheritance)

Rice. 2. Pedigree with an autosomal recessive type of inheritance of the disease (adrenogenital syndrome)

Rice. 3. Pedigree of a family with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (X-linked recessive type of inheritance)

Rice. 4. Pedigree of patients with bronchial asthma.


Task #1

A girl whose father suffers from hemophilia marries a healthy man.

    What kind of children can be expected from this marriage?

    Make a pedigree.

Task #2

A 3-day-old boy from a 27-year-old mother with diabetes. He was born at the term from the first pregnancy, with a body weight of 4700 g, a body length of 53 cm. The appearance of the child attracted attention: an edematous, moon-shaped face, a short thick neck. From the first hours of his life, he developed a syndrome of respiratory disorders. The borders of the heart are expanded to the left to the mid-axillary line. Blood tests revealed hypoglycemia.

    Additional research needed.

    Presumptive diagnosis.

Task #3

Child, 10 months. Born from the first pregnancy. Delivery at term with birth weight 3300 g, body length - 52 cm Pregnancy was uneventful. He screamed right away. Attached to the breast in the first 30 minutes of life, sucked willingly. The weight was good. On the artificial feeding from one month with a mixture of "Tonus". Pale skin, blue eyes. To date, he does not hold his head, does not sit, his teeth are 2/2. Large fontanel 1x1 cm. Does not hold toys, does not recognize parents. Body weight 8.5 kg, body length - 70 cm, head circumference - 45 cm. On examination, an unpleasant odor from the child is determined. In the pedigree, the cousin of this child was ill.

    Your estimated diagnosis.

    The type of inheritance of this disease.

Task #4

Analyze the data on twins given in the table in order to determine the role of heredity and environmental factors in the development of signs:

Note: MB - monozygotic twins; DB - dizygotic twins.

Task #5

A child from 2 pregnancies, 2 urgent births with a body weight of 3500 g, body length - 52 cm, head circumference - 36 cm. The first pregnancy ended in stillbirth. The age of the mother is 23 years old, the father is 25 years old. Parents consider themselves healthy. From the first day of life, the child does not tolerate feeding, spitting up. There were dyspeptic manifestations, bloating. On the third day, icteric staining of the skin and sclera appeared, which after 5-6 days did not tend to decrease. No pathology was detected in the lungs and heart. Liver +4cm, spleen +2cm. At the age of one month, there was a lag in neuropsychic development (does not smile, does not hold his head in a position on his stomach). The weight gain for the first month was 350g. On examination by an ophthalmologist, a cataract was diagnosed. Laboratory examination: complete blood count (on the 10th day) Er. - 5.2X10 12 /l; Hb - 140 g/l; Ht - 0.42; Lake. - 10.2X10 9 /l; p-2, s-24, l-72, m-2; ESR - 3 mm/h, blood sugar - 2.1 mmol/l; general urine analysis - relative density - 1002; protein - traces; leukocytes - 0-1 in the field of view.

    Estimated diagnosis.

    type of inheritance.

    Prediction for future siblings.

One of the most exciting activities for the whole family is the creation of a family tree. This activity will not only introduce some family members to relatives, but also unite in the process of searching for information. The resulting option can be an unforgettable gift to relatives or loved ones, but also simply decorate your interior.

How to make a family tree with your own hands and which option is better to choose to create?

Preparatory stage

This stage involves collecting the necessary information about your relatives. In this case, you can use several of the most suitable options at once:

  • survey - collecting information from relatives or close people so that you can understand what kind of information you are missing;
  • in the process of discussion, it is important to know not only the personal data of a person, but also the place of education, features of appearance or character;
  • it is important to study family archives, if any, this is very important, since they can get information that your relatives could forget about;
  • draw up a preliminary version of your family tree in the form of a diagram or table so that you know which family member you are missing information about.

After receiving all the necessary information, you can safely proceed to create a family tree, having previously decided on the most suitable or favorite option presented in the photo of the family tree.

Varieties of the family tree

At first glance, it may seem that compiling a family tree is quite simple, and even creating a family tree is nothing to say. However, this judgment is fundamentally wrong.

There are a considerable number of options for family trees, here are a few options for the original family trees:

Ascending. It is created from a person directly to the ancestors. The creator himself will be the trunk, and the branches will be his ancestors. This view helps to establish family reunification, in which the person himself was subsequently born.

Downward. It is built on the principle from ancestors to descendants (tree branches).

Table in the form of a circle. The center can be a descendant, and the circles can represent ancestors. Such a table may be reversed.

Very often the family tree is made in the form of a butterfly. In the center is a couple, and from it all the existing relatives on one side and on the other. No less beautiful and attractive option in the form hourglass. This option is more suitable for recording information about the relatives of a couple who are in old age.

The simplest option is considered to be in the form of a fan. It saves execution time and saves a lot of space. Tree variants can be performed in any material, depending on what you would like to teach in the end result.

If you do not have time to create a family tree manually, you can use special programs that provide templates and blanks for a family tree.

If you have drawing skills, you can create a tree on your own and without improvised means and ideas. However, in this case, you need a little more imagination. How to make a family tree with your own hands?

Step-by-step family tree instructions for beginners

Take a material such as felt as a basis. On it it is necessary to draw the contours of the future tree with all its elements. After that, you need to cut the workpiece.

The next stage involves the creation of a blank in the same way, only from wallpaper and thick cardboard, after which the parts should be connected to each other.

On the branches of your tree, you can make small frames for each family member. You will only have to fill in the frames with photos and the necessary information.

Often people wonder how exactly to fill in the information of the family tree. The answer is simple enough. It is desirable to take three generations as a minimum.

Creating such a model of your family does not require much effort, but a considerable amount of time can be spent on collecting it. However, it's worth it. Only in this way you can find out everything about your family, relatives.

Or maybe your last name belongs to some noble family? If you wish, you can refer to the video, which presents a master class for the family tree.

Family tree photo

How to start building a pedigree? My experience.

A pedigree, or as they used to say, a pedigree, is a series of parents and children, where basic information is given about each.

If you start the record with yourself, then they consider themselves the first generation, their mother and father - the second, the parents of each of them (grandparents) - the third, and so on. Such a pedigree is called mixed.

It is best to start your pedigree with a mixed ascending pedigree.

First, this kind of pedigree usually begins to be compiled from the memory of its living members of the genus.

Second, a mixed ascendant pedigree is the original kind of pedigree. Without it, one cannot begin to draw up a descending pedigree.

A descending pedigree includes a much larger number of generations than is usually stored in memory.

If you compile only your mixed ascendant lineage, then you will already be doing a great deal for yourself, for your family, even for the history of the time in which you live. After all, you will collect information and documents that, perhaps, cannot be found in any archives.

What does it take to make your mixed ascending pedigree? First of all, you need to prepare for this work.

How I prepared.

1. From the very beginning, I got myself a good folder, 33x23 cm in size with detachable rings.

2. Prepared 2 dozen envelopes a little larger than a sheet of writing paper. There is at the post office (Art.3319r, size 32.5x22.5) They must be redone so that they open from the side, which is 22.5 in size. And on the larger side, make holes for filing in a folder with a hole punch.

3. I put my notes, letters, family documents, photographs into these envelopes. The inscriptions on the envelopes about what is in them are best done in pencil. And it is better if the envelope is transparent, you can immediately see what is lying. Such plastic envelopes with a button are on sale. It's even better, nothing will fly out.

Now that everything is ready, you can start compiling a pedigree.

Stage 1

I learned from my relatives (mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers) the names and patronymics of their parents. I also learned the maiden names of the women of the family. I wrote all this down on a separate sheet under the heading List No. 1.

Then she compiled List No. 2. Records are kept here about all brothers, sisters of older family members, their wives and husbands, as well as their parents.

Then start collecting information about each family member. On a separate sheet, I wrote:

1. Surname, name, patronymic of a relative

2. Day, month and year of his birth, place of birth

3. For those who are no longer alive, the date, month and year of death, where he was buried.

4. Surname, name, patronymic of the father of this relative.

5. Surname, name, patronymic of the mother.

6. Surnames, first names, patronymics of the recipients, i.e. godfather and godmother

7. Estate, for those who were born before 1917, indicate: from the peasants, from the townspeople, from the merchants, the clergy, the nobles.

8. Place or places of residence and in what years.

9. What religion was assigned at birth and later (Orthodox, Catholic, Megametian, Jewish, etc.) or does not belong to any.

10. Where was he brought up, what kind of education did he receive.

11. Places of work or service, titles and positions.

12. Whether participated in wars, battles. When and where.

13. What awards does he have or had (badges, medals, orders)

14. Surname, name, patronymic of the wife (husband).

15 Names and dates of birth of children (day, month, year).

This information is stored in an envelope pinned up in a folder.

Do not forget to make a note after each information you write down, from whom it was received and the date of recording.

Naturally, you can write down information about yourself on points 1,2,4,5,8,9, perhaps 6 and partly 10 .. Do not be upset if you cannot find information on all points Complete information about each person can be collected very rarely.

Stage 2

I am sure that after reading the above information, you imagined a table littered with a pile of papers, and for sure your optimism diminished. And absolutely in vain. Compiling your family tree on paper is now a thing of bygone days. V this moment there is a great variety of software products that allow you to make a family tree almost at a professional level. Moreover, there are programs that allow you to automatically create family sites.

All that I "dug up" entered in the table. I used the FamilyFreeBuilder program. It allows you to create, edit a family tree, store family photos, documents, videos. You can learn about it here. Download it for yourself, you won't regret it. Take your lists and put them in a table. Don't be embarrassed if you can't complete everything at once.

Often questions about relatives and ancestors arise in the family circle, when grandparents begin to remember their childhood, parents and other relatives. How to make a family tree quickly and easily without knowledge of genealogy?

Why you need to make a family tree

This is one of the most important stages - motivation. He simply will not allow to abandon the compilation of the tree in a couple of weeks, but to bring it to the end. There are several reasons that encourage people to think about compiling a family tree:

  • the desire to satisfy the inexplicable sentimentality that comes with age;
  • let your children feel respect for their roots, relatives, family history and customs;
  • visually show your children how large the number of relatives you can rely on in difficult times;
  • to realize how big your family tree is, to feel like a part of large community having its own destiny and purpose;
  • Satisfy your curiosity about being distantly related to celebrities, find something interesting and mysterious in your roots and branches.

Chances are you have other motives as well. Those who build a family tree professionally recommend not starting an investigation of their tree for belonging to noble families or classifying themselves as descendants of famous historical figures. Usually this does not lead to anything good, since these searches will cost big money, the evidence will be inconclusive, and the case itself will quickly get bored and is unlikely to end successfully.

How to build a family tree

Paper constructions, grouping of relatives, folders with papers are already a thing of the past. Although there is sometimes a need to make some notes, it is best to use specialized programs that help you conveniently compose the found data about relatives and display them in a convenient and pleasant way. There are also various online services that can help you collect data about your relatives.

There are sites where wood is possible. With their help, deciding how to create a family tree becomes as simple as possible. Usually, free registration is required, information is entered for each relative, his family ties and photos, and the service itself produces a graphical construction of the family tree. There are professional services such as myheritage, with a large number of settings that will not only show you how to compile a family tree correctly, but also analyze the surname, search through archives, etc. Online services are convenient for those who do not take the issue very seriously , or to build a simple tree and its design. According to statistics, sites on average "live" up to 5 years and for various reasons may disappear from the information space along with your data.

For more in-depth work on your pedigree, it is best to use special programs, information from which can be saved, archived, duplicated and processed on any device and at the same time be independent of the Web. Free programs are mostly very simple, have little functionality and are good for simple tree building. More professional programs are usually paid, but with them the question of how to make a family tree of a family, even a very large family, is solved efficiently and conveniently. For example, the program in the free version has some limitations, but allows you to get acquainted with its work. V full version costs about 400 rubles. The amount is not very large, but it allows you to think about how seriously you are set to work.

We start the formation of the tree with ourselves

After choosing a means of building a tree, questions arise: how to make a family tree and where to start creating it? It's easiest to start with yourself. In a program or service, enter information about yourself, then about your immediate environment - about everyone you know personally and about whom you have information. You insert photos of these people from your hard drive or, if they are not there, scan or re-photograph paper portraits from albums. Attach photos, make connections, enter comments (such as a short biography) until personal knowledge runs out.

We continue to form the tree

The next step is a meeting with relatives. We arrange a meeting with relatives from the necessary “branches” of the tree, take a cake and a laptop (or better, a voice recorder). During the conversation, you can get a lot of information that fills in the gaps in the family tree. At the same time, you can make a big mistake not going to relatives, but collecting them. a large number of in one place to poll. This usually results in old people correcting each other, disagreeing on different dates, arguing about events, and generally causing significant chaos in the orderly scheme of your work. Therefore, thinking about how to make a family tree quickly, it is better not to take risks, but to talk with each relative separately.

Visit the oldest relatives first. They can tell the most about distant relatives, time gaps, and if they are in a good position, they will allow you to use their rare photographs in albums.

It will be more convenient to conduct a conversation if, before starting it, make up a mini-questionnaire of questions for 10-15: first and last names, important dates in life (birth, wedding, life events, death), children and parents.

We continue to collect information

After we have collected data from everyone who was nearby, the next step is to communicate with those who live far away, in other cities and countries. The easiest way to communicate with them is by phone, skype or via social networks. After talking with them, you can ask them questions and briefly tell them how to make a family tree. They can build their own branch and send it to you to add it to your big tree. This is very convenient, since it is quite difficult to do such work alone. Therefore, having interested your relatives in this process, you can significantly facilitate your work. You can promise them a free copy of the tree when it is completed or the maximum possible is collected

Working with archives and databases

The last step in collecting information is working with archives. After collecting all possible information from "living" sources and their memories, the next step is to work with paper and electronic archives. This work is especially useful in cases where the twig broke off at some stage and it is not known, for example, whom the great-great-grandfather married or on which front and when the great-grandfather died in the Finnish War, what awards the grandfather received during the war. Such information can be obtained from various archives or databases. Be sure to double-check the information, as there are often namesakes, even full namesakes of people, otherwise your searches may go into other people's "trees".

Family tree construction schemes

When the information is collected, the question arises of how to make a family tree. The layout and placement scheme may be different. The difference in the schemes is the person placed as the basis. You can build from a well-known representative of the genus to the modern generation. This option more clearly shows the presence of children in this ancestor and their division into different family branches.

There are other options for how to make a family tree. An example of a standard scheme, the most common, is shown in the figure. The tree is usually built like this: you are located below, your parents stand above, then grandparents, etc. The branches expand from the bottom up. Below are the children. You define yourself as the foundation.