
Parent meeting weekend routes in dhow. Master class “Algorithm for creating “Weekend routes” (meaning, recommendations). "Visit to the local history museum"


Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

Association of Teachers of Preschool Educational Organizations

Moscow region

Moscow Regional Center for Preschool Education

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional professional education "Educational and methodological center"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 10"

Zonal Seminar

For teachers of preschool educational organizations of the Moscow region, members of the Association of teachers of preschool educational organizations of the Moscow region

"Organization of local history and tourism activities in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Master Class

"Algorithm for creating "Weekend routes"


town of Tuchkovo


Plan outline of the master class

Topic:"Algorithm for creating "Weekend routes" (meaning, recommendations)".


The date of the: 04/28/2017

Time spending: 10.20 – 10.30

Location: town of Tuchkovo, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 10".

Master class duration: 10 minutes, including answers to questions from the master class participants (5 minutes).

The purpose of the master class:


Popularization of innovative ideas and findings that form the basis of the broadcast pedagogical experience;

Training the participants of the master class in the development and compilation of "Weekend Routes";

Contributing to the creative search of teachers, participants - a master - class;

Creation of motivation for active creative activity;

Update basic knowledge on the topic of the master class;

Increasing the level of their professional competence, the methodological level of the participants of the master class on the main aspects of the demonstrated activity;

Practical development by them of the most important skills within the framework of the transmitted experience;

Formation of an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation.

Equipment: multimedia projector.

Demo material: multimedia presentation, samples of ready-made "Weekend Routes" designed by pupils and their parents.

Handout: memo "Algorithm for creating "Weekend routes"" according to the number of participants in the master class.

Master class progress:

Introductory part (1 min.);

Main part (6 min.);

Final part (3 min.).

Verification of the implementation of the tasks and achievement of the goal is carried out using:

General discussion with questions to the teacher who conducted the master class.

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Master class progress:

Introductory part:

Leading: Dear colleagues! Today, during the master class, I will introduce you to the “Algorithm for creating “Weekend Routes”.

The purpose of the master class: improving the professional skills of teachers - participants in the master class in the process of active pedagogical communication to master the broadcast experience.

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"Algorithm for creating "Weekend routes" (value)".

Leading: The main idea of ​​the project implemented by our preschool educational institution is the involvement of children preschool age to the cultural values ​​and traditions of the native land, the formation of the foundations of citizenship, the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, the education of moral qualities, the formation of the foundations healthy lifestyle life.

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Main part:

Leading: As part of the ongoing project, we have developed a "Weekend Route" as one of the ways to involve children and parents in local history and tourism activities.

The purpose of developing "weekend routes" is to educate preschoolers of respect and interest in their native land through the interaction and cooperation of teachers with families.

The goal can be realized through the solution of the following tasks:

Generalize and systematize knowledge about the small homeland;

Expand children's horizons;

To form ideas about the sights of a small homeland;

To acquaint children with the geographical location of their small homeland;

To cultivate love and a sense of pride for the village in which we live.

Children should receive knowledge about their native land, village, not only in kindergarten, but also actively participate in obtaining this knowledge together with their parents. It is very difficult to organize the departure of preschoolers outside the territory kindergarten on excursions to museums, parks, exhibitions. In this regard, parents have much more opportunities to show their child how rich, rich and beautiful the world. As experience has shown, this type of activity helps to form the first feelings of patriotism among preschoolers: pride in their homeland, love for their native land, respect for traditions.

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"Algorithm for creating "Weekend routes" (recommendations)".

Leading: Algorithm for creating weekend routes:

1. Questioning the parent community to identify the level of knowledge about local history and children's tourism.

Result: revealing the level of knowledge and interest of parents to build further work on this topic.

2. Parent meeting:

Informing parents about what activities are held in the preschool educational institution to familiarize children with their small homeland;

Acquaintance with the algorithm for developing the "Weekend Route".

Result: Motivation of parents for future activities.

3. Development of the "Weekend Route" by the parents.

Result: creation of a plan for the "Weekend Route".

4. Walk along the route.

Outcome: Enrichment of knowledge and practical experience children and parents in joint activities.

5. Presentation of ready-made routes in groups.

Result: Photo exhibition, wall newspapers, booklets, brochures, vernissage of drawings "My day off".

Direct development of the weekend itinerary includes:

Route planning;

Processing of factual material;

Work on the content;

Writing control text.

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In the process of preparing a new weekend itinerary, we have identified a number of main stages, which are arranged in a certain order.

1. Determination of the purpose and objectives of the walk (excursions, hikes, etc.).

The purpose of the tour is for the sake of which historical and cultural monuments and other objects are shown to tourists. The story about the object is also subject to the same final goal.

For instance:

Education of patriotism, love and respect for the Motherland, socially useful work, tolerance for other peoples;

Aesthetic education, as well as broadening one's horizons, obtaining additional knowledge in various fields of science, history and culture, etc.;

Ecological education;

The objectives of the excursion are to achieve the goals by revealing its topic.

It is very important that the walk is interesting enough, but at the same time it is not overloaded with a flow of unnecessary information, and the way the material is presented is not tiring for the children. Therefore, the topics of the routes must necessarily be focused on the age, individual and gender interests of children, i.e., the principle of a differentiated approach to the preparation of the route must be observed

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2. Choice of topic.

Each route should have its own clearly defined theme. The theme is the core that unites all the objects and objects of the route into a single whole.

Approximate topics of "Weekend Routes":

1. "The seasons in the city park."

2. "Bird Park", "Zoo", "Reserve", etc.

3. "Museum of Local Lore", "Museum of Fairy Tale", "Museum of Technology" and other museums.

4. "Route through the streets of the city", "The most beautiful places in the village", "Architecture of the city", "Children's Park", etc.

5. “Fighting Glory of our small homeland”, “Profession of my parents”, “History of my land”, “What is my small homeland famous for”, etc.

6. "Cities of Russia", "Rivers and lakes of Russia", etc.

7. "Art galleries", "Planetarium", "Estates - reserves".

Topics for "Weekend Routes" are inexhaustible. The cognitive interest of children will prompt ideas for creating new routes. Perhaps, making up a calendar-thematic planning or prospectively - thematic planning educational activities, the teacher decides to apply the weekend itinerary as the final event on the theme of the week or will offer the pupils and their parents to implement the "Weekend itinerary" as short term project on a specific topic.

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3. Selection of literature and electronic media.

In our age of informatization, the Internet is a great help in selecting the necessary information. These can be electronic libraries, periodicals, official sites of cultural and historical objects (museums, nature reserves, cultural centers, etc.).

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4. Selection and study of objects.

As objects can be selected:

Memorable places associated with historical events;

Buildings and structures, memorial monuments;

Natural objects;

Expositions of museums, galleries, exhibitions;

Monuments of art, etc.

4. The value of the object (scientific, educational, recreational).

5. The value of the object (local, regional, regional, all-Russian, worldwide).

6. The state of the object (degree of damage).

7. National economic value and use of the object.

8. Legislative act on the protection of the object and the date of its adoption.

9. Basic literature on the object and other data.

10. Scheme, plan, photograph of the object.

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When compiling the first weekend itineraries and recommendations for them for parents, we intended to interest parents in local history tourism, a new type of activity for them.

The first routes were:

Walk of Fame in Tuchkovo,

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Museum of Local Lore in Tuchkovo and Ruza, the Gorodishche park in Ruza,

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Lyzlovo, Tank Museum in Kubinka, etc.

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To our joy, the parents willingly accepted a new type of activity for them and began not only to implement the proposed joint routes,

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but also to actively develop new ones and share impressions and emotions from joint trips by creating wall newspapers dedicated to their weekend routes.

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Leading: We can say with confidence that, having studied the experience of implementing the “weekend route”, parents have a desire to communicate fruitfully with the child and give him the bright colors of the world around him, enrich life skills and at the same time experience the joy of spending time together. Carrying out local history and tourism activities through the "Weekend Route", parents become involved in the formation of the child's personality.

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Final part:

Conclusion: By implementing "Weekend Routes", you can achieve the following results:

Motivation of parents for further cooperation with teachers;

Expanding children's ideas about their small homeland, its history and culture;

Expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children, development of coherent speech;

Saturation of the object-spatial environment: albums, photo exhibitions, art exhibitions, presentations and films about the small homeland and Russia.

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Thank you for attention!


1. Educational program DOE was developed on the basis of the Exemplary Basic General Education Program preschool education"From birth to school" under the editorship, which corresponds to the current FGT. - M, "Mosaic - Synthesis". 2012.

2. “I am a person” Program for the social development of the child / - M .: School Press, 2003.

3. etc. How to teach children to love their homeland / M., Arkti, 2003

4., etc. The system of patriotic education in kindergarten - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

5. Aleshina preschoolers with their hometown - M .: Sphere Creative Center, 1999.

6. Agapova about great compatriots with children 5 - 7 years old - M .: Sphere Creative Center, 2007.

7. Alyamovskaya K. Yu., et al. - M. "TC Sphere", 2005.

8. Dybina and the surrounding world - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005.

9. Zatsepina of military glory - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

10. Zatsepina - leisure activities in kindergarten - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

11. Zimina holidays for preschoolers - M .: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2007.

12. Zelenova L. E. “We live in Russia” (middle, senior, preparatory group) - M.: "Scriptorium", 2008.

13. Makhaneva S. V. “My friends and I are the whole world. Social - emotional development of children 7 - 10 years old "- M .:" TC Sphere ", 2007.

14. N. N. Ostapets and others. patriotic education preschoolers by means of local history and tourism activities - M .: Arkti, 2003.

15., Chair upbringing in kindergarten - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

16., Chair upbringing in kindergarten - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

Belyavtseva Liliya Vladimirovna, educator, MBDOU DS No. 22 "Smile", Stary Oskol.

Cultivating love for one's small homeland is a laborious, long-term, jeweler's process, it must be carried out unobtrusively and constantly. Like any other feeling, patriotism is acquired independently and experienced individually. It is directly connected with the personal spirituality of a person, its depth. Therefore, without being a patriot himself, a parent cannot awaken a feeling of love for the motherland. It is to awaken, and not to impose, since spiritual self-determination lies at the heart of patriotism. Getting acquainted with their small homeland - the native city of Stary Oskol, its sights, the child learns to realize himself living in a certain time period, in certain ethno-cultural conditions and at the same time to join the riches of national and world culture. Referring to the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “In the minds of every person, childhood memories are imprinted for life, vivid pictures and images perceived in childhood are forever preserved”, it is important that childhood impressions in children become the sources of love for their native city and for people, living in it, the origins of patriotic feelings.

Our Stary Oskol is a beautiful and modern city, it has many cultural and leisure centers, historical buildings, architectural monuments, museums that parents can visit with their children, where they can relax on weekends.

Family holidays are an important way to strengthen the family, and such a useful event as visiting museums hometown with children, in addition, it will help the family to broaden their horizons, teach them to understand and appreciate art, and introduce them to the history and culture of their small homeland.

For preschool children, the museum is accessible and necessary. The main thing is that each visit to the museum should be positive and informative.

Museum visits and preparation for this event should create in the child festive mood(festive clothing, appropriate emotional mood). On the first visit to the museum, it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to consider appearance building, its front staircase. Parents should have the necessary information to answer children's questions, or seek help from a tour guide.

In Stary Oskol there are 2 museums - local history and art. A visit to the local history museum will help to acquaint children with their native city, its history, where you will see a model of the Oskol fortress, admire the diverse wildlife of Prioskolye, look at clothes, dishes, household items of our ancestors and more. The museum often hosts exhibitions of exhibits from various museums in the country. Try not to miss them, thereby expanding your horizons and the horizons of children, usefully organizing leisure.

In an art museum, you can open the world of colors to your child, awaken aesthetic feelings, and experience wonderful moments of pleasure together with him. Draw the child's attention to a lot of pictures, and examine in detail and carefully 1-2 pictures in one room. Consider with your child the products of Starooskol craftsmen. You can buy home what your child likes: a whistle, a clay toy, a charm, etc.

Thus, systematic visits to museums with the whole family will allow you to introduce your child to art, teach you to see the beauty of the world around you, cultivate love for your hometown, pride in it, maintain a friendly and trusting relationship in the family.

One of the great places to relax in the city is the square near the Byl cinema. Here you can attend a children's session at the cinema, admire the fountain in summer, wander along the green paths of the park, visit a cozy cafe, take children for a drive in a children's car, enjoy holidays diverse musical repertoire of our artists and countrymen.

On the square in front of the Byl cinema there is a monument to the legendary commander of the Great Patriotic War G.K. Zhukov. You and your child can lay flowers at the monument, tell in understandable and accessible words about the merits of the commander to the Fatherland, and that the monument was erected with donations from our fellow countrymen from Starooskol.

There is a wonderful theater in Stary Oskol, which has a rich repertoire for children and youth. A joint visit to the theater for children and parents will be a real holiday. For a child, watching a theatrical performance is necessarily combined with a huge inner work. He learns to feel, to capture other people's emotions, to experience. The theater combines several arts: rhetoric, music, plasticity. If the child is still two or three years old, for starters, you should choose a puppet theater, where most of the performances are based on stories familiar to the baby and characters already familiar from the books participate: Gingerbread Man, Fly-Tsokotuha, Aibolit and others. It will be easier for the child to understand the meaning of what is happening and interest in action will not disappear. For a child of four or six years old, the plot basis of the performances is greatly expanded: a grown-up baby can be taken not only to a performance with a familiar plot, since the degree of perception of the new, the reaction is already different, a sense of humor appears. The plot range of the performances is much wider: these are not only fairy tales, but also productions based on more “adult” plots: “The Adventures of Dunno”, “The Old Man-Hottabych”, “ The Snow Queen»... Acquaintance of a child with the theater will delight, surprise and charm the child.

A real event for children will be a visit with the whole family and participation in large city events - City Day, Victory Day and others. Children will have the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of belonging, common joy, get acquainted with the inhabitants of Stary Oskol - the bearers of socio-cultural traditions in the field of crafts, song, dance, and so on.

Wonderful parks in different neighborhoods, where children can admire beautifully decorated flower beds, strengthen their physical strength at various sports facilities, may turn out to be your favorite places of recreation. Resting with children, draw the attention of children to the beauty of the world around them, teach children to take care of their native nature, to what is made by human hands. Do not forget that your personal example serves best method parenting!

There are many more places in our city that you will love and visit with the whole family. From what eyes the child sees the environment for the first time, what struck his imagination, what he learned from communication with adults about the events of the present and the historical past of his small homeland, the formation of the personality of a citizen, a young starooskolets, depends. Many impressions are not yet realized by him so deeply, but, "passed through the child's heart," which means they will remain in memory for a long time, and possibly for life.


1. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Homeland in the heart. M. Young Guard. 1980. - 175s.

On a fine autumn day, take a walk with your child in a park or square. Pay attention to beauty autumn leaves. Watch how the leaves fall from the trees, how the wind picks them up, and they slowly spin in the air, quietly falling to the ground. Explain that this natural phenomenon is called leaf fall.

Play a game with your child: "Find by description." (You describe the appearance of any tree, and the child finds it. If the child does not know the name of the tree, name it yourself).

Read a poem about autumn to your child:

Sundress put on autumn

Motley, painted.

Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf,

Golden leaf.

It picks up, it throws

The wind is mischievous

Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf,

Golden leaf.

Let's collect a bouquet for glory,

Lush and big.

Yellow leaf, scarlet leaf,

Golden leaf.

(I. Chernitskaya)

Golden Rain

The leaves were flooded with sunshine.

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Run and fly

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped over the branches.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

(M. Lessovaya)

Poems about autumn for kindergarten. Poems about autumn rain, poems about leaf fall, about yellow falling leaves.

If it's pouring rain

I take an umbrella with me

Very bright and big


Whoever meets

Very surprised.

The people around say:

"What a miracle! The umbrella is coming!"

Even a little embarrassing

That I can't see at all...

M. Sidorova

The winds are blowing

winds are violent,

The clouds are walking

The clouds are dark.

Can't see them

white light;

Can't see them

Red sun.

A. Koltsov

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

It looks like new now!

All ruddy, golden.

Where are you, leaf? Wait!

V. Berestov

leaf fall

Leaves flutter in the air

All Moscow is in yellow leaves.

We are sitting at the window

And we look outside.

Leaves whisper:

Let's fly away! -

And dive into the puddle.

Y. Korinets

autumn treasure

Yellow coins fall from a branch.

There's a treasure under your feet!

This autumn is golden

Gives leaves, not counting.

Gives golden leaves

To you and to us

And everyone in a row.

I. Pivovarova

Got up, making noise

bad weather,

Low boron raw

Leans over.

Walk, swim

Clouds across the sky.

Autumn night

Blacker than a crow.

I. Nikitin

Autumn looked into the garden -

The birds have flown away.

Outside the window rustling in the morning

Yellow blizzards.

Under the feet of the first ice

Crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow in the garden will sigh

And sing -

He is shy.

V. Stepanov

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden...

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Birds fly south

Geese, rooks, cranes.

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms

Stumps and paths smell

Delicious autumn mushroom.

M. Evensen

It's raining

Cloud-cat, tail pipe,

A cloud with a long beard

Cloud-horse, cloud-beetle...

And there are only two hundred of them.

The poor clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.

And the people below shout:

"Run, it's raining!"

autumn hello

wind postman

Delivered letters,

Dul, he tried,

Sparing no effort.

Colored on foliage

hello autumn,

Rain lingering

Sprinkles your answer.

The pond was covered

notes of rain,

The sky is writing a song

Leaving in autumn.

T. Marshalova

leaf fall

Fallen leaves conversation

Barely audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

We are with cherries...

From donkey...

From cherry...

From oak...

From birch...

Falling leaves everywhere

On the threshold of frost!

Y. Kapotov

leaf fall

Falling leaves!

Falling leaves!

Forest autumn caulking.

Cannabis flew,

The edges became red,

The wind flew past

The wind whispered to the forest:

Don't complain to the doctor

I treat freckles:

I'll cut off all the redheads,

I'll throw them in the grass!

N. Minsky

How good it is to visit autumn

Among the golden birches...

They wouldn't throw more gold,

There would be a forest, crimson and quiet.

More often the sun is tired

Stayed in the golden forest

To protect from the wind

Forest late beauty.

N. Naydenova

autumn leaf

Outside the window, the autumn leaf turned yellow,

Broke off, spun, flew.

The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,

Everyone is spinning and playing under the window.

And when the cheerful wind flew away,

The yellow leaf on the asphalt got bored.

I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,

I brought it home and gave it to my mom.

You can't leave him outside.

Let him live all winter with me.

O. Chusovitina

Windy, windy

The whole earth is ventilated

Wind leaves from twigs

Dispersed around the world:

lime, birch,

Yellow leaf and pink

Red, colorful,

Old sheet of newspaper.

Sunny, windy

Windy, windy!

I. Tokmakova

Make autumn riddles for children

The branches in the park rustle,

Throw off their outfit.

He is at the oak and birch

Multi-colored, bright, catchy. (Leaf fall)

It pours like an oblique wall

And knocks on our windows.

Himself cold, torrential,

And in the garden, the gazebos get wet.

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

To then go down into the puddle. (Fall rain)

In autumn it is often needed -

If the rain hits the puddles,

If the sky is in black clouds,

He is the best helper for us.

Open it above yourself

And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

September and October

There are so many in the yard!

The rain has passed - left them,

Medium, small, large. (puddles)

Leaves fall off the branches,

Birds fly south.

"What time of year?" - ask.

They will answer us: “This is ...” (autumn)

Collect a bouquet of leaves. At home, dry the collected leaves and do it with your child.

Introduce your child to the beauty of their native land. Develop his fantasy and imagination. Create beauty with your own hands!

Sun early in the morning
looked out the window.
Ray fumbled,
made me get up.
I really want to sleep.
Oh, I don't want to get up!
Sun, take away the ray.
It's too early, don't wake up.
Because today is such a day
today is a day off.

Mom and dad are fast asleep
do not rush to work.
I don't need to go to kindergarten
there are no kids there today.
All weekend today.
Everyone is so lazy.
Sun, take away the ray.
It's too early, don't wake up!

At present, the number of children with poor health has increased significantly, there are more and more children with frequent colds, overweight, posture disorders. This list could be continued for a very long time. There are many reasons for this situation, but one of the main ones is a sedentary lifestyle.

After conducting a survey of parents and asking children what they did on the weekends, I found out that they mostly watched cartoons and played on the computer. This pastime of children alarmed me, and I decided to have a conversation with parents about how you can spend the weekend for the benefit of the child. As a result of the conversation, it turned out that many parents do not know how to do it right, how to spend a day off with their children.

Thus, in order to draw the attention of parents to the problem of joint recreation, preservation and strengthening of the mental and physical health of children, a project was developed "Happy weekend" .

The purpose of the project: strengthening and maintaining the mental and physical health of children of primary preschool age

  • (card index of games at home)

Project Features:

Project Implementation Plan.

According to the purpose and objectives, a plan for the implementation of the project was developed. The project can be implemented in two directions - parents and children. For parents, as part of the project, I propose to carry out the following activities:

  • questionnaires to obtain information about how children spend their days off, what they do
  • conduct individual interviews with parents
  • develop consultations
  • choose a set of games for children and their parents
  • offer individual tasks and reporting forms (photos and videos):
  1. visiting museums, zoos, puppet theater, circus
  2. go to the park, to the forest, to go fishing
  3. cook Sunday lunch with your child.

Organize a photo exhibition after the events "Happy weekend" .

  • conversations with children
  • looking at pictures
  • Painting
  • mobile game learning

Expected results:

Project structure:

1. Preparatory (project development)

  • select methodological and fiction literature on the topic,
  • pick up illustrations and didactic games,
  • draw up an action plan.

2. Analytical block:

  • questioning.

3. Information and storage:

  • studying the interest of children to determine the goals of the project
  • collection and analysis of pedagogical tools for adults and children
  • selection of visual information: illustrative material, literary works, cartoons, didactic, role-playing, theatrical and building games
  • holding exhibitions, presentations
  • family photo exhibition "Happy weekend"
  • work with specialists.

4. Organizational and practical block.

The implementation of the project at this stage involves organized educational and joint partnership activities.

5. Presentation - final

Project presentation "Happy weekend"

Photo report "Happy weekend"

6. Control-reflexive


Analysis of results and conclusions.

Integration educational areas during the project:

  • cognitive development
  • Social and communicative development
  • Artistic and aesthetic development
  • Physical development
  • Speech development

Advice for parents:

"Visit to the museum" , What museums can you visit? , What to do with a child on the weekend (games to help keep the child in place)» , How much time should be devoted to communication with the child? , "Family weekend" , “How to spend a day off for the benefit of a child.

Photo report "Happy weekend" . Invite parents to bring photos of children playing educational games, spending the weekend together (zoo, nature, museum, developing rooms and playrooms, etc.)



(the project was developed by the teacher V.V. Potapenko

MBDOU No. 92, Kursk)

At present, the number of children with poor health has significantly increased, more and more children with frequent colds, overweight, and posture disorders are appearing.

Thus, in order to draw the attention of parents to the problem of preserving and strengthening the mental and physical health of children, joint recreation, a project was developed "Happy weekend" .

(slide number 1)

The purpose of the project: strengthening and maintaining the mental and physical health of children of primary preschool age. (slide number 2)

Project objectives: to interest parents, to show the importance of this issue;

  • advise parents on practical skills to preserve and improve the health of children
  • choose a consulting didactic materials (card index of games at home)
  • organize work with parents on planning and spending a day off for the benefit of the physical and mental health children. (slide number 3)

Project participants: children of primary preschool age, parents, preschool teachers. (slide number 4)

Project implementation: short-term.

Project Features:

  • availability of material for children of primary preschool age
  • maximum involvement of parents
  • integration of joint activities of children and parents at home.

(slide 5)

Working with children includes:

  • conversations with children (walks to the park, zoo, forest, circus, museum; rules of conduct in in public places and in nature)
  • reading fiction (about the forest, about wild and domestic animals, who can be found in the zoo, etc.)
  • looking at pictures
  • Painting
  • mobile game learning
  • learning a simple complex of morning exercises (so that children at home teach their parents and do it together) (slide number 6, 7)

Expected results:

  • the formation of a stable interest among parents in the problem of preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children
  • creation of new forms of spending the day off
  • the acquisition by parents of the experience of motor interaction with children, elementary skills in organizing motor-playing activities with a child at home
  • a strong desire for parents to pay more attention to their child
  • the active participation of parents in the implementation of the project allows for continuity between the kindergarten and the family to strengthen and preserve the mental and physical health of children. (slide number 8)

(slide number 9, 10)

After conducting a survey of parents and asking children what they did on the weekends, I found out that they mostly watched cartoons and played on the computer. This pastime of children alarmed me, and I decided to have a conversation with parents about how you can spend the weekend for the benefit of the child. As a result of the conversation, it turned out that many parents do not know how to do it right, how to spend a day off with their children. I was offered options for spending time with children on a day off and a list of games that you can play at home. (slide number 11)

As a result of our joint work with parents, video examples of how children of primary preschool age conducted (groups №9) "Happy weekend" . (slide №12, 13, 14, 15)

In the implementation of the project "Happy weekend" parents actively participated, and this made it possible to carry out continuity between the kindergarten and the family in strengthening and maintaining the mental and physical health of children.

You can watch a presentation of how this project was implemented and a photo report "Happy weekend" .

Thank you for attention! (slide number 16)

Advice for parents

How to spend the weekend with your kids

Tasks: formation of a harmonious image of the family, the need for joint active recreation (excursions, hikes, walks, outdoor games, family theater);

The child spends the whole day in the garden, where he studies, plays, communicates, and the main thing for the child is the family.

The role of the family in shaping a developing personality can hardly be overestimated. For a small child, the family is the whole world. The world in which he lives, acts, makes discoveries, learns to love, hate, rejoice, sympathize. In the family, the child acquires the initial experience of communication, the ability to live among people. In everyday communication with parents, the baby learns to know the world, imitates adults, gains life experience, learns the norms of behavior ...

The child worked all week, but now the day off has come. We want you to share with each other experiences, just tips on how you spend this day.

But first I want to ask you a question: What time does your child wake up on the weekend?

Parent responses.

Presentation by parents.

You are great.

Returning to your answers, tell me, is the daily routine important for a child? Is it necessary to observe it on a day off? (answers)

Of course, the regime of the day is important, its observance is necessary even on weekends. And since the regime is important, then a walk is also necessary. How can you make the most of this walk?

Preschool childhood is a time of discovery. The task of adults is to help the child make discoveries, filling them with educational content that would contribute to the formation of moral feelings in him.

Let a small person, with your help, discover the beauty of his native city, be surprised at the new, which, it would seem, has been known to him for a long time. Adults, walking with a preschooler, each time find an object for observation.

Here the child sees his street in the morning when he goes to kindergarten. The evening street is completely different: the houses seem higher, the sky against the background of bright lanterns - bottomlessly dark, shop windows - especially elegant. The child sees a winter street when the first snow fell, and a spring street with a sparkling drop, with puddles-mirrors reflecting sunbeams, a summer street illuminated by light, and an autumn street with gray rains.

And how much joy a preschooler has at the sight of a pre-holiday street decorated with flags, banners, garlands of flowers and lights! All these are impressions that help him get acquainted with the street from different angles, discovering something new in the familiar, everyday. So the child, with the help of loved ones, peers into what surrounds him, sees the working and festive life of his native city.

Getting ready for walks, trips around the city, the district ...

Dear parents! Surely many of you still have pleasant childhood memories of traveling and walking with your parents. I bring to your attention a few tips that will help you plan your weekend so that you and your children can visit memorable places in the city, learn, relax, and enjoy moments of communication with your family.

  • Sightseeing of the most important sights should be scheduled at a time of the day when children are most energetic. For most children, this is the first half of the day
  • Look for museums that have exhibitions for children, and exhibits can be touched.
  • During the tour, it is very important for parents to show sincere interest in the object being studied, listen carefully to the guide, examine the exhibits, and make their own comments.
  • The itinerary must be designed taking into account the characteristics of the character and age features child. How younger child, the more energetic and mobile it is. Therefore, it is necessary to select such places of rest where the child, after a short excursion, could move freely, play, and communicate with other children.
  • The next day after visiting a museum or an excursion, it is advisable to ask the child about what he saw, what he especially liked. The story about what he saw will help the child to better understand and remember new information for him.
  • Walking through the park can take much longer than you expect.
  • During "travels" try to joke as much as possible, laugh, react to the jokes of children. Be prepared to spend some money. On this day, do not refuse the child in his requests to buy something.
  • Children love to be photographed. After visiting the memorable places and sights of the city or region, bring photos to the kindergarten. Children are happy to act as guides and tell teachers and children about their impressions.
  • In preparation for "journey" be sure to consider safety measures: take ordinary water with you to drink, do not forget about a hat; a well-chosen travel first aid kit can come in handy in case of minor injuries.

Once and for all, dear parents, decide for yourself: a trip together with a child is not a vacation for you at all, this time is completely dedicated to him, your beloved child. Let him once again make sure that you love him, that you live by his interests.

Look around with the eyes of a child - how many interesting things are around! Your child is interested in something, stop, take a closer look, try to look at everything through his eyes and at the same time remain a parent!

What games can you play at home?

The development and upbringing of children, and especially of preschool age, occurs primarily in the game. Children's games are designed to entertain, rally, develop, amuse, teach, show, most importantly, to be interesting. What can you play with your kids at home?

  • paint drawing
  • drawing the same object with different hands
  • game of lotto or children's dominoes, checkers, puzzles
  • magnetic alphabet
  • games with a set of geometric shapes
  • coloring, modeling from plasticine
  • board games
  • games with dice and chips
  • skittles (kids bowling)
  • Nikitin cubes
  • measure the room with your steps
  • divide soft animals into wild and domestic

For the development of fine motor skills:

  • laying out "well" from sticks
  • making a picture of matches (sticks)
  • make a pattern of buttons
  • mix beads (buttons) different colors and spread them out
  • string beads on string
  • fasten and unfasten buttons
  • lacing games

Role-playing games: to school, kindergarten, doctor, hairdresser, cook, house or shop.

For physical development:

  • walk on all fours
  • walk "goose step"
  • go with a book (or soft toy) on the head
  • Swedish wall exercises
  • volleyball balloon

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. In conclusion, I would like to wish that classes and games with a child at home give you mutual pleasure.

Description of some games:

The game "Hot-Cold"

While the child is standing outside the door, the adult is hiding some small object somewhere in the room. Next, the child is called back into the room and he must find this item. At the same time, if the child is far away from the hidden object, you need to say "cold!" , and if he made a movement in the direction of the place where the hidden lies - “warm, even warmer, hot!” .

The game "Memorize Pictures"

Invite the child to carefully look at 10 pictures, each of which depicts a familiar object. Then ask your child to take turns naming the items he remembers. The number of items that the child remembers is important. Show the child the pictures that he did not name. Please try again in 10 minutes. Offer to remember all the pictures in an hour.

The game "Gold fish"

Child - gold fish, which offers the fisherman to fulfill his desire. Adult, i.e. a fisherman comes up with some unusual desire for a fish, and she must find a good reason why she cannot fulfill this desire. Then you can switch roles.

The game "Conversation with Hands"

If the child had a fight, broke something or hurt someone, you can offer him the following game: circle the silhouette of the palms on a piece of paper. Then invite him to revive his palms - draw their eyes, mouth, paint fingers with colored pencils. After that, you can start a conversation with your hands. Ask: "Who are you, what is your name?" , "What do you like to do?" , "What don't you like?" , "What are you?" . If the child does not join the conversation, say the dialogue yourself. It is important to emphasize that the hands are good, they can do a lot (list what exactly), but sometimes they do not obey their master. Need to finish the game "concluding an agreement" between hands and their owner. Let the hands "promise" that within 2-3 days they will try to do only good deeds: make crafts, say hello, play and will not offend anyone. If the child agrees to such conditions, then after a predetermined period of time, you can play this game again and conclude an agreement for a longer period, praising the obedient hands and their owner.

Rain (amusement). Offer to draw rain. Draw the clouds yourself, and then the tear-off lines (rain and grass). The child begins to draw with you. At the same time, we read a nursery rhyme and pronounce these words together with the baby, he will soon learn this nursery rhyme.

Rain, rain is more fun.
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Spray into the field more:
The grass will get thicker!

One of the games in the kitchen is games with various cereals. If you want something to do with your baby, invite him to draw patterns on the croup. Take a bright tray. Pour out the cereal in an even, thin layer. For the smallest, it is better to use semolina. If so, don't be afraid to try. Later you can play with buckwheat, rice.

Many mothers know how useful it is to develop fine motor skills for the hands of a child. But not everyone realizes that the material for development is very close. And there is no need to go to expensive stores in search of toys for the development of motor skills. Just take a look at the kitchen.

One of the cereal games is the pasta game. Take pasta with a hole inside so you can thread it.

Clothespin game.

A game for a child is a kind of activity and an opportunity to learn about the world around.

The source of the well-being of the child in the family, the condition for his proper upbringing, a happy childhood is the love of his parents for him. Children are very sensitive to love and affection, experiencing their deficit. Love is the creator of all that is good and sublime. This is the basis of human relationships.

We offer joint games for parents and children that will help develop a child's endurance and ability to concentrate.

  1. The sun. Draw a large yellow circle on paper. Then in turn (one stroke is done by the child, the next by mom or dad, etc.) draw as many rays to the sun as possible (from 3 years old).
  2. Meadow with flowers. Slightly moisten the watercolors. Soak fingers in paint (each finger with its own paint) and on a sheet of paper, putting fingerprints, "draw" blades of grass, flowers, etc. Flower petals are added with a felt-tip pen around the prints.
  3. Search. Look at the picture book together. The game starts from the first picture: "I see something, it's red! What is it?" When this something is found, switch roles (from 3 years old).
  4. Sculpt a hedgehog. Collect short, thin sticks in a park or forest. Make a short thick sausage out of plasticine and stick the assembled sticks into it: you get a hedgehog (from 3 years old).
  5. We play hide and seek. One is hiding in the apartment and the others have to find him.
  6. We are looking at photographs. We invent and tell stories for photographs.
  7. Dancing. We turn on the music, then we dance.
  8. Guess the animals. Each represents an animal. Others have to guess which one.
  9. We sculpt figures from salt dough. Take two parts flour and water and one part salt. Mix flour with salt, add water and knead the dough (with your help). The dough dries quickly, so it needs to be kneaded in small portions. Now you can sculpt, for example, products for a store or a toy kitchen, or other figures. We place the figurines in the oven and dry them for three hours at a temperature of 100 degrees, and then paint them with poster paints.
  10. We write letters. Letter to grandma and grandpa best friend or a friend is simply drawn and glued.

Games are playing essential role in the development of the baby. They give the child great pleasure, teach to follow the rules, develop motor skills, thinking. Through the game, he learns the world, so you need to try to pick up such games so that they are also developing in nature.

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 8 "Star"

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Kulebaki

This material is presented for educators and parents of preschool children in order to show experience in effective interaction preschool and families. The project "Weekend Route" was based on the idea of ​​studying the streets and squares of the native city through educational walks on the day off.

In our children's institution for several years, work has been carried out to familiarize pupils and parents with the history of the development of our city, to familiarize them with its sights. Basically, this work is presented in a number of projects “ Weekend itinerary”, which is organized by preschool teachers in cooperation with the parents of our preschoolers. Together they develop a route plan for one of the days off, discuss the objectives of the event, distribute responsibilities for the preparation and implementation of the project.

The objectives of these projects are:

Raising love and respect for the native city, a sense of pride in famous countrymen;

Creating conditions for involvement in cooperation and communication of parents and children during our city tours;

Formation and consolidation of knowledge of preschoolers about the Motherland, the place where he was born and lives.

Preliminary work: studying archival documents on the names of the streets of our city, the year of construction of buildings and the memorial on Victory Square, studying the route, drawing up a map, talking on the topic “The Great Patriotic War”, “Our countrymen are veterans”, a selection of information about relatives by children and parents who took part in WWII.

Equipment: route map, clipboards for sketching and marking, blank sheets of paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, cameras, camcorders, emoticons with Velcro, backpacks for children, dry snacks, water.

"Weekend route -" Victory Square of our city "

The project is designed for one day off, since both parents and children are its participants, this creates a single educational space for its implementation. The "route" was created taking into account the main provisions of the GEF DO:

Development various kinds activities taking into account the opportunities, interests and needs of children; organization of individual and collective activities based on meaningful communication, dialogue;

Versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas: physical, social and communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic;

Flexible content and selection pedagogical technologies focused on personal development baby, disclosure creativity preschoolers.

"Route" provided different types activities of children and adults: cognitive, communicative, motor, play, etc. A change in activities helps to keep the child's interest, avoid overwork and keep his attention at the proper level. During the passage of the “weekend route”, adults and children constantly interact and communicate.

The starting point of our “route” was the territory of the kindergarten, the children and parents examined the map of our movement and marked the beginning of the route on the tablets.

  • the project used a variety of methods and forms, such as: the method of problematic presentation of the material; the creation of pedagogical situations that activate the creative thinking of children, develop their cognitive activity through the performance of independent tasks. It is possible to single out the following forms of work of the teacher in preparation for the implementation of the "route" and during its implementation - research activities, reading fiction, observation, discussion, productive activities, etc. Since the parents are one of the authors of the project, they take part in the development of a plan for the upcoming activities, the main forms of work are implemented by them: parents, during our excursion. made small reports about the past of our city, its sights, the streets along which our “route” passed. The tasks for the guys were - sketches in the tablets of the symbols of traffic rules - a pedestrian crossing - "zebra", a traffic light, interesting objects. The children were asked to observe the structures, determine the tallest and lowest tree on the street, etc. On Victory Square, the children looked at the memorial plaques with the names of the dead fellow countrymen, laid flowers at eternal fire, parents talked about the life and exploits of war heroes.

During the implementation of the Weekend Route project, children and adults expanded their knowledge about the history of their city, found out why the square has such a name, learned how our fellow countrymen fought during the Second World War. The project united its participants, made equal researchers of the streets of their native city. At the end of the route, the teacher had a conversation with the children about what they remembered during the excursion, the children fixed pre-prepared emoticons on the route map. The map will be posted on group room kindergarten and the guys will talk about their journey to other pupils of the group for a long time to come.