
Abstract of the lesson on expanding orientation in the environment and the development of speech “Ryaba Hen. Synopsis of the GCD in the second group of early age to expand orientation in the environment and develop speech outline of the lesson (younger group) on the topic Classes for the nursery


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Summary of GCD on expanding orientation in the environment and developing speech with children of the first group of early age on the topic "Guests"

Topic. « Guests» .

Software content.

Consolidate children's knowledge of home animals: cat and dog. Develop the ability to imitate the speech of an adult (repetition onomatopoeia: av-av, meow-meow; words: dog Cat); auditory memory. Cultivate love for animals.

Material: soft toys (dog, cat, cubes.

Previous work: looking at pictures, watching animals.

caregiver: Children, let's build a house out of cubes. (Children build a house together with the teacher.)

Look what a beautiful house turned out. Who joins us today guests came? Knock Knock! Who's there? Aw-aw! Who is this? (hides dog toy).

The teacher reads agricultural

He has four paws

black tail and four paws

Very often barks loudly

And bites bad people!

He is a bully!

Who is this with us?

Children: Dog

caregiver: That's right, dog. Come visit us at guests dog.

caregiver: let's all say together "Aw-aw".

Children repeat. (Individual work with children.)

caregiver: Knock Knock! Who else has come to visit us? guests? (hides cat toy).

The teacher reads agricultural

I am a kitten, fluffy tail

I can run fast

I like to nap on the roof

And mice are afraid of me!

Children: cat.

caregiver: That's right, cat. Come visit us at guests cat.

caregiver: let's all say together "Meow meow".

Children repeat. (Individual work with children.)

caregiver: Children, where does our cat live? Dog?

Children: Houses.

caregiver: Dog and cat are pets. They live at home.

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Tasks: 1. Educational: enrichment and activation of the dictionary: March, April, May; drops; thaw; starlings; long-awaited spring; early spring;.

Organization: Center for Child Development - Kindergarten "Ryabinushka"

Location: Smolensk region, village Zhukovo

Target. Create conditions for children to gain knowledge on the topic "Orientation in space".

Educational. Introduce children to poultry - a duck and its cubs ducklings. Learn to name and distinguish spatial directions using words in speech: in front - behind, above - below. Enrich the passive and active vocabulary of children on this topic. Actualize the orientation in the location of parts of one's own body, using in answers prepositions expressing spatial relationships: on, in, behind.
Developing. Develop speech, memory, visual and auditory perception, fine motor skills, sense of rhythm, coordination of movement.

Educational. Raise interest in the result of their activities, care for animals.

Methods and techniques.

Visual (surprise moment, show, demonstration)

Verbal (artistic word, approval, question - answer)

Game (game - travel, game exercise)

Practical (simulation)

Pedagogical technologies:

Problem situations

Health saving

Assimilation of knowledge by children occurs in a cognitive way and independent search.


Plastic duck toy, gift box, colored silhouettes of ducks without a beak made of thick cardboard. Clothespins in three colors. A laptop, audio recordings of children's melodies, a tray for clothespins, gift bubbles.

Lesson progress:

Greeting game"Our Smart Heads"

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, deftly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs straighten
We smile at each other.

(Children straighten their shoulders, take the correct posture)

game exercise "Beautiful box"

The group hears the sound of a duck quacking.

Educator. Oh, children, what are these sounds, where does it come from? Who is this, you don't know? Let's try to find where it sounds, and what these strange sounds are.

(Children with a teacher go in search of strange sounds, find a beautiful box on the table in the far corner of the group, from where quacking sounds are made).

caregiver. Guys, how interesting, what's in the box? Maybe we will open a beautiful box and see who is there, who came to visit us today. Who is making such a noise here? (the guys, together with the teacher, open the box) are enthusiastically surprised and rejoice at the meeting.

caregiver. Who is it? Children examine and give clarifying answers to the evidence.

Educator. Duck! Mom is a duck. Dad is a drake. Children are carefully examining Daddy Duck. Clarify the parts of the body, its structure, plumage. Educator. Look, instead of a nose, a duck has a head? Beak. And instead of legs? Paws. What can ducks do? (children's reasoning). The teacher approves and clarifies the answers of the children (walk and swim, dive into the water). Do ducks also have 2 wings and a tail, do they help them fly? They find out that the wings are on the right and left, and the tail is behind. Children carefully examine the duck toy, noting the details of the structure of the body, its parts .

The teacher asks leading questions. Where is the duck's beak, where are the wings, tail, paws? The concepts of spatial landmarks “on”, “front”, “behind”, “below” The teacher gives the children information about where the duck lives, what sounds it makes, “talks”.

game exercise "Quack - quack - quack"

The duck lives with the owner in the courtyard and knows how to scream quack, quack, quack.

The task 1. The hostess feeds the duck, she thanks her

(children imitate " Quack - quack - quack").

Task2. Duck walks around the yard, rejoices

(children imitate " quack - quack - quack»).

Task3. The duck enters the barn, screaming

(children imitate " Quack - Quack - Quack).

The teacher draws the attention of the children that the Drake Dad did not come alone, there is someone else in the box. Children come up and take out the silhouettes of ducklings from the box, which are not at all like real ones. Everyone carefully examines and examines the silhouettes.

Problematic situation.

caregiver encourages children to discuss. Guys, some strange ducklings, for some reason they don’t smile, they are sad. What happened to our guests, why are they so unhappy ( children's versions, conclusions). They find out that ducklings do not have a beak to eat worms, grass, drink water, which is why they are sad. They emphasize that the trouble happened to them, the children express sympathy, a desire to help the ducklings. Without a beak, ducklings are very sick and they can die.

Clothespin modeling game "Make a duck a beak"

With the help of a teacher, children perform a beak from clothespins.

caregiver. What color clothespins will we use for the duck beak? (children's answers). Affirmative approval (take red clothespins and make a beak). Like this! (Show). How many red clothespins should I take? (children's answers).

Our ducklings smiled (the children go to the duck and show their work, put it on a tray).

caregiver. Now it's time to show our drake and ducklings what parts of the body we have with you. I will call them, and you guys show where they are (rhythmic music sounds, children point out the named parts of the body on themselves)

Dynamic pause "My body"

Little head - nightingale (children shake their heads left and right)

Lobik - Bobik (put forehead forward)

Nose - apricot (close their eyes and show the nose)

Cheeks - lumps (clasp cheeks with palms)

Sponges - doves (pull out lips with a tube)

Teeth - oak trees (smile with a wide smile)

Beard - young woman (stroke with the palm of your hand)

Eyes - colors (blink)

Ears - obedience (rubbing ears with palms)

Neck - turkey (pull the neck up)

Hangers - grasshoppers (raise and lower alternately)

Handles - grips (clamp fists)

Fingers - boys (game with fingers above the head)

Breast - duck (put the chest forward, hands on the belt)

Puzik - watermelon (circular stroking of the abdomen)

Back - reed (flex)

Knees - logs (clap hands on knees)

Legs - boots and went to dance, just not to get tired.

Summing up the lesson.

surprise moment“The gift of the duck-drake “Soap Bubbles”. Children play claps with rainbow bubbles accompanied by musical accompaniment.


1. A.A. Stolyar “Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers” / Moscow, “Enlightenment”; 1988

2. O.M. Dyachenko “What does not happen in the world?” / Moscow, "Enlightenment"; 1991.

3. T.I. Erofeeva "Mathematics for preschoolers." Book for educators / Moscow, "Enlightenment"; 1992.

4. Let's play. Math games for children 5-6 years old. - Ed. A. A. Stolyar. - M.: Education, 2013). M

5. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The system of work of the Federal State Educational Standard. / Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. / - M .: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2013

direct educational activities. The game is an activity in the second group of early age: the expansion of orientation in the environment and the development of speech “Visiting grandmother in the village”.

Purpose: to form in young children an idea of ​​​​the world around them.
- develop the emotional sphere of the child, prompting the expression of joy, pleasure;
- teach to understand phrases that are simple in design and content;
- to develop the speech of children, imitating the sound combinations and words of an adult;

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- replenish the active dictionary of children with nouns: cabbage, carrot, cockerel, chicken;
- exercise in correlating flat figures (circle, square, triangle) with holes in a didactic toy.
Equipment and materials: Toys depicting cabbages, carrots, roosters, chickens, chickens, pictures of chickens, sheets of paper.
Age of children: 1.5 years.

Event progress.
Kids are playing.
Educator: Children, We have guests in our group today. Let's say hello.
Educator: Say hello to the topic, Vika ...

1. Surprise moment.
TEACHER: Well done. Look, guys! Before we had time to say hello, a bus came to our group. Today we are going to visit grandma.
“The music of E. Zheleznov Bus sounds”
TEACHER: Here we are. Let's go to the house. In order for the grandmother to open it, you need to knock on the door. Knock Theme, knock Vika...
"The teacher puts on a Russian shawl"
TEACHER: Hello guys! My assistants have arrived. Help me guys to harvest cabbage and carrots. Oh, oh, my baskets are leaky, I need to fix them. Help me fix my baskets.

2 Exercise "Let's fix the baskets"
Children pick up planar figures (circle, square, triangle) to the holes in the baskets.
GRANDMA: Thank you, and now let's go pick cabbage and carrots.

3. Exercises "We collect vegetables in baskets"
GRANDMA: Here is a round green cabbage, put it in a large basket. Let's say cabbage. Repeat Theme, Vika ... This is a carrot, let's put it in a small basket. Say carrot. Repeat Theme, Vika...
GRANDMA: Well done, guys, they helped me pick cabbage and carrots. Now let's salt the cabbage.

4. Finger gymnastics "Salt the cabbage"
We salt cabbage, salt.
We chop cabbage, chop.
We three carrots, three.
We press cabbage, we press.
Phew, tired / stroking the handles /
GRANDMA: What helpers you are. And now I will show you my birds.

5. Display of toys at the "Ptichy Yard"
GRANDMA: Who are these guys? This is a cockerel. Tell Temya, Vika ... / Children: cockerel /. Yes, this is dad - a cockerel. The golden scallop sings a song loudly. How loud does a cockerel crow in the morning? Ku-ka-re-ku! Repeat Theme, Vika… / children: Ku-ka-re-ku! /

GRANDMA: Who is this? This is a chicken. Repeat Theme, Vika /Children: chicken/. How does the chicken speak? Ko-ko-ko. Repeat Theme, Vika / Children: Ko-ko-ko /. Here are the smart ones.

GRANDMA: Who is the smallest yellow and fluffy? These are little kids - chickens. How do chickens squeak? Pi-pi-pi. Repeat Theme, Vika /Children: Wee-wee-wee/. We examined all my birds. Let's play now.

6. Imitation exercise "The chicken went out for a walk."
Grandmother takes the hen and shows an imitation movement.

The chicken came out for a walk, / imitates walking, the children repeat /
Pinch fresh grass, / squat and imitate how they pinch grass with their fingers /
And behind her are the guys - yellow chickens / imitate walking /
Co-co-co, co-co-co, / shakes his head /
Don't go far! /threatens finger/
Row with your paws. / Row by hand /
Look for grains / Turn your head from side to side /
GRANDMA: They played enough, they wanted to eat. Come on, kids, let's feed the chicken.

7. Sculpting "Grains for a chicken."
Children sit at tables and mold grains from plasticine.
GRANDMA: And now it's time for you to go to kindergarten. Goodbye.

Children get on the bus and return to the group. Music sounds.

Educator: Here we are back. Let's play.

  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"
  • Goals: The formation in children of elementary ideas about such professions as a doctor, policeman, fireman, cook.


    1. To teach children to distinguish professions by signs (for example, by the form of clothing).
    2. To develop an idea of ​​the work of such professions as a doctor, policeman, fireman, cook.
    3. Cultivate respect for work.

    Materials: Illustrated pictures depicting professions, Luntik toy.

    Lesson progress:

    Educator: Guys, today Luntik came to visit us (on a high chair, opposite the children, the teacher seats the Luntik toy). Luntik really wants us to help him choose a profession, otherwise he is completely confused and cannot decide what he wants to become. Can we help him guys?
    (Children's answers follow).

    Educator: Look at the children and you, Luntik! On our board there are pictures on which different professions are drawn (the teacher points to the pictures and begins to briefly talk about each of the professions presented).

    Look, this is a doctor (doctor), he treats people when they are sick. She also prescribes various cough mixtures and tasty vitamins. The doctor wears a white coat and has a white cap with a red cross on his head. So, we can immediately find out with you that this is a doctor!

    It's a fireman! He puts out the fire (fire). He has a very dangerous and responsible job. The fireman drives a big red car. There is a lot of water in this car, which the fireman uses to put out the fire.

    It's a cop! His work is also very important. He catches criminals and drives a police car, like this (the teacher shows a police car in the picture). He has beautiful clothes, which is called a uniform.

    And this is the chef! He cooks food. We also have a cook in the kindergarten who cooks delicious soup for you, cooks porridge and makes cutlets. Look at what a big mitt he has in his hands (the teacher points to the picture) and a beautiful white apron, and a cap on his head.
    Here, we have learned a little about such important professions. And they told Luntik.
    And now let's rest a little (the teacher invites the children to stand near their chairs).

    Fizminutka: We kneaded the dough (hands in front of us, clench and unclench fists)
    We sculpted a pie (depict with hands how they sculpted a pie)
    Slap-slap, slap-slap (clap hands)
    We are blinding a big pie (they stand on their toes, raise their hands up and stretch). (Repeat twice).

    Educator: Well done boys! Sit down!
    Let's repeat with you once again where we have a fireman, where is a policeman, a doctor and a cook.
    (The teacher, pointing to pictures with professions, asks, “who is this?”, Children's answers follow). Then, in turn, he asks what the doctor, the cook, the policeman, the fireman are wearing. What does he drive and what does he do? (children's answers follow). Then the teacher praises the children.

    Conclusion: Guys, Luntik just whispered to me that he really likes to treat people, take care of them. And he decided that he really wanted to become a doctor. Well, guys, did we help Luntik choose a profession? (children's answers follow). Well done! Let's see Luntik and say goodbye to him (children say goodbye to Luntik). But Luntik promised that he would come to visit us, he is very grateful that you helped him choose a profession and thanks you, and see you soon.

    The paper presents a system of plot-thematic complex lessons for young children and their parents, recommended for use by teachers in preschool educational institutions, in early development centers.

    Reviewer Sechkina Olga Konstantivna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities.

    Compiled by: educational psychologist

    Skobeleva Alina Andreevna


    The 21st century in which we and our children happen to live is very dynamic. And it is the dynamics of life in the modern world that makes parents think about the fate of their own child already in the first years of life. The importance of a child's development between the ages of 1 and 3 cannot be overestimated. So, according to some observations of psychologists, a child at the age of 3 years acquires from 60–70% of information about the world around him, and for the rest of his life 30–40%. At the moment, scientists have proven that the most favorable development of the child proceeds under the influence of thoughtful upbringing and education, carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children. After the first year of a child's life, a new stage in his development begins. Infancy "armed" the child with the ability to look, listen and control the movement of hands. From this time on, the child is extremely active in his actions and in his desire for communication. At this time, the most important changes in the mental development of children take place: thinking is formed, the motor sphere is actively developing, the first stable qualities of the personality appear.

    At an early age, the child has increased suggestibility, seeks to imitate. The child is dependent on an adult, parents and teachers are the main authorities for him. Studies have shown that modern parents, raising children, increasingly need the help of specialists. Modern specialists provide parents with the opportunity to understand the needs and abilities of their child themselves with the support of professionals who know and love their job. Modern science-based ideas about child development do not imply an acceleration of its progress in terms of mastering new skills, but enrichment with new opportunities and development of abilities in natural activities for a child - in communication, object manipulation and play. The most effective means in the development of young children are the means of symbolization - color, music, artistic and graphic forms, expressive movements. They stimulate the cognitive activity of the child and contribute to the involvement in the learning process. When visiting early development centers and clubs, children subsequently adapt better and faster to any activities for older children; less likely to have difficulty establishing contacts with adults and peers; they have different achievements in the development of the cognitive sphere; Speech actively develops, the amount of attention increases, mastering various methods of examining objects, children with the help of teachers quickly learn to compare, distinguish, find similarities, establish a connection between objects and phenomena, which contributes to the development of visually effective thinking.

    aim of the complex plot-thematic classes developed by us, is the harmonious intellectual and personal development of a child of an early age.

    Comprehensive classes are aimed at solving the following problems:

    Development of a sense of rhythm;

    The addressees of complex classes are young children (from one and a half to three years old) and their parents.

    The result of the implementation of the classes are positive changes in the intellectual and personal development of young children, which are a prerequisite for the formation of a motor culture, the successful mastering of graphic skills, which will ensure the successful preparation of students for school; parents feel competent in the upbringing and development of their children.

    Approbation of examples of classes was held on the basis of the children's developing center "Wonderful Country" of the city of Osh. Togliatti for three years.

    Explanatory note

    When developing comprehensive classes, the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation were used (Instructive-methodical letter "On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education" dated March 14, 2000 No. 65 / 23-16), according to which preference is given to integrated classes, including the development of musical abilities, speech, movement, cognitive activity with a health-improving orientation.

    The purpose of the complex plot-thematic classes developed by us is the harmonious intellectual and personal development of a young child.

    In the course of the implementation of classes in accordance with the goal, the following tasks are solved:

    Development of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, classifications, generalizations;

    Development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body;

    Development of visual perception (color, shape, size);

    Development of attention, speech, imagination, creative abilities;

    Development of auditory attention, arbitrariness;

    Development of a sense of rhythm;

    Development of spatial representations, the ability to display according to instructions;

    Development of tactile perception;

    Development of the ability to imitate the movements of an adult;

    Creating a positive emotional mood in the group.

    Working with children includes developing activities for children using a set of exercises and games aimed at the intellectual and personal development of the child. Coordination of movements, fine motor skills, a sense of rhythm are developed through the use of musical outdoor games, finger gymnastics in the classroom, through educational games using small objects, as well as through productive cognitive and creative activities.

    When creating classes, the following methodological principles were used:

    The principle of consistency, consistency and gradualness;

    The principle of an individual approach;

    Ethnopedagogical principle;

    The principle of the activity approach;

    The principle of interaction between the child and parents with the participation of a specialist (teacher-psychologist).

    The principle of consistency, consistency and gradualness, that the lessons are arranged by the teacher in a systematic, structured way. The principle is based on the idea from simple to complex. Favorable emotional relations between an adult and a child create the basis for the harmonious development of a small person, his cognitive activity, independence, curiosity, and the development of creative potential.

    The principle of individual approach observed in the fact that the development of the personality as the main idea is considered in unity and interconnection with the physical and general mental development of the child, which is reflected in the tasks and content of complex classes. Education is based on the natural process of self-development of the inclinations and creative potential of the child's personality, recognition of the value of the individual, its uniqueness, and the right to respect. In turn, such a development of the personality of a small person is possible only when creating positive emotional relationships between all participants in the pedagogical process.

    Ethnopedagogical principle assumes that the child grows and develops in a specific socio-cultural environment. Education should be built on the basis of folk traditions in the broadest sense, a culture that includes the richest experience of rituals and customs. Folk culture is built on the ideas of natural conformity. In accordance with this, nursery rhymes, pestles, fairy tales, folk songs are included in the classes.

    The principle of the activity approach expressed in the fact that objective activity and communication are leading at an early age. The interaction of a child with an adult about an object or a toy is impossible without warm emotional communication. The principle of the activity approach is implemented: in games with plot toys (dolls, cars, animals, etc.) and with natural material (pebbles, shells, cones, chestnuts, acorns) in productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué). In each lesson, there is a relationship between various types of activities aimed at solving developmental and educational problems.

    The principle of interaction between a child and parents with the participation of a specialist (teacher-psychologist) observed in the fact that early development and education in the interaction of the child with the parent is aimed at achieving two goals:

    - creation of optimal conditions for the intellectual and psychomotor development of the child (development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills and a sense of rhythm);

    - creating optimal conditions for the social and emotional development of the child and the formation of such personality traits in him as independence, self-confidence, activity, and a friendly attitude towards people.

    The main and necessary condition for achieving these goals is the relationship between mother and child. In the modern model of interaction "parent-child-specialist", the parent (mother) is given the leading role, he owns the initiative. The specialist is assigned the role of a consultant, supplying the parent with the necessary information and teaching the parent some special skills, methods of interaction with the child. Thus, the specialist and the parent are on the same level of partnership. This model allows you to more effectively solve the tasks of child development.

    Along with the materials of modern domestic and traditional folk pedagogy, the program uses elements of foreign pedagogy: M. Montessori's ideas on creating a preparatory environment and special materials for the development of a child's general and fine motor skills.

    Practical activities are structured sets of classes. All classes are built in one thematic line, the line is maintained throughout the lesson. Classes are built in the form of a role-playing game, which is the only suitable form of learning and development for children of this age. Each thematic lesson contains about ten tasks and exercises aimed at solving the tasks.

    Summaries of fifteen classes (including two festive ones) are given in expanded form. This makes it possible to trace the logic of the lesson and see the relationship of its components. The following outline plans are given in a concise form, providing an opportunity for creative implementation in practice.

    Classes are designed for an hour, but depending on the rules, the size of the groups and the equipment of your club, they can be held as an hour and a half. Also, in a separate chapter, options for greetings, farewells in a circle are offered, as well as options for game massage and finger gymnastics, which are not included in the proposed classes, but are tested and actively used by the teachers of our center. The structure of the developmental lesson is presented in the table.

    The structure of the developmental lesson

    Brief description of the main parts of the lesson

    Greetings, each lesson is unchanged, or you can use one character (doll, sun ...), while changing the nursery rhymes. Greeting sets up children and parents for the lesson, is an organizational moment. Children, with the help of their mothers, communicate their presence. Such a beginning sets the child up for further communication and provides the child with the opportunity to realize himself as an individual.

    Finger gymnastics is an important part of the lesson. As long as the children are not tired, they can concentrate on the complex movements performed by the hands. This contributes to the development of fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, a sense of rhythm, the development of speech and musicality.

    The study of a given topic, aimed at the intellectual and personal development of the child(using the methods of Zaitsev, Montessori, Savichev, etc.) this block is the most extensive in the entire structure of the lesson. It is aimed at the development of mental operations - analysis, synthesis, classifications, generalizations, at the development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body. Also, with the help of Zaitsev's methodology, we introduce children to reading and the basics of mathematics.

    Musical-rhythmic part is carried out at the choice of a teacher, which is a scope for creativity. You can use the proven musical lessons of E. Zheleznova, you can use an obstacle course or orthopedic tracks. Musical-rhythmic movements are the most convenient form for the development of coordination

    Visual activity on the topic of the lesson includes: drawing with wax crayons, drawing with watercolors, gouache, modeling from plasticine and salt dough, applique from colored paper, crafts from various materials. Children are engaged in visual activities together with their mothers under the guidance of a teacher-psychologist.

    Fairy tale on the topic or play massage. It is carried out at the choice of a teacher, watching a fairy tale, lasting no more than 5-7 minutes, gradually brings up in kids such qualities as attentiveness and perseverance, sensitivity. Close communication with fairy-tale characters removes the child's fear of them.

    Play massage provides sensory development. The child perceives and evaluates cold and heat, the force of pressure, the nature of the touch, the direction of movement, the smoothness or roughness of the material, etc. Thanks to massage, children begin to distinguish between shoulder blades, back of the head, feet, calves and other parts of the body. During the massage, children perform a variety of movements with their fingers and hands, which develops large and fine motor skills well.

    Parting, as well as a greeting, is an organizational moment in the lesson. Children learn certain norms of behavior, thereby achieving a kind of rhythm and predictability in building a lesson so that children feel comfortable and confident in the lesson.

    Necessary resources for the effective implementation of developmental classes

    Leading Requirements. Specialists conducting classes in early development should have a specialized education, (preferably higher), also have experience working with young children and their parents, take into account the age characteristics of young children, master gaming technologies with young children, constantly improve their skills, follow the latest developments in education.

    List of educational and methodological materials large enough for the implementation of classes, but everything you need is in any children's development center: Zaitsev's cubes, soft toys, puppet and table theaters, flannelgraph, sports equipment. For classes with bulk materials, we use peas, beans, buckwheat, nuts, buttons, clothespins, balls. It is necessary to have stationery for creative activities. Additional materials are detailed in the course notes.

    The result of complex classes are positive changes in the intellectual and personal development of young children, positive dynamics in the development of psychomotor properties. These criteria can be traced using structural observation, using the methodology of E.A. Strebeleva, as well as a survey of parents.