
Flower child - learning to grow correctly. Consultations for educators consultation on the topic Consultations for educators in kindergarten topics

breast cancer

Hello, friends. The famous German teacher Friedrich Froedel compared the child with a beautiful plant, believing that the teacher's job is to carefully grow it. And he defined a kindergarten as a place for “growing up”, the second after the utopian socialist R. Owen to organize it in practice.

Comes from childhood and kindergarten

Interestingly, this idea turned out to be extremely viable. Including in our country. Neither the revolution, nor the war, nor the years of perestroika forced society to abandon this form of stay and upbringing of the child. Of course, contemporary Russian society is heterogeneous. Someone can allow their child to be raised at home under the supervision of tutors and teachers with higher education. But this is a smaller part.

And the big one still sends the baby to kindergarten every morning, hoping that the child will be supervised there, that they will feed him, put him to bed, play, and also take something useful, up to preparing for school. In most cases, it happens, the kids like to be in kindergarten. Of course, if you're lucky with the head and teacher.

High qualification - competent educator

That's about it - about the level of qualification of employees of a preschool institution, we'll talk today. Or rather, about how this qualification is maintained, or better, improved. What classes and consultations are held for educators in kindergarten and who does it.

There is such a thing as methodical work. Not a single children's institution can do without it - not a kindergarten, not a school, not any creative association. She pays close attention, because it is this work that allows you to improve the skills of people working in kindergarten, and especially educators.

Consultations, which we are talking about today, is one of the forms of work, its first step. When preparing a plan of methodological measures for the year, it must be taken into account and included in the list. At the same time, consultations are divided into different types - individual and collective, informational and problematic.

conform to the standard

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) came to kindergarten after the adoption and implementation of the new law “On Education”. Of course, life in the garden was regulated before by various legal acts. However, there was no standard. New law, new requirements.

Consultations for educators on the Federal State Educational Standard turned out to be necessary for kindergarten workers and especially educators, because they had to restructure their work in a new way, and above all in terms of preparing a child for school, organizing educational activities directly.

Learn by playing

If we talk about the topics of consultations, we can note their diversity. Take, for example, such a topic as maintaining a healthy lifestyle (HLS). The health of the baby must be maintained from early childhood. And in preschool institutions this is well understood. The children are taught hygiene skills, daily routine, maintaining the correct posture.

A child's day in the garden is full of not only reading books, learning new material, making crafts, but also a lot of physical exercise. It can be morning exercises, sports holidays and, of course, outdoor games both in a group and on the street. Methodological consultations help to choose exercises and activities to maintain physical activity, teach how to properly conduct them.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is impossible without physical education. In addition to well-known exercises, educators introduce new ones into the program. In this case, various sports equipment and devices are used. In the children's institution, sports holidays are well held, in which not only children, but also parents take part. This not only helps physical education, but also brings the family together.

There are a lot of methodological developments on how to organize recreation and classes in kindergarten in the summer. Requirements for the summer stay of a child in a preschool institution are contained in the Federal State Educational Standards. Methodological consultations on this topic are held both in a separate kindergarten and at the level of the education department of the city or district for educators of all institutions.

Speak correctly and be confident

More recently, few gardens could boast of having a psychologist or speech therapist on staff. Today it is difficult to imagine a preschool institution without these specialists. Unfortunately, the health of the young generation of the country leaves much to be desired, many children come to kindergarten with psychological problems, developmental delay, including speech.

Specialist consultations are of great help to speech therapists and psychologists. Colleagues often share their own best practices, passing on their experience to other professionals. Almost each of the specialists working in kindergarten has their own developments, backed up by practical experience.

The topics of such consultations are very diverse: “Enrichment of the lexical composition”, “Development of dialogue skills”, “Fairy tales as a way of developing speech skills in children”, “Multimedia tools in speech development classes” - this is only a small part of the topics that are analyzed during speech pathologist consultations.

It is very important that consultations in kindergarten are held not only for those who work in these institutions, but also for parents. Almost all the topics that we talked about above become the subject of consultations for dads and moms of babies. What are the features of the psychological development of children of different ages, how to organize their leisure and education at home, how to prevent delays in the development of speech, how to form healthy lifestyle skills in a child - it is important for parents to know this.

Internet to help

Of course, the consultation that is carried out in a preschool institution in person for educators or parents is a useful tool. People can not only listen to the speaker, but also ask questions of interest, having received an answer on the spot. This form of obtaining new knowledge, of course, must be used.

At the same time, with the advent of the Internet, a lot of useful knowledge, interesting methodological developments can be obtained on various sites. These can be websites of departments and departments of education, ministries and, of course, individual preschool institutions. Educators, methodologists are happy to talk about their work experience and their own methods of teaching and raising children.

We talked about how work is organized in preschool institutions to improve the qualifications of educators and what role such a form as consultations plays in this. We hope the article was useful to you. We look forward to your comments and feedback on our website. Check out our social media for even more information.

The health of a child from the first days of life depends on the micro-society that surrounds him.This circumstance imposes a special responsibility on family members, and primarily on parents. Often, parents' knowledge of measures to preserve and promote health is not consistent with their actions. Value orientations regarding the importance of health are not relevant and, therefore, are not implemented in the daily life of parents.

Federal state educational standard preschool education defines requirements:

ü Support for parents in raising children, protecting and strengthening them health.

ü Involving families directly in educational activities.

ü Protecting children from everyone forms physical and mental abuse.

Health - this is a basic value and a necessary condition for the full physical and social development of the child. Preschool childhood is a period of intensive growth and development of the organism, its adaptation to the influences of the natural and social environment. The state of health largely determines the development of the child's personality, the success of his socialization, the formation of a full-fledged physical and mental status at all subsequent stages of development. Therefore, the tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of children are the most urgent. In many ways, the health of the child depends on adults - parents and teachers. Federal state educational standard preschool education focuses on solving the following problems:

1. protection and strengthening of physical and mental children's health, including their emotional well-being;

2. creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child;

3. formationthe general culture of the personality of children, including values healthy lifestyle development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, formation prerequisites for learning activities.

Means, preschooler health entirely on our conscience. Therefore, in the center of work on education a healthy child and introducing him to a healthy lifestyle should be a family and kindergarten - the main social structures that determine the level child health. In this connection, it is necessary to unite the efforts of teachers and parents of pupils, to find effective forms of interaction culture education child health, introducing him to a healthy lifestyle.

The teaching staff sets tasks in working with parents:

Ø Planning a cooperation model between kindergarten and families on the formation of conscious, respect for children's health.

Ø Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, increasing the role families in physical education and strengthening children's health.

Ø Study, generalization, dissemination of the best experience of family education on the issues of strengthening children's health.

Ø Formationparents and children have practical skills in the field of physical education and strengthening health.

Ø Replenishment of the material base of the preschool educational institution with sports and medical equipment, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In working with parents to improve their psychological and pedagogical culture and include them in a joint pedagogical process, it is very important to take into account the provisions that determine the content of all work, its organization and effectiveness:

Ø Individual approach to each child and each family state-based child health, interests and abilities of all families family life, traditions.

Ø Mutual trust and mutual assistance teachers and parents. Strengthening the authority of teachers in family and parents in kindergarten. Orientation of all subjects educational process on health child as a value.

Ø Observance of continuity and unity of requirements, which is achieved if the goals and objectives of education healthy child and inclusion his to a healthy lifestyle are well understood not only by teachers, but also by parents, when family familiar with the main content, methods and techniques of physical culture wellness work in kindergarten, and teachers use the best experience of family education.

Ø Systematic and consistent work.

conditions efficient cooperation with parents are:

1. Availability of a work system preschool educational institutions in the main areas introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle.

2. The competence of preschool teachers in matters of preserving, strengthening and formation of health of preschoolers, including communicative competence.

3. Differentiated approach of preschool educational institution to work with parents.

In accordance with these terms and conditions, the kindergarten uses various forms of family work.

§ Information and analytical : individual conversations, individual consultations of a teacher or a specialist, questionnaires, sociological surveys, etc., which allows you to analyze the conditions and Lifestyle families of pupils of the preschool educational institution, to plan differentiated work.

To ensure the harmonious development of the child, his full socialization, physical training, as well as a successful transition to a new stage - schooling, it is important for teachers and parents to be partners in business. education and upbringing understand each other, speak the same language, go in the same direction. Kindergarten - the first social institution, the first educational institution with whom it comes into contact family. Parents have a unique opportunity to get competent advice from specialists - the head of the preschool educational institution, a nurse, a doctor, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a music director, a senior educator. Consultations are planned for the academic year. Visual and oral are provided: subgroup and individual. Subject them varied the wishes of the parents are taken into account. Parents are invited to subgroup consultations, preliminary consultations are held for individual consultations. agreement with a specialist. Consultations contribute to the improvement of the psychological and pedagogical culture, revision life principles, value systems, aspirations. Parents can count on the competent help of a competent specialist in any situation.

Nurse consultations are always in demand, as they allow parents to get acquainted with the results of diagnosing the condition. health child and his psychomotor development. A medical worker conducts purposeful sanitary and educational work that promotes general hygiene requirements, the need for a rational regimen and a complete balanced diet, hardening, etc.

The best way to help children is to help their parents. Consultations of a teacher-psychologist contribute not only to the pedagogical education of parents, but also to psychological support families in a certain period, the psychological preparation of children for schooling, the harmonization of child-parent relationships: “Listen to the child. How?", "What is my family» , « Family is a native word» , "The Art of Being a Father" and etc.

§ Information and visual : "ABC health» - visual information on the stands and the website of the preschool educational institution, sliding folders, recommendations on disease prevention, physical education and strengthening health, hardening, memos, booklets, photo exhibitions “We are strong friends with sports!”, “Strong kids are doing exercises!”, "Upbringing healthy child» , « Health child - in whose hands is it?

cognitive (collective, subgroup): conferences, thematic consultations, parental meetings, "round tables", workshops with training in techniques and methods child recovery(different types of gymnastics: respiratory, visual, finger, morning, invigorating, massage, self-massage, parent club, pedagogical lounge, oral pedagogical magazine, pedagogical briefing, etc.

§ effective form cooperation are meetings in the parent club. The topics of meetings in the club are selected taking into account the characteristics, difficulties and needs of families, based on the educational process problems so that each parent can choose the most interesting topic for the meeting. Kindergarten teachers, medical workers, invited medical, cultural, educational institutions. In the club, each parent has the opportunity to feel like a child and play, share experiences of positive family education, ask questions of interest, learn elementary methods and techniques recovery, upbringing, education and development of children preschool age to unite in a friendly parental team. Leisure: joint leisure activities, "Days health» , sports holidays and entertainment. Joint leisure activities increase the competence of parents in education healthy and physically developed personality, as well as increase authority, strengthen the role of the influence of a positive example of adults, serve as a source formation good family traditions.

So way, in close collaboration with the parents of pupils in kindergarten, purposefully used health-saving technologies, which provide a high level of real preschooler health; contribute to the education of children culture health; form ideas about health as a value; increase motivation to healthy lifestyle.

Parents have a greater responsibility for upbringing healthy child, there is a desire to cooperate with kindergarten teachers, a desire to create and strengthen good family traditions of active healthy rest.

Prepared by: Moiseeva L.M.

A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the main activity in the preschool educational institution. The game for the child is an effective means of personality formation and the most attractive, natural form and means of knowing the world, their capabilities, self-manifestation and self-development. The society has created children's games for the comprehensive preparation of the child for life, his timely socialization and development. Games are genetically connected with all types of human activity and act as a specifically childish form of knowledge, labor, communication, and art.

"Method of problem-based learning in groups of primary preschool age"

Message from work experience

on the pedagogical council: Moiseeva L.M.

In my case, this is the second junior group, from three to four years old. Separation of oneself from an adult is a characteristic feature of the crisis of three years. The relationships that a child of the fourth year of life establishes with adults and other children are unstable and dependent on the situation.

3-4-year-old children learn some norms and rules of behavior associated with certain permissions and prohibitions. They identify themselves with representatives of their own gender, have initial ideas about their own gender. In early preschool age, the desire for activity is clearly expressed.

An adult for a child is a bearer of a certain social function.

Card file of problem situations for children of senior preschool age

Selection: Moiseeva L.M.

Examples of situational tasks for the development of thinking in children

The traffic situation (city, railway)

1 You and your grandmother are on the train. She got off the platform, and you didn't have time. What will you do? Why?

2 Grandma got on the train, and you stayed. Your actions? Explain why you do it this way and not otherwise?

The fire situation .

3 There is a fire in the apartment. What will you do? Why?

4 Smoke in the next apartment. Your actions?

The water situation.

5 You see that someone is drowning. How will you do?

6 A faucet broke in the apartment. Are you alone at home now. What will you do first, then what? Why

7 Children receive a letter from the forest that people have appeared there, breaking young trees, branches, tearing flowers. The task of the children is to organize a detachment of help and suggest ways to solve the problem.

Master class for parents "Experimental activities in the life of a child." Simple experiences and experiments.

Prepared by: teacher Moiseeva L.M.

How to make the most of the inquisitiveness of the child's mind and push the child to explore the world? How to promote the development of a child's creativity? These and other questions certainly arise before parents and educators.

Experimentationis one of the leading types child's activities preschool age. The child is by nature an explorer. What we will not find in his pockets, what questions we will not hear from him. the child is seized with a thirst for knowledge and exploration of the vast world. Research activities for the child can become one of the conditions for the development of curiosity, and as a result, the interests of the child.

In our kindergarten, we pay a lot of attention to children's experimentation. We organize a research children's activities, create special problem situations, conduct classes. Conditions for the development of children's cognitive activity have been created in our groups. materials in the corner experimentation are available for free use.

Simple experiments and experiments can be organized at home, for example - a child can learn a lot of interesting things about the properties of water, soap, and the solubility of substances in the air in time to wash. What dissolves faster: - sea salt, bath foam, pine extract, soap bars?

"Didactic games in visual activity for preschoolers"

Prepared by Moiseeva L.M.

(using Internet resources)

Didactic game will be children's imagination

Creates high spirits

Outdoor games according to the program of Vasilyeva M.A.

Consultation for educators

Prepared by Moiseeva L.M.

(using Internet resources)

Consultations for teachers

"Children of the Air"

"Easter is the most solemn, most joyful holiday of renewal, the salvation of the world and man"

Consultation for educators and parents of the educator of the highest category Tumasheva M.P.

Easter is a spring holiday that promises the coming summer, green grass, bird voices, splashing of bright water ... The word "Easter" means "exodus", "liberation", "deliverance". By celebrating Christ's Easter, we are celebrating deliverance from the slavery of sin. This holiday of the triumph of life over death, the triumph of good and light over evil and darkness was called the “King of Days” or “Great Day”. For the sake of this, Christ carried his sermon to people, for the sake of this he raised a heavy cross to the high mountain Golgotha ​​under beatings and mockery, falling and rising again. For this he was crucified between two villains. Therefore, this holiday is filled with special solemnity: the chime of bells is heard, all the lamps are lit in the temples, and the faithful during Easter services stand with candles as a sign of the fullness of spiritual joy.

For Easter in the old days, eggs were dyed with onion skins. Children and adults fought with these colored eggs. The broken egg went to the winner.

The people considered Easter a holiday of the rebirth of life: nature wakes up after a winter sleep. In addition to putting things in order on the streets and in houses, it was supposed to prepare new clothes for the whole family, wash in the bath, discard all bad thoughts, and forget insults. Cleaning began on Maundy Thursday. It is believed that if on this day everything is cleaned up and the children are washed, then the whole year there will be no dirt in the house. These days, the preparation of the festive Easter table began. Eggs are also supposed to be dyed on Maundy Thursday. But on Friday it is supposed to make Easter cakes and Easter. Previously, eggs were also dyed for the Trinity, they were dyed green.

Easter was considered a family holiday, so the closest people gathered around the festive table. Easter breakfast started with Easter and Easter eggs. First of all, they ate an egg, cut into pieces according to the number of those present at the table. Then each received a piece of Easter cake and a spoonful of Easter. Then the rest of the festive food was served. Many dishes were prepared for the festive table. They baked lamb, ham, fried veal. The Easter table used to be complete without a lamb - a "lamb", which symbolized the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Red dyes were dipped into the water with which children and adults washed themselves in order to “be red” (beautiful and healthy).

On Easter week, all the laity were allowed to climb the bell tower and ring the bells from morning to five o'clock in the evening. The whole Easter week was devoted to entertainment: they went to visit each other, danced round dances, sang, arranged games. Easter festivities were the first outdoor festivities of the year after winter. People, dressed up in their "best", walked the streets, demonstrating themselves and their children. Carousels, swings, booths with comedians and other fun were organized for the people.

Magical properties were attributed to the painted Easter egg: with its help you can find lost cattle in the forest, it has the ability to detect evil spirits. The shells of colored eggs were mixed with Thursday salt and poured into the seed grain, hoping for a good harvest ... On Easter, games with colored eggs began and continued throughout the Easter week. Egg rolling was my favorite game. They arranged this game like this: they installed a wooden or cardboard “skating rink” and around it they freed up a flat place on which they laid out painted eggs, toys, plain souvenirs. Playing children approached the "skating rink" in turn and each rolled their own egg. The object that the testicle touched became the winner. The children who gathered for Easter were very fond of looking for eggs in the apartment or in the garden. Some of the elders hid cardboard, paper or plastic eggs with surprises in advance. To get a surprise, it was necessary to find an egg ... The children also loved to “clink glasses” with eggs with each other, hitting the colored egg of their rival with a blunt or sharp end. The winner was the one whose egg did not crack. The winner is given a prize or shake it in his arms ...


Consultation for teachers

Educators: Zalyudinova F.M.

Ostapenko D.V.

Children love poems, love to listen to them and pronounce them. We know how early a child begins to take an interest in the world of sounds, to respond to it, to show an early-pronounced sensitivity to the perception of rhythm. He comprehends the laws of rhythm easier and faster than the world of shapes and colors. That is why songs and poems in the appropriate selection, of course, always impress children. A good poem is the same music. The smallest children easily comprehend its rhythm, are able to enjoy the consonance of its stanzas, the beauty of construction. These musical auditory perceptions are sometimes associated only partially with the understanding of the content poured into them.

The development of children's speech and vocabulary, mastering the riches of the native language is one of the main elements of personality formation, mastering the developed values ​​of national culture, is closely related to mental, moral, aesthetic development, is a priority in language education and training of preschoolers.

The formation of the possibilities of verbal communication of preschoolers involves the inclusion in the life of a child in kindergarten of specially designed communication situations (individual and collective), in which the teacher sets certain tasks for the development of speech, and the child participates in free communication. In these situations, the vocabulary expands, ways of expressing the intention accumulate, conditions are created for improving the understanding of speech.

When organizing joint special games, the child is provided with the opportunity to choose language means, an individual “speech contribution” to solving a common problem - in such games, children develop the ability to express their own thoughts, intentions and emotions in constantly changing communication situations.

Taking care of enriching the vocabulary of children, we must understand that the words assimilated by children fall into two categories.

The first of these, which can be called active vocabulary, includes those words that the child not only understands, but actively, consciously, inserts into his speech at every appropriate opportunity.

To the second passive The stock of words includes words that a person understands, associates with a certain idea, but which are not included in his speech.

A new proposed word will replenish the verbal active stock of children only if it is fixed. It is not enough to pronounce it once or twice. Children should perceive it with hearing and consciousness as often as possible. The enrichment and activation of the vocabulary must begin from the earliest age of the child. And in the future we need to further improve it and increase it. Only a child with a rich vocabulary of a child can form the correct literate speech.

The task of the educator is to optimize the process of speech development and vocabulary enrichment as much as possible. Children spend most of their time in kindergarten with teachers. The speech of the educator is an example for children. It is on her that they are guided by the pronunciation of those words that they know. Children try to copy the intonations of the teacher depending on the properties of the event being described, as the teacher does in his stories about the same events.

The more correctly the teacher's speech sounds, the more correctly the speech of his wards will develop. The teacher must improve and develop his speech, pronunciation, since his mistakes will entail hundreds of mistakes of his pupils, which are easier to correct at an early age than at an older age. Using various methods of teaching speech development and vocabulary enrichment, you can achieve more tangible results than using template techniques. Children are interested in changing activities and therefore the process of mastering knowledge will proceed more interestingly, lively and without fatigue of preschoolers. Having developed speech, the child will be more ready for school. It will be easier to perceive the knowledge transferred to him by teachers, there will be fewer problems when communicating with peers, answers at the blackboard.

(According to sources of Internet resources)

"Games for Shrovetide"

advice for educators

Teacher of the highest category Tumasheva M.P.

The game is the key to a full-fledged mental life of the child: the thirst for action is satisfied; abundant food for the mind and imagination is provided; the ability to overcome failures, experience failure, stand up for oneself and for justice is brought up.

Calendar folk games are invaluable national wealth. They are of interest not only as a genre of oral folk art. They contain information that gives an idea of ​​the daily life of our ancestors.

What games were successful on Maslenitsa? These are “To the Loaf”, “Burn, Burn Clearly”, “Taking the Snow Fortress”, “Drive a Goat”, “Burners”, “Pots”, “Steep Mountain”, “Lapti”, “They do not fly”, “Pie”, "Salki" and others.

« They fly - they don't fly

Choose two leaders. The rest of the players standing, forming a circle. Drivers are in the center of the circle. The players must either raise their hands up and say: “They are flying,” or wave their hands, saying: “They are not flying!”, thereby responding to the words of the drivers.

1. Rooks are flying, shouting to all Russia:

Gu-gu-gu! We bring spring!

2. Cranes fly, they shout to all Russia:

Gu-gu-gu! No one can catch up with us!

3.Bees fly, bunchchat, buzz:

Zhu-zhu-zhu! I bring food to Medov!

4. Pigs are flying. Pigs squeal:

Oink oink oink! Tired of us in the barn!

5. Bears are flying, screaming at the top of their lungs:

Ry-ry-ry! We will not let you into the forests!

6. Mosquitoes fly, ring, squeak:

Zy-yy-yy! Let's sharpen our noses!

Answering incorrectly knocks out of the game.


The players are divided into two equal teams. One team becomes "pots" and sits on the ground in a circle. The other team is the hosts. They get behind the pots. One of the players is the driver - portrays the buyer. He approaches one of the "owners" and asks:

How much is a pot?

The owner replies:

By money.

Isn't he cracked?


The buyer easily hits the “pot” with his finger and says:

Strong, let's talk.

The "owner" and the "buyer" hold out their hands to each other, singing:

Chichary. Chichars, get together, potters, along the bush, along the crust. Much to the swan! Out!

With the word "out" and "owner" and "buyer" run in different directions around the pots. Whoever runs to the purchased "pot" first is the "owner", and the one who is late is the "driver-buyer".


The players sing:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying.

The bells are ringing!

Then everyone stands in a circle. With a counting room they choose who to "burn". The chosen one silently, closing his eyes, says:

I'm burning, I'm burning on a stone

I burn, I burn on a stone!

At this time, the players form a string of pairs. Ask "burning":

Where are you standing?

He answers:

At the gate!

What do you sell?


Catch us!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the last pair is scattered: one to the right, the other to the left. "Burning" behind them and trying to catch. Whoever catches - that "burn".

"The Capture of the Snow Fort"

A fortress about two meters high is built from snow. The participants in the game are divided into two teams. Everyone is trying to reach the top. As a result, one team is at the top, the other is at the bottom. Those below are trying to take the fortress by storm. The snowball fight begins.

"Steep Mountain"

Before the game, a slide is made of snow. The players walk around her and sing:

There is a steep mountain in the middle of our yard,

Opposite the high tower,

Opposite the wide ring,

Don't pass, don't pass

Whatever equestrian, whatever on foot.

Then they take turns jumping over the hill. Whoever hits her is out of the game.


The players are divided into two teams. The teams are facing each other. A “pie” sits between them (a hat is put on it).

Everyone unanimously begins to praise the "pie":

That's how tall he is

That's how soft he is

That's how wide he is.

Cut it and eat it!

After these words, the players, one from each team, run to the “pie”. Whoever runs to the goal faster and touches the "pie" takes it away with him. A child from the losing team sits in the place of the "pie". This continues until everyone on one team has lost.

Consultation for educators "Documentation is one of the competencies of a teacher"

In the work of an educator, as in any other activity, order and regularity are necessary. Only under these conditions, it is possible to get satisfaction. It is no secret that paperwork is often given a secondary role. However, timely and correctly executed documentation can become our first assistant, because. order in the documentation, the ability to quickly find and analyze the available materials will help the teacher in preparing for the new academic year, certification of the teacher.

The teacher's documentation includes the following sub-items:

  1. Mandatory documentation, which includes all documents related to the organization of the educational process.
  2. Information and regulatory documentation, this subparagraph includes all service and job descriptions, general information about the group, information on the methodological support of the educational process of the group.

Mandatory Documentation.

  • Working programm.
  • Calendar plan of educational work,
  • . Children's attendance sheet.
  • Group Passport.

Information and normative documentation of the educator:

1. Service and job descriptions:

1. 1. Job description of a teacher of preschool groups.

1. 2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children of the preschool educational institution.

1. 3. Seasonal site safety instructions.

  1. 4. Instructions for safety precautions when organizing classes on a sports ground.
  2. General information about the group:
  3. 1. List of children of the group (indicating the date of birth and date of admission to the preschool educational institution).
  4. 2. Group modes (for cold, warm, adaptation periods of the year).
  5. 3. GCD grid (main and additional classes in circles).
  6. 4. Adaptation sheets (for newly enrolled children).
  7. 5. Information about children and their parents.
  8. Methodological support of the educational process
  9. 1. Main directions of work and annual tasks of MDOU for the current year.
  10. 2. List of programs and pedagogical technologies used by the educator (compiled together with the senior educator).
  11. 3. Long-term planning for sections of the program.
  12. 4. Materials for diagnostics on the main sections of the program.
  13. 5. Memos, brochures for the teacher based on the results of regional and city events (courses, seminars, methodical associations).

Let's try to consider the meaning of each document separately.

1. Working program of the group.

The work program of the educator - should be drawn up on the basis of the educational program of the preschool educational institution. It should be built in accordance with the age, psychological and individual characteristics of children.

Approximate structure of the work program of the educator

  1. Title page (name, program status, program author)
  2. Explanatory note (concept, goals and objectives of the course, the structure of the program and explanations for it, program features)
  3. Study load volume
  4. Calendar-thematic plan
  5. The content of the educational material, including the federal, regional component of the state educational standard, provided for by the exemplary program
  6. The system for monitoring the achievement of the planned results of the development of the program by children
  7. Bibliography
  8. Group calendar.

Technology for the development of calendar plans

  • The general algorithm is canvas.
  • Start writing a plan from regime moments: morning; day; evening; for at least two weeks.
  • The design of the plan must meet aesthetic requirements, as this is the visiting card of the preschool educational institution.
  • Take into account the ratio of the load of children: emotional; intellectual; physical.
  • Consider the complexity of the material.
  • Compliance with software and methodological support.
  • Include all activities.
  • Track the complication of techniques, not only visual and verbal, but also such as collective search, conversation, educational games.

2. 1. Algorithm for drawing up the teacher's calendar plan.

  • Title page
  • List of children of the group, indicating the date of birth of the children.

For correctional groups (speech therapy, defectological), a list of children by subgroups, indicating the diagnosis of PMPK.

  • GCD grid schedule for the week (according to the number of classes according to the program and the requirement of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations 2.4. 1. 3049-13)
  • Planning your morning exercise (with changes for 2 weeks)
  • Complex of articulatory gymnastics.
  • Complex of finger gymnastics.
  • Awakening gymnastics complex
  • Parent engagement plan.
  • Planning for specially organized classes (indicating day and date),

planning joint activities of the educator with the children,

planning independent activities of children.

3. Attendance sheet for the children of the group.

The attendance sheet is necessary in order to record the number of children in the group daily. This helps to ensure the nutrition of children and the systematic conduct of classes. (handout for each child). Also, the attendance sheet helps the educator, medical staff, track the incidence of children in a certain period.

4. Information about children and their parents.

In officially accepted practice in a special journal (notebooks) usually there is the following information about the children attending the group:

  • Surname, name of the child
  • Date of Birth
  • Address of residence and telephones
  • Name of parents, grandparents

5. Journal of acceptance and delivery of shifts.

This log indicates the acceptance and delivery of shifts by two educators working in this group.

The date is indicated in the journal and the number of children that the teacher accepted into the group is recorded, notes are made on the state of health of children (skin, fever, pediculosis). And also the teacher makes notes about the changes that have occurred in the group during the first half of the day. (children leaving home, due to parents, the child fell ill, etc.). The second teacher, who started work and works in the afternoon, also makes an entry in the journal about how many children he received, how the children slept, notes which children went home (healthy, or one of the children had a fever, an injury could have happened, etc.). All of the above should be reflected in the journal of acceptance and delivery of shifts.

6. Journal of drinking regimen.

In accordance with the SanPiN regime, the drinking regime in the preschool educational institution is organized using boiled water, provided that it is stored for no more than 3 hours.

Therefore, the educator must, every subsequent three hours, change the water in the decanter, (regardless of whether it was used or not). The container is processed before each water intake, the time of each water intake is recorded in the group's drinking regime journal.

7. Journal of observation of long-term absent children.

In groups of preschool age, a log of observation of long-term absent children is kept. Those who were absent after the disease, as well as the absence of more than 3 days (excluding weekends and holidays), children are admitted to preschool organizations only if there is a certificate from the local pediatrician indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease.

The journal has a morning and evening filter, arranged in the form of a table. In early age groups, a daily observation notebook is kept for children, where the morning and evening filter is noted. (temperature, pharynx, skin, pediculosis) as well as chair mesh (observation is carried out in the first and second half of the day).

8. Journal of quartzization.

The quartz journal is necessary to track the implementation of preventive measures due to epidemiological outbreaks in the group.

The journal notes the date of quartzing, the presence of a quartz room, the conditions of disinfection, the duration and mode of exposure.

9. Journal of self-education.

Society constantly makes demands on the education system. The teacher is obliged to get acquainted with innovations in a timely manner, replenish professional potential, improve pedagogical skills, putting into practice new educational technologies. The teacher should keep a notebook on self-education, writing in it the name of the literature studied, the title and author of the article that interested him, indicating the pages with the most significant information. Next, you should discuss the studied material with colleagues at a pedagogical meeting or teachers' council. When using innovations, it is necessary to purchase or make didactic aids according to the author's recommendations. those. present the practical application of the studied topic. The topic of self-education should correspond to the tasks of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year.

10. Individual map of the development of the child.

The purpose of the Map is to organize assistance to children and teachers in creating optimal learning conditions, taking into account individual characteristics, based on a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

11. Monitoring.

The educator should carry out diagnostics at the beginning, middle and end of the school year, which will give him the opportunity to compare the results of the children's assimilation of the program and in a timely manner to correct cognitive processes in the direction of the child reaching age norms.

All monitoring results are reflected in several documents;

  • Slices for each educational area.
  • A summary table dated by the date and month of the survey.
  • Graph of the level of development of monitoring.
  • An information note at the beginning of diagnosis and an analytical note for the middle and end of the year.

Technology of compiling the information note.

  1. The general indicator of the level of mastering the program material is indicated, as well as what the percentage is equal to.
  2. The number of children, their percentage, for each level of development of mastering the program material is prescribed.
  3. The percentage of children is indicated (their surnames, names are written) which, based on the results of the diagnostic examination, showed a low level of assimilation of the program material.
  4. The alleged causes of this phenomenon are indicated.
  5. An analysis is made of the quality of assimilation by children in sections of the educational areas of the program for each level.
  6. The suspected reason for the low level is indicated.
  7. Conclusions are drawn.
  8. A comparative result of the diagnosis is carried out, for the year in the form of a diagram (beginning of the year, middle, end of the year).
  9. It is indicated who made the certificate, signature.
  10. Passport of the kindergarten group.

The passport of a kindergarten group is a document reflecting the structure, conditions, content of the work of this group, as well as the most important indicators of its activities.

The passport of the kindergarten group is developed on the basis of the Regulations on the group and reflects its focus (general developmental, compensatory, combined, health-improving).

Approximate content of the group passport:

  • Group (name, age, focus).
  • Information about teachers working with children (Full name, education, work experience, qualifications, information about coursework).
  • List of children with dates of birth.
  • Information about parents.
  • The social passport of the group.

(Includes information about the full name of the child, the date of his birth, the full name of the parents, information about children from incomplete families, large families, children in care, children whose parents are disabled, families in a socially dangerous situation, low-income families)

  • Attendance table.
  • Anthropometric data of the children of the group.

(Anthropometric study necessarily includes the measurement of the main anthropometric indicators (height, body weight, chest and head circumferences. Anthropometric study is carried out 2 times a year. Spring - autumn)

  • Nosology of the disease.

(The diagnoses of the children with whom they entered the preschool educational institution are indicated, these are the main, speech and accompanying)

  • Children's health sheet.

Educators work closely with the medical staff of the kindergarten. In practice, it is important to develop a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their state of health. To do this, groups have so-called "Health Sheets" to be completed by medical personnel. As you know, for the formation of the correct posture and the prevention of visual impairment, the correct seating of children at the table is of no small importance, for which a set of furniture is selected for each child. The height and weight of children is determined 2 times a year, respectively, and a set of furniture should be determined 2 times a year.

The doctor carries out the distribution of children by health groups.

According to the results of prof. inspections (carried out 2 times a year in kindergarten groups and 4 times a year in early age groups) depending on the nature and severity of deviations in the health status of children, the doctor makes recommendations, documenting them. In the practical work of the educator, recommendations are important, not a clinical diagnosis. (it is a medical secret). All of the above is reflected in "Health Sheet" for every child.

  • List of medical appointments.

In the sheet of medical appointments, the date, weight of the child, health group are indicated.

In groups of compensatory orientation, the conclusion of the teacher - defectologist, or the teacher - speech therapist, the conclusion of the teacher - psychologist is entered.

  • group equipment.

This document is drawn up in the form of a table, which indicates all the equipment of the group (furniture), and its quantity.

(In this document, the educator notes the condition of the furniture, group premises, lighting, the state of study aids, the condition of the game material, the selection of game material, and put a mark on who checked all of the above. This check is carried out every week, throughout the year (Except for the time when the preschool is closed for planned repairs).

  • The state of conditions for protecting the life and health of children in the group.

In this document, weekly, throughout the year, the state of the group site, the fence of the site, and the remote material are noted. The safety of the walk, the equipment of the site, and the portable game material are noted. In the winter period, the area is iced up. And put a mark on who carried out the control. (Head of preschool educational institution or deputy head of VOR.)

  • Service and job descriptions:
  • Job description of the educator.
  • Job description of a junior teacher.
  • Instructions on labor protection for the educator.
  • Instructions on labor protection for a junior educator.
  • Instructions for the safety of sporting events, attractions, outdoor games.
  • Instruction No. 50 on the use of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.
  • The plan is an instruction that determines the actions of the personnel of MADOU Kindergarten No. 1 to ensure the safe and quick evacuation of children in the event of a fire.
  • Instructions for the actions of personnel in the event of a fire in the building.
  • Operating instructions for the bactericidal irradiator OBN-45OP.
  • Instructions for the educator on the prevention of children's road injuries.
  • First aid in case of accidents.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 9, Yartsev, Smolensk region

CONSULTATIONfor educators

"The development of children's speech through fiction"

Educator: Kondratenkova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Mastering the native language as a means and way of communication and cognition is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. It is preschool childhood that is especially sensitive to speech acquisition: if a certain level of mastery of the native language is not achieved by the age of 5–6, then this path, as a rule, cannot be successfully completed at later age stages.

G. Belinsky, a critic and theorist of children's literature, wrote:

“The book is the life of our time. Everyone needs it... and so do the children. It's all about the choice of books for them, and we are the first to agree that reading ill-chosen books is worse and more harmful for them than reading nothing.

An important role in the development of speech, replenishment of the vocabulary of the child plays fiction. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Adults should remember that the child's need to be read to, even if he has already learned to read on his own, must be satisfied. After reading, it is important to find out what and how the child understood.

Readings for a child should be chosen taking into account age, interests and development. Children of older preschool age are more attracted to the content of the text, although they are happy to look at the illustrations for the book. After reading, it is important to find out what and how the child understood. It is not necessary to do this right away, after a while you can talk with your child about what you have read. This teaches the child to analyze the essence of what he read, to educate the child morally, and in addition, teaches coherent, consistent speech, fixes new words in the dictionary. After all, the more perfect the child's speech, the more successful his schooling will be.

As a result of communicating with a book, by the age of 6–7, a child usually has a significant vocabulary and basically masters the grammatical forms of his native language. During this period, there is an intensive enrichment of the child's vocabulary, as a result of the child acquiring new knowledge about unfamiliar objects and phenomena that are outside the framework of his personal experience, which is especially important for his future learning.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. The child's acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, figurative language are the features of these miniature folklore works. Finally, the kid is read author's fairy tales, poems, stories available to him.

The people are an unsurpassed teacher of children's speech. In no other works, except folk, you will find such an ideal arrangement of difficult to pronounce sounds, such a surprisingly thoughtful combination of a number of words that barely differ from each other in sound. For example: “There was a bull that was stupid, a stupid bull, the bull had a white lip, it was stupid”; "The cap is not sewn in the style of a cap, it is necessary to recap it, whoever recaps it, that half a cap will be peas."

And benevolent banter, subtle humor of nursery rhymes, teasers, counting rhymes are an effective means of pedagogical influence, a good “medicine” against laziness, cowardice, stubbornness, whims, selfishness, as well as the development of speech.

Mastering the Russian language by means of small forms of folklore is one of the important acquisitions of a child at preschool age, since folklore is of particular importance today.

Folklore - means folk wisdom, poetry and culture of peoples. It so happened that a mother sings a lullaby to a very small baby, tells jokes, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes and fairy tales. It turns out that it is with folklore that the baby meets earlier than with literature, and it is folklore that is a kind of guide to the wonderful world of fiction.

The task of the teacher in the study of folklore is to instill the skills and abilities of speech, relying on a tendency to imitate, quick memorization, to educate children in independence, the ability to actively apply this knowledge and form critical thinking and focus. Training should be based on the following principles of work:

careful, due to the age capabilities of children in the selection of material.

integration of work with various areas of educational work and activities of children, speech development, communication skills, various games.

Active inclusion of children in daily activities.

·Maximum use of the developing potential of small forms of folklore in creating a speech environment.

To improve diction, you can use special exercises - memorizing tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes. These exercises develop phonemic hearing, form the grammatical structure of speech, develop the sound culture of speech, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.
But the most important thing is to use the material in an unobtrusive and exciting way, for example, by imitating the actions in question.

When memorizing a tongue twister, you first need to pronounce it in slow motion, clearly highlighting the sounds, trying to teach slowly but clearly at first, pronouncing it with different intonation and voice power. And then you can call a child with good articulation and clarity of pronunciation. You can repeat one at a time, in groups and together.

Through proverbs and sayings, preschoolers learn to succinctly express their thoughts, develop word skills, use proverbs and sayings in their speech, understand their meaning, allegorical feature and beauty of the phrase. And for this you need to know and understand proverbs and sayings, because they contain folk wisdom.

A particularly interesting form of folklore is the riddle, through which children learn to see signs of objects given in a special, extremely compressed, figurative form. The purpose of solving riddles is the ability to independently draw conclusions, conclusions, clearly distinguish the characteristic, expressive features of objects, phenomena, the ability to clearly and concisely convey images of objects, to develop a poetic view of reality in children. Through a riddle, children learn about objects already familiar to them, many new features for them, about how else to say about the subject. The very process of solving riddles teaches children to reason, compare, find poetic descriptions, and prove their opinion. Thus, the analysis of the riddle involves not only better understanding and guessing quickly, but also teaches you to be attentive to the word, arouses interest in figurative characteristics, helps to remember and use them in speech, creating a vivid, accurate image.

Knowledge of the surrounding world, the rules of life, to a greater extent, is given in fairy tales. A fairy tale helps children in the development of coherent speech, the ability to retell a fairy tale, compose a story about a subject, and feel like a hero of this fairy tale is formed.

A literary work appears before the child in the unity of content and artistic form. The perception of a literary work will be complete only if the child is prepared for it. And for this it is necessary to draw the attention of children not only to the content, but also to the expressive means of the language of a fairy tale, story, poem and other works of fiction.

Gradually, children develop an inventive attitude to literary works, an artistic taste is formed.

At the senior preschool age, preschoolers are able to understand the idea, content and expressive means of the language, to realize the wonderful meaning of words and phrases. All subsequent acquaintance with a huge literary heritage will be based on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood.

In the younger group acquaintance with fiction is carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, it is necessary to teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, as well as to follow the development of the action in a fairy tale, to sympathize with positive characters.

Younger preschoolers are especially attracted to poems that are distinguished by clear rhyme, rhythm, and musicality. With repeated reading, children begin to memorize the text, assimilate the meaning of the poem and become established in the sense of rhyme and rhythm. The speech of the child is enriched by the words and expressions he remembers.

In the middle group children continue to get acquainted with fiction.

The teacher fixes the attention of children not only on the content of a literary work, but also on some features of the language (figurative words and expressions, some epithets and comparisons).

After telling fairy tales, it is necessary to teach children of middle preschool age to answer questions related to content, as well as to the simplest questions on art form.

It is very important after reading the work to correctly formulate questions in order to help children isolate the main thing - the actions of the main characters, their relationships and actions. The right question makes the child think, reflect, come to the right conclusions and at the same time notice and feel the artistic form of the work.

When reading poems, the educator highlights the rhythm, musicality, melodiousness of poems, emphasizing figurative expressions, develops in children the ability to notice the beauty and richness of the Russian language.

In the senior group children are taught, when perceiving the content of literary works, to notice expressive means.

Older children are able to more deeply comprehend the content of a literary work and realize some features of the art form that expresses the content. They can distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features of each genre.

The analysis of a fairy tale should be such that children can understand and feel its deep ideological content and artistic merits, so that they will remember and fall in love with poetic images for a long time.

When introducing preschoolers to poetic works, it is necessary to help the child feel the beauty and melodiousness of the poem, to better understand the content.

Introducing the children to the genre of the story, the teacher should reveal to the children the social significance of the phenomenon described, the relationship of the characters, draw their attention to the words the author characterizes both the characters themselves and their actions. Questions offered to children should reveal the child's understanding of the main content and his ability to evaluate the actions and deeds of the characters.

In the preparatory group the teacher is faced with the task of instilling in children a love for the book, for fiction, the ability to feel the artistic image; develop poetic ear (the ability to capture the sonority, musicality, rhythm of poetic speech), intonational expressiveness of speech: to cultivate the ability to feel and understand the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, poems.

It is necessary to carry out such an analysis of literary works of all genres, in which children will learn to distinguish genres, understand their specific features, feel the figurativeness of the language of fairy tales, stories, poems, fables and works of small folklore genres.

Reading literary works reveals to children all the inexhaustible richness of the Russian language, contributes to the fact that they begin to use this wealth in everyday speech communication and in independent creativity. At the senior preschool age, the ability to enjoy the artistic word is brought up in children, the foundation is laid for the formation of love for the native language, for its accuracy and expressiveness, accuracy, imagery.

Here is what K. D. Ushinsky wrote about the power of the word: “A child does not only learn conventional sounds by studying his native language, but he drinks spiritual life and strength from the native breast of his native word. It explains nature to him as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society in which he lives, with its history and aspirations, as no historian could acquaint him with; it introduces it into popular beliefs, into popular poetry, as no aesthetician could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could communicate to a child.

In these words of the great teacher, not only the expected result of mastering the native language is indicated, but also the method of learning it: trust in the “language-teacher”, who “not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, according to some unattainable facilitating method.”

Thus, helping children to master the language of a given work of art, the teacher also fulfills the tasks of education.


1. Bolsheva T. V. Learning from a fairy tale (the development of thinking of preschoolers with the help of mnemonics). - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2005. - 112 p.

2. Gerbova VV I am learning to speak. – M.: Enlightenment, 2002. – 198 p.

3. Dunaeva N. On the importance of fiction in shaping the personality of a child // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 6. - P. 35-40.

4. Zimina I. Folk tale in the system of education of preschoolers // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 5. - P. 28.

5. Litvintseva L. A. A fairy tale as a means of educating a preschooler. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2012. - 88 p.

6. Fesyukova L. B. Education with a fairy tale. - M.: Enlightenment, 1997. - 458 p.

7. Yarygina A. Captivate with a book. // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 5. - S. 41-50.

Pedagogical doctrine of K. D. Ushinsky / Lordkipanidze D.