
Application of pumpkin seeds in kindergarten. Crafts from seeds. picture of seeds


How to make crafts from seeds (pits) of watermelon and plasticine with your own hands. Master classes.

Children's crafts from seeds (pits) of watermelon

Watermelon seeds are wonderful, which can be used in children's creativity. What can be done from watermelon seeds with children?

One of the most simple ways to fix watermelon seeds on a craft is to press them into plasticine. Even kids can handle this method of making crafts from watermelon seeds, and crafts can be both flat and voluminous. They can be made with children not only in the summer, during the watermelon season, but also at other times of the year, you just need to prepare the seeds.

I somehow met negative feedback one woman for such a craft. She wrote that crafts made from watermelon seeds make her squeamish. I think that she got such an attitude because she herself ate watermelons like in a fairy tale - so that it would flow down her mustache and not get into her mouth. And spit out the seeds. But it is much more convenient to eat a watermelon by cutting it into small slices and removing the seeds from them with a knife. There is no reason for squeamishness in this case.

If cardboard is used in the craft in addition to plasticine, it is better if it is glossy, otherwise greasy spots appear on the cardboard from plasticine over time.

How to prepare (dry) watermelon seeds

To prepare watermelon seeds, they need to be washed well, spread out on a napkin or towel and wait until they dry. Then pour into a jar or box for storage.

Watermelon - craft from watermelon seeds

Such a craft can be done even if there are no watermelon seeds - instead of them, you can glue pieces of black or brown plasticine.

Materials and tools

For crafts you will need:

  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors (optional)
  • watermelon seeds
  • mat (board) for modeling
  • red plasticine
  • plasticine dark green
  • light green plasticine (if there is only one block of green in the set, a lighter shade can be obtained by mixing it with white or yellow)

Stages of work

A bouquet of flowers in a vase - a picture of watermelon seeds

Materials and tools

  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors and glue (optional)
  • watermelon seeds
  • mat (board) for modeling
  • yellow plasticine
  • green plasticine
  • plasticine of any color (for a vase)

Stages of work

Dog - craft from watermelon seeds

This is a Dachshund dog with food in a bowl. Craft without a master class, because it took very few watermelon seeds for it, only for food and ears.

Mouse - craft made from watermelon seeds

And for this craft, my daughter only needed one watermelon pit. The result is a very tiny mouse.

Craft "Hedgehog" from plasticine and watermelon seeds

For this craft, my daughter used the remains of plasticine different colors. She mixed them together, and got a suitable dark gray color.

Materials and tools

  • watermelon seeds
  • mat (board) for modeling
  • plasticine gray or brown
  • black plasticine

Stages of work

Composition of crafts made from watermelon seeds

And this is my daughter's composition of handicrafts made from watermelon seeds:

  • hedgehog in the foreground
  • a bush and a lizard for the company, watermelon seeds were not needed for their manufacture,
  • near the bush on the right - an apple with a leaf from the stone of a watermelon,
  • a mouse hides behind a bush from a hedgehog,
  • a butterfly perched on a bush.

This composition decorated the lid of a coffee jar in which we store watermelon seeds. There is no lizard on the lid, but there are two strawberry bushes with leaves from the same seeds. And the jar itself can also be decorated with watermelon seeds. How to do this, read the article.

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Autumn spoils us with fine days less and less. In cold rainy weather, both adults and children want warmth and sincere communication. Certainly, The best way spending time with a child in a fun and useful way is to do creativity. And it doesn’t matter if you didn’t have time to collect cones, acorns, and other autumn tinsel for the future, because in the bins of a thrifty hostess there is always a handful or two of pumpkin seeds.

In the hands of an experienced craftsman, pumpkin seeds turn into material for real works of art. It is not worth demanding much from little fidgets - a small decorated appliqué is already a feat and, undoubtedly, a reason for pride. The task of the parents in this case is to prepare the seeds for work and offer the crumbs a few ideas.

How to make crafts from pumpkin seeds for children with your own hands?

Assuming that you stocked up on seeds in advance, then it remains to decide on the idea. The complexity of the work depends on the age and skills of the young master. Pumpkin crafts for children look brighter and more creative if the seeds are pre-painted in different colors. In addition, then it is easier for the child to generate ideas and bring them to life. To color the seeds, you need to fill them in plastic bag and add some food coloring is the safest and fast way staining. Ready bright seeds need to be dried, and only then get to work. Most simple crafts, these are, of course, applications, even restless preschoolers can cope with such a task. The essence of the work is as follows: a drawing is applied on a sheet of paper or cardboard, preferably with large segments, then each section is smeared with glue and seeds are laid out in turn. According to this scheme, kids can make a wide variety of compositions, autumn scenery, images of animals, birds, flowers. If the child does not like working with glue, plasticine will be an alternative to the latter. In this case, a small layer of plasticine is applied to individual segments of the pattern.

More difficult to perform are considered voluminous crafts Of course, they look much more spectacular, besides, such masterpieces perfectly cope with the function of room decor. For example, from flowers made from pumpkin seeds, you can assemble excellent compositions in vases, original paintings and panels. You can make “pumpkin” flowers in different ways: you can glue the seeds together with a glue gun, you can stick the seeds on a cardboard circle, plasticine will become a reliable help in work for the smallest and inexperienced.

Below we will show you what wonderful autumn and themed crafts you can do it yourself from pumpkin seeds for children, and we will offer a diagram of how to make a basic pumpkin flower step by step.

The picture of cereals, seeds, grains, pasta looks original. The material can be dyed or natural color can be used. With the help of cereals, you can create a floral plot, landscape, abstraction and even a portrait. It is better to create cereal paintings with children. First, it develops fine motor skills, finger dexterity. Secondly, fantasy and imagination are enriched, new creative abilities are formed.

small craft

For work, you will need thick cardboard, chipboard or fiberboard, plywood. On this basis, with a pencil, draw the image of a flower in a circle or a circle with hourglass. You can transfer any abstract plot. For example, a lot of crossed circles or squares.

If you do not know how to draw, then print a template of any picture. It is better to take a photo for stained glass painting, where the plot is already divided into color pieces. The printout should be the size of the picture, if it is not, transfer the picture to the base. The color template is suitable if you use grits in the same color scheme.

To get pictures from seeds and cereals, the base is covered with PVA glue and sprinkled with grains. Start work by defining the border, then the center is easier to fill. Small grains (millet, semolina, rice, oatmeal) can be sprinkled on the glue with a handful, and large grains (beans, millet, lentils, peas, corn) should be glued by hand. To make the panel even, it is better to use tweezers.

Each section must be glued with grits separately. If you are sprinkling a painting, then leave it for a few minutes for the glue to set, then turn the work over. Excess material will fall. Then move on to the next section: cover with glue, sprinkle with grains again.

Cover the finished work with a white sheet of paper, place oppression on top, leave for a few days. This is especially important if the painting is stored without glass. Lastly, varnish it, and after a few days hang it on the wall.

Children's paintings

Children can create beautiful works too. Prepare seeds, cereals, cardboard, glue, paints, brush, template. How less baby, the larger the material should be (beans, pumpkin seeds). For older children, tomato, pepper, flower, poppy seeds are suitable. The material must be selected in accordance with the plot, then you get the original picture of the cereal. With his own hands, the child will be happy to create it!

Print any picture, paste on cardboard. Now cover the surface with glue. Take pumpkin seeds, apply them tightly to each other. Sprinkle the tomato seeds with a handful. Leave the work to dry.

Now you can color the picture with gouache. In this case, there may be gaps in the work. If you want to get more accurate pictures, then paint the seeds in advance with gouache or acrylic paints. Also paint the template with the same colors or print on a color printer. When the work dries, arrange it in a frame. To do this, you can buy a ready-made photo frame or make it yourself from improvised material.

How do-it-yourself paintings are made from cereals: a master class

Panels can be made according to the principle of woolen paintings. Find a photo of the landscape and select the grits from it, which you initially paint in the desired color. Lubricate the cardboard with glue and layers of multi-colored semolina create a sky, sea, grass, road. Leave to dry. After a while, turn the work over so that excess grits crumble.

Then move on to the next layer. Lay out the seagulls with tweezers with rice, make bushes and trees from dyed millet, poppy seeds (can be replaced with bluebell seeds). Now lay out the side trunks of trees from the seeds of acacia, millet. Make foliage from different cereals and small seeds.

The cereal picture is almost ready. Sprinkle grass along the sides of the road. Leave the work to dry (preferably under oppression). Then prepare the frame. If you take it ready, then decorate it with cereals or pasta in accordance with the landscape. Or make it out of cardboard. Cut out the base from the passe-partout, paint, decorate with cereals. Next, glue the base, picture and passe-partout together, attach the loop.


For this work you will need white and black beans, green and yellow peas, sunflower seeds, yellowish rice, buckwheat. On cardboard, draw an owl on a branch. Make pupils from black beans, gluing in the middle on a reflection (white beans). The whites of the eyes will be from white beans, and glue the borders with black beans.

Nose, paws will be from yellow peas, wings, head - from sunflower seeds. Fill the rest of the space with rice and buckwheat. On the breast, glue a couple of feathers (seeds) on top of the cereal. A branch can be made from buckwheat, leaves from green peas. Paint the background with blue gouache.

To make a picture of cereal fit into the interior, make an appropriate frame. Garnish with beans, corn or peas. To create a specific pattern, like a baguette frame, use pasta, gold or silver acrylic paints. Cover the frame and picture with varnish.

Panel of cereals using plasticine

Small seeds develop fingers, but it is difficult for children to work with PVA glue and cereals. They do not distribute glue over the entire surface of the pattern, which causes bumps and voids. In addition, their crafts crumble quickly. In this case, it is better to replace the glue with plasticine, clay or a quickly hardening mass.

Use very thick cardboard or thin chipboard. Draw a drawing with all lines. Take plasticine according to the color of the cereal or under the background of the plot. Distribute it first along the lines and the border of some area. For example, apply plasticine to the middle of the flower. Fasten from the outer edge by pushing in yellow corn kernels.

Then the second round is black beans or watermelon seeds. Fill the middle with buckwheat. Then distribute the plasticine along the lines of the petals, laying them out with black seeds, and fill the rest of the space with red corn grains.

Unusual pictures of cereals and seeds are obtained from natural material; it is not at all difficult to make them with your own hands, especially if you take materials such as dried flowers, berries, leaves. These works should also be varnished, decorated and hung on the wall.

"Krupyany" portrait

From pasta, cereals, grains, seeds, professionals create portraits. To do this, you need to choose a material that is the same in thickness. For example, pasta and legumes, oval volumetric flower seeds, corn. You need to find as many shades and shapes as possible.

The photo should be transferred to cardboard or board. Some masters do the following: they apply translucent paper to a photo or computer monitor, reduce the image by drawing lines and light spots.

Next, glue is applied and the grains are glued, starting with the eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nose. Combining large and small beans, completely fill the face. Pay attention to the slope of the grains. If you put everything in a certain direction, and then change the line, then you emphasize the desired features. When laying out a portrait, be sure to rely on the original.

After the face, hair, clothes are laid out, fill in the background. After some time, paint over some parts. For example, eyes, pupil, eyelashes, mouth, dimples on the cheeks. A picture of cereals with your own hands is almost done. You need to apply several layers colorless varnish. Be sure to make a frame using the same material (pasta, beans). In this case, purchase paint and varnish in spray cans.

Another way to make portraits

Some craftsmen use small grains to make portraits, using bead technology as a basis. If you paint the millet in the desired color, then you can lay out any pictures according to the schemes for embroidery. But there is another technology that is used to create icons.

Master class: paintings from cereals

Cereal paintings are interesting for their technology, unusual because of the material and unique in the interior. Try your hand at simple scenes and then move on to portraits.

Crafts from cereals and seeds are panels, applications, decorative elements, and bird feeders. See how to make a topiary, a wreath of peas, a Christmas tree from seeds.

The content of the article:

Children will love crafting various crafts from cereals and seeds, if adults show how to create them. Such fruits of joint work will not only help the development of the child, but also teach him kindness. Indeed, in this technique, original bird feeders are created, which the child will gladly hang on the street. He will rejoice when the birds flock to the treat.

How to make a feeder from a cone, gelatin, from a bottle with your own hands?

Often in the city or countryside on the New Year decorate growing Christmas trees. Having made bird feeders, the child himself will decorate the forest beauty with them and get a lot of pleasure from it. To carry out your plan, put next to the children:
  • cones;
  • a tall small bowl;
  • cereal seeds;
  • seeds;
  • brush;
  • a thread.
Step by step master class:
  1. If the honey is thick, first melt it in a water bath, when it cools down, pour it into a bowl. Pour cereals, small unroasted seeds into another similar vessel.
  2. Have the child smear the bump with liquid honey, then roll it in another container so that the seeds stick to the sweet surface.
  3. Now he will put his creation on a spread paper or a tray so that the honey dries up, and the treat for birds is better attached to the cone.
  4. After that, it's time to tie a thread to the feeder and go for a walk with the child to hang crafts on a tree.

Instead of honey, you can use a thick paste. To make it, pour 1 tbsp. l. flour, dilute with a glass of water. While stirring, bring to a boil.

Remind the children that birds should not be given salty, black bread so that the kids do not use such products when making bird feeders.

Invite the children to make bird feeders that look very original. Take first:

  • 1.5 cups of bird food;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 2 small bags of gelatin;
  • leg-split;
  • cookie cutters;
  • straw;
  • baking paper.

  1. Soak gelatine for 20 minutes in water if instructed to do so. But usually one is sold in small bags that does not need to be soaked, immediately dilute it with water and put it on fire.
  2. When the solution boils, remove from heat, cool slightly and mix with bird food.
  3. Lay baking paper on the table, place cookie cutters on it, fill them with the prepared mixture.
  4. Insert a loop of twine or ribbon inside, knot inward. Remove for half an hour in the freezer.
  5. After that, the forms are taken out of there and left on the table so that the contents dry out during the day. Then the bird food is removed and hung out the window, on the trees in the yard.
Children will also be happy to make a house for feathered children under the guidance of their elders.

It can be crafted from:
  • empty 5-liter canister;
  • large wooden spoon and fork;
  • straw;
  • hot glue;
  • twine;
  • accessories.

  1. From one and the opposite side, cut out the windows. Below them, make 2 paired cuts. Insert two wooden spoons here. Or the second can be a large fork of the same material.
  2. But first, using a hot gun, attach the twine, and upstairs - the straw, after tying it in a bundle. If you do not have such material, then use a natural washcloth.
  3. It remains to decorate the bird house. From the yellow and white rope, gluing it, make frames for the windows. Fabric flowers glued to the bottom of the bird house will also make a wonderful decoration for the bird dining room.
Children's crafts can be made from improvised materials. Watch the following workshop and you will teach children how to make air insects.

How to make a butterfly with your own hands?

You will turn the following items into it:

  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • small foam ball;
  • plastic straws from a cocktail;
  • beads.
Also for creativity you will need:
  • hot gun with silicone rods;
  • scissors;
  • waterproof marker.
We follow this instruction:
  1. You need to remove the label from the bottle, cut off the middle part to get a fairly large canvas. Cut it in half. Attach the butterfly wings template to one and the second part, circle with a water-washable marker. Cut out according to these outlines.
  2. Now you need to decorate the wings. Use a hot gun to attach beads as a decoration. Cut the straws into small pieces, glue them along the edge of the wings.
  3. Let the child wrap plasticine around the ball, using the same material, you can attach decorative elements. To continue children's creativity, the kid will mold the body of an insect from plasticine, help the child put both wings here and fix them.
This is how you can make a butterfly out of plasticine and a plastic bottle.

Crafts from cereals and seeds: master classes

Under your guidance, the child will be engaged in the creative process and make a wonderful palm tree. This will require:

  • bowl;
  • rod from the handle;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • plasticine.
Put softened green plasticine in a bowl, distribute it evenly. This is grass. Attach a plasticine ball in the center.

The tree trunk is stuck into it and fixed, which must be coated with plasticine.

Now let the child roll a “sausage” out of brown plasticine and begin to wrap it around the bottom of the trunk, moving up.

Here's how to make similar crafts from seeds and cereals. It's time for the pumpkin seeds. These will be the needles of a lush Christmas tree. They need to be thrust into the tree trunk, also starting from the bottom. Try to place the elements of subsequent rows between the seeds of the previous ones.

What a wonderful Christmas tree made from seeds! Doing the next job is no less exciting. To create a round panel, take:
  • cucumber or melon seeds, as well as apples;
  • semolina;
  • gouache;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • round disposable plate.

Semolina is rubbed with gouache - half with green, half with yellow. On a plate you need to apply a drawing with large features, for example, such a goose.

Starting from the tail, grease parts of his body with glue and attach cucumber or melon seeds. And the wing needs to be highlighted with black apple seeds, but quince seeds can also be used.

To make paws and a beak, melon or cucumber seeds are covered with red gouache and allowed to dry. Now they need to be glued to the markings.

To make grass lower part background apply glue, sprinkle this area with green semolina. The upper half of the picture is decorated with the same groats, but yellow.

Children's crafts from legumes with their own hands

Crafts from beans, beans, peas can also be done by children. At the same time learn the alphabet. Draw letters on the paper, let the child grease each one in turn with glue and attach the prepared seeds.

To make a pumpkin-shaped panel, give the child:
  • seeds of halves of dry peas;
  • glue;
  • a sheet of cardboard and colored paper;
  • a leaf of a tree;
  • sesame seeds;
  • pencil.
A colored sheet of paper is glued onto the cardboard, on which you need to draw the outlines of a pumpkin and its fragments. Halves of peas are glued on them, and between these slices - sesame seeds, on top - a dry leaf of a tree.

To make chickens so funny and beautiful, children can also use legumes. Give them a template for these baby chickens. Let them circle it, and sketch the noses and paws with a yellow pencil. Glue dry peas on the surface of one chicken. Create another from beans. For the third, corn is suitable.

To make an owl, kids will need:
  • pattern of this bird;
  • cardboard;
  • white, brown, red beans;
  • beans;
  • dry yellow soup peas;
  • glue.
First, the template is transferred to cardboard. Then you need to outline the parts of the body and head of the bird. For such crafts from beans, 3 colors of grain are needed. Light brown laid out top part heads, ears, body outlines.

Wings are made from red, and the tummy and outlines of the eyes are made from white. The pupils are laid out with black beans, and the paws and beak with yellow peas or corn of that color.

Bean seeds make beautiful colored crafts. You can invite the child to lay out a circular pattern. Glue lentil seeds in the center and outside, and build circles from white beans, beans, yellow peas or corn.

From green peas you can make a frame for a photo by pasting it around the perimeter with these seeds.

There is a very interesting decor Easter eggs. For it you will need:
  • boiled eggs;
  • paste based on flour or starch;
  • grains;
  • small cereals;
  • dried herbs;
  • spices.
All this must be poured into separate saucers. Next, the egg is smeared with a paste and rolled over dry herbs, spices, grains.

You can create mosaic patterns by drawing a sketch on the shell in advance. Use stencils if you wish.

You can attach legume grains to the surface, using not only boiled eggs, but also balls for the base. Great idea for room decor.

How to make a topiary from peas?

Bean seeds will also help to make it. To make a tree count, you need to take:
  • a package of green peas (polished and chopped);
  • foam ball;
  • dry moss packaging;
  • 1 clay pot of medium size;
  • hot glue;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • for the trunk - a skewer, a wooden stick or a simple pencil;
  • pot paint;
  • green acrylic paint;
  • floral foam or alabaster or cement;
  • Styrofoam.
First you need to paint the pot and trunk in the desired colors, if required. But the ball must be decorated with green paint. This can be done in two ways: cover half of the ball when dry, paint the other side, wait until it dries. And only then cut a hole in it and insert the barrel. Or do it earlier, securing the barrel, and then immediately paint the entire ball.

When it dries, decorate it with peas. Here's how to make the topiary next. Lubricate a small area of ​​the ball with a brush with PVA glue, then generously cover it with peas.

When the beans are attached, decorate the next piece of foam base. Thus, close the ball completely and remove it until morning to dry.

When this happens, inspect the work, if there are small uncovered areas, sprinkle them with grits.

It's time to fix the crown. To do this, drop glue from the “hot gun” into the hole in the ball, insert the barrel here.

For better fixation, it is advisable to additionally fix the barrel with pieces of paper and carefully glue them, pouring more glue here. If you don't put paper in, the hot glue can melt the foam, making the hole too deep.

Now put the stem in the pot, secure this stick with alabaster, cement or floral foam.

After these solutions have dried, you need to put moss on the surface, glue it, decorate with sisal, peas, and cereals.

Applications and panels from cereals

Crafts from peas, beans are not only various topiaries, but also wonderful paintings.

To create one, you must first draw a cat's face on cardboard. Then fill the areas with legumes of a certain color. Crafts from cereals are also impressive.

For this, take:
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • buckwheat;
  • semolina;
  • gouache;
  • PVA glue.
First you need to draw a moose by hand or by taking a template. Then its horns are smeared with PVA glue, buckwheat is laid here. After that, his hooves are also decorated. The muzzle is created from millet, and the body is made from semolina, which can be pre-mixed with brown gouache.

To make such a wreath, take:

  • green peas;
  • "hot gun" or PVA glue;
  • straw wreaths - 2 pcs.;
  • baking sheet;
  • brush;
  • leg-split.

If you do not have straw wreaths, then use a foam blank of this shape, but it needs to be covered with green acrylic paint.

Place the peas on a baking sheet or tray. Lubricating the inside of the wreath with glue, sprinkle it with peas.

Then, spreading small areas of glue, roll the wreath over the peas to attach these small particles. Once the glue is dry, tie a twine to the wreath, decorate with ribbon, and hang over the door.

The door is decorated. Make table decorations. To make napkin rings, take:

  • toilet paper rolls;
  • paint;
  • spices;
  • seeds;
  • small cereals;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue.
Cut each sleeve across into 3 parts, paint these blanks on all sides. When the coating dries, gradually lubricate these parts from the outside with glue, roll the bushings over bulk products laid out in different containers.

To give products additional strength, you can lubricate the decorated surface with glue.

Here are such wonderful crafts from seeds, cereals, beans, peas that you can advise the kids to make. And to make it even easier for them to learn this, let them watch videos with you that show the process of creation in an accessible way.

Crafts made from natural materials are perhaps the most favorite type of creativity for children of any age. Working with natural materials keeps the warmth of the hands and the master and always carries positive energy. Very beautiful crafts can be made from sea ​​shells, acorns, chestnuts, dried leaves, etc. But the most original, and at the same time, easy-to-make works are obtained from ordinary pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are easily available natural material, which you can work with at any time of the year. Pumpkin seeds can be used to make a wide variety of original crafts, For example flower bouquet. I bring to your attention a master class on making flowers from pumpkin seeds. These flowers turn out to be very beautiful and original, and most importantly, they are easy to manufacture and do not require large physical and financial costs.

For work we need:

1. Pumpkin seeds;
2. Peas;
3. Silicone adhesive;
4. PVA glue;
5. Floral tape;
6. Burlap;
7. Wooden sticks;
8. Cardboard sheet;
9. Jute thread;
10. Compass;
11. Simple pencil;
12. Scissors;
13. White acrylic paint;
14. Brush;
15. Ruler.

Before starting work, it is necessary to process the burlap so that it becomes rigid and does not crumble. To do this, mix PVA glue and water in a ratio of 50 to 50 and completely place the burlap in this solution. After that, the fabric must be dried and ironed.

While the burlap is drying, let's start making flowers directly. The basis for the flowers will be a circle of cardboard. Using a compass, draw a circle with a diameter of 6 cm on cardboard and cut it out.

Now we take pumpkin seeds and, using silicone glue or Moment glue, glue them in a circle. Glue the seeds so that their sharp edge is on top.

The first row of seeds is ready.

Now glue the seeds of the second row in the same way.

Seeds in the second row should be staggered and overlap with respect to the first row. We also make the third and fourth rows of seeds.

Leave the middle of the flower unsealed.

Now we turn our flower on reverse side and glue already to this side one row of seeds.

Since our bouquet will consist of three flowers, we make three blanks for flowers.

The pumpkin seeds, which we used for the flower petals, have a not very beautiful yellowish tint, so we use white acrylic paint to paint them white.

Leave the flowers alone until they are completely dry.

While the paint is drying, we do not waste time, and prepare two pieces of cardboard: a circle with a diameter of 6 cm, and a petal, whose height is 7 cm, and its width is 4 cm.

We put the cardboard blanks on the dried and ironed burlap and circle them along the contours.

Circles will need to be cut 3 pieces,

and petals - 6 pieces.

Next, glue the burlap circle on the back of the flower blank.

And along the contour of the cut petals from burlap, we glue a jute thread.

And now it's time to prepare the stems for the flowers. For the stem, you can use even branches of a tree, but we used chopsticks for sushi. We take a green floristic ribbon and completely wrap each stick with it.

If you don't have floral tape, you can use corrugated paper. We make three identical stems.

Now we collect our flowers. Poke a hole in the middle of the flower blank

and insert the finished stem into it.

We glue yellow peas in the middle of the flower, which, for strength, are poured abundantly on top with PVA glue.

Also, instead of peas, you can use dried corn kernels, buckwheat or pepper grains.

And finally, it remains to attach the petals to our flowers. We fasten them with floral tape or corrugated paper.

That's all - the flowers are ready! It remains to put our bouquet in a vase. Such original bouquet will decorate any place, and especially a natural corner at school or in kindergarten. Good luck and creative success!