
Haircut horoscope for February March. Haircut lunar calendar for February. Auspicious and unfavorable days


In order to produce good haircut According to the Oracle, it is necessary that the Moon be in the signs of the Earth (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn). In such signs, a haircut can be done at any phase of the moon, then your hair will be much thicker, stronger, which contributes to less hair loss. If you need to slow down hair growth, then the best option would be a haircut on the waning moon.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for 2020

Lunar horoscope of haircuts according to the signs of the Zodiac

A haircut made under the moon in different signs of the zodiac can affect not only the condition of the hair, but also your health and personal life. Listen to the advice of astrologers.

It is better not to wash your hair when the Moon is in the signs of Water, which includes Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Otherwise, your hair will be very greasy. This also applies to perm. The perm will be more persistent in the signs of Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius. In order to cut your hair, these days are also not very suitable, although in order to accelerate hair growth, you can do this on the growing moon.

In order to style your hair, the days are ideal when Moon is in Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Capricorn . The Moon in Aries is unfavorable for haircuts and for any other procedures with your hair.

in Aries, haircut haircut does not affect the condition of the hair, but appearance it may worsen. A haircut will negatively affect your health, as the body will be significantly affected by various infections. In the waning Moon, in the sign of Aries, you should not cut your hair, as this threatens to lose your hairstyle and cut your hair.

In case when Moon is in Taurus , then this is a great time when you can cut your hair, even if the moon is waning. The hairstyle turns out beautiful, and the hair will be strong and healthy. In personal life, a haircut will help to gain a sense of financial stability, increase intellectual abilities.

  • Moon in Taurus: what you can do, health, beauty, business

Moon in Gemini ideal for making a lush hairstyle, as at this time the hair will be fluffy and light. In personal life, a haircut will improve relationships with friends.

When the moon is in Cancer, then a haircut at this time can give a double result. A haircut at this time promises a loss of hair shape. But also, a haircut at this time has a positive effect on the health of the hair, since the hair grows much more slowly, but at the same time becomes stronger, assimilating useful material. These days it is best to bleach curls. As far as personal life is concerned, a haircut will reduce parental guardianship over you, weaken parental roots.

Moon in Leo is one of the best times to visit a hairdresser. Lightening hair, styling, coloring or cutting - all this, at such a time, it turns out great. Light chemistry is best done on other days, as the perm can turn out to be unnecessarily curly. A haircut can improve your overall appearance and change the rhythm of your life.

Moon in Virgo is also a positive time for a haircut and for taking care of your hair. Curling should also be best done at this time. Haircut will help strengthen hair and intensive growth. A haircut can also strengthen your intelligence. However, according to some sources, Virgo and Leo are barren signs, so not all astrologers recommend cutting their hair at this time.

Moon in Libra , is the perfect time to bring beauty to your head and improve your hair. The hairstyle made at this time will turn out to be lush and voluminous. It is not clear how, but a haircut at this time improves memory and vision, and adds ease in communication.

Moon in Scorpio is inharmonious, leads to change, can either improve or worsen your life, relationships with people of higher rank. As for the effect on the hair: you can style your hair on dry, brittle and thin hair, - The moon will make them strong, tough and fat.

Moon in Sagittarius is also ambiguous, brings changes to your life. To make the changes positive for you, consider the lunar day when cutting. The haircut will affect the condition of the hair well, slightly straighten the naughty curly strands.

Moon in Capricorn A haircut will positively affect hair growth, they will become stronger and less brittle. During this period, the moon has a positive effect on your social status.

Moon in Aquarius A haircut can provoke hair loss, energy depletion. However, if you are a risk taker, try changing your hairstyle. The result can be different every time. Best Option- is to do unusual hairstyles these days, as ordinary ones very often do not work out.

Moon in Pisces not suitable for visiting a hairdresser, as cutting and even just washing your hair at such a time can provoke profuse dandruff. A haircut can have a bad effect on the realization of your abilities.

One way or another, the Oracle haircut is more tradition than true, so how and when you get a haircut is up to you.

Every woman gets her hair cut, dyed, or styled at least once a month or two, so it's important to pick the right day to do your hair. After all, it is no secret that the course of life depends on the location of the stars and planets. life situations, fateful events and even our mood and health. We are ready to reveal favorable and unfavorable days for hair in this article.

Haircut for 2017 February is a month according to the lunar calendar:

01.02.2017 On this day, it is undesirable to do haircuts and dye your hair. Hair manipulations can characterize the appearance of financial difficulties and unpleasant emotional experiences.

02.02.2017 Again not the best day for a haircut. Haircut procedures can affect well-being and health. Immunity may decrease.

03.02.2017 A good day to work on hair, care for them. On this day, the process of improving the image will bear fruit, a little financial success awaits you. Coloring will also have a beneficial effect on mood and character. You will feel a little more confident.

04.02.2017 It is quite an auspicious day for creating a stylish haircut. The hair after such a procedure will become healthy and shiny.

05.02.2017 You can cut and dye your hair, an auspicious day after which you will gain confidence and good luck.

06.02.2017 An excellent day for hair manipulations, coloring - all procedures will successfully affect your affairs, the nervous system will be restored.

07.02.2017 On this day, you should not cut your hair and color, otherwise you can invite unpleasant situations into the house. It is desirable to carry out cleansing procedures using soft components.

08.02.2017 Attractiveness, sociability and sex appeal will definitely appear if you sign up for a beauty salon on this day. A good day for a variety of hair services.

09.02.2017 Not a bad day for haircuts, luck will turn to you if she has not been favorable to you recently.

10.02.2017 You should not trust the hairdresser today, as pressure drops are possible, as well as exacerbation of phobias.

11.02.2017 You should not experiment with hair color and haircuts today. Not exactly a good time, the stars can open the way to unpleasant situations.

12.02.2017 17 LD (lunar day), a neutral day for a haircut. If you decide to go to a beauty salon, then there is a chance to increase the level of the immune system.

13.02.2017 Bad day for hair coloring, haircuts and. You may not like the result, the condition of the hair will worsen.

14.02.2017 Neutral day for hair manipulation.

15.02.2017 A harmonious day to create a stylish hairstyle and haircut. Things will go up if you trust the hairdresser that day.

16.02.2017 Not a very positive day for hair treatment. It is better to wait until February 17, 2017, when the auspicious day comes.

17.02.2017 A great day for haircuts, coloring and image change. Become a seductress on this day.

18.02.2017 If you visit a beauty salon on this day, you can get good luck, a bright and eventful life.

19.02.2017 An unfavorable day for hair manipulation, do not take risks, do not tempt fate.

20.02.2017 Hold off with haircuts, better make a hair mask and treat them. After the winter, the hair lost its silkiness, became brittle and lifeless, it is necessary to restore their structure.

21.02.2017 Auspicious day for a change of image and haircut. Get a haircut on this day and attract good luck and career growth. Creation beautiful hairstyles and braid will favorably affect the course of future events.

22.02.2017 Do not cut your hair on this day, your health and well-being may deteriorate.

23.02.2017 An ideal day for hair manipulation, you can not only cut your hair, but also dye it. Any experiments with hair will benefit.

24.02.2017 Creating a new image will lead to an improvement in the condition of the hair, they will become obedient. You can only paint in light shades.

25.02.2017 A good day to change haircuts, hairstyles. You can leave the old hairstyle, but slightly update the bangs and trim the ends of the hair. good time for hair care - lifting and lamination will benefit.

26.02.2017 Unlucky day, it is better to leave the idea of ​​​​a visit to the beauty salon today and reschedule the appointment to a more positive time.

27.02.2017 Take care of other things on February 27, just not cutting and dyeing your hair.

28.02.2017 Neutral day, it all depends on your timing. Going to the salon will not affect the fate and mood in any way. Hair can be dyed, preferably in dark color.

Adhering to the lunar calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for hair cutting in February 2017, you can attract good luck, prosperity, wealth, health and love.

Recommendations and tips for the Lunar calendar for cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in February 2017

Recommendations and tips for cutting, curling, depilating, epilating and coloring hair

When visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that haircut, made by the same master, is ideal and does not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, and sometimes it is not possible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow quickly, and sometimes they grow very slowly. To be satisfied with the haircut, visit the hairdresser on days when Moon is in Leo or Virgo. haircut these days it's good to do like on the growing, and on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair in the days of Leo, the hair will look thick. If to get a haircut in the days of Virgo, they will grow back faster and will keep their shape perfectly. You can get a haircut on other days of the growing moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. Haircut on the waning moon keeps the hair in good condition, but they will grow slowly.

Bad for hair waning moon haircut in Capricorn, as well as a haircut on the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you make a haircut on a bad day, the hair will lie badly, grow for a long time, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in them, they split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut hair on the waning Moon in Aries - they will fall out quickly and strongly! It is also harmful to have a haircut on the days of Gemini.

hair waving successfully passes at any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong, because these days the hair curls itself. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and will begin to split and break.

Hair coloring better to do with the growing moon, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair on a waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether this or that color really suits you, use a coloring shampoo instead of paint. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see if the color suits you or not.

Depilation and epilation

There are many ways to remove hair and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot wax - effective method but painful, the razor has more pluses. When choosing a method for hair removal, keep in mind that hair removed on the growing moon grows faster. You can shave them off in the morning, and by the evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them on the growing Moon in Leo or Virgo, they will not only grow back faster, but also become even thicker and thicker. It is best to remove hair on the waning moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We bring to your attention:

Conception calendar (pregnancy). The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of proximity.

Wedding calendar (marriage). Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage union, well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the date of the wedding. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac and auspiciousness lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmas, carnival, etc.

In order to choose the most suitable time for a change in your image and a visit to the salon, it is recommended to use the haircut calendar for February 2019. It will help you avoid the worst good days, changing hairstyles in which you can bring bad luck into your destiny, avoid financial problems and conflicts with loved ones. Also, the calendar will help you choose the day when a change in appearance will entail meeting new, important people in your destiny.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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1st of February. On this day, going to the hairdresser to change the length of your hair can contribute to the deterioration of your health. During the day, it is recommended to comb as much as possible, and the day is also ideal for dyeing hair with henna or other natural coloring agents - this will contribute to their improved growth.

February 2. A new haircut made on this day will contribute to the development of intuition. A new style will bring unexpected profits during the day, and dyeing your hair in a bright shade will entail a speedy resolution of career problems and questions.

February 3rd. It is better to reschedule a visit to the hairdresser. A new haircut will increase the risk of unexpected injuries and a sharp deterioration in well-being. For coloring, on the contrary, the day is successful - the level of social success increases, and the general condition of the hair improves.

February 4th. One of the most successful days for a radically changed haircut. Helps to attract good luck, fast prosperity and happiness into your life. A trip to the master to create a hairstyle is preferable to transfer or do it yourself, at home. Coloring is also highly undesirable.

February 5th. The horoscope foreshadows that a haircut done in the morning will bring you fairly quick changes for the better in all areas of your life. Coloring will contribute to the resolution of conflicts at work and success in matters of the heart.

February 6. It is better not to take risks and abandon any experiments and manipulations with hair. The oracle says that a haircut can contribute to a sharp and lasting deterioration in all areas of life, and coloring with non-natural dyes can cause severe headaches, and a feeling of anxiety and fear.

February 7th. Today's hairstyle change promises a large number of mistakes in matters of the heart, which will lead to many long-term conflicts. The horoscope recommends abandoning any changes with the length of the hair. Coloring in a dark shade will contribute to inner peace and stabilization of feelings.

February 8th. Today's haircut can lead to many small obstacles in business and a significant deterioration in the psychological and physical condition. The horoscope advises to refrain from staining with non-natural dyes.

February 9th. A new hairstyle can attract unexpected theft and loss of valuable property. Hair coloring will not bring negativity, but it is better to choose light colors.

February 10th. The oracle predicts that a haircut done in the morning contributes to the prolongation of life. The moon is in the most favorable position for dyeing, the hair will not deteriorate and the color will come out exactly the way you want.

11 February. A hairstyle changed on this day can drastically change your outlook on life. The most inveterate optimist may begin to see all the negativity around him and vice versa. Also, the oracle warns that coloration in bright color can greatly interfere with career development.

12th of February. Today's haircut will give you well-being and a good position. The horoscope advises to dye your hair in light shades in order to quickly attract “bright” people into the fate.

February 13. Cutting your hair today helps bring new material possessions into your destiny. Also, the moon promotes increased hair growth and stops hair loss, if combed during the day as often as possible. Coloring is allowed only with natural dyes.

The 14th of February. The position of the moon is quite risky for shortening hair length. The horoscope also recommends refraining from staining, as this can bring many problems to your destiny in your personal life.

February, 15. Today's modified haircut will greatly improve your overall health. Coloring by any dyes is admissible. The new hairstyle will become your symbol and will bring good luck for the rest of the month.

February 16th. An unfavorable day, the horoscope warns that a new hairstyle can lead to exacerbations of chronic diseases. Styling with large curls will help bring harmony into your life. Hair coloring will help improve relationships with colleagues and management.

February 17. The moon is in an extremely bad position for coloring and complex hairstyles - this can lead to conflicts with society. A haircut on the contrary will help to attract good luck, in addition, the condition and structure of the hair will significantly improve.

February 18. The horoscope says that a new haircut will attract personal happiness, joy and prosperity to fate, and its holding in the afternoon will significantly improve the condition of the hair and reduce the cross section. Dyeing your hair in any color will increase sociability.

February 19th. good moment for a haircut. A haircut stimulates an active influx of positive energy, gives a charge of vivacity until the end of the next month and contributes to resolving conflicts with relatives. A radical change in hair color will attract improved well-being and unexpected monetary gains.

February 20th. The horoscope predicts that this is the perfect day for a radical change in image. A new hairstyle will attract a considerable number of people into your destiny, who will later play important role in shaping your successful future.

February 21st. Moon calendar warns that a strong shortening of the length of the hair and the creation of complex hairstyles on this day can shorten life. Coloring your hair will help build friendly relationships with your colleagues and significantly increase work activity.

February 22. The moon is in a bad position for a haircut. The horoscope portends many small quarrels and problems with relatives after shortening the length. Staining in a dark color will help attract monetary gain and an unexpected gift.

February 23. The lunar calendar recommends postponing the visit to the master for another day, since a haircut can lead to rash and strong material waste, as well as poor health. It is also preferable to refuse any salon hairstyles. Coloring in a new color will attract unexpected career growth into your destiny.

24 February. The moon is in an unfortunate position, today drastic change hairstyles can lead to psychological discomfort and a sense of fear. There is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases, serious injury and serious mistakes in personal life.

25 February. The horoscope says that this day is one of the most successful for a new haircut. A hairstyle will attract significant material improvement to your destiny, rapid career growth and even winning the lottery are possible. Today's hair coloring will improve their condition and structure, and will also come to find contact with the right business partners.

February 26th. It is better to avoid a haircut, as there is a risk of a sharp deterioration in health. Hair coloring is also contraindicated, since in addition there is a high risk of deterioration in relations with close relatives and a life partner.

February 27. Bad day. A haircut will attract empty but serious conflicts with friends and superiors, exacerbation of diseases. Hair coloring is permissible only in cardinal colors - this can attract new, useful acquaintances to fate.

28th of February. A visit to the hairdresser today will give you good health, monetary gain and life extension. Coloring in warm colors will attract the energy of nature, give harmony within yourself and with others.

February 29th. Any experiment with hair will entail many personal problems, poor health and financial loss. The lunar calendar recommends refraining from even washing your hair and combing them as rarely as possible during the day.

The moon, as a female planet, greatly affects our mood, health, beauty, and even life circumstances. Since ancient times, people, calculating the phases of the movement of the moon, made a plan of their actions, including procedures in appearance. For example, if you cut your hair on a waxing moon, it will grow faster, and on a waning moon it will grow slower. The first option is suitable for those who want to grow long curls, and the second - for lovers short haircuts. The moon also affects the coloring of the strands, and their treatment. Moreover, going to a beauty salon on a certain day can improve your financial position, find love or attract good luck. Don't believe? Try to check!

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Lunar calendar for February 2017:

Haircuts to slow hair growth: February 4-9, 27, 28.

How to improve areas of life in February 2017

If you need improve financial situation, go for coloring on February 8th.

Tired of problems? Dye your hair a tone darker on February 11 and 12, and you will notice how problems will bypass your life.

Dreaming about a career takeoff or a new job? Tint your hair on February 17 - new acquaintances with influential people will happen soon.