
Review of magnetic brushes for cleaning windows. The principle of operation of the magnetic brush for cleaning windows


No general cleaning is complete without thorough window cleaning. For many housewives, this procedure takes quite a lot of time. This is due to the fact that the window must be clean not only from the inside, but also from the outside. And the latter is very difficult to achieve, especially if the structure is deaf. Our grandmothers used crumpled newspapers to keep them clean. But today technologies do not stand still, and a magnetic brush has come to the aid of the housewives, which greatly facilitates the washing technology.

What is a brush based on a magnet

In a house that is in private use, it will not be difficult to clean the glass unit located on the ground floor. For this, all you need is to go out into the yard and carry out the procedure. But what about those who live in a high-floor apartment? Calling a cleaning company that has industrial climbers and the appropriate equipment? Some do that. Others prefer to postpone the process, allowing dirt to accumulate, because few people want to balance on a chair by an open window.

Cleaning companies have solved this problem in a way. They are also used by the third type of housewives who do not want to call industrial climbers, but also do not want to let dirt accumulate on the window.

A magnetic brush is a device of two brushes, between which a magnet is embedded. These parts are placed on the inner surface of the structure and on the outside. With the help of a magnet, an optimal fixation of the brushes on the surface on both sides is achieved.

For additional insurance it is equipped with a cord, which, if one part is detached, will not let it fall to the ground, but will remain in the hands of the hostess.

What are the advantages of using a magnetic brush

The main advantage of a magnetic brush is the ability to simultaneously. A number of other benefits follow from this:

  • The principle of operation is not only common, but also simple. There are no abstruse mechanisms in it.
  • The principle of using the brush is based on the fact that it guarantees complete comfort and, most importantly, safety. Housewives no longer need to think about how to wash a glass unit. The structure is securely fixed, the chance of detaching it is minimal.
  • The basis of the device is high quality plastic, which will serve the housewives for more than a year. There are no extremely complex moving mechanisms in it, so there will be no problems with operation.
  • The surface intended for work can qualitatively clean not only the glass surface, but also plastic parts, as well as textolite.
  • Cleaning time is significantly reduced, since now work occurs simultaneously from both sides, which doubles productivity.
  • In storage conditions, the brush takes up a minimum of space; you no longer need to think about where to place the structure.
  • Depending on which model is chosen, the power of the magnet will be enough to hold the device on windows, the thickness of which starts from 3 mm and ends with 32 mm.
  • By purchasing a structure, you can significantly save money, which can later be spent on the services of cleaning companies. All work can be done independently. Distinctive feature is that the device can be used not only at home, it can also clean office glass and shop windows.

What are the disadvantages of the device

Magnetic window cleaning brushes are available in the cleaning market in several versions. The magnet that is installed there is of various sizes and powers. Thus, its gravitational force will only apply to a certain thickness of the glass. If there is a discrepancy between power and thickness, then this will lead to the fact that the device will constantly break off or not be able to fix at all.

The cost of the device also differs. If brushes are needed for a window whose thickness exceeds 20 mm, then the price for them will be correspondingly high. This is probably the main drawback. There are no more such major flaws in the device, even in functional terms.

Also, minor disadvantages include the fact that the device washes hard-to-reach places, not as well as we would like. But if you wash the structure more than once a year, but at least several times, then such problems may not arise. After all, fresh dirt is easier to clean than old ones.

Many, having learned about the high price, refuse the device. And in vain. It should be remembered that this price corresponds to a unique technology that will help to remove dirt quickly and without special physical costs. In addition, this device is the safest of its kind for cleaning products.

Different companies produce different types of brushes. For example, the Window Wizard organization produces a device that can help wash glass, the thickness of which does not exceed 27 mm. And Tatla already reaches the width of a glass unit of 32 mm. Naturally, there are also intermediate modifications that will cover the entire range of glass unit thickness.

Technology for correct operation with the device

You should be aware that the GLASS WIPER devices operate only on a single window. On double-glazed windows, the magnet may not lock. Unless, of course, you take its greater power. You can also contact Tatla, which manufactures double glass brushes.

The first thing to do is, as with any window cleaning, prepare a cleaning solution. To do this, water is collected in a basin or bucket and a product is added, which is always used. Next, you should separate the brushes by turning them in different directions until right angle... After that, each part is dipped into the detergent solution and soaked well. Then one half, where there is a handle, is attached to the inner surface of the window, and the other from the street side, parallel to the first. Once the magnet locks in both parts, you can release them.

After the preparatory work, the actual window cleaning process begins. Holding the handle of the brush, it should be driven in different directions. Washing the inside of the structure, x. After all, the outer part will move in the wake of the inner, exactly repeating its movements. The sponge located on the device will allow you to rinse every part of the window with special care.

What is included in the kit

The Magnetic Window Brush is sold in a box with instructions on the back to guide the customer. The device is made of high quality plastic. As for the colors, the Glass Wiper, for example, has a blue and yellow palette. The magnet is hidden under a layer of plastic. When separating parts of the appliance, you will notice that both brushes look identical.

On each half there are fabric inserts that help to distribute the soap solution over the entire surface of the glass unit. Also there are scrapers made of polymer. They not only remove liquid from the window, but also perfectly polish the structure. In order to constantly monitor the device, it has a handle and a ring with a cord. If we talk about size, then on average they are 11 by 11.5 cm.

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How a magnet attracts and attracts // Magnet brush for cleaning windows: operating principle, overview best models, usage guide

The desire of the hostesses to rub the window panes to a shine cannot be stopped by any height! We women will puff, show miracles of flexibility, come up with different ways, but we will definitely wipe off “that little speck”. True, I recently came across a very interesting thing - a magnetic window cleaner.

And, of course, I decided to evaluate its capabilities. Now I am sharing with you what I have learned: the principle of operation of this device, how it can facilitate cleaning and which models are worth paying attention to. And you tell us about your experience on the topic, I will be glad to your comments!

What, what are the magnetic brushes made of?

The device for washing windows on the outside with magnets is two separate parts - polyvinyl plastic plates. This material is known for its strength and durability.

On the surface of the plates there are foam sponges and felt inserts - this combination allows you to clean the windows with the highest quality. Also, both parts of the brush are equipped with elastic rubber strips that collect excess detergent and prevent divorce.

By the way, most manufacturers put two spare foam sponges in the kit in case the old ones become unusable from prolonged use.

On one part, the plate has a special handle for more comfortable cleaning. And to the second, which is located on the outside of the window in the process of work, a safety cord is fixed - to prevent an accidental fall.

But the "highlight" of the brush, which allows it to wash the window from both sides at once, is hidden inside the plates. These are powerful enough magnets! They securely fix the fixture and both of its parts move evenly over the glass.

Pros and cons

Let's take a look at how a magnetic window cleaner can be useful:

  1. For me, the most important thing is that the magnetic brush washes both sides of the window at the same time, and it does it perfectly. Saving my energy, time and nerves! And if the surface is large and "capricious", for example, a showcase ...
  2. No risk to the health and life of the hostess. It is good if you live in a private house or on the ground floors. And if, like me, on the 9th floor or even higher? In this case, this miracle device is irreplaceable! I don’t venture to lean too far to wash the windows from the outside, so they usually stay half washed. I am very uncomfortable with such imperfections in cleaning. But now the problem has been solved, you just need to get used to the unconventional way of cleaning window glass.

  1. Not only glass surfaces can be washed with this brush. She perfectly cleans mirrors, plastic, polished areas, polycarbonate.
  2. It is not necessary to use chemical cleaners with a magnetic sponge. A well-thought-out combination of materials will clean up impurities even with plain water without additives. I think this positive point for allergy sufferers and pregnant women.

Be careful, some detergents contain pesticides, freons, toxins, oil products, synthetic surfactants, etc. The increased concentration of such "harmful" can disrupt the metabolism in the body, reduce immunity, provoke allergic reactions and even change hereditary traits. So, if there is no need for chemistry, it is better to do without it with just a magnetic brush and water.

  1. Comfortable operation. Firstly, the shape of the magnet brush is specially selected for comfortable grip and cleaning with one hand. Secondly, a minimum of body movements in the process. And, thirdly, it does not need to be rinsed and wrung out every time. At the same time, there are no streaks or glare!

  1. Long service life. Magnetic window washer has a simple design. In fact, there is nothing to break or wear, and soft elements can be easily replaced with new ones if necessary. However, it is important that the brush itself is of high quality initially. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous sellers selling fakes. There are a lot of negative and neutral reviews, write their deceived buyers.

Most often it happens like this: a person visits a dubious site of an unknown company, buys a brush from them and even gets it on time! But the trouble is, the miracle device in operation turns out to be not at all as good as the seller assured.

For example, the magnets are weak, which prevents the brush from sticking to the glass. Or the insurance lace comes off at the most inopportune moment (God forbid it falls on someone's head). All attempts to return the product and money are in vain.

For the consultants on the indicated numbers begin to avoid talking and drag out the time until the end of the warranty (usually 7 days), or even give incorrect contact information.

Therefore, I advise you to buy only proven models of brushes on the official websites of well-known manufacturers (we will talk about them below)! The seller, who knows his product, gives a long-term guarantee and real terms of return.

Do you have magnetic brushes limitations? Yes, like any thing.

  1. I have already said about the first minus - this is a lot of low quality fakes. But here you yourself have to be careful, "picky" and meticulous during the purchase, so as not to waste your money.
  2. The second negative is the price. However, it all depends on the modification. There are models for standard single-chamber double-glazed windows (up to 24 mm thick), and they are inexpensive. And there are more powerful brushes for double-glazed windows. They have a much larger size and strength of attraction of magnets, but the cost is appropriate.

Magnetic window brushes manufacturers

I will talk specifically about the brushes of the Russian company TATL and the Window Wizard brushes of the Japanese manufacturer JIASHILI. They are the ones who enjoy the trust of our fellow citizens. We will consider the types and features of magnetic window cleaners, as well as the guarantees provided.

Window brushes-magnets "TATL"

In general, the TATL trading company from Krasnoyarsk specializes in window and door fittings. But after seeing several cases of how people put themselves in danger when washing glass at a decent height without insurance, they decided to create such a device.

According to them, they pursued two goals: perfect cleanliness in a minimum amount of time and safety. I think they did it! Here are the distinctive features of TATL magnetic brushes:

  • Six models for different types windows. There is no need to overpay and buy a multifunctional complex device. After all, a separate magnet brush has been invented for each glass thickness! You just need to find the right one for your needs.

On the packaging of any TATL brush, the glass thickness is indicated, as well as the objects for which it can be used.

  • The bodies of the brushes are made of high quality hypoallergenic materials. The soft parts are made of wear-resistant fabrics that perfectly absorb moisture, are resistant to deformation and destruction. All products are certified. According to the manufacturer, their magnetic sponge will last up to 25 years. Serious statement!

  • With the device "TATL" you can wash window panes with water without or with the addition of special agents, depending on the degree of pollution. Any alcohol or soap dissolved in water will do. The soft fabrics on the brush are resistant to most chemical compounds. The only thing is that you should not use bleaches and abrasive detergents (they have a powdery composition based on waste from metal production).

  • The warranty period is 1 year from the date of purchase and is valid if: 4 seals on the brush plates are not broken, there are no mechanical damages, all this time the operating and storage conditions have been observed, the receipt has been preserved.

Now let's take a quick look at all 6 models of TATL brushes for cleaning window glass:

Name and color Application area
TATLA-1 white 3-5 mm Single glasses, showcases 1900
TATLA-1 + white 5-10 mm Single glasses 2000
TATLA-2 blue 16-24 mm Single-chamber double-glazed windows 3400
TATLA-2 + blue 22-28 mm Single-chamber expanded double-glazed windows with energy- and heat-saving glasses, etc. 4300
TATLA-3 red 28-32 mm Double-glazed windows, glass roofs, etc. 5000
The first of its kind TATLA-3 + pink 35-40 mm Double-chamber double-glazed windows, glass roofs, stairs 6500
Replaceable washing cloth (fits all types of TATL brushes) It can be washed by hand or in washing machine... It is designed for 50 sq. m. 65

Window Wizard Magnetic Brushes

Real Japanese quality! The body of any model is made of heat-resistant plastic, the edges are made of heat-resistant rubber, the fabric part is the same as that of the TATL brushes. The average weight of the Window Wizard is 500 grams.

In addition to each model, spare sponges and a DVD disc are attached, on which videos are recorded on how to properly prepare the device and clean the windows with it. As for the rest, all characteristics are similar to the TATL brushes.

Reliable distributors give a guarantee of up to 12 months, because they buy and sell original products from the Japanese manufacturer JIASHILI, and not fakes. And also make a return of the goods if it does not suit you for any reason. The main thing is to follow the simple rules of return, which are explained to the buyer in advance.

Let's see what the Japanese offer us:

Name and color Glass thickness (i.e. the distance that should be between two parts of the brush) Application area Approximate cost in rubles (it may vary slightly, depending on where you buy the brush)
Window Wizard blue and white or lilac white 3-8 mm Single glasses on balconies, showcases or old-style windows 1100
Window Wizard purple 3-20 mm Single glass on, showcases or old-style windows 1500
Window Wizard blue-white 15-25 mm Single-chamber double-glazed windows, armored glass, glass roofs 2200
New with unique Window Wizard, triangular shape 25-35 mm Single-chamber double-glazed windows, double-glazed windows, armored glass, glass roofs 3000

How to use a magnetic brush: step-by-step guide, tips and video

First of all, I want to warn you: use the purchased model of the brush only for the purposes that the manufacturer indicated in the paragraph "scope". For example, you are holding a magnetic cleaner for single glasses no larger than 8 mm. Do not try to wash a single-chamber double-glazed window with it, complaining that it does not work!

This model has weak magnets - they only work at a distance of 3 to 8 mm. Conversely, if you bought a powerful brush for double-glazed windows, you should not wash single glasses with it. In the best case, the parts will not budge due to the strong attraction.

Well, now an instruction on how to properly clean windows using this device:

  1. Give the brush magnet a working position - separate them by turning one part 90º relative to the other. The magnet no longer connects them, you can start!
  2. Prepare water with or without soap, dish gel, specialty detergent, or none. You can do this in a bucket or pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle.

You can add starch to the water to shine the glass. And if you want the windows to stay clean longer, after washing, wipe them with this solution: glycerin + ammonia + water.

  1. Wet both soft sponges by immersing them in a bucket or spraying them with a spray bottle, whichever is more convenient for you. The dirtier the glass, the better the sponges should be impregnated.
  2. Place the loop of the safety cord on your hand and position this part of the brush outside, in the corner of the glass. Fasten the second part on the inside of the window, directly opposite the first. The magnets will attract and the two parts of the fixture will securely clamp the glass together.
  3. You can start cleaning windows with magnets! If the brush was chosen correctly, then the work will go easily and efficiently from the first movements. If the windows are small or medium-sized, wash first from the edges along the frame and then work down to the middle. And if the windows are panoramic, start from the center and end there. When you've gotten to the middle of the glass, try to hold the brush at a 45º angle, pushing down firmly and pushing away the dirty water.

  1. After finishing work, open the parts by turning one 90º relative to the other. Rinse the appliance well and start cleaning the next glass. If you don't need to wash anything else, dry the magnet brush well and put it in a box.

Many people think that the best time to clean windows is on a warm, sunny day. But under the influence of ultraviolet rays during the cleaning process, rainbow spots remain on the glass and then it becomes cloudy. Therefore, it is better to do this business in cool, calm weather.


With a magnet brush, any window can be washed in 5 minutes, without streaks, without making any special movements! Agree, it's easier to buy once than to waste time and energy on this unpleasant job every time. And someone else has to pay the cleaning company.

But now you know how to correctly choose a model of a magnetic device and use it with pleasure. I recommend watching the video in this article - it shows the process of washing glass using one of these brushes. Make sure it's easy and effective! And leave questions and tips in the comments!

December 16, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add clarification or objection, ask the author something - add a comment or say thank you!

The device consists of two brushes, supplemented with a magnet.

Do you live on the tenth floor, or even higher? Then each window cleaning session turns into a risky attraction, the consequences of which are difficult to predict. But don't leave the glass dirty?

Forget the danger to life. The inventors have come up with a device that reduces risks - a magnetic brush. But first, learn how to choose the right device for your type of window and how much does a magnetic window brush cost so you don't fall victim to advertising.

How does the device work?

First, about how the device works. These are two brushes connected by the force of magnetic plates. One brush is used for the inside of the window, the other for the outside. The cleaning surface is finished with soft materials - felt, foam rubber. When the material wears out, a replacement set of sponges is purchased from the store. A rubber strip is placed along the edge - a scraper, which removes the remaining liquid without leaving streaks, polishes the glass.

The washing time when using the miracle brush is halved. While the hostess processes the inside of the window with one brush, the second moves synchronously with the first, cleaning the outside.

To prevent the outer part from falling if the magnet fails, insurance is provided - a cord. At the other end, it can be attached to the other half of the device or have a ring at the end, which is thrown over the handle of the glass unit or the hand of the washer.

How to use?

The magnetic brush is the ideal companion for cleaning windows.

One procedure is enough to master a new instrument. Here's how to use a magnetic window brush:

    Water or detergent is sprayed onto the glass.

    To terminate the action of the magnet, the brushes are rotated to one another at an angle of 90 degrees.

    The cleaning surfaces are moistened with an aqueous solution of glass detergent or clean water.

    If the cable has a ring at the end, then it is fixed on the handle of the glass unit or on the user's hand.

    The first brush is applied to the inner, the second (with a rope) - to the outer surface of the window glass or glass unit. The magnet will attract them to each other.

    Choose a comfortable hand position.

    They wash the surface as if working with a rag.

First, wipe the area near the frame, starting from the lower near corner, then move up, to the side, down, again to the side to the starting point. The middle part is processed, moving from top to bottom. With this algorithm, there will be no traces of liquid on the window.

If after the first time the window is not clean enough, the procedure is repeated. The exact algorithm for using the device is indicated in the instructions.

What to look for when choosing?

Cleaning time is significantly reduced.

There are a lot of dissatisfied product reviews on the internet. And the reason is that buyers flocked to the name, but did not understand the characteristics. After all, now the window models differ dramatically. Therefore, the brushes have different characteristics and capabilities.

The main criterion to be guided by is the power of the magnet.

Several device variations are available:

    for single-chamber bags 25 mm thick;

    for double-glazed windows 30 mm thick;

    for balcony, display glass up to 6 mm thick.

It is important to consider one more point here. It would seem that if you buy a brush for double-glazed windows, in which the strongest magnets are installed, then not only the window, but also the balcony glass is washed with it. But this is a misconception. For thin glasses, such a device is too powerful, it is difficult to conduct a second brush. Therefore, for each thickness - its own device.

The type of glass unit for which the device is intended is indicated on the package. If there is no such information, check with the seller.

You should also pay attention to the length of the safety cord. It should be twice the width of the window if the brushes are connected, and not less than the diagonal length of the widest window if the cord is attached to only one part of the appliance.

Brands on sale

What are the differences between different manufacturers?

The main brands on the market are Tatla, Window Wizard. Since there are few of them, the price still bites on a high-quality magnetic brush for cleaning windows.


One of the best brands is Tatla. The device is presented in five variations for different glass thicknesses.

The peculiarity of the model is that both brushes are connected with a cord. The cleaning element is made of soft tissue, the polishing scraper is made of silicone. One set of pads is designed to clean 50 m².

Magnetic brush for windows "Tatla" price: 1900-6500 rubles.

Window Wizard

Cleans double-glazed windows up to 2 cm thick. Has a safety cable with a ring. According to the manufacturer, the product is suitable for thin and thick glasses. But the device is tested in action immediately after receipt, since there are many complaints in the reviews that the power is only enough for single glass, but not for a double-glazed unit. The weight of the device is about 400 g.

Magnet for washing windows Window Wizard price: 1490 r.

Magnetic brush for cleaning windows Window Wizard. Video review:


There are also disadvantages to magnetic brushes. If the brushes are incorrectly selected, then they move slowly due to high power with thin glass, or washing becomes impossible, since the magnet does not hold the second part of the device.

When cleaning windows, make sure that no one is under the windows. If the cable breaks and the brush breaks off, people will be hurt. Such cases are described by users.

Cleanly washed windows not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also allow more sunlight to enter the room. However, everyone who at least once had to deal with the need to wash them notes that this is an unpleasant procedure. But progress is moving forward, and today manufacturers of cleaning gadgets offer housewives magnetic brushes for cleaning windows, which turn this procedure into an exciting experience.

What is a magnetic brush and what is it used for

Not so long ago, old newspapers and rags were used to wash windows. Later, mops with a special sponge appeared. And only recently we learned about magnetic window brushes. This device consists of 2 parts, which are fixed on opposite sides of the glass and are attracted to each other using magnets. When moving on the glass, they collect dirt from its surface.

The fixtures are suitable for insulating glass units even of large thickness, the strength of the magnets is important. For belaying, the magnetic brush is equipped with a special rope that is attached to one of its halves. It is this part that should be placed on the outside of the window, and if it is detached, the cable will protect it from falling.

The main task of such a gadget is safety when cleaning windows or its individual external elements. They became especially popular among residents of high floors. In addition, such a brush for cleaning windows makes it possible to significantly save time and effort.

For its production, durable plastic is used. The working surface consists of foam or felt inserts. Spare foam elements are included with most models. There are rubber strips along the edges of the product that remove the residues of the used cleaning agent from the surface. Therefore, you no longer have to worry about possible divorces.

Mechanism of work

The principle of operation, which is used in the magnetic brush for cleaning windows, is that one half of it is attached to the outside of the glass unit, and the other to the inside. The built-in magnet provides double-sided contact. Before cleaning the window, you need to apply glass cleaner with a sprayer. If the contamination is significant, then cleaning is carried out in two stages. First, the dirt is washed off with warm water, and then the brush is applied special tool, which permanently removes dirt.

During use, the inside window brush moves smoothly to clean the surface. Together with it, the half fixed outside will move. If suddenly the outer half is detached from the glass, it will freeze on the safety cable.

Benefits of using

The main advantages of the device include:

  1. Convenience and safety during use. The window brush is ergonomic and attaches securely to the glass.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. There are no moving parts here, and the base of the fixture is made of high quality plastic. Therefore, such a device will serve you as long as possible.
  4. Saving time and effort. The double-sided mechanism makes it possible to qualitatively wash the glass unit on both sides.
  5. The practical surface allows you to use the product for cleaning not only glass, but also plastic or textolite surfaces.
  6. You don't need a lot of space to store your gadget.
  7. Saving money. You will not need to look for outside specialists to carry out glass cleaning work. You can easily do everything yourself.
  8. The increased power of the magnets makes it possible to clean double-glazed windows, the thickness of which is 3-32 mm.


All brushes that are designed for cleaning window glass are available in different modifications and depend on the size and power of the magnet installed inside. The larger they are, the higher the force of attraction and for a thicker glass unit, this device can be used. Depending on this, its cost will also depend. Options that are suitable for windows over 20 mm thick will not be cheap, which can be called a disadvantage of such a device.

But in this case, you need to take into account that the brush is a unique gadget that will greatly facilitate your window cleaning.


On the market today you can find magnetic brushes from various manufacturers. How do they differ from each other?

Window wizard

In the model range of this manufacturer there are options for washing small double-glazed windows, as well as those with a width of about 32 mm. According to the manufacturer, models that are designed for a surface with a thickness of 24 mm, when used correctly, will successfully cope with thicker surfaces. Users also noted the advantages of such devices for cleaning glass of large loggias or balconies.

Glass wiper

This option is suitable only for owners of double-glazed windows with one sash, since the power of the magnet will not allow it to be securely fixed on the double window.


The manufacturer offers its customers 5 different options for brushes, which depend on the thickness of the surface on which they are planned to be used.

Double Sided Glass Cleaner

There are 2 types of such brushes, which differ in the power of the magnets. The product has a neat ergonomic handle and a wrist strap. The length of the safety cord makes it possible to wash any size of the surface on both sides.

Multiple Glass Units

The manufacturer offers devices for washing double-glazed windows, the width of which can be up to 35 mm. Despite the many advantages, such a brush has an affordable cost. The peculiarity of the structure of such a device allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out washing even in places where it is very difficult to get.

Magnetic brushes can be called ideal option for those who need to clean the window quickly and easily. Especially if it has big sizes and is located high. This versatile device should be in every housewife's house.

Removal of accumulated dirt from windows is usually carried out two to three times a year. Glasses shining in the sun improve the illumination of the room and create a favorable impression of the owner of the home among passers-by. Over time, a high-quality result was achieved different ways... Magnetic cleaning brushes have replaced newspapers and napkins. How not to be mistaken with the choice of a practical device, we will tell you in detail.

Purpose of the magnetic device

Keeping the inside of the windows clean is easy. Removing dusty deposits from the outside for most law enforcement officers presents certain difficulties. Even those living on the ground floor have to worry about having a staircase, but what should the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings do?

To clean the windows of an apartment or loggia with high quality, most show the skill of equilibrists, balancing on a stool. Naturally, the process is unsafe and not within the power of all age categories. Wealthy citizens turn to cleaning agencies. But the use of such services is not available to everyone, and it is unlikely that a provincial town can boast of the presence of companies that wash windows.

The magnetic washing brush has become a salvation for many housewives. Initially, a practical window fixture was mastered by employees of cleaning agencies. But gradually the product migrated from the hands of professionals to ordinary people. In order for the magnetic washing brush not to bring disappointment, you need to understand in detail its design and selection criterion, as well as the procedure for use.

Washing brush design

The magnetic brush consists of two parts, made of reclaimed PVC plastic. The inner surface is decorated with foam rubber washing sponges, under which there are fabric inserts, close in texture to felt. This structure provides high-quality cleaning of the glass surface.

The function of the rubber scrapers is to remove residual detergent from the windows. The key element of the practical device is the magnetic inserts, which are located under the foam rubber. Their presence ensures reliable fixation of the second part of the washing brush to the outside of the window.

Important! The outer element is equipped with a safety cord, the length of which is 0.7 m. This eliminates the risk of losing a part of the magnetic brush in case of separation of parts. The loop of the lace is fixed on the hand, so you don't have to run downstairs after the loss and worry about the injuries of passers-by.

Washing sponges wear out over time; in this case, two spare parts are provided in the set of the magnetic brush, which are easy to replace. Subsequent copies are purchased from specialized stores.

The Benefits and Negatives of Practical Accommodation

Purchase of a magnetic brush, washing windows, promises significant benefits:

  • Significant time savings due to simultaneous processing of two surfaces. Especially noticeable when cleaning large areas.
  • Provides for work safe conditions... This concerns professional activity cleaning agency specialists and the household sphere.
  • Even a child is capable of mastering the simple design of a washing magnetic brush without moving parts.
  • All elements of the window cleaning brush are made of high quality materials, which ensures a long service life of the magnetic device.
  • The ability to clean windows on your own without the involvement of specialists can significantly save money.
  • New models of the magnetic brush allow you to work with windows where the glass thickness reaches 32 mm.
  • The use of a washing device allows you to combine three functions: washing, drying and polishing glass.
  • If the windows are not heavily soiled, the detergent can be left aside and the glass can be cleaned with a magnetic brush with plain water. This is especially true for allergy sufferers.

Comment! In addition to windows, the practical device perfectly cleans polished surfaces, display glass, mirrors and plastic (for example, window sills).

The package of significant advantages of the washing brush is accompanied by separate negative touches. Modifications of the magnetic device are designed for different glass thicknesses: the larger it is, the higher the cost of the product. Therefore, with a glass thickness of more than 20 mm for washing brush have to shell out a decent amount of funds. The second negative point is that hard-to-reach places of windows are difficult to clean. The only way out is to carry out the procedure regularly, when dirt does not have time to accumulate in a large number, and the magnetic brush copes with the functions assigned to it.

Criterias of choice

Most consumer reviews are positive. Individual dissatisfied remarks are usually caused by an illiterate selection of a cleaning brush for windows. Therefore, choosing the right model is the key to a high-quality glass cleaning result. The main criterion for orientation when buying is the power of the magnets. There are several modifications of magnetic brushes on the market:

  • for balconies and showcases in which the glass thickness is not more than 6 mm;
  • for single-chamber windows, where the glass reaches 25 mm;
  • for glasses with a thickness of 30 mm, which are present in two-chamber packages.

Tatla magnetic cleaning brushes are available in five variations for windows with glass thicknesses:

  • from 3 to 5 mm;
  • from 5 to 10 mm;
  • from 16 to 24 mm;
  • from 22 to 28 mm;
  • the most powerful - from 28 to 32 mm.

Window Wizard cleaning brushes are limited to 27mm thick windows.

Important! The choice of magnetic products should be in strict accordance with the parameters of the windows. If you purchase a more powerful magnetic product than the thickness of the glass requires, it will be extremely difficult to lead the second part outside the window.

Information about the type of glass unit for which the washing device is intended is indicated on the packaging. In the absence of information, it is better to check the necessary parameters with a sales assistant. The length of the cord is an important element of the magnetic brush. Its size should be twice the width of the window. In some models, if it is possible to fix the cord not on the brush or hand, this indicator is reduced to the diagonal of the glass that is planned to be cleaned.

Order of use

The answer to the natural question of how to clean windows with a magnetic brush can be presented in the form of a step-by-step guide:

  • Initially, a soapy solution is prepared for the washing brush. With slight contamination, you can limit yourself to plain water.
  • Both parts of the magnetic device are disconnected and dipped into the prepared mixture.
  • The safety cord is fixed to the wrist. One part of the washing brush with a protective rope is pressed against the outside of the window, the second part is located clearly opposite the inside.
  • Magnetization occurs between the two elements, after which you can start working. With the correct selection of the washing brush in accordance with the parameters of the window, this process takes place almost instantly.
  • Grasping the handle, my usual movements are the window inside. External glass is cleaned almost automatically.

Attention! To open the washing device, it is enough to turn the inner element 90 ° relative to the outer magnetic part.

Feature of the popular model

For example, let us examine in detail the characteristics of the budget model of the Window Wizard magnetic brush. The two plastic parts with an internal magnet on the top are equipped with a soft sponge, the rubber inserts are designed to eliminate excess detergent or water.

Ease of use is ensured by the presence of a special handle on one part of the magnetic brush. The second part is equipped with a safety cord with a ring. The set is completed with spare cleaning sponges and a disc with detailed instructions manual.

The mass of the magnetic brush is from 400 to 500 g. Scope of application:

  • windows of balconies and showcases with glass thickness up to 6 mm;
  • armored surfaces and glass floors, the thickness of which does not exceed 15 mm;
  • naturally, single and double glazed windows with a thickness of up to 27 mm;
  • roofs with glass not exceeding 30 mm.

The cost of a magnetic brush varies between 1000-1200 rubles. The ease of use of the cleaning attachment is a welcome bonus for consumers.


The magnetic device allows you to quickly and efficiently clean the glass windows from accumulated dust without risk to health. Anyone can master the easy operation process. A long list of the advantages of a washing brush is accompanied by minor negative points. But the money spent is justified by the comfortable working conditions to keep the windows clean.