
How to properly clean windows in an apartment. How to quickly and effectively clean windows without leaving streaks. What is a magnetic brush - video

Breast cancer

Surely every housewife had to think about how to wash windows without streaks at home. Indeed, without shining glass, you will never be able to achieve the feeling of perfect cleanliness in the house. But for many, window cleaning continues to be a task that they don't want to start at all. You just have to imagine how difficult it is to get rid of hated divorces. Fortunately, experienced housewives know how to deal with a problem quickly and effortlessly. Let's try to figure out what kind of "secret" information these lucky women possess.

Proper preparation is the key to success

A good housewife always has in her arsenal special devices that help her to clean up. In order to clean the windows, you will need:

  • sponge (it is desirable that one side of it is hard - this will remove heavy dirt);
  • rags (microfiber or coarse linen cloth is best for washing windows);
  • dry newspapers;
  • bowl or bucket.

That, in fact, is all. Having the tools listed above, you can easily wash the windows well, because our grandmothers got along with only this inventory.

However, progress does not stand still. Now in every store you can buy useful gizmos that greatly simplify the life of the hostess. So, for cleaning windows, a special brush can be very useful, which on the one hand looks like a sponge, and on the other - a rubber scraper. How to use such a device will be discussed a little later.

But when cleaning windows, tools alone are indispensable, you also need special tools that will help you effectively clean windows at home.

What can you use?

The choice of detergent is carried out depending on how heavily soiled the window is, and on how quickly the hostess wants to give it crystal clear... What could it be?

  1. 1 Water. This tool is the most affordable of all. And for the windows of a country or country house, it is quite suitable, because far from roads and large enterprises, they are protected from the appearance of strong pollution. However, city dwellers, as a rule, have to resort to "stronger" means.
  2. 2 Vinegar. This product has been an entry point back in the days when there was no such abundance of home cleaning products on store shelves. The acid corrodes the dirt, after which it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

When looking for an answer to the question of how to clean windows so that there are no divorces, many housewives become aware of the proven "grandmother's" methods of solving this problem. Following the experience of generations, for high-quality window cleaning, you can use:

  • salt;
  • starch;
  • dentifrice;
  • chalk crushed into small crumbs;
  • bleach.

Someone prefers to go to the store and buy a special window cleaner. This could be:

  • a special spray that is applied to the glass and then simply removed with a dry cloth;
  • cleaning solution, which must be diluted in water;
  • gel;
  • paste;
  • glass cleaning wipes, the use of which does not require the use of water or any cleaning agents.

It's hard to say what is the best way to clean windows. Each housewife eventually finds “her own” method that allows her to return cleanliness to the “eyes of the house”.

Perfect cleaning algorithm

When thinking about how to properly clean windows, it is worth taking into account the sequence of actions suggested below. It is recommended to follow it, regardless of which product was chosen for washing.

  1. 1 Completely free the window sill from all objects on it (most often these are, of course, flower pots).
  2. 2 Pour lukewarm water into a bowl or bucket and add to the container the laundry soap crushed with a grater, liquid soap, dishwashing liquid, a little washing powder, or a special product designed for cleaning the house.
  3. 3 Soak a cloth in the solution and rinse the window frames on both sides, windowsill, handles. You can qualitatively remove dirt from openings and cracks with a cotton swab (or a toothpick with cotton wool).
  4. 4 Empty the bucket or bowl and fill the container with clean water, with which to wipe the window again.
  5. 5 Replace the dirty water again.
  6. 6 Wash the glasses (how to do this will be described below), first from the inside, then from the outside.
  7. 7 Wipe the frames and window sill again with a damp cloth to remove any residual liquid that drips off during the cleaning process.

By adhering to this algorithm, you can avoid unnecessary efforts and wash the windows as quickly as possible.

If the window is wooden, then when washing the frames, remember that:

  • soda cannot be used as a cleaning agent, as it corrodes paint and can damage the structure of the structure;
  • it is best to use liquid soap or dishwashing detergent diluted with plenty of water.

Most modern city apartments have plastic windows, the maintenance of which also requires adherence to certain recommendations.

  1. 1 When washing frames, in this case, do not use powder cleaners, as they can damage the profile by scratching it.
  2. 2 If commercial detergents are used, they should not contain acid, benzine or thinner, as these substances can damage the structure and discolor it. It is best to opt for alcohol-based cleaning products.
  3. 3 The optimal solution for those who do not know how to wash plastic windows is to prepare a concentrated solution of liquid or laundry soap.
  4. 4 After drying, the metal fittings of the plastic window must be processed machine oil and the rubber seal with silicone grease.

Now that the frames and sills are cleaned, you can start washing the glass. As a rule, it is at this stage that many housewives have difficulties. Let's try to figure out how to quickly and without streaks wash window panes.

Folk remedies for cleaning glass

Many housewives use folk remedies to clean windows. As a rule, the products necessary for their preparation are always at hand.

Such products are usually applied to glass with a sponge or rag and then removed with a dry rag or newspaper. A special double-sided brush can be used to apply the cleaning composition:

  • glass is wiped with a sponge dipped in a solution;
  • the product is removed with a rubber scraper (like wipers on the windshield of a car), movements must be carried out from top to bottom at a slight angle.

A cleaning solution can be prepared by diluting with 3 liters of water:

  • 6 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 3-6 st. l. powdered chalk or tooth powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 150 g of bleach;
  • 4-5 st. l. salt;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. dishwashing liquid;
  • 4-5 st. l. Laundry soap crushed with a grater.

For heavily soiled glass, you can prepare a more effective remedy by using one of the recipes below.

  1. 1 In 4 liters of warm water, dilute 100 ml of ammonia and white vinegar, a little blue and 2 tbsp. l. starch. Place the resulting product in a container with a spray bottle. When cleaning windows, spray the solution onto the glass, spread with a cloth or sponge, remove with a dry cloth, paper napkin or a newspaper.
  2. 2 Rub the glass with fresh, raw potatoes, cut in half, then rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  3. 3 Grind chalk into powder and dilute it with vodka until the consistency of liquid sour cream is reached. Rub the glass with the resulting gruel, remove with a damp cloth and wipe dry. This method is suitable for those who want to wash windows as quickly and without streaks as possible.
  4. 4 Very often black dots - traces left by flies - can be found on the window glass. To get rid of them, you need to cut a fresh onion in half and wipe the glass with it.

We go to the store: purchased funds

Sometimes there is no time or desire to mess around with the preparation of cleaning solutions, then you can resort to commercial window cleaning products.

The method of using such products depends on the form of their release. They are usually applied to glass in their pure form or previously diluted in water. The composition of such funds differs little, usually it includes:

  • water;
  • alcohol or acid;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • ammonia (used to add shine, not found in all products);
  • antistatic or silicone (added to some products in order to protect the glass from excessive dust and dirt settling on it).

There are also special wipes for glass cleaning. According to manufacturers, their use does not imply the additional use of any devices or detergents, it is enough just to wipe the glass. However, many housewives claim that the use of such napkins is effective only in the case of light pollution.

Despite the fact that there are products for cleaning windows, both made by hand and bought in a store a large number of, their use does not always guarantee the absence of streaks.

How to avoid soap streaks: secrets and subtleties

By adhering to the above sequence of cleaning windows and using the correct detergent, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of staining. However, there is something else you need to know to avoid this nuisance.

One of the most important rules, which experienced housewives recommend to learn in order to avoid divorces, reads: wash the windows on a cloudy day when there is no rain and wind. The fact is that under the rays of the scorching sun, water and detergent dry quickly, leaving streaks. It is also difficult to avoid annoying footprints during strong wind or rain.

Another valuable secret is to make circular motions from top to bottom when washing glasses.

When thinking about how to quickly clean windows, do not forget about the final touch of this procedure: glass polishing. This simple measure will allow you to remove streaks if they did appear while cleaning the windows. So, you can polish the glass to a shine, if intensively, wipe it in circular movements:

  • crumpled newspaper;
  • a piece of suede fabric;
  • a special napkin;
  • old nylon stockings or tights.

Wise people never tire of repeating that knowledge is power.

Indeed, if the hostess possesses high-quality information on how to properly clean the windows, this task no longer seems to her as something painfully difficult.

Following simple tips, you can make this process not only quick and efficient, but also enjoyable. After all, it is so wonderful to contemplate the crystal purity of the window through which the rays of the sun can easily penetrate into the house!

Knowing these reasons will help to avoid heavy pollution and quickly solve the problem of dirty windows.

The main factors affecting glass contamination:

  • weather: rain, hail, snow play an important role, as they strongly affect the outside. They generally leave visible stains that are difficult to remove;
  • dust that accumulates not only from the side of the street, but also from the apartment. It must be wiped regularly and make sure that it does not fall into the gaps between the frames and does not accumulate in the corners on the windowsill;
  • in the kitchen, due to the strong temperature difference, condensation accumulates, which, when dried, forms a blurring effect;
  • repair: do not forget about the cleanliness of the glass after repair. Try to hang them with a film so that paint, glue and other mixtures do not get on them, because if you try to peel off dried paint, for example, you can cause deep scratches;
  • smoking: this is especially true of a balcony or kitchen, where glass surfaces suffer from nicotine the most. With frequent smoking, a nicotine film forms on them.

Rain, hail, snow leave visible stains on the window
Dust must be wiped off regularly
Condensation builds up due to the large temperature difference.

We must not forget about the cleanliness of the glass after repair.
When smoking, a nicotine film forms on the glass

The very first step to take is to empty the sill. You can also clean the bottom of the flower pots. Before you wash everything properly without streaks, you must not forget about the curtains. They are also a source of dust, which you will probably notice during the wash. Basically, even on the white curtain, dusty marks are not visible, but it is recommended to wash it at every wash. This also applies to blinds. During cleaning, you can spray them with antistatic agent so that dust does not accumulate again. Particular attention should be paid to mosquito nets: they get dirty very quickly regardless of the season, so cleaning should be done as needed. The best way- it is easy to remove and wash by hand or in washing machine... Reinstall the mesh only when it is completely dry.

You need to pay special attention to mosquito nets: they get dirty very quickly

If you have wooden frames, then the high humidity in hard-to-reach places may even develop mold. It must be removed with a bleach solution or special means to remove mold. Wipe the window sill both outside and inside from dust with a damp cloth. Cobwebs, insects, dust, and various dirt also accumulate between the frames.

If you have plastic double-glazed windows, then it is easier to wash them than wooden ones. But over time, the plastic turns yellow, stains appear. Therefore, the frames and sill can be cleaned with a mild baking soda solution in order to restore White color... It is also advisable to lubricate the creaking frames before cleaning.

So, starting the washing process, you need to prepare tools that will help us in this matter. For cleaning, wear loose, comfortable clothing that will not restrict movement.

Prepare a bowl of water, a glass cleaner (if you prefer to use household chemicals), and a few soft rags to wash the surface and then remove any excess water.

Prepare a bowl of water, glass cleaner and some soft rags

In any cleaning, it is important to comply with safety standards and work only with gloves to chemical agents do not come into contact with the skin, cause irritation or allergies. Also carefully read the instructions for the cleaning agents, follow all the rules specified in them. There is always information on how to wash plastic windows streak-free and achieve the best result.

Washing process

Once everything is set up, it's time to start cleaning. So, consider a few effective methods how to wash clean and streak-free.

  1. In the first step, the main task is to rinse the frames well. It is not recommended to use abrasive products such as baking soda, as it can scratch plastic and reduce the contrast of paint on wood surfaces. This can be done with soapy water (dishwashing gel, washing powder) diluted in water. A sponge and thick, lather will do this best. If you have wooden frames, you can rinse them with cooled tea leaves. Every corner must be wiped with special care - there is a lot of dust and dirt.
  2. After the frames are clean, proceed directly to the window cleaning. Using a sponge with the same soapy solution, apply horizontal movements over the entire glass. In the second stage, this is most conveniently done with a screed. From the side of the street, you work very carefully - if the height is large, then it is better to entrust it to a professional and not risk it, or walk carefully through the places you reach. If you live on the 1st floor, then you can easily go outside and rinse the surface with a screed.
  3. Since plastic windows can be washed quickly and without streaks using a screed, you need to be able to work with it. The foam is removed horizontally, after each stroke you need to wipe the mop so that there are no soap spots. Apply moderate pressure to keep the squeegee moving smoothly and catching any excess water and foam.
  4. The best sparkling, transparent look can be achieved with a commercially available mirror cleaner. It is widely used for both mirrors and windows. Its main task is not to leave stains. You need to wash it off with a special microfiber cloth, or you can use a paper towel. If such a remedy is not found, then ammonia will add shine, which can be mixed with water and applied with a spray bottle.
  5. If the glasses are very dirty, it will take time and effort to fix the situation. Since it is difficult to wash the windows correctly so that there are no streaks, it is difficult in a neglected state, more soap solution will be needed and it will be necessary to pass a sponge over the glass more carefully. You may even need a glass scraper to get rid of any dried-on dirt. Dust in small crevices can be removed with a toothpick or needle.
  6. If you have a car, you may also find a detergent for washing car mirrors - they are especially aggressive, but they wash well and work great on very dirty surfaces.
  7. Also on the market in wide range special wet wipes are presented. They do well with light dirt and are more suitable for weekly cleaning to keep things clean.

At the first stage, the main task is to wash the frames well.
Using a sponge with soapy water, apply horizontal movements over the entire glass
You can wash plastic windows quickly and without streaks using a screed
Rinse off the product with a special microfiber cloth

In a neglected state, it will be necessary to pass a sponge on the glass more carefully
Car mirror cleaner works great on very dirty surfaces
Wet wipes more suitable for weekly cleaning


Vinegar is a versatile ingredient that is actively used not only for food purposes, but also for household purposes. A couple of tablespoons of 9% table vinegar must be diluted in one liter of water. Perfect for cleaning windows, not only during general cleaning, but weekly. Maintains transparency and even repels insects.


A solution with starch: add a tablespoon to 1 liter of water. There is also a recipe for starch solution with ammonia. It is necessary to mix 100 ml. alcohol and vinegar, dissolve in 4 liters of water and add 30 mg. starch.

Do you know the best way to clean windows? Potatoes! At first glance, it does not inspire confidence, but in fact, even very dirty glasses can be cleaned well with a half of raw potatoes and wipe the remains with dry microfiber.

It is enough to dissolve a few small spoons in water until light pink in color. It is necessary to use a solution with potassium permanganate with care - do not allow it to get on the glass in an insoluble form.

Cool advice: how to wash plastic windows so that there are no stains for those who have smokers in the household? Ammonia is good for cleaning frames. The nicotine film can be removed with a solution prepared in the following proportions. A glass of ammonia is added to 10 liters of water. To avoid a strong unpleasant odor from it, you need to choose specimens with the addition of flavors. After using this method, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment well.

If there is chalk on the farm, then it can also be successfully adapted, it was also used by our grandmothers. The only thing is that it must be in powder form. You need to prepare the mixture in the proportion of three tablespoons of powder to one glass of water. You should get a thick consistency, which should be applied to the glass and left for a while. After it dries, wipe off any residue with a dry, soft microfiber cloth or tissue. If necessary, you can walk with a commercial product for a shiny effect. You can also use powdered chalk and vodka. Dissolve these ingredients to the consistency of sour cream. This method will help to wash everything without streaks, folk remedies in this case work no worse than special gels and sprays. Also vodka perfectly degreases surfaces.

Onions will effectively help get rid of flies. Use half an onion to treat the stains until they disappear and rinse with water. Then wipe dry with a tissue.

You need to dilute a couple of tablespoons to 250 ml. water and apply the solution with microfiber.

Also, the glycerin method will do a very good job of how to clean windows quickly and without streaks. You will need to take 100 grams of glycerin per 50 grams of water and a little ammonia. After processing, an inconspicuous protective film will remain on the glass, which will reject dust and dirt and protect against damage. This great option for those who have just recently made repairs and want to keep new materials on for a long time... This film helps to facilitate cleaning and minimize scratches and other environmental influences.

In addition, there is one more good recipe, which prevents the appearance of abundant dust. Add one tablespoon of cornmeal per liter of water and rinse the surface with this mixture.

Knowing how to properly wash plastic windows, you need to remember to extend their service life. Severe frost adversely affects the safety of the material, and therefore it is better to take care of its protection in advance. We take 10 grams of glycerin and mix it with 200 grams of rubbing alcohol. This product should be applied to already washed, clean glass. If these products are not at home, you can replace them with 2 tablespoons of rock salt by stirring it with 250 grams of water. After processing, it is necessary to wipe everything dry. This method is mainly used during the cold season.

We use nylon tights

The answer to the question of the best way to wash plastic windows without streaks will be found by women who wear nylon tights... As strange as it may sound, if you still have old tights, you can use them for shine, if there is no microfiber. Now you do not need to throw them away, it is better to save them for cleaning. Kerosene is also suitable for the same purpose. It will be enough 1 tablespoon for 3 liters of water.

If you want to give a bluish tint to the window glass, you can add a little ultramarine blue to the water and wipe the glass with a cloth soaked in such water.

Now you can easily decide what to clean the windows at home without streaks and without spending money on expensive funds. But if you still prefer ready-made products, then in a household store you will find products of any price category. As for glass cleaning products, the price does not play a big role, they all wash without stains. Remember to follow the instructions.

Step-by-step instructions on how to clean windows without streaks quickly

When you have prepared a window glass cleaner or one of the above solutions, you need to apply them correctly to achieve the desired result. To rinse everything well, you must first soften the dirt and dust. It is best to work with a spray bottle, as it is very convenient to wash plastic windows without streaks.

So, let's take a look at the step-by-step actions:

  • put on rubber gloves;
  • generously spray the detergent on the window glass;
  • if it is a soapy solution, immediately foam the sponge and wipe off stains, various grease drops and other contaminants;
  • we take the screed, wash off the foam with movements from top to bottom;
  • we wash everything with clean water, go through the screed again;
  • we begin to work with paper towels or microfiber: we wipe dry, while carefully making sure that the rag does not leave lint.

Spray the product and wipe the stains with a sponge
We wash off the foam with a screed
Wipe the window dry with a microfiber

This is a simple, standard scheme of how to quickly clean windows without streaks, but it will not work for the general cleaning described above.


The main things to remember are:

  • when dealing with a decent height, choose a stable stand - it is better not to risk it and choose a bed, armchair, sturdy table or chair;
  • when working with the outside of the frames, ask someone to insure you;
  • do not step on the windowsill.

Choose a stable stand and ask someone to back you up
Do not step on the windowsill

As for the best way to clean windows without streaks, in no case choose coarse brushes. Glass is a very fragile material and the slightest careless movement can cause a decent scratch. Also forget about knives, dish scrapers, which are not designed for the job. It is not advised to use aggressive solvents, especially on plastic ones, because they eat up a special protective layer and over time the windows turn yellow noticeably.

In the age of new technologies, manufacturers are making more and more products that require minimal human intervention. Self-cleaning double-glazed windows have appeared on the market - the question of how to wash the windows without streaks will disappear by itself. This option is especially good for those who live near the road and who quickly clog their outer windows. They are covered with a film that dissolves dust, dirt and, under the influence of water, the surface remains dry without stains and traces of drops.

Cleaning should be a pleasure, only then the house will truly shine with cleanliness! It is best to clean regularly, but quickly, and not spend all day working with rags. What you can use to wash glass without streaks can be prepared by yourself and without spending money. It is best to choose folk remedies, because they do not harm the budget, family health and do an excellent job with their tasks.

Long ago, before modern tools were invented, window cleaning was not considered a problem. People used ordinary vinegar, water and a rag - and in a matter of minutes they could admire their native street through a window shining with cleanliness. The speed in this business still depends on the availability of skills and experience.

Nowadays, store shelves are lined with cleaning products for a specific purpose. Advertising billboards, posters with these products flooded busy highways and television. And, interestingly, the "secret" element in detergents is ordinary vinegar. In the 21st century, people have become accustomed to the modern lifestyle, although it is becoming more complex. Some are accustomed to thinking: why do you need to cut garlic with a knife, if more than 40 devices have appeared for this, or why clean it up with an ordinary rag when special napkins have been invented? But it would not be better to use cheap and effective means for washing windows? The effect is the same.

Ways to clean windows:

  1. Before getting down to business, you need to take cotton swab, toothpick, sponge, napkin, linen cloth, warm water, vinegar. We clean all the openings with a toothpick and a stick from dirt. We wash the window frames with a sponge soaked in warm soapy water and wipe it with a dry cloth. Then we pour clean water into a bucket (with the calculation of 1 liter of water + 2 tablespoons of vinegar). We wash the glass with a wet linen cloth and, therefore, dry or with a sheet of magazine. Everything! The windows shine and shine!
  2. Another way to quickly clean your window. A solution should be prepared: 2 tbsp. l. starch, a little blue, 100 ml of ammonia, 100 ml of white vinegar, 4 liters of lukewarm water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray on glass, rinse with water and wipe with a paper towel.
  3. Another good way- wash windows with a chalk solution. After drying, wipe with a clean cloth.
  4. The housewives will be impressed by the cleaning method - this is the potato. We wipe the glass with its half, rinse with water and wipe with a napkin.
  5. If someone wants to do this work even faster, then you can purchase a magnetic brush and the window will be transparent in 4 minutes! So, we make a soapy solution and spray on the glass. Now we fix the double-sided brush in any corner and move along the trajectory so that the water flows in the desired direction (left, right and vice versa). The second time we wash it with a brush with clean water. We remove the magnetic "assistant". Wipe the corners with a dry cloth.
  6. And yet, some housewives use modern napkins from superfine fibers, after which no streaks remain, leaves no scratches, even wipes off fingerprints. Simply moisten with water and wash the window. Fancy microfiber fabric has a high moisture absorption capacity. Wipe the second time with a strongly wrung out cloth.
  7. The window washer with a scraper and a squeegee became famous. This special squeegee is designed for regular and tall windows. We remove the dirt with a scraper, and wash off all the remnants of dirty water with a rubber squeegee. And no unpleasant marks and streaks.
  8. For those who do not have such devices, there is a simple mop, on which we wind a rag and wash the outer window with water and vinegar, then wipe it off.
  9. An interesting way to clean windows can be done with car windshield wipers.
  • Free windows from all unnecessary things.
  • When washing frames, do not use soda - it destroys the structure, corrodes the paint.
  • It is advisable to wash the windows not in hot or windy weather, otherwise there will be stains.
  • To prevent condensation from collecting on the windows, you can wipe it with glycerin and alcohol (1:10). And, of course, regularly ventilate the room so that there is normal humidity in the house.
  • In winter, wipe the frozen glass with salt water. In addition, this solution will give the glass a shine.
  • Start washing from the inside, then from the outside.
  • At the end of the work, it is better to wipe vertically, and then horizontally to avoid streaks.
  • Avoid getting wet on the windowsill. By following these rules, windows will last longer. Although this work takes place twice a year, from time to time it is necessary to wipe the frames and glass from water and dust.

As you can see, you can adapt and clean the apartment without unnecessary costs and harm to health.

Frequent use of modern detergents can be irreversible. Many people have an allergic reaction to rapidly evaporating substances found in window cleaning products, for example. Also, the use of household chemicals deteriorates the window profile and rubber bands for sealing. Therefore, we will try the most simple means homemade, which were described above. They are non-allergenic, odorless and effective. It is very important to look for low-toxic and environmentally friendly products for cleaning windows.

No matter how much the world exists, there will always be people who have innovative abilities. They come up with everything best practices cleaning the house. Many people ask themselves: "Well, what else can you think of, and there are already a lot of all kinds of means." And yet, over time, something new, interesting and effective appears. Curious women from time immemorial are in search of useful tips for home, soul. And many will agree that there is an incredible amount of necessary information now. Thanks to the Internet, the libraries of business women can be called a “living encyclopedia”. They will easily answer any question about cleaning the house, cleaning windows, etc.

A real wise woman protects her reputation, therefore she keeps order and cleanliness. It is true that the windows are the “eyes” of the apartment. But this hard work can be a pleasure if you organize window cleaning with the whole family. This will significantly speed up and facilitate the work. In addition, such joint affairs hold the family together. The benefit of cleaning the house, cleaning the windows is that a person will receive a positive charge of energy from the result of their labors.

Clean, shiny windows create a cozy atmosphere in the room, bring harmony and order to the house. But a problem often arises: after washing, streaks remain. Below are recommendations on how to properly wash a plastic window. How to clean windows without streaks?

How to clean plastic windows streak-free

How to clean windows streak-free

What to use for washing:

1. Container for water: basin, bucket.

2. A sponge, a couple of napkins from soft tissue, newspaper.

3. Screen wiper, also called a screed.

4. Store-bought glass cleaner or a solution you make yourself.

A few rules on how to effectively clean a window:

1. Start washing early in the morning or in cloudy, calm weather. In bright sun, the glass will dry quickly and you may not notice the remaining stains.

2. Clean the window frames first.

3. Clean the glass from various dirt and paint traces.

4. Use the soft side of the sponge to clean the glass surface, the hard side may scratch the glass.

5. Begin to wash the glass indoors, and then move to the outside.

6. Wipe the glass surface from bottom to top.

7. Wash the windowsills last.

If you are going to clean the windows immediately after installation, then first of all remove the protective film from the frame and window sill. It will be more difficult to do this later.

How to wash windows without streaks

The easiest way is to use a glass cleaning liquid, which is easy to find in the store. For convenience, it is available in the form of a spray. Spray the solution evenly onto the window surface, wipe it down with a soft cloth or use a screed.

You can make your own detergent if you don't have a ready-made one at hand or if you are a supporter of natural substances.

Acetic solution:

1. Salt ─ 12-15 g.

2. Vinegar ─ 20-25 ml.

3. Water ─ 0.8-1.2 liters.

Dissolve the vinegar and salt in the water. Wash the glass and do not remove the solution for about five minutes, then wipe the surface dry.

You can prepare a solution from chalk:

1. Crushed chalk ─ 20-25 g.

2. Water ─ 0.7 l.

It is necessary to dissolve the chalk well in water, wash the windows and remove the remaining chalk with a wet sponge.

Ammonia solution:

1. Liquid ammonia ─ 20 ml.

2. Water ─ 0.6 l.

Dissolve the alcohol in water and wash the windows.

Regardless of which glass cleaner you use, use regular soft newspaper at the end. It polishes glass very well to an impeccable shine, removing all stains. You can use special polishing napkins.

Each housewife decides for herself how to wash plastic windows without streaks. How to wash - household chemicals or folk remedies? The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations, and your glass will shine, and the world outside the window will become a little more beautiful.

Window cleaning is one of the most frustrating activities any woman faces. Clean glass perfectly transmits light and is pleasing to the eye, and dull streaks on the windows after cleaning are a sad sight. It takes a lot of effort to make the glasses shine, especially when it comes to divorces that spoil the impression of you as an impeccable hostess.

You can try washing the windows again, but remember that more often than not this happens due to the fact that you overdo it with the amount of cleaner. To avoid repeating mistakes and always have crystal-clear surfaces and mirrors, use proven tips to make your home cleaner and more beautiful.

You can effectively clean glass from dust, dirt and wash windows without streaks with the usual dishwashing detergent for housewives. Stir one to two teaspoons of the product in a bucket of warm water. To enhance the effect of the cleaning solution, you can add a few tablespoons of lemon juice. If your windows are in disrepair and your glass is heavily soiled, add half a cup of vinegar or ammonia. With the help of the resulting solution, you can easily get rid of dust and dirt that has accumulated in excess on the windows.

The right tools

The telescopic rubber squeegee or rubber squeegee is the best for streak-free glass cleaning. After washing the window, use the mop to wipe the surface first horizontally and then from top to bottom. So the windows will shine with cleanliness. Remember to wipe down the squeegee or squeegee attachment with a cloth when you are finished. This will help avoid divorce. If you choose to sponge the windows, use a microfiber towel to polish after the windows are dry.

Over time, on the street side, stains may appear on the glass from water runoff over masonry or from raindrops. Such traces of dirt are difficult to remove, but possible with cleaning agents containing oxalic acid.

Soft water

Not every housewife knows that the quality of water is important not only for cooking, but also for the quality of house cleaning. If you have hard water, cleaning the glass with it can leave streaks. Use settled, softened, or distilled water to clean windows.


The traditional way to quickly and easily clean glass from contamination is to use vinegar. Stir the vinegar in warm water in a 1: 1 ratio and rinse the glasses with this solution.

When the water on the glass dries up, residues of dirt or detergent in the form of stripes and streaks on the glass. To clean windows streak-free, use the ready-made instructions:

1. Pour the correct amount of warm water into the bucket and add a spoonful of detergent. Soak a scraper or sponge in this solution and squeeze out any excess.

3. Now use a long-handled squeegee or squeegee to remove moisture from the windows from top to bottom.

4. Remove moisture and detergent from the mop attachment and scraper to prevent streaks.

5. Remove any remaining water around the edges of the glass with a damp and wrung out microfiber cloth that absorbs moisture without leaving streaks. To remove dirt particles from corners or around the edges of glass, use a toothbrush that has the lint reaching the hard-to-reach areas.

It's important to know:

  • Wash heavily soiled glass first with soapy water and then use a surface polish spray or a vinegar-water solution.
  • For stains that cannot be cleaned, use a sponge dipped in undiluted vinegar.
  • Keep the glass clean with microfiber cloths and towels or old newspaper.
  • Professionals use mops because they clean surfaces without streaks and the job takes little time. Consider the size of the mop and the size of the windows before purchasing. Look for a mop with a smooth, soft rubber edge.
  • Microfiber cloths wipe glasses dry, leaving no lint or streaks.
  • To prevent your windows from becoming a street dust magnet, use an anti-static spray immediately after cleaning.
  • Napkins made of microfiber and other lint-free materials perfectly clean surfaces from dirt and polish them. For best results, choose tightly woven towels.
  • If bright sunlight hits your windows, it's best to postpone washing the windows until another day, as direct sunlight dries the glass too quickly before you can clean it.

Most often, paper towels, crumpled newspapers, or a special spray are used to clean the glass. Cleaning professionals, however, argue that cleaning glass with napkins simply moves dirt from one place to another and creates a static charge on the glass that attracts even more dust. It is for this reason that the window looks cloudy after finishing the polishing process. It is much easier and more effective, in terms of results, to clean windows with rubber scrapers and a mop. if you have the right tools, it becomes not so important which window cleaner you choose, because the result will be excellent anyway.