
Categories of complexity of types of artistic processing of jewelry. Finishing and artistic processing. have practical experience


There are many techniques for processing materials for jewelry. Consider the main ones:

Nitriding– thermal coloring of metal in a gaseous medium. It is used for decorating art and jewelry.

Allochromatic colors of stones

In some minerals, the color is associated with the radiation effect. The change in color occurs as a result of violations of the crystal lattice caused by the action of radiation.

Anodizing– electrochemical surface treatment of aluminum jewelry to obtain a transparent and durable oxide film, amenable to penetrating coloring and polishing. As a result of anodizing, aluminum jewelry can be painted in gold, silver and other colors.

Rolling– rolling of metal ingots through rolls. Produced on a special mill. In this case, sheets, strips or bars of metal of the desired thickness and shape are obtained - round, oval, square, etc.

Drawing- one of the processes of procurement of materials for the production of jewelry. An ingot of round cross-section up to a certain size is pulled through wire rollers, periodically annealing. Then the resulting wire is pulled through the holes of the drawing boards to the desired diameter. Diamond filters are used to obtain thin gold wire.

bluing- heating products in an alkaline solution or oil emulsion to form an oxide film of blue-violet, brown or reddish-brown color. In addition to corrosion protection, burnishing also plays a decorative role.

galtovka- cleaning the surface of jewelry by rotating it in drums loaded with steel balls, leather trimmings and sand or other abrasive materials.

Electrotype- replication of artistic products by electrolytic means, i.e. by building metal into molds (gypsum, wax, graphite), suspended in an electrolyte solution and under the influence of an electric current. When processing art products by electroplating, pure copper, zinc, and silver are used.

Glyptika (Greek gliptike, from glyph? - cut out)- the art of stone carving. The art of carving on semi-precious stones is one of the most ancient types of stone processing. It is not so much the stone itself that is valued here, but the skill of its processing. The technique of glyptics is that the stone is placed on a stone slab, and then the desired pattern is applied to it with iron chisels or sharp fragments of large hard minerals.

deep etching- consists in obtaining various flat-relief images on metal jewelry by electrochemical processing.

Blind bartack (crimp)- lies in the fact that the stone is attached in casts, without prongs and with a special bartacking belt compresses the stone around the entire circumference.

bending- a simplified form of forging. It is carried out by riveting bent elements of the workpiece.

High relief (French haut-relief - high relief) It is a sculptural image or ornament that protrudes on a flat surface by more than half the thickness of the depicted object.

Engraving– applying shallow patterns to the surface of jewelry and art products, jewelry made of metal, bone, and other materials using chisels (steel cutters 100–120 cm long). There are two types of engraving on metal: under gloss (in which the recesses and the surface part of the pattern are open for viewing), and under black (when the engraved pattern is intended to be filled with black). Engraving on a bone consists in the fact that at first a drawing is made on the plate, then lines of various depths are applied with an engraving needle (shiksel).

Engraving can be: dashed (the drawing is done with contour lines and strokes) and relief (when the background is selected and the image details are cut in relief).

Grisant setting- lies in the fact that the upper part of the caste is tightly crimped and the rim that holds the stone is finished with a small notch (grisant).

Jewelry decoration- one of the jewelry manufacturing processes, the purpose of which is to give jewelry high aesthetic properties. Decoration methods: gilding, silvering, oxidation, anodizing, engraving, blackening, enameling, chasing, etc.

Difovka (drill)- an ancient technique of cold working of sheet metal with a thickness of not more than 2 mm. It is produced by hammer blows directly on the metal, as a result of which it stretches, bends and acquires the desired shape.

Preparation of materials for the manufacture of jewelry- one of the main processes for the production of jewelry, incl. jewelry. It largely depends on the quality finished products. It is carried out by melting, rolling, drawing.

Setting stones– setting stones in jewelry plays important role. The aesthetic value of the product largely depends on how the jeweler sets the stone, what method of fixing it chooses.

There are the following fixing methods:

  • prong setting;
  • crimson fastener.

Fixing in a center punch consists in the fact that the stone is not attached to a separate frame (cast), but to the product itself, for this, a hole is drilled on the surface of the product, a stone is inserted into it and a special cutter (“chisel”) is pushed along the rim of the metal particles onto the stone, on which a retaining rim is formed.

  • Fastening with glue, used for fastening inserts made of plastic, faceted glass stones, faceted pieces of white metal (marcasite), etc.;
  • grisant setting;
  • deaf bartack;
  • fastening on pins with glue is used to fasten inserts made of pearls or coral, which, when fastened, do not have hollow holes in the grains;
  • setting in a mirror frame, used to enhance the effect of the shine of the stone. It is inserted into a mirror frame, i.e., into a narrow polished metal rim (mirror) that surrounds the stone.

Grain- decoration of individual elements of jewelry with center punches (soldered metal balls with a diameter of 0.5 to 3-4 mm). Used to decorate filigree products in combination with filigree.

Gilding- Coating jewelry made of less resistant metals with resistant ones to give the products an elegant look and protect them from corrosion. It is usually produced electrolytically. The process consists in depositing a layer of metal from an aqueous salt solution on the surface of the products. The product to be gilded is suspended in a bath filled with a solution of the deposited metal (electrolyte), a direct current is passed through the bath, and gold is released from the solution in the bath, which is deposited on the surface of the product. The layer of gilding can be different depending on the type of jewelry and its purpose. For example, for earrings, brooches, medallions made of silver, the thickness of the gilding layer is 1 micron (a micron is 0.001 mm), for chains - 2 microns.

Inlay (lat. incrustatio)- pieces of jewelry different material(bone, wood, mother-of-pearl, glass, stone, etc.) cut into the surface of the jewelry. Jewelry with inlay is made at the enterprises by artists of art crafts of Russia.

Intarsia (Italian intarsio)- wooden polished inlay, made up of multi-colored pieces of wood of various species.

Irisation- the application of the thinnest layers of metal oxides, giving the effect of iridescent tint of the same kind that is obtained from oil stains on water. It got its name from lat. the words "iris" - the iris (eyes), because in terms of color spectrum it is similar to iridescent colors, which are especially clearly manifested on cracks and fractures of stones in sunlight. Os of irrigation was mentioned by Agricola (1546). In jewelry, iridescence is achieved by treating the surface of items with stannous chloride vapors.

Forging- one of the oldest types of metal processing. It consists in the plastic processing of metal by flattening with hammer blows, presses, bending, twisting, etc. There are two types of forging: with preheating of the workpiece and without heating (cold). Forging ingots or blanks precious metals most often produced cold. From the elements of forged blanks, you can make any decoration: a ring, earrings, a brooch, etc.

Kratsovka- one of the types of finishing operations in the manufacture of jewelry, associated with the surface treatment of products. Brushing is done with round brushes made of thin brass or steel wire on a rotary machine to give the product the necessary matte surface.

Prong setting- the most common type of fixing stones in the product. It is used most often when setting transparent precious and semi-precious stones. It allows you to better show the mineral and gives it more light than any other setting. The disadvantage is that the stone in it is not held very securely. With a prong setting, the frame of the product has an oval or round shape with paws (prongs).

Casting- molding of jewelry and bijouterie from molten metal. There are several ways of artistic casting: casting products in a one- or two-sided earth mold using flasks (metal frames with high rectangular walls filled with molding sand); investment casting; in a chill mold (chill casting); in a metal detachable form; into solid earthen molds obtained by molding and subsequent smelting of wax models (used when casting unique products of complex configuration), into shell molds, when the surface of the products is pre-coated with a silicate shell that ensures the purity of the casting (precision casting).

Investment casting- the most progressive method of manufacturing thin-walled and complex-shaped products from gold and silver alloys. For the manufacture of jewelry in this way, alloys of gold 582 and 750 samples and silver 875 and 916 samples are used. A characteristic feature of investment casting is the use of special molds, auxiliary materials and the forced filling of the mold cavity with liquid metal under the action of centrifugal forces and vacuum suction. This method makes it possible to significantly expand the range of jewelry and increase the production of products from gold and silver alloys, as well as improve their quality.

Matting- surface treatment of metal jewelry with a jet of dry sand or an abrasive emulsion using sandblasters. It is used as a decorative finish to obtain a fine-grained matte texture in combination with filigree.

knurling- drawing a relief pattern on a concentric product. The workpiece is fixed on a lathe. Rotating, it comes into contact with a steel wheel, on which the corresponding pattern is engraved.

notch- a method of obtaining a pattern by inlaying steel or ivory with silver, gold or copper. It consists in sampling recesses on the surface of jewelry with a engraver and hammering metal wire or plates from materials used for inlay.

Oxidation (patonization)- a method of accelerated formation of a natural oxide film on the surface of copper, silver jewelry by treating them with a mixture of sulfides, acids and other reagents.

Soldering- one of the processes of jewelry production. Soldering is carried out with special solders, which consist of metal alloys corresponding to the sample of manufactured products. Solder color should not differ from the color of the product. The most time-consuming process is the manual soldering of chains, the links of which must be firmly connected to each other, carefully soldered, without gaps and traces of solder. The soldering of the links is carried out on soldering machines using powdered solder of a complex composition. After soldering, the products are subjected to further processing - filing, cleaning, grinding, if necessary, annealing, etc.

Sandblasting- finishing operation to give a rough surface to jewelry. Sandblasting is carried out with dry sand, which is directed to the product under pressure from a nozzle (tapering conical nozzle).

Fuse- one of the operations in the process of manufacturing jewelry. Its goal is to obtain an alloy of a certain sample. Melting of precious metals with ligature materials is carried out in graphite crucibles in electric furnaces, as well as in gas, oil and coke ovens (gold and silver). Technically more advanced is the method of melting in electric furnaces. First, refractory metals are melted, then low-melting metals are introduced. To obtain the appropriate blanks (in the form of strips or wire), the molten metal is poured into heated steel or cast iron molds. The resulting ingots are forged with a special hammer to compact the metal structure and increase its ductility.

Polishing- finishing operation in the production of artistic products, giving them gloss and mirror shine. The products are polished by hand with steel and hematite trowels. Products that have the shape of bodies of revolution are polished on special machines using circles of cotton fabric using powders - crocus, tripoli. Electrolytic polishing and surface finishing of gold and silver products diamond cutters.

Welding- connecting jewelry parts in the process of creating a mold. There are spot contact (capacitor) welding and microplasma.

Capacitor welding can be used to obtain butt, spot, and other types of connections for parts of small thicknesses of precious metals (gold, platinum, silver) and non-precious ones. For spot capacitor welding, for example, 583 gold alloy, cadmium bronze and copper, copper with silver additive, copper and bronze with a small amount of chromium (0.25-0.45%), zirconium (0. 03-0.08%) and titanium (0.04-0.08%).

Microplasma welding is carried out on a special apparatus developed by the Institute of Electric Welding. E. O. Paton. Plasma is a mixture of electrically neutral gas molecules and electrically charged particles - electrons and ions. It can be received different ways, the simplest and most common of which is gas heating in an arc discharge. To prevent the interaction of the weld pool and the heat-affected zone with the atmosphere, a shielding gas is supplied by a nozzle. The protective gases used (argon, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide), in addition to protecting the welded seam from oxidation, contribute to intensive arc compression and obtaining a stabilized device in the space of the arc column of small diameter.

Silvering- silver coating of metal products to give them an elegant look and protection against corrosion. Silver plating is usually done electrolytically. The process consists in depositing a layer of metal from an aqueous solution of its salt on the surface of products. The product to be silvered is suspended in a bath filled with a solution of silver to be deposited (electrolyte), a direct current is passed through the bath, and silver is released from the solution in the bath, which is deposited on the surface of the product. The silver layer may be different depending on the type of product.

Toreutics (Greek toruo - I carve, I mint)- the art of manual relief processing of artistic metal products - embossing, embossing, finishing of cast products. Originated in ancient times. The finest decorations have come down to us, magnificently decorated goblets and bowls, made of gold, silver, electra (a natural alloy of gold and silver), made several millennia BC. e.

Chasing- obtaining a complex relief pattern on the surface of jewelry and art products made of metals. It is carried out in different ways: by deposition of metal on a lining matrix; drawing a flat-relief pattern with special stamps; free formation of a relief on a lamellar lining from rubber, lead, pitch. To form a relief pattern, in this case, a set of various tools is used, in the form of blunted teeth, which are placed between the hammer and the product.

Jewelry grinding- used to create a smooth surface of products. It is carried out with the help of rotating grinding felt, felt or calico wheels and powders - pumice, emery.

Stamping (punching, extrusion)- one of the main processes of mass production of jewelry. Individual parts and whole products are obtained by stamping. It is carried out with steel stamps. Stamps cut out flat products or blanks for further operations, and also get hollow products from plates by drawing them. The drawing process consists in the fact that a plate of the metal being processed is placed on a matrix, and a punch is pressed from above, as a result, the plate bends and takes the form of a matrix and a punch. On drawing dies, a pattern is engraved, which is pressed out on products during the pressing process. Products of complex shapes are stamped in several steps on different dies with intermediate annealings to avoid overstressing the metal and breaking the workpieces. A progressive method of manufacturing wedding rings is to obtain them from blanks-washers. The washers are first annealed in a special thermal furnace at a temperature of 680 0 C and, through several successive stamping operations on presses with different shaped dies, a blank is obtained in the form of a cylinder. Then this workpiece is subjected to further processing on scoring and rolling machines. The resulting rings are calibrated according to the dimensions of the inner diameter, branded with the name of the enterprise, and in the inspection of assay supervision - a breakdown, after which they are finally polished and glossy on a grinding machine.

Dash bartack- performed in rings and other jewelry, inexpensive in cost. It is carried out by lifting the frame from the body with a fine chip cutter; it also keeps the stone (but usually glass or plastic) in the caste.


I. FILIGREE - openwork or soldered patterns on a metal background made of smooth wire twisted from two or three threads, then flattened into ribbons.

There are the following types of filigree:

1. Openwork - a lace pattern with a pattern that can be seen through.
2. Background - filigree soldered onto a specially prepared background.

Elements of openwork and background filigree:

Surface - round wire various lengths and cross section from 0.2 to 1.3 mm.
Grain - small metal balls ranging in size from 0.2 to 2 mm.
Ring - a round element with an outer diameter of not more than 3 mm from a flat and round surface, a round or flat rope. Mainly used to set the background of the background filigree.

Filigree is flat and voluminous. Flat openwork filigree

Brooches or figurines of animals. Volumetric openwork filigree - vases, cups, caskets, and background - pendants, earrings of conical or cylindrical shapes.

In a flat openwork filigree, a multifaceted filigree is distinguished

A filigree composition consisting of many patterns soldered one on top of the other and at the same time located in different planes, that is, the product acquires volume.

II. ENAMEL - a special alloy of glass, painted in various colors by metal oxides. Enamel is covered with a thin layer of metal products and fixed on them by firing, as a result of which it turns into a shiny surface with stable bright colors.

Types of enamels:

Notched - enamel applied to the recesses of the products. Enamel recesses can be prepared by casting or stamping, chasing, engraving, etching. In this technique, both transparent and opaque enamels are used.
Partitioned - partitions made of flat rolled wire are installed or soldered on the plate. The spaces between them are filled with enamel. The partitions are bent in accordance with the contours of the pattern, and the enamel sections form colorful decoration elements.
Painting enamel - the base plate is covered with a thin layer of transparent or opaque enamel. The drawing is applied with carefully ground paints and then fired. After firing, the painting is covered with a colorless enamel glaze.

III. BLACKING - has a lot in common with enamelling. The black mixture of silver, copper, lead and sulfur (niello) melts into the recesses of the pattern engraved on the surface of the product when calcined, and forms a flat color contrast.


Gilding and silvering is the electroplating of resistant metals with less resistant metals to give products an elegant look and protection against corrosion. The layer of gilding or silvering may be different depending on the type of product and its purpose. For earrings, brooches and medallions made of silver, the thickness of gilding is 1 micron, for chains - 2 microns.

Rhodium plating is the process of applying a layer of rhodium to silver items to prevent them from tarnishing.
Oxidation - decorative coating of the surface of silver and silver-plated items or individual parts dark patina with a smooth transition to a light tone in convex areas.
Diamond facet is a type of decorative processing in which a regular geometric ornament is applied with a diamond cutter.
Polishing is a metal finishing operation. The product acquires a mirror shine. Manual polishing is preferable to mechanical polishing.
Matting is one of the finishing operations. As a result of processing, the product acquires a rough surface. The combination of a matte surface with a mirror, gives the products a special appeal.
Satinizing - is done with round brushes of thin brass or steel wire on a rotary machine. Thin longitudinal risks give the product a matte surface.
Micro-chasing - is made by means of small blows with a chasing on the surface of the product to give an iridescent effect.
The current trend is the use of two or three types of surface finishes in one product. This technique is used for contrast and expressiveness.

Precious metals of the platinum group are not common in nature in their pure form. All metals go through a complex technological process called refining.

Refining is a metallurgical process for obtaining precious metals by purifying them from contaminants. The refining process is complex in its principle, so it is carried out at special enterprises around the world.

The refining procedure consists of several stages:
- chemical purification of the metal (platinum group metals are purified by dissolution in mineral acids and further separation from the solution with special reagents).
- physical grinding of metal.
- further processing of the metal with concentrated solutions, necessary to achieve the highest quality of the purified metal.

Mostly for the refining procedure, concentrates from the mines of precious metals are used, as well as precious metals that are recycled.

To carry out the refining procedure for materials such as gold and silver, “dry” and “electrolytic” refining methods are used. This method is simpler, since gold and silver have a simple dissolution pattern.

For the group of platinum metals, the “wet” refining method is predominantly used. The essence of this method is the dissolution of precious metals or scrap of these metals in aqua regia, which is a catalyst and accelerates the process of extracting pure metal from a slag solution using various reagents.

Finishing of jewelry and art products is carried out to improve their decorative properties, increase corrosion resistance, and durability. Finishing as the final operation in the manufacture of products is preceded by the processing of parts: tumbling, brushing, grinding, heat treatment, etching, vibration treatment, etc.

Processing is carried out using special tools, machines, materials that allow you to effectively and efficiently prepare the surface of products for artistic decoration. Machining parts in rotating drums, grinding with abrasive wheels or sandpaper, polishing using various pastes have long been used in the jewelry industry. AT recent times new technological processes are being used. So, along with traditional ways processing at a number of enterprises, vibration processing has been introduced for grinding and polishing the surface of products in toroidal-type vibrating drums. The units ensure the quality of processing of products in the operations of grinding and polishing and eliminate the disadvantages inherent in the methods of manual processing and tumbling.

To protect against corrosion, improve the decorative appearance, the finished products are subjected to a final artistic finish: grinding with polishing, gilding, silvering, chrome plating, bluing, anodizing, varnishing. Polishing is carried out mechanically, less often chemically or electrochemically. Products after polishing acquire a mirror shine. Anodizing and burnishing are carried out to obtain a stable oxide film with a wide color gamut on the surface. Chrome plating, copper plating, gilding, silver plating are the processes of applying a decorative and corrosion-resistant coating by chemical or electrochemical methods.

For decorative purposes, the following types of finishes are used: graining, matting, enamel (finift), painting on enamel, embossing, engraving, knurling, notching, niello, etching. All of these types of finishes are applicable to products that differ both in the type of metal and alloy, and in the method of their manufacture.

Products made of copper alloys, made by precision investment casting, do not require significant costs for processing and surface finishing. The main types of artistic finishes can be limited to a few: polishing, brightening annealing, electroplating, oxide and varnish coatings.

To obtain corrosion-resistant protective and decorative coatings on products made of nickel silver and brass, galvanic silvering is used. This is especially important in cases where it is necessary to obtain surfaces with high corrosion resistance. To prevent dissolution small quantities copper from the surface of the products or maintaining a high quality finish (including silver plating), it may be necessary to lacquer. Along with other types of finishes, the oxidation of the surface of jewelry and art products from nickel silver, brass, and bronze is widely used (Fig. 90).

When obtaining protective coatings, increased requirements are imposed on preparatory operations using mechanical and chemical (electrochemical) methods of surface treatment of products. The surface roughness on which the protective and decorative coating is applied must correspond to R Z >2.5 µm. To obtain a surface of the required quality, along with tumbling in the jewelry industry, vibration processing of parts and products using surfactants in a solution is widely used. Before the final process of obtaining a protective coating on products made of copper alloys, operations of degreasing, etching and activation are carried out.

Degreasing is carried out both in alkaline solutions and in solutions of special surfactants, as well as alkaline solutions with the addition of surfactants. The highest degree of surface cleaning is provided by electrochemical degreasing. For electrochemical degreasing, the same substances are used as for chemical degreasing, only in lower concentrations. For copper alloys during electrochemical degreasing, the following solution is used, g / l: caustic soda 30 ... 40, trisodium phosphate 50 ... 60, sodium carbonate 20 ... 30, liquid glass 8 ... 10, sintanol DS - 10 1 ...2. Cathodic degreasing. The current density is 3 ... 10 A / dm 2, temperature 50 ... 60 °C.

*1 (Laundry soap.)

*2 (sodium methyl silicate.)

*3 (sodium tripolyphosphate.)

For chemical degreasing in table. 38 shows options for electrolytes (solutions), as well as processing modes for copper alloys of various compositions.

In addition to electrochemical and chemical degreasing, it is also effective to use solutions for ultrasonic cleaning (degreasing) of copper and brass composition, g / l: caustic soda 5 ... 10, sodium carbonate 15 ... 30, trisodium phosphate 30 ... 60, detergent "Progress" 5...7.

Etching - removal from the surface of oxides: scale and corrosion products of the metals that make up the alloy. Currently, the combined process of degreasing with etching in special solutions is widely used.

For chemical etching of copper alloys, a solution of sulfuric acid with a concentration of 130 ... 170 g / l is used. Process temperature 50...60 °C, duration 3...5 min. During chemical etching, metal oxides dissolve in sulfuric acid according to the reaction: MeO + H 2 SO 4 \u003d MeSO 4 + H 2 O, where Me is a divalent metal ion, such as copper or zinc.

Copper alloys with a small oxide layer are etched in sulfuric acid. So, lead brass LC59 -1, brass L68 and L63 are etched in 15% H 2 SO 4 at a temperature of 70 ... 80 ° C for 0.5 ... 2; 0.5 and 1 s, respectively.

Activation (decapitation) - removal from the surface of oxides - the thinnest oxide films that form on the surface even during short storage. To activate products made of copper and copper-nickel alloys, a 5 ... 10% solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acids, or their mixture of the same concentration, is used.

Washing operations are of great importance for the quality of coatings. Purpose of washings - removal from a surface of products of solutions and products of reactions. Poor washing leads to the formation of coating defects.

Materials for jewelry Kumanin Vladimir Igorevich

P.4. Materials for decorative finishing of jewelry


Enameling is a type of decorative finish associated with coating areas of a piece of jewelry with a low-melting vitreous mass.

Enamel is a fusible alloy of various colors.

In the production of jewelry made of precious metals, hot enamels are used. They are applied in powder form to the surface of the casting, and then fused, subjected to firing. Enamel not only decorates products (rings, brooches, pendants, etc.), but also protects them from corrosion.

The composition of enamel includes silica, alumina and other oxides called "fluxes". According to the chemical composition, enamel consists of a salt of silicic acid. The components of the alloy are oxides of lead, silicon, potassium, barium, sodium, trioxide of arsenic, antimony and oxides of coloring metals. The color of enamels can be very different and depends on the substances included in them. Red colors are obtained by the inclusion of chromium oxide, metallic copper, gold compounds, iron oxide. Black is obtained by adding iridium oxide, manganese oxide. Yellow color is given by chromium oxide, titanic acid, antimony trioxide, silver compounds. Blue and cyan are obtained from cobalt oxide, green from copper oxide and chromium oxide. Turquoise color - a combination of tin oxide with copper phosphate, as well as metallic copper. Some substances in different proportions give the alloy a different color. These are: chromium oxide, iron oxide, metallic copper, manganese oxide.

Colored enamels can be transparent and opaque (deaf). Opaque enamels are obtained by adding tin oxide, arsenic trioxide, phosphoric acid and other substances to the composition of the alloy that drown out transparency.

The predominance of refractory compounds (silicon oxide) leads to partial crystallization, to devitrification.

Low-melting compounds (sodium oxide, potassium oxide, etc.) reduce the strength of the enamel.

Artistic enamels should be with a melting point up to 800 ° C, chemically resistant to bleaching, have good covering and adhesive ability, bright color and glitter. The enamelling process includes three main stages: product preparation, enameling and firing.

The product is prepared as follows: cleaned of dirt, brushed, degreased and poisoned. Before applying the enamel, its pieces are ground into powder with particles up to 0.01 mm in size. Strive to ensure that the enamel powder is uniform in grain size. Dust particles after breaking are usually removed by washing the powder with water.

The ground enamel is mixed with water in the form of a slurry and applied to the product with a brush or spatula. To obtain a high-quality coating, it is important that the thermal expansion coefficient of the enamel is close to the expansion coefficient of the metal.

Gold is most suitable for casting and enamelling. On the figurines made of silver that have come down to us, the enamel is more or less chipped, since the enamel does not adhere well to silver. Figures of gold casting are modeled mainly due to enamel, not gold. Gold forms only a skeleton - a metal rod covered with a thick enamel layer. In such products, there is more enamel than metal. This is due to the fact that this is the only way to ensure the adhesion of the enamel to the metal and eliminate the occurrence of stresses in the metal. The stress that occurs at the border between the poured metal and the enamel can be reduced if the enamel is applied on small planes, i.e., the metal surface is divided into cells and recesses. The ideal method would be to cover the cast surface with a refractory white enamel mixed with glue (tragacanth) which is applied to the surface of the cast product layer by layer with a brush or spatula. The roughness of the casting should be used, if possible, strengthen it by processing with a engraver.

After applying the enamel, the product is thoroughly dried and fired at a temperature of 600–800 °C in muffle furnaces with an open spiral. Each piece of jewelry is placed on special stands made of nickel or heat-resistant alloy with enamel side up.

During the firing process, the state of the enamel surface is monitored. As soon as it acquires a vitreous luster, the stand with the products is removed from the oven. After firing, the non-enamelled metal parts of the item are bleached to remove oxides. Bleaching is carried out in a weak solution of sulfuric acid (up to 15%) or in concentrated hydrochloric acid. For enamels with reduced acid resistance, it is recommended to use citric or oxalic acid.

The technique of artistic enameling is varied. In some cases, the effect is achieved by introducing small color spots into the composition, in others, enamel is the main decorative element. Sometimes almost the entire product is covered with enamel, and the metal serves only as a structural basis.

Enamels are notched, cloisonné, transparent, smooth and picturesque (finift).

For decorative finishing of jewelry castings, champlevé enamels are most often used. Cloisonne and smooth enamels are used quite rarely and will not be described, while transparent enamels are used in almost all cases of making jewelry castings, and therefore some information about them will be presented.

Chamfered enamels. To decorate the finish of artistic castings, champlevé enamels are most often used. At the same time, special recesses are provided on the surface of the product (on the model), which are then filled with enamel. The depth of the recess affects the transparency of the enamel; the deeper the notch, the duller the color. Typically, a recess approximately 0.5 mm deep with vertical walls can be obtained by casting. The necessary refinement of the recesses should be carried out by “ennobling”, i.e. firing.

The bottom of the recess serves as a reflector of light, so it is carefully cleaned. For opaque enamels, the metal base is left rough.

The recess can be filled both partially and to the full depth. In the first case, only the bottom is covered with enamel, and then a colored meniscus is obtained. In the second case, after repeated application of enamel and firing, the enamel fills the recess in the surface of the casting flush with the edges.

Transparent enamel looks very good on cast jewelry, for example, in brooches, pendants, badges, etc. The technique is that a low metal relief is completely covered with transparent enamel so that its protrusions are hidden. The relief image shines through the enamel, and the protruding elements are more visible. A peculiar effect of light and shadow, as it were, increases the depth of the relief. In cast products, this is quite simple, since precise casting methods provide greater dimensional accuracy of a complex-profile jewelry casting with a deep study of surface details.


Blackening is a type of decorative finish, which consists in applying a black fusible alloy to the surface of products. Niello covers jewelry made of precious metals - gold and silver. The color and luster of the black depends on the composition of the alloy.

Here are some blueberry recipes:

1) silver 3, copper 2, lead 2;

2) silver 3, copper 1, sulfur 3;

3) silver 1, copper 2, tin 3, borax 6;

4) silver 1, copper 3, lead 3, borax 6;

5) silver 2, copper 4.5, lead 4.5, sulfur 24, borax 1;

6) silver 2, copper 5, lead 3, sulfur 24, borax 1;

7) silver 1, copper 2, lead 3, sulfur 12, borax 1;

8) silver 1, copper 5, lead 7, sulfur 24, borax 4;

9) silver 1, copper 4.5, lead 7.5, sulfur 37.5, ammonium chloride 1.2;

10) silver 1, copper 2, lead 1.4, sulfur 10.7, borax 1;

11) silver 9, copper 1, lead 1, sulfur 30, bismuth 1. Components are listed in parts.

The process of making black

The quality of the black coating depends not only on the composition of the black, but also on the method of preparation and application. The difference in the preparation of niello is that in some cases the metals are first alloyed, and then sulfur is added; in others, sulfurous metals are first obtained, and then they are fused.

When fusing metals, melting is carried out in two crucibles, metals are melted in one, and sulfur is melted in the other. Then the metal melt is poured into a crucible with sulfur and stirred. The cooled alloy, poured onto a cast iron plate and crushed, is also subjected to melting.

With the method of alloying sulphurous metals, the preparation of niello begins with the production of sulphurous metals. To do this, each of the metals is kept in a certain ratio with sulfur in muffle furnaces with a crucible heated to 300–400 °C. The ratio of silver and lead is 5:1, copper with sulfur is 3:1. Sulfur compounds of each metal are crushed and for the preparation of black they take: silver sulphide - 1.1; copper sulfide - 4.5; lead sulfide - 4.4. A mixture of sulfur compounds is melted in a crucible at a temperature of 800 °C. Without bringing to full heating, ammonium chloride is introduced into the melt at the rate of 1 hour per 3.5 hours of the melt. The completely molten and mixed alloy is poured onto a heated iron plate and allowed to cool. If the black prepared according to this recipe is expressed in pure substances, then the ratio of components will be as follows: silver - 1, copper - 8, lead - 4, sulfur - 3.5, ammonium chloride - 2.8.

Before applying the niello, the surface of the product is prepared - they make recesses with a chisel, an engraved pattern, then filled in with niello, without glossy trimming. The surface of the product, not covered with black, must be carefully processed, without scratches, scratches and other defects.

Before application, the black powder is brought to a creamy state, diluting it with a solution of borax, potash, salt. Then the gruel is applied to the areas to be blackened, having previously degreased them. After leveling the surface with filter paper, moisture is removed, the product is dried. Firing takes place at a temperature of 300–400 °C until the niello is completely melted. After cooling, the product is subjected to mechanical processing, removing streaks and irregularities, filed with small needle files or files and processed. The black oxidation of metals is the preparation of a coating on their surface, neatly, without disturbing the pattern and configuration of the surface. This is followed by polishing, and the black acquires its characteristic luster and shade.

From the book Metal Works author Korshever Natalya Gavrilovna

Decorative Metalworking Techniques This part of the book introduces the basic decorative metalworking techniques. In ancient times, many blacksmiths mastered a rich set of techniques and created wonderful works of art worthy of the royal court. That's why

From the book Materials Science: Lecture Notes author Alekseev Viktor Sergeevich

2. Varnishes and varnishes for transparent finishes Various varnishes and varnishes are widely used in furniture production and construction. Varnishes are solutions of natural or synthetic film-forming substances in organic solvents or water,

From the book Artistic Metalworking. Precious metals. Alloys and mining author Melnikov Ilya

3. Paints and enamels for opaque finishes Various paints and enamels are widely used for opaque finishing of various surfaces in construction, furniture production, and practically in all sectors of the economy as a whole. Paints are made in the form of a mixture

From the book Jewelry Materials author Kumanin Vladimir Igorevich

Hallmarking of jewelry made of precious metals Platinum, gold, silver are characterized by very high ductility and viscosity at the same time relatively low strength. Therefore, in its pure form, they are rarely used for the production of art products. Usually

From the book Artistic Metalworking. Enameling and artistic blackening author Melnikov Ilya

Vladimir Igorevich Kumanin Materials for jewelry

From the book Country Construction. The most modern building and finishing materials author Strashnov Viktor Grigorievich

Classification and range of jewelry The generally accepted classification of jewelry is grouping them into groups according to their purpose: personal jewelry, toiletry items, smoking accessories, table setting items, stationery,

From the author's book

3.2. Classification of jewelry materials 3.3b is a classifier of materials from which jewelry is made. Most of them are made of copper-based alloys and precious metals. To a lesser extent, alloys are used on

From the author's book

P. 5. New material for making jewelry Recently appeared new material, which, after giving it the desired shape and subjected to heat treatment, turns into a monolithic metal product of the desired color. This material is called metallic clay.

First Deputy
Chairman of the State
customs committee
Russian Federation
M.K. Egorov
January 11, 1999
N 01-23/1360


These guidelines have been developed to assist specialists and officials of the customs authorities involved in the procedure for examining jewelry in order to most objectively reflect in the protocol of the procedural action information about the quantity, individual characteristics, weight and value of products.

The inspection is carried out at the scene or in the office (laboratory), visually or using technical means, always in the presence of witnesses, in some cases with the participation of a professional specialist (jeweler, merchandiser, art historian, chemist, etc.). At the same time, the official of the customs body conducting the procedural actions must provide conditions that guarantee the safety of products made of precious metals and precious stones. All products are numbered according to the chronology of their discovery, inspection and seizure.

Inspection of items should be carried out as soon as possible in order to prevent their loss, damage or their confusion with items seized in other episodes.

Appropriate designations are affixed to the items being inspected or to the labels attached to them. Accounting designations are applied in such a way that they can be easily read, removed, and that they do not violate the appearance and do not reduce the artistic and other value of objects. On the jewelry labels are hung on a heavy thread with the appropriate numbers and designations, signatures of the investigator, specialist, witnesses and seal. (The numbering order of items specified in the inspection report is observed when appointing an examination, conducting it by experts, as well as during subsequent investigative actions (to avoid confusion with items that have similar plots, sizes, shapes, etc.)).

The description of objects must begin with the name of its main subject word, for example: "jewelry ring ...". The word "scrap" must be added to the main subject word, if the object is in a destroyed or deformed state (there are traces of rupture, there are no stone inserts, there are no locks on chains and bracelets, etc.).

For jewelry, measurements are in millimeters; for rings - ring size by inner diameter; for rectangular objects - height and width; for round and ellipsoid - the largest diameter. When measuring, it is forbidden to use a soft centimeter, you should use a rigid ruler and other measuring instruments (compasses, calipers, etc.).

Weight is indicated for items made of precious metals and stones, regardless of the material, as well as for samples of valuable materials and large crystal druse. For gold, platinum and palladium jewelry, the weight is indicated to the second decimal place, and for silver jewelry - to the first decimal place.

When describing the state of preservation of a thing, all existing defects are indicated: for example, cracks, chips, breaks, breakages, swelling, scree of the paint layer, the absence of any part or detail of the object, etc. In this case, the location and extent of such damage are indicated.

If there are several identical items, when drawing up the protocol, they can be combined into groups, and the number of items in this group is indicated.

In the course of preliminary diagnostics of the material of jewelry, in addition to traditional testing methods (touchstone, reagents, etc.), any other methods can be used to determine the material from which the jewelry is made. The names of devices, means and methods of diagnostics are reflected in the protocol.

Such a scrupulous description will make it possible to accurately identify the object, not to confuse it with other similar objects, and excludes the possibility of deliberate or careless substitution of material evidence.

When conducting an inspection and drawing up a protocol, the following order of inspection and description of jewelry (or groups of identical products) should be followed:

Assigning a serial number of the product;

Description of the product name with indication of individual identification features;

Indication of the weight of the product and, if necessary, its dimensions;

Establishing the degree of safety of the product with an indication of the existing defects;

Enumeration of instruments, means and methods of preliminary diagnostics used during the examination.

In the absence of preliminary diagnostics, the product descriptions do not indicate the specific names of the materials that make up the products. For example: "... a yellow metal ring with a white metal custom and a transparent blue insert...".


Ring - product for hands

Precious metal (jewelry);

Artistic product made of nickel silver and cupronickel;

Product mass production from non-precious metals (a piece of jewelry haberdashery).

By type of decorative finish, jewelry made with


Silver plating;


by birth;




By technological features

Mounted (made by hand, as well as using stamped or cast parts, chased or scanned elements);

Filigree (scanned) (made by hand from a smooth or twisted wire blank);

Cast (obtained by casting into a mold, which can be manually finished, can imitate any technique for the production of products manufactured by jewelry enterprises);

Pressed and machine-assembly (obtained using various machines with manual refinement).

The ring can be simple or complex.

Simple - wedding rings

Oval, having a segment shape in cross section;

Flat, having a rectangular cross-section;

Rings with a stone (rings), consisting of a simple caste (frame for insertion) and a shank (rim wrapped around a finger)

Complex - with overlays, openwork castes, with filigree elements, decorated with enamel, niello, engraving, embossing, enamel, gilding, silvering, oxidation.


1 - tavern

2 - overlay

3 - welt


Structurally, the ring consists of two parts:

Lower (shank or rim);

Top or apex.

The shank of the ring is soldered to the cast (frame for insertion), welt (contour rim soldered to the cast from below). Overlay (a detail of the top, which can be smooth, have an engraved, chased or stamped pattern).

Cast - according to the principle of holding a stone, it can be of two types:

Deaf (the stone is held by solid walls around the entire perimeter of the caste)

a - general view;

b - fastening belt;

v- welt;

For small (up to 3 mm in diameter) round stones, segments of thick-walled (0.4-0.6 mm) tsarg tubes are used as deaf castes. The inner diameter of the side of the tube is smaller, and the outer diameter is greater than the diameter of the insert: the diameter of the stone corresponds to the average diameter of the side. The height of the drawer is not less than the height of the insert.

Pronged (the stone is held by separate stands (prongs) carved in the caste or soldered onto it).

a - prong part;

b - window part;

1 - cock;

2 - backlash;

3 - bowl;

4 - window;

5 - rant

Manual work in the manufacture of casts can be imitated by foundry semi-finished products obtained by casting on melted patterns.

Rant - the lower contour rim soldered to the caste or the top of the castes.

The size of the ring corresponds to the inner diameter of the shank (from 15 to 25 mm). The subsequent size of the ring differs from the previous one by 0.5 mm. To determine the dimensions, there is a crossbar-ring gauge, a metal cone with divisions corresponding to the sizes of the rings, as well as a ring gauge, consisting of finger gauge rings.


Earrings - paired jewelry for the head, the variety of which has no limit. The peculiarity of the earrings is that, regardless of the design of the product, one earring should be a mirror match of the other (pair). In addition to the drawing, there must be correspondence in mass, size, color of metal and stones, etc.

Earrings are worn by threading hooks through the earlobes. The front part is a stone in the frame or the top, and the means of holding the earring is a lock or a hook. A variety of earrings can be represented not only by the variety of the front part, but also by the types of fasteners. Fasteners can range from simple wire with a latch and loose to complex in design with snap locks. In addition to the fact that the lock itself can be an ornament of the product, strict requirements are imposed on it. It should be simple and reliable in operation, durable, commensurate with the earring.



Cast to insert;



castle part

1 - fastener;

2 - hook;

3 - base;

4 - insert;

7 - suspension

A distinctive feature of earrings from other jewelry are earring devices or locks: hinged hooks free and with loops, spring locks with jewelry and haberdashery earwires.

Earrings on hooks:

Hinged hooks differ in their ability to be closed (fixed in the pressed position) with a loop.

Loose hook;

Hook with a loop lock;

The loop.

a - free hook;

b - hook with a loop lock;


Earrings with spring lock (jewelry):

Spring locks consist of two main parts: spring hook and fasteners. Structurally, all fasteners consist of a beak and a tail.

a - the closed position of the lock;

b - open position of the lock;

1 - spring hook;

2 - checkbox;

3 - fasteners

Brooch - women's jewelry, which is applied to the dress (suit, etc.). The sizes of brooches, as a rule, exceed the sizes of rings and earrings (in terms of the area of ​​the front part), so the possibilities for a variety of tops are much higher. The limits of using stones in brooches are very wide - from a single stone to many different sizes and color scheme. The most diverse forms of tops from strict to abstract, often in the form of plant elements (leaves, branches) or in the form of representatives of the animal world (birds, insects), etc.


1 - castle part;

2 - insert;

3 - castes;

4 - base

The brooches consist of a base, a cast for inserts, onlays, and a lock part. The front part of the brooch is the decoration, the back part is equipped with a pin, which is hinged to the back part of the brooch and is fixed with a lock in the closed position.


Pendant - chest or sewing pendant. The pendant is worn on a chain, lace or necklace, below the level of the neck, both under the body and over the dress.

The pendant is connected to the chain with one link (eye) and can be of various styles - from a single stone with an eye to a complex top with many stones or other decorating elements. The dimensions of the hanging eye are chosen based on the passage of the eye of the chain through it to replace the chain or replace the pendant. The top of the pendant can be made similarly to the tops of other items (rings, earrings, brooches), but its shape is most often elongated vertically. A number of pendants are additionally provided with a pin for attaching to the dress and are then called a pendant brooch.

Pendant design:

1 - base;

2 -castes;

3 - hanging eye;

4 - connecting ear;

5 - insert


Medallion - a small oval neck decoration, suspended from a ribbon or chain, most often made of gold or silver.


1 - case;

2 - chain;

3 - connecting and hanging eyelet

Necklace - neck decoration, consisting of one or more pendants, representing a single ensemble with a chain. The pendant can have multiple attachment points to the chain, and the chain is part of the overall decoration.

The necklace is worn at the level of the neck.

There are a lot of varieties of necklaces, they can consist of a large number of stones and can be without stones, but it is always an elastic, movable connection of parts that allows the product to fit snugly against the body even with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.


Includes lock chain and multiple connected or unconnected pendants various forms and sizes with decorative trim and located in the central part of the chain.

1 - a chain with a lock;

2 - suspension


Necklace - neck female jewelry.


The necklace consists of a flexible hoop or chain with castes for inserts, as well as separate, different in shape, details.

complex weave, decorated with inserts of precious or semi-precious stones.


A hairpin is an ornament that is used to fasten a tie or as a fastener instead of buttons.

Outwardly, the hairpin is very similar to ordinary needles, the non-pointed end of which ends in a rounded thickening - the head.

Hairpins are of two types:

With a long needle;

A short needle made of precious or non-ferrous metals.

For fastening faceted stones in a hairpin, castes are provided; pearls, turquoise, amber, coral are fastened in a hairpin with a pin (for this, holes are drilled in them).


1 - insert;

2 - base;


Chain - chest or neck decoration.

In modern jewelry production, chains, as a rule, are made in large batches in a mechanized way on chain knitting semi-automatic machines and automatic machines.

By type, the links of the chain are divided into:



Combined (weaving is indicated: anchor, armored, twisted and the shape of the links);


Links of anchor chains are located in mutually perpendicular planes, shell - in one plane. The links of fantasy chains have a complicated configuration, and the combined chains consist of links of various forms of weaving.

Types of chain links:

Beads - chest or neck decoration.


Beads consist of beads, intermediate links, thread.

1 - lock;

2 - bead;

3 - thread

For short beads, a lock is provided. Beads in the collection can be of one or different sizes, round oval, barrel-shaped, flat figured shapes, one color or several colors at the same time, with a surface either smooth or decorated with a pattern. Beads are connected by stringing them on a nylon or silk thread, and in the absence of a through hole in the beads, using a wire hook. The difference between beads and necklaces is that beads, regardless of the complexity of the design, are strung on threads, and necklaces are a metal structure with stones, pearls, corals fastened into metal castes.


A bracelet is a wrist ornament that has both decorative and household purposes, designed to be worn on the wrists or ankles.


Bracelets are a series of links (gliders), clasps, extensions (in the middle or at the ends), a lock with a safety lock.

1 - link;

2 - stretching;

3 - lock.




Closed - this is a ring or several rings of wire.

Spring-loaded - this is a cut ring made of elastic metal or a spring coil.

Articulated - these are two parts of one part connected by a hinge.

Soft bracelets:

Glider (several links of gliders with a swivel or spring connection);

Chain (several rings different shapes from wire);


The shape of the links of all bracelets can be rectangular, square, oval, shaped, fantasy.


Cufflink - a product for fixing the cuffs of the sleeves.


Top (decorating part);

Mounting details;


1 - tip;

2 - fastening details;

3 - fastening part

Tie clips

Tie clip - a product for fixing the position of a tie.


Case (in the front part, decorated with enamel, niello, engraving, inlay of gems, etc.);

Pressure plate (clamping)

1 - body;

2 - clamp

Information about precious metals

Gold is a metal of a beautiful yellow color, thin-sheet (leaf) gold has a greenish tint. Gold hardly forms chemical compounds, it is chemically stable in air, in water and in acids, with the exception of aqua regia (in the latter, gold dissolves to form chloroauric acid). It also interacts with free chlorine ions, potassium and sodium cyanides, bromine and some other chemicals that are not used in the jewelry industry. Density of gold 19.32; melting point 960 degrees C; hardness on the Mohs scale 2.5. Gold is highly reflective and polishes well; it has high plasticity and is rolled into sheets up to 0.0001 mm thick. The thermal and electrical conductivity of gold is lower than that of copper. Its specific heat capacity is relatively low; due to its low hardness and strength, gold is used in jewelry in the form of alloys with other metals and in very rare cases in its pure form.

Silver is a white metal that practically does not change under the influence of oxygen at room temperature, however, due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the air, it becomes covered with a dark coating of silver sulfide over time. Silver is stable in water, does not dissolve in nitric acid and hot concentrated sulfuric acid. With aqua regia, it forms insoluble silver chloride. Like gold, it interacts with alkaline cyanide solutions. Density of silver 20.20; melting point 960 degrees C; Mohs hardness 2.5. Silver is well polished, has a high reflectivity; it has good malleability and the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of all metals. To increase the hardness and strength of silver, it is used in alloys with other metals.

Platinum - the metal has a white-gray color, similar in color to steel, practically insoluble in water, in acids, with the exception of hot aqua regia, upon interaction with which platinum-hydrochloric acid is formed. Density of platinum 21.45; melting point 1773.5 deg. FROM; Mohs hardness 5. Platinum is ductile, polishes well, has a high reflectivity, low thermal and electrical conductivity, low specific heat.

Palladium is a silver-white metal, ductile and malleable, easily rolled into foil and drawn into thin wire. Density of palladium 12.2; melting point 1552 degrees C; Mohs hardness 5. In air at normal temperature palladium does not oxidize, is resistant to a humid environment. When heated to 860 degrees C, it oxidizes, and with increasing temperature, the oxide decomposes and the metal brightens again. In terms of its properties, palladium is inferior to all metals of the platinum group; it is soluble in nitric and hot sulfuric acids, as well as in aqua regia.

Rhodium is a bluish-white metal resembling aluminum, hard and brittle. Has a high reflectivity. When heated, it becomes plastic. Density 12.41; melting point 1960 degrees C; Mohs hardness 6.0. Chemically resistant. Under normal conditions, it does not oxidize in air and water. When heated, it becomes covered with a black oxide film, which disappears at temperatures above 1200 degrees C. Rhodium is resistant to acids (except concentrated sulfuric) and aqua regia. Resistant to sulfur, chlorine, fluorine. It is used in jewelry as a decorative protective coating for jewelry.

Precious metal alloys

The use of pure metals for the manufacture of jewelry is impractical due to their high cost, insufficient hardness and wear resistance. To obtain the desired qualities, other metals are added to precious metals in certain proportions, which are called alloying metals, or ligatures. Alloying metals can be both precious and non-precious metals. Despite this, the resulting alloys are called precious. By alloying precious metals, alloys can be given various properties, such as the required hardness, ductility, casting qualities, color, melting point, etc. The number of jewelry alloys is large, and as new technologies are introduced into the production of jewelry, new alloys are being created. The most widely used alloys are provided for by GOST, according to which metallurgical enterprises produce semi-finished products in the form of ingots, sheets, tapes, strips, foils, wires, profiles for use in jewelry enterprises. Gold has the largest number of alloys.

Alloys of gold.

For gold, there are digital sample values ​​approved by GOST, indicating the amount of precious metal contained in 1000 parts of the alloy. A sample is assigned to each precious alloy. GOST 6835-85 provides for 40 gold alloys of eighteen samples, bearing in mind their different purposes. For jewelry, alloys of five samples are used - 958, 750, 585, 583, 375. Abroad, the 333rd test is used to make inexpensive jewelry. An alloy of the 958th test is three-component, in addition to gold, it contains silver and copper, it is used mainly for the manufacture wedding rings. The alloy has a pleasant bright yellow color, close to the color of pure gold. Very soft, as a result of which polishing on the product does not last long. An alloy of the 750th sample is three-component, it has copper and silver in its composition, in some cases palladium, nickel and zinc can be used in the form of a ligature. Color from yellowish green through reddish hues to white. The alloy lends itself well to soldering and casting, is a suitable base for applying enamels, however, when the alloy contains more than 16% copper, the color of the enamel becomes dull. It is recommended to use in the manufacture of products with a thin embossed gouge, filigree and for the manufacture of settings for fragile gems, intense diamonds. The alloy of the 585th test (introduced instead of the 583rd test) is a three-component alloy, the color can be different, depending on the ligature - from red, pink through yellow-green shades to white. Depending on the ligature, it may have different melting points and hardness. These alloys have good solderability. The alloy of the 375th test has a reddish muted color, when polished, it acquires a gray tonality, and is used to make wedding rings. The alloy of the 333rd test is easily soluble in nitric acid, it is unstable in air.

Silver gives the gold alloy softness, malleability, lowers the melting point and changes the color of gold. As silver is added, the color of the alloy turns green, turning yellow-green; at a silver content of more than 30%, the color becomes yellow-white and pales as the amount of silver increases; when the content in the alloy is 65% silver, the color of the alloy becomes white.

Copper increases the hardness of the gold alloy while maintaining malleability and malleability. The alloy takes on a reddish hue that intensifies as the percentage of copper increases; at 14.6% copper, the alloy becomes bright red. However, copper reduces the anti-corrosion properties of the alloy.

Palladium raises the melting point of the gold alloy and dramatically changes its color - when the alloy contains 10% palladium, the ingot turns white. Plasticity and ductility of the alloy are preserved.

Nickel changes the color of the alloy to pale yellow, increases hardness. The nickel content increases the fluidity of the melt, and hence the casting quality.

Platinum colors the gold alloy whiter than palladium. The yellowness is already lost at a content of 8.4% platinum in the alloy. The melting point of the alloy rises sharply. With an increase in the content of platinum to 20%, the elasticity of the alloy increases.

Cadmium in the composition of the alloy sharply lowers the melting point, but retains the ductility and ductility of the alloy.

Zinc sharply lowers the melting point of the alloy, increases its fluidity, gives the alloy brittleness and a greenish tint.

The participation of each component in the gold alloy is determined depending on the properties that the alloy should have. So, silver and copper make it possible to create alloys from pale yellow to red through greenish or reddish tones; maintain the softness, ductility, malleability and average melting point of the alloy. Palladium, nickel and platinum produce white gold alloys with a higher melting point and very high anti-corrosion properties. Cadmium and zinc make it possible to obtain gold alloys with a rather low melting point, and, consequently, to use the resulting alloys as solders.

Typical composition for different colors of gold
alloys in imported products

test, carat

Silver alloys

Silver Alloys - In almost all cases, jewelry uses alloys in which the silver content is above 72%. White color silver with increasing copper content becomes more and more yellowish. If copper is 50% of the alloy, then the alloy becomes reddish, and at 70% copper it is red. If the alloy after casting needs to be made soft, then it should be quenched; on the other hand, by heating to a certain temperature, a significant increase in hardness can be achieved. For enamelling, alloys with a high silver content or even pure silver should be used so that the product on which the enamel is applied does not melt.

Silver alloys are less diverse than gold alloys, all are similar in color, close in mechanical properties and, as a rule, have one alloying component. Silver alloys (like all precious ones) are characterized by samples. There are the following samples of silver alloys: 960, 925, 916, 875, 800, 750.

Platinum alloy.

In modern jewelry, platinum alloy is much less common. Platinum, which was previously widely used for making jewelry with diamonds, as well as diamond settings, has given way to white gold. Platinum has a large number of alloys mainly for technical purposes, most of them are two-component. For jewelry, an alloy of the 950th test is used, which, in addition to platinum, includes copper or iridium. The color of the alloy remains characteristic of pure platinum.

Alloys of non-ferrous metals.

Currently, a large number of copper-based alloys are used for the production of jewelry: bronze, brass, cupronickel, nickel silver, the color properties of which make it possible to use them as imitators of gold and silver alloys. Products made of copper alloys - gold jewelry alloy imitations contain zinc or aluminum as the main alloying additive. The low anti-corrosion properties of copper alloys lead to the need to have a layer of protective lacquer coating on the surface of products made from them.

Samples of precious metals

The breakdown is called the quantitative content of the precious metal in the alloy. The sample is expressed by the number of grams of precious metals in a kilogram of alloy. Control over the content of precious metal in all materials is carried out everywhere, from freshly mined ores to finished products and their subsequent processing. The means of control for finished products is the assay mark, which indicates the content of the precious metal in the alloy and is placed on each product manufactured by state-owned enterprises. Control, consumption, accounting and storage of precious metals is carried out through zonal inspections of assay supervision. Assay supervision inspections check products for compliance with a given sample, and only they have the right to assay hallmarking.

Most countries use the metric (the most accurate) system of assays, with the 1000th assay being the highest, so branding is a three-digit number. But the 1000th test is conditional, i.e. theoretically, it can reach very high purity of the precious metal 999, 999 and large values, but not get 1000. It is also difficult to achieve an ideally accurate content of the precious metal in the alloy, so a remedium is set (maximum deviation from the norm).

In gold-silver, gold-copper and gold-silver-copper alloys, the remedium is set to 3 units. For example, in a gold alloy of the 583rd sample, the gold content should be in the range of 580 ... 586 units (58.0 ... 58.6%), i.e. deviation from the norm is 3 units. Gold alloys with nickel content have a remedium equal to 5. In alloys of the 585th sample, a plus remedium is set equal to 5, excluding a minus deviation.

In silver alloys from the 800th sample and above, a remedium of 3 is set, in alloys below the 800th sample - 5. Thus, the permissible deviation of the main component from the norm ranges from 0.003 ... 0.006% depending on the alloy, which forces manufacturers produce rather "strict" alloys. The metric system of samples began to operate in our country since the transition to international mass units in 1927. In accordance with the Regulations on the samples and branding of products made of precious metals (Appendix 1) in the Russian Federation, since October 2, 1992, the following metric samples have been established for jewelry and other household products made of precious metals:


(nine hundred and fiftieth)

(three hundred and seventy-fifth)

(five hundredth)

(five hundred eighty-fifth)

(seven hundred and fifty)


(eight hundredth)


(eight hundred and thirty)


(eight hundred and seventy-fifth)


(nine hundred twenty-fifth)


(nine hundred sixtieth)


(five hundredth)


(eight hundred


It is allowed to manufacture products from gold of the 583rd test by consumer services enterprises on the orders of citizens from raw materials supplied by the customer.

In addition, on the territory of the Russian Federation, articles made of precious metals are in circulation and are sold, previously manufactured and branded with the following metric samples:

(five hundred and eighty third)

(nine hundred fifty-eight)


(seven hundred and fifty)


(nine hundred and sixteenth)

Due to historical features, branding in Russia appeared later than in other countries. The first Moscow brand - a double-headed eagle, accompanied by a date expressed in Slavic letters, refers to 1651-1652. The first hallmarks were not yet an indicator of the sample in the exact sense of the word. The brand only indicated that the silver was no worse than the sample recognized by law, but the sample itself did not have a precisely defined sample. As a rule, high-quality silver was from the 83rd to the 85th test and higher, which corresponded to the sample of "Lubsky thalers" or "efimki" - imported coins that were melted down to make things. In the last quarter of the 17th century, the law allowed a more low-grade sample - "levok". A stigma appeared - in the oval the word "levok".

City stamps indicating the place of production, as well as brand names, which have the initials of the author, appear in the 18th century.

For all cities in the XVIII-XIX centuries, the hallmarks consisted of:

from a stamp with the coat of arms of the city with or without a year in shields of various shapes;

from a stamp with the initial letters of the name and surname - the "name book" of the assay master"

from the brand of the master who made the thing, without indicating the year;

from a stamp with two numbers indicating the sample, i.e. the number of spools of pure silver or gold in a ligature pound. Masters, workshops, firms and factories were required to put their stamps on names before submitting products to the state assayer.

Medals made by order of the government, products of silversmiths and goldsmiths intended for the grand ducal courts and the needs of monasteries, ancient objects important in historical, archaeological and artistic terms, as well as objects inlaid with gold and silver, were exempted from mandatory hallmarking.

For branding, the products were presented at such a stage that the assay marks put on them could not be erased during further processing. The hallmarks were of two sizes: large - for large things and small - for jewelry items.

Until 1896, the so-called "tees" were placed on large products, i.e. hallmarks, on which the number of the sample, the coat of arms, the initial letters of the assayer and the year of hallmarking were joined together on one stamp. Until 1897, the hallmarks were convex. In 1897, the hallmarks became depressed (the lines of the hallmark were deepened).

Since 1899, a uniform brand has been established for the whole of Russia with the image of a female head in a kokoshnik in profile to the left, which was called the Identification Sign.

Since 1927, for hallmarking gold and silver products, a new hallmark was approved for all assay institutions - the head of a worker with a hammer, and a transition to the metric system of assays was made.

As of July 1, 1958, assay marks of a new type with the hammer and sickle emblem against the background of a five-pointed star were introduced for branding products made of gold, silver and platinum.

Currently, hallmarks with the image of a woman's head in a kokoshnik are used for hallmarking jewelry.

Until 1927, there were old Russian units of mass and jewelry was branded in the spool system of samples based on the maximum sample - 96. The sample in the spool system meant the number of spools in 1 pound. If a gold item has a fineness of 56, this means that the alloy contains 56 spools of pure gold per 96 spools of the total mass, i.e. per 1 lb. One pound is equal to 96 spools and corresponds to 409.512 g; 1 spool is equal to 96 shares and corresponds to 4.266 g; 1 share corresponds to 0.044 g. In turn, 40 pounds make up 1 pood and correspond to 16.380 kg.

In the spool system for gold items, 56, 72, 92 and 94 samples were provided. Silver products in different periods of time could be branded with 72, 74, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94 samples.

The spool stamp indicates the quality of the alloy. For example, a sample of 56 means that there are 56 parts of gold in 96 parts of the alloy.

Some countries stigmatize jewelry in the carat system of fineness based on the maximum fineness of 24. In this weight system, 24 carats is 1 Cologne mark, which corresponds to 233.855 g, therefore, 1 carat corresponds to 9.744 g. Existing carat assays 9, 14, 18, 22 -i are provided only for gold and mean the content of pure gold in the alloy. For example, an 18 carat sample means the presence of 18 parts of gold in 24 parts of the alloy. For hallmarking of silver products in these countries, there are many curly hallmarks, indicating the quality of the alloy or the inscription "silver" in the language accepted in this country for hallmarking.

Due to the fact that in Russia until 1927 there was a spool (Z) system of samples, and a carat (K) system of samples is used abroad, if necessary, they are converted to metric (M) using the following ratios:

The calculation results for these ratios are presented in the table.

The ratio between samples of precious metal products of different systems




The cost of precious metals

The cost of precious metals is determined in accordance with world market prices (at the time of assessment, by samples per gram), where the calculation is based on the cost of a troy ounce of the corresponding precious metal, determined according to special reference and information literature, or according to the quotations of precious metals of the Central Bank of Russia. The cost of a precious metal in a piece of jewelry, taking into account primary labor costs and irretrievable losses, is determined by the formula: multiply the weight of the item by the current cost of 1 g of the precious metal of the corresponding sample, multiply by the coefficient of bringing the selling price of the precious metal to the wholesale valuation. On average, for jewelry enterprises, the coefficient is 1.24..

Jewelry appraisal

General provisions.

The cost of jewelry is defined as the sum of the material cost of precious metals, inserts of precious and ornamental stones and labor costs for the manufacture of the product.

The evaluation of diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones is carried out according to the current price lists for diamonds.

The cost of labor costs for the manufacture of a product is determined by the result of diagnostics of the manufacturing method.

Evaluation of jewelry without inserts.

The cost price of the product is determined based on the current price of 1 g of the metal of this sample, taking into account the cost of the coefficient of bringing the selling price of the precious metal to the wholesale estimate multiplied by the weight of the product and the manufacturer's margin. The percentage of the manufacturer's margin, which is affixed to the above formula, is different, it depends on the amount of work required for the production of products. To determine the manufacturer's markup for a product with a complex cast shape, it is recommended to multiply the actual cost of the metal by 2.25 in order to take into account the time required to produce and make a wax model.

For cast products with detachable connections (earrings, brooches, pendants, bracelets), it is recommended to multiply the actual value of the metal by at least 2.5. For products of two- and three-color gold, it is recommended to multiply the actual value of the metal by 2.2.

When evaluating cast and stamped silver products, it is recommended to multiply the total weight of the product by the current value of the metal of this sample, taking into account the following coefficients:

For stamped products 2.0;

For stamped with additional engraving 3.0;

For products with niello 4.0;

For products with enamel 4.0.

These ratios are taken from industry standards and specifications for the manufacture of precious metal jewelry.

Evaluation of jewelry of historical and artistic significance.

1. Evaluation of jewelry of historical and artistic significance is carried out by an expert, in accordance with applicable law, in the manner prescribed by order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated 06.25.93 N 264, letters of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated 07.12.95 N 03-149 / 17414 " On some issues on the application of the order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation 25.06.93 N 264 "and of 16.01.98 N 01-15 / 837" On the need to comply with the customs and criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation in the production of procedural actions with material evidence and documents ".

2. When evaluating works of jewelry and stone-cutting art, as well as works of small plastic art of historical and artistic significance, it is necessary to take into account: the originality of the idea, the level of execution, the complexity of modeling, the new in technology, the completeness of the product, rarity, uniqueness, increased antique demand.

3. When determining multiplying factors and allowances in % to the base cost, the following factors must be taken into account:

Time of creation;

The presence of a set of hallmarks (city mark, assay master's mark with or without a date);

The presence of the stigma of the master;

The presence of the brand of the company;

The presence of a legend;

The presence of a documented history of the subject;

Style signs;

The presence of features that allow you to identify the handwriting of the master or company;

Typicality (characteristic of the time of existence);

Rarity (for the time of existence).

Groups of complexity of jewelry made by casting or stamping

To determine the complexity group of a piece of jewelry, it is sufficient to have at least one of the following features:

"mounting" operation

Group I - a solid-cast or solid-forged product, of a simple shape with a smooth surface.

Group II - a solid-cast or solid-forged product, of a simple shape with a relief surface.

Group III - a product of 2 or 3 parts with a relief surface, from 1 to 6 soldering points during assembly; or a solid-cast product, but with a complex relief or openwork surface.

Group IV - a product of 2 or 3 parts with a complex openwork or embossed surface, with more than 6 soldering points or a seam.

Group V - a product of 3 or more parts with a complex openwork or embossed surface, difficult to access for processing, with complex inconvenient soldering of more than 6 points or a seam.

Operation "polishing"

I group - a product of a simple form.

Group II - a product of a simple shape with a relief surface, including earrings with a pull through the bend of the fastener, weighing up to 5.0 g.

Group III - a product of a simple or complex shape with a relief surface, with simple crane castes, including earrings with pulling through the bend of the fastener, weighing up to 5.0 g.

IV group - a product of complex shape with an openwork or relief surface, difficult to process, using pulling through the inner end surfaces of the holes and bending the fasteners, with openwork or silver castes, weight does not matter.

Group V - polishing bracelets, necklaces, etc.

The surfaces of a simple form include the surfaces of products with a flush connection of parts, even, smooth, easily accessible for polishing. Embossed surfaces include surfaces and products that have protrusions, sharp edges, edges, the blunting of which is permissible. Complex surfaces include surfaces of openwork, thin-walled, filigree products, which have holes that are hard to reach for polishing on brushes and require the introduction of polishing by pulling cotton cloth or threads.

Estimate wages for the manufacture of jewelry made by casting, it is recommended to produce according to the following classification used in the jewelry industry (OST 25-1290-87):

Difficulty groups

Description of the difficulty group

With smooth casts (or no casts), with various types backtacks

The same with different types of overlays

With openwork, lattice figured or soldered castes, with various types of bartacking and finishing

Same with different overlays

Difficulty groups

Description of the difficulty group

With smooth casts (or without castes), with various types of setting and locks

With openwork, lattice, figured or soldered castes, with various types of bartacks, finishes and locks

The same with different types of linings and pendants


Difficulty group

Description of the difficulty group

Simple forms with smooth casts (or no castes), with different types of locks

The same with different types of overlays and pendants.


Difficulty groups

Description of difficulty groups

Simple shapes with smooth casts with various types of bartacks

The same with different types of overlays and pendants.

Fantasy forms with openwork, figured or soldered castes, with various types of bartacks, finishes, locks

The same with different types of overlays and pendants.


Difficulty groups

Description of difficulty groups

Simple shapes with smooth casts, with various types of bartacks

The same with smooth castes, with different types of castles

From shaped links with openwork or curly castes, with various types of bartacking, finishing of locks

The same with solders

Standards for assessing wages for the manufacture of jewelry
lost wax casting

product name

Assessment in US dollars by difficulty groups

Rings, pendants


Increasing coefficients and allowances in % of the cost

Processing name

The complexity of the manufacturing technique



Planar, simple ornamentation, made of wire of uniform cross section

multilayer, brazed combined with granulation and three-dimensional elements

Engraving, carving

monograms, inscriptions, individual images

various compositions, imitation of various materials

enamel coating of individual parts, inserts
engraving enamel, filigree enamel, painted (finift), window
enamel miniatures

simple ornamentation on silver

in combination with other techniques (engraving, gilding)


galvanic coating of smooth surfaces (up to 50%)
over 50% of the surface

depending on the complexity of the shape of the product and its decorative decoration

2.0 to 10.0

Principles of accounting for the external state of products

The main requirements for the quality of jewelry products are specified in OST 25-1290-87 "Jewellery from precious metals. General specifications". The quality of mass-produced stone-cutting products must comply with OST 25-843-78.

Quality control of products made of precious metals must begin with checking the presence on each product of the stamp of the Inspectorate of Assay Supervision and the name of the manufacturer, which must be clear and not worsen the appearance of the product.

Paired items (earrings, cufflinks) must be selected according to size, shape, type of cut and color of inserts. Slight differences in the color shades of the inserts are not a defective sign. If half-pairs have an asymmetric top design, then they should be paired according to the principle specular reflection. Polished and brushed surfaces of products should be evenly polished and brushed, polished - brought to a shine, matte - evenly matte and velvety in appearance.

On the surface of the products there should be no cracks, shells, burrs.

On non-facial surfaces, slight porosity, waviness, tool marks are allowed.

Enamel coatings of products must be smooth, shiny, without chips, cracks, gaps, gaps, spots and metal defects visible under transparent enamel.

Enamel coatings of products (except for table setting items and interior decorations) should not have scratches, bubbles, inclusions, pores, sags on edges and partitions.

On enamel coatings, a slight waviness of the enamel layer is allowed, as well as the presence of a hair-like feature at the junction of the enamel with partitions and edges.

On electroplated coatings there may be slight traces of contact points with conductive devices without disturbing the coating layer and not deteriorating the appearance of the product. There should not be more than five dispersed pores on the blackened coatings of table setting items and interior decorations.

Welded and soldered seams in products must be tight, even and without burns. From the side of the front surface of the product, the seams should be close in color to the alloy from which it is made.

Stamped, chased, filigree, carved and engraved drawings on the surfaces of products must have a clear image.

In the restored products, in agreement with the customer, defects that cannot be corrected are allowed.

The inserts must be fixed in the frame motionlessly, while the possibility of the inserts falling out must be excluded.

For prong and corner setting, the prongs and corners must be tucked in and their ends pressed tightly against the surface of the inserts.

With a blind backtack, the castes should compress the inserts along the girdle tightly, without a gap. When finishing with grisant, the pattern of the grisant must be clear and without breaks.

Inserts made of pearls, corals, amber, shells, ornamental stone can be mounted on glue in combination with a blind setting or on glue and on pins.

Locks in products should exclude their spontaneous opening.

The design of the fastening parts of earrings and brooches should ensure the correct position of the products during operation.

Methodological and regulatory documents used in the recommendations

1. Dronova N.D. "Method of evaluation of jewelry with precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones". M., 1995. International Academy of Information.

2. Dronova N.D., Akkalaeva R.Kh. "Assessment of the market value of jewelry". M., 1998. Academy of National Economy.

3. Methodical materials according to the evaluation of the jewelry stones of the company YUV-EKSO. Yekaterinburg, 1996.

4. Brepol E. "Artistic enameling". Leningrad, 1996, Mechanical engineering publishing house.

5. Dronova N.D. "Fundamentals of jewelry production". M., MGRI, 1994.

6. Strukov V.M. "Expert studies of jewelry and artistic metal products". Tutorial. M., 1995, ECC MVD.

7. Novikov V.P., Pavlov V.S. "Hand-made Jewelry". Leningrad, 1991, Polytechnic.

8. Marchenkov V.I. "Jewellery". M., 1992. Higher school.

9. Typical methodology for the formation of free prices for jewelry made by individual order of the population N 2/03-19-7-84. Developed in the Department of Consumer Market and Services 03.11.94. Approved by the Department of Price and Tax Policy of the Government of Moscow 03.11.94 N 27/07-61/608.

10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 552 of 08/05/92 "Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services) and on the formation of financial results taken into account when taxing profits".

11. Additional price list N 075-1973/354 "Retail prices for watches and spare parts for them". Approved by the Decree of GOSKOMTSEN USSR N 820 dated 04.08.81.

12. Price-list N 108 "Retail prices for articles made of precious metals". Approved by GOSKOMTSEN USSR N 108-1981 in 1981.

13. Price list N B4201-MG dated 1979. Additional price list N 1-4 to it "Prices for jewelry work and services for the manufacture and repair of jewelry on orders from the population." Approved by the Moscow City Executive Committee on 24.08.79.

14. A. Miller. "Jewellery Appraisal".

Head of the Central
customs laboratory
V.A. Solozhentsev

Head of the Regional
customs administration
to combat customs
S.N. Trofimyuk

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