
Mind games. Why men and women think differently. Illusions about a woman: how simple-minded men think How women and men think


For some reason, a woman constantly has to prove that she, too, is a person and has the right. A hundred years ago, many pundits laughed at the students - they say, where are you girls, science and without you there is someone to move! Your gentle mind will not stand the overload, you will wither away in the prime of life! How could feminism not appear here? However, recent research suggests that a woman's brain does not function in the same way as a man's. Hence the constant gender showdown, who is better and who is smarter.

He's smart, she's beautiful

Scientists at the University of California have scanned the "working" brain and found that women and men process and analyze information coming from the outside in completely different ways. It turned out that in the areas of the brain responsible for logical analysis and information processing, men have more gray matter, while women have more white matter. Gray matter is the bodies of nerve cells, the very elements that are responsible for processing information received from the outside. And the white matter is the processes of neurons that play the role of conductors.

In men, the thinking process is primarily influenced by external stimuli, so their decisions are more logical and balanced. If the problem is solved by a woman, then she "thinks" in that area of ​​the cerebral cortex, in which the centers of speech, control of movements and emotions are located. Hence the famous female logic, coolly mixed with feelings and gestures.

What happens to a man when, say, he is shown a melodrama? He immediately finds all the inconsistencies in the plot, laughs at the characters and sincerely does not understand why the woman next to him bursts into tears and reproaches him for insensitivity.

But women are more memorable - they have a better developed hippocampus, a special convolution at the base of the temporal lobe of the brain. The hippocampus translates information from working memory into permanent memory. If this part of the brain works poorly, it is impossible to teach a person anything - he will immediately forget everything. Therefore, ladies are better educated than men, and at school girls have much less problems than boys.

Why is this happening? But because men and women have different global goals and objectives.


Some time ago, Harvard President Larry Summerson had an embarrassment. At one of the meetings, he said that women cannot achieve significant success in the exact sciences. And not because they are not allowed to work, but because they are not genetically disposed to it. They say, while men are titanically moving science, women are thinking about home and children. Outraged ladies - researchers left the meeting room, a serious scandal erupted. So the president had to publicly apologize and make excuses. Significantly, more girls than boys were enrolled in Harvard last year - 1,016 versus 1,013.

Tamara and I walk as a couple

The differences in the physiology of men and women have a logical rationale. From the point of view of nature, women are the main sex, and therefore they are of great value as guardians of the genotype. And men are an experimental sex, necessary in order to try out new functions and, after a thorough check "in the field", to transfer them to women. This is how the main principle of evolution is realized: to change and preserve. Women retain all those useful qualities that they already have, and men are constantly working to improve them.

Since a man is assigned the difficult role of a guinea pig or, if you prefer, a scout, he must be resourceful and quick-witted. Women do not need to reinvent the wheel, but they bring men invented to perfection. By the way, it was men who first learned to crochet and cross-stitch, but now women know how to do it much better.

Ladies are not afraid of routine and monotony, but try to make a man work, say, on a conveyor belt. He will be extremely uncomfortable, and the quality of men's work will be worse than that of women.

Another useful feminine trait is the breadth of the reaction rate. This means that women are more flexible and easier to adapt to the situation. For men, the "leash" on which nature keeps them is much shorter. Therefore, they live less, die more often and go to extremes. Out of 100 geniuses, 99 will be men, but there are much more complete idiots among the representatives of the "experimental sex" than among women.

Interestingly, there are five times more left-handers among men. And the left hemisphere of the brain relative to the right is the same field for evolutionary experiments. Statistics have long noted that under unfavorable conditions, more left-handed children are born than usual, and these are mostly boys. They bring a fresh stream to the genotype, develop new functions and skills. This helps the rest of humanity to change and adapt to new life circumstances.

In a word, a man is a friend to a woman, a comrade, sometimes a husband. They are not competitors, on the contrary, they complement each other perfectly.

Personal opinion

Nikolay Valuev:

- The concept of mind in all people, as you know, is different - for both men and women. For someone - grief from the mind, and for someone the mind is happiness. I personally do not think that men are smarter than women, just that women have a special mind and, as you know, their own, feminine, logic. This is neither good nor bad.

Women and men really do think differently. Scientists have found hundreds of genes that turn on and off in different ways in the brains of men and women. Men are more prone to aggression and risk taking, and they are also better at understanding existing systems and creating new ones - from car engines to football rules. In the general level of intelligence, representatives of both sexes do not differ, however, women are usually more developed visual memory, and men are better at visualizing objects by "expanding" them in space. Perhaps that is why men often prefer to navigate by maps, and many women - to memorize specific landmarks. Men and women also differ in their approach to finding sexual partners. Men tend to value youth and good looks more, while women status is often more attractive.

Women do not forget grudges

An unpleasant truth, well known to every married man: a woman's brain is arranged in such a way that the memories in it remain in all the details, clearly and for a very, very long time. Even after several years after some event, which can hardly seem significant to the spouse and generally be remembered, the fair sex is able to reproduce everything to the smallest nuances. "This is one of those quirks of Mother Nature that men can only accept - or never marry." Feminine feature long-term memory. The fair sex in a special way link the events (though passed through the prism of female perception) and the accompanying emotions, therefore, the resulting memories from this "mixture" are inherent in brightness and liveliness. Whenever they are reproduced again, the old feelings come to life and excite the already rebellious female soul. From this ability inherent in the weaker sex to store facts in memory and, at the same time, experiences associated with them, an extremely disappointing consequence for men follows: women inherently incapable of forgiving.

In fact, ladies, by their very nature, cannot forget everything - and, accordingly, they cannot forgive either, because with every memory of men's offenses, unpleasant and even painful feelings roll on them from banal annoyance to the deepest resentment.
If a woman says that she has forgiven, then this should be interpreted only as a desire to forgive or consent to the compromise required to maintain the relationship. Here men on the contrary, they easily forget the negative experience and therefore just as easily forgive their other half for their sins and oversights - unless, of course, they keep this information in memory on purpose, with the aim of subsequent revenge.

Why men don't listen to women

"You never listen to me!" It turns out that it is much more difficult for men to perceive female voices than the voices of fellow gender. There is a huge difference in how the brain reacts to sounds made men and women... It turns out that men decipher female voices using the "audience" part of the brain, which usually processes music, while male voices trigger a much simpler mechanism. They activate the area that is called the "mind's eye" - thanks to it people compare themselves with others and "try on" various things.

“Women's voices are much more complex than men's. This is due to the difference in the size and shape of the vocal cords and the larynx, as well as the fact that the fair half has a richer natural "melody" of speech. Because of this, the female voice has a more complex audio frequency range than the male. " Thus, women's voices require men to be more active in the brain.

Why men are twice as smart as women

Among the 2% of the most smart people there are twice as many men on the planet as women. This is due to the fact that the lot of the weaker sex, predetermined by nature, is the birth of children, for which, as you know, some kind of outstanding intelligence is not required. However, it was also found that among the same 2% of the stupidest people - men again twice as much.

Among the attempts to explain the results obtained, there was a theory claiming that in the course of evolution, men became smarter, allegedly allowing them to become more attractive to the opposite sex. Whereas women do not need the mind to reproduce offspring. Psychology professor Timothy Bates, who led the study, said: “Apparently, women developed in that direction in order to be guaranteed to survive and give offspring, enjoying the comfort and not bothering themselves with high intellectual abilities. " By the way, interesting fact: The smartest woman on the planet is the Bulgarian Daniela Simidchieva, whose IQ reaches 200 points. However, the mother of three children and the owner of five master's degrees could not find a job for a very long time.

Every time a man and a woman part, it is a little sad - after all, when creating a couple, people expect to find peace of mind and stability in the relationship.

Relationships are subject to special patterns that reflect the difference in thinking and worldview of men and women. When looking at the reasons why relationships do not build, it is found that women often make the same mistakes, believing that men feel and look at the world the same way they do. These common misconceptions are formed and fueled by songs, movies and other products artistic creation become traps of some kind, generating erroneous or unrealistic expectations. And the collapse of expectations is known to bring disappointment and pain.

Woman's mistaken expectations in a relationship

So that women can protect themselves from the trauma associated with relationships, maybe they should start learning from others, not their own mistakes. After all, the principle is simple - if you stick your finger in a meat grinder, it will hurt. You just need to handle the device according to the instructions, that is, according to its nature. I would like these principles to be simple and obvious, but upon closer examination it turns out that there is a lot of paradox in the topic of relations between a man and a woman.

Trap 1. If a man pays attention to me, looks for my company, if his eyes burn when he meets me, then this is love. We will get married and live happily ever after


If a man is in love, then usually it has very little to do with who the woman really is. Falling in love is a state when a man sees in his beloved a reflection of his ideal, and most of what he is in love with is his fantasy, and not at all the woman herself with her feelings, views, and inner world.

If a man finds a woman attractive, he does not necessarily consider the relationship to be serious. When a man is not in a state of conscious search for a candidate for building a family, then usually he is looking for a female company in order to enjoy it and have a good time, preferably at no extra cost. And very often a woman who arouses passionate feelings and impulses does not at all coincide with the image of the woman whom the man sees as a potential wife.

At the beginning of a relationship, when feelings are intense, it is very important to remember the difference between the concepts of "in love" and "love", and to be able to distinguish between their manifestations. Love implies respect for the personality of another person, taking into account his feelings and needs and leaves him the right to some imperfection.

Trap 2. If a man promised me something, dreamed about some future with me, expressed his intention and plans to do something with me, then this will definitely happen


They say a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears. For a woman, words are very important that allow her to experience the existential depth and meaning of her existence, the realization of which a woman is looking for in relationships. But it's not only that.

To bind a woman to himself, a man must in some sense "conquer" her, demonstrating by his actions that she is of value to him. Often, images drawn with words are enough reason to keep a woman close to you, because expectations have a powerful potential that binds people to each other. And there is a substitution of real actions and "feats" for imaginary or planned, and the result is the same - a woman, ready to give a man her energy, time and feelings.

And speaking is much easier than actually doing something. At the same time, the words spoken by a man in a state of emotional upsurge can very easily be forgotten when this upsurge subsides. Of course, you don't need to turn into skeptics who see men as liars, but at the same time it is just as important not to become a victim of your own optimism, accepting everyone unfamiliar man per person of his word, until it has been proven on real facts. Trap 3. If I care, do a lot for a man, give him time and energy, solve his problems and do not ask for anything in return - he will appreciate me and will answer me with love and devotion


A man appreciates not the woman who invests a lot in him, but the one in whom he himself invests a lot. For some reason, the Christian principle that the good we have done will return to us does not always work between the sexes.

Psychologists say that a man has an unconscious memory of a woman who takes care of him unconditionally - his mother. Therefore, receiving care and attention from a woman, he perceives it completely naturally and does not feel remorse or the need to respond in kind.

In order for a woman in such a situation to satisfy her needs in a relationship, she must first learn to understand them and openly declare them (without turning a request into a claim). Building a balance of exchange is painstaking work.

Often the ability to declare their needs and ask for what they want is absent in both men and women, since it was not developed with upbringing. Instead, there may be a fantasy that "if someone really loves me, he (or she) should already understand what I need, because this is obvious." Rather, such a belief reflects the immaturity of a person who transfers responsibility for satisfying their own needs to another person. Trap 4. If a man deceives me, cheats or shows other disrespect, I must endure it, because I myself chose this, and this is a cross that I need to bear. True love is valued at the sacrifice we make for the person we love.


The more a man feels impunity, the less he values ​​his woman. A woman's reaction to the humiliation of her personality is an indicator of how much a woman values ​​herself. That is, first a woman must learn to value and respect herself, and only then will she be able to broadcast this attitude to the man and the rest of the world.

If this sense of intrinsic value is weak, the woman has a strong fear of being left alone, without a relationship, and there is a high motivation to adjust. Because of this fear, a woman can often abandon her own psychological territory - interests, hobbies, self-care, communication, mastering new skills.

Although a man unconsciously seeks to completely master a woman, so that she would give all her energy to him, and only to him, when this really happens, not harmony and happiness comes, but boredom and emptiness. When a woman ceases to develop as a person, she ceases to be unpredictable, in some way unattainable, and newness and freshness disappear from the relationship, the need for which is always in a couple.

Trap 5. I feel lonely. I'd rather have a close relationship with a man who is just friends with me, although he does not take me seriously, than not communicate with men at all.


Not better. Men and women experience attachment differently, on an emotional level. Often times, a relationship that is emotionally safe for a man is not so for a woman. If attachment arises in a relationship where there is no full feminine realization, it inevitably leads to the woman's suffering, which can be very difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is easier not to get into such situations.

In our usual minds, relationships are the simplest and natural way fill the loneliness of life when it arises. However, the ability to live a full and fulfilling life without men could keep many women's hearts "whole". It is better to seek a solution to the problem of loneliness with the help of a psychologist than with the help of the opposite sex.

First of all, it is worth understanding how the female type of thinking differs from the male one. The point is not who is smarter, but that in the same situation women's thoughts will differ from men's.

Differences between male and female thinking

Men, who are accustomed to relying on logic, are more involved in the right hemisphere, which helps them build a consistent chain of actions on the way to a goal. Many men like to think just for the sake of the process itself, for the sake of distraction from their daily affairs, which is why there are so many philosophers among the strong half of humanity.

In women, the right hemisphere is more actively involved, which is responsible for imaginative and multitasking thinking. A woman, as most experts think, will not think exclusively about how to submit her annual report - she will have time to “figure out” which shoes to buy for her party and what to feed her husband in the evening. It is not difficult for her to simultaneously listen to the news on the radio, chat with a friend and look after the child. Ladies don't like to design step by step instructions, but they see the picture "as a whole". Therefore, women's actions often seem inconsistent, completely unrelated to each other.

A few more features of female thinking:

  • Scientists think that in women there is a faster switching from the right hemisphere to the left. As a result, there is a constant abrupt transition from logic to emotions and vice versa. By the way, this feature can be turned in your favor: if a girl goes into conflict, it is enough to just unexpectedly kiss her or give a bouquet of flowers - and she will “melt”.
  • Woman as a keeper hearth, always looks to the future, evaluates information with an eye to the future.
  • Women have better intuition. They can quickly make the right spiritual decisions in a complex ambiguous environment, but they are not always able to offer clear arguments in favor of these decisions.

Who is smarter - men or women?

For many centuries, there has been a dogma in the world that men are smarter than women. There are still dozens of scientific theories in circulation that explain this difference in intellectual development.

Some features of women's perception and thinking are so obvious that even the most stubborn skeptics cannot deny them. For example, tests confirm that women do an excellent job in tasks where they are involved. fine motor skills hands, they are more receptive to sign information. Usually women are quicker to list objects of the same category or name words starting with one letter.

However, in men, for the most part, spatial thinking is more developed. Complex mathematical or spatial calculations are their “strong point”. On almost any test that involves 3D thinking, men do better.

The most popular theory, which tries to explain these differences, insists that it is all about the different quantitative ratio of white and gray matter in the brains of men and women. Men have five to six times more gray matter, which is responsible for processing information and building logical connections. But the white matter, which is responsible for the interaction between different parts of the brain, is greater in women. Perhaps it is this feature of the female brain that contributes to the spread of the stereotype of the multitasking of female thinking.

The intellectual superiority dogma of men is refuted by the results of a curious scientific study by New Zealand scientists. This study, published in the summer of 2012, showed that intellectually men and women are on an equal footing, and often women are even smarter. This conclusion was confirmed by numerous IQ tests conducted over several years in different countries the world.

Previously, ladies lagged behind men in development. intellectual abilities, experts emphasize. But in Lately this gap has disappeared. There may be several reasons for this, but one of the main ones is that women were able to quickly adapt to the innovations that the modern dynamic world "throws" us in huge quantities. Today women have to establish family life and build a career, they have a large number of opportunities for self-realization. All this contributes to enhanced brain development.

In turn, many scientists persistently continue to deny gender stereotypes. Yes, girls are more likely to pay attention to small details, show excellent results in verbal tests, and boys are better at representing an object in three dimensions. But the point, perhaps, is not in the structure of their brain, but simply in their upbringing. Boys often spend a lot of time outdoors, playing collective sports games (which develop spatial orientation). Girls, on the other hand, spend more time at home, interacting with relatives, which contributes to the development of verbal skills. Of course, experts emphasize, completely biological determinism cannot be denied, but it is insignificant in comparison with how plastic and universal our brain is.

5 pitfalls in relationships

Every time a man and a woman part, it is a little sad - after all, when creating a couple, people expect to find peace of mind and stability in the relationship.

Relationships are subject to special patterns that reflect the difference in thinking and worldview of men and women. When looking at the reasons why relationships do not work out, it is found that women often make the same mistakes, believing that men feel and look at the world the same way they do. These common misconceptions, formed and fueled by songs, films and other products of artistic creation, become traps of some kind that generate erroneous or unrealistic expectations. And the collapse of expectations is known to bring disappointment and pain.

Woman's mistaken expectations in a relationship

So that women can protect themselves from the trauma associated with relationships, maybe they should start learning from others, not their own mistakes. After all, the principle is simple - if you stick your finger in a meat grinder, it will hurt. You just need to handle the device according to the instructions, that is, according to its nature. I would like these principles to be simple and obvious, but upon closer examination it turns out that there is a lot of paradox in the topic of relations between a man and a woman.

Trap 1. If a man pays attention to me, looks for my company, if his eyes burn when he meets me, then this is love. We will get married and live happily ever after


If a man is in love, then usually it has very little to do with who the woman really is. Falling in love is a state when a man sees in his beloved a reflection of his ideal, and most of what he is in love with is his fantasy, and not at all the woman herself with her feelings, views, and inner world.

If a man finds a woman attractive, he does not necessarily consider the relationship to be serious. When a man is not in a state of conscious search for a candidate for building a family, then usually he is looking for a female company in order to enjoy it and have a good time, preferably at no extra cost. And very often a woman who arouses passionate feelings and impulses does not at all coincide with the image of the woman whom the man sees as a potential wife.

At the beginning of a relationship, when feelings are intense, it is very important to remember the difference between the concepts of "in love" and "love", and to be able to distinguish between their manifestations. Love implies respect for the personality of another person, taking into account his feelings and needs and leaves him the right to some imperfection.

Trap 2. If a man promised me something, dreamed with me about some future, expressed his intention and plans to do something with me, then this will definitely happen


They say a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears. For a woman, words are very important that allow her to experience the existential depth and meaning of her existence, the realization of which a woman is looking for in relationships. But it's not only that.

To bind a woman to himself, a man must in some sense "conquer" her, demonstrating by his actions that she is of value to him. Often, images drawn with words are enough reason to keep a woman close to you, because expectations have a powerful potential that binds people to each other. And there is a substitution of real actions and "feats" for imaginary or planned, and the result is the same - a woman, ready to give a man her energy, time and feelings.

And speaking is much easier than actually doing something. At the same time, the words spoken by a man in a state of emotional upsurge can very easily be forgotten when this upsurge subsides. Of course, you don’t need to turn into skeptics who see men as liars, but it’s just as important not to become a victim of your own optimism, taking every unfamiliar man for a man of his word until this has been proven on real facts.

Trap 3. If I take care, do a lot for a man, give him time and energy, solve his problems and do not ask for anything in return - he will appreciate me and will answer me with love and devotion


A man appreciates not the woman who invests a lot in him, but the one in whom he himself invests a lot. For some reason, the Christian principle that the good we have done will return to us does not always work between the sexes.

Psychologists say that a man has an unconscious memory of a woman who takes care of him unconditionally - his mother. Therefore, receiving care and attention from a woman, he perceives it completely naturally and does not feel remorse or the need to respond in kind.

In order for a woman in such a situation to satisfy her needs in a relationship, she must first learn to understand them and openly declare them (without turning a request into a claim). Building a balance of exchange is painstaking work.

Often the ability to declare their needs and ask for what they want is absent in both men and women, since it was not developed with upbringing. Instead, there may be a fantasy that "if someone really loves me, he (or she) should already understand what I need, because this is obvious." Rather, such a belief reflects the immaturity of a person who transfers responsibility for satisfying their own needs to another person.

Trap 4... If a man deceives me, cheats or shows any other disrespect, I must endure it, because I myself chose this, and this is a cross that I need to bear. True love is valued at the sacrifice we make for the person we love.


The more a man feels impunity, the less he values ​​his woman. A woman's reaction to the humiliation of her personality is an indicator of how much a woman values ​​herself. That is, first a woman must learn to value and respect herself, and only then will she be able to broadcast this attitude to the man and the rest of the world.

If this sense of intrinsic value is weak, the woman has a strong fear of being left alone, without a relationship, and there is a high motivation to adjust. Because of this fear, a woman can often abandon her own psychological territory - interests, hobbies, self-care, communication, mastering new skills.

Although a man unconsciously seeks to completely master a woman, so that she would give all her energy to him, and only to him, when this really happens, not harmony and happiness comes, but boredom and emptiness. When a woman ceases to develop as a person, she ceases to be unpredictable, in some way unattainable, and newness and freshness disappear from the relationship, the need for which is always in a couple.

Trap 5. I feel lonely. I'd rather have a close relationship with a man who is just friends with me, although he does not take me seriously, than not communicate with men at all.


Not better. Men and women experience attachment differently, on an emotional level. Often times, a relationship that is emotionally safe for a man is not so for a woman. If attachment arises in a relationship where there is no full feminine realization, it inevitably leads to the woman's suffering, which can be very difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is easier not to get into such situations.

In our habitual consciousness, relationships are the easiest and most natural way to fill life loneliness when it arises. However, the ability to live a full and fulfilling life without men could keep many women's hearts "whole". It is better to seek a solution to the problem of loneliness with the help of a psychologist than with the help of representatives of the opposite sex. Published by