
So don't give it to anyone! Women's logic. So do not get you to anyone! Don't get to anyone from where


Ufa, December-2017

The video of a young man writhing in a pool of blood is horrifying. Nearby lies the lifeless body of a 23-year-old girl. All this happened in a grocery store in front of customers. A resident of Uzbekistan stabbed his beloved 17 times because she refused to marry him. After that, he tried to kill himself.

34-year-old Christopher Tucker killed his 19-year-old sweetheart Tamara Serino. First, he strangled the girl, then gouged out her eyes, and only then finished off the unfortunate woman with an ax. During interrogation, Christopher admitted that the day before he had made Tamara a marriage proposal, but she refused, saying that she was sleeping with another. According to him, she suggested that he kill her. The joke proved fatal.

Moscow, June-2017

On the afternoon of June 22, 2017, a man broke into a cafe located on Mashkova Street in Moscow and stabbed an employee of the establishment at least nine times with a knife. The girl died on the spot from her injuries. The motive was the refusal of the deceased to marry him. The waitress met her future killer on social networks.

Belgorod region, March-2017

The tragedy broke out on December 15 last year during a feast in the village of Kryuk, Novooskolsky district, Belgorod region. The man made a proposal to the lady of the heart to marry him, but was refused. The negative answer infuriated the tipsy man, and he began to brutally beat the failed bride, and then grabbed a knife and stabbed her in the chest and neck. The 27-year-old girl died on the spot from her wounds. The killer was given 10 years in prison.

Tyumen region, August-2016

The murder took place in the village of Vagai, in the Tyumen region. A 35-year-old local resident, who was released from prison and returned to the village at the beginning of the year, drank alcohol with his friend. In the midst of the feast, a conversation took place between them, after which she went out into the street. Soon the man caught up with her on the roadway and stabbed her in the lower back. The girl died. During interrogation, the killer said that he proposed to his beloved, but she refused.

Pakistan, June-2014

In Pakistan, 22-year-old boyfriend Fayaz Aslam, who proposed to 18-year-old Sidra Shaukat and was refused, doused the girl with gasoline and set her on fire. With traces of terrible burns, she was taken to the hospital, but the unfortunate woman died on the way to the hospital.

Afghanistan, November-2012

A 15-year-old villager in Kunduz province in northeastern Afghanistan was killed when she left her house to fetch water from a river. On the way back, the girl was attacked and her throat was cut. The police detained two men. They confessed that they cut the victim's throat after she refused to marry one of them.

Novocherkassk, October 2012

Killed in Novocherkassk, 25-year-old Ksenia Poprugina, daughter of the deputy director of the largest energy plant in southern Russia, Nikolai Shelkov, was found in her own apartment. Experts counted 22 stab wounds on the girl's body, four of which were in the stomach. In hot pursuit, the main suspect, 24-year-old Alexander Brusnik, was detained. During interrogation, the suspect said that since childhood he wanted to marry Xenia, but the girl refused him. And soon she became pregnant from another.

Aktobe region, March-2012

In March 2012, a 25-year-old boy came to the Shalkar District Department of Internal Affairs of the Aktobe Region and confessed to killing the girl. He indicated the burial place of a corpse with numerous stab wounds. It turned out that the 24-year-old girl agreed young man marry him, and then changed her mind. Then he waited for her after work, took her to a deserted place, where he stabbed her with a knife.

UK, September-2003

Photo @ Wikimedia Commons

The murder itself took place back in 2003, but it was only possible to investigate it in 2010. The investigation was hindered in every possible way by the relatives of the suspects and the murdered. Nevertheless, the police managed to find out that the girl was a victim of orthodox Pakistanis. The court found Iftikar and Farzana Ahmed guilty of killing their 17-year-old daughter Shafilia, who refused to marry an adult stranger. The couple strangled the girl with a plastic bag in front of other children in their home in Cheshire and took the body out of town.

... Sveta called the police herself, in the middle of the night: "Come, I killed a man." Dictated the address. The voice of the caller was so calm that the captain on duty on the phone for some reason did not doubt for a second: she really would wait for the arrival of the task force - she would not run away, she would not disappear. When the brigade arrived at the place named by Sveta on the phone, a young long-legged creature was sitting on the stairs (for some reason, this particular detail - long, perfect shape crossed legs - remembered by the investigator, and the doctors, and the expert).

The house was a service house - huge communal apartments in it were occupied by doctors working in one of the city's major clinics. In the apartment called Sveta, the door was half open. There were no neighbors at home - it was summer, everyone had gone in all directions. Only from the room where the girl refused to enter, only powerlessly waving her hand: "There ...", a streak of light made its way.

A man in his forties was lying on the floor in an awkward position. The snow-white shirt on his back was heaving with blood.

The doctor quickly listened to the pulse, nodded to the brigade: "Alive", and the victim, laid on a stretcher, was taken away.

During interrogations, Sveta refused to speak. She kept saying only: "Try me for murder." Ilya did not regain consciousness for a long time, although the doctors had already said that there was no danger to his life. Lawyers could not immediately understand the picture of what had happened. However, they understood it in the end in the most general terms: attempted murder on the basis of jealousy.

But something prevented the investigator from putting the last point in this case, which was so simple from a legal point of view. Something haunted her, demanded to penetrate into the essence, to understand, to understand ... And then she called her psychiatrist friend, Yuri Nikolayevich, asking to visit Sveta in a prison cell (the girl was in deep shock).

No, the investigator did not suspect Sveta of schizophrenia or any other mental illness - however, Svetlana still had to pass an examination for sanity. Just Yuri Nikolayevich was not one of those doctors who prefer to heal their patients with injections and pills. “Working” for this person means having many hours of conversations with wards, slowly, “by the gram”, calling them to frankness, endearing them to themselves and influencing their psyche with the power of their influence, convictions, and maybe even hypnosis, - the devil knows, investigator did not understand these subtleties.

She knew one thing: dozens of women who tried to commit suicide, having fallen into the hands of Yuri Nikolayevich, did not undergo conventional treatment in the clinic. And they were discharged without a depressing diagnosis that could put a stigma on the rest of their lives. -newly looking at life and never again - in violation of the statistics that indicate that suicide will definitely happen again - did not return to the desire for death.

Svetlana did not react to the first visit of the doctor in any way. Dejectedly she sat on a hospital bed, looking at one point with glazed eyes, and answered in monosyllables:

"Not really". She did not ask if Ilya was alive, did not ask what would happen to her, did not ask about her parents, who cut off the investigator's phone and begged to see her. It was as if life had ended for her somewhere beyond the line separating the former time, unknown to outsiders, and the night when she dialed the police telephone number.

Once, going to Sveta in the isolation ward, Yuri Nikolayevich casually asked: "Tell me, do you love Dostoevsky?", And for the first time he saw a glimmer of interest in her eyes. They talked for a long time - and only about Dostoevsky. The next time, the doctor asked the girl to tell him about her childhood and no longer stumbled upon a wall of icy silence. For the third time, Svetlana herself spoke about what had happened to her and Ilya.

... Svetlana studied at the medical institute. Scholarships to live the way she wanted were categorically not enough and she worked part-time as a nurse. Relatives of the patients at the first meeting always reacted to her with apprehension: Sveta was too outwardly similar to the one who can bear "ducks", turn over and wash heavy bedridden patients, in general, do everything for which, in fact, people and willing to pay big money. Almond-shaped, skillfully lined eyes, a short tight-fitting white robe and teasing, eye-catching legs ... But after the first day that Sveta spent at the patient's bed, the attitude of her relatives towards her changed dramatically: Svetlana was an extremely skillful, soft and hardy nurse. In addition, almost with a completed "upper medical".

That winter, Sveta was on duty at the hospital near a young man who had been in a severe car accident. During the day, relatives crowded around him, and at night they came - Sveta or her "replacement" Tanya. The boy was in a coma, it was very difficult to serve him. Sveta knew that Tatyana always slept for three or four hours on the night of her duty - on an air mattress, which during the day "lived" under a hospital bed. But Sveta herself could not afford such hack-work - she stocked up a thermos with coffee, sandwiches and kept vigilant.

Ilya worked in this department as a surgeon. He was not the attending physician of Sveta's ward, and "by the nature of their service" they did not collide in any way. But for some reason, more and more often, he slowed down, passing along the corridor past their room, one night he simply went to her and asked if she needed any help.

Sveta was not a little girl and she perfectly understood what Ilya was getting at. That it was not without reason that they ended up together in a smoking room, it was not without reason that hospital nurses began to look at her with a malicious smile, and, finally, Tanya, whom they once encountered at the exit from the hospital, threw to her: “They say that this handsome Ilya Sergeyevich takes additional night shifts from "For you? What, girlfriend, romance?!"

Ilya Sergeevich was really handsome - black hair with gray hair, yearning steel eyes, a strong torso - in general, the whole "gentleman's set" of an aging ladies' man, but they did not have an affair. And apparently it couldn't be. Sveta instinctively avoided this kind of men, having burned herself once at the age of seventeen and knowing for sure: such lovers and favorites of women are not able to give anything but torment. Everything, in general, turned out by chance - Svetlana was invited to visit, where her former acquaintance was supposed to come with his new passion, Svetlana could not go there alone, and Ilya tagged along to accompany her to the metro. So she invited him to accompany her.

Then everything was also accidental. The company crept up stormy, tipsy, the guests engaged in some kind of "showdown", and by one in the morning it suddenly turned out that Sveta and Ilya were alone in a strange apartment. The hostess, without leaving Sveta the keys to lock the door, left for a friend, and the rest of the guests dispersed ... In short, supporters of strict morals, I beg your pardon.

It was this night that turned everything in Svetlana's life upside down. She turned her over so much that in the morning, waking up, she could not understand for a long time: was this night real or fancied, dreamed? .. But, rising on his elbow, Ilya looked at her. mocking. Quite real. And she understood: it was. Didn't dream.

The whirlwind that took Sveta into the abyss of pleasure was incomparable with anything that she had experienced before. She knew men, knew them, as it seemed to her, not bad, and before that she was completely sure that, alas, she was not destined to know anything fundamentally new. Now Svetlana understood that she did not know anything ...

From the moment Ilya hugged her by the shoulders, she absolutely lost control of what was happening - everything swirled, flew away somewhere, leaving only the slight smell of his cologne, the loud ticking of the clock (only then she realized - it was her heart pounding) and his power wonderful, experienced, soft and powerful hands ... How long this night lasted for them - Sveta did not know. She generally doubted the next morning what her name was. She was born again - and when she approached the mirror in the bathroom, a completely different woman was looking at her from behind the glass surface. For some reason, this woman was not just damn beautiful and fresh - her eyes shone with real happiness.

Forgive me readers - I do not relish the details. You just can't do without a story about that night. For everything that happened next already existed in the sphere of magnetism of their proximity. The field that arose between them immediately and finally predetermined the course of their lives. Only it. And that's it. I believe that those who have experienced this will understand.

They started dating. From the outside, Ilya's relationship with Svetlana was no different from a very ordinary romance - he called, she came to him, in his eight-meter room in a communal apartment. Everything is like everyone else. Except, perhaps, that they never went anywhere together - not to friends, not to the theater, not to restaurants, not even to the court cinema. Not because there was no opportunity - Ilya is single, Sveta is free, and there would be time for cultural outings. They didn't have that need - that's the point. They could exist only in a special world, into which Ilya led Sveta by the hand, and outside this world their meetings lost their meaning.

No, they didn't spend all their dating hours in bed. But from the very threshold, when she rang the bell at the door with a pounding heart and listened to the already painfully familiar soft steps behind her, and until the moment when Ilya went out to see her off, this whole world was permeated with sensuality, passion.

They drank coffee that Ilya brewed in a small Armenian Turk, they listened to music on his tiny old record player, he plucked the strings of the guitar and sang some simple songs for it, they played cards, sitting in Turkish style on the ottoman, which occupies almost the entire his room, they even sometimes read next to each other - he had his book, she had hers - and all this was filled with a crazy desire for each other.

Permanent, imperishable, which sometimes literally paralyzed the Light. And all those moments when they did not belong to each other were only a prelude, a masochistic delay in the moment when nothing could hold back this flurry, and they were thrown into each other's arms. And every time their love was like before the end of the world or before death in a ship's storm. “Never leave anything for later,” Ilya taught her. “Every time should be the last…”

Sveta loved everything about him. Voice intonation, gait, smell, habits, shortcomings. She loved so much that the mere thought of a possible separation made her faint. No one knew about their meetings - Sveta was convinced: if she tried to explain to someone what it was that connected her with this adult, twenty years older than her, a man, no one would understand. At best, they will call her a March cat, and him an old debauchee. But this is not true - there was neither vulgarity nor primitivism in their connection. Everything that happened between them was unusually spiritual, the fulfillment of a higher meaning, understandable only to the two of them.

Svetlana never wondered about Ilya's other women. I knew there were a lot of them. I knew that some nurses in the hospital hated Ilya because once he did not respond to their female call. She saw that the weaker sex was drawn to him with incredible strength - it’s clear that only this ancient “flair with the spine” did not immediately work for her, while others, three kilometers away, feel the masculine strength emanating from him, self-confidence, in a word - usefulness. Sveta knew that Ilya had never been married - she saw the passport, which was always lying on his refrigerator. And most importantly, did she unquestioningly believe that while she, Svetlana, was with him, there could be no question of any other woman? “Because you and I are a rarity, it happens once a century…” Ilya sometimes whispered to her.

Sveta had no doubt: this really happens once a century. Not because she lived a century. She was happy, and it didn't matter to her whether there was a happier earthling in the world - her happiness was incomparable to anyone else.

And she tried not to think about what would happen next. Married - not married, what's the difference? Everything will be as he wants. If only he didn’t disappear, didn’t disappear into nowhere, and while his phone call rings in the apartment, she is alive and ready to move mountains ...

Mom, peering with unkind anxiety at the face of her daughter who had somehow grown up sharply, sighed: “Look, Svetka, your “pensioner” will not bring you to good! ... courtyard, you run to him at night!"

And Sveta, peering at the men sitting opposite in the subway car, thought: “How strange: here people who are completely unfamiliar to me are going somewhere. Each of them has his own life, his own inner world, his own shortcomings and virtues, and, perhaps, one of them is predestined to me by fate, appointed in life in order to become my husband, the father of my children ... And I have no need to get to know them, get used to someone, listen to other people's monologues, be imbued with other people's problems ... There is only Ilya. nothing else has the slightest meaning. Maybe love is the desire to stop in search of happiness on one particular person? .. "

Time passed. Year. Two. Ilya introduced Svetlana to his family - his mother and brothers. But that only meant that they now knew each other. And nothing else. Ilya still valued freedom more than anything in the world, and if he dreamed at his leisure about how he and Sveta would arrange the furniture in their house and how they would name their son, but as a daughter, then only giving indulgence to their own momentary mood.

Contrary to the assertion of all sexologists and sexologists, there was no cooling and dulling of emotions. When they were alone, everything was the same. And still he was able to call her with a long-distance call to another city, and she would fly to him, leaving all her business to spend only a few hours with him; and still, even on days of serious quarrels, she could dial his number and say: "I want to see you" - and he would find her wherever she was.

... "Probably, this could go on for decades," - turning away from Yuri Nikolayevich, Svetlana finished her story. She could only explain the worst thing - the last night. And she, evidently realizing that she would never again be able and would never confess so fully, went to the end.

  • On the last night, Ilya was called for an emergency operation, and leaving me in his room, he left for the hospital. I foolishly decided to surprise him - put the room in perfect order, wash everything, clean it up ... No, I was not going to rummage through his things, look for something - because it seemed to me that I knew everything about him ... I didn’t even think that I might stumble upon something I couldn't see.

But I stumbled. First - on curlers ... Then - on a pack of women's letters, dated two recent years, and even a letter from a week ago.

Probably, if Sveta had found not curlers, but something else - perhaps a women's hairpin, cosmetics, or even a detail of a toilet - this would not have produced such a violent effect on her. In the end, no matter how she drove this thought away from herself, she left the admission that during the years of their relationship Ilya could accidentally sleep with another somewhere. But curlers ... Evidence that Ilya's relationship with a stranger was so close and long-standing? .. So this woman existed in parallel with her, with Sveta? must be like the last time"?..

The half hour that separated Sveta's discovery and Ilya's return passed like one second. The girl already knew what she would do. No, she was not going to say goodbye to life - she would destroy him, the one who took away from her the most sacred faith in life - faith in exception, in ideal, in unreality. He will never belong to anyone again - this man who forced her to be born into the world again. He will never again hug anyone by the shoulders and whisper his stupid words ...

She stabbed him with a knife as soon as he entered. Without explanations, clarifications and scenes. It was aimed at the heart, but Ilya somehow accidentally turned around, and the blow hit him in the back. As he fell, he met her eyes in what was probably the most astonishment she had ever seen. Ilya's head hit the floor, the hand holding some forms for information loosened up ... Sveta went out into the street and called the police from a machine gun.

... At the last interrogation, the investigator asked Svetlana: "Do you regret what you did?" "I don't understand what you're asking me about," she replied. "I don't feel anything. Nothing."

I confess: most of all I was afraid that I would not be able to find the coordinates of a girl who had served five years for attempted murder of a loved one. But I got them...

How strange, I thought, looking for Svetin's house, we are accustomed to think of lawyers as dry and most often cynical people, stuffed with bureaucratic formulations and numbers of articles of the criminal code. But this woman investigator, it seems, for many years was solving for herself a question that was legally unambiguous: who in this story was the true criminal? ..

Yes, even in the Middle Ages, people philosophized - can passion be a justification for a crime? But four centuries have passed since even Shakespeare's tragedies. And we, earthly people, woven from hundreds of sins and vices, still do not know the final answer and are looking, looking - no, not justifications, but explanations.

Human life is sacred, and he who raises his hand against it is a criminal. This is an axiom. Wanting to understand why? is the duty of any lawyer. A duty so seldom performed by them...

... In the vestibule in front of Sveta's door, I saw a baby carriage. In the hallway - hung rompers and blouses. Standing in front of me was not at all the fatal beauty that the relatives of the patients managed to confuse with a fashion model or fashion model - a thin, exhausted, middle-aged woman in jeans and a washed-out pullover.

  • Come in, - she invited in an impersonal voice, and while we were walking to the kitchen, she said that her husband was at work, her daughter was sleeping, and we had an hour to talk.

The conversation didn't work out. Maybe because I knew too much about her - the former one, and could not combine the heroine of the investigator's story with this rude (the zone does not pass without a trace?), anemic woman. “A good husband,” she said, stirring the porridge and not looking at me, “not everyone would dare to marry a woman with a prison, and even such a past. He pays his salary, his daughter adores, helps around the house.” I still did not dare to ask her the question for which I had come, but she apparently guessed it behind my silence:

  • Ilya left the city long before I was released. No, I didn’t try to find him. I try not to think about him, but sometimes, unfortunately, I dream about him, and then I wake up all broken and sick. But in general, everything passed.

Already saying goodbye, I noticed that on the calendar hanging in the corridor, one day out of every two weeks is marked with a circle.

    Are you still working as a babysitter? I casually suggested.

    No, I'm celebrating the day I slept with my husband. So that before the agreed he did not touch me. For me, this is like hard labor ...

These words of Karandyshev from Alexander Ostrovsky's drama "Dowry" are the best suited to the tragedy that occurred in St. Petersburg.


Let go! - Ira tore her hand away and looked askance at Matvey: - What are you allowing yourself to do? Now there will be a bruise!

She turned, shook her hair and lightly walked on. Matvey stood for a moment, leaning on the railing, and also moved towards the Champ de Mars, where the lilacs were already blooming luxuriantly, like in summer. He, an adult guy, wanted to cry: the mental pain was so strong. Sometimes it seemed that she was creeping up to the very heart, and then Matvey's breath caught. Ira was like a disease, from which there is only one salvation - head into the pool!

He chuckled, remembering that he had read that mental pain is the lot of pampered young ladies. Which! He is strong, smart, and you had to fall in love like that?! Ira did not reciprocate, and Matvey stifled his passion as best he could, but an unexpected meeting - and everything came back again.

"And what the hell pulled me to go for a walk?!" - the guy repeated to himself over and over again, knowing full well that neither the meeting place nor the rare sunny weather in St. Petersburg had anything to do with it. For a year now, love for Ira has become for Matvey something like a heavy marble slab, which he dragged everywhere with him, forgetting for several hours only in his sleep. Sometimes he could not even understand why this girl hooked him so much? "Well, she would be beautiful, otherwise it's so-so ..."


They met a year ago in the company of a friend of Matvey. They danced, and Matvey could not take his eyes off the gentle curve of the girl's neck, shiny brown hair. Even a plump upturned nose gave Irina some special charm. After the evening, Matvey volunteered to see Irina off, but she looked in bewilderment:

Nikolai will guide me!

They say it takes five seconds to fall in love.

R-r-time! And you are trapped. And while the "love chemistry" excites the brain, there is no salvation. That night, after the party, Matvey thought about Irina, and in the morning he was already standing at the entrance to her house.

What are you doing here? Ira was surprised.

They slowly wandered along the rainy morning streets of St. Petersburg and were silent. Finally, Irina could not stand it:

Listen, I'll tell you right away: don't follow me! I love another!

Matvey nodded restrainedly, although at that moment it seemed to him that the sky had crashed to the ground. Something strange was happening to him. And to this "strange" he could not oppose either pride, or muscles, or even his former girlfriends, meetings with whom always ended in bed. With Ira it was different. It angered, pleased and annoyed at the same time. Despite the protests of the girl, he literally pursued her, harassing her with confessions. He gave flowers, and once drove his "Audi" to her house: they say, take it, it's not a pity. But Ira just passed by ...


It happened on July 16, 2016. Matvey, as usual, guarded Irina at the entrance. But she went out with a guy. Matvey's hands went cold, it became difficult to breathe. He looked at his opponent and could hardly contain himself. And at home ... He entered the bath and, seeing his reflection in the mirror, hit the glass with his fist - the mirror, of course, shattered to smithereens. Mother ran in: Matvey, pale as a sheet, was sitting on the floor, and blood was streaming down his arm.

Son, what are you? she wailed, stroking Matvey like a little one.

Nothing, - muttered the son and went to the door.

He returned late and immediately went to bed. But the dream did not go: my head ached, my ears were ringing. For a long time he looked out the dark window, in which the shadows from the trees bizarrely intertwined. And suddenly I saw Ira! She circled the room in her wedding dress. Leaning over him, she asked: "Do you like it?" He approached, hugged, feeling a hot living body through the fabric, and in response, a sweet wave rolled up in the lower abdomen. Matvey squeezed Ira even tighter in his arms and... woke up! The sheet was soiled, so that he would not see his mother, he quickly washed it in the bath. Matvey's cheeks burned, but for some reason it was joyful. While having breakfast, for the thousandth time I "scrolled" the scenario of Irina's seduction. He had long ago bought psychological literature, even enrolled in a pickup course to seduce women. All that remained was to put this science into practice. I decided: first you need to kiss Irina, and then ...


In the evening, Matvey went to Irina's house with flowers. And "sat down" in the entrance. He knew that he would soon return from the university. As soon as her light steps were heard, he tensed up, like a hound smelling a duck, rushed to the girl, picked him up in his arms, swirled him, showering him with kisses. Ira, terrified to death, fought back, but the guy held his "prey" tightly:

You will still be mine! I will do everything! he shouted. Dodging, Ira broke free, straightened her dress and hit Matvey in the face with all her might:

Gad! Scoundrel! I will never be with you! Neither...

She did not finish, as Nikolai entered the entrance:

You forgot my phone!

But, seeing Matvey breathing heavily and a tearful girl, he went to the opponent:

What do you want from her?!

The fight was short-lived, and in a minute the pumped-up Matvey laid down the enemy - so much so that he lost consciousness. Irina called an ambulance and the police, and Matvey received 15 days. At night, lying on a hard bed, he turned over the details of the failed plan in his head. What did you do wrong? Why does Ira not see the obvious: he loves her! Bitterness and tears rolled up again, and so that no one would see, he pulled a blanket over his face. But the dream never came.


Weeks passed. His painful attachment to Irina was akin to drug addiction. The terrible happened unexpectedly. On that day, a friend called Matthew:

You heard, but Irka is getting married to Nikolai! Wedding in a week.

Matthew thought he was deaf. The words floated in the air, as if melting. He was in a fever, for a second he froze from a flash of thought: you need to interfere with the wedding! I sat down at the computer and, having found the right site, soon agreed to buy a Thunderstorm pistol.


Citizen Zubov, why did you go with a gun to the house of Irina Kashneva? Wanted to kill?

No. Intimidate. Forced to abandon the wedding.

This time Matvey called Irina's apartment.

He pushed the girl against the wall, hugged her so that she could not resist:

You shouldn't get married! Will you marry me! I love you! he said through his teeth in an iron voice.

Irina laughed.

What more? I have a wedding...

And she broke off when she saw the gun that Matvey put to her temple. In a trembling voice, she suddenly said:

Okay... Just drop... this... this...

Matvey, coming to his senses, began to babble words of apology, rushed to the door, when Irina called after him:

Now you're covered! I'll report everything to the police. You will be imprisoned, and I will calmly marry ...

Didn't have time to agree. The last thing she saw was the black muzzle of a pistol and a sheaf of fire flying out.

For the murder of Irina Matvey Zubov was sentenced to 10 years. But when they led him to the car, the guy managed to whisper to his sobbing mother:

Ma, I did the right thing, you know? Otherwise, she would again come to me in a dream ...


"Don't get to anyone!"

Happy is he who does not know the pangs of jealousy. The one who is devoured by jealousy from the inside suffers. A jealous person is like a patient: jealousy overshadows the mind, deprives a person of reason, is accompanied by anxiety attacks and symptoms of palpitations, intestinal upset, depression. One third of all crimes on earth are committed in a fit of jealousy.

Jealousy has a downside: often jealous people cheat themselves, in psychology this is called “projective” jealousy. A person sees in another the flaw that he stubbornly does not notice in himself. This is how Don Juan behave, who themselves are afraid of betrayal, and therefore cheat on their chosen ones.

A little jealousy will only beautify love relationships, add spice to them: the jealous themselves often think so, looking for an excuse for themselves. Crossing the border, getting carried away by jealousy is more expensive for yourself. Any excesses never bring the desired result. When people begin to realize that they have played too much, have become victims of strong emotions, that they themselves are not able to control the situation, it is time for them to ring all the bells and turn tofamily psychologistsor psychotherapists. Jealousy has no age, no gender, no nationality. The origins of jealousy are based on the fear of losing a loved one, the fear of losing power over him. A person is afraid of being rejected by a loved one, but even more afraid of losing him through someone else's fault. Jealousy, like cowardice, does not prove the existence of love, it is a constantuncertaintyin their power.

What you should never do in order not to incite jealousy either in yourself or in your loved one:

  • you can never tell or ask about the past intimate life of a partner;
  • never follow him;
  • do not attach much importance to the partner's behavior with "rivals" or "rivals".

There is a certain category of people who insure themselves against jealousy, trying to choose as their life partner an initially worthless person, to whom it is a shame to be jealous. Let him be like that, but he will never change, never leave. But how often the exact opposite happens: this downtrodden and unnecessary wants to prove the opposite, indulges in all serious.

It is widely believed among the people that if you are not jealous, then you do not love. Love is a creative, positive feeling, life is based on it, and jealousy is a destructive feeling, a feeling with a minus sign. It destroys not only the relationship in a couple, but often the most jealous. A self-confident person always respects the choice of another, therefore testing feelings for strength can play a cruel joke, leading to a divorce. Jealousy is an unconscious and often uncontrollable feeling, therefore persuasion, excuses and exhortations to conscience will not help. If a marriage partner begins to pester with jealousy, it means that in some way he does not trust not only his companion, but also himself. Is it necessary to live with such a jealous person, over the years this black feeling will only intensify?

People who are most prone to jealousy are impulsive, with an explosive character, who have psychological complexes, who married for mercenary reasons. This is what causes the fear of losing the comfort zone, the zonesecurity . If jealousy is the main driving motive of behavior in a family, children brought up in such a family accept jealousy as the only true way to develop relationships. And in their families, jealousy will always be present. Psychologists say that there are always three ways out of any situation: change yourself, change the situation and leave everything as it is.

A jealous person cannot change himself, this is inherent in his life program, in his character. Not everyone can change the situation either - he will painfully eat up his wife with jealousy, but he will still be married to her, because often he doesn’t even know for sure whether she really cheated on him. That is why everything remains as it is - people torture each other, but do not want to change anything.

What to do when you are jealous?

To begin with, it is worth considering whether there is a reason for jealousy? Perhaps a person provokes an outbreak of jealousy by his behavior. You need to put yourself in the place of another, and think about how pleasant it would be to accept such behavior of a partner in your address. The best remedy treatment - prevention: more often it is worth praising your chosen one, increasing his self-esteem, convincing him that there is no better person and cannot be. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise all efforts can be reduced to zero.

What to do if you are jealous yourself?

The best remedy for jealousy is to increase your own self-esteem, significance in your own eyes and in the eyes of others, love yourself, respect and become independent.

The most important thing that everyone needs to remember is that by tormenting with jealousy, limiting freedom, not respecting his right to choose, a person exposes himself and the other to a terrible test that not everyone can withstand. The result in this life collision can bemost terrible - what he feared most of all will happen - the beloved will simply leave ...


Zhanna Pyatirikova

I want to see you... Forbidden desire,
The involuntary whisper of the wind on the grass,
Huge distance like eternity
And in it one thing - I want, I want to you!
It's funny, but life has come down to this phrase
Do not drown out, do not hide in deeds,
Once there was a whim, there was leprosy,
And now like a spell on the lips.
I want to see you ... with the autumn sadness of maple,
New Year's Eve gray-haired,
Even with the wind, even with a blade of earth,
Even for a minute, ONLY TO BE WITH YOU!!!

Don't get it for anyone

I run my hand across his chest... Soft skin, dark hairs that have just broken out of it, which give courage to a still very young breast ... Everything, as then, for the first time ... Almost everything ... Flowing blood spoils memories ...
I met him in a restaurant. We celebrated another date of foundation of my company with a corporate party. He and his friends celebrated their nineteenth birthday. Our eyes locked as a slow melody began to play. I did not take away my determination, and with a confident step I approached him and invited him to a slow dance. Few will refuse a gorgeous woman ... He also did not refuse.
He was very handsome: tall, broad shoulders, a manly chin and a Greek nose ... I immediately drowned in his brown eyes, and I wanted to run my fingers into my hair, dark as a feather of a crow ... Purely by chance, I found out that he had just turned nineteen, because outwardly he looked much older ... I wanted to be with such a guy, he wanted to belong, but, for some reason, his day he celebrated his birth purely in a male company ...
We went outside to smoke. He smoked expensive cigarettes, lit me up with an expensive lighter ... Looking at him from head to toe, I noted that he was wearing shoes, the price of which was several salaries of ordinary citizens, a suit equal to my dress ... But I have not been a girl for a long time, and I have my own company for production of building materials, I drive an expensive foreign car, dress in expensive stores, vacation abroad ... And he is clearly the son of wealthy parents who have accustomed their child to luxury since the cradle.
The longer we talked, the more I realized that I wanted him to be mine ... My family life did not take place. I got married at the age of eighteen to a guy of my age, but all my dreams and all my love were shattered into reality and everyday life. After a sudden divorce, she went into a career, only occasionally being distracted by short intrigues. With age, I began to notice that I was less and less interested in men older than me. Even if we are on the same social level, but their wealth and self-confidence did not attract me ... In my imagination, I drew myself next to the young prince ... As soon as I became interested in young boys, I seemed to be younger ... After all, the age difference between me and my young lovers averaged fifteen or seventeen years. Any young girl could envy my figure, hair, length of legs, well-groomed skin. I regularly visited a beautician, hairdresser and fitness center ... At thirty-nine, I looked twenty-five ... Plus my demeanor and voice ... I could drive any man, and even more so a fledgling chick who only knows the world of women, crazy without making any effort.
I gave Timothy my business card. I was tormented by curiosity - how soon he would call. I was one hundred percent sure that he would call me ... The call to my mobile phone came at lunchtime the next day. A pleasant male voice announced that he would like to hear Sofia Glebovna Tosmenko. I smiled to myself. I immediately recognized Timothy.
Dinner at the restaurant was simply amazing. When I asked how the young guy got such a car and money for expensive restaurants, he told me that his father left them with his mother and emigrated to America. There he raised a good business and, you see, the old man was tortured by conscience, and now he regularly helps the abandoned family financially. And, as I understand it, it helps a lot.
Timothy took me home. I did not immediately invite him for coffee, I decided to torment the young man a little.
The next day, a messenger brought a huge bouquet of roses to my place of work. There was no doubt who they were from.
In the evening we met again, but this time I invited him to my house. I cooked dinner, opened a bottle of expensive wine ... Timothy, despite his young age, turned out to be a very passionate and experienced lover. I can safely say that he is one of the best I have ever had.
He left early in the morning. He still had to pack for the university. I didn't want to go to work. I enjoyed the sweet feeling and expected new meeting. If earlier I and my lovers had a give-get relationship, that is, I simply kept them for not forgetting what it is to be a desirable woman, then in relations with Timofey everything was different. I absolutely did not feel the difference in age, and sometimes it seemed to me that he was older than me.
We met in the spring. Each spring holiday we spent together. My friends knew about my weakness and were not surprised by anything, and his mother allowed her son to gain experience with an adult woman. Timofey and I met for about six months. We never quarreled during this period of time. I was calm about the fact that he went for a walk with friends. I was sure of him. I didn’t think about other guys anymore ... My man was enough for me ... Yes, it was men.
But, once, Timofey called and said that he would not come in the evening. It's a friend's birthday and they'll be celebrating it at the club. Of course, I didn’t fit into their company in any way ... Increasingly, he began to cancel our meetings ... And I realized that I loved him ... This youngster turned my head, a worldly-wise accomplished woman. I became dependent on him like air. Every time he came to me, I had a lot of emotions. It is clear that positive. But from the moment when we began to see each other less often, I understood that I was dying ...
I will never forget that evening. I remember him to the minute. At about twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Timofey called and said that he would come to me in the evening to talk. I was beside myself with happiness. We didn’t see each other for a week, and that’s probably why I didn’t attach any importance to the phrase “we need to talk.” By the time Timothy arrived, I had everything ready. I was gorgeous, the table was laid, it remains only to wait for my man. Timofey immediately began to say that it was time to end our relationship, that he was embarrassed by the age difference, embarrassed that he could not take me everywhere with him, that ... What ... What ... He had a girlfriend ... A year younger than him ... Younger ... He also said something about the fact that I am a gorgeous woman, and he will not be able to give me all that I deserve. That it’s time for me to think about children, and he is not yet ready to become a father ...
I could not bear these words ... I grabbed kitchen knife and ... plunged into his chest ... Timofey looked at me with wide eyes, and I, looking at him, quoted: “Don’t get you to anyone !!!” He lost consciousness. More like shock. I plunged the knife into his chest until he stopped breathing...

I run my hand along his chest... Delicate skin, dark hairs that have just broken out of it, which give courage to a still very young chest... Everything, as then, for the first time... Almost everything... The flowing blood spoils memories... I swallow the last sleeping pill, the dose increased many times, I lay down on the chest of my beloved ... and fall asleep ...