
Recommended list of literature for adolescents (cognitive psychology). References How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk by Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish


Professionals working with adolescents and parents who have children of this age know how complex and difficult the period of growing up is. The author of the book, based on research, personal practical experience work and counseling, examines the changes taking place in the self-consciousness of a teenager, the search for his place in society. What role do teachers and parents play during this period? What help can a psychologist provide? How to respond to the whims, stubbornness, self-will of a teenager? What should teachers and parents do to prevent suicide attempts, the danger of risky activities? Analyzing specific examples and cases, the author answers many questions that arise both from specialists and parents.

General characteristics and periodization adolescence

The concept of maturation and development, their influence on the formation of the personality of a teenager

Maturation and development of the musculoskeletal system of a teenager

Features of the circulatory and respiratory systems in a teenager Development nervous system teenager

Changes in the hormonal system of a teenager

Individual-typological features of the adolescent organism

The main contradictions as a source of adolescent personality development

The feeling of adulthood of a teenager and its features

Formation of a teenager's personality in leading educational activities

Teenager's needs for socializing with peers

Teenager's relationship with parents and adults

Self-awareness of a teenager and its features

Formation of a teenager's identity

Psychological barriers and the affect of adolescent inadequacy

Adolescent malaise and its consequences

A teenager in an incomplete family and an orphanage

Growing children in the eyes of parents

Parents in the mind of a teenager

Memories of former teenagers about their parents

Mechanisms for the formation of relationships between adolescents and parents

Transfer of mental states from person to person

Emotional mediation

activity mediation

Deficiency Mechanism

Contribution mechanism

The mechanism of moral value significance

General characteristics of the difficulties of growing up.

Adolescent mood disorder

Anxiety states, their types and features

Loneliness and its features in adolescents

Depressive states and suicidal intentions in adolescents

The concept of psychological assistance

Psychological assistance in the context of various theories

Helping Teenagers with Mood Disorders

How to help a teenager with fears and anxiety

Helping Teenagers Overcome Loneliness and Depression

Psychological assistance for suicidal intentions and acute depression

Individual and group types of assistance to adolescents, their parents and teachers

Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3

The book contains psychological knowledge designed to help young people become stronger personalities and achieve success in life. It will be about the ways of personal and intellectual development, about emotions and feelings, about the skills of conflict-free communication, about ways of psychological influence and protection from it. The book is intended for teenagers, it will also be of interest to their parents, and can be used as a textbook on psychology for schoolchildren.

If you are interested in psychology and want to better understand yourself - this book is for you! After studying it, you can find out: how our memory works, what thinking is, how to develop your mind, what are the origins of our mood, what temperament is and what its properties are, how character is formed, how to evaluate your own capabilities and make the right professional choice. You will understand that your inner world is available for knowledge and change. The tasks included in the book for introspection and self-study will help you with this. This is a manual for young people entering independent life. From all the rich psychological baggage, it included all the most relevant, interesting and useful. Teachers of the psychology course at school will be able to use it as a methodological material. The book will also be of interest to first-year students of the faculties of pedagogy and psychology and pedagogical colleges.

Outer world and inner world

Knowledge of the inner world

Why explore your inner world? Two lifestyles

The device of the inner world

Picture of the world

Conversation with my self

Depths of the inner world

Inner world and its psychological time





How do people experience the world

Thought, activity and information acquisition



The value of information for our psyche



Why do you need attention

How our memory works

Types of memory

Patterns of memorization and storage of information

Information playback



Memory disorders

Unity of mental processes

What is thinking

Thinking of man and animals

How to develop your mind







The role of emotions in human life

Diversity of the emotional world

Emotions and their manifestations

Types of emotions

human feelings

Origins of our mood

Strong emotional experiences: who wins?






General idea of ​​temperament and character

Temperament and its properties

Characteristics of temperament types

Body constitution and temperament

character building

Some characterological teachings

Abilities When and where does giftedness come from?

The objective qualities of our self





The birth of man and his inner world

Me in front of school

I am in elementary school


When I'm thirteen

What is happening with our I, or I am already fifteen ...

When I'm sixteen





Peculiarities of professional choice motivation

Focus on success

A tit in the hands or a crane in the sky?

Career choice factors

Awareness of professional stereotypes

Assessment of the level of one's own capabilities

How to treat yourself?






The subjective world of man

Features of the subjective world

Characteristics of a person as a subject

Man and his possibilities

How to become an authentic subject?

Events of my life





Who is this book for?

The work will be useful for children aged 12-14 who have difficulties in communicating with their peers.

What is this book about?

From page to page, Adrian tells the most banal, but such things close to teenagers - how he does not want to go to physical education, how his parents quarrel, how best friend worries about the girl he loves.

The book is designed as a diary. It is easy to read even for children who do not like to read.

2. Mariam Petrosyan "The house in which"

Who is this book for?

What is this book about?

The main characters of the book live in a boarding school for disabled children. But not a word about it is openly spoken about. There are no names here, only nicknames. But the author analyzes in detail the characters and types of characters.

Any teenager will find a favorite character in the book, depending on how he himself behaves in real life or what he aspires to become: in the boarding school there are leaders, outsiders, outcasts and those who always adhere to neutrality. The serious topic of limited opportunities was raised separately.

“In this whole school, except for one person, no one cares about me, and the same thing at home and on the street”

Who is this book for?

The book is recommended for children who have problems with teachers. The work allows you to see what is happening "on the other side of the barricades" and understand that the teacher is also a person with his own feelings and problems.

What is this book about?

The work consists of numerous notes collected by a young teacher. Her pupils are not the simplest children who need a special approach. The teacher is trying to become "their own", the students do not want to let an adult near them.

“In this whole school, except for one person, no one cares about me, and the same thing at home and on the street.” This is a quote from one of the characters in the story. Are there not enough teenagers who feel the same way?

Throughout the story, a young teacher tries to convince them, "particularly lagging behind" children who already have quite adult problems. For example, Vivian is a girl who suffers from an inferiority complex because of her appearance. Or Jose Rodriguez, a student who has no friends. In the heroes, any teenager will find himself, and in their actions - options for solving their problems.

4. Anatoly Aleksin "Mad Evdokia"

Who is this book for?

What is this book about?

History teaches responsibility for one's own actions. The main character Olya, a teenage girl, constantly deceives those around her. For her, lying is a natural behavior. She does not think about how the lie will respond to her and others.

At the end of the story, Olya leaves the school camp without permission. Teachers, classmates and parents start looking for her. The people whom the girl had recently deceived, oddly enough, do not turn away from her, but provide support.

5. Jenny Downham "As long as I'm alive"

Who is this book for?

This book is suitable for teens ages 16 and older. It is especially relevant for schoolchildren with additive behavior, whose parents have already encountered bad habits in their children and the influence of a “bad” company on them.

What is this book about?

The story of a girl who has very little time left to try everything because of a serious illness: cigarettes, alcohol, first sex.

This is a heavy novel in which all things are called by their proper names. Its main characters are teenagers who begin to live an independent life, “break away” from their parents ahead of time, as a result of which they make many mistakes.

The main character is ill with leukemia, with each page her memories become more and more abrupt - the disease overcomes a young girl. Nevertheless, using such a difficult example, the book teaches you to appreciate life and not waste it on trifles.

6. Asya Petrova "Wolves on parachutes" / "Adults are silent"

Who is this book for?

In December, another book for teenagers appeared on store shelves: a flip book by Asya Petrova, which collected stories under the headings "Wolves on Parachutes" and "Adults Are Silent." The author addressed her book to teenagers who do not want to talk to anyone.

What is this book about?

About what A new book Asya Petrova, you will find out by watching our video section “Book to Help”.

Elena Kononova

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The horror that people experience in front of possible troubles often brings more trouble than the troubles themselves (Phobias).

41. Chumakov, A. Do not be afraid / A. Chumakov // Ogonyok. - 2001. - No. 38. - P.22-28.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Encyclopedia of fears.

Emotions, intelligence, logic

42. Abramova, T. People with emotional intelligence are required / T. Abramova // Be healthy. - 2006. - No. 1. - P.2-6.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Emotional development.

43. Eysenck G. J. Find out your own IQ: per. from English. / G. J. Eysenck. - Kostroma: 1993. - 170 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

44. Andreeva, intelligence: research of the phenomenon / // Vopr. psychology. - 2006. - No. 3. – P.78-85.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

Definitions and structure of emotional intelligence within the framework of various scientific approaches to the study of this phenomenon; scientific and popular approaches to the definition and development of emotional intelligence.

45. Vyuzhek, T. Logical games, tests and exercises / T. Viuzhek. - M.: Eksmo, 2003. - 296 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

Simple and entertaining game tests will allow you to take a fresh look at the possibilities of your mind. You will learn to remember more information, make decisions faster, get rid of annoying memory lapses, learn to concentrate in right moment, conquer your distraction.

46. ​​Gorbatkov, A. Dynamics of the connection between positive and negative emotions / A. Gorbatkov // Vopr. psychology. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 132-140.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

47. Zbarskaya, O. Know how to control the thought / O. Zbarskaya // Nature and Man (Light). - 2002. - No. 9. – P.62-65.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

48. Intelligence: definitions and classification // B-ka in school. - 2003. - No. 13. - P.3-10.

Ex-ry: Methodical service (1).

49. Konopkin, emotions in the conscious regulation of purposeful human activity / // Vopr. psychology. - 2006. - No. 3. – P. 38-48.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

50. Pakhomov, A. Taming of emotions / A. Pakhomov // Be healthy! - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 2-7.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Each of us can learn to manage our emotions. It is in our power to weaken the effect of destructive experiences.

51. Khomskaya, E. Neuropsychology of emotions: hypotheses and facts / E. Khomskaya // Vopr. psychology. - 2002. - No. 4. - P.50-61.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).


52. Barinova, Anna. How to improve memory? / A. Barinov // Nature and Man (Light). - 2006. - No. 5. – S. 52.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

53. Vladimirova, N. Smart genes / N. Vladimirova // Family and school. - 2000. - No. 4. - P.24-26.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

54. Emelianenko, V. Something has become with your memory / V. Emelianenko // Labor. - 2004. - July 31. – C.3.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Stress and memory, computer addiction, memory loss.

88. Artemiev, P. Psychology of self-knowledge, or how to find the formula of life / P. Artemiev. - M.: AST PRESS, 2002. - 203p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

89. Ginzburg, to myself / . - M.: Pedagogy, 1991. - 160 p.: ill. - (Know thyself: Psychology - for schoolchildren).

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

90. Grof, S. Journey in search of yourself. Dimensions of consciousness. New perspectives in psychotherapy and the study of the inner world / S. Grof. - M .: Publishing house Transperson. in-ta, 1994. - 342 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

91. Gudkov, L. No, I'm not this one, I'm an arc... About a strange way to define yourself / L. Gudkov // Knowledge is power. - 2000. - No. 2. - P.26-32.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

92. Zyuzko, M. V. 5 steps to yourself: book. for students / . - M.: Enlightenment, 1992. - 173p.

Ex-ry: AB (1), ChZ (1).

93. How to build your "I" / ed. . - M .: Pedagogy, 1991. - 136 p.

Ex-ry: AB (2).

94. Levy, be yourself: individual, psychotechnics / . - M.: Knowledge, 1990. - 253 p.

Ex-ry: AB (3), ChZ (1).

The book is about the technique of psychological self-government and self-improvement, about self-hypnosis, about the art of understanding oneself, revealing one's untapped possibilities, conquering illnesses, and strengthening the health of the body and spirit.

95. Mudrik, searches and decisions, or Starsheklass-snikam about themselves: book. for students / . - M.: Enlightenment, 1990. - 191s.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

96. Nemov, psychology: Self-knowledge. Influencing People: A Student's Guide. – M.: VLADOS, 1999. – 320 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

With the help of the methods presented in the book, available to anyone who takes the study of psychology seriously enough, it is possible to assess various psychological qualities in oneself and in other people. You will practically master the methods of psychodiagnostics of cognitive processes, inclinations and abilities of a person, his temperament, character, interests and needs: you will learn how to develop abilities and influence character; learn to interact with people around you, manage your feelings, thoughts, behavior, be able to influence other people.

97. Parishioners, a guide, or How to gain self-confidence: book. for students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1994. - 191s.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

98. Psychological tests for teenagers / comp. . - Kiev: Tair, 1997. - 190s.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

99. Psychology of age-related crises: reader / comp. . – Minsk: Harvest; M.: AST, 2002. - 559p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

100. Psychology of the modern teenager / ed. ; Research Institute of General. and ped. Psychology API USSR. - M .: Pedagogy, 1987. - 240 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

101. Rean, grades 8-11: textbook /,. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 212p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

102. Sizanov, and psychological games. Your psychological picture/ . - Minsk: Harvest, 2003. - 575 p.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

You will get acquainted with many tests, experiences and experiments that will help you to know yourself and others, manage your own emotional states and interact in society.

103. Fromm, E. What does it mean to be human? / E. Fromm // Ecology and life. - 2006. - No. 3. - P.35-36.

Ex-ry: AB (1), ChZ (1).

Five basic definitions of a person are considered.

104. Horney, K. Introspection / K. Horney; per. from English. A. Bokovikova; V. Starovoitov. - M.: Publishing House of EKSMO-PRESS, 2001. - 448s.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

105. Khukhlaeva, teenager: textbook. allowance / . - 2nd ed., Rev. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 160s.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

106. Zuckerman, self-development /, . – M.: Interpraks, 1995. – 288s.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

The book consists of two parts: part 1 - the psychology of self-development; part 2 - psychotechnics of risk and safety rules.

107. Sheinov, himself: tests. / . - Minsk: "Amalfeya", 1999. - 111s.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).


108. Vasilyeva, L. What to do if you are manipulated in the family / L. Vasilyeva // Komsomol. truth. - 2006. - 28 Jan. - p.8.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Family psychology.

109. Gordeeva, V. Paradox of the manipulator / V. Gordeeva // Bibl. gas. - 2006. - No. 9. – p.9

Manipulation of another person, signs and types of manipulation.

110. Zavalov, M. The art of saying “no” / M. Zavalov // Oh, it hurts! - 2007. - No. 23. – P.16-17

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

111. Radzikhovskaya, K. Be afraid of a good man / K. Radzikhovskaya // Oh, it hurts! - 2007. - No. 23. - S. 16-17.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

It is difficult to learn how to resist the will of the manipulator on your own, so it is best to contact a psychologist. You need to learn to be individual and not allow everyone who is not too lazy to push you around.


112. Kovaleva, I. Constellation of kleptomaniacs / I. Kovaleva // Health. - 2003. -№7. - P.62-4.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Theft is like a disease.

sexual relations

113. Sobkin, -psychological features experiences of sexual experience in adolescence /, // Vopr. psychology. - 2006. - No. 3. - P.55-66.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

Specific data are given regarding the onset of sexual activity in adolescents and their attitude to this issue.

114. Freud, Z. Psychoanalysis and the theory of sexuality / Z. Freud. - Minsk: Harvest, 2004. - 447 p.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

career guidance

115. Barrett, J. Career: ability and choice: tests / J. Barrett; per. from English. . – M.: AST; Astrel, 2003. - 204 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: Inf. etc. from. (one).

116. Psychological support for choosing a profession: scientific method. allowance / ed. . - 2nd ed., Rev. – M.: Mosk. psycho-social in-t: Flinta, 2003. - 181p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional development of the individual at all stages life path. The basic principles of developing psychological work with high school students and technologies for individual (diagnostic and teaching methods) and group (trainings, business games, workshops) work on choosing and preparing for a profession.

117. Reshetov, E. Choose or lose / E. Reshetov // Applicant. - 2004. - No. 3. - P.2-5.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Choice of profession - classification.

Building communication

118. Barker, A. How to improve communication skills / A. Barker; ed. . - St. Petersburg: Ed. House "Neva", 2003. - 217p.

Ex-ry: AB (2).

119. Hollynchik, ideas about justice /, // Vopr. psychology. - 2003. - No. 5. - P.80-92.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

Injustice, distributive justice, interpersonal, business relations.

120. Ezova, S. The matrix of communicative interaction / S. Ezova // Bibl. gas. - 2006. - No. 24. – C.3.

Ex-ry: Methodical department (1).

"Matrix" in the sense of arming a person with a program that regulates his behavior.

121. Levi, to be different: communication and understanding / ; ill. . – M.: Toroboan, 2005. – 381s.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

122. Psychological tests: in 2 vols. T. 1 / ed. . – M.: VLADOS, 20s.

Excerpts: Vol. 1 ChZ (1);

Test methods and diagnostic procedures that allow revealing such aspects of interpersonal relationships as the characteristics of relationships in a group, role settings, psychological compatibility of partners, family relationships.

123. Psychological tests: in 2 vols. T. 2 / ed. -on the. - M.: VLADOS, 2003. - 248 p.: ill.

124. Sudogodskaya, O. Communication for the benefit ... Myth or reality? / O. Sudogodskaya // Peasant woman. - 2006. - No. 1. - P.140-143 .: col. ill.

Ex-ry: AB (2), ChZ (1).

The boundaries of communication, joyful and painful, depend on us. After all, we create a social circle for ourselves, we build it successfully or not very well.

125. Tsiporkina, diplomacy, or How to establish relations between parents and children /,. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2006. - 298 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

How to move from condemnation to understanding, how to establish strong and friendly ties between generations.

Quarrels, conflicts

126. Koretskaya, A. Attention: conflict! / A. Koretskaya // Bibl. gas. - 2006. - No. 17. – P.10.

Ex-ry: Methodical department (1).

How to behave in a conflict situation.

127. Kuznetsova, E. Has reached the handle / E. Kuznetsova // Cosmopolitan. - 2006. - No. 4. - P.134-136.

Ex-ry6 AB (1), ChZ (1).

Writing letters is a great way to reconcile after a fight.

128. Levy, wars /; rice. . - M.: Metfora, 2004. - 224 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

129. Huisman, R. The Justice Factor, or "Is that after all I've done for you?" / R. Huisman. - M.: Knowledge, 1992. - 95p.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

130. Yaroslavtsev, M. Who needs quarrels? / M. Yaroslavtsev // Peasant woman. 2006. - No. 3. - P.138-141.

Ex-ry: AB (2), ChZ (1).

How and why do quarrels arise?

Literature for parents

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Psychological sex of personality, demoralization of childhood.

132. Abramenkova, psychology of childhood in the context of the development of child relations in the world / // Vopr. psychology. - 2002. - No. 1. - P.3-16.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

133. Bashkatov, asocial-criminal groups of adolescents and youth: textbook.-method. allowance / . – M.: Mosk. psycho-social in-t; Voronezh: MODEK, 2002. - 416p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

134. Berestov, A. Hidden causes of neurosis / A. Berestov // Education of schoolchildren. - 2000. - No. 8. - P.45-46.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

135. Boyko characters of adolescents: development, identification, assistance: textbook. allowance / . - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2002. - 160s.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

136. Borisenko, paternity in modern society / , // Vopr. psychology. - 2006. - No. 3. - P.122-130. – (Thematic message).

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

The influence of the specific features of paternity on the development of the child's personality is considered.

137. Braginsky, V. Aggressive child/ V. Braginsky // Be healthy. - 2001. - No. 3. - P.49.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

138. Bukin, A. Adrenaline explosion: how is born children's fear/ A. Bukin // Family. - 2006. - No. 16. - P.6-7.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

139. Bukin, A. Topic: believe in your feelings: how to help your child behave correctly / A. Bukin // Family. - 2006. - No. 12. - P. 6-7.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

Parents often do not seek to understand what the child really feels. This article is about how to avoid common, tragic parenting mistakes.

140. Bukin, A. Theme "I raised him alone": (Problems of children incomplete families) / A. Bukin // Family. - 2006. - No. 14. – P.6-7: photo.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

A child oppressed by force maternal love ready to obey. But not to infinity.

141. Burmenskaya, combinatorial thinking in junior and schoolchildren and adolescents / -skaya, // Vopr. psychology. - 2007. - No. 2. - P.30-43.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

142. Venar, Ch. Psychopathology of the development of childhood and adolescence / Ch. Venar, P. Kerig; per. from English. E. Budggova (and others). – 5th international ed. - St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2004. - 381s.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

144. Demurova, N. Between two fires: what can and should parents tell a teenager about their divorce? / N. Demurova // Family and school. - 2000. - No. 4. - P.18-21.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

145. Depression in adolescents is a dangerous sign // Lit. gas. - 2003. - No. 6. – P.14.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

146. Enikeeva, to prevent alcoholism and drug addiction in adolescents: textbook. allowance / . - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 144 p.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

147. Zamina, I. The problem of raising shy children / I. Zamina // Education of schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 7. – P.50.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

148. Ivanitskaya, E. Tribunes are unpredictable ... / E. Ivanitskaya // First of September. - 2007. - No. 15. - P.18.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The teenager is a fan. Training prevention of fanaticism, designed for teenagers and their parents.

149. Ievleva, S. For family reasons / S. Ievliva // Happy parents. - 2006. - No. 4. - P.122-126: photo. col.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

About family quarrels and their influence on the upbringing of the child.

150. Ilyin, experienced in childhood violence on the occurrence of personality disorders / // Vopr. psychology. - 1998. - No. 6. – P.65-74.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

151. The art of praise // Good advice. - 2006. - No. 10. - P.112-114.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

152. Kuhn, S. How to protect children from drugs and alcohol / S. Kuhn, S. Schwarvelder, W. Wilson; per. from English. yova. - M.: RIPOL CLASSIC, 2004. - 190s.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1), ChZ (1).

153. Kalina, the image of the father on the emotional well-being and gender identity of adolescents /, // Vopr. psychology. - 2007. - No. 1. - P.15-26.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

154. Kaliteevskaya, the formation of personality self-determination in adolescence /, // Vopr. psychology. - 2006. - No. 3. - P.49-54.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

The study found four theoretically predicted correlations of activity and self-regulation in adolescence, which are differently related to self-attitude and parental attitude, which form the basis for personality typology.

155. Kaliteevskaya, adaptation and self-determination in adolescents / (and others) // Vopr. psychology. - 2007. - No. 2. – P.68-79.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

156. Kle, M. Psychology of a teenager: psychosexual development / per. from fr. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991. - 172 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

157. Kozhevnikova, M. Best of all! / M. Kozhevnikova // Happy parents. - 2006. - No. 5. – P.120-125.: photo. col.

Ex-ry: AB (1), ChZ (1).

How to educate a leader. Psychologist's advice.

158. Kornilov, risk groups /,. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 336 p.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

159. Krushelskaya, O. Bezinitiative. Not independent. There are no qualities of a leader / O. Krushelskaya // Family and school. - 2001. - No. 1/2. - P.20-21.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

160. Levy, educate parents, or a new non-standard child /; ill. . - M.: Toroboan, 2005. - 413 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

161. On the signs of children's giftedness / N. S. // Vopr. psychology. - 2003. - No. 4. - P.13-18.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

162. Lyubochkina. I. Exams for parents / I. Lyubochkina // Women's secrets. - 2004. - No. 5. - P.86-88.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

How to calm your child before exams.

163. Makushina, O. Causes of psychological dependence on parents in adolescence / O. Makushina // Vopr. psychology. - 2002. - No. 5. - P.144.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

164. Masagutov, differences in the manifestations of autoaggression in adolescents / // Vopr. psychology. - 2003. - No. 3. - P.35-42.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Extreme aggression, suicide, etc.

165. Male character: how to educate him // Education of schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.40-41.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

166. Our problem teenager: textbook. allowance / -eva, etc. - St. Petersburg: "Soyuz". -- 144s.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

167. Nekrasova, Z. Daddy's happiness / Z. Nekrasova // Happy parents. - 2006. - No. 2. - P.94-96 .: col. ill. – (Test)

Ex-ry: AB (1), ChZ (1)

Test for dads: about the relationship between father and child.

168. Do teenagers need help in dealing with death? // Question. psychology. - 2003. - No. 3. - P.110-117.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

169. Ovcharova, parenting: textbook. allowance for students of higher education. textbook establishments / . - M.: Academy, 2005. - 363 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

170. Osnitsky, problems of the child and parents with the help of the “Film-test” by Rene Gilles / // Vopr. psychology. - 1997. - No. 1. - P.55.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

171. Petrunek, for parents: A difficult step towards youth /,. - M .: Pedagogy, 1984.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Parents about the mental health of adolescents.

172. Popular psychology for parents / under. ed. . - M .: Pedagogy, 1989. - 253 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

173. Smirnova, E. What mothers complain about / E. Smirnova // Family and school. - 2006. - No. 4. - P.2-4.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Psychological problems of relationships between children and parents.

174. Smirnova, E. Why is it difficult for mothers / E. Smirnova // Family and school. - 2006. - No. 5. - P.14-16.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Child-parent relationships during learning activities, a psychological study.

175. Smironova features and variants of children's aggressiveness /, // Vopr. psychology. - 2002. - No. 1. - P.17-25.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

176. Sokolova, and children in a changing world: book. for teachers and parents / , . - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 223p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

177. Filippov, N. Mom's son, but not a sissy / N. Filippov // Be healthy! - 2007. - No. 2. - P.75-77.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

For education true man requires the efforts of both parents. Mom plays a primary role in this process.

178. Tsiporkina. children, or instructions for parents /,. - M.: AST-PRESS BOOK, 2006. - 301 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

Adolescence is the most difficult age, according to many parents. How not to turn the conflict between children and parents into a protracted war between generations and how to properly build relationships with grown-up children, you will learn from this book.

179. Chesnokova, approach to the study of social intelligence in children / // Vopr. psychology. - 2005. - No. 6. - P.35-45.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

180. Stein, Asya. Education of the senses / A. Stein // Peasant woman. - 2006. - No. 2. - P.144-147.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Education in children of relationships with the opposite sex.

181. Stein, A. Be the way I want / A. Stein // Peasant woman. - 2006. - No. 3. - P.144-147.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Manipulation of adults in relation to children.

Literature for teachers, psychologists

182. Armless, are you your student?: book. for the teacher / , . – M.: Enlightenment, 1991. – 176 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

183. Possibilities of practical psychology in education: from the experience of psychologists of the educational center "Perspektiva". Issue. 1 / ed. . - M .: Perspective, 2001. - 88s.

Ex-ry: Issue. 1. CZ (1).

184. Possibilities of practical psychology in education: from the experience of psychologists of the educational center "Perspektiva". Issue 2 / ed. . - M.: Prospect, 2001. - 111s.

Ex-ry: Issue. 2. CZ (1).

185. Possibilities of practical psychology in education: from the experience of psychologists of the educational center "Perspektiva". Issue 3 / ed. . – M.: Prospect, 2001. – 98, (2) p.

Ex-ry: Issue. 3. CZ (1).

186. Danilova, hours of communication "Ethics and psychology of youthful relations": training program / // Classroom hour. - 2006. - No. 2. - P.59-80.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The program of classes with high school students on the ethics and psychology of youthful communication.

187. Dubrovina psychological service: questions of theory and practice / . – Scientific research. in-t general and ped. psychology Acad. pedagogical sciences of the USSR. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991. - 232 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1)

Theoretical, methodological and organizational problems of the school psychological service. Forms and methods of work of a psychologist at school, the main directions and content of which contributes to the provision of a full-fledged mental development every student. Practical recommendations.

188. Zaripova, Yu. Library "First of September" / ch. ed. I. Vachkov - M .: Publishing House. house "First of September", 2007. - 48s. - (Series "School psychologist": issue 16).

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Exercises for carrying out emotional and personal correction in game form taking into account the specifics of response to traumatic events, as well as the age characteristics of children.

189. Iogolevich, individuality of students - teenagers / // Vopr. psychology. - 2005. - No. 3. - S. 97-106.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

190. Istratova secondary school psychologist / . . – Ed. 3rd. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006. - 512 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The book presents material on the diagnostic, correctional-developing and consultative work of a psychologist in high school. The main problems and tasks of the development of adolescents and high school students, the direction of psychological support in high school are outlined.

191. Kamenskaya, characteristics of high school students in public schools and gymnasiums / // Vopr. psychology. - 2005. - No. 3. - P.38-51.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

192. Kovalev, high school students to family life: tests, questionnaire, role-playing games./ ev - M .: Education, 1991. - 144 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

193. Kondratiev, adaptation of a developing personality in the conditions of the formation of a student group / , // Vopr. psychology. - 2007. - No. 2. – P.91-98.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

194. Kulakov, S. A. At the reception of a psychologist - a teenager: a guide for practice. psychologists / . - St. Petersburg: Publishing house Ros. ped. un-ta: Soyuz, 2001. - 350p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

195. Orlov, development and education: book. for the teacher. / . – M.: Enlightenment, 1993. – 237p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

196. Osnitsky, conscious self-regulation in the educational activities of adolescents studying in the KRO classes / A. K., Onitsky, // Vopr. psychology. - 2007. - No. 3. - P.42-51.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The indicators of the formation of self-regulation of students completing correctional and developmental education (CDE) are considered in comparison with the indicators of students in ordinary general education classes.

197. Pavlichnenko, E. Psychological and pedagogical support educational process/ E. Pavlichenko // Education of schoolchildren. - 2006. - No. 1. - P.33-36.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Definition of criteria for the quality management of the educational process and its psychological and pedagogical support.

198. Podkhvatilin, prevention of adolescent drug addiction: pract. training manual for schools. psychologists, educators, social workers/ . - M.: TC Sphere, 2002. - 64 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The author proposes a model of work with adolescents potentially predisposed to drug use. The proposed techniques do not directly relate to the topic of drugs, but help to realize the unconscious needs of adolescents, which can push them to fall into sin, temptation.

199. Polyakov, education: the experience of a popular monograph with elements of a textbook and science fiction / . - M.: New School, 1996. - 160p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The author approached the problem of education in its pedagogical and psychological aspects. Such an unconventional approach made it possible to take a fresh look at the mechanisms, content, methods, and specifics of the directions of the educational process.

200. Development of creative activity of schoolchildren / ed. ; Scientific research in-t general and ped. psychology Acad. ped. sciences of the USSR. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991. - 155 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

How to teach a student to acquire knowledge? How can they use the possibilities of their attention, memory, thinking in the learning process? Discussion of a range of issues related to the development of cognitive activity in the learning process.

201. Semykina, communication and perception by schoolchildren / , // Sotsis. - 2001. - No. 12. - P.116-121.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Conscious, creative interaction between a teacher and a student involves the development of a strategy for their mutual understanding in the process of communication. In this strategy, the use of non-verbal communication should find a place, which gives emotional coloring, expressive richness of speech, and acts as a procedural element of pedagogical influence.

202. Sokolova, V. Psychodiagnostics of the class team / V. Sokolova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2002. - No. 1. - S. 14-15.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Psychological and pedagogical assistance to students in the formation of adequate self-esteem and the ability to communicate in the process of their joint activities.

203. Solovyov development of cognitive abilities of schoolchildren / // Vopr. psychology. - 2003. - No. 3. - P.22-34.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

204. Stepanov, difficult schoolchildren: textbook. allowance for universities / . - 7th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Acad. Project: Tricksta, 2004. - 553p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The textbook analyzes and systematizes the data of modern psychological and pedagogical research on the problem of so-called difficult schoolchildren, provides generalized characteristics of the most common types of difficult schoolchildren, and provides psychological and pedagogical recommendations for coordinating their behavior.

205. Shilov, alcohol and drug addiction in adolescents at school: pract. allowance / . - 2nd ed. - M .: Iris-Press: Iris didactics, 2005. - 96p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

206. Shishova, T. Slow children / T. Shishova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2000. - No. 2. – P.27.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

additional literature

207. Bolshakov: Sociodynamics. Games. Exercises. / - St. Petersburg: Svetoch, 1994. - 316 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

208. Istratova, on group psycho-correction /,. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006. - 443 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

The concept and types of psycho-correctional work. Organization of group psycho-correctional work with adults. The specifics of group psycho-correctional work with children and adolescents. Games and psychogymnastic exercises: fairy tale therapy, art therapy, training exercises.

209. Kozlov, true, or a textbook for a psychologist in life /; artistic I. Chekmareva. - M.: AST-PRESS Book, 2004. - 538 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

210. Koroleva, Z. Psychological tests for all / Z. Korolev. - M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2003. - 336 p.: ill.

Ex-ry: AB (1).

211. Kraig, G. Development Psychology / G. Kraig, D. Bockum. – 9th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 940s.: ill.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

This publication is one of the most complete modern textbooks on developmental psychology at all stages of human life.

212. Pirozhkov, psychology. Psychology of juvenile delinquency: textbook ed. Book. one / . - M.: Os-89, 1998. - 304 p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

The main theoretical, methodological and practical issues of the developmental psychology of minors and adolescent groups involved in criminal activity and a criminal lifestyle.

213. Rogov, the book of a practical psychologist: textbook. allowance. In 2 books. Book. 1. The system of work of a psychologist with children different ages/ . - M.: VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. - 383 p.

Ex-ry: Book. 1 AB (1).

214. Shchebetenko, for a business person and for everyone. / - Perm: ALGOS-Press, 1995. - 197p.

Ex-ry: ChZ (1).

Additional information can be found in the following periodicals: Entrant (ChZ); Questions of psychology (ChZ); Education of schoolchildren (ChZ); Classroom teacher(CHZ); I am 15 (AB); We (AB); First of September (CZ); Family (AB); Family and School (ChZ); School psychologist (ChZ).

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1. Abramova G.S. Age-related psychology: Tutorial for universities.-

M.: Academic Project, 2010.-623s.

2. Alferov A.D. Psychology of development of schoolchildren: Textbook for universities. - Rostov-on-Don, 2010.-384 p.

3. Developmental and educational psychology: Reader. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 367 p.

4. Developmental psychology: childhood, adolescence, youth: Reader: Textbook for ped. universities. - M.: Academy, 2011.-624 p.

5. Craig G. Developmental Psychology (Translated from English) - St. Petersburg, 2010, 987 p.

6. Kulagina I.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N. Developmental Psychology: Human Development from Birth to Late Maturity: Textbook for High Schools.-M.: Yurayt, 2011.-464 p.

7. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence: Textbook. - M .: Academy, 2010. - 452 p.

8. Obukhova L.F. Age-related psychology. – M.: Russia, 2011, 414 p.

9. Workshop on developmental psychology. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2011. - 682 p.

10. Feldstein D.I. Developmental and educational psychology: Selected psychological works. - M.: MPSI, 2012.- 427s


1. Butterworth J., Harris M. Principles of developmental psychology (Translated from English). - M., 2000.

2. Burns R. Development of self-concept and education (Translated from English). - M., 1986.

3. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its development in childhood. - M., 1968.

4. Gamezo M.V., Gerasimova V.S., Gorelova G.G., Orlova L.M. Developmental psychology: personality from youth to old age: Textbook. - M., 2003.

5. Zinchenko V.P., Morgunov E.V. A developing person. - M., 1995.

6. Cle M. Psychology of a teenager. psychosexual development. (Translated from French). - M., 1991.

7. Kon I.S. Psychology of early youth. - M., 1982.

8. Deprived of parental care. Reader / Ed. V.S. Mukhina. - M., 1991.

9. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. - M., 2000.

10. Nemov R.S. Psychology. In 3 vols. Book. 2. - M., 2001, 686 p.

11. Obukhova L.F. Child developmental psychology: Textbook for universities. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.-443 p.

12. Petrushin V.I., Petrushina N.V. Valeology: Textbook. - M: Gardariki, 2003.-431 p.

13. Polivanova K.N. Psychology of age crises: Textbook for universities.- M.: Academy, 2000.-181s.

14. Piaget J. Selected psychological works. - M., 1994.

15. Cognitive processes and abilities in learning./Ed. V.D. Shadrikov. - M., 1990.

16. Psychological service of the school./Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M., 1995.

Psychology of age crises: Reader. - Minsk: Harvest, 2003.-557, p.

17. Parishioners A.N., Tolstykh N.N. Teenager in the textbook and in life. - M., 1990.

18. Mental development in the younger school age. / Ed. V.V. Davydov. - M., 1990.

19. Psychology of age crises: Reader./Comp. K.V. Selchenok. - Minsk, 2000.

21. Psychology of education / Ed. V.A. Petrovsky. - M., 1995.

22. Psychology of childhood: Textbook / Ed. A. A. Reana. St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2003.- 350 p.

23. Psychology of individual differences. Texts. / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova. - M., 1982.

24. Psychology of development: Textbook for universities / [T. M. Maryutina, T.G. Stefanenko, K. N. Polivanova and others]; Ed. T. D. Martsinkovskaya.-M.: Academy, 2001.-349 p.

25. Remshmidt H. Adolescence and youthful age: Problems of personality development (Translated from German). - M., 1994.

26. Dictionary of personalities. Psychologists from A to Z. - M., 1997.

27. Flake-Hobson K., Robinson B.E., Skin P. Development of the child and his relationships with others (Translated from English). - M., 1993.

28. Personality formation in the transitional period: From adolescence to adolescence / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M., 1987.

29. Formation of the personality of a high school student./Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M.. 1989.

30. Reader on child psychology./Ed. G.V. Burmenskaya. - M., 2003.

31. Reader on developmental psychology: Textbook for students / Comp. L. M. Semenyuk; [Ed. D. I. Feldstein].-2nd ed., Rev.-M.: MPSI, 2003.-398 p.

32. Shadrikov V.D. Activities and abilities. - M., 1994.

33. Shakhmatov N.F. Mental aging. - M., 1996.

34. Elkonin D.B. Selected psychological works. - M., 1989.

35. Erikson E. Identity: youth and crisis (Translated from English). - M., 1996.

  • 1. Alferov A.D. Psychology of development of schoolchildren, Rostov-on-Don, 2000
  • 2. Bayard R., Bayard J. Vash restless teenager. M., 1991.
  • 3. Bern E. Games that people play. People who play games. -L., 1992.
  • 4. Bobrova V.G., Vakhrushev M. General characteristics of the development of the personality of a teenager, Rostov-on-Don, 1966
  • 5. Blonsky P.P. Psychology, 2000
  • 6. Bozhovich L.I. Stages of personality formation in ontogenesis - Questions of Psychology 1978, M. 4; 1979.
  • 7. Bozhovich E.D. Psychology of the special development of the personality of a teenager, 1969
  • 8. Varga A.Ya., V.V. Stolin. Psychologist's work with parents// Child psychologist; issue 5. 1998.
  • 9. Developmental and educational psychology: Reader / / comp. I.V. Dubrovina, A.M. Parishioners, V.V. Zatsepin. M. 2001.
  • 10. V. Vishnevsky Such simple complex truths. Journalist's notes on the development of a teenager's personality, 1984
  • 11. Developmental and pedagogical psychology / Davydov V.V., Dragunova T.V., Itelson L.B. and others / Ed. Petrovsky, 2nd edition, 1979
  • 12. Questions of the psychology of the development of the personality of a teenager and a young man, Tyumen, 1969
  • 13. Vygotsky L.S. Problems of the mental development of the child, - In the book: Selected psychological studies. M., 1956
  • 14. Diagnosis of abilities and personality traits of students in educational activities. Ed. Shchadrikova V.D., 1989
  • 15. Dragunova T.V. Teenager, M., 1976
  • 16. Zakharov A.I. Psychotherapy of neurosis in children and adolescents. L., 1982.
  • 17. Zakharova A.V., Khudobina B.Yu. Interaction of cognitive and emotional components self-assessment at primary school age// New researches in psychology and developmental physiology. M., 1990, 1 p. 19-27.
  • 18. Ivashkin V. Psychological study of schoolchildren, 1990
  • 19. Karpenko L.A., Petrovsky A.V. Brief psychological dictionary. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. 195 p.
  • 20. Kon I.S. Sociology of personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 1967.
  • 21. Kon I.S. Psychology of a high school student. Moscow: Education, 1988.
  • 22. Kon I.S. Psychology adolescence/ problems of personality formation /. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - p. 93-96, 101-110.
  • 23. Konovalova N.L. Prevention of violations in the development of personality in the psychological support of schoolchildren. SPb., 2000.
  • 24. Kudryavtsev G.A. General psychological characteristics of the personality of difficult adolescents, Alma-Ata, 1967
  • 25. Kulagina I.Yu. Developmental psychology (Child development from birth to 17 years): Textbook. 5th ed. M.: Publishing house of URAO, 1999.
  • 26. Kuzmin E.S. Methods of social psychology. - L.: LGU, 1977. 168 p.
  • 27. Leontiev A.N. Problems of the development of the psyche, M., 1972
  • 28. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - M., 1975, 2-173.
  • 29. Lipkina A.I. Self-assessment of a student, M., 1976
  • 30. Personality and Creation, 1989
  • 31. Lisina M.I., Silvestru A.I. Psychology. Chisinau, 1983.
  • 32. Maklakov A.G. General psychology, publishing house Peter, 2002
  • 33. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: developmental phenomenology, childhood, adolescence: A textbook for students. universities. 4th ed., stereotype. Moscow: Academy Publishing Center, 1999.
  • 34. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook for students of higher ped. textbook institutions: 3 books. Psychology of education. -3rd ed. -M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS; 1997. - 608. 632 p.
  • 35. moral education schoolchildren in a team. Accounts of LGPI im. A.I. Herzen, Sat. T. 368. L., 1970
  • 36. Fundamentals of Psychology: Practicum (ed. Stolyarenko), Phoenix, 2000, 565 pages.
  • 37. Ovcharova R.V. reference book school psychologist. M., 1993.
  • 38. Petrovsky A.V. Psychology is about each of us. - M.: Russian Open University; 1992.
  • 39. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology, Moscow, 2000, 512 pages.
  • 40. The knowledge of the student and the formation of his personality, Vilnius, 1975
  • 41. Psychology of a developing personality, ed. Petrovsky A.V., 1987
  • 42. Psychology of a teenager. Ed. A.A. Rean St. Petersburg: prime-EURO-SIGN, 2003. - 480 p.
  • 43. Psychological research. Ed. Prangigivili A.S., 1966
  • 44. Psychology features of the formation of the personality of a student, 1983
  • 45. Development of the child's personality, ed. Fonareva A.M., M.: Progress. 1987, 272 pages
  • 46. ​​Rubinstein S.L. Basics general psychology, - SP. B: ed. Peter, 2000, 712 pages
  • 47. Sirotkin L.Yu. Personality formation: the problem of sustainability, Kazan, 1992
  • 48. Spivakovskaya A.S. How to be a parent. M., 1986.
  • 49. Collection. op. L.S. Vygotsky. M., 1982. T.1. S. 20.
  • 50. Fridman L.M., Kulagina I.Yu. Psychological handbook of the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - p. 28-40.
  • 51. Encyclopedia of psychological tests: I-III volume, 2000
  • 52. Erickson E. Childhood and society. SPb., 1996.
  • 53. Meaning as a unit of mental analysis. // Bulletin of the Samara State University. No. 3 (9), Publisher: Samara University, 1998. p. 142-151.
  • 54. On the question of the composition of the mental. // Abstracts of the international conference "Problems of Integration of Academic and Practical Psychology". Abstracts of reports. Samara. Publisher: Samara University, 1999. p. 107-111.
  • 55. Guide to practical exercises in psychophysiology. Tutorial. Samara. NVF "CMC", 1999. p. 162. (Co-authored with Aidakin V.I., Lavrova O.V., Pashkina E.N., Pyatin V.F.).
  • 56. Man as a semantic model of the world. Samara. Publisher: "Bahrakh-M", 2000. p. 336.
  • 57. Paradoxical man: touches to the portrait. // Bulletin of the University of the Russian Academy of Education. No. 1. Moscow. Publisher: URAO, 2000. p. 35-52.
  • 58. Self-concept of adolescent students as an indicator of the quality of education (on the example of an innovative school). // Abstracts of the scientific-practical conference "Humanitarian horizons of free education". Samara. Publisher: Samara University, 2000. p. 8-10.