
UN Divorce Research Year. Infidelity and poverty are to blame for divorces. Divorce and health


According to Rosstat, the number of registered marriages in 2016 decreased by 15%. According to sociologists, the growing trend may lead to a decrease in the birth rate: we have already “lost” at least 175,000 children. The decrease in marriages is associated with the fashion for open relationships, the small number of the generation of the 1990s and the economic instability in the country.

In 2015, 1,161,044 new families were created in Russia. And in 2016 - already 985,834. According to the scientific director of the Independent Institute of Family and Demography Igor Beloborodov, the decrease in the number of marriages is associated with the age structure of the population: the reproductive and marriageable age includes a small generation born in the 1990s. This situation can lead to a significant decline in the birth rate.

In 2016, there were 175,000 fewer families than a year earlier. Even based on the minimum birth rate, we have lost 175 thousand children who could be born in the next 2-3 years. And some of the families would give birth to the second and third, - said Igor Beloborodov.

Leading researcher at the International Laboratory of Political Demography and Macrosociological Dynamics of the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEI) of the RANEPA Andrei Korotaev notes that the collapse in the birth rate of 1987-1993 is a circumstance that still has a strong impact on the demographic situation.

The increase in the birth rate, which began only in 2007, will give a real effect only in 2027, Korotaev said.

He noted that there are fewer and fewer women of childbearing age every year, which means that the number of marriages will decrease. If new measures to support families do not appear in the near future, comparable in effect to maternity capital, we can not avoid the fall in marriage fertility.

Most marriages in 2016 were in the Central Federal District (over 250,000). Of these, 86 thousand - in Moscow, 55 thousand - in the Moscow region. Least of all - in the Far Eastern Federal District (about 45 thousand).

Igor Beloborodov explains this by the fact that the capital is the most populated city in the country. This is where marriages and visitors are made. This opinion is shared by Elena Mikhailova, director of special programs at VTsIOM. She noted that the Central Federal District is the leader in terms of population (as of January 1, 2016, more than 39.1 million people lived on its territory).

In general, the decrease in the number of marriages is due to economic instability - the ceremony of marriage requires large material costs, and potential newlyweds in a crisis period are in no hurry to determine the date of the celebration, Elena Mikhailova believes.

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychoanalysis, member of the European and Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League Vladimir Fainzilberg told Izvestia that the trend of trial marriages is growing in Russia. People live together and only after a few years determine their future fate: register a marriage or leave.

This trend came from the West: men and women achieve financial, economic and professional status later than 20 years ago. Many receive several higher educations, it takes time and money.

People put aside the issues of family formation, they plan the appearance of children after 30 years. All this affects the reduction in the number of marriages, - says Vladimir Fainzilberg.

The number of divorces in Russia has hardly changed over the past few years: in 2016, their number decreased by less than 1% and amounted to about 600,000.

Divorces are least common in the Caucasus, and most often in the Central District: almost 160,000 divorces over the past year. The leaders (due to the population) are Moscow (about 43 thousand divorces) and the Moscow region (about 34 thousand). It has long been observed that during the crisis period the number of divorces is on the decline - families become stronger.

When a person is laid off at work, earnings fall, he is not up to mistresses. You have to turn to face the family, concentrate on it, and this, in any case, strengthens family relationships, - summed up Igor Beloborodov.

At present, divorces in Russia have ceased to be a rarity and are no longer condemned by everyone. Now this procedure has become “routine” for Russian citizens, and hundreds of thousands of “cells of society” are being broken up in the country. Every year, the popularity of registering official marriages is steadily declining, highlighting civil marriages. However, many supporters of free relations do not take into account the fact that in such a family, spouses have practically no rights and obligations to each other.

Rosstat has published the latest data on the number of marriages and their dissolutions for the first 3 months of last year (2018). According to the presented figures, there are still more people who want to register their relationship and decide to terminate the marriage bond. However, every year the difference between these indicators becomes smaller and smaller.

Thus, in 2018, 218,070 marriage registrations were recorded for the analyzed period, and in 2019 for the same period - 207,825, which is 10,245 less. A completely opposite situation occurs with divorces, because in 2018, during the analyzed period, Rosstat recorded 157,065 of them, and in 2014 - 172,310, which is 15,245 more.

Dynamics of divorces in Russia by regions in 2018-2019

Discarding the general statistics on divorce proceedings throughout Russia, the experts undertook to analyze each region of the country separately.

The analysis showed that last year in all regions of the Volga Federal District, except for Mordovia, the number of divorce proceedings increased. The highest divorce rate (per 1,000 marriages) was recorded in the Penza region - 655 divorces, the lowest - in Tatarstan (646).

Experts, having gone through the main regions of the Volga Federal District, calculated the number of terminations for every thousand marriage registrations:

  • Kirov region - 646;
  • Saratov region - 623;
  • Orenburg region - 603;
  • Ulyanovsk region - 588;
  • Samara, Nizhny Novgorod regions - 587;
  • Mordovia - 574;
  • Mari El - 572;
  • Perm Territory - 543;
  • Chuvashia - 522;
  • Udmurtia - 519.

With regard to the situation in the Russian Federation, the highest divorce rate was noted in the Magadan and Leningrad regions (752). Next is the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (748) and the Jewish Autonomous Region (741).

In Chechnya, the traditions of family values ​​are still honored, because there are only 142 divorces for every thousand registered marriages. There are 182 divorces in Ingushetia, 251 in Dagestan, and 252 in Sevastopol.

The main reasons for divorce in the Russian Federation

Numerous sociological surveys were conducted by specialists in order to identify the main causes of divorce in Russia, and the results were as follows:

  1. The use of alcohol or drugs by one of the spouses is the most common reason for the breakup of about 41% of marriages.
  2. The lack of housing for a young family leads to divorce in 14% of marriages.
  3. The intrusion of relatives into the life of a newly-born family is also a serious reason for the dissolution of married couples - 14%.
  4. The impossibility for certain reasons to have a child causes the collapse of 8% of Russian families.
  5. The separation of spouses for a long time destroys 6% of families.
  6. Imprisonment of one of the spouses causes divorce for 2% of couples.
  7. Due to a long illness of one of the spouses, 1% of couples break up.

In addition, sociologists have identified a number of main reasons that prevent couples get a divorce. The first place is occupied by the “indivisibility” of children, which holds 35% of couples. In second place are difficulties with the division of jointly acquired property, which is why about 30% of families do not get divorced. The third place belongs to the material dependence of one of the spouses on the other and holds back 22% of couples from the divorce process. In last place, sociologists placed the disagreement of a wife or husband to a divorce - this stops 18% of families from breaking up.

divorce statistics
According to experts, at present every second marriage breaks up in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Ten years ago, every third broke up. Growth is huge - one and a half times!

By years of family life, divorces are distributed as follows: up to 1 year - 3.6%; from 1 to 2 years - 16%; from 3 to 4 years - 18%; from 5 to 9 years - 28%; from 10 to 19 years old - 22%; from 20 years and more - 12.4%.

Thus, in the first 4 years about 40% of divorces occur, and in 9 years - about two thirds of them. total number.

Statistics show that the most crucial period in the life of a family is when spouses are 20 to 30 years old. It has also been found that marriages concluded before the age of 30 are, on average, twice as long as marriages that arose when the spouses were over thirty.

After the age of 30, it is much more difficult for people to reshape themselves in accordance with the needs of living together and entering into family roles. Younger people break up habits that hurt their spouse more easily.

The vast majority of divorces occur between the ages of 18 and 35. A sharp rise begins at the age of 25 years.

In 64% of cases, the court invites the divorcees to think and gives several months for this. Approximately 7% of spouses file for divorce.

Summing up these statistics, we come to the confirmation of the idea that "marriage is not a life sentence in a cage for two."

Reasons for divorce

There are six main reasons for divorce:
1) hasty, thoughtless marriage or marriage of convenience;
2) adultery;
3) sexual dissatisfaction with each other;
4) incompatibility of characters and views;
5) psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a result, the accumulation of mistakes in family relationships, disappointment in a loved one or oneself;
6) drunkenness.

Studies have shown that the main reason for divorce is the psychological and practical unpreparedness of spouses for family life (42% of divorces). This unpreparedness is manifested in the rudeness of the spouses, mutual insults and humiliation, inattentive attitude towards each other, unwillingness to help in household chores and raising children, inability to yield to each other, in the absence of common spiritual interests, greed and acquisitiveness of one of the spouses, unpreparedness for interaction, in inability to smooth out and eliminate conflicts and in an effort to intensify conflicts, in the inability to manage a household.

In second place is the drunkenness of one of the spouses (this reason was indicated by 31% of the women and 23% of the men). Moreover, the drunkenness of one of the spouses can be both a cause that destroys family relationships and a consequence of abnormal relations between spouses.

In third place - adultery (this was indicated by 15% of women and 12% of men).
In the study, only 9% of women pointed to the lack of help from a spouse in household chores as the cause of conflicts and divorces. It can be assumed that the majority of husbands help with housework (it turned out that 40% of men do everything around the house that the wife requires).

Other reasons for divorces play an insignificant role: household disorder (3.1%); difference in views on issues of material well-being (1.6%); material difficulties (1.8%); unreasonable jealousy of one of the spouses (1.5%); sexual dissatisfaction (0.8%); no children (0.2%).

Divorced men complain that there was no serious intimacy (37%), everyday tenderness (29%), an orderly sex life (14%), care for him (9%), felt bonded (“rope around his neck”) - 14 %.

All this becomes known when the family has already broken up. And before that, neither the spouses, nor even those around them, had a clear understanding of what was happening. This reminds us of the parable of the Roman who divorced his wife. Hearing the bewilderment and censure of those around him, he asked: “Here is my shoe. Isn't he good? But how many of you know where he shakes my leg?

Perhaps, from this we can conclude: if the spouses knew how to communicate, they could eliminate much of what led to the collapse of the family.

Divorce initiators

In 68% of cases, women under the age of 50 file for divorce (in Moscow - 80%), young women are especially active, after fifty, men are more likely to initiate a divorce.
This has its own explanation.

Wives (as we have already mentioned) tend to rate the quality of a marriage lower than their husbands. Hence their initiative in dissolution of marriage.

The peak of divorces in the older age groups occurs mainly at the initiative of men. And this is understandable. The children grew up and scattered from the nest. You won’t have to pay child support. And at 50 and even at 60, a man still feels so strong that he may well not just create new family, but also go to a woman much younger ex-wife

Stages of conflict leading to divorce

The first stage is rivalry, the struggle for power in the family, the beneficial distribution of rights and responsibilities.
The second is the appearance of cooperation. Having learned the distribution of roles that does not coincide with the desired, but realizing that nothing better “shines”, the spouses begin to “play by the rules”, that is, to stay within certain limits of fairly formal communication on the principle “don’t touch me, otherwise it will be worse.”
It is clear that such behavior gradually leads to isolation, when everyone lives their own lives. The family is preserved for the sake of children, out of habit, for material reasons, living space. In such an environment, sexual problems arise because sex becomes mechanical.

At this stage of the relationship best conditions for the emergence of sympathy "on the side", which is a serious test for the existence of the family.

Attempts to prevent the appearance of the “razluchnitsa” are sometimes anecdotal. The wife sorts things out with her husband: “Before you start a mistress, think about how you will satisfy her if you cannot satisfy your wife either!” I wonder how she imagined their intimate life after such a statement? (They divorced six months later.)

It is at this stage of marital relations that the following maxim is common among wives: “All men are womanizers, they are ready to hang around behind every skirt, it doesn’t cost anything to change for them.” But this setup is wrong for three reasons:
firstly, they cheat with a woman, it is women who seduce men. So women are also to blame for male infidelity;
secondly, the other gets what the wife is not able to take: unclaimed tenderness;
thirdly, the man is so arranged by nature: the male always strives to fertilize as many females as possible. Make it so that there are no forces on others - it depends only on you.
Single infidelity is not sufficient grounds for divorce.

It is believed that most people get divorced because of infidelity. In fact, betrayal itself is not a cause, but a consequence of deeper causes. If all is well in the marriage, then betrayal cannot turn back the course of this river. If boredom, old claims, lack of trust, loss of sexual desire are present, then, indeed, betrayal can become a direct cause of divorce.

Don't abuse the threat of divorce
Since women are predominantly the initiators of divorce, they are more likely to threaten divorce than husbands. This is done, as a rule, for educational purposes, in order to draw conclusions on how to behave. This tactic is fatal, because it comes from ignorance of the psychology of men.

1. Men are more "acting" than "feeling." It is easier for him to act than to feel. Divorce is an action. Therefore, having heard the word "divorce", the husband begins to think about it, weighing all the pros and cons. After each new scandal, there will be more and more arguments in favor.

2. For many men, the most difficult thing is not to leave (this is an action), but to tell your wife about your decision. In a verbal confrontation, a woman stronger than a man, he feels it, so starting a conversation on this topic is a heavy meal for him. Many are also afraid of the unpredictability of the wife's reaction. Therefore, when a wife announces her desire to divorce, this greatly simplifies the matter!

3. The threat affects people in different ways. The weak can be frightened, while the strong perceive the threat as a challenge and act against it “out of principle” - a man is supposed to be strong. Even harmless white mice bite when cornered. And how does a husband feel, pinned to the wall by threats?

Did they do the right thing?
How was the life of the divorced?
In the groups of participants in the trainings I conducted, I asked the following question: “Are you sorry that you broke up? Don't you think that it was possible and necessary to save the family?

In 28% of cases, ex-spouses reported that they made a mistake - the marriage should have been saved.

Here are some quotes from single women after divorce:
“... I don’t see much joy from the fact that I got rid of my husband. It's hard to live alone too. Sometimes I think that I didn’t do everything to prevent a conflict, and of course, I didn’t do anything to save my family. For this punished by loneliness.

“... After the divorce, there were many men with whom I wanted to start a family again. But nowadays men are careful, as soon as you begin to impose the simplest duties on them, they immediately leave. Yes, if I had such an experience with men before, I would never have started a divorce case. Mine was better in every way."

With regret, men also recall the failed life: “He married, of course, unsuccessfully. It was only a lot of his own fault. If he behaved differently, everything could be corrected. Now, after eight years of loneliness, I understand all this very well. Soon forty, and I'm alone as a finger. If there was a family, now my son would go mushroom picking with me in the forest, fiddling with the car. This bobyl life is not sweet.

Men explain the main reason for their unsuccessful life in this way: “I didn’t drink because I was addicted to the potion, but because I was confused, I didn’t know how to behave in such a situation. Children, diapers, laundry, cooking - it all seemed unmanly. So he freed himself from marriage, but it turned out that he freed himself from himself, from love, from everything that binds a person to life. I believe that all divorces have one common reason - our unpreparedness for family life.

In one of these studies, I asked divorced men, “Given the chance, would you remarry your wives?”

About 80% answered that they would marry (women, by the way, agree to "remarriage" less often).

Divorce and health

Divorce has an extremely negative impact on health: divorced people get sick on average twice as often as married people, and live less. Moreover, the incidence and mortality among divorced, single and widowed men is much higher than among women.

Among the causes of a heart attack, divorce is in second place (in the first place is the death of a spouse).

Deceived hopes

Only 27% of women remarry, of which only 56% are happy. These figures should make some women think: it turns out that only 15% of divorced women find their new happiness.

What about the other 85%? Or loneliness (three quarters of divorced), or another unsuccessful marriage.

As we have already said, in most cases, the initiator of a divorce is a woman. When she says: “That's it, I'm getting a divorce,” she is guided by a conscious or subconscious confidence that by doing this she is taking the first step towards correcting a mistake she once made, towards a more successful life.

But time passes, and she begins to understand how difficult it is to enter into a new marriage, especially with a child, because the probability of getting married in this case is 3 times less than without him.

If at the age of 25-30 a woman goes for a divorce, then in five years she will feel for herself that, in fact, she has no one to choose from. Already after 35 years, the main reason female loneliness is a clear shortage of men due to increased mortality.

According to the calculations of A. B. Sinelnikov, over 40% of divorced women could not arrange their lives simply because ... there were no suitors of the right age for them. In fact, their chances are even lower, since more than one age plays a role in choosing a life partner. Indeed, among the potential suitors there are many heavy drinkers who are in prison (the vast majority of the 1 million prisoners in Russia are men).

It turns out that from the point of view of demographic reality, the increased initiative of women in divorce looks reckless. No matter how bad a rejected husband may seem, new wife for him there is much sooner than new husband for the one who started the divorce.

But, apparently, in order to really be convinced of this and get rid of illusions, you need to go through it. To understand that a second marriage (if you are lucky) when you have children is not an easy thing. After all, people who have experienced a lot, offended, or separated from their children, or forced to accustom them to life with a new dad or mom, bind the fate.

So our advice to those who are on the verge of a divorce: do not rush to rush into the maelstrom of loneliness. Try to save your marriage. Be extremely self-critical.

“Iron Chancellor” Bismarck is credited with the words: “The fool is the one who learns from his mistakes. I prefer to learn from strangers!” It is said harshly, and it is far from always possible to avoid mistakes. However, the fact that it is preferable to learn from the mistakes of other people, you can not argue!

Second happiness

68% of divorced men create a new family. The second marriage turned out to be happier for 73% of men.
As a result, two-thirds of divorced men found family happiness.

These data are several times higher than the corresponding "female" indicators and indicate that the position of a divorced man is much more preferable than that of a divorced woman.

However, we should not forget about divorced men who either remained bachelors or married unsuccessfully a second time. You don't envy them!

Husband and wife are walking in the park. A lady walks towards them. The husband whispers to his wife:
Sonya, try to be happy. That lady is my first wife.

As a rule, post-divorce experiences in ex-wives are acute for about six months or a year. In men, most often - one and a half: the representatives of the stronger sex do not “let go” of the past. Some people hate the woman they broke up with for a long time. Well, hatred is also a memory ... A man traumatized by divorce usually makes new acquaintances too straightforwardly, even with a challenge, he does not always succeed in consolidating the contact that has arisen, keeping it, putting it in a certain form - friendly, love ... During this period, a person as if bifurcated: either he feels some kind of inferiority, or he makes too high demands. He rushes about, suffers ... And often regrets that he did not turn to a specialist for help. After all, a specialist could artificially create a post-divorce situation: “This is what awaits you if the family breaks up!” Psychologists call this a "trial divorce."


After a divorce, two ways open up for a person: to live alone or to create a second family. For some, the first path seems the only way at first, and they explain their decision as follows: “You come home - and finally peace comes for you. Her own mistress. The apartment is clean, comfortable, what I have dreamed of having all my life. I want to - I go to the store, to visit, to the cinema, I do not coordinate my decision with anyone. The feeling of freedom - after the family hard labor that I experienced.

Indeed, after a divorce, especially if there was a difficult situation in the family, at first the feeling of liberation dominates. Time passes, and the position of a free woman begins to burden her. She already admits the possibility of remarriage, but there are fears whether she will find such a husband so that the story of an unsuccessful marriage does not repeat itself, will the child accept the “new dad” and will he be able to become a father to the child?


When, shortly after the divorce, friends congratulated him on his “liberation,” one of the divorced men sadly said: “Well, what are you, what joy is there? We lived together for 12 years… It's not the problem of finances that worries me, alimony… The main thing is how the children will appreciate us not now, but later. In the end, it doesn’t matter which woman takes the place of the wife, but the children - you can’t replace them, and who will replace their father?

Many men experience such feelings, because they cannot get away from paternal duty, which, although it does not appear in a man immediately with the birth of a child and develops more slowly than maternal feelings, but does not let go all his life. And the older the children become, the more the man experiences and realizes the need for their presence and participation for them. Doesn't matter to men and public opinion: After all, in a divorce, as a rule, they blame him, first of all, him, and most often only him.

V different countries world there may be certain differences between the values ​​of marriage. In Russia, over the past hundred years, the way of life has changed so much that it has led to terrible divorce statistics. Literally a few decades ago, destroying the cell of society was a moral crime. Couples who actually separated did not file for divorce. Today, the destruction of the family is no big deal. Therefore, the percentage of divorces in Russia has been steadily growing over the past three years.

Reasons for divorce in numbers

Every year, social research, psychological surveys on the topic "Causes of divorce" are carried out. About 40% of broken couples claim that they hurried with the choice. Therefore, sociologists have derived the formula of marriage:

  • Several months of relationship + a year of living in the same area = after that marriage.

So the boundaries of age are erased, and the couple can fully recognize each other's character. This provides an increase in the duration of marriage. Other reasons for family breakdown include:

  • Pernicious craving for alcohol - about 40%;
  • Presence of relatives of one of the spouses - 15%;
  • Difficult living conditions or lack of own housing - 14%;
  • Unwillingness to have children or the impossibility of giving birth for various reasons (incompatibility, infertility, drug addiction, serious illness) - 8%;
  • Spouses living in different cities - 6%;
  • Imprisonment of one of the spouses - 2%;
  • Incurable disease - 1%.

These figures change every year. For example, the problem of alcoholism is only getting worse in the country. Therefore, the percentage of broken families for this reason is growing. There are also statistics on the reasons that spouses themselves indicate when filing for divorce.

  • Approximately 25% indicate treason;
  • 15% of divorced couples talk about sexual dissatisfaction with their partner;
  • About 13% refer to the incompatibility of characters;
  • 7% indicate alcohol dependence.

The fact of the birth of a child changes the attitude of the spouses. Not all couples endure the first months of sleep deprivation. Nervousness and irritation appear.

Therefore, the birth of a child can both unite a family and destroy it.

But there are couples who can live in the same territory, but not be a full-fledged family. Sometimes spouses even start parallel families. The reasons for such situations can be:

  • Preservation of the stamp in the passport for the sake of the child;
  • The impossibility of one spouse to move out;
  • Dependence of the material plane;
  • Disagreement with divorce (most often women);
  • The age of the child is up to 1 year according to the law of the Russian Federation.

Statistics of marriages and divorces for 15 years in Russia

Divorce table in numbers:

Year marriages Divorces % of divorces
2000 897327 627703 70
2001 1001589 763493 76
2002 10019762 853647 84
2003 1091778 798824 73
2004 979667 635825 65
2005 1066366 604942 57
2006 1113562 640837 58
2007 1262500 685910 54
2008 1179007 703412 60
2009 1199446 699430 58
2010 1215066 639321 53
2011 1316011 669376 52
2012 1213598 644101 53
2013 1225501 666971 55

The period from 2000 to 2004 is characterized by the highest percentage of divorces. Approximately 700 couples out of 1000 broke up the family. From 2005 to 2012, the situation improved markedly. Sociologists attribute this to the strengthening of the country's economic condition. Statistics of recent years show that the number of divorces is growing. According to UN studies, the Russian Federation after 2012 ranks first in the world in terms of the number of divorces. The number of divorces over the past three years reaches almost 70%. Since 2013, the number of divorced marriages has been on the rise. Scientists attribute this increase to the fact that children at the beginning of the 90s are getting married. It was a period of instability in the country.

Every year the number of broken families increases significantly. There is an opinion that by 2020, 850 out of 1000 couples will end marriages.

Divorce rate by years of family life

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Years lived together:

  • Most often divorced are people who have been married for 5 to 9 years. The number of such divorces is 28%;
  • Further - 22% diverge after 10-19 years. Most often, the cause is betrayal;
  • 18% of couples divorce within 3 to 4 years of marriage. This is the time of the "first crisis of family life." The birth of a child can be a salvation for a family;
  • 16% of young people scatter after 1-2 years of a joint union;
  • After a long marriage for more than 20 years - 12%;
  • And 4% of couples terminate their union after not having lived in it for a year. Most often due to the transience of marriage.
  • What is the result for couples? A large number of spouses decide to separate before 4 years of marriage.

Marriage statistics by age

Approximately 33% of men put a stamp in their passport at the age of 25–30. The second place in terms of the number of marriages is occupied by young people from 20 to 25, and the third - 35. For women, the picture is slightly different. Age group from 20 to 25 years old, that is, girls born in 1900-1995 make up 40% of all marriages. Girls from 26 to 30 years old - 27%. And the group of 30-35 years old takes only 12% of the total number of marriages. The vast majority of unions are concluded by men and women, whose age is from 20 to 35 years.

This trend has appeared relatively recently. In Russia, before the 90s, it was customary to enter into an alliance, having a younger age. However, values ​​have changed, the boundaries between the sexes have blurred, women have received emancipation, and age has also ceased to be of great importance. Marriage unions began to be concluded after 25 years. At this time, both spouses are educated, social status and mature outlook. But early age marriages also take place. It is they who very often fall into the 16% barrier of divorced, not lived and 2 years of marriage.

civil marriages

About half of all couples choose not to formally marry. Main reasons:

  • Uncertainty in a partner;
  • Lack of housing for young people;
  • Fear of responsibility;
  • The absence of a child;
  • Prejudice. Some couples are sure that after registration their life will change dramatically.

This trend came to Russia from Europe. France and Sweden are the world leaders in the number of civil marriages. So, the statistics of divorces in Russia is growing every year. There are more and more unregistered marriages.

People have stopped fighting for their relationships and believe that there is nothing wrong with divorce. The ratio of divorced and the birth of new marriages in 2014 is 60/40%.

There are no exact data for 2015 yet, but the approximate figure is 70/30%. There are plenty of reasons for official breaks in relations. One of them is the unstable situation in the country, which hinders development and becomes financially independent. In addition, personal conflicts, alcoholism, the inability to have a child and infidelity literally attacked the country.

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Statistics is a stubborn thing, but with regard to divorce, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. The thing is that it is not easy to collect the most accurate and up-to-date data, since the situation in this area is constantly changing. Moreover, surprisingly, in terms of ex-husband and the ex-wife, the reasons for the divorce can be completely different situations.

Even referring to official sources does not fully clarify, since, for example, when filling out an application for divorce in form No. 8, it is not required to indicate the reason for the divorce. It remains only to rely on the statistics of court decisions and social surveys among the population.

In recent decades, divorce statistics have also been confused by the fact that now quite a lot of people of all ages live in so-called civil marriages, and divorce in such marriages is not recorded at all.

According to official Russian statistics, the ratio of divorces to marriages is now 70-80%. In Moscow, things are better in this regard - only 50%.

Experts say that the main reason for divorce is a mistake in choosing a partner. Why does this happen? There are many reasons, including:
- thoughtless hasty marriage;
- marriage of convenience, for example, for the sake of solving the housing issue;
- forced marriage due to pregnancy;
- pressure on young people from parents, relatives or friends.

There are other reasons, but the important thing is that soon after the wedding, the spouses, as a rule, go through a period of "grinding", when it is necessary to make concessions, change their habits and just try to find mutual language together.

With the advent of children, the relationship of the spouses is again tested. However, in many families, it is the concern for joint children that often keeps spouses from divorce, even if they both have lost interest in each other. Therefore, divorces are not uncommon even in a period when the children have grown up, and the spouses have finally felt the moral right to live their own lives.

According to statistics, the first year of marriage accounts for 3.6% of divorces, the second - 16%, the third and fourth - 18%, from the fifth to the ninth - 28%, from the tenth to the nineteenth - 22%, and after twenty years of living together they get divorced 12.4% of married couples. Obviously, 40% of divorces happen in the first four years of marriage.

According to the age indicator, people from 18 to 35 years old are more likely to divorce, but the most vulnerable in this respect are young people from 25 to 30 years old. At the same time, marriages concluded before the age of 30 are generally more durable, probably because young people are more flexible psychologically, so it is easier to give up their habits.

The main reasons for divorce

If you study the statistics, then in addition to rash marriage, the reasons for divorce are:
- marital infidelity;
- dissatisfaction with each other in sexual terms;
- psychological incompatibility, incompatibility of characters, attitudes and life values;
- inability to build family relationships and prevent conflict situations;
- disappointment in the spouse;
- alcoholism or drug addiction in one of the spouses;
- irresponsible attitude of one of the spouses to family life.

Other reasons for divorce are noted, for example, impossible living conditions, the infertility of one of the spouses, different views on the upbringing of children and disagreements about the number of children in the family.

Statistics show that in Lately Increasingly, women are the initiators of divorce. At the same time, before a woman, as a rule, filed for divorce because of her husband's infidelity or his tendency to drink. Now it is not uncommon for a self-confident and well-earned woman to want to get rid of the burden of her disappointed husband in order to continue a successful career and raise children on her own.

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Statistics of divorce proceedings in Russia in 2018

At present, divorces in Russia have ceased to be a rarity and are no longer condemned by everyone. Now this procedure has become “routine” for Russian citizens, and hundreds of thousands of “cells of society” are being broken up in the country. Every year, the popularity of registering official marriages is steadily declining, highlighting civil marriages. However, many supporters of free relations do not take into account the fact that in such a family, spouses have practically no rights and obligations to each other.

Rosstat published the latest data on the number of marriages and their dissolutions for the first 3 months of last year (2014). According to the presented figures, there are still more people who want to register their relationship and decide to terminate the marriage bond. However, every year the difference between these indicators becomes smaller and smaller.

Thus, in 2013, during the analyzed period, 218,070 marriage registrations were recorded, and in 2014 for the same period - 207,825, which is 10,245 less. A completely opposite situation occurs with divorces, because in 2013, during the analyzed period, Rosstat recorded 157,065 of them, and in 2014 - 172,310, which is 15,245 more.

Dynamics of divorces in Russia by regions in 2015-2016

Discarding the general statistics on divorce proceedings throughout Russia, the experts undertook to analyze each region of the country separately.

The analysis showed that last year in all regions of the Volga Federal District, except for Mordovia, the number of divorce proceedings increased. The highest divorce rate (per 1,000 marriages) was recorded in the Penza region - 655 divorces, the lowest - in Tatarstan (646).

Experts, having gone through the main regions of the Volga Federal District, calculated the number of terminations for every thousand marriage registrations:

  • Kirov region - 646;
  • Saratov region - 623;
  • Orenburg region - 603;
  • Ulyanovsk region - 588;
  • Samara, Nizhny Novgorod regions - 587;
  • Mordovia - 574;
  • Mari El - 572;
  • Perm Territory - 543;
  • Chuvashia - 522;
  • Udmurtia - 519.

With regard to the situation in the Russian Federation, the highest divorce rate was noted in the Magadan and Leningrad regions (752). Next is the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (748) and the Jewish Autonomous Region (741).

In Chechnya, the traditions of family values ​​are still honored, because there are only 142 divorces for every thousand registered marriages. There are 182 divorces in Ingushetia, 251 in Dagestan, and 252 in Sevastopol.

The main reasons for divorce in the Russian Federation

Numerous sociological surveys were conducted by specialists in order to identify the main causes of divorce in Russia, and the results were as follows:

  1. The use of alcohol or drugs by one of the spouses is the most common reason for the breakup of about 41% of marriages.
  2. The lack of housing for a young family leads to divorce in 14% of marriages.
  3. The intrusion of relatives into the life of a newly-born family is also a serious reason for the dissolution of married couples - 14%.
  4. The impossibility for certain reasons to have a child causes the collapse of 8% of Russian families.
  5. The separation of spouses for a long time destroys 6% of families.
  6. Imprisonment of one of the spouses causes divorce for 2% of couples.
  7. Due to a long illness of one of the spouses, 1% of couples break up.

In addition, sociologists have identified a number of main reasons that prevent married couples from divorcing. The first place is occupied by the “indivisibility” of children, which holds 35% of couples. In second place are difficulties with the division of jointly acquired property, which is why about 30% of families do not get divorced. The third place belongs to the material dependence of one of the spouses on the other and holds back 22% of couples from the divorce process. In last place, sociologists placed the disagreement of a wife or husband to a divorce - this stops 18% of families from breaking up.

The statistics of family breakups in Russia is extremely disappointing, and therefore the relevant bills are quite often proposed in the State Duma in order to reduce the percentage of divorces in the country.

consumer market

Russians leave their families

More than half of marriages in Russia break up

More than half of marriages in Russia end in divorce. Last year, less than 1 million marriages were registered, while more than 600,000 families broke up. The most critical “age” for a family is from five to nine years old. At the same time, according to statistics, having two or more children greatly reduces the likelihood of divorce. However, as the example of businessman Roman Abramovich shows, this is not a panacea. Neither having two children nor living together for ten years kept the family boat afloat.

The most discussed news of this week is the broken third marriage of Russian businessman Roman Abramovich with the founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Daria Zhukova. Despite having two children, common projects and ten years living together The couple decided to separate.

Statistically, more than half of marriages in Russia break up. So, if we compare the data of Rosstat on the number of marriages and divorces, it turns out that in 2016 61.7% of marriages broke up. Last year, only 985 thousand marriages were concluded, while 608 thousand divorces were registered.

In 2014–2015, slightly fewer marriages broke up as a percentage (in 2014 - 57.7%, in 2015 - 52.67%). For example, in 2015, 1.16 million families were created, in 2014 - 1.2 million. At the same time, 611 thousand divorces were registered in 2015, and 693 thousand in 2014.

If we analyze recent history Russia, since the 90s, the most divorces were noted in 2002 - 854 thousand, and the least in 1998 - 502 thousand.

If couples choose summer for marriage, then spring is more often for divorce. 2017 is not over yet, but so far March is the leader, as it was already in 2011 and 2016. In March 2017, 55,886 marriages officially ended.

According to statistics, couples who have been married for five to nine years most often get divorced. This is the most "crisis" age for the family. In 2016, 25.8% of marriages broke up during this period.

But even if they managed to live together for nine years, this does not guarantee the preservation of the union "until the end of your days." Last year, 19.5% of families broke up, in which the spouses officially lived together for 10-19 years.

However, couples who have been married for one or two years also often get divorced. According to Rosstat statistics, in 2016, 19.4% of couples broke up at this family age.

But up to a year of marriage, spouses almost never get divorced. Only 4.7% of families broke up before this date. Marriages in which spouses have lived for 20 years or more broke up last year in 13.2% of cases.

Statistically, the more children a family has, the lower the risk of divorce. So, in 2016, 56.7% of broken families did not have common children (345 thousand people from all those who are getting divorced).

Marriages that have at least one child are less likely to fail. Of the total number of divorces, 31.2% (almost 190 thousand) of families had one child. Those who have two or more children get divorced much less frequently. In 2016, families with two or more children divorced only in 12.1% of cases (73 thousand people). However, as can be seen from the example of both the second and third marriages of Roman Abramovich, this is still a rather weak guarantee. With his second wife, Irina, the businessman has five children.

Experts explain the decline in the number of marriages and the high rate of divorces for a number of reasons.

"Per last years labor productivity has risen sharply, and both men and women have become more independent in housekeeping. Women now, on an equal footing with men, can work and do business and, as a result, be independent and provide for children,”

Comments on statistics general manager IK "Forum" Roman Parshin.

According to the expert, the increase in the number of divorces could also mean that people "more often reflect and try to figure out what kind of family they would like to live in."

At the same time, if we analyze divorces in ordinary families, and not among members of the Forbes list, then experts believe that many families have destroyed financial difficulties.

The crises of recent years - 1998, 2008 and 2014 - have contributed to an increase in the number of divorces, as economic problems destroy families,

Lawyer of the legal department of Heads Consulting Anastasia Khudyakova notes that with a decrease in income and the transition to austerity, the risk of domestic conflicts on financial grounds increases, which become the reason for divorce. At the same time, the latest statistics on the incomes of Russians cannot be called optimistic.

“Despite the short-term growth in January 2017 (+8.2% compared to January last year), the period of falling real money income has not yet ended. Starting from February, statistics again record a fall, and in the first five months of 2017, its depth reached 1.8% compared to the corresponding period last year. In this way,

May 2017 was, in fact, the thirty-first month of the decline in real incomes of Russians and, compared to October 2014, the last period of steady growth in real incomes: the fall over the past months amounted to 19.2%”,

Experts from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) noted in the monitoring of the Institute for Social Policy of the National Research University Higher School of Economics "Population of Russia in 2017: income, expenses and social well-being."

However, as prominent businessmen and officials convincingly demonstrate, not only poverty can cause a divorce. Increasingly, couples with a fairly high level of income or those couples who, having lived 20 years of marriage, can be financially and morally independent from each other and want to live “for themselves,” Khudyakova notes, are increasingly breaking up today.

“If we talk about legislative relaxations, which in theory could stimulate an increase in the number of divorces, they have not been adopted in recent years. On the contrary, in recent years, bills have begun to appear aimed at complicating the divorce procedure. In particular, at the end of last year, the deputies proposed to increase the term for divorce through the courts from one to three months and to prohibit Russians from getting divorced in absentia or to increase fees for divorce. However, such legislative initiatives do not greatly affect the statistics, first of all, the number of divorces depends on the socio-economic situation,” Khudyakova sums up.

The main reasons for divorce

As the classic said, every family is unhappy in its own way. Nevertheless, sociologists were able to summarize the polls and identify the main causes of divorce and somewhat different motives, or social reasons for ending a marriage.

Most of the couples interviewed admitted that there were other, more specific problems behind the formal phrase "irreconcilable differences" in their divorce.

So, 40% of the survey participants were disappointed in the personal qualities of the partner, 20% could not endure poverty (the majority were women), another 30% blamed the spouse for irresponsible behavior towards the family as a whole. And only a tenth of them called the cooling of feelings the reason for the divorce from their husband.

Which families are at risk

Statistics allocate a third of all marriages in Russia for official divorces. In the risk group, oddly enough, in the first place are families in the range from 3 to 6 years of marriage with small children and newborns. Therefore, children, contrary to expectations, do not keep modern spouses together.

In second place were families with an experience of 20-25 years, in which spouses, having raised and raised children, suffer from the "empty nest" syndrome. But the least common cases of divorce in childless families, when the reason for the divorce is the unwillingness of one of the spouses to ever have their own or adopted children.

The risk of divorce is not, in fact, the cause of a couple's divorce and cannot be an accurate indicator, but some factors are suggestive. What if some marriages have poor chances of survival from the start? For example, in many conflict families the guy and the girl had known each other for less than 6 months before the wedding and simply did not have time to get to know each other properly.

Psychologists do not claim that an additional six months for courtship before the wedding would help to identify flaws in a future partner and avoid a failed marriage. On the contrary, the spouses would get every chance for more successful and long term relationship because they would be mentally prepared for each other's shortcomings.

Disappointment, and often shock, from the discrepancy between dreams and reality very quickly creates a disastrous atmosphere in a young family. Few people are able to withstand the conflict "it was - it became" in the conditions of a barely begun family life.

Another herald of an early divorce is the selfish attitude of one of the spouses, in other words, a marriage of convenience. Moreover, you can count not only on the wealth and influential status of the future husband or wife.

Emotional dependence, for example, of a girl on her older, strong and experienced partner can turn into a disaster.

Women always look for support in their husband, which in itself does not destroy the family - this is a sign of a normal marriage. But in a situation where a wife receives protection by taking advantage of her unloved husband, she runs the risk of acquiring irritation, anger, jealousy and neurosis as a set, and a man may begin to behave arbitrarily. Such a marriage is doomed to divorce due to the lack of love in its basis.

Behavioral causes of divorce in the modern family

The struggle of one spouse with the unacceptable behavior of the other can last a lifetime. Russian women courageously endure their husbands' alcoholism as if it were an unpleasant character trait, like rudeness or irascibility.

At the same time, such reasons for divorce as the illness of a spouse began to appear in the respondents' answers, and there is nothing to be proud of - this is a negative trend of almost direct betrayal of marriage and family promises, along with treason.

Among the unacceptable qualities of a husband or wife that lead to divorce are often indicated:

  • constant conflict resolution through quarrels and scandals;
  • refusal to provide for the family (for men) and to run a common household;
  • unjustified separation;
  • discovered treason, betrayal, lies;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • theft and other illegal activities.

Financial reasons are important too.

Psychologists say that conditions of poverty make family members extremely impatient with each other. Even if both partners are equally trying to get out of debt on loans or simply to ensure their existence, the atmosphere of tension absorbs all their strength and brings them together. tender feelings to "no". Poverty is a real test for a marriage, especially with multiple children. It happens that the husband loses the ability to earn money and the wife has to support the family.

In this situation, it is very difficult to rely on the patience and devotion of the spouse, because she feels unfairly deprived.

It can be difficult for people to accept changed circumstances, adjust to the rhythm of the life of a sick person, sacrifice their time and effort, supporting him. The feeling that everything could have turned out differently, as well as the feeling of guilt, destroys from the inside.

The reasons for divorce in Russia are often related to the issue of housing. Young families forced to live under the same roof with their parents also run the risk of not celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary. In total, from six months to two years is required for the development of a conflict with the older generation.

Then follows a painful denouement: either the spouses move out to another room, perhaps with worse conditions, or one of them remains in the parental home, and the marriage collapses.

Why is this happening? Parents try to control family life their children, focus on problems between spouses, impose hostility on them and instill disappointment in each other.

Sometimes everyday life becomes a constant source of conflict when the younger generation does not want to do household chores in accordance with the requirements of their parents. In any case, the parental home is not the safest place for a young family.

The most common reasons for material divorces are:

  • poverty, lack of the most necessary;
  • debts of one of the spouses;
  • loss of a spouse's ability to work;
  • housing problem.

If feelings have changed - this is an alarming sign

Pettiness, excessive independence, the inability to be responsible for one's decisions, and many other negative traits gradually make spouses think that they are simply not a couple. Patience, which holds some for years, may end in others in the first year of marriage.

Spouses who have become unbearable to each other automatically get disharmonious intimate relationships. They are also not inclined to make joint plans for the future and quickly realize that there is no point in continuing such a marriage.

Psychological causes of divorce:

  • loss of love
  • irritation;
  • distrust and jealousy;
  • difference in outlook on life;
  • sexual incompatibility.

It is unlikely that someone marries or marries a person for whom he feels dislike, deeply disrespects or does not trust him. When creating a family, everyone counts on their portion of happiness and hopes to enjoy the relationship with their spouse.

And if, over time, husband and wife violently collide as two individuals, each of which has its own desires and habits, then the root cause, probably, can be considered the inability to put the interests of the family in the first place.

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