
Numbers and letters from natural material. Do-it-yourself letters to school from any materials with photos and videos. What sizes to choose


Increasingly, you can see unusual decorative elements in the interior - letters or whole inscriptions from them. Naturally, many construction and design firms immediately took up this idea and started producing such jewelry. But those decorative accessories that are made on their own are considered more interesting, valuable and significant, and it is not so difficult to make them.

Naturally, it is impossible to make jewelry out of metal or plastic without equipment, but there are many materials that are quite affordable and easy to process. From what and how to make a volumetric letter with your own hands, so that it is unique and inimitable, which means that it favorably distinguishes your home, we will tell you below.
The most common way how to do volumetric letters do it yourself, it is considered their manufacture from fabric and filler. For those who are at least a little familiar with sewing machine or even with a thread and a needle, it won't be much of a problem to make soft letters. They can be small when they are strung on a thread or fishing line for decoration and words are formed, or large when used as floor pillows. But the most popular size for such products is considered to be the average size, like ordinary cushions.

To make volumetric letters from textiles with your own hands, you need:
- choose a fabric that matches the overall style of the room,
- make a stencil of the required letters,
- transfer the stencil using cardboard to the fabric,
- cut out two blanks (note that on one side you should apply the stencil directly, and on the other - in mirror image, i.e. flipping),
- sew them in the most primitive way.
This can be done by hand or with a typewriter, depending on your sewing skills. As the letter is sewn, the free space in it is filled with scraps of fabric, foam rubber, padding polyester or cotton wool. It is worth choosing a sufficiently strong fabric and thread so as not to often repair such a letter.
You can connect the fabric with any kind of seams, leaving them outside or inside, simultaneously turning the letter inside out. You can decorate such pads in different ways: sew on buttons, lace, glue on various butterflies, pebbles or flowers. For children, you can "revive" these letters by gluing their eyes, nose, tongue, hair and marking their arms and legs with threads. Making a ready-made pillow is a complete freedom for your imagination.

In various ways, you can make letters out of cardboard with your own hands. This will also require a stencil with the letter of exactly the font that you would like to see on your shelf or wall. As a tip for beginners, it's best to choose a simple, classic sans-serif typeface. When this is easy to come up with, you can move on to decorative fonts or serif fonts.
After making a stencil, it is used to transfer the image onto thick thick paper, plain or corrugated cardboard. And then the manufacturing technology may differ.
The first method is somewhat simpler: to make volumetric letters from cardboard with your own hands, it is enough to wrap them with woolen or other thick threads. Then you can decorate such accessories with flowers knitted from the same threads, shells, pebbles or beads.

The second option is somewhat more complicated, but the result is not soft, but real classic letters that will adorn both classic and minimalist interiors. To do this, you also need to prepare the letter stencils and cut out two parts. If the letters have holes, cut them with a clerical knife and then cut them out with scissors. For the edge of the product, you need to cut a strip of cardboard, which should be three to four centimeters thicker than the thickness of the product. Using the pen, where the ink ran out, we push through the fold lines with which the parts will be connected. Next, you need to bend the cardboard along these lines. Then one piece is glued to the edge of the product (in order to glue it more conveniently, in the part of the letter where the lines are smooth, the fold of the edge should often be cut with scissors). After connecting the first part of the letter to the edge, the second part is glued in the same way. The entire product is put under a press for a while (a couple of hours is quite enough).
After making a letter from cardboard with your own hands, you need to decorate it. You can paste over the cardboard on top with white paper - such a letter will fit into a minimalist design. Or you can make the letter brighter: sprinkle sparkles over a layer of glue, use beads, shells, bows, gift ribbons, wrapping paper, etc. To make the letter fit a certain style of the interior or to individual pieces of furniture, you can paint it yourself.

It is in this way that the letters used in the holidays are created. At anniversaries it can be numbers, at weddings - the names of the newlyweds or individual words "Love", "Happiness", etc.
The third way, how to make any shapes, including letters or numbers, using cardboard and paper, is the papier-mâché technique. To do this, you first need to draw a word or letter in duplicate, and then fasten them together so that they are at an equal distance from each other. Some craftsmen fill this space with paper cups, gluing the top and bottom of each cup, and thereby holding the two pieces together. You can use cartons of the same length for gluing parts. On top of this, the product is pasted over with cut pieces of paper or newspapers, as is usually done using the papier-mâché technique. The finished part can be decorated with painting, applique or decoupage technique. Such unusual decorations as pasta in the form of shells or stars will look original.

Another popular material for creating letters and inscriptions is wood. DIY wooden letters can be made from blocks of wood or plywood, which is much easier. True, the letters made of plywood will turn out to be flat, but with the help of decorations, for example, natural materials (cones, acorns, etc.), it is easy to give them additional volume.
To make wooden letters with your own hands, you also need a stencil. It is transferred to plywood and then cut out with a jigsaw. After the product is ready, it is worth treating it with sandpaper so that there are no irregularities and splinters. Such letters are usually painted first and then decorated with any materials. After finishing work, it is better to varnish the product so that the tree is protected from moisture.

If you have enough material, you can make letters from foam with your own hands. Styrofoam can be bought in the store in sheets or you can find boxes from household appliances, where there is often quite a lot of it. The technology for making beech from it is the same as for wooden letters: first, using a stencil, the image is transferred to a sheet of foam, then the product is cut out with a jigsaw (you can use a construction knife), and then it is carefully processed with fine sandpaper so that there are no defects, and the surface is perfectly flat.
When decorating foam letters with your own hands, usually first two layers of paint are applied to all surfaces of the product, and then light decorations are used: lace, tulle trimmings, burlap, threads, etc. For decoration, letters from polystyrene, you can make small flowers with your own hands, ladybirds, butterflies or other accessories, but do not glue them on the glue-moment. It can corrode styrofoam. It is better to use rubber glue - it is safe for the product.

Wine corks
Another option, how to make a volumetric letter with your own hands, is considered to be a product made of wine corks. V modern world Nothing surprises anymore, but using so-called waste to create interesting things is a great idea. The plugs can be glued together with regular or super glue. You can change the direction of the plugs by gluing them first with edges and then directly. Such products are decorated with paints, applique, dried flowers and in any other way.

You can use plaster, creating interior volumetric letters with your own hands. It is better to work with plaster with gloves. To create letters from plaster, you need to prepare a mold into which the prepared solution will be poured. To do this, you need to draw the letters you want on cardboard, and then cut out long strips that are equal to the thickness of the product. These strips need to be glued to the cardboard along the contours of the letters so that a cavity is formed into which the gypsum is to be poured. It is advisable to glue the form inside with tape - this way it will be easier to get the part after it has solidified.
For the preparation of gypsum, all the recommendations on the package are strictly followed. Usually, it should be like yogurt in consistency. First, the mold is half-filled with mortar. Then a layer of burlap is laid on top for the strength of the future product. Then the product is poured to the end, i.e. to the top of the form.
Usually, gypsum hardens completely after 4-5 hours. After that, you need to use a knife to get the product out of the mold. Then the surface is sanded with emery paper, corners are cut and irregularities are removed.
Usually, such letters are not decorated, but are left white. But not necessarily: they can be covered with paint, also decorated with some cute little things. To prevent such jewelry from getting dirty, they should be sprayed with acrylic spray.

Inscriptions and individual letters of various sizes and fonts have been used in the design of premises for a long time. This type of design can safely lay claim to a whole direction in interior design. So let's make decorative bright cardboard letters with our own hands!

They are often used as decoration at corporate parties, weddings, photo sessions. This can be an unforgettable birthday present for a loved one and a unique decoration for a child's room. You can also use cardboard letters as head decorations for children, for example, to school or to study the alphabet at home.

Be aware that you will not find such jewelry at neighbors or friends, because hand-made things are unique and inimitable. And right now we will tell you how to make such letters with your own hands.

We make letters from cardboard with our own hands in a step-by-step master class

You need to take a good thick cardboard, you can corrugated cardboard, an unnecessary cardboard box from packaging equipment and even shoes is also suitable.

So, to make letters out of cardboard, you will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Knife or scissors
  • Hot melt glue, PVA glue or Moment glue
  • Scotch tape, regular and double-sided
  • Paper towel or toilet paper tubes
  • Paints
  • Brush
  • White paper, or design
  • Decor elements (braid, rhinestones, buttons)

Do not worry that the list is long, you do not need everything at once, but only what you choose depending on the version described below.

If this is your first such job, do not worry, everything is not so difficult, you need to carefully follow all the steps using our master class. And you will succeed.

  1. You should start by making a template or stencil for future letters, which is easy to make yourself. You need to draw the required letter on the album sheet and cut it out. If you are not very good with drawing, then you can print this letter on a printer. For beginners, it is advisable to choose the simplest and most even font without squiggles and curls.
  2. You need to put the template on cardboard, circle and cut out with a tool convenient for you. The workpiece is ready.
  3. The next stage is registration. In this case, we have chosen threads. Thicker threads are most suitable. We determine by color and wrap tightly on our workpiece. If you have opted for a synthetic thread, then know that it is less susceptible to mechanical stress, more practical and easy to clean. If you chose natural, then they also have their own charm.
  4. Also, in the design of the letters, you can use various fabrics and unused wallpaper, which can be used to glue over our blank.

It will be about making volumetric letters from cardboard. It is suitable for those who are fluent in in a simple way and for those who are not used to stopping at the achieved result.

  1. As in the first option, we repeat the first step with only one difference. Cutting according to the template requires not one piece, but two.
  2. To connect the cut out blanks, you need to cut out a cardboard strip, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the letter, and add two centimeters to the width, on each side.
  3. We draw lines with a pencil at a distance of two centimeters from the edge, along the entire length of the strip, and gently bend along the line. You should get an u-shaped detail, thanks to which our letter will become voluminous. The length of such a part should be equal to the perimeter of the letter, which can be measured with a regular rope and transferred to the ruler.
  4. Now we cut off the U-shaped piece along the length of each side of the letter and glue it with the curved side to one of the blanks to form a side. We repeat this operation for all sides of the letter.
  5. When the sides are dry, it's time to glue the second blank to the sides, so to speak, the face of our letter. We do this in the same way as with the first blank.

There is another way to add volume to the letter. This time, toilet paper or paper towel tubes will be used.

  1. We cut the tubes into rings, the height of which is the thickness of the letter. If you want to make mega thick letters, then you can use paper or plastic cups instead of tubes.
  2. Place the rings onto one of our cut out cardboard blanks
  3. We apply hot melt glue to the rings on one side and glue them to predetermined places. We also spread the rings with glue on the other side and glue the other half of the letter. Hot glue dries quickly, so you need to act quickly and clearly. If there is no hot glue, then you can use Moment glue.

You can also use the scheme of the desired letter drawn on cardboard in a sweep with all sides and the second front side and "ears" for fastening. You just have to bend and glue such a letter, and the letter is ready. To avoid damage to the material, it is better to make a reduced copy of the scan on a notebook sheet in a box.

A do-it-yourself volumetric cardboard letter is ready. It can be decorated with threads, as in a simple letter. But there are other decor options:

  • Colored and design paper
  • Textiles and lace ribbons
  • Buttons, beads, shells
  • Aerosol paints

Or you can just glue the volumetric letter with paper and paint it with acrylic paint in your favorite color. In the end, I would like to add that there is no limit to the imagination and skill of the person who creates.

Related videos

And finally, I would like to offer a video master class on letters made of cardboard, which will help the assimilation of the material. Happy viewing!

V Lately large and small numbers made of cardboard, created especially for babies, are popular: they are used for celebrating birthdays and others themed holidays... We have collected for you best options do-it-yourself volumetric numbers from paper: diagrams and templates will help you quickly make the right combination of a number series and use it in your conceived idea.

What are numbers for?

Typically, numbers are made for. They look unusual and delight all the guests of the house: the baby's grandparents are especially moved, because the figure not only decorates the room, but also speaks eloquently that the baby has become older. The numbers serve excellent background for thematic photos: the baby can pose with numerous relatives or on his own.

Number Shapes done in any event agency, however, parents will save a lot by making such crafts with their own hands. Their production is extremely easy and does not take much time: good imagination and creative skills will help you create numbers from paper that will look no worse than purchased ones. How to do this and what you need to do in detail we will tell in the article.

Materials for making

If there is a very small toddler in the house, and you have not yet got hold of office supplies, we advise you to immediately go to the store for needlewomen. Create a note in the phone, so as not to forget the tools that need to be purchased for future crafts:

  • Cardboard
    The size depends on the size of the figure you are going to craft. For a large number numbers, planned to be used as props for a photo shoot, it is better to prefer thick A4 cardboard. if the plans are huge crafts, you will have to be creative and find large boxes of large household appliances. The easiest way to do this is by asking in the store: sellers are usually happy to give away unnecessary packaging from the product.
  • Scissors
    Use comfortable scissors to avoid rubbing against skin when cutting cardboard.

  • If you don't have a clear idea of ​​what your number should look like in your head, take the colors that will appeal to you in the store. Otherwise, select the material according to the idea.
  • Twine
    Get a couple of skeins of rope if the event is going to be rustic.
  • Construction stapler
    A stapler is needed when working with thick cardboard. Without it, the creation of volumetric figures will become almost impossible.
  • Glue gun
    Needed for fastening parts
  • Rulers, pencils, erasers
    Materials are needed for designing and marking numbers on cardboard sheets.
  • Additional materials
    Purchase Additional materials if necessary. These include: textiles, beads (beads), napkins and colored paper, threads for knitting, tinsel.

We make a frame of volumetric numbers

There is a big advantage in volumetric numbers: baby can play with them and rearrange them anywhere in the apartment. At the same time, a well-made figure will last more than one year.

Follow the instructions, if you want to make a volumetric figure:

  1. Decide on the size. Depending on this, select the material: regular A4 cardboard or big box from the refrigerator.
  2. On a selected piece of cardboard draw a figure by hand or using a template. The templates are given below.
  3. Cut out the figure... Use scissors or a utility knife for this. If you cut out only one shape, then the craft will turn out to be flat: you can hang it on the wall or make festive skewers with the age of the child.
  4. For a three-dimensional figure, prepare two identical numbers. Also, cut out strips of cardboard that will serve as an interlayer between the templates. Width of strips define depending on the size of the digit.
  5. Fasten the two templates and inner strips using a construction stapler, paper tape or glue gun.
  6. Decorate the resulting frame depending on the idea and materials at your disposal.

Variants of volumetric numbers from scrap materials

We have made extensive compilation volumetric figures created by craftswomen especially for their kids. Some options are given with a description, so you have no difficulties with the execution of especially complex figures.

Gorgeous numbers are made from colored paper very easy however, their creation often takes several days of painstaking work. If you want to make a neat craft, take the creation of decorative items into your own hands. Baby can render minimal help: submit sheets, choose colors or glue decorative elements to a specified location. detailed instructions for decorating letters with paper flowers is indicated in the photo tutorial.

Button numbers

Such a figure will break the bank if you are not a craftswoman with a collection of buttons. Glue the buttons onto cardboard or paper, dripping a little superglue in the middle. If thin cardboard is used and the figure does not exceed the size of an A4 sheet, the buttons can be sewn with contrasting threads. This will give the craft special charm.

A figure with images of a baby or a family is performed in a volumetric and flat version. For fixing photographs on a paper backing need glue PVA or small pieces of scotch tape.

Fluffy number

Looking at such creations, it is difficult to restrain a smile: they are soft, fluffy, you want to touch them. Imagine how nice it is for a kid to snuggle up to a three-dimensional figure?

Make it easier than easy: Select the knitting thread in the colors you want. Further with Follow the instructions:

  1. Wind the threads around the size you want. It can be a regular mug or a pots.
  2. Carefully remove the winding, fold it in half. Tie up the core.
  3. Cut the threads along the edges, fluff. The soft pompom is ready.

Thread craft

Another craft option using knitting threads. Just wrap the frame as it shown on the picture. You can arrange a composition single color or mix several contrasts. Use twine for a rustic party.

Corrugated paper numbers

In this performance fantasies there is where to roam. A variety of colors and decorating techniques will help you create a shape to suit your taste and needs. Here are the simplest frills, and flowers, and the usual pasting: look carefully at the photo and get ideas from finished works young mothers.

From napkins

Do not think that numbers made from scrap materials will look ugly, because the master's work is afraid. Explore the photos below: all volumetric figures made ordinary women... In the process, they used only the templates of numbers and napkins that turned out to be at home. Try it too: the result will exceed expectations!

How beautiful the room looks, decorated with large letters or numbers for the holiday. It can be romantic "LOVE" at a wedding or the first letters of the names of lovers on February 14, holiday date new year or birthday boy's age. This decor will always be a great material for any photo shoot. Letters and numbers can be purchased ready-made or created with your own hands using cardboard and paper. There are several ways to make them.

What to make the base from?

An ordinary cardboard box of medium or big size made of cardboard. On it you need to draw the outline of the future number or letter and cut it out with a clerical knife.

Next, you need to decide which number or letter is to be made - flat or volumetric. It all depends on the time you are willing to spend. Volumetric looks more interesting, you can play with it and easily rearrange it anywhere in the room, but you will have to spend more time and effort on it. If you just plan to hang it on the wall, then you don't need to cut anything out of the cardboard, but you can immediately start decorating.
For a volumetric version, you must additionally cut out another of the same shape with your own hands, and from the remaining part, long strips of cardboard of the same width for the sidewalls. After that, you need to assemble the frame. This can be done quite simply with a heat gun or masking tape.

How to decorate?

There are several different ways decor of such products with your own hands. Choose yours based on the general design style and the materials you need.

The most common options are:

1.with twine,
2.colored yarn,
3.fabric - organza, chiffon, satin and even velvet,
4. floristic films for packaging,
5.Using plain colored paper,
6.from corrugated paper, stationery or floristic,
7. Flowers from ordinary napkins.
You can simply wrap the frame with these materials, or you can make volume by turning fabric or paper into fluffy flowers or "funky" sticking out in different directions. Let's talk a little more about some of the methods.


To decorate a letter or number in a trendy eco-style, you only need twine and glue. Such decor will easily fit into any interior and will not require large expenditures of both time and materials. The main task is to carefully twist the contour with twine with your own hands, pre-glueing the section of the box with glue.

The twine can be left unpainted or painted in any desired color acrylic paints already right on the product.

Flower pattern

A very beautiful figure is obtained with. The whole alphabet, of course, will not work, since it will take too much time, but if you need to make only one number with your own hands indicating the age, for example, for a children's birthday, then such a decor will look simply gorgeous!
Rosettes are made from strips of corrugated paper, the photo shows the process of their manufacture.

It is most convenient to fix them in the process of twisting, as well as to glue them on cardboard later with the help of a thermal gun. To save time, roses should be made at least medium in size; gluing with small flowers will definitely take several days.


Funtiki can be rolled up with fabric, paper or using packaging film for flowers. For this, the material must be cut into equal squares. Each of the squares must be folded in half, but unevenly, and then again in half and again unevenly. So that all the edges stick out in different directions. After that, the funnel is fastened at its base with a stapler and glued to the product.

This simple and uncomplicated way is suitable for any occasion - for a wedding, New Year or birthday. After all, the funnies lie on the base and make a number or letter from cardboard really, bright, elegant and voluminous.


One more interesting idea decor is decoration with flowers from napkins. With the help of the most ordinary napkins, you can make the most fluffy figure in the world with your own hands!
First, you need to make a lot of napkin flowers, and then glue them with PVA. Here's how to make a flower from napkins.
1. A single-ply napkin is cut into 4 equal pieces, which are stacked on top of each other. In the center we fix them with a stapler.
2. Cut off the edges of the square, turning it into a circle.
3. Cut a circle from the edges to the center so that the flower has thin petals.
4. Raise all layers of napkin petals up and get a beautiful fluffy flower, as in the photo. With such flowers you can decorate not only a letter or number, but also make a whole one!

Here is such a bright yellow six, a bit like the sun. It will fit perfectly into the warm interior of the nursery for the upcoming birthday. It remains only to make a few fluffy pom-poms for her with your own hands, as in the next video.

There is more, besides fabric, corrugated paper and napkins. For example, scrap paper or delicate lace, coins or halves of wine corks. With such a surprise, you are guaranteed to surprise everyone around you and provide a lot of bright photos at the holiday.

3D letters are a great way to decorate your wedding and wedding photos.

This accessory can be made by hand.

We have collected the most interesting and original ideas how to make initials for a wedding with your own hands.

Well, to make sure that this is not at all difficult, we will also show as many as 3 step-by-step master classes.

Initials made of fabric look very delicate. You can choose absolutely any fabric, even inexpensive. The main thing is that it should match the style of the wedding in color and texture.

The lace trim adds a special tenderness.

If you wish, you can completely make the letters lacy.

Volumetric letters from threads

It is quite simple to make volumetric letters for a wedding from threads: you need a frame, which is then simply wrapped with threads.

Thus, you can create absolutely any inscriptions for a wedding with your own hands, for example, a surname.

Wire can be used for the frame.

Or a cardboard stencil.

Cardboard letters

By the way, about cardboard. It is a cheap and versatile material. Here are just a few ideas on how to create wedding letters with it.

Three-dimensional letters look even more interesting, which can be made from ordinary cardboard, and then pasted over with paper or cloth to your taste. You will get an excellent monogram for a wedding with your own hands.

Your photos are perfect as decorations.

Volumetric letters from unusual materials

Do you want something really interesting? Pay attention to non-standard materials.

For example, this figure is made from paper cupcake wrappers.

For an autumn wedding, volumetric letters from leaves are the best fit.

Or even wood.

As you can see, there are plenty of options, and they are all pretty simple, but they really decorate the wedding.

Master class on how to make volumetric letters from paper for a wedding with your own hands

Not only letters, but also numbers can be voluminous. Date, significant number or table number.

So, here's how it's done:

  1. Cut the paper into squares.
  2. Round the corners.
  3. Spiral cut the shape from edge to center.
  4. Leave a small circle for the core.
  5. Add a few drops of glue to the core.
  6. Spiral the shape into a flower shape.
  7. When the spiral is twisted, press it firmly against the core to hold everything together with glue.
  8. Stencil letters or numbers out of cardboard.
  9. Stick the flower onto the stencil.
  10. Continue until you have filled in all the blanks.

Do you want to make such beauty? Here's what you need:

  1. To make cubes, you need paper blanks. 2 square parts with sides 10 cm, 2 - 11 cm and 2 - 12.5 cm.
  2. For each piece, measure 1 cm from the edge and fold inward.
  3. Glue the pieces together along the fold to make a box.
  4. Cut letters or numbers from decorative paper... Cut out the frames for decoration from the same paper.
  5. Stick all the pieces onto the cube. Ready!

Video master class do-it-yourself volumetric letters for a wedding