
What to eat at 4 months Should I introduce complementary foods into the diet of a four-month-old baby? Complementary foods


With small children, you should be especially attentive and caring. You need to know what they can and cannot do. It is in the first years of life that the baby forms the main functions of the body. This process is influenced by many factors, such as the daily routine, the emotional situation at home and, of course, nutrition. It is about him that we will talk today.

About the transition from breastfeeding to regular food

It's no secret that the food of one-year-old children is significantly different from the nutrition of older children and, especially, adults. Do not forget that a newborn baby feeds on mother's milk and only then switches to more “heavy”, solid food. The process of transition is, of course, gradual. No one suggests feeding a six-month-old baby fried chicken or pork ribs right away. Not at all, at first the child is “transplanted” to semi-solid foods like purees and juices. This food is quite easily absorbed by the digestive system, but at the same time it is no longer mother's milk as such. In this case, it is necessary to observe measure and caution in everything if you do not want your child to develop an allergic reaction.

What to feed? What can be given to him and what not? What foods are harmful month old baby? How to make the transition smoothly?

Let's look at everything in order.

To feed or not to feed

It is worth noting the fact that at 4 months the baby can already begin to give complementary foods. To feed or not is always at the discretion of the parents. Of course, the basis is in any case breastfeeding.

It is important to understand that you should not give special feeding without a clear need - at least that's what doctors recommend. It is best to postpone this period until the age of at least 6 months. V early age it is most important for a baby to give breast milk, and excessive "passion" for other types of food can contribute to the development of an allergic reaction. We think it makes no sense to explain to young parents what complications this can lead to at a more mature age.

When does it become necessary to add special mixtures to the diet? We answer. In the event that breastfeeding is no longer able to give the baby enough nutrients. Just during this period, the baby begins to produce its own saliva, and the parents have the opportunity to give, in addition to mother's milk, more solid food - the same nutrient mixtures.

What exactly to feed

What can you eat in this young age? In this matter, the opinions of various nutritionists may differ. Some experts are of the opinion that it is necessary to eat mixtures based on vegetables or drink vegetable juices. Others lean towards fruit-based juices and purees.

Be careful! The baby may have an unaccustomed occurrence of an allergic reaction. For this reason, we start complementary foods with small portions - you need to give his body time to adapt to more solid food compared to milk.

Fundamental rules

  1. Start with one particular product. Why is this needed? This method will allow you to timely identify the product that causes allergies in the baby, and, accordingly, exclude it from the diet for an indefinite period. Start eating little by little.
  2. In the case when you decide to start the process of complementary foods with fruits, you must first feed the child with apple juice. It is very important that this juice is fresh and of natural origin. Shop options are not even considered! If you do not notice a rash and diarrhea in the baby, then you can continue to give him juice (but at first small quantities!). After the first month, you will be able to give your child 30 ml of this drink at a time.
  3. Please note that you should not try to cram the entire daily juice norm into your goldfish at one time! In addition, do not forget that you can not mix juices of different types during the meal.
  4. As a rule, first the baby is offered complementary foods and only then breastfeeding is given. In the case when the child does not want to eat complementary foods, it is necessary first of all to breastfeed him, and then with complementary foods. Remember the rule: no more than one new product per day!
  5. The amount of each new product consumed during the week is adjusted to a full serving. Then it becomes possible to add a second product to the diet, also mastering it within a week. And already in the third week you will be able to alternate these products with each other. In this case, of course, look at his reaction to all these products!
  6. When the baby reaches the age of four months, parents have the opportunity to make vegetable puree for their child. Please note that it is freely available in many grocery stores in special glass jars. Remember that factory-made food does not need additional salting and adding oil. Sugar is also not worth adding.
  7. If you see ingredients such as tomatoes, garlic, onions, various kinds of spices in the composition of a particular mixture, then you should not buy such a product. The fact is that doctors are against children eating food with similar components.
  8. There is an opinion that it is very difficult to adapt a baby to vegetable puree. The fact is that vegetable puree contains much less sugar than human milk, so for a child it will be very unusual in taste. In some cases, it becomes necessary to feed a new dish several times, until your child finally gets used to it.
  9. Don't let too much blunder- do not feed the baby porridge! Otherwise, as your child gets older, they may not perceive vegetables as appetizing food.
  10. It is necessary to reckon with the fact that it is the results of the first complementary foods that will largely determine how things will turn out with the subsequent nutrition of your child. If you do not carefully choose food for him, if you feed everything indiscriminately, then at an older age you will get a sick and obese child.
  11. For the first feeding, the following vegetables are perfect for you: cabbage, zucchini, potatoes. Why exactly them? The fact is that these vegetables are less allergenic compared to all the others. After some time, you can add carrots and beets to this list.

As a conclusion, I would like to once again recall the main points regarding whether it is possible to give additional complementary foods to a child at the age of about four months? And if possible: which one, how often and in what quantities? All these questions, of course, are of great concern to young mothers who are afraid to take the wrong step, and thereby harm the health of their child.

So, you can give complementary foods to your baby, starting at four months. But it is worth treating this issue with the utmost caution and thoughtfulness. After all, the slightest bust with the number of servings - and now the baby begins to develop an allergic reaction. Among other things, it is still very dangerous with those complications that may appear and develop at a later age. Here, as they say, the message “take care of your health from a young age” is relevant!

As always, we want to wish our readers patience, attentiveness to their children, love, care and warmth. Our children are the most valuable thing we have. Take care of them, and in time they will protect you and take care of you!

Four months of age is a milestone that leaves early infancy behind. The baby's daily routine, formed during the first 2-3 months, changes due to an increase in the duration of wakefulness and a decrease in the number of feedings. The baby becomes calmer, as the intestinal colic that caused pain and interfered with restful sleep disappears.

Most children go through excruciating colic by this age, so parents note a more even emotional background, increase the activity and curiosity of children

Daily schedule in 4 months

The main change in the regimen of a child at 4 months is the reduction in the amount of sleep to 16 hours a day, which affects his schedule. In daylight, the baby rests 3 times for 2 hours. At night, he can sleep continuously for about 10 hours. Three times a day's sleep will continue for a long time. As you grow older, the duration of rest periods will gradually decrease.

The table shows an approximate daily schedule for a four-month-old baby:

ActionOption 1Option 2
Awakening, feeding, hygiene procedures6.00 - 6.30 8.00 - 8.30
6.30 - 7.30 8.30 - 10.00
First day dream7.30 - 9.30 10.00 - 11.30
Second feeding9.30 - 10.00 11.30 - 12.00
Active wakefulness (games, communication)10.00 - 11.00 (11.30) 12.00 - 13.00
Second day dream11.00 (11.30) - 13.00 13.00 - 15.00
Third feeding13.00 - 13.30 15.00 - 15.30
Active wakefulness (games, communication)13.30 - 14.30 15.30 - 17.00
third day dream14.30 - 16.30 17.00 - 18.30
Fourth feeding16.30 - 17.00 18.30 - 19.00
Active wakefulness (games, communication)17.00 - 18.00 19.00 - 20.00
Fourth day dream18.00 - 19.30 -
Bathing19.30 - 20.00 20.00 - 20.30
Fifth feeding20.00 - 20.30 -
Night sleep20.30 - 6.00 20.30 - 8.00

The schedule shown is not binding. You can make changes to it taking into account the characteristics of the nature and condition of the child. An important point is to provide the two basic needs of the baby - nutrition and good rest.

The specified number of sleep periods during the day and meals every 3.5 hours are considered optimal, the rest of the time the child can play with his mother or on his own, as well as walk.

Features of the diet

How many times a day does the baby eat? Up to 4 months, the baby's food is six times a day, then the number of feedings is reduced to 5 (we recommend reading:). The exact meal schedule depends on what kind of feeding the baby is on: breastfeeding, artificial or mixed.

  • kid on breastfeeding eats 4-5 times a day with an interval of 3.5 hours. For 1 time he eats more milk than before. It is not recommended to introduce complementary foods at this age, since breastfeeding fully provides the child with nutrients.
  • In "artificial" children the feeding schedule is more precise than for babies receiving natural nutrition. For 1 meal, the child should eat 180-200 grams of milk formula. This is enough for him to stay full for 3.5-4 hours.

Some experts believe that in the 5th month of life, "artificial" should be given complementary foods, since the mixture does not cover their needs for vitamins, trace elements and other substances. This issue is resolved individually together with the pediatrician - if the doctor does not see indications for the introduction of new products, you should wait. If necessary, it is desirable to use purees and juices that are liquid in consistency as the first complementary foods. Kashi should be introduced later. Gradually, one feeding is replaced by an “adult” product; at the remaining meals, a baby should be offered a milk formula at 4 months. Total number meals - a maximum of 5.

The meal schedule is especially important for children on artificial feeding- the mother must clearly calculate the amount of formula for feeding at a time

If the mother does not produce enough breast milk, then the child's diet is supplemented with milk mixtures. Baby daily menu at 4 months on the mixed feeding should consist of:

  • mother's milk - up to 600 grams;
  • adapted milk formula - up to 450 grams;
  • complementary foods (mashed vegetables) - up to 170 grams.

periods of wakefulness

The daily routine of a child at 4 months involves an increase in periods of wakefulness (see also:). What to do with the baby during these intervals?

After waking up and eating, the baby must be washed and combed. Over time, he will get used to the fact that morning procedures mark the beginning of a new day. The next step is to charge it. Fitball exercises are very useful. In addition, you can put the child in an upright position so that he lightly rests his legs on a hard and rough surface. It is important to hold it firmly under the armpits and not load the spine.

Charging will help the baby cheer up and make him more active. He will gladly accept further interesting activities Therefore, it is better to do exercises in the morning, and not in the evening.

Useful pastime options:

  • finger gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills;
  • a fun game of "coo-coo", from which almost all children are delighted;
  • general strengthening massage, including light stroking of the back, feet, palms, legs, arms.

Evening pastime necessarily includes traditional bathing. Ideally, it is preceded by massage and gymnastics with the baby. Do not forget that bathing a 4-month-old baby is necessary every day.


Walking is an integral part of a child's daily routine. How many should there be? At least two - before lunch and in the evening. Walking is worth it at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. Fresh air is very beneficial for children.

In most cases, babies sleep soundly during walks. Rest can last up to 3 hours, especially if the child is not hungry. During this period, it is advisable to take a walk in a quiet park away from highways. It is better to entrust a walk in the evening hours to the father, who by this time will be free after work. Mom can use the break to do household chores - for example, cook dinner.

While walking, the baby may sleep soundly - this is normal. Sleep on fresh air has a beneficial effect on the baby's body, saturates tissues and blood with oxygen

Restless sleep at night

It is better to start preparing for a night's sleep with swimming. Water procedures are a kind of ritual that signals to the baby that the time for sleep is coming and it's time to rest. After a busy day, heavy feeding and a warm bath, the child will quickly fall asleep and will not disturb the parents until the morning.

What to do if the baby wakes up several times a night? Is it possible to change the mode of a restless baby at 4 months, making his sleep deep and long?

One way to solve the problem is to remove the first part of the night's sleep. During this period, the baby should play. At first, this approach may cause resistance in him, the baby will be capricious and whimpering. Many parents will consider this a real torture. At the same time, waking up in the evening and having plenty of “talking” with mom and dad until 22:00-23:00, the baby will instantly fall asleep after bathing and feeding. His sleep will last until at least 6:00 in the morning. Parents will have the opportunity to relax and pay attention to each other.

The daily routine of a 4-month-old baby should include an average of 5 feedings (the exact number depends on the type of food), 4 periods when the baby is awake, 3 periods of daytime rest and a long night's sleep (we recommend reading:). By teaching the baby to do everything by the hour, parents provide normal conditions for its development and form an optimal rhythm of life for the family.

Each new month in the life of a little man is a whole era. Just think how far he goes in just a year. A completely helpless creature right before our eyes, day after day becomes smarter, older, stronger and stronger.

This is a natural process, which is guided by Nature itself, however, not without the active participation of parents. But, let's not talk a lot, but let's move on to an important issue that is relevant today - nutrition 4 month old baby.

From this article you will learn:

Following the world practice of feeding infants, at the age of 4 months, mother's milk (or artificial formula) remains the main type of nutrition. Its daily intake increases to 800-900 grams, and the intervals between feedings are 3-4 hours.

This means that during the day, the baby will be applied to the breast at least 6 times, and eat about 120-140 grams of milk in one sitting. This amount is quite enough to provide a rapidly growing body with a complex of vital vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

If, for some reason, breast milk is not enough, it is no longer able to satisfy your baby’s appetite, or pediatricians have diagnosed signs of anemia in him, you should think about methods of increasing lactation or introducing complementary foods.

Complementary foods at 4 months. Already possible!

Many mothers, despite the opinion of doctors, do not dare to offer vegetable puree or juice to a 4-month-old child, and feed him exclusively with an adapted mixture, which is not entirely reasonable, because the child is already quite ready to get acquainted with new products. The key argument in this case is physiology.

Up to 4 months, the child has practically no control over the movements of his own tongue and does not really know how to swallow. This means that it is difficult for him to cope with solid food. Even water from a spoon goes at this time with difficulty and the baby is struggling to push the liquid out of his mouth.

But after 4 months, things take on new features, and the child gradually learns to eat. Actually for this reason, it is not necessary to be afraid of the introduction of complementary foods as additional nutrition at this age. If you do everything right, the baby will quickly master the desired skill.

How and what is it permissible to feed a baby at 4 months

Now that all doubts have been dispelled, we can begin to consider a list of foods that are acceptable as food for a 4-month-old baby. These include:

  • vegetable puree;
  • fruit puree;
  • cottage cheese;
  • porridge;
  • milk mixture.

Frightening variety, isn't it? But, to offer new food you need to gradually and little by little.

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini.

If the baby suffers from underweight or unstable stools, then it is better to start with cereals.

Unsweetened vegetable purees may not immediately appeal to a child who is accustomed to the taste of sweet breast milk or formula, and therefore parental perseverance and patience are required here.

When the baby tries vegetables (it takes about 5-7 days to adapt), he can be offered fruits crushed to a puree-like consistency:

  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • pears;
  • bananas.

Most likely, the child will take up these products with more willingness, which, undoubtedly, will please the mother.

As for cereals, at 4 months, instant instant gluten-free cereals will be the most suitable food option:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • corn.

But it is better to wait a little with millet, oatmeal, barley and rye porridge, because they contain gluten, a protein that causes heaviness and bloating in the little ones.

first juice, which a 4 month old baby can try - apple. At the time of acquaintance with this product, it is better to dilute it with boiled water, approximately 1: 1 and offer no more than a teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose.

Adapted cottage cheese for infants it is desirable to enter the last, in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons in the form of cheese mass, diluted with breast milk or a mixture.

How much of what

  • Vegetable / fruit puree (in grams): the first day - 5, the second - 10, the third - 15, the fourth - 20, the fifth - 50, the sixth - 90-100, the seventh - 120. On the last day, one complementary food can replace one feeding .
  • Porridge (in grams): the first day - 5, the second - 10, the third - 15, the fourth - 20, the fifth - 50, the sixth - 80, the seventh - 100-120.
  • Juice: within a week, its amount from a teaspoon is brought to 40-50 ml.

When introducing complementary foods, do not forget that it is better to give it in the morning and for an afternoon snack, and breast milk or formula is provided in the current volume (800-900 gr.). The slightest allergic reactions and excessively loose/tight stools are a reason to cancel a new product and look for a substitute from the available variety.

It is difficult for new parents to understand when a baby needs to start feeding with various mixtures. Worst of all, if the child refuses to breastfeed. In this case, you need expert advice, and moreover, this should be done as soon as possible. Formula feeding can replace a full-fledged dairy product, and this will not affect the baby's weight gain in any way.

It’s another matter when, over time, it’s time to add variety to food or spend supplementary feeding. Usually, the pediatrician advises to diversify the diet no earlier than six months after birth. But stunting and low weight can be the very reason when you have to give your baby extra food as early as 4 months. The main thing for parents will be knowing what to give, in what quantities and at what time.

What to feed a baby at 4 months

Most mothers, starting to introduce various additives into the diet of children, usually start with porridge. Few people now cook porridge on their own, as there is a large selection of ready-made semi-finished products in stores. If cereals have been properly processed, then they contain many vitamins and trace elements. Among industrially prepared cereals, one should single out those in which there is no gluten. Such cereals and mixtures include: buckwheat, rice, corn. It is too early to give any other cereals to a child at the age of four months. The advantage of feeding cereals is the baby's weight gain and stable stool.

With normal development baby, at 4 months they begin to give him vegetable purees. Usually the doctor advises to start with mashed potatoes and switch to cereals. The best option vegetable puree are zucchini. Zucchini is boiled and rubbed through a sieve. You can also feed the baby and canned puree from the store. In addition to zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots with potatoes and cauliflower are recommended for food. All these vegetables are boiled well and ground or chopped with a blender. Never use salt in mashed potatoes. Vegetable oils they begin to add when the baby reaches the age of 4.5 months.

The main products of the beginning of complementary foods

As already mentioned, the introduction of new products into the diet begins with a medical consultation. Each little person needs their own diet. Only the doctor who sees the children will be able to suggest the correct list of products. If we forget about individual intolerance and disorders of the stomach, then there is a list of the main permitted products for bait . The list includes:

Rules for feeding children from four months of age

Every business has its own rules., especially in regard to what can be given to a child at 4 months. Here are some of them that new mothers who are faced with feeding their baby for the first time need to know:

  • For the first time, the child may even refuse to accept unfamiliar food. Do not be upset if this happened - repeat then again.
  • Feed mixtures and puree from a spoon. So, at the same time, the baby is accustomed to a new way of eating.
  • In the first feedings, children are given half a teaspoon of food at a time. Then the portion is gradually increased.
  • We should not forget: as soon as children begin to eat new foods, they may have intestinal disorders and allergic reactions. Therefore, watch the stool and rashes on the body.
  • Boiled eggs contain vitamin D. In this regard, for the prevention of rickets, young children are given crumbs of yolk. The largest dose at this age is a quarter of the yolk.

Ways to determine whether a child is ready for a new meal

Not always 4 or 5 months is the guarantor of the transfer of children to bait. Each of us is individual and we must also proceed from this rule:

They begin to feed completely healthy children. It is also forbidden to start feeding in the period of preparation for vaccination and the first month after vaccination.

Many parents consider the presence of vitamins in fruits and vegetables to be the main factor in feeding. However, they should not be forced into children at that age. More doesn't mean it's good. In order to avoid misunderstandings by nutritionists and pediatricians, a children's menu was developed. The menu has been designed with You need to feed your baby five times a day:

  • at 6 o'clock in the morning they are fed formula or breast milk;
  • at 10 o'clock you can give formula milk (breast milk) and fruit juice;
  • at 2 pm, children are given milk formula and vegetable puree;
  • at 6 pm the mixture is given again and already fruit puree;
  • at 22 o'clock they are fed with a quarter of the yolk and milk mixture.

If you put your baby to bed an hour or two after the last feeding, you can only give him formula milk before that.

The impact of new products on the child's body

Starting feeding children from the age of 4 months, pay special attention to food tolerance and effects on the body.

Pedagogical complementary food

In the matter of raising and feeding children, there is such a thing as pedagogical complementary food. At 4 months, children already begin to repeat the gestures and facial expressions of their parents, and they are also attracted to adult food.

Therefore, on the basis of pedagogical complementary foods, it is possible little child give out any food, but only in microdoses. The rest of the food must comply with strictly established rules.

Pedagogical complementary foods are necessary so that children from the age of four months can feel taste and smell of food. At the same time, food preferences will be immediately visible. After some time, it is on these preferences that a new menu is compiled.

The process of feeding at the age of four months is usually familiar to both mothers and babies. If the children are not ready for innovation, then do not rush and get upset about this. Maybe things will change in 1-2 weeks.

Behind the back of a four-month-old baby was one more month of life. During this time, he became very strong, grew up and learned a lot. Adjusting to the new needs and opportunities of the baby, his daily routine should also change. It will continue to consist of alternating feedings, periods of sleep and wakefulness, filled with educational games, gymnastics and hygiene procedures, only the duration of these periods will change.

Approximate daily routine for a 4 month old baby:

  • 6:00-8:00 Morning awakening, the first meal, a complex (with obligatory washing and changing a diaper), taking air baths combined with morning exercises, a period of active wakefulness.
  • 8:00-10:00 Morning dream.
  • 10:00-12:00 The second meal, active leisure (fulfillment exercise, communication with loved ones, educational games).
  • 12:00-14:00 A walk combined with sleep in the fresh air ().
  • 14:00-16:00 The third meal, a tour of the apartment, active games, developing activities.
  • 16:00-18:00 Evening walk, acquaintance with the outside world, sleep.
  • 18:00-21:00 The fourth meal, games and developmental activities with family members,.
  • 21:00-22:30 Preparation for sleep.
  • 22:30 Night meal.
  • 23:00-6:00 Night sleep.

Additional option (optional):

Moms should understand that the proposed daily routine is approximate and you should not go out of your way to follow it minute by minute. The individual characteristics of each child will inevitably make their own adjustments.

However, with any adjustments in the daily routine of a four-month-old baby, the following points should remain unchanged:

  • intervals between meals should be at least four hours;
  • the total duration of daytime sleep, which is about six hours (it is advisable to divide them into three intervals).


The routine that regulates the life of a 4-month-old baby provides for not six, but five meals a day. This is its main difference from the regime of the previous month. Modern mothers have the opportunity to feed their children in one of three ways: by breastfeeding, artificial feeding and mixed feeding.

  • A four-month-old breastfed baby does not yet feel the need for additional complementary foods, since the nutritional value of mother's milk is quite sufficient for him. The reduction in the number of meals is explained by the fact that a grown up and stronger child sucks out more milk in one feeding, remaining full longer;
  • The daily requirement for mother's milk in a baby at 4 months is 900-1000 ml, so it is easy to calculate that the volume of one serving should be about 200 ml. A bottle with exactly this amount of milk formula is received by a child who is bottle-fed.

We read in detail about how much breast milk or formula a baby should eat. -

One thing happens in the life of artificial babies significant event: Starting this month they start receiving their first complementary foods. Regarding the nature of the products with which complementary foods should be started, the opinions of pediatricians are divided. Some of them believe that gluten-free non-dairy cereals are the best option, while others recommend feeding crumbs with baby kefir and cottage cheese. The vast majority of experts advise to gradually introduce vegetable purees and juices into the child's diet, and then fruit.

The reaction of the crumbs to complementary foods is important: he should like the food. Starting with a teaspoon, the amount of a new product is increased daily by one spoon. After ten days, the volume of complementary foods should be at least 150 ml. As soon as this happens, one feeding with a new product appears in the child's diet, and the other four are carried out with the usual milk formula.

Complementary foods are also introduced into the diet of 4-month-old babies, due to the need to be mixed-fed. Usually mothers who develop it resort to it. With this nutrition scheme, the baby needs 500 ml of mother's milk, 400 ml of formula milk and 150 ml of complementary foods.


A 4-month-old baby still has a high need for sleep. As in the previous month, he should sleep at least sixteen hours a day, but the increased duration of daytime wakefulness leads to a change in sleep patterns.

In an ideal situation, the baby should sleep at least ten hours at night and six during the day. Instead of four periods of daytime rest, he has three.

Of course, this mode is not suitable for every child. Some babies still need four naps, while others get by just fine with just one. Some sleep peacefully all night long, while others even wake up every three hours at night and require reinforcements. At this age, it is already possible to understand who will be the “lark” and who will be the “owlet”.

In each case, a smart and caring mother should build her baby's daily routine in such a way as to provide him with the conditions for proper development, and this is possible only with a reasonable alternation of periods of sleep and wakefulness. A poorly slept baby will be naughty, refuse games and food, and an overslept one will become too energetic. So the golden mean is important here as well.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

With a thoughtful approach, you can adapt to any individual characteristics of each baby, forcing him to get used to the correct routine. If the baby does not sleep well at night, preventing his loved ones from sleeping, it makes sense to sacrifice the first part of his nightly rest and put him to bed a little later than usual. You will have to show some ingenuity, entertaining a capricious baby, but after that he will instantly fall asleep, not waking up until morning.

How to teach a baby to sleep through the night / our daily routine from 4 months:


The organization, duration and number of walks with the child remain the same as in the previous month: it is necessary to take it out into the fresh air for 1.5-2 hours twice a day. Of course, if too bad weather conditions do not prevent this:, wind or.

We should not forget that the beginning of the walk should be informative for the baby, who began to show an active interest in the world around him, so you need to tell him about everything that meets on the way: about the plants, animals and birds seen, about passers-by and passing vehicles.

The rest of the walk, the child will still sleep peacefully in the stroller: thanks to the influx of fresh air that saturates the brain cells with oxygen, this sleep will be especially long and useful for him.

Educational games

Since a child at 4 months is awake for eight hours, this time must be filled with a large number of educational games.

  • Walking tours around the apartment are very useful for the baby. Traveling on the hands of adults, he gets acquainted with the name and purpose of the items in it. All received information is deposited in his memory. After a while, you can be sure of this. Name some familiar object, and you will see that the baby will turn its head in its direction;
  • For the development of tactile sensations, it is useful to give the baby bright toys with different surface textures. They can be hard and soft, smooth and rough, bumpy and having holes. The coloring of toys should be either monophonic or containing no more than two or three colors. The boundaries of the color transition should be clear;
  • Four months of age is a fertile time for the use of developmental rugs, entertainment centers and. Contributing to the development of hearing, vision and fine sensory, awakening motor activity baby, all these toys are very useful for him, but you should not offer the baby several items at once: he must focus on one thing;
  • It is useful for kids to listen to rhythmic music. Clapping her hands to the beat of the music, the mother will help the baby develop a sense of rhythm. You can take the baby in your arms and smoothly spin with him to a beautiful melody;
  • The child needs to tell fairy tales, sing children's songs, read poems and nursery rhymes. Already from this age, it is necessary to teach kids to look at pictures and read books;
  • Very useful and loved by kids are games with their arms and legs, finger games-fun "Magpie-crow", "Okay", "Horned Goat" (). Stroking and massaging tiny fingers favors not only the development of sensory skills, but also the activation of the brain centers responsible for speech.

Knowing that all the toys and objects that fall into the hands of the baby will certainly end up in his mouth, it is necessary to monitor their cleanliness. Toys should be washed daily with boiled water, and shreds should be washed periodically.

Physical development, hardening and hygiene procedures

A stronger baby needs more exercise, so in addition to morning exercises, it is necessary to strengthen and develop his muscles throughout the day. A five-minute load performed in the morning, afternoon and evening will be optimal.

  • Children of this age begin to roll over on their tummy on their own. To make this task easier for them by strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals, it is very useful to play "kolobok". Carefully rolling the child from the back to the tummy (and vice versa) on the big bed, you can accompany your actions with a cheerful comment that the baby has turned into a rubber ball or a kolobok running away from its pursuers;
  • To strengthen the spine and arms, the mother can let the baby grab her index fingers, and then pull him towards herself. This exercise will be a preparation for independent sitting skills ();
  • When laying out the child (lying on the floor) on the tummy, it is useful to put your hand under his heels. Starting from her legs, the baby will make the first attempts to crawl away. For these attempts to be successful, the floor must not be slippery. The best option is to have a carpet covered with a thin blanket.

How to temper a baby

4 months - very suitable age to start hardening procedures. If performed regularly, they will allow the baby to always stay healthy.

  • Hardening began in the first months of a child's development, since air baths and outdoor walks also belong to the category of hardening procedures. The duration of air baths in a room with a temperature of 22 degrees for a baby should be at least ten minutes. They should be performed at least twice a day;
  • One of the most gentle hardening procedures using water is rubbing.. Before moving on to wet rubdowns, a course of dry ones is carried out. Delicate skin the baby is wiped with a mitten made of terry cloth. This should be done very carefully, until slight redness. skin. After 7-10 days, when rubbing becomes habitual, you can start using a wet mitten. Wetting it with warm (36 degrees) water and squeezing it well, first wipe only the child's face. After several sessions, the rubdown area is gradually increased, bringing to a complete rubdown of the entire body. The duration of the procedure is no more than two minutes. After every three procedures, the water temperature is reduced by one degree (you need to bring it to 30 degrees).

The complex of hygiene procedures for the child remains the same, including the procedure for morning washing, obligatory washing with each diaper change and evening bathing.

By following the suggested recommendations and adapting them to the individual characteristics of your 4-month-old baby, every caring mother will be able to create the daily routine that is necessary for a successful intellectual and physical development baby.

VIDEO GUIDE: How to arrange care for a 4 month old baby? Feeding. Care. Basic moments

How to accustom a child to the regime

Moms take note!

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