
Card file of plot-role-playing games for children of the younger group (2). Professions - role-playing game in the second junior group Story game in the 2nd junior group


Card file of role-playing games for preschoolers

Development gaming activity.
Main goals and objectives:
Creation of conditions for the development of children's play activities. Formation of game skills, development of cultural forms of the game. Comprehensive upbringing and harmonious development of children in the game (emotional-moral, mental, physical, artistic-aesthetic and socio-communicative). Development of independence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation skills; formation of a benevolent attitude towards peers, the ability to interact, negotiate, independently resolve conflict situations.

Plot - role-playing game "Shop"

Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common features, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.
Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located in a shop window, money.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the teacher offers the children to place in a convenient place a huge supermarket with departments such as vegetables, grocery, dairy, bakery and others, where buyers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, sales workers in departments, sort goods into departments - food, fish, bakery products,
meat, milk, household chemicals etc. They come to the supermarket for shopping with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

Plot - role-playing game "Toys at the doctor"

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.
Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, pills, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients see a doctor with various diseases: the bear's teeth hurt because he ate a lot of sweets, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: the Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Children of the elder preschool age they can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Role-playing game "Pharmacy"

Target: expand knowledge about the professions of pharmacy workers: a pharmacist makes medicines, a cashier-seller sells them, a pharmacy manager orders the necessary herbs and other preparations for the manufacture of medicines, expand the vocabulary of children: “drugs”, “pharmacist”, “order”, “medicinal plants ".
Equipment: toy pharmacy equipment.
Age: 5–7 years.
Game progress: a conversation is held about what people of what professions work in a pharmacy, what they do. We are getting acquainted with a new role - the Head of the pharmacy. She accepts medicinal herbs from the population and gives them to Pharmacists to prepare medicines. The manager helps Pharmacy Employees and Visitors to sort out difficult situations. Medicines are issued
strictly by prescription. Children distribute the roles independently, at will.

Role-playing game "Building a house"

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.
Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and it is called ...? (House)". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.

Plot - role-playing game "Zoo"

Target: expand children's knowledge about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cultivate love, humane treatment of animals, expand children's vocabulary.
Equipment: toy wild animals familiar to children, cages (made of building material), tickets, money, cash desk.
Age: 4–5 years.
Game progress: the teacher informs the children that a zoo has arrived in the city, and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. They examine animals there, talk about where they live, what they eat. During the game, children should pay attention to how to treat animals, how to care for them.

Plot - role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Target: expand children's knowledge of the appointment kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - an educator, a nanny, a cook, a music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, to treat their pupils with care.
Equipment: all the toys you need to play in kindergarten.
Age: 4–5 years.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in kindergarten. At will, we assign children to the roles of the Educator, Nanny, Musical Director. Dolls and animals act as pupils. During the game, they monitor relationships with children, help them find a way out of difficult situations.

Plot - role-playing game "Hairdresser's"

Target: to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, to cultivate a culture of communication, to expand the vocabulary of children.
Equipment: dressing gown for a hairdresser, cape for a client, hairdresser's tools - a comb, scissors, bottles for cologne, varnish, hair dryer, etc.
Age: 4–5 years.
Game progress: knock on the door. Doll Katya comes to visit the children. She gets to know all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her pigtail was untangled, and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several rooms there: women's, men's, manicure, good masters work in them, and they will quickly put Katya's hair in order. Assign
Hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go to the salon. Katya is very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair in a hairstyle, manicure.

Plot - role-playing game "In the library"

Target: expand the horizons of children, teach children how to use the services of the library correctly, apply the knowledge of literary works previously obtained in the classroom, consolidate knowledge about the profession of a librarian, cultivate respect for the work of a librarian and respect for the book, expand the vocabulary of children: “library”, “profession” , "librarian", "reading room".
Equipment: books familiar to children, a box with pictures, a card file, pencils, sets of postcards.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in the library. Everyone together remembers who works in the library, what they do there. Children themselves choose 2-3 Librarians, each of them has several books. The rest of the children are divided into
several groups. Each group is served by one Librarian. He shows many books, and in order to take a favorite book, the child must name it or briefly describe what is written in it. You can tell a poem from a book that the child takes. During the game, they give advice to children who find it difficult to choose a book. The librarian needs to be more attentive to visitors, show illustrations for the books they like. Some children wish to stay in the reading room to look at sets of pictures, postcards. They share their experiences. At the end of the game, the children tell how they played, what books the Librarian offered them, and what they liked the most.

Plot - role-playing game "Cosmonauts"

Target: expand the theme of story games, introduce the work of astronauts in space, instill courage, endurance, expand the vocabulary of children: “outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “outer space”.
Equipment: spacecraft and building material, seat belts, spacecraft tools, toy cameras.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: the teacher asks the children if they would like to go to space? What kind of person do you need to be to fly into space? (Strong, brave, dexterous, smart.) He suggests going into space to leave a satellite there that will transmit weather signals to Earth. It will also be necessary to take photographs of our planet from space. Together they remember what else they need to take with them so that nothing could happen during the flight. Children play the situation. They complete the mission and return to Earth. The roles of Pilots, Navigator, Radio Operator, Captain are distributed at the request of the children.

Plot - role-playing game "Family"

Target: to form an idea of ​​collective housekeeping, the family budget, family relationships, joint leisure activities, to cultivate love, a friendly, caring attitude towards family members, and interest in their activities.
Equipment: all the toys needed for family play: dolls, furniture, dishes, things, etc.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to "play in the family." Roles are distributed as desired. The family is very large, Grandma has a birthday coming up. Everyone is busy about arranging a holiday. Some family members buy food, others prepare a festive dinner, set the table, others prepare entertainment program. During the game, you need to observe the relationship between family members, help them in time.

Plot - role-playing game "In a cafe"

Target: teach a culture of behavior in in public places be able to perform the duties of a cook, waiter.
Equipment: necessary equipment for a cafe, toys-dolls, money.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: Pinocchio comes to visit the children. He met all the children, made friends with other toys. Pinocchio decides to invite his new friends to a cafe to treat them to ice cream. Everyone goes to the cafe. Waiters serve them there. Children learn how to place an order correctly, thank you for the service.

Plot - role-playing game "Around the world trip"

Target: expand the horizons of children, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, friendships, expand the vocabulary of children: "captain", "travel around the world", "Asia", "India", "Europe", "Pacific Ocean".
Equipment: ship made of building material, steering wheel, binoculars, world map.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to go on a round-the-world trip on a ship. At will, children are chosen for the roles of Captain, Radio Operator, Sailor, Midshipman. We consolidate knowledge about what these people do on the ship - their rights and obligations. The ship sails through Africa, and India, and other countries and continents. Sailors have to deftly manage the ship in order not to collide with an iceberg, to cope with a storm. Only well-coordinated work and friendship help them cope with this test.

Plot - role-playing game "On the roads of the city"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of the rules traffic, introduce a new role - a traffic controller, cultivate endurance, patience, attention on the road.
Equipment: toy cars, flags for the traffic controller - red and green.
Age: 5–7 years.
Game progress: children are offered to build a beautiful building - a theater. Choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to the right place. Drivers in cars can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go for building materials. But here's the failure - the traffic lights do not work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary that the movement of cars is controlled by a traffic controller. Choose a Regulator. He becomes a circle. He has red and green flags in his hands. The red flag is "stop", the green flag is "go". Now everything will be all right. The traffic controller controls traffic.

Plot - role-playing game "Rules of motion"

Target: continue to teach children to navigate by road signs, to follow the rules of the road. To educate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other, to be able to navigate in a traffic situation, to expand the vocabulary of children: “traffic police post”, “traffic light”, “traffic violation”, “speeding”, “fine”.
Equipment: toy cars, road signs, traffic lights; for a traffic police officer - a police cap, stick, radar; driver's licenses, technical cards.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: children are offered to choose traffic police officers to keep order on the roads of the city. The rest of the children are motorists. At will, children distribute the roles of gas station workers among themselves. During the game, children try not to violate the rules of the road.

Plot - role-playing game "We are athletes"

Target: to give children knowledge about the need for sports, improve sports skills - walking, running, throwing, climbing. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, coordination of movements, eye, orientation in space.
Equipment: medals for the winners, a billboard to demonstrate the number of points earned, sports equipment - balls, jump ropes, skittles, rope, ladders, benches, etc.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to hold a competition in different sports. At the request of the children, judges and organizers of the competition are chosen. The rest of the kids are athletes. Everyone independently chooses the sport in which he will compete with rivals. The judges award points for completing the task. The game ends with the awarding of the winners.

Plot - role-playing game "At the car service station"

Target: expand the theme of building games, develop constructive skills, show creativity, find a good place to play, introduce a new role - a car repairman.
Equipment: building material for building a garage, locksmith tools for car repair, car washing and painting equipment.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: inform the children that there are a lot of cars on the roads of the city and these cars break down very often, so we need to open a car service station. Children are offered to build a large garage, to equip a place for washing cars, to choose employees, attendants. They are introduced to a new working specialty - a mechanic for the repair of machines (motor, steering, brakes, etc.).

Plot - role-playing game "Border guards"

Target: continue to acquaint children with military professions, clarify the daily routine of military personnel, what their service consists of, cultivate courage, dexterity, the ability to clearly follow the orders of the commander, expand the vocabulary of children: “border”, “post”, “guard”, “violation”, "alarm", "border guard", "dog breeder".
Equipment: border, border post, machine gun, border dog, military caps.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to visit the state border of our Motherland. A conversation is held about who guards the border, for what purpose, how the service of the border guard goes, what is the daily routine of a military man. Children on their own
distribute the roles of the Military Commander, Head of the Border Outpost, Border Guards, Dog Breeders. In the game, children apply the knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to support and friendly mutual assistance.

Plot - role-playing game "School"

Target: to clarify children's knowledge of what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches, to instill a desire to study at school, respect for work children's vocabulary: "school supplies", "briefcase", "pencil case", "students", etc. d.
Equipment: pens, notebooks, children's books, alphabet, numbers, blackboard, chalk, pointer.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play school. A conversation is held about why the school is needed, who works there, what the students do. At the request of the children, a teacher is chosen. The rest of the children are students. The teacher sets tasks for the students, they independently and diligently complete it. Another teacher in another lesson. Children are engaged in the lessons of mathematics, their native language, physical education, singing, etc.

Plot - role-playing game "Space adventure"

Target: teach to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, create a friendly atmosphere between children, develop their responsibility, interest, expand their vocabulary - “space”, “planet”, “Mars”, “outer space”, “weightlessness”, “cosmodrome” .
Equipment: spaceship, medical instruments for a doctor, posters of views of our planet from space.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the children are announced that in a few minutes the spaceship will start. Those who wish can become space tourists. But in order to fly into space, you need to think about what qualities you need to have? (To be smart, brave, strong, kind, cheerful.) And you also have to be healthy. Those who decide to go into space must pass a medical examination. The doctor examines tourists and writes out permission. Children choose the Pilot, the Doctor on the ship, the Navigator. Everyone is ready to fly. The dispatcher announces the start. Passengers fasten their seat belts. From a height, children consider (pictures) a view of the planet Earth, discuss why it is called the blue planet (most of it is covered with water). Children tell what they know about oceans, seas, mountains. Spaceship makes a stop on the planet Mars. Tourists go out, inspect the planet, draw conclusions about the existence of life on this planet. The ship flies on. Next stop is Jupiter. Tourists once again inspect the planet, share their knowledge and impressions. The ship returns to Earth.

Plot - role-playing game "We are military scouts"

Target: develop the theme of paramilitary games, teach children to complete tasks exactly, be attentive, careful, cultivate respect for military professions, a desire to serve in the army, expand the vocabulary of children - “intelligence”, “scouts”, “sentry”, “security”, “ soldiers."
Equipment: elements of military clothing for children, weapons.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher offers to remember films, stories about the life of military intelligence officers, invites children to play them. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Scouts, Sentinels, Commanders, Security Soldiers, determine goals and objectives, monitor their implementation.

"Role-playing games in the second junior group».

RPG cycle


Head: Khaldeeva V.D.

* Stimulate conditional play actions in children with plot toys, substitute objects and imaginary objects.
*Highlight for kids playing role through a chain of specific, objective and game actions.
* Learn to call yourself by the name of the game character.
* It is necessary to systematically replenish the stocks of toys and play material, taking into account the development of ideas and knowledge of children of the second younger group.
*Showing by the educator to children in game situation actions with toys, objects - substitutes.

* Direct participation of the educator in the role-playing game.
* Formation of the simplest skills, certain and necessary actions in each plot - role-playing game.
* It is necessary to respect the wishes, thoughts and feelings of the child, giving him the opportunity to show initiative, ingenuity, independence.

1. "The program of education in kindergarten" edited by: Moscow Mosaic - Synthesis, 2011.
2. "Methodological recommendations for the program of education and training in kindergarten."
3. "Development of gaming activity", Publishing house Mozaika - synthesis, Moscow, 2008.
4. Constantly study the latest methodological literature and magazines on preschool education.


Roles. Mom, dad, child (daughter, son), grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, sisters, friends, neighbors.

Basic game actions and behavior. Feed the doll - bathe - put to sleep; put the doll to sleep - sing a lullaby - download to tell fairy tales; the doll wakes up - gets up - washes - goes for a walk; prepares lunch for the doll (breakfast, dinner) - feeds; dress the doll for a walk - walk with her; meet guests - see off guests; talk on the phone - call someone - or; repair a faucet.
Game - situation: "Our dolls."

Methodology: The teacher prepares in advance the subject-game environment: four dolls are sitting at the table in the puppet corner, candy boxes on the table, handbags on the bench, a sewing machine on the table, perfume bottles, on a stool - a basin with handkerchiefs.

Educator. I did not notice that the girlfriends met in the doll corner. These are our dolls. They had not seen each other for a long time and decided to meet to talk. Hello Dasha, do you have a sweet tooth? You are always given sweets and marshmallows. Who gave you a box of marshmallows? (Bear cub) He also likes sweets. Children, have you seen the bear come to Dasha? Did not see? Let's share with Dasha? (The child treats the doll.) Dasha thanks you.

And here is Jeanne's doll. (Shows the doll.) Jeanne, you are in a new dress again. Children, look what Nice dress at Jeanne. She is a fashionista, she sews her own dresses. Here sewing machine. Zhanna knows how to sew. Is this bottle, Jeanne, yours? What good spirits! (To the girl.) Olya, do you smell the smell?! Zhanna knows how to buy good perfumes. She comes to the store and asks for a perfume that smells good. Olya, look what a beautiful bottle of perfume Zhanna has. She carries them in her purse. Do you have a handbag? Will it fit a bottle of perfume? (The girl takes the bottle.)

Here is Dean's doll. She loves to keep us clean. Dina, you already have a basin ready. What will you wash? Handkerchiefs. Gali also prepared handkerchiefs for washing. (To the girl.) Galya, she offers you to do the laundry with her. Do you have a basin? Bring it, put it next to it and you will wash it. And Liza will pull the rope, you can hang it. (The girls are washing.)

Note. The teacher leaves the dolls to the children and they start an independent game: they treat the dolls with sweets, put on new dresses for them, wash the doll things.

Game - situation: "Happy housewarming."

Methodology. The teacher takes the board, blocks off a place for the doll room and tells the children: “Katya doll is moving to a new apartment. Katya has a kitchen and a room. The furniture will be brought soon, you need to help me arrange the furniture in the apartment.

The teacher includes the children in the game, turns to the children in turn: “Denis, what did you bring in the car? It looks like a cupboard. Where will we put it? That's right, there is a lot of space, there will be a table nearby. It is very convenient to place dishes. Lena, where to put the stools? Next to the table. Where is the new carpet, Kolya? Found? Bed, please, on the floor. We put flowers in a vase to make it look beautiful. It's time to call Katya. She will be pleased."

Game - situation: "Vari's doll has a birthday."

Methodology. The teacher puts a vase of flowers on the table and informs the children that today is the birthday of the Varya doll.

Educator. Come, guests, to Vara's birthday! (Music sounds, guests enter, children with toys.) Here comes the teddy bear, he says: “Varya, happy birthday!” Who else is in? What, Arina, will you tell Vara? What will your bunny say to her? And guests always give birthday gifts. The bear and I will give Varya a scarf. (Puts on a scarf for Varya.) Wear it, Varya, don't catch a cold. And what gift does Masha have? Masha has a cup. Varya will like your gift, because she likes to drink tea. Look, Varya is carrying a birthday cake. Help yourself, dear guests! Let's cut the pie and everyone gets a piece. The bear is spoiled - you need to teach him how to behave at the table. Zhenya, explain to him how to behave at the table, how to cut the pie correctly. Here's a piece for you, Arina, and for you, Zhanna. Sasha, please give everyone a piece. (Music sounds.) And now I invite you to dance. First we dance the polka. And now the waltz. And so our holiday ended. Varya thanks the guests and says goodbye to them. Goodbye, Varya, it was a lot of fun, thank you.

Game - situation: "Mom and daughter."

Methodology. The teacher approaches the doll and conducts a dialogue with it (on behalf of the mother and daughter), trying to interest the children.

Mother. Daughter, it's time for you to get up, it's already morning.

Daughter. Good morning. I'm already awake, where are my clothes?

Mother. Here's the shirt, here's the dress. Get dressed. I'll cook breakfast.

Daughter. I'm dressed and I'll help you cut the bread. I'll put the dishes, here are the plates, spoons, cups. Mother. Well done, you are my assistant. And my porridge is ready. I'll give you and myself porridge. We'll have breakfast.

Daughter. The porridge is tasty, crumbly, hot.

Mother. There is tea. You will be - raspberry or cherry7

Daughter. Crimson. He is very helpful.

Mother. Drink, daughter, drink, my dear!

Daughter. Thank you mom!

Game - situation: "It's time to have lunch."

Methodology. Dialogue between mother and daughter (teacher and doll or teacher and child).

Mother. Girl, it's time to cook dinner. Will you help me? What will we cook?

Daughter. Soup.

Mother. What do you need for soup?

Daughter. Carrots, potatoes.

Mother. Carrots in a bag, potatoes in a box. Take it. You just need to clean and wash them. Now let's cut the vegetables together, like this. Did you forget to add water? Pour some water into the pot, let it boil. Should I add salt?

Daughter. Necessary.

How much more to cook? Ten minutes?

Daughter. Yes.

Mother. Look, are the potatoes raw or boiled?

Daughter. Ready.

Mother. Soup can be turned off or wait? Do you need pepper?

Daughter. Needed.

Mother. Daughter, did you see the dishes on the table? If not, then please bring it from the closet.

Daughter. I brought.

Mother. And for tea, what kind of dishes will you put?

Daughter. Cups.

Mother. Put waffles and sugar. I'll bring soup. Be careful, it's hot. I'm pouring, Would you like some sour cream or dill?

Daughter. Dill.

Mother. Tasty?

Daughter: Yes!

Mother. Bon Appetit! Then we will drink tea.

Game - situation: "Breakfast for everyone."

Methodology. The teacher is holding a bowl.

Educator. I'm making porridge for breakfast. Which one will my daughters like more, oatmeal or buckwheat? I will weld buckwheat porridge, with meat. (Performs actions, depicting cooking porridge, and comments on them.) I will take a lot of buckwheat. I will wash it so that the cereal is clean. Like this. Now put a pot of water on the fire. Boiled water, it's time to throw buckwheat. I'll stir, I'll take off the foam. Let it boil. Welded. I will add boiled meat. More oils. I will salt. I'll try. Tasty! You have to take it off the stove. Children, let's eat! (Feeds dolls porridge.) Who else to give? (Children come up with toys and feed them.) Everyone ate, and there was still a lot of porridge left. Who will eat porridge? Porridge with meat, so not only people will like it. Do you hear? Who meows under the door? Yes, it's a kitten, he's lost. He has no owner. But the dog smelled porridge with meat. Come here Rex. Lena is not afraid of you, she will feed you. This is what breakfast turned out to be - breakfast for everyone.

Game - situation: "Mom came home from work."

Methodology. The teacher plays the role of mother. Mom comes home from work and sees that no one meets her.

Educator. Oh, what a lot of work today! Finally I'm home. I went to the store on the way to buy groceries. The bag is very heavy. (Picks up bag.) Where are my kids? Now, if they met me, it would not be so hard. (If no one help.) Guys! Who will help me? My son has come and wants to help me. (Gives him a bag.) So my daughter came to help her mother, help her brother and take out food. I bought cabbage, I wanted to cook borscht, but I don’t know, maybe it’s better to make a hodgepodge, what do you think? Solyanka? Then let's chop the cabbage with a knife. Liza, put the chopped cabbage in the pan, we'll stew it. Close the lid? Covered with a lid? I also have dough. Who will help me make dumplings? Go and help everyone make dumplings together. What kind of dumplings do you like? (With Cherries.) I also love cherries. Put in more berries. Happened? Are the dumplings ready? Now let's cook them. Let me try, are they ready? Now place the dishes on the table. It's time for the table! (Everyone sits down at the table, having dinner.) The hodgepodge is good! And the dumplings are delicious! Well done, my children, the whole family cooked dinner.

Games - situations: "Introduction to dolls"; "Feeding Dolls"; "Bathing"; "Laying to sleep"; "Dolls wake up"; "Dolls dress up for a walk"; "Dinner for dolls"; "Grandma has arrived"; "What do we have for lunch?" (assortment of dishes, table setting); "The doll got sick"; "Room for a doll"; "New doll"; "Dolls go to kindergarten"; "Our dolls"; ""The doll meets guests"; "The doll has a birthday"; "Mom and daughter"; "Grandma has arrived"; “Mom puts her daughter to bed”; "Dad is a good host."


Roles: driver, passenger, builders, machinist, pilot, captain, tractor driver, cashier, conductor, loader, store, kindergarten, hospital, gas station workers.

Basic game actions and behavior. The car is loaded with cargo - the car is carrying cargo - the car is unloaded. The cargo is loaded into the body of the dump truck using a crane - the dump truck is unloaded. Passengers enter the bus - get off the bus at stops. The car is inspected and repaired. The crane brings the plates - raises - lowers. The plane starts the engine - rises - flies - descends to the airfield. The car starts - drives, the car is washed with a hose - wiped (locomotive, bus).
Games - situations: “Who is the driver?”, “The car is driving down the street”, “Teddy bear washes the car”, “Car wash”, “Car repair shop”, “Gas station for cars”, “Grocery car carries groceries”, “Bus carries passengers”, “The train goes to the city”, “Steamboat sails on the sea”, “Airplane flies to Moscow”, “Machines work at a construction site”…

Game - the situation "Who is the driver?"

Methodology. Children play with cars. The teacher encourages children to take on a role - calling themselves the name of the chosen hero.

Educator. I need to go to the market. What car is available? Who will take me to the market? Are you Glory? Are you a chauffeur? Do you have free time now? Take me to the market, please. Thanks. And Christina is also waiting for the car, take her. Christina, they'll take you now. He knows how to drive...

But a whole queue lined up: Tanya, Masha, Yana, Lera. Girls, where are you going? Buses do not run temporarily because the roads are being repaired. Tell the car drivers where you need to go, they will take you. Our drivers are Vova, Matvey, Gleb, Seryozha. Here the girls came to you, they are passengers. Are you girls passengers? Then tell me where to go. (Children agree among themselves, the teacher helps to establish relationships.)
Plot - role-playing game: "ZOO", "CIRCUS" - November.

Roles. Animals - mothers, fathers and children, trainer, assistant trainer, animals - artists.

Basic game actions and behavior. Show animals jumping over objects (running in a circle, jumping) - bow to the audience; feed the animals - wash the animals; show a concert act as animals (animals); enter into a dialogue.
Games - situations: “Zoo”, “Dinner at the zoo”, “Tiger got sick”, “Animal hospital”, “Trained dogs”, “Trained cats”, “Bears in the arena”, “Animal circus”, “Animal concert” …

Game - situation "Zoo".

Purpose: To introduce children to wild animals and their habits; cultivate love for all living things; develop curiosity; encourage them to take on the role.

Materials. Toys: Monkey, tigers, elephants.

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Acquaintance with the environment, ecology, development of speech and music.

Preliminary work. The teacher watches videos with children about the zoo, about caring for animals, about communicating with them. Shows illustrations, reads stories about animals, talks to children. The conversation should be short, contain only the necessary information. Exemplary content of the preliminary conversation:

Animals in the zoo live in enclosures - specially fenced places for animals. Visitors come to the Zoo, they look at the animals, they can watch them for a long time. You can walk around the zoo for a long time, even the whole day, only then you can see what time the animals go out for a walk, when they are fed, when they rest. Visitors can watch what the zoo workers do: they clean the enclosures, feed the animals, make sure that they have water to drink. If the animal gets sick, a special doctor comes to him - a veterinarian. He will examine the animals, give medicines. Often the cause of the disease of animals is the wrong behavior of visitors. Not all visitors know that you can't feed the animals, because they can give food that will be harmful to the animals, and they can get sick. Therefore, there are signs everywhere in the zoo: “It is forbidden to feed the animals.” If the animals eat well, are healthy, walk a lot, sleep peacefully. Animals in the zoo have babies. The animals play a lot, they are interesting to watch. Adult animals, parents, take care of their babies. Moms feed them with milk, dads take care of the home.

The teacher conducts a game - a situation using large Stuffed Toys. He arranges them in different places in the game room so that each animal is in a suitable place. For example, next to an elephant he puts a baby elephant, a lion is placed among the plants, a monkey. The teacher acts as a tour guide.

Monkey (the teacher speaks on behalf of the toy). I love bananas. I will climb a banana tree and a bunch of ripe bananas.

Educator. Monkey, please treat the children with bananas.

Monkey. One, two, three - catch! (the monkey climbs a vine, swings, jumps from branch to branch and throws imaginary bananas.)

Educator (with pleasure). What delicious bananas! Thank you, monkey!

Monkey - on a liana,

monkey eating bananas

And shakes that liana

naughty monkey,

Rocks - and again

They will eat and throw.

Oh what a monkey

Scattered all the bananas.

I need to call the janitor.

For complication, you can invite one child to act as a mischievous monkey. The rest of the children act as visitors, that is, partners in the game. They ask questions to the monkey, they can engage in role-playing dialogues with her.

Educator. And now we come to the enclosure where the tigers live. This whole family: tiger father, tigress mother and their cubs tiger cub.

The tigers went for a walk in the zoo,

Lie down on the grass, take a nap peacefully.

But! The ear sees everything and the eye sees everything,

Po - cat tigers squint at us.

If suddenly danger threatens,

Every enemy will rush to run from the tiger!

The educator encourages the children to talk about their impression of the tigers, gives an example of a dialogue with them. Children can ask tigers how they live, what they eat, take a closer look at them.

Educator. Next we will go to the elephant. There is a whole family here too. There are a lot of elephants and it is difficult to make out who is dad and who is mom. But the cubs can be distinguished - they are smaller than adult elephants. Children can talk with the teacher about how elephants live, what they can do, why they have a trunk.

Went out in the morning

All elephants are charging.

For a long time they stomped their feet

And shook their heads

Trampled, turned around,

In the trunk, as in a pipe, they roared.

And then they got water

And poured over with a stream.

The teacher invites the children to dance the dance of the elephants. Children “depict big ears” (press their palms with spread fingers to their ears and dance clumsily).

STORY - ROLE PLAY: "SHOP" - December.

Roles. Buyer, seller, loader, driver.

Basic game actions and behavior. Bring goods - unload - weigh; choose a product - buy; enter into a dialogue.

Games - situations: "Grocery store", "Bread store", "Vegetable store", "Clothes store", "Shoe store", "Dishes store", "Furniture store", "New products", "Polite seller", " Doll - the buyer chooses the product.

The game is the situation "In the supermarket".

Methodology. The teacher announces to the children that a new supermarket has opened. You can buy any products there. The teacher, in front of the children, maintains a place for a new store: builds counters, lays out products, installs scales. Children come to the counters, take the goods into the baskets and go to the checkout. The teacher explains that he is playing the role of a cashier. Cashier. What's in your cart? I will punch the check, and you name the product.

Children come up one at a time, show and name the purchased product. Cashier. Dear customer, is this your cottage cheese? Let me pack it up so it's more convenient. Like this. One hundred rubles from you. Take the change. Come to us again. The children take it in turns to enter into a dialogue with the cashier, put their purchases in a bag and leave.

Roles. Physician (doctor), patient (patient), nurse, pharmacist (pharmacist, salesperson).

Basic game actions and behavior. Examine the patient (listen, put a thermometer) - treat (give medicine; treat ears, teeth), give injections (vaccinations).

Games - situations: “At the appointment with a pediatrician”, “Procedural and vaccination room”, “Pharmacy”, “Ambulance is on its way”, “Dentist's office”, “Registration” ...

Game - situation: "Procedure and vaccination room."

Methodology. The teacher puts on a white cap, ties a bandage with a red cross around his arm and plays the role of a nurse.

Educator. I am a nurse. I will give injections. Whom did the doctor prescribe injections for? I'll get the syringes ready for now. (Spreads out “syringes - items - substitutes.) Who is next? Sick come, I'm waiting? Don't be afraid, I give injections that don't hurt. (He turns to the toy.) Bear, where is your dad, call him? It's time for the bear to give an injection. (The teacher gives the child a bear and makes an injection.) Who is next? Lena your daughter is coughing, did the doctor prescribe injections? Come in, I'm waiting for you. (Children walk with toys to the nurse) I have a whole line of patients. Patients, please come in one at a time. I can't do it alone. I need help. Must be invited nurses from other offices. Where are they? (invites girls) Katya and Lera, you are nurses. Wash your hands and get to work. Here the patients are waiting, they need to be given injections. And I'll go home, my shift is over. (Children continue to play.)

Plot - role-playing game: "HAIRDRESSER" - February.

Roles. Master (hairdresser, manicurist).

Basic actions and behavior. Wash your hair with soap (shampoo) wipe; comb - cut - look in the mirror comb your hair; choose a new hair product (nails, face and hands).
Games - situations: “Fashionable hairstyles”, “Beauty salon”, “Hairstyle for Katya”, “Beautiful haircut”, “Manicure”, “New shampoos and paints were brought to the salon” ...

Game - situation: "Beautiful haircut."

Methodology. The teacher takes a comb and runs through the hair.

Educator. My hair is badly combed. I need to get a new haircut. I'll go to the hairdresser. (Approaches the girl playing the role of a hairdresser.) Marina, are you a hairdresser? Do me a haircut, please. I want my hair to be nicely combed. You can wash them with shampoo. (washes.) Will you paint? Color my hair so it's dark. I really like dark color. (Paints.) And now, I'll go and put my hair under a big hair dryer, let it dry. (Makes appropriate movements.) All my hair is dry. (He turns to a girl - a hairdresser.) Master, comb my hair, please, beautifully! (Children.) Who wants to do their hair? Come to the hairdresser, it works here good master. (The game continues.)

Plot - role-playing game: "MAIL" - March.

Roles. Postman, postal workers, customers.

Basic game actions and behavior. Write letters, collect parcels - take them to the post office; receive letters (telegrams, parcels) - read (consider the contents); to bring mail - to distribute letters.
Games - situations: "Mail", "The postman carries a letter", "Who received the letter?", "The little squirrel writes a letter to his grandmother", "Sasha congratulates his mother on Women's Day", "Parcel for the bear" ...

Game - situation: "Congratulations to mom."

Methodology. The teacher shows the children a telegram and says that the postman comes and brought it. She reads a telegram in which the teacher's daughter congratulates her on March 8 and wishes her health and happiness. The teacher asks the children if they want to send telegrams to their mothers for the holiday.

Educator. Tanechka is our postman. Tanya, you are the postman who always carries telegrams. Will you take telegrams from children? Children congratulate their mothers. Take the telegrams home. The postman comes to the mothers' house, knocks on the door and gives a telegram. I am a mother, and I also want to receive a telegram. Postman, tell me, is there another telegram for me? There is! My son congratulated me! I read that he writes: "Dear mother, I congratulate you on the holiday of March 8." Thanks to the postman for the mail and congratulations!

Roles. Master, client, joiner, carpenter.

Basic game actions and behavior. Bring in for repair - repair (knock, sew, cut, sweep, try on, remove the wheel, turn on).
Games - situations: “Atelier for tailoring”, “Shoe repair”, “Machine repair”, “Repair of household appliances”, “Furniture making”, “Locks and keys making”…

Game - situation: "Atelier for tailoring."

Methodology. The teacher shows the children his dress and says that it was sewn in the atelier for everyone who wishes to sew a dress. The teacher draws the children's attention to the old dress of Dina's doll, invites her to go to the studio and sew a new dress. Then he asks the guys if they want to make new clothes for their dolls. Everyone goes to the studio together. The educator - the cutter conducts a role-playing dialogue with the clients of the atelier. The educator - the cutter conducts a role-playing dialogue with the clients of the atelier. First, an example of playing with a doll is given.

Cutter (doll). Dina, I see that you need a new dress. What dress do you want? (Shows material.) Do you choose this one, with polka dots? I'll take a tape and measure how much material is needed. Now wait, your dress will be ready soon. Who is next? Who wants to make new clothes?

Child with a doll. I.

Cutter. What will you be sewing?

Child. The dress.

Cutter. For whom?

Child. For Rita doll.

Cutter. Choose material.

Child. Dotted. Cutter. I'll take measurements and sew your Rita dress.

Children with dolls sit on the sofa and wait. The cutter comes out and brings out new dresses for the dolls. Children try on new clothes for dolls.
Plot - role-playing game: "BUILDERS" - May.

Roles. Builders, foreman, crew, carpenter, plasterers, driver, crane operator.

Basic game actions and behavior. The car is loaded with cargo - the car carries the cargo - the car is unloaded, the cargo is loaded into the body of the dump truck using a crane - the dump truck is unloaded; the car is inspected - repaired; the crane brings the plates - raises - lowers; the car starts - rides; the car is washed with a hose - wiped.
Situation games: “Builders are building a house or a kindergarten”, “Carpenters are making doors and windows”, “Plasterers are whitewashing and painting”, “Locksmiths are installing batteries and pipes for water”, “A truck is carrying Bricks or boards”, “a dump truck is carrying brick or sand", "Crane lifts loads, works at a construction site"...

Game - situation: "Builders are building a house"

Methodology. The teacher supports the children's game in construction, organizes the interaction of children.

Educator. I seem to be in construction. Here the builders are working, here the loaders are working, here the loaders are working, here the machines are being built, waiting to be loaded. Is this a fort being built? Not? What is it? (House.) How many floors does it have? (A lot.) Multi-storey building? I will be the master. I will be the master. I'll take the bricks and lay them. So, I'll knock so that they fit well. Who goes to my brigade? Alyosha and Roma, come to me! We will level the walls. Take cement, mix with sand. Let's pour some water. Alyosha, stir. Lay the solution on the wall. Lubricate more evenly. Like this. Flat walls - a feast for the eyes!

Ira, will you paint the walls? What paint? Green? Okay, then call Rita, let her help you. Where can I get a bucket? What, we will have a bucket? (Children are looking for an object - a substitute.) You need a brush to paint. Where are the brushes? (Looking for items - substitutes.)

A truck has arrived. (The teacher brings a dump truck.) Who is the driver? Sasha, are you a driver? How does your dump truck work? Does it load well? What did you bring? Sand? Download. Now the builders will come and take the sand. Who needs sand? My team has already taken it. Who else needs? (Children - builders come up, take sand.)

A car has arrived - a crane. (The teacher brings a crane.) Who is the crane operator? Tanya? What will you lift? Plates? Olya, let's help the crane operator lift the slabs to the fifth floor. One - two! - pick it up! Like this. Now the ceiling is ready and another floor has appeared. So the house will soon be built!

"The influence of toys and objects - substitutes in the role-playing game on the development of the child" - December.
“Story-role-playing games for children 3-4 years old” - December.
"We play at home" - April.
“We play in kindergarten, we learn a lot of new things” - photo album - March.
"We love to play" - November.

What toys does your child need? How to choose the right toy for your child younger age" - October.
"A play corner for a child at home" - January.
"What games can and should be played with a child at home" - March.

“Story-role-playing game in the life of our group” - December.

Target: To form in children the ability to play the role-playing game "Hospital".


To form the ability to consistently perform two consecutive actions of the plot (listens to patients, prescribes treatment, gives an injection, puts a thermometer, etc.);

Develop the ability to take on a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Encourage children to creatively fulfill the roles associated with the implementation of the action;

Learn to act with substitute objects;

To form the ability to accompany their actions with verbal designations.

Equipment and materials:

- easel;

Illustration for A. Barto's poem "Bunny";

Toy Hare with a tied throat;

Role-playing corner "Hospital";

Chairs for patients;

Dressing gowns for the doctor and nurse;

Attributes for the role-playing game "Hospital": thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, medicines, etc.;

Role-playing corner "Family";

Attributes for the role-playing game "Family": different types of ice cream, cups, teapot, teapot, sugar bowl, spoons.

Preliminary work with children:

Examining illustrations;

Reading fiction;

Didactic games;

Creation and playing of game and problem situations;

Teaching game techniques.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Game progress:

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the illustration for A. Barto's poem "Bunny", located on the easel.


Who is in the illustration?

Who knows this poem about Bunny?

(The child reads the poem by heart.

A Bunny toy appears with a bandaged neck. Bunny is crying.)


Why do you think Bunny is crying?

What hurts Bunny?

Can we help Bunny?

What do I need to do?

(Children's answers.)


Let's help Bunny and take him to the hospital. In order for us to play the game "Hospital" what do we need to cook, what may we need?

In case of difficulty, the teacher asks leading questions:

What is the doctor wearing?

What does a doctor need to work?

(Creating a play space.)


Now I will be a doctor. In order to cure Bunny faster, a nurse will help the doctor to receive patients. Who will be the nurse?

Doctor (educator):

The hospital is open for everyone, come to be treated as soon as possible. Come see a doctor. In order not to push, not to interfere with each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn.

Who goes to the reception with Zaika?

Doctor (educator):

Hello, let's see what your Bunny has with a neck? What a red throat! Now I will sprinkle you with a tincture of calendula in the neck, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give an injection to Bunny (the nurse gives an injection with a syringe). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):

- Hello!

Doctor (educator):

Hello, come in, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient (child):

I have a stomach ache.

Doctor (educator):

Let's see, listen to the patient with a phonendoscope: "Breathe, don't breathe" (the doctor examines the patient). Go to the nurse, take pills for pain (pills are substitute items for corks from drinks). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):


Doctor (educator):

- Hello, tell me, girl, what happened to you?

Patient (child):

- My throat hurts.

Doctor (educator):

Go to the nurse, she will give you a thermometer and you will take your temperature. No temperature. Let's see the throat, oh-oh! Throat red. To cure your throat, go to the nurse, and she will sprinkle you with tincture of calendula in the neck (sprays with a round stick).

To maintain and develop the game, the teacher uses the following techniques:

Introduction of a new game situation: “Moms bring their daughters-dolls to the hospital”,

The introduction of new attributes (different types of ice cream) into the game "Family" and the introduction of a new game situation: "At home after the hospital."

To form relationships in the game, the teacher uses techniques: reminders of a benevolent attitude towards each other, encouragement of politeness.

An adult directs the game, prompting interactions.


- Well done guys, we have an interesting game. An attentive nurse, greeted everyone, kind, attentive, gave injections well, measured the temperature. The patients were polite, patient, not capricious.

And for this, I will treat you with vitamins. Thanks!

Organization Options educational activities in regime moments:

  1. Playing by children in independent activity of the plot-role-playing game "Hospital".

Interaction with parents:

  1. Development and tailoring of clothes for the role-playing game "Hospital" (gowns and hats for a doctor and a nurse).
  2. Selection of attributes for the role-playing game "Hospital".
  3. Selection and printing of illustrations for A. Barto's poem "Bunny".

Used Books:

  1. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Ed. 2nd. – Rostov/D: Phoenix. 2007. - 251p.
  2. Visual and didactic set “Role-playing game “Hospital”, author-compiler Berezenkova T.V.
  3. Poems by Agnia Barto - LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2009. - 112s.

Doll games and family games

Introduction to puppets.

Doll feeding.


Putting to sleep.

The dolls wake up.

Dolls dress up for a walk.

Dinner for dolls (assortment of dishes, table setting).

The doll is sick.

Doll room.

New doll.

Dolls go to kindergarten.

The dolls are resting.

Our dolls: fashionista doll, clean doll, sweet tooth doll.

The doll welcomes guests.

The doll has a birthday.

Mom and daughter.

Whose turn is it to walk the dog?

Grandma has arrived.

Dad is a good host.

Roles. Mom (dad), child (daughter, son), grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors.

Feed the doll - bathe - put to sleep; put the doll to sleep - sing a lullaby - rock - tell tales; the doll wakes up - gets up - washes - goes for a walk; cook a doll lunch (breakfast, dinner) - feed; dress the doll for a walk - walk with her; to meet guests - to see off guests; talk on the phone - to call someone to the phone; repair a faucet.

Games with cars and other vehicles

The car is driving down the street.

Car wash.

Car repairs.

Refueling the car.

Various vehicles (trucks, cars, crane, bus, tractor, etc.).

Passenger car ( ambulance, taxi, minibus) carries a guest (sick, passenger).

The truck is carrying cargo.

A crane works at a construction site.

The tractor works in the field.

Dump truck unloads bricks.

The grocery car carries products.

The bus carries passengers.

The locomotive (train) goes to the city (carries children to the country).


The plane is flying.

The pilots are ready to fly.

The ship (steamboat) is sailing.

Who is the driver?

Roles. Driver, passenger, builder, employees of a store, kindergarten, hospital, gas station, driver, pilot, captain, tractor driver, cashier, conductor, loader.

Basic play actions and behavior. The car is loaded with cargo - the car is carrying cargo - the car is unloaded; cargo is loaded into the body of the dump truck using a crane - the dump truck is unloaded; passengers get on the bus - get off the bus at stops; the car is inspected - repaired; the crane brings the plates - raises - lowers; the plane starts the engine - rises - flies - descends to the airfield; the car starts - rides; the car is washed with a hose - wiped; train rides (locomotive, bus);

Animal games and toy animals

I am a hedgehog (cat, dog, fox, etc.).

Dialogue of animals (cat and hedgehog; chicken and hedgehog, etc.).

Caring for the animals (we will help the bunny, feed the puppy).

Performances of animals (circus of animals, concert of animals).

Roles. Animal mothers, fathers and children, trainer, assistant trainer, animal artists.

Basic play actions and behavior. Show animals jumping over objects (running in a circle, jumping) - bow to the audience; feed the animals - wash the animals; show a concert act as animals (animals); enter into a dialogue.

Store Games

Bakery (bread shop).

Vegetable shop (tent).

Meat and sausage shops.

Barrel (tent) with kvass.

Clothing store.

Shoe store.

Furniture store.

Dishes shop.

Dialogue at the counter.

The doll chooses a product.

New goods.

Polite seller.

Roles. Buyer, seller, loader, driver.

Bring goods - unload - weigh; choose a product - buy; enter into a dialogue.

hospital games

Reception at the doctor's office.

Operation of the treatment room.

Physiotherapy work.

At the emergency room.

Calling a doctor at home.

Dental office.

Roles. Physician (doctor), patient (patient), nurse, pharmacist (pharmacist, salesperson).

Basic play actions and behavior. Examine the patient (listen, put a thermometer) - treat (give medicine; treat ears, teeth), give injections (vaccinations).

Workshop Games

Repair of clothes, shoes.

Repair of machines and mechanisms (TV sets, refrigerators).

Manufacture of tools, devices (locks, keys).

Furniture manufacturing.

Roles. Master, client, joiner, carpenter.

Basic game actions and behavior. Bring in for repair - repair (knock, sew, cut, sweep, try on, remove the wheel, turn on).

Hair Salon Games




New services.

Assortment of funds.

Roles. Master (hairdresser, manicurist).

Basic play actions and behavior. Wash your hair with soap (shampoo) - wipe; comb - cut - look in the mirror - comb hair; paint nails with varnish; massage; To dye hair; choose a new hair product (nails, face and hands).

mail games

The work of the postman (the postman delivers letters and telegrams).

Client actions (sending parcels, letters and telegrams by mail).

Roles. Postman, postal workers, customers.

Basic game actions and behavior. Write letters, collect parcels, take them to the post office; receive letters (telegrams, parcels) - read (consider the contents); fetching mail - handing out letters.

Card file

role-playing games in the second junior group.

"Let's go for a walk"

Target: to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach them to correctly name the elements of clothing, to consolidate the generalized concepts of “clothes”, “shoes”, to cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Equipment: dolls, clothes for all periods of the year (for summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a high chair.

Game progress: comes to visit the children new doll. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and offer the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can't get dressed, and then the guys offer to help her. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name it, choose what they need to wear now according to the weather. With the help of an educator correct sequence they dress the doll. Then the children dress themselves and go out with the doll for a walk. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the desired sequence, commenting on their actions.


Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common features, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of "toys", "furniture", "food", "dishes".

Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located in a window, money.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children to place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with departments such as vegetables, grocery, dairy, bakery and others where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, salespeople in departments, sort goods into departments - food, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

"Toys at the Doctor's"

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, tablets, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.

Game progress: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases go to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: the Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Children of senior preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

"Stepashka's birthday".

Target: expand children's knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge about tableware, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "holiday dinner", "name day", "serving", " dishes", "service".

Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.

Game progress: the teacher informs the children that Stepashka has a birthday today, offers to go to visit him and congratulate him. Children take toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this, with the help of a teacher they set the table. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between children during the game.

"We are building a house."

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.

Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys to play with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, but is the light on in the window? We live in this tower, and is it called? (House) ". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.

"It's time to eat."

Target: To form ideas about cooking and eating, about various dishes, food products, utensils used in cooking.

Equipment: tableware ( plates, spoons, knives, pots, frying pan, cups, etc.), candy wrappers, sticks, cubes, rings, buttons, parts from the designer, dolls, etc.

Game progress: Invite children to do the following:

Set the table, arrange the cutlery.

Boil soup, porridge on the stove (in an empty saucepan or putting buttons, balls, beads, sticks, etc. in it) and feed the doll from a spoon, a stick, from a palm. As a tile, you can use a cube or other flat object.

Boil an egg (ball), blow on it, break it with a spoon (stick), feed a doll, a bear.

Bake pies (you can use balls, rings, buttons, cubes, figures cut out of colored paper, you can mold them from plasticine, dough), treat dolls and animals.

Feed the doll from the plate with soup, porridge, bread, cut a sausage, sausage with a knife (stick) (for this purpose, a ball, cube, stick, parts from a designer or mosaic, a candy wrapper, a ball can be used).

Boil milk, pour juice, give dolls a drink, give them cookies, candy (plastic parts of a designer or mosaic, a candy wrapper, a ball are used) with drawings without detailing with only color designation, for example, a green oval is a cucumber, orange is a carrot, a red circle is an apple or tomato, green striped circle - watermelon)

Wash the dishes, dry them with a towel. You can wash the dishes with your palm or a piece of sponge, instead of a towel, use a piece of cloth.

We should not forget that game actions can be performed without the use of objects, with the help of fingers, palms, gestures (for example, "take" an imaginary candy or nut with your fingers, stretch out an empty palm to the bear and offer him an apple).

Within the framework of this plot, it is possible to organize the playing of various children's poems, for example, A. Kravchenko's Pancakes:

grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes! -

Let me bake something

But where do you get the flour?

Here is flour! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

I would bake pancakes

Just no milk.

Here is the milk!

grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

I would bake already

That's the trouble, there is no yeast.

Here is the yeast! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

Let me bake something

Just need some sugar.

Here's sugar! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

Baking pancakes is a knack,

But where is the frying pan?

Here's the frying pan! grandmother, grandmother,

Bake pancakes!

Well, now I'm baking

Sweet granddaughter

And my beloved granddaughter.

Whole mountain bake!

Oiled, ruddy,

With honey, With sour cream.

First, you read a poem to the child, intoning the speech of the grandmother and grandson (granddaughter) in different ways and illustrating it with appropriate game actions (for example, show an empty handful instead of flour, an empty cup "with milk", a cube instead of yeast, a frying pan in the form of a toy or a drawing, and etc.). After the baby gets acquainted with the poem, you can play it together, offering him the role of a granddaughter, prompting the appropriate words and helping, if necessary, to perform this or that action. This poem is good because in it the child repeats the same lines, and his game actions are quite diverse. In addition, they can be varied each time (for example, instead of a stove, use a cube, a flat part of a designer or pyramids, a high chair, etc.), and exchange roles with older children.

"Baiushki bye"

Target: expand ideas about caring for children, develop imagination, cultivate a caring attitude, responsibility.

Equipment: dolls, beds .

Game progress: invite children to:

Swaddle the doll.

Stroke, hug her.

Carry on your hands.

Put in the crib, cover with a blanket, shake the crib.

Here's a soft feather bed for you.

On top of the feather

A clean sheet.

Here under your ears

White pillows.

Down duvet

And a handkerchief on top.

"I must, I must wash"

Target: to form ideas about hygiene procedures, develop imagination, cultivate a love for cleanliness, accuracy.

Equipment: dolls, baths, jars, combs, etc.

Game progress: invite children to:

Bathe the doll in a bath (instead of soap and a sponge, you can use a cube, a ball, a piece of foam rubber).

Wash the doll's head with shampoo (from a plastic jar), wipe with a napkin.

Comb the doll (comb, wand), let her look in the mirror.

Wash the doll from the basin.

Brush the dolls teeth (you can use a baby toothbrush or stick)

Plant on a pot (for small toys, you can use a bottle cap or lower part plastic jar).

The game can be accompanied short rhymes, such as:

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth

Who is good with us

Who is our prettiest?

Katya is good!

Katya is pretty!

"We are going to walk"

Preparing for a walk (swaddling or dressing a doll). Rocking her in her arms or in a wheelchair. Walking by car (in a wheelchair). Rolling down the hill in a car or on a plank. The doll can be carried on hands. If the child is already using active speech, invite him to tell the doll what he can see.

A walk with a doll can be played using construction elements. This can be done in the following way. You put a small doll and cubes (bricks) on the table, says to the child: "Our Lyalechka is bored alone, wants to take a walk. Let's build a path for her?" Take one brick, put another one on it, then invite the child to continue the path. After the path is built, you and your child walk along it with a doll, saying: "Top-top, the baby is stomping" or: "Little legs are walking along the path. Top-top-top." Subsequently, the game can be complicated by introducing another doll into it, which also walks and goes towards the first one. They meet, hug, talk to each other.

"The doll got sick"

Target: to form the ability of children to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, to expand vocabulary, to introduce the concepts of "hospital", "sick", "treatment", "medicine", "temperature", "hospital".

Equipment: Doll, medical instruments, buttons, bottle caps, bandage.

Game progress: The doll's complaint, questions about what hurts, how it hurts, her consolation. Take the doll by car to the hospital. Listen to the heart (with a tube; pasta; with a button strung on a string; ear) Measure the temperature (with a toy thermometer, stick, pencil) Give an injection (with a toy or real plastic syringe, stick, finger). Give a pill (a bead, a button, a pea or a bean, a piece of paper, an empty palm are suitable for this purpose). Put mustard plasters (using a piece of paper, a piece of cloth, a leaf). Put the jars (you can use small bottle caps or just bend your palm). Treat the throat (rinse it from a cup, grease with a stick with ointment).

Treat the ear (drop the medicine with a pipette or two folded fingers, grease with a stick with ointment). Make a bandage with a piece of bandage. Give vitamins (peas, buttons) Drink hot tea with honey (with raspberries) Put to bed. Sing a song, calm the doll.

"Good Doctor Aibolit"

"In the shop"

Target: expand ideas about the work of the seller, about buying products, develop speech, imagination.

Equipment: vegetables, fruits, substitute items.

Game progress: Arrange on the table (on the counter) vegetables, fruits, substitute items. An adult or child to take on the role of a salesperson. Ask the seller what products are in the store. Select necessary products and put them in a basket (using substitute items). Pay the seller money (pieces of paper, buttons, flat parts from the mosaic) Take the basket home, lay out the products on the table. Wash vegetables or fruits. Ask the dolls what they want to eat. Offer them a carrot, an apple, a banana, etc. (use realistic toys or drawings). Boil soup in a pot. At the end of this game, you can invite the child to invite guests (family members or dolls) and treat them to products bought in the store. The game can be accompanied by reading a poem by Y. Tuwim:

The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table

- Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:

Cabbage? Carrot? Peas, parsley or beets? Oh!..

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife

And with this knife she began to chop:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup was not bad!

"Come visit us"

Target: expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reception of guests, develop speech, imagination.

Equipment: dolls, dishes, substitute items.

Game progress: Invite toys to a festive dinner (go around the room with the child and invite several dolls and animals to come visit, encouraging the child to talk with the toys). cover festive table, arrange dishes according to the number of invited guests, treats (fruits, vegetables, sweets, etc.). Seating guests at the table. Offer them a treat, ask what each of the guests wants to eat. Arrange the treat on plates, feed the guests. At the end of the dinner, thank the guests and escort them home. Guests can be not only toys, but also family members, peers.

"Home routines"

Target: to expand the idea of ​​caring for clothes and linen, washing, ironing. Cultivate accuracy, respect for things.

Equipment: doll clothes, basin, iron, wardrobe.

Game progress: Wash clothes for dolls (in a basin, in a bath). Wash a blanket, a sheet (a piece of cloth, a napkin, a handkerchief) Iron the linen (with a toy iron or a cube) Put the linen in a locker, in a chest of drawers (in a box)

"At the Barbershop"

Target: to expand the idea of ​​​​the work of a hairdresser, to cultivate accuracy.

Equipment: dolls, a mirror, substitute objects.

Game progress: Seat the doll on a chair, tie an apron Wash the doll's head (you can use a shampoo bottle, a cube instead of soap) Dry your hair with a hairdryer (you can drive a cube over your head and buzz). Comb the doll (comb, wand). Pin a hairpin, a bow. Spray your hair with varnish Look in the mirror (you can in the lid of the jar).

"My phone rang"

Target: develop speech, imagination.

Equipment: phone.

Game progress: Phone conversation: With mom, dad, grandma, grandpa (talk about what toys he plays, ask what relatives do, etc.) With a doctor (call a doctor to a sick child or to yourself, tell what hurts). After that, you can play the "Hospital" plot.

With the seller (ask if the store has apples, sweets, toys, etc.). After that, you can play the story "Shop".

With a hairdresser (to find out if the hairdresser is open, if you can come and get your hair done, etc.). Play the story "Barbershop".

Use the poem by K. Chukovsky "My phone rang" in a telephone conversation.

"The circus"

Target: to form an idea about the circus, to broaden one's horizons.

Equipment: dolls, animals, masks, etc.

Game progress: Invite your child to take the puppets and animals to the circus. Sit them on the sofa. Arrange a circus "arena" on the rug in front of the sofa, place "artists" on it. They can be soft and clockwork toys (for example, a tumbling monkey, "Thumbelina", etc.), as well as folk toys that are set in motion by ropes or sticks and imitate the actions of adults (for example, a bear is chopping wood, a hare is playing a drum and others).

You say: "Now the monkey will perform. Look how he can somersault." Then wind up the monkey and show him somersaults. - "And now the bear is performing. He knows how to chop wood." A cockerel can sing and flap its wings beautifully, a hare can beat a drum, etc. In this game, you can use masks or half masks of different animals, mitten dolls, etc. After each performance, clap your hands with your child.

"Putting the Toys to Bed"

Target: help put toys in their places, develop imagination.

Equipment: toys.

Game progress: This game is good to play before going to bed. Toddlers are not always willing to put toys away. Try to play this moment by helping the child and talking to the toys. For example: "Ball, you're tired of riding, lie down in a box, rest. And you, cubes, run and run on a shelf. That's how beautiful, stand straight! And you, Mishenka, it's time to sleep too, let's put you on a bench, cover you with a blanket , and the dog - under the bench, let it protect you. Cups, stand on saucers, otherwise they miss you. " So, by talking with toys, you will make a boring activity interesting for the baby and play out a new story.

"I am the driver!" (car games)

Target: expand ideas about cars, their meaning, develop imagination.

Equipment: cars, cubes, sticks, etc.

Game progress: Transportation on trucks of products to the store. Transportation of building materials to the construction site. Car racing. Car repair. Car washing, etc.

Variants of this game can be games of pilots, captains of sea ships, etc. It is good to include design elements in these games.

"Matryoshkas visit"

Target: expand ideas about the size of objects, develop imagination, thinking.

Equipment: nesting dolls, cubes, cars.

Game progress: First, you examine a two- or three-piece nesting doll with your child, offer to take it apart, and then say that each nesting doll wants to live in its own house. Address the baby on behalf of a large nesting doll: "Vanya, please build me a house. Only it should be big so that I can fit in it." Then speak for a small nesting doll: "And I also want to live in a house. Only my house should be smaller." If the child accepts the game, you and your child build two houses of cubes and a triangular prism (roof) at a distance from each other, plant nesting dolls near them. The adult says: "Our nesting dolls are sitting looking at each other. The big nesting doll says to the little one:" I'm bored without you, come to visit me. Now, if Vanechka built a path for me. Will you build it?" (addressing Vanya). You invite the child to fulfill the request of the nesting doll. Then a path is built from blocks (bricks), and the little nesting doll goes along it to visit the big one.

If it is not difficult for a child to distinguish between nesting dolls of two sizes, and if the game is interesting to him, you can introduce a third nesting doll or another character into it (build a booth for a dog, a den for a bear cub, etc.)

You can also include a small car in the game and ride the matryoshka on it along the path if, for example, her leg hurts.

"The Cockerel Sings"

Target: develop imagination, vocabulary.

Equipment: cockerel toy, cubes.

Game progress: Show the cockerel to the child: “Look, the cockerel woke up, sang his song“ ku-ka-re-ku ”, wants to wake everyone up. He wants to wave his wings, fly high so that everyone can see how handsome he is and hear how he sings. He likes to sit on the fence and sing. Let's build him a fence? Where are our cubes?". Discuss what kind of cubes are best to build a fence. To begin with, it can be built from several cubes placed next to each other. Let the cockerel fly up to the fence, jump on it.

Then, on behalf of the cockerel, address the child: “I want a higher fence” and comment: “Do you hear, the cockerel wants to fly higher? Let's build a high fence? What cubes will we take?”. Discuss with your child how you can build a taller fence. This can be done by placing a cube on a cube, or you can arrange high cylinders or bars. Giving the child the opportunity to build a fence himself, help him if necessary. After the fence is ready, turn to the cockerel: "Peter-cockerel, that's what a high fence Andryusha built for you. Are you satisfied now? Fly high!" End the game with a song:

Early in the morning in the yard

I wake up at dawn, Ku-ka-re-ku I scream

I want to wake up the guys.

Or: Our cockerel is loud-mouthed,

In the morning he shouts: "Hello!"

On his feet are his boots,

Earrings hang on the ears.

On the head - a scallop,

That's what he is, a cockerel! (G. Boyko)

"Travelling by car"

Target: expand horizons, vocabulary, develop imagination, thinking.

Equipment: machines, cubes.

Game progress: Take a small car and invite the child to roll it towards each other. After playing with her a little, say: "And now the car needs to be sent to the garage so that it can rest. Come on, as if we are builders and we are building a garage for the car? They build a garage from bricks. Where are our bricks?" Help your child build a garage, gate, praise him. After the kid builds the gate, offer to drive through them into the garage. Give the child the opportunity to act on his own, ask him questions, prompting a dialogue with the machine. The kid rolls the car as much as he wants.

If he plays such a game well and with interest, it can be complicated. For example, invite him to go by car to the forest. To do this, you need to designate a forest. This can be done by placing tall cylinders (trees) on the far edge of the table.

If desired, a toy car can be replaced with a cube or a stick. You can also build a bridge for a car or build a slide from cubes and bars. It is desirable to leave such buildings untouched for some time. The child may lose interest in the game, but after a while, having seen the building, return to it again.


Target: Developing in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

Equipment: Substitute items, toys.

Game progress: The teacher can start the game by observing a sparrow on the street: “Look, a sparrow is sitting on the roof of a neighboring house. It is small. Sat, sat and began to jump. Has stopped. He flapped his wings, chirped and flew.” After that, the teacher offers to play the game. The teacher in the role of a sparrow says: “I have wings. Here they are, look. I will flap my wings and fly high, I can even fly higher than houses. And here is my beak. I peck their grains, drink some water. I love to eat bread crumbs and worms. I live in a tree with other sparrows. Do you know what I like to do the most? Swim in a puddle and chirp: chirp chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp. All day I fly and chirp, looking for my kids. I want my sparrows to fly to me. Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp, sparrows, where are you? Respond, chirp. I'm waiting". (If the children do not respond to the suggestion of the teacher, then we can say that the sparrows do not hear the mother sparrow, they flew far away). Then the teacher asks who wants to be a sparrow. After that, the game continues similarly to the game "Fox".

"Wind and Leaves"

Target: Developing in children the ability to assume the role of an inanimate object. Raising a love for nature.

Equipment: Leaves.

Game progress. The teacher starts the game on a walk and gives the children tasks to see how the leaf-boat floats in the water (in a puddle), look for what or who is hiding on the ground under the leaves, decorate the site, the troupe, their locker, themselves with leaves, wear and shift the leaves with places in place, carry a leaf through a puddle by a rope.

After that, the teacher suggests hanging the leaves in through openings. Suspended in this way, they instantly react to the slightest breath of the breeze, begin to spin, sway in different directions. The teacher draws the attention of the children to this: “Look! Our leaves are spinning, spinning, flew, flew and calmed down. They flew again, swirled and ... calmed down.

Then the teacher talks to the kids about the wind. “Who is blowing on our leaves? the teacher is surprised. - You, Mishenka, did not blow on the leaves? And you, Tanechka? And I didn't blow on the leaves. Who lifts them into the air? The teacher is waiting for an answer, if the guys are silent, he continues: “I know who picks up the leaves, who blows on them. This is the wind. He, like us, loves to play with leaves. It will scatter, but how it will blow - fu-fu-fu! Light leaves will be delighted and will spin, spin, fly, fly and calm down.

After such a story, the teacher offers to play. “Shall we play with the wind and the leaves? I am a cheerful wind, and you are beautiful leaves. Children can be offered to take a leaf in their hand, you can decorate children's clothes with leaves. "What beautiful leaves!" - the teacher says, decorating the children autumn leaves. Everyone is dressed up, you can play.

During the game, the teacher accompanies all his words with a show. Children are guided by his words and actions. "The little leaves sit quietly on their branches (children and caregiver squat)." “Suddenly a cheerful wind flew in. How to blow - fu-fu-fu! The leaves woke up, opened their eyes, flew away (children move along playground who spins, who runs, who just walks). “The wind flew away, the leaves calmed down, fell (the children and the teacher stop, sit down).”

The teacher can repeat the game several times at the request of the children.



game material. Substitute items, toys, illustrations.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to play and takes on the role of a hedgehog: “I will be a hedgehog. I have prickly needles and a long nose, at the end with a black pipka. My paws are small, but I can run fast. I live in a mink. I know how to hide from a fox. I curl up into a ball - neither head nor legs are visible and I lie on a forest path. (You can show an illustration where a fox tries to touch a hedgehog curled up in a ball with its paw). She walks, walks around me and can't grab me in any way. The glomerulus is covered in sharp needles. The fox is even afraid to touch me with its paw. The only bad thing is that I live alone. I don't have food. I'm bored. Who wants to be my hedgehog?" Further, the game is played similarly to the game "Fox".


Target: Consolidation of knowledge about different types dishes, the formation of the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose. Cultivating a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidation of knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill to undress and fold their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

Equipment: Dolls, toy dishes, pictures depicting elements of the painting "Playing with a Doll".

Game progress: Preparation for the game begins with looking at the painting "Playing with a Doll". Children sit at two or three tables shifted in a line, facing the teacher. They examine the picture, name what they see (“They bathe the doll”, “The girl bathes”, “Washes soap off the doll”, “The boy holds a towel to wipe the doll”).

After that, the teacher turns to the children: “In front of you are the pictures (they lie face down), turn them over. Look at your pictures and tell me who has a bath, who has soap? who has pantyhose?...” The child, having found the right picture, puts it near the big picture.

So we helped the girl in the white apron. Everything was prepared in order to redeem the doll. The teacher offers the children a story about this picture: “The children decided to buy the doll. They brought a stool, put a bath on it, poured warm water into the bath. Nearby, on a red stool, they put a green sponge and soap. Separate the doll.

Her clothes were neatly laid out on a large chair, and her tiny blue shoes were placed under the chair. “Now, now, be patient a little more,” the girl in the white apron persuades the doll. - I'll wash the soap off you, and then wipe it dry. You see, Ilyusha is standing nearby, holding a large white towel in his hands ... ". The teacher can use various options doll games.

1st option. Doll Katya is having lunch.

There are tea, tableware and kitchen utensils on the table. Doll Katya is sitting at the table. The teacher says: “Children, Katya needs to be fed lunch. There are a variety of utensils here. We will put only what we need for dinner on the table in front of Katya. Children take turns finding the items they need. The teacher asks what it is and why. At the request of the teacher, the children find all the items: plates, a fork, a spoon, a bread box, they are called correctly and beautifully arranged on the table, not forgetting to lay a tablecloth and put a napkin holder. They wish Katya a good appetite, after dinner they clean the dishes.

2nd option. Pick up dishes for dolls.

The teacher puts three dolls on the table: the cook stands at the stove, the nanny doll in a dressing gown prepares dishes for dinner, a girl doll sits at the table. The teacher examines the dolls with the children, talks about what they do, what kind of dishes they need. There are various dishes on the table near the teacher. Showing the object, the teacher says what it is called. Then he asks the children about this subject. To maintain interest, you can ask like this:

“And this dish, probably, no one needs?”. A ladle, a kettle, a spoon are needed by both the cook and the nanny. After that, the teacher asks each of the children who they would like to be now: a cook, a nanny, or a girl who is going to have dinner. Invites children to play by themselves.

3rd option. The doll wants to sleep.

The teacher brings the doll and says that the doll is very tired and wants to sleep, asks the children to help her undress. Children in turn, at the direction of the teacher, remove clothes from the doll and, carefully folding it, put it on the doll chair. So, one child takes off an apron, another - a dress, etc. The teacher directs their actions, helping to correctly fold one or another part of the doll's toilet, showing how to do it correctly. When the doll is completely undressed (left only in a shirt), they put on slippers for her and lead her to the bed. Having laid the doll in bed, the teacher turns it on its side, puts its hands under its cheek, carefully covers it, gently strokes its head and says: “Sleep!” Having shown the children that the doll has fallen asleep, the teacher asks them to be quiet and, putting a finger to their lips, on tiptoe, leaves the group room where the doll is sleeping with the children.

4th option. The dolls are awake.

2 dolls sleep on the cribs: a large one and a small one. There are clothes on the shelves. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Educator: “Children, look who is sleeping on this bed. Did you recognize her? Yes, this is Katya doll. Who sleeps on this one? This is Tanya doll. The teacher addresses one doll: “Katya, are you already awake? Will you get up? Guys, she says she wants to get up, but first we need to find her clothes. What do you need to dress Katya? “Look closely at the shelf. Do you see clothes? Bring a dress. We try on a dress, if it is small, we put it at Tanya's bed. Will we put on the dress right away or do we need to put on other things first? We are looking for underwear for dolls in size, other things. Children take turns putting clothes on the Katya doll, then dressing Tanya.

At the end of this game, the doll, dressed with the help of the children, greets each of the children, thanks each of them for their help, gently strokes their heads, dances merrily for the children, who clap their hands and then thank the doll for dancing.

During the subsequent conduct of this game, the teacher encourages the children to play on their own.

The teacher must treat dolls as if they were living beings. So, if the doll is dropped, the teacher takes pity on her, reassures her not to cry, asks the children to caress, calm and pity the doll.

On a walk, the teacher makes sure that the doll is not cold, that it does not freeze: he carefully straightens her hat or scarf, carefully looks to see if it is blowing under the blanket with which the doll is wrapped. During feeding, he makes sure that it does not burn: it cools the food.

The educator includes dolls in the life of children, makes them participants in children's lives. So, the doll, sitting on a chair, watches how the children study or eat, praises who eats quickly and accurately, who is attentive in class. In the morning, the doll greets the children and watches how the children dress and wash, and in the evening, before the children are taken away, the doll is undressed and put to bed, they say goodbye to her, turn off the light and leave on tiptoe.


Target: Developing in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

Equipment: Sweets, fruits, pies.

Game progress: Offering children toys, sweets, fruits, pies, etc., the teacher says: “Look, guys, what a big delicious cake the bear baked and sent to our group. She thought that we have cubs in our group - sweet teeth who love delicious pies, and decided to treat them. Who is our teddy bear? For whom did the bear bake a sweet cake? Are you a teddy bear, Sasha? Where are your paws, little bear? Do you have fur, little bear? How many cubs are in our group. Good bear cubs! It's time to give them the pie!"

Then the teacher invites the cubs to stand around a large table (made of shifted tables) and see how she will solemnly cut the cake into equal parts so that everyone gets an equal share. Thus, a regular afternoon snack can pass. Handing out the pie, the teacher says: “This bear cub. A piece of pie and this one. I share the bear's pie equally with all the cubs. Did all the cubs have enough pie? Eat well!"


Target: Development of children's ability to implement the game plan.

Equipment: Substitute items, play utensils, toy dogs, fluffy collar.

Game progress: The teacher can use different options for the game, depending on what they are aimed at.

game actions.

1st option. The actions of the teacher are aimed at children.

The teacher asks the guys: “Who wants to play with me? I invite everyone to play: Sasha, Pavlik, Alena and Vitalik. Does Irochka want to play with us? Now I will bake you buns. I'll bake buns - I'll feed you. See, I have a lot of dough in the pan.” Shows a large children's saucepan filled with building material details - yellow or red hemispheres). “There will be a lot of buns, enough for everyone. Sit down here, on the carpet, relax, and I will cook. The teacher sits the children so that they can see his actions. "I'll take big leaf(box cover from a printed board game). I'll put buns on it. I make this bun for Currency (takes one piece from the box, makes circular movements, reminiscent of rolling a ball, and puts it on the “sheet”). I'll roll, I'll roll the dough, a bun for Valyusha is ready. And I will make this bun for Kirill (by naming the children, the teacher keeps their attention on himself). That's all. I didn't forget anyone. Made buns for everyone. Now they can be baked in the oven. Puts the “leaf in the oven” and immediately takes it out. “All the buns are already baked” (puts the sheet on the table, sniffs the buns). “How delicious they smell. I'm going to try one right now." The teacher shows how to do it in the game, says that they are tasty, sweet. Then treats each child. Asks the children if they liked the buns. He complains that the buns turned out to be too big and. don't eat it all at once. After that, the teacher invites those who have eaten to put the remaining pieces on the sheet to finish eating later.

Then the teacher says: “Now let's play hide and seek. You will be smart kids. Some will hide behind a chair, some behind a closet, and some may even hide under a table. You hide, and I will look for you. Do you want to play like this? Now I will close my eyes with my hands and count, and you hide. One-two-three-four-re-five, I'm going to look.

The teacher is looking for the guys, while rejoicing when someone is. The game can be repeated two or three times.

Then the teacher invites the children to eat buns again, otherwise everyone played enough and already wanted to eat again. "Do you want to eat buns?" - distributes buns to children and says: “Now eat the buns - I’ll give you milk to drink. Whoever has eaten - put the leftovers here, on the sheet, and come to me. I'll pour milk for you." Each teacher gives a cup and pours imaginary milk. You can offer children supplements - a second cup

In conclusion, the teacher switches the children to an independent game: "You have eaten and drunk, and now go play with toys."

2nd option. Game actions of children are directed to the educator.

The teacher offers the children: “Come on, guys, let's play. I really want to play with Roma, with Vitalik ... ". The number of children participating in the game can be any. You can play with all the children or only with those who come to the teacher. “I feel like I just got home from work. Tired. And my head hurts. I can not. even cook your own food. And I really want to eat. Who will cook something for me, guys? The children respond to the request of the teacher. “Look how much food I have, a whole box. What will you cook for me? Here in the box lies cabbage and carrots (shows a green ball and a red cone). You can cook delicious soup. I know Masha can cook soup. Mashenka, will you cook soup for me? Here are vegetables for you: cabbage and carrots. Here is the stove (big cube, upside down box). And you can find the saucepan yourself, okay? Sasha, will you boil potatoes for me? And who else will cook potatoes for me? How many berries are there? A good compote will turn out! Who will cook compote for me?

After that, the teacher helps everyone individually prepare “food”, shows the children no more than one or two game actions for cooking.

Then the teacher continues: “Whoever has food ready can feed me. I already washed my hands and sat down at the table. “What have you, Verochka, prepared for me? Soup? Probably very tasty. May I try? Pour me a bowl of soup, please. Oh how delicious. Soup with carrots and cabbage. Overeating! I also want to eat one bowl of soup. Can? Thank you very much, Verochka. You made a very tasty soup." It does not matter if this procedure is delayed and the rest of the children are waiting for their turn to feed the teacher. Observation of the actions of the educator and the actions of children, game communication is very interesting for them. It will surely enrich their experience.

After feeding, the teacher expresses gratitude to all the children: “What good fellows - they fed me. I rested, I ate. And yes, the headache is gone. Okay, now you can have some fun. Would you like to dance?" (children dance with the teacher to the music).

The teacher encourages children to independently accept the game goal: “Oh! I danced something and wanted to eat again. Who else will feed me? And what will you feed me, Sasha? The procedure of feeding and expressing gratitude is repeated again.

Then the teacher ends the game: “I’m already so full that I can’t eat all the porridge that you cooked, Alyosha. There was still half the pot left. Feed the bunny porridge. He already came running to me, found out who was cooking porridge. The teacher can offer the children to do another activity, give them, for example, pencils and paper, etc.

3rd option. Children's play activities are focused on toys.

The teacher includes the children in the game: “Guys, come here as soon as possible. Look who ran up there." Shows the dogs and offers to get to know them, pet them. “Hear them whine. Let's ask the dogs if they want to eat."

It turns out that they are really hungry.

After that, the teacher “calms down” the dogs. He tells them what delicious soups, cereals and other things our children can cook. "Don't worry, dogs. You see how many children we have in the group, and they all know how to cook very well. Some soup, some porridge, some potatoes and even compote ... and they know how to make scrambled eggs. Don't worry, we'll feed you now. Guys, do you want to cook food for the dogs?

Then the teacher encourages each child to accept the game goal: “This dog has chosen you, Kirill. What are you going to cook for her?" If the child does not cope with the task assigned to him, the teacher offers him some of his own options: “I guessed that your dog loves soup with a bone most of all.” The dog barks in agreement.

So, in turn, the teacher gives each child a dog and contributes to the adoption of an individual game goal.

When all the dogs have found their owners, the teacher offers the children to take the necessary “products” from the boxes with substitute items. While the guys are preparing food, the teacher asks the children: “How is the puppy behaving. Does he obey you, Nina, does he interfere with cooking? What are you cooking for him? He likes porridge to be sweet. Will you put sugar in the porridge?" “Sharik, are you glad that Vitya cooks meat for you? Sit here and don’t get into the pot, otherwise you’ll get burned - the stove is hot. ” “You know, Vitya, your dog is so clean. She, when she eats, runs to wash her muzzle and paws. Will you help her wash up afterwards?

Completing the feeding procedure, the teacher says: “Guys, listen to what the dogs want to tell you. They thank you for the delicious food you gave them.” “Dogs say that now they want to sleep, that they like to sleep on rugs in a quiet corner behind a closet or under a chair. Here are the mats for you. Children put the dogs.

After that, the teacher can introduce the children to a new game goal - playing the circus. In a whisper, he calls the children to him and tells them to walk slowly, otherwise the dogs will suddenly wake up. He reports that the “mother” of the dogs ran into the group. She wants to show the children the dog circus. Asks the children if they have seen on TV how dogs perform in the circus. He tells how well the "mother" of dogs can perform. The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and watch the dog circus. The teacher shows two or three game actions with a circus dog. The dog can jump over a stick, climb a tower of cubes, somersault, count children, etc. Children clap the dog. In order for the dog to become a circus, put a beautiful “fluffy” collar around its neck.

After the performance, the "mother" of the dogs asks to wake her puppies and bring them. The teacher puts the puppies in a box. Carries her away. The dog "says goodbye" to the children and "leaves". The teacher invites her to come to the children more often.

Role-playing games with cubes.

Children love to play with blocks. This interest can be used, including design elements in almost any plot.

Here are some of those stories. Production of furniture for dolls and animals from cubes (high chair, bed, benches, etc.). Production of large and small houses, turrets, paths, etc. Construction of a booth for a dog. Construction of a turret for a cockerel, etc. Construction of a zoo. Construction of garages for large and small cars (including aircraft hangars). Construction of moorings for boats and ships.

In accordance with the chosen plot, toys are placed in certain buildings (for example, dolls can leave their houses and visit each other, cars can go to their garages, etc.). Here are some examples of story games that include construction elements.