
Sculpting theme winter middle group. “Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic: “Winter-winter. GCD for modeling in the middle group


Anastasia Lineva

Goals: Continue learning to roll sausages and design of which a conceived object in the form of a bas-relief (the image protrudes above the background plane). Improve the ability to understand and analyze content poems. Develop fine motor skills fingers, eye and imagination. Cultivate accuracy.

preliminary work: looking at paintings with winter landscapes, getting to know the properties of snow.

Handout. Blue cardboard circles with a diameter of approximately 12-15 cm according to the number of children, white plasticine, stacks, musical accompaniment "Zimushka- winter»

Children sit on the carpet with the teacher. IN the group has flown« Snowflake» - letter. Reading letters to children.

"Hello guys! I'm just a little girl Snowflake. I recently came into being. But I know that my mother is Mother Voditsa. We have a big family. Mother has sons - Voditsa, my brothers - Fog, Rain, Ice, and we are daughters - Rosa and Snowflakes. All children are different characters: we all love different times of the year (who is spring and summer, who is autumn, who is winter). Now on the street winter and we love winter Snowflakes and my brother Ice. You saw my brother today. Ice came to visit you. But I lost my sisters! While we were descending from the sky, a strong wind blew, all my sisters scattered! I am very sad alone, please help me find my sisters! Your Snowflake.

Yet Snowflake left us a description of her sisters, let's listen!

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from poems K. Balmont:

Light fluffy

snowflake white.

What a pure

How brave!


Which snowflake in a poem? (Bold, pure, white.)

How else can you describe snowflake? (Cold, prickly, shiny, etc.)

Let's play a little with our snowflake? (Let's)


We snowflakes we are fluffs,

We are not averse to spinning.

We ballerina snowflakes,

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out snowball.

Guys, but we completely forgot that our Snowflakes misfortune! Let's help guys find sisters, Snowflake? - (Yes)

Let us make such sisters for our Snowflakes(sample show)

Go to your seats.

Children go to their jobs. Melody is playing "Zimushka- winter»


We roll several balls of the same size and roll them into thin sausages. The teacher shows the children how to round cardboard make up of sausages intersecting in the center snowflake and decorate it with short sausages or in another way.

Summary of the lesson:

Guys, look what beautiful sisters We got snowflakes! Now our Snowflake won't be so sad! All of you are great fellows!

All-Russian project of competitions
methodological development of lessons and extracurricular activities
for educators.
"Winter Charm"
Integrated lesson - modeling
middle group
theme: "Waltz of snowflakes"
Program content:
- to consolidate the ability of children to use modeling techniques learned earlier;
- to teach children to sculpt snowflakes by rolling sausages from plasticine
between the palm and the table;
- develop fine motor skills of hands;
- expand children's ideas about winter, snow, snowflakes;
- educate independence, activity, creativity.
"Zimushka - Winter" - a teacher in a winter costume, snowflake samples, dark blue paper (cardboard) and white plasticine.
Modeling technique: rolling, joining parts, pressing.
Relationship with other occupations and activities.
Listening to the song: “Oh, you are a winter winter”; reading the fairy tale "Jokes of Grandmother Winter"; looking at snowflakes through a magnifying glass; reading the story of I. Ilyin and E. Segal "Snowflakes".
Lesson progress:
Music plays softly, "Winter-winter" enters. Reading a poem:
Like fluff, they fly from heaven
Tender crumbs - snowflakes,
Covering the field, forest,
Mountains, valleys and hollows ...
How bizarre their pattern is,
What a beautiful carpet!
A. Fedotov Zimushka: “What season is the poem talking about? How do you know it's winter? Who brings the winter? How do we recognize winter?
Children's answers (for frost, snow, cold, etc.)
Zimushka invites children to play the outdoor game "A little white snow fell." Children stand in a circle, performing movements in accordance with the text of the poem:
A little white snow fell, (children squat)
We're going to a circle. (form a circle)
We are sinking, we are sinking! (stomp feet)
Let's dance merrily. (circling around)
Let's keep our hands warm. (rubbing palms)
We clap, we clap! (clap hands)
Let's jump more fun. (jump)
To be warmer. (jump)
We'll jump, we'll jump! (jump)
Zimushka brings some snow and invites the children to consider what it consists of. They admire beautiful snowflakes together. Hand out some snowflakes to the children. The snow melts on the palms of the children, at this time the zimushka reads a poem:
A snowflake fell into my palm,
I will warm her with my breath a little,
Snowflake, you decided to play hide and seek.
I can't see you in my palm.
Zimushka: “Snowflakes are droplets of water that have frozen in the cold, they melt in the warmth. Snowflakes are small pieces of ice. Let's look at the cut out snowflakes. Have you noticed that all snowflakes are different. A real snowflake is all made of ice. The ice in snowflakes is very fragile: just touch it and it breaks. The stronger the frost, the more fragile the snowflakes become. And when the snowflakes break, a light sound is heard. We hear this sound when we walk in the snow “creak-creak” heard? That's why they say: "Squeaky snow."
Physical education:
Zimushka invites the children to take sheets of paper. Together with the winter, children gradually begin to crush them.
Zimushka: "Now we will imagine that we are going for a walk in the snow."
Children walk between the tables (a crunch of paper is heard), crumple sheets of paper into "snowballs".
Then he offers to play the game "Hit the target." Children throw "snowballs" at the goal - a basket.
They sit down in their seats.
Zimushka invites children to come up with words about snow and snowflakes (light, white, fluffy, sparkling, clean, etc.)
Zimushka: “Wonderful words, wonderful snow! It brings us a lot of joy and entertainment! And what can be molded from the snow?
Children's answers.
Zimushka: “Look what beautiful snowflakes you can mold from plasticine, let's try to mold them.
Show some samples.
Reading a poem:
Snowflakes - pictures,
Take a look - quickly.
Each has six
silver rays,
And every jagged ray -
Winter's enchanted key.
Consideration, explanation.
They examine ready-made samples of snowflakes, admire them.
Recall with children the methods of rolling, connecting parts, pressing.
Offer to roll out sausages (length 6-8 cm, diameter 0.5 cm) and make snowflakes.
Practical part.
Children roll out thin sausages from white plasticine and make snowflakes.
Zimushka: “Let's arrange snowflakes on a dark background, like white snowflakes in the evening sky!”
Zimushka calls the children to her, waves magic wand and says: “Turn around yourself, and turn into a snowflake!”
We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We are not averse to spinning.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out snow.
Music sounds. Children together with the winter dance “Waltz of the Snowflakes”, then the children come to the stand - the “window” attaches their snowflakes.
Zimushka reads a poem:
Snowflake - enchantress
Dancing, having fun
Like a butterfly flutters
Everything is spinning and flying.
I'll take her in my hand
I'll stick it on the window.
fancy picture-
In the window - a miracle - an ice floe.
Summing up, admiring the beauty of snowflakes.


Program tasks: continue to teach children how to roll sausages and design of which a conceived object in the form of a bas-relief (the image protrudes above the background plane). Develop fine motor skills of fingers, eye and imagination. Cultivate accuracy.

preliminary work: looking at paintings with winter landscapes, getting to know the properties of snow.

Material: blue cardboard circles with a diameter of about 12-15 cm according to the number of children, white plasticine, stacks, musical accompaniment "Whirling snowflakes» .

Lesson progress:

Children are located on the carpet in a semicircle with the teacher. IN the group has flown« Snowflake» .

"Hello guys! I'm quite small Snowflake. I just came into the world today. But I know that my mother is water. I was a small drop of water, but now it’s so cold outside that while I was flying to you from the sky, I froze and turned into snowflake. My sisters fell from the sky with me - snowflakes, but they are lost and I am very sad and bored alone "

Guys how to help Snowflake? Let's make her sisters - Plasticine snowflake. To make them beautiful and like real ones, they need to be considered. What parts does it consist of Snowflake?

There are straight stripes (showing which are even, long, straight. But there are also short ones. Show long strips and short (show children). Here's what Snowflake.

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from a poem by K. Balmont:

Light fluffy

snowflake white.

What a pure

How brave!


Do you want to make such snowflakes? We roll several balls of the same size and roll them into thin sausages. The teacher shows the children how to make sausages intersecting in the center on a round cardboard snowflake and decorate it with short sausages or in another way.


We snowflakes we are fluffs,

We are not averse to spinning.

We ballerina snowflakes,

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out snowball.

Guys let's make sisters Snowflake? - (Yes)

Let us make such sisters for our Snowflakes(laying out the sample on the tables)

Go to your seats.

Children go to their jobs. Melody is playing "Whirling snowflakes»

Sculpting children.

Outcome classes:

Guys, look what beautiful sisters We got snowflakes! Now our Snowflake won't be so sad! All of you are great fellows!

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Summary of modeling classes in the middle group.

The theme of the week is Winter. Modeling "Snowflake" (technique - molding).

Purpose: to teach children how to draw a snowflake by sticking.


Tutorials: continue to teach children to divide plasticine into parts, roll up sausages and construct a conceived object from them in the form of a bas-relief (the image protrudes above the background plane).


Developing: cognitive interest of children, fine motor skills of fingers, eye and imagination.

preliminary work: looking at pictures of winter landscapes.

Handout:circles or squares of light blue, blue, purple and gray colors with a diameter of 12-15cm according to the number of children, modeling board, white plasticine, stack, musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, please listen to the riddle:

The forest is covered with a white blanket,

And the bear is sleeping in the den.

Snow, like a white border.

Who was in charge?

Children: Winter.

Educator: That's right folks, winter is here. What color do you think is the most in winter? Why?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Do you love winter?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Why do you love winter?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: I have another riddle for you, listen:

Stars are flying from the sky

And they shine in the sun.

Like a ballerina dancing

Spinning in winter...

Children: Snowflakes.

Educator: Well done guys, you got it right.

Let's play a little. Now we will all turn into snowflakes.


We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We are not averse to spinning.

We are snowflakes - ballerinas,

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle -

It turns out snow.

Educator: What beautiful snowflakes flew in our group. And now I suggest you make a snowflake. See what beautiful snowflakes you can mold from plasticine, let's try.

Show some samples. Reading a poem:

Snowflakes - pictures,

Take a look - quickly.

Each has six

silver rays,

And every jagged ray -

Winter's enchanted key. L.Shekhovtsova

Modeling: We roll several balls of the same size and roll them into thin sausages. The teacher shows the children how to make a snowflake from sausages intersecting in the center on a round or square cardboard and decorate it with short sausages or in another way.

Summary of the lesson: Guys, look what beautiful snowflakes we got. You are all great fellows.

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Abstract of a modeling lesson in the middle group Topic: "Winter - winter"
- to clarify children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena;
- consolidation of knowledge of artistic expressive means (intonation), to consolidate the ability to expressively read poems;
- learn to guess riddles;
- enrich the active vocabulary of children;
- to improve the ability of children to sculpt objects consisting of balls of different sizes.
- develop thinking, related speech, creative imagination.
- to cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt others.
Paintings depicting winter, a snowman toy, an envelope with riddles, plasticine, modeling boards, medallions in the form of snowflakes.
Preliminary work:
Memorizing poems about winter, excursions around the territory of the kindergarten, conversations about winter signs.

Lesson progress:
- Guys, today we will talk with you again about winter. Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Guys, what are the signs of winter? In winter, severe frosts. It's snowing often. In winter, large snowdrifts. The river freezes and is covered with ice. Frost on the trees.
- Yes, guys, that's right, these are all signs of winter. What is the first month of winter? (December)
- The second month of winter? (January)
- The third month of winter? (February)
- Yes, that's right, it's three months of winter. Guys, and you and I taught poems about winter and winter months. Now Lisa will tell us a verse, and we will listen and say what month she told about. Early in the morning in December
The first snow is already in the yard.
We clear paths
In warm fur clothes.
- What month did Liza tell? (about December). That's right guys in December pours the first snow. It's getting cold and we put on warm clothes.
- And now Lily will tell a poem.
I open the calendar
January begins.
In January, in January
Lots of snow in the yard
Snow on the roof, on the porch
Suns in the blue sky
Stoves are heated in our house,
Smoke rises into the sky.
- What month did Lily tell about? (about January). Why do you think so? (Starting from January New Year. There is a lot of snow in January. That's right, well done kids.
- Maxim will also tell a poem.
The winds blow in February
Howling in the pipes loudly.
Snake rushes along the ground
Light snow
Rising rush into the distance
Aircraft links
It celebrates February
Army birth.
What month is this poem about? (February). Yes, that's right, in February, the winds blow, there is a snowstorm on the ground and the holiday on February 23 is the day of the defenders of the Fatherland.
- Well done, we remembered the poems, and what games do we play in winter? (We go sledding, skating, skiing, play snowballs and make a snowman).
- That's how much interesting activities in winter.
- Oh, guys, someone is knocking. (I bring in a snowman).
- Guys, this snowman came to us.
- Hello guys, how fun you have here, but I'm bored standing alone on the street, so I decided to come to you. And what are you doing?
- We're talking about winter.
- Guys, I have some riddles. Can you guess them?
- Let's try.
It's been snowing for a month now
We'll see the new year soon
All nature is in a snowy hibernation
Can you tell me what time of year? (winter)
He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
What is always cold (snow)
What kind of stars through
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through cutouts.
And you take it - water in your hand. (snowflakes)
The purest snow fell
Of it everywhere (drifts)
With a broom in hand
With a bucket on my head
I stand in the winter in the yard. (snowman)
- Here are some good fellows who guessed all the riddles.
- And we have another interesting game "Zimushka - winter"
Physical education "Winter - winter".
Hello zimushka - winter (bows)
What did you bring as a gift? (hands to the side)
Fluffy white snow (squat, draw on imaginary snow)
Hoarfrost silvery (hands up)
Skis, sleds and skates (simulate movements)
And the lights on the tree! (make lanterns)
- What a fun game.
- Yes, you have fun, but I'm bored alone.
- Guys, let's make friends of snowmen for the snowman. Take your seats at the tables.
- But before we sculpt, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics. "Winter walk".
(Bend fingers one at a time.)
One, two, three, four, five
("We go" on the table with index and middle fingers.)
We came to the yard for a walk.
("Lepim" a lump with two palms.)
They sculpted a snow woman,
(Crushing movements with all fingers)
The birds were fed with crumbs,
(We run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
Then we rode down the hill,
(We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)
And also rolled in the snow.
(Shake off palms)
Everyone came home in the snow.
(Movement with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks)
We ate soup and went to bed.
- Well done, now let's make snowmen. We recall that a snowman consists of three balls (large, smaller and smallest), make a hat from brown plasticine, us, eyes, and make hands for a snowman from twigs of sticks.
Children make snowmen.
- These are the snowmen we got, put them on a tray near the snowman. Now you won't be bored.
- Thank you guys, and I also have gifts for you, so that you would remember about winter, such snowflakes are medallions.
- Thank you snowman, stay with us and see how the guys spend time in kindergarten.
- Guys, tell me what we did today? We talked about winter and winter fun. They told poems, guessed riddles, played, sculpted a snowman.
- Well done guys, but the winter is over, and let's say goodbye to it. Say goodbye Zimushka - winter, see you in a year.

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