
Weaving pigtails fishtail. Convenient and beautiful fishtail hairstyle - simple, fast, original. What is required to weave a fishtail braid


Unlike traditional braids, fishtail braids only require two strands of hair instead of three. It is quite difficult to braid a braid from the back on your own, but it is quite possible for everyone to make one or two braids on the side.

Braiding a fishtail braid, you can make it different in thickness and shape, it can be slightly sloppy or classically tight and even.

Weaving pattern

To make the hairstyle look more daring and unique, you can weave threads, laces, scarves into the braid different colors... To do this, even at the second stage of weaving, when the tail was divided into two parts, you need to tie the threads to the hair roots or an elastic band. You can also dye a small strand of colored tonic.

In a similar way, you can braid a fishtail, without first collecting all the hair in a ponytail. In this case, the loose hair is divided into two equal parts, and the process is repeated. This method illustrates a popular technique french braid.

How to make a braid all over your head?

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly, it should be perfectly smooth. We comb all the hair back, after which we separate two thin parts of the same thickness from the right and left temples.
  2. We cross both strands together so that the left is under the right. After that, they should be taken in the right hand, and with the left one pick up another thin strand from the left side. To eliminate asymmetry, you need to ensure that the strands are the same.
  3. We cross the new strand from the top right, holding it at the head. Then we take a new strand of hair from the right side and apply it to the left, which by this time will be double. Depending on the thickness and length of the hair, these steps need to be completed about five to six.
  4. After the fishtail is braided at the temples, we begin to weave from the remaining tail.

There is one more variant of weaving "fish tail". You can start it like an ordinary French braid, vice versa:

  1. We divide the hair into two strands: upper and lower. We separate the strand at the very forehead and weave a small braid of three stitches.
  2. Divide the remaining hair into parts and connect the center strand to the right one. Separate another thin strand of hair from the edge of the resulting strand and attach it on the left side under the braid, after which we add a strand to it from the right side and move to the left.
  3. Separate the thin strand from the left side, connect it to the right, placing it under the braid. Then, from the remaining free hair, we again grab the strand on the left side and lead it to the right.
  4. Similarly, weave a "fishtail", making sure that the strands are the same and symmetrical. Having reached the base of the neck, we separate the strand on the right and connect it under the scythe with the left, pick them up on the right and drag the scythe to the left.
  5. We braid the remaining loose hair into a regular "fish tail" and secure with an elastic band.

You can braid such a braid in any direction: obliquely, in a wave, on the side - the main criterion here will be imagination and training.

Hair weaves are now gaining popularity again. And not in vain. With the help of them, you can make gorgeous attractive hairstyles for all occasions. Now there are already about 50 weaving techniques on different lengths hair. But among them, a very interesting technique remains in the leading position in terms of beauty - the fish tail.

Creating this hairstyle is a must have skill for those who follow fashion. And within the framework of this article, we will consider how a fishtail is woven to itself with the easiest techniques.

This is what the classic fish weave looks like.

Benefits of fish weaving

The hairstyle can be woven with your own hands without the help of specialists.

Have this method creating braids, in addition to stunning external qualities, there are many advantages. Their list is as follows:

  • can weave on almost any type of hair (wavy, straight, curly, thin, thick, and so on);
  • goes well with many accessories decorating the head;
  • allows you to create completely different images in all kinds of styles, as it has many variations, which expands the range of possibilities and fantasies;
  • looks equally beautiful in any color, even the most fashionable and unusual;
  • suits any type of clothing (from classic to casual style);
  • can be combined with tails, other types of weaving, for example, plaits and others;
  • helps to collect both part and the whole mass of hair at will.

Step-by-step creation of a beautiful fashionable hairstyle for medium hair.

NOTE! Many are interested in whether the fishtail braid technique is suitable for short hair? Yes, of course, this technique, like other methods, can be applied at this length. However, provided that the length of the hair is at least 10 cm. For more details, read another article.

But one of the main advantages of this weaving is the ability to do it yourself with your own hands, without contacting specialists in salons. This is especially important for those people who do not have a lot of extra time or do not want to waste their budget.

After all, to learn this technique, you just need to practice a little. Well, the diagram below will help to maintain the correct order of the arrangement of the strand in this process.

Weaving "pike tail" even on the most extraordinary hair color looks great, bringing its zest to the image.

Varieties of "fish tail"

No less attractive is the fact that you can weave a "pike" pigtail different ways... And in any case, it will look beautiful, fashionable and unusual.

Tight option

A pike-tail braid created with a tight weaving technique.

A feature of such a braid is the dense technique of weaving the strand. Due to this, the drawing is clear, textured and neat. But this is provided that the working strands are selected strictly of the same width. This is a guarantee beautiful creation a similar pigtail.

Volumetric option

With the help of purl braiding, you can achieve volume even on very thin hair.

To achieve greater volume, the "fishtail" is woven using the purl method. That is, during this process, the strands do not overlap each other, but, as it were, are tucked under each working element. And the looser the braid is, the more massive it will look. An even greater volume can be obtained by interweaving thicker rather than thin strands.

At the same time, it is not necessary to adhere to strict accuracy in this technique, since careless parts will not spoil the look of the braid. In some styles, such as "Boho", even deliberate disheveledness is used on purpose.

Openwork option

A variant of an interesting hairstyle created on the basis of an openwork fish braid.

Such a braid can be created both in the traditional way and in the purl method. Its peculiarity lies in the beautifully pulled out loops after weaving. Also, an openwork effect can be achieved if, after completion, grab the ends of the pigtails and pull the entire structure up, and then gently straighten it.

ON A NOTE! The fishtail fishtail is more suitable for evening and festive hairstyles. For daily wear, they usually choose a traditional or voluminous version.

A beautiful hairstyle with elements of openwork weaving using the "pike tail" method.

Features and subtleties have been described. different ways creating a "fish tail". Well, now the moment has come to study directly how the fishtail braid is woven. Read the instructions and go for it!

Description of the ways of weaving "fish tail"

If you expand on the question of how a fishtail braid is woven, then this is done by several techniques. The most time-consuming and more complicated method is considered to be the 4-strand method. For beginners, the other 2 methods are suitable.

ON A NOTE! Getting started learning how to create fishtail braids is easier if you first collect your hair with an elastic band. This will prevent the strands from falling apart. With a certain skill, you can already make braids on free hair.

The process of creating a pigtail from a tail.

As for the direction, the "fishtail", regardless of the method, can be trailed:

  • vertically;
  • horizontally;
  • asymmetrical;
  • diagonally;
  • zigzag;
  • around the circumference.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to decide on this or that direction option in advance before the start of weaving, since the final result and the type of hairstyle as a whole will depend on this.

Weaving from 2 strands

A step-by-step scheme for weaving a fish braid by dividing the hair into 2 strands.

This fishtail technique is considered the easiest to perform. Relative simplicity is achieved thanks to two guide strands, which help in this process not to make mistakes.

As for the instructions, weaving a fishtail braid step by step by this method includes the following steps:

  1. Before the process of creating a hairstyle, curls can be treated with mousse. This will give them obedience and prevent them from spilling out of your hands.
  2. Depending on the receipt of the desired hairstyle (braid on the side, on the back of the head, on top, in a circle), you should select 2 (guides) basic uniform and wide enough strands in the place where you plan to start weaving.
  3. Further, from any of the sides on the outside, an additional strand is selected from the remaining mass of hair. It needs to be thrown to the opposite side, then attached to the guide element located in this area.
  4. After that, a strand is again selected from the outer area at the place where the additional curl has just been attached to the main guide part of the hair. Then, in the same way, it is added to the other opposite working guide.
  5. The entire weaving technique is performed by the above steps until the braid is braided to the desired place.
  6. The ends (again, depending on the hairstyle) are bent under the hair, fixed with an elastic band. Or, of them you can make a beautiful drawing in the form of a flower with the help of invisible hairpins.

The fishtail braid goes well with any weaving, for example, as in the photo - with the traditional version.

ON A NOTE! If weaving is done on a tail gathered in an elastic band, it is divided into 2 guiding elements. Additional strands are taken directly from each of them.

Braiding without dividing the hair into parts

Without dividing the strands into working elements, the fishtail braid (the weaving pattern with the photo is presented below) is braided similarly to the previous technique. However, this method is suitable for those who already have the skill. After all, without clear guidelines, the first time it is not easy to create beautiful braid, each time evenly selecting the interwoven strands on the sides.

How to make a braid without dividing hair into strands.

Directly the instruction and technique of weaving a fishtail braid in this way consists of the following steps:

  1. First, the entire mass of hair is combed over itself.
  2. Further, a working strand is selected from each side, and then they intersect with each other. In this case, you should make sure that they are of the same width.
  3. Then, holding the hair with one hand by pressing it to the head, for example, on the right, the opposite strand is again selected on the same side.
  4. Next, you need to throw it to the right, grabbing and attaching it with the same hand to the total mass of hair.
  5. Using a similar technique, the entire fishtail braid is braided by alternately grasping the strand, then tossing it over and attaching it to the hair located in opposite parts of the head. In this case, any direction of weaving is chosen. It directly depends on what kind of fishtail hairstyle you want to get.

Examples of fishtail hairstyles

Another option for an attractive hairstyle based on weaving "fishtail".

Using this weave, you can create a huge variety of hairstyles. It has no limitations, unless your own imagination simply dries up. And if this happened, taking the options below as a basis, it will be easier to re-invent some kind of masterpiece on the head, emphasizing your subtle and harmonious taste and image as a whole.

Side option

If you braid the side braid a little carelessly, you get an interesting hairstyle.

This styling is suitable for all occasions, as it goes well with any clothing and makeup. It is notable for its neatness and attractiveness, therefore it will become relevant for both holidays and everyday life.

"Fish" braid from the forehead

A fishtail braid with a weaving pattern from the forehead.

This styling is very conservative. It is the perfect choice for your day-to-day work or business meetings. It is also convenient to wear it for girls of both garden and school age.


"Malvinka" hairstyle based on "fishy" weaving.

This the best option for romantic natures. It is ideal for a youth party, corporate event or, for example, a birthday. Such weaving is beautifully combined with ribbons, and then you can achieve an even more original look.

Fishtail headbands look great and are back in fashion.

This is another beautiful romantic example for lovers of something unusual and extraordinary. This fishtail styling looks not only feminine, but also very stylish. Variations are coming back into fashion.

Laying from fishnet braids

Step-by-step creation of a fashionable hairstyle from openwork "fish tails".

If you want to get elegant, extraordinary beautiful image, then this hairstyle is the best choice. It can even be used for one of the most significant events in life - an anniversary or a wedding.

To do this, just after its creation, you just need to decorate your hair with an elegant hairpin or other similar accessory. Well, she herself is done very simply and quickly. This can be seen from the above attached step-by-step photo.


If you still have not quite figured out how a fishtail is woven, the video in this article should certainly help. Indeed, for some, a visual aid in action is more effective than a written instruction with a photo.

How to make a voluminous ponytail? In this article we have collected TOP-10 best options available to each of you!

Method 1. Casual fluffy tail

This beautiful hairstyle is perfect for going to work, and will also make your look well-groomed and elegant. To work, you only need an elastic band and a comb. If the hair curls, straighten it with an iron.

  1. Comb gently.
  2. Separate a small section of hair near the forehead and comb it a little. Smooth the top with a scallop.
  3. Carefully gather the hair from the sides and back in your hand and tie with an elastic band.
  4. Take a thin curl and wrap an elastic band around it, pinning the tip with an invisible one.
  5. Divide the finished tail into several equal parts.
  6. Toss them to the top of the head, leaving only one at the bottom.
  7. Comb each part, alternately lowering.
  8. Carefully smooth the top with a fine-toothed comb.

Method number 2. 60s ponytail

This stylish hairstyle originally from the sixties. It's very easy to make for party and work.

  1. Comb well.
  2. Divide the hair into four different zones - occipital, lateral and crown. Separate each area with a fine tip of the comb and secure with a clip.
  3. Tie strands at the back of your head.
  4. Backcomb the hair just a little on both sides and wrap it around the ponytail. The tips need to be fixed with invisible ones to match the color.
  5. Moving from the crown to the forehead, comb through all the remaining strands with a comb. Each can be sprinkled with varnish. The topmost strand should be left smooth.
  6. Place the bouffant on top and sprinkle well with varnish.
  7. The bangs (the one that remained smooth) must be combed behind the ear and stabbed with invisibility. If the bangs are short, just comb them.

Method number 3. Bulky two-piece tail

How to make a tail on your head , so that it is very lush and lasts all day? Prepare two rubber bands, a brush, and a fine comb. By the way, it is advisable to wind a straight head of hair - there will be even more volume.

  1. Comb well.
  2. Lift the hair at the top of your head and comb it a little.
  3. Pull off a section of the hair roughly opposite the ears and collect it with a comb.
  4. Lift this part and fix it with a clamp for easier handling.
  5. Gather the bottom section and tie under the top. Pull up both elastic bands.
  6. Omit upper part and straighten the curls to completely cover the base of the ponytail.

And how do you like this option for every day:

Method number 4. Romantic hairstyle

Do you only have 5 minutes? Believe me, during this period you will have time to create a very stylish styling.

  1. Divide the hair into two different zones. To do this, separate the middle part near the forehead with the thin tip of the comb.
  2. Tie the lower part.
  3. The top should be brushed and lightly smoothed with a comb. Spray it with varnish or spray to fix it.
  4. Wrap the tip of your top hair around your finger.
  5. Wrap the elastic around it, securing the tip with an invisible one.
  6. Hair can be curled, smoothed, or braided, such as a fishtail.

Method number 5. With the help of invisibility

It doesn't take a lot of strength to maintain volume. Two invisible ones are enough - they will do everything for you!

1. Tie a regular tail, pulling it tighter.

2. At the back of the elastic, fasten two invisibles - they should catch on to it. Remember to make sure the tips don't get in the way or dig into your skin. So simple and easy way will allow you to achieve volume.

Method number 6. With a hair crab

How to create a voluminous ponytail with a hair crab? This simple process is available to any of you.

  • 1. Tie a simple tail.
  • 2. Separate from it a small strand on top (about a third of the total mass).
  • 3. Pin it with a crab at the base of the tail.
  • 4. Comb the separated strand and sprinkle with varnish.
  • 5. Lower the top and cover the crab carefully.

Method number 7. Glamorous

Another very simple and insanely fast way.

  1. Comb all the way forward. To make it more comfortable, the head can be lowered.
  2. Comb the hair in the middle and back with a fine-toothed comb.
  3. Pull your hair back and gather it with a rubber band.
  4. Sprinkle lightly with varnish.

Another fashionable option in 5 minutes:

Method number 8. Low fluffy ponytail

A great way to tidy up strands for going to work or meeting friends.

  1. Separate a section of hair at the crown of your head, comb it with a brush and style it neatly.
  2. Attach the remaining hair to it and tie it tighter.
  3. Lift the bouffant slightly with the sharp tip of the comb.
  4. Gently comb through any loose hairs.
  5. Separate one strand and wrap the elastic around it.
  6. The tips can be screwed on.

Method number 10. Ponytail with a chignon

This method is suitable for girls with sparse hair. The main thing is that the hairpiece is ideally combined with the original hair color.

  1. Comb gently.
  2. Tie the strands with an elastic band.
  3. Secure the hairpiece near the base.
  4. Decorate your hair with a ribbon.

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5 beautiful brushed hairstyles -

Fishtail braids are straight, stylized braids using only two strands, as opposed to English or French braids. The finished fishtail braid looks like you've spent a lot of time and effort creating it.

How to weave a fishtail braid

  • Divide your hair into two equal sections and hold each hair in your hand. (You can pre-collect your hair in a ponytail and weave a braid from a ponytail, so it will be easier for you to learn how to weave a fishtail braid if you have not had such experience before)
  • Use your fingers to separate a small section of hair from the outer edge of the right side and cross (cross) it to the left side of the hair in the left hand.
  • Repeat the same for a small section on the left side, moving it to the right.
  • Repeat until you reach the end of your hair, secure with an elastic band.

Hairstyles with fishtail braids often appear on the catwalks and on the red carpet. This is primarily due to the fact that this braiding technique has undergone many changes in its shape and charm over several generations. There is now a large number of types of fishtail braids, possible styling and hairstyles with its use, some of which are simple, others not very. But all of them are great not only for parties, but also for official events. Even as an office hairstyle, a fishtail braid can be perfect chic and great alternative familiar to you ponytail.

1 One braid

A single fishtail braid can be braided from the crown of the head to create a sleek, even hairstyle that closely resembles a French braid. When creating this hairstyle, start braiding the hair just above the crown and work down to the base of the skull. From this point, braid loose hair all the way to the ends. After that, you can fasten it with a hair elastic - and the hairstyle is ready.

2 Double fishtail braid

Fishtail braids, braided on both sides of the head, can join at the base of the skull and merge into a single ponytail or elegant hairstyle. This is a modern take on the classic fishtail braid. To do this hairstyle, part your hair into two equal parts with a straight parting along the entire skull. Braid a braid on one side and bring it to the middle of the base of the skull. Secure it tightly with an elastic band to hold it in place while you repeat the same steps on the other side of your head. Remove the elastic from the first braid and join them together. Braid them in one braid, all the way to the ends. Secure with an elastic band.

3 Two fishtail pigtails

The two fishtail braids can be worn as an interesting variation on the familiar fishtail braid. To create this look, divide the hair into two equal sections from the forehead to the base of the skull. Braid a fishtail braid on one side, starting at the back of the head and working along the hairline. Braid further down the length of your hair. Repeat this on the other side to complete your hair.

4 Bangs and disheveled fishtail braid

Add long hair with bangs a bit of charm, braiding an ordinary but disheveled fishtail braid. Tie in a bow and leave some loose hair on the other side. You will be delighted with this adorable look.

5 Fishtail braid to mid-length

This mid-length fishtail is a must-try for everyone because it is easy to wear and easy to wear. Will look great on ordinary smooth hair, and on disheveled.

6 Fishtail braid braided at the side

You Thick hair middle length? Try this fishtail braid on the side. Perfect for a first date or a romantic candlelit dinner.

7 Fat tail from a fishtail braid

Try to braid your hair from all sides, twice from left to right, twice from right to left, tuck the ends in and secure the ponytail. Lock with booties to create that lively yet formal look.

8 Crown with a fishtail braid

A fishtail braid pulled to the side can be wrapped around the head in the form of a rim. Don't worry about feeling disheveled. It will only add charm.

9 Relaxed fishtail braid

A disheveled, casual look, easy to perform, pleasant to wear. The main favorite of the red carpet.

10 Braided fishtail braid

Do you have thick hair long enough for an unconventional fishtail braid? Try braiding from the side or from the very base of your skull. Wrap it in a circle to create a hat. Fix with invisible pins and pins while screwing.

11 French fishtail braid

Gorgeous hairstyle. An excellent option if you know how to weave a French braid, then it should be easy for you, the principle is the same.

12 Tight fishtail braid like a rock star

Pull your hair into a tight ponytail and braid into a tight fishtail braid. Classic, easy-to-use look and great hairstyle for a live rock concert.

13 Harness and fishtail braid on the side

It is recommended that you curl your hair before braiding and then start. This will give the braid a little extra texture and dimension. By the way, this hairstyle is great for the summer, as it can be used to remove hair from the face.

Photo: instagram / runningonhappiness

14 BEAM, Wrapped in fishtail braids, hippie style

This “fishtail” bundle wrapped in braids should be started with the formation of the bundle itself. Then wrap two fishtail braids around the bun. This hairstyle works best for long hair, but you can always artificially create length and volume with false hair.

15 High french fishtail braid hairstyle

This tall fishtail hairstyle is like a seashell. Just perfect! And the great thing is that, despite the apparent complexity, this hairstyle is quite easy to reproduce. If you want to add something to this hairstyle to brighten it up, try the seashell hair accessories.

Fishtail braiding is a stylish and interesting braid for every day. You don't need any special skills to learn how to do such an intricate hairstyle. We will tell you how to braid a fishtail braid simply and without loss.


"Fishtail" is stylish and, which is created from just two strands, which makes it more simple option compared with . And the "fishtail" looks like you are a skilled craftswoman who did not spend more than two minutes on creating a hairstyle.

A fishtail braid is great for an everyday option, it allows you to do that, which is not limited to one option. You can always think of new way braid your hair beautifully.

How to weave a fishtail braid

As we said, weaving this is not at all difficult.

  1. Comb the strands and split the hair into two equal halves. There is another option, collecting your hair in a ponytail and starting to weave a braid from the ponytail - this will be a little easier.
  2. Take one small strand and put it crosswise on the opposite: the right strand on the left, and then the left strand on the right.
  3. Repeat this until you finish.
  4. Secure your hair with a hair elastic.

And it's all. As we can see, the "fish tail" is quite simple - the main thing is to adapt so that the strands fall on top of each other without "cocks".

By the way, the main advantage of the fishtail braid is its diversity. There are quite a few options for this that will diversify your image. The weaving pattern is always the same.

So, you can make two long ones in the style of weaving "fishtail": divide the hair into two halves and whip "fishtail" from each half.

Or, for example, go up to a "higher level" and make a "fish tail". To do this, you need to start weaving a braid straight from the roots: divide the hair into two halves and carefully take the strands from one side and weave them one on top of the other. We make two pigtails at the back, and then, according to the same principle, weave them together.