
Natural makeup for a wedding. DIY wedding makeup - step by step. Choose special makeup techniques


On the most important day for a woman, a dazzling image is an integral part. It was with beautiful makeup the bride will shine with beauty, stand out from the crowd, be special.

Every year the bride's wedding makeup is being improved, new bright shades are replacing the usual colors.

If earlier girls were applied to their faces with pastel, strict tones, today makeup artists do not stop experimenting, make the bride's face bright, expressive eyes, voluminous lips.

In spite of fashion trends wedding makeup, there are certain rules for applying cosmetics.

What should be the wedding makeup?

Before applying makeup on the face, it is necessary to build on the personal preferences of the bride, it should be in harmony with her dress, possibly with a bouquet of flowers, the general wedding interior in a cafe.

Makeup should fit the bride's face, for example, more delicate shades are suitable for subtle, delicate natures.

Many people ask, what should be the 2017 wedding makeup?

It is impossible to answer the question unequivocally, since each girl follows her own image based on the surrounding atmosphere, wedding decorations.

Festive makeup should:

  • Looks equally beautiful under street lighting and artificial. Also, it should not distort the face in the photo.
  • Be persistent. You should choose cosmetics from trusted brands.
  • To emphasize the contours of the face, make the face fresh, rested, do not create folds on the eyelids.
  • To harmonize with the wedding setting, with the bride's bouquet, the general decoration of the hall.

Such makeup should not be pretentious, the bride should not look like a doll. The face should be natural.

It is best to choose eyeshadows on a bright basis, but lightly pigmented, this way the eyes are well emphasized, at the same time they do not look vulgar.

Delicate burgundy tones, pink, nude shades will look good on such a responsible day.

Makeup artists do not recommend making your lips too bright. Every bride can do wedding makeup at home, you just need to follow the advice of experienced makeup artists.

For the bride to be charming, dazzle with her beauty, cosmetics, first of all, must be persistent, because there are still many events ahead where you will have to shoot a lot on camera in daylight.

Wedding makeup trends must be followed in a strict sequence, much also depends on the skillful hands of the makeup artist.

If you want to look at wedding photos flawless, it is necessary to mask the problem areas on the face with a correcting pencil, and then apply an even layer of a suitable foundation, preferably a tone darker than the skin color.

Take care of purchasing a good foundation, it should let you down during shooting, it won't spread over your face, it won't roll.

Make-up is done, as a rule, in the morning, and during the wedding process it is corrected with powder without any special intervention.

Before the wedding, the skin of the face must be put in order, as on good skin means lay down well, last longer, less need to apply tonal base on the face.

Do peels with a scrub a week before the celebration, cleanse your skin with gel. The day before wedding ceremony give your face a rest, apply a cucumber mask, lubricate your face with moisturizers.

Steps to create a flawless makeup

An important basis for creating fashionable wedding makeup is strict adherence to the sequence in applying cosmetics to the bride's face.

Observing all the rules, the makeup will definitely turn out beautiful and special.

We cleanse the face

After sleeping, the skin of the face must be well refreshed with cool water so that the pores become tense, you can use your favorite lotion, only without the scrub effect.

Massage your face with your hands, wake it up. After that, wipe your face with an ice cube, preferably frozen with cucumber gruel or mint infusion, this will close the pores.

If dark circles remain under the eyes, also wipe with ice.

We select foundation and blush

The next step is to even out the complexion with a good foundation.

Experienced makeup artists remember that in order for the foundation to hold better, it must be applied to the base base.

The base is also used for minor irregularities on the skin, minor acne, thereby raising the layer on the face. The foundation should be matched to the tone of the skin of the face, it should be applied by blending it with your hand or using a beauty blender.

To give the face clear boundaries, a bronzer or blush is applied to the cheekbones with a special flat brush.

Correcting the eyebrows

With the correct contour of the eyebrows, the makeup takes on a special, finished look. At the same time, the eyes stand out noticeably, the look becomes expressive.

You can correct the eyebrows with a pencil, also with the help of shadows.

It is forbidden to draw your eyebrows in pure black, despite the fact that you have black hair, the color of the eyebrows should be lighter.

After drawing the eyebrows, secure them with wax or hair gel to keep them from falling apart in the wind.

Apply shadows, mascara, draw arrows

The next step, no less important, is to choose the right shadow tone for the eyes.

Do not use dark shades of shadows, nude tones, pink, peach will look beautiful, it is necessary to create a contrast.

Arrows need to be brought in carefully. Strongly not spreading the brush for the contours of the eyes. Finish off with voluminous black ink.

Finishing the look - lipstick

To complete the wedding look, a girl should apply lipstick to her lips. Lip gloss is often used with a shimmery effect.

Natural shades of pink, beige, good option will be using long-lasting lipstick. Wedding make-up the eye should accentuate the natural beauty of the face.

Knowing all this, you can easily make yourself a beautiful wedding makeup.

Photo of wedding makeup

Fascinating, fabulous, enchanting, unique ... The list of epithets related to the image of the bride is endless. Indeed, for every girl, the wedding day is a long-awaited and terribly exciting moment, beauties try to be at their best on this day in order to outshine everyone around! Gorgeous, sexy dress, great hairstyle, delicate, romantic bouquet, and of course, impeccable, maddening makeup. So what is the perfect wedding makeup for the bride?

The bride's wedding make-up can be called a masterpiece of make-up art, in such a make-up there should be a harmony between naturalness and brightness of colors.

Also, the complexity of such a make-up lies in the fact that it is perfect for both daylight hours and looks great in the evening. Important in creating the bride's makeup is her hair, eyes, skin color, her external type, the shade of the dress and veil, the season, age, all this also needs to be taken into account.

Faced with these nuances, girls often turn to professional make-up masters. If before the girls tried to sign up to the salon in order to do their wedding makeup on time, now the make-up master can come to the client's house.

You have decided on the master, but what exactly will be your unforgettable and stunning wedding make-up !? You can opt for makeup in Venetian, Greek, Roman style, or do wedding makeup with arrows, you can choose and decorate your makeup with rhinestones.

But whatever image you choose for this solemn day, you should remember some of the subtleties that will help you create a perfect image for your own wedding.

Nuances for creating a flawless wedding look

  • Your skin should be in perfect condition. Your face should not show off bumps, pimples, dark circles under the eyes and, of course, puffy bags. Take care of the condition of your skin a few weeks before the wedding, watch your diet, sleep, visit fresh air if your wedding is in the summer, then you can sunbathe for a light tan
  • Before you start creating wedding makeup, make sure that the master uses professional cosmetics, only professional products can give you confidence that your makeup will remain perfect throughout the wedding ceremony and festive reception. With professional cosmetics, you will not be distracted to make sure that the mascara did not crumble, the shadows did not smudge, the tone on the face did not drip and the lipstick did not lose color
  • For perfect makeup on your skin, exfoliate with a light scrub, then apply a nourishing moisturizer to your face to create the perfect base.
  • Girls, if you still wondered how to do wedding makeup yourself, then the recommendations on the selection of cosmetics remains the same, it should be professional, you can also use rhinestones to create a bright image for an evening buffet
  • Remember that makeup for the daytime ceremony should not be flashy, it should be harmonious. An evening look should be brighter, you can add a luscious accent on the lips or give more expressiveness to the look.
  • You also should not forget that beautiful and up-to-date makeup for a wedding can be obtained taking into account all the moments, your age, season, your type, color of eyes, skin, hair, shade of dress, as well as veils

How to avoid mistakes when creating the bride's makeup?

Mastering beautiful wedding makeup on your own, abandoning the services of a makeup artist, you can easily make unforgivable mistakes and ruin the whole image. To avoid this, you should study some important points step by step:

  • Don't use stale cosmetics, so as not to spoil your image. Check all cosmetics in advance and monitor their quality
  • It is better to choose cosmetics on a waterproof basis, since the wedding day is full of different emotions and actions, leaked mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, a slipped tone from the face and perspiration on the forehead and above the lip will not give you charm
  • Do not do it a couple of days before the wedding, so you will avoid the unpleasant effect of unnecessary swelling and redness on the skin of your face that day.
  • You should not glue false eyelashes, no one can guarantee you that at the most crucial moment they will not collapse and fall on the registration table or into the glass
  • Do not conduct or just before the ceremony
  • Mascara should be applied in a maximum of 2 layers, so as not to turn your eyelashes into sticky stakes.
  • For eyebrows, use eye shadow or pencil slightly darker than your hair color
  • It is not worth using shiny or sparkling shadows for eye makeup, when the photographer will photograph you, then for the place beautiful eyes you have 2 glowing spots, no bride will want to receive, and even more so to demonstrate to loved ones
  • It is necessary to completely abandon heavy powder and foundation, they will only ruin your look and make makeup very similar to a stone mask
  • Choose lipstick in flashy tones only if you have chosen a wedding
  • Choosing to exclude the blush of brick and dark tones from the list, on this day your cheeks should not resemble liquid apples
  • Shadows should not be aggressive and dark shades, remember you are going to become a bride, not a girl from a nightclub
  • When creating a wedding, make sure that the rhinestones do not weigh down the image and make it ridiculous, and also do not reflect on the photo with a huge glowing spot
  • On your wedding day, give up colored lenses on your eyes, on this day you should be natural, your eyes should shine with a healthy shine, and not have an incomprehensible muddy shade
  • If you are still not confident in your make-up skills, give up the idea of ​​doing wedding makeup with your own hands at home, surrender to an experienced master and be irresistible.

Now you are familiar with almost all the intricacies of creating flawless wedding makeup.

Step-by-step makeup application with all its subtleties

Apply base and tone

To hide all the imperfections, we must carefully adjust the surface of the facial skin. It is necessary to apply a shimmery light make-up base, then correct the remaining imperfections with a liquid highlighter, after which you can use a BB or CC cream to give the final complexion, why these toners? The answer is simple, they have a more delicate and lighter formula, in contrast to the usual foundation, and they do it much better.

Apply blush

In order for the blush to lay down perfectly and correctly emphasize your cheekbones, you need to determine your face type:

  • For oval face, it is necessary to distribute the blush under the lower line of the cheekbones in the direction of the lip line
  • For round face, it is necessary to distribute the blush in the direction of the hairline, also lightly sprinkle them all over the face, you also need to emphasize the lower jaw with blush
  • For a square face, over the cheekbones towards the ears and temporal area
  • For a rectangular face, you need to distribute the shadows over the entire surface of the cheeks.
  • For a triangular face, apply the blush over the cheekbone, going down to the middle and slightly towards the temple

Eye makeup

Beautiful bridal eye makeup is a very important detail in the appearance of the bride. An attractive, enchanting look is a weapon of any girl! Here it is necessary to clearly define what it will be, it will be a classic version with arrows, playful with rhinestones or sophisticated, with a beautiful range of shadows.

Eye makeup for a wedding can be bright, delicate, as natural as possible, but remember, it should be in harmony with your overall image.

Also, do not forget about your eye color and type of appearance, since brunettes are excellent, as well as eye color, there are separate rules for brown, blue, green eyes.

By eye color

Wedding makeup for blue and gray eyes- use a soft brown eyeliner, gray, both on the upper and lower eyelids. Choose shades of gentle tones, the gamut in peach and silver looks nice.

Wedding makeup for brown eyes - black eyeliner applied with a thin line, both on the upper and lower eyelids. Choose shadows in lilac, brown, beige, pink, silver tones. The release form of the eyeshadow has several variations, the shadows can be dry, have a creamy texture or resemble a pencil.

Creamy and dry shadows are applied with a special brush, on the near-eyelash surface, evenly distributing to the required boundaries, the shadow-pencil is applied along the edge of the eyelids, so yours will become more expressive and deeper.

If you use eyeshadows in makeup, apply a thin line before the eyeliner and in 2 layers, the first before applying them, and the second after.

We choose waterproof mascara with a good increasing effect, paint over the eyelashes in 2 layers, no more. A little nuance - before applying mascara, curl your eyelashes with tongs, so your look will become simply stunning!

  • Girls with round eyes are advised to apply shadows outside the outer corners of the eyes
  • With small eyes, you need to apply shadows all over the eyelid, in all directions.
  • If you have close-set eyes, then spread the shadows higher than the outer edges.
  • For girls with deep-set eyes, you need to apply shadows as close to the temporal zone as possible.
  • If you have bulging eyes, then apply shadow, directing them to the brow line
  • With eyes far from the nose, attention should be paid to the upper part of the eyelids, from the inside.

Repeating the image of Audrey Hepburn, you need to create exquisite makeup with elegant arrows, and carefully monitor their width, they should not be unnecessarily wide. When using rhinestones in your eye makeup, be careful and follow the measure.


It is not worth dyeing the eyebrows, the image of the bride should be natural, just slightly emphasize them with a pencil or shadows to match. And don't protrude beyond the brow line.

Lip makeup

For him, you can choose a lipstick or gloss, making a choice, evaluate your image as a whole, remember about harmony and do right choice... Remember that bright colors visually reduce lips, while calm ones, on the contrary, increase them. Before applying lipstick, it is necessary to carry out a light exfoliation of the lips with a toothbrush, so you will make them soft and smooth. After that, lightly powder them and start applying the base color.

Master class - wedding makeup for blondes

We will only touch on the general rules of makeup, since there are a great many variations for blonde brides. This type of girls is already quite bright and memorable, it just needs to be slightly embellished. To create the perfect bride make-up, you should use gentle tones in foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, eyebrow pencil, as well as blush.

If you want to decorate your eyes with arrows, then you can afford luscious lipstick shades. With a light wedding makeup look, you can powder your face a bit with a bronze shimmery powder!

Master class - wedding makeup for brunettes

Again, we will touch on only a small part of the makeup rules for a brunette bride.

  • Hot, bright brunettes can afford darker tones in their makeup. This applies to absolutely everything, lipstick, eye shadow, eyeliner, blush, foundation.
  • You can highlight your eyebrows with a color 2-3 shades darker than your hair color. Despite the richness of colors for wedding make-up, observe the measure and remember that the bride is the standard of tenderness and sophistication.

Video: wedding makeup

Is it worth doing a mini bridal makeup workout?

If you settled on a variation of “do-it-yourself wedding makeup”, then you can conduct a series of workouts and try-ons of images a couple of days before the celebration. Have a small photo session and with the help of these pictures you can see your mistakes and thus hone your skills. With the help of such sessions, you will clearly understand what image you want to have on this beautiful day and become a bride as if from a picture. If you have not succeeded in mastering the art of visage, then contact good master make-up and you will not worry and rack your brains.

A wedding is an event, the memory of which will remain for a lifetime. And the bride to whom everyone's attention will be riveted, simply must be the standard of beauty, and from the very morning until late at night... And not a single bride is safe from tears during a touching wedding ceremony. This means that make-up must be provided with durability. And also - makeup for a wedding for a bride should be gentle, personifying innocence, but at the same time expressive enough to make photos and videos effective. All these factors indicate that if the bride decides to do wedding makeup at home, she should prepare for this in advance.

How to do wedding makeup yourself - instructions with step by step photos

Preliminary preparation

It takes a long time to get ready for the wedding, but be sure to include time in your schedule to prepare for makeup... For this, procedures such as cleaning, peeling, experiments with unfamiliar cosmetic masks should be carried out a couple of weeks before the celebration, so that there are no traces of irritation.

Eyebrow correction should be done 2-3 days before the wedding. And most importantly, it is necessary to clearly define the image of the bride, which will be in harmony with the wedding dress, hairstyle, groom's dress. Necessarily should rehearse in front of the mirror- try different shades of eyeshadow, lipstick, powder.

If necessary, you can look on the Internet. On your wedding day, you will hardly be able to think over the details of your appearance - and including makeup.

Makeup step by step

  • We process the skin of the face.

First you need to carry out the usual procedure - cleanse the skin and moisturize it with cream... Do not forget to apply a special cream around the eyes. Wait a few minutes for it to be absorbed.

Now you can use a concealer that is lighter than skin tone to mask problem areas - with special attention to the skin around the eyes.

A pre-selected foundation should ideally match your skin tone in tone. For delicate wedding makeup, a transparent water-based cream is suitable - it perfectly smooths out irregularities, giving the skin a radiant look. Consider - if the dress is open, then the cream is used for the décolleté and neck area... An abrupt transition of skin tones is unacceptable.

  • We fix the base.

The final touch for an even tone - we apply a loose, transparent special powder.

  • Apply blush.

Applying blush can correct the imperfections of the facial contours. Each face shape has its own blush application scheme. Blush color is selected depending on the color of the skin, hair and lipstick... In any case, delicate wedding makeup requires natural pink or beige tones, perhaps with a touch of mother-of-pearl - and quite a bit.

  • We shape the eyes.

Eye makeup depends on many factors - eye size, color, planting depth - therefore can only be given general advice according to the application algorithm cosmetics.

First, light shadows are applied over the entire movable eyelid and the area under the eyebrow. The outer corner of the eye is covered with darker shadows. An arrow is applied with a pencil or eyeliner. And then you can dye your eyelashes with mascara, preferably waterproof... All these manipulations should not make the eyes too bright - in daylight it will look vulgar.

  • Correcting the eyebrows.

Eyebrows are lightly tinted with a pencil in the color of the hair, only blondes can use a darker tone... You can use a special wax to keep the eyebrow line clear, hair to hair.

  • We paint the lips.

For wedding makeup suitable for light, unobtrusive lipstick colors... Previously, it does not hurt to use a contour pencil to match the lipstick - this will emphasize the contour of the lips. It is not recommended to use gloss, it does not have sufficient durability. For volume, you can add some gloss to the center of the lips.

What is the difference between wedding makeup and evening makeup?

Both bridal and evening makeup are designed to emphasize the beauty and individuality of a woman. However, when carrying out these types of makeup, there are significant differences both in the selection of the palette of cosmetics, and in the procedure itself.

Most brides prefer. It means that light shades of shadows are used, soft lipstick and delicate blush. In evening make-up, bright or dark colors, effective and expressive looking exclusively in artificial lighting.

Makeup longevity is an important factor. And if the bride's makeup must stay fresh for half a day, then they do it for several hours, so there is no need to think about its stability.

Wedding makeup ideas for the bride with a photo

Wedding makeup for blondes

Too dark colors are contraindicated for blondes. When picking up shadows you can stop at dull brown-beige shades... Brows can be darker than hair, but not jet black. It is wiser to use brown mascara. To complete, add a dash of pink or peach blush and tint your lips with caramel, pink, or peach lipstick.

Wedding makeup for brunettes

As for blondes, eyes are the first to stand out. It is more advisable for fair-skinned and light-eyed brunettes to choose a brown range of shadows, and dark gray shades and black are more suitable for dark skin and dark eyes. It is better to use black ink, highlighting the line of the eye with black eyeliner... Blush needs to be matched to the skin tone - brown tones are suitable for dark skin, and peach and pink tones for light skin. To prevent the make-up from looking defiant, the lips should be painted with a soft beige color.

Wedding makeup for redheads

For red-haired brides eye makeup it is recommended to use warm shades of brown, copper, green... Black eyeliner and mascara should be experimented with - brown ones may work better. If you want to hide freckles, you will have to use a dense tonal base, and choose peach or terracotta blush. Lipstick can be cherry or purple.

Wedding makeup for fair-haired

Brides with light brown hair should choose makeup depending on the color of the eyes. Suitable for bright eyes beige colors, and to dark - bronze, copper or green. Maybe, lilac and blue colors will look good... You can use either brown or black ink. Blush is preferable to pink or peach. Lipstick shades should be chosen from peach or brown tones.

Wedding makeup for brown-haired women

In the makeup of a brown-haired woman, warm colors should prevail. The tone of the shadows, depending on the color of the eyes, selectable from beige, brown, bronze or green... Peach or terracotta colors will accentuate the tenderness of the skin. Both black and brown mascara are acceptable. Peach or brown lipstick for lips will complete the image of a brown-haired bride.

Wedding makeup with arrows

Arrows can be very beneficial to shade almost any shape of the eyes. In order to acquire skills in the design of arrows, you can use the classic technique or the banana technique.

  • The classic technique of drawing the arrow.

With a thin brush with light shadows or a pencil draw a neat line from the middle of the eyelid to the outer edge... Then draw the end of the arrow - put a clear point behind the contour of the eye, to which you need to bring the main line. Then you can draw a line from the middle to the inner corner of the eye. Having corrected the irregularities, you can duplicate the resulting arrow with eyeliner or pencil.

  • Delicate makeup for the wedding.
  • A winter-autumn version of a gentle makeup that does not go beyond the traditional framework, very effective and touching, emphasizing the purity and youth of the bride.

    • Classic wedding makeup.

    For a wedding - the shades used will suit almost every bride. Emphasizes youthful charm. In a delicate light pink tones.

    • Wedding for blondes with blue eyes.

    The make-up is made using the smokey ice technique in golden tones. More suitable for the warm season

    • Wedding makeup for brunettes.

    Spectacular makeup for dark-haired brides in pastel colors with a smoky arrow. Creates a charming, unique look.

    • Wedding makeup for brown eyes.

    Creative makeup with unexpected solutions. Suitable for almost all dark eyes.

    • Wedding makeup for green eyes.

    This makeup is perfect for gray eyes too. It will help green-eyed girls to emphasize brightness and individuality.

    • Wedding makeup for blue-gray eyes.

    An elegant option for brides who prefer bright colors.

    • Wedding makeup for blue eyes.

    A very expressive makeup option for a wedding - it looks very impressive in the photo.

    Modern brides often deviate from the generally accepted rules and when applying makeup, they use unexpected solutions that go against the usual images. Trending themed weddings also involve creative and sometimes shocking images of brides. The most important thing is that the bride herself does not feel discomfort.

    The choice of cosmetics is very large, they exist worldwide. famous brands who have proven the quality of their product with enthusiastic consumer reviews.

    1. Thermal water. Water that has a sprayer works best.
    2. Tone cream. When choosing a foundation, you must take into account the skin tone. Makeup artists recommend using two creams to enhance the shape of your face. The foundation should be light in texture, with BB or CC creams being most suitable.
    3. Corrector. The corrector effectively hides skin imperfections, easily hides all redness and acne. For the latter, you need to use a green corrector.
    4. Powder. In wedding makeup, powder is used as a make-up fixer. The powder also enhances the lines of the face.
    5. Eyeliner and brows. When choosing an eyeliner, you need to make sure of its durability, otherwise the makeup will very quickly become unusable. Liners come in the form of pencils or liquid, color options amaze with their abundance.


    The expressiveness of the bride's eyes depends on the quality of the mascara. You should choose a proven product that is perfect for you. The mascara should be waterproof and the makeup will last the whole day.


    Lipstick can be anything from classic to lip gloss, it all depends on the personal preferences and style of the bride on the special day. Use bright colours lipsticks can and should be, while lips will look very attractive.

    Artificial eyelashes

    You can resort to artificial vegetation in several cases: if your own cilia does not have sufficient length and density. You can also stick on eyelashes when the makeup style requires it.

    Recall that artificial eyelashes must be painted with mascara and curled with tweezers if necessary. It is important to use only the glue that is specially developed and supplied with the eyelashes! Eye safety comes first!

    Regardless of the choice of cosmetics, it is necessary to review each product for opening items and for the expiration date of the product. Buy products that you use regularly so as not to get allergies or other consequences. You can always consult with a specialist in the store or read reviews on the Internet.


    Any girl can make a wedding make-up without leaving her home. Selection takes place according to many criteria, ranging from style to character traits. There are several styles of makeup:

    1. Strict.
    2. Gentle.
    3. Romantic.

    Be sure to take into account your character when applying cosmetics and clothing at the time of the solemn ceremony. A very bright make-up will look too frank with a classic wedding dress.

    Skin cleaning

    To begin with, before doing wedding makeup at home, you must thoroughly clean your face. To do this, you can use various cosmetics, for example, scrub or peeling. After this procedure, you need to wipe your face with a tonic and use an emollient cream. Only after the cream is completely absorbed, you can proceed to the next step.

    Defect masking

    Unfortunately, the skin is not always perfect, and it is often forgotten by those brides who do their own wedding makeup. Photos from the wedding, of course, can then be retouched, but this is not a way out of the situation on the day of the celebration.

    Nessesary to use special means that will hide minor defects. It is best to use a foundation; apply it with a sponge. With this method, the application occurs evenly. The cream should be applied with light movements, do not forget that the neck should also be treated foundation... To fix the effect, it is enough to use a powder of a suitable shade. This action is best done with a large brush.

    Perfect eyebrows

    Eyebrows reflect a person's mood and emotions, so you should carefully create or correct their silhouette. The necessary correction must be performed at least three months before the celebration. Further, it is only necessary to support it. To keep the eyebrows clear, tint them with an eyeliner or specialized. You can use shadows suitable color... Light tone is suitable for blond girls. Brown black is the closest to brunettes.

    Beautiful eyes

    The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so applying makeup should be approached with great responsibility! Eye makeup starts with choosing a shade of eyeshadow and applying it.

    If you want to use a multi-level application, or want, for example, to make an unusual one with your own hands, then remember that each color is applied with a separate brush. As for the mascara, the bride must choose the most suitable one for herself, depending on the type of eyelashes.

    Professional stylists recommend using waterproof mascara, because the bride will definitely cry with happiness! Eyelashes, eyelashes, if things are really bad, you can use false eyelashes. This attribute should be chosen by well-known brands, so as not to spoil yourself festive mood... After applying false eyelashes, you can proceed to painting them with mascara. Let your lashes dry and use a curling iron, but be careful, excessive pressure can break your lashes.

    Cheeks and lips

    Feel free to use blush that will emphasize the merits and hide small flaws. When choosing, you should give preference to natural shades that are most suitable for skin color. Blush is applied with a large brush on the cheek area. It is possible to use a shimmery powder of a light shade, it can be distributed on the cheeks, forehead and chin.

    Luscious lips always catch enthusiastic looks, feel free to choose bright colors.
    Can be used different kinds lipsticks. There is one feature that you need to pay attention to. Lipstick or gloss should have a maximum hold time. You should also choose a lipstick with a moisturizing effect so that your lips don't look tight.

    For a specific hair color

    There are many factors to consider to get the perfect makeup look. For example, hair. Makeup artists specially designed a base plan for each hair and eye color. Following simple tips how to do the wedding makeup yourself, step by step and very carefully, you can get a make-up, as after visiting the salon.

    • Feminine.
    • Delicate.
    • Bright.
    • Spectacular.
    • Romantic.

    Powder cream is ideal as a corrective agent. It should be chosen according to the shade as close as possible to the skin. Those with blond curls should choose cool blush colors. As for the eyeliner, the best solution is to use emerald eyeliners. The most suitable shades for blondes will be blue or lilac shades.

    Attention! To visually increase the size of the eyes, it is necessary to apply light beige shadows under the eyebrows. This will make the eyes more expressive. The outer corners of the eye can be accentuated with shadows.

    Dark hair

    A festive make-up at home gives the fair sex a wide variety of options. it is recommended to use the tonality of cosmetics that is closest to the natural color. You can experiment with pearlescent and gold colors. For girls whose skin has a pale shade, choose light tones in cosmetics.

    Before you start doing wedding makeup with your own hands step by step using photos or with video tutorials, you need to understand the most important rules, the basics. For example, how to choose the right lighting.

    Also important is a mirror with two different sides, one of which has the effect of a magnifying glass. To carry out the procedure as well as possible, you need to sit by the window, in daylight you can see all the flaws.

    First, scrub your face with a scrub, then moisturize your skin with a nourishing cream. After that, you can proceed to the foundation and concealer. The foundation should be lightweight, but firm enough to hide blemishes. A correctly chosen cream will accentuate the main make-up. The best foundations are water-based.

    Attention! Perhaps you want to do your own hair as well. In such a case, we wrote a detailed article with instructions.

    Correctly apply the foundation with a sponge, patting movements. Remember that the neck and décolleté area should also be treated with cream.

    What else is very important to know before doing your wedding makeup? Photos, how to make a make-up step by step, do not always make it possible to correctly highlight the outlines of the face and do not explain other nuances. Using this method, you can correct the areas of the chin, cheeks and nose. A lighter shade is applied under the eyebrows and on the tip of the nose. If the bride has circles under her eyes, a corrector will help to get out of this situation. In case of redness on the skin of the face, use a green corrector.

    When creating wedding makeup, you need to use powder, it will easily remove excess grease skin... Powder should always be nearby and at the first opportunity it can be used to correct the skin.

    Eyebrows are a very important part of any make-up. Eyebrows need to be plucked correctly and their shape should be corrected. Eyebrows are usually darkened with shadow or eyeliner. These hair growth products are applied.

    Wedding planner

    You need to start training as early as possible in order to pick up best styles and ultimately find the only correct option that's right for you.

    Elena Sokolova


    For long-lasting stability of eyeshadow, you need to use foundation and powder.

    Garina Inna

    Shadows are applied evenly in one layer or several. The color of the eyeshadows can be different, but it must be combined with general makeup and wedding dress.

    Choose a mascara that is waterproof and has a variety of effects. If a girl by nature has a small volume of eyelashes, you can use false false eyelashes. You can buy them in a specialty store or beauty salon. Eyelashes are distinguished by their splendor, length and curl.

    The eyelash kit comes with a special glue that is harmless to the human eye. Never use other adhesives, this can lead to serious consequences, up to and including blindness. The main advice, it is better not to take risks and do classic wedding makeup with your own hands - watching a video of such a tutorial will help you do this quite easily.

    Possible mistakes

    When creating her own image, especially if the bride has to do the wedding makeup herself, one should avoid the most common mistakes that will lead any celebration to ruin.

    • Unsuitable shade. First of all must be used when choosing cosmetics color range that suits you perfectly in all respects. For example, the color of the skin and eyes. If the bride has doubts about how to do the wedding makeup correctly, you can always talk to a specialist who will select the required color tone.
    • Greasy shine. Oily sheen is caused by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. To avoid annoying troubles, various masks and procedures should be applied in advance to restore the correct functioning of the skin.
    • Lack of exercise. Before the wedding, you need to experiment with your makeup style. Thus, you will find the most suitable makeup for solemn event, it is also guaranteed during this time that you will begin to understand more about how to do wedding makeup on your own, so as not to regret it later. It is worth exercising at least three months in order to eliminate skin problems.

    As you can see, it is not very difficult to do high-quality wedding makeup with your own hands. Step by step, without haste and without the services of an expensive makeup artist, simply following certain rules and application techniques. But, we recommend that you start training in advance.

    By following the rules for applying makeup, you will be sure of its durability, because unnecessary anxiety on such a significant day is unacceptable!

    A professional who will help to think over the images of the bride and groom to the smallest detail is selected long before the appointed date of the wedding. As a rule, immediately after buying a dress and a suit. The schedule of wedding stylists is planned for many months in advance, so you need to take care of the appointment in advance. Going to hairdressers and nail salons on your wedding day is a thing of the past. Today, the makeup artist and his team go home to make a real princess out of a girl in comfortable conditions.

    When choosing a specialist, you must pay attention to the following criteria:

    • Portfolio availability - detailed information about the work is the main indicator of the professionalism and experience of the master. High-quality photos and videos of your work will help you get an idea of ​​the skill level. Branded logos and watermarks on the photographs are proof of the authenticity of the submitted works.
    • Customer reviews - thanks, comments, recommendations left by the brides become guides in the process of a difficult choice. The main condition is the authenticity of the assessments. It's easy to check. It is enough to go to the page of the makeup artist in in social networks and contact one or two girls who recommend using the services of a stylist.
    • Cosmetics - to clarify which brands the wedding stylist uses in his work. As a rule, experienced craftsmen prefer to work with professional cosmetics of well-known brands. In any case, all products must be hypoallergenic and sustainable.
    • List of services - modern brides prefer universal masters who can perform a complex of works at once: wedding hairstyle, makeup and manicure. But such specialists are worth their weight in gold and are quite expensive. Therefore, the studios offer several visiting narrow-profile masters at once.
    • Creating a flawless look is a difficult job that starts with choosing a stylist or a group of artists. Therefore, it is very important to study all aspects in advance.

    Choosing a wedding stylist

    The information portal "Wedding in Moscow" has collected on its pages the portfolios of the best stylists of the city in order to make it as easy as possible for the bride to prepare for the main day in her life. Comfortably, at home, girls can study all the proposals and make a choice. Here each bride will find complete information about the work of the master:

    • departure - in which areas the specialist works, schedule, the possibility of early and late service;
    • list of services and the number of professionals involved;
    • the cost of work, from which the price is formed;
    • portfolio - samples of wedding makeup, manicure and hairstyles;