
Stunning smokey ice for brown eyes (50 photos) - Effective makeup step by step. Brown eyes and smoky eyes Brown eyes smoky ice


Seductive girls are ready to do anything to learn how to do their own enchanting smokey ice makeup. The look with it turns out alluring, passionate and insanely attractive. Of course, such makeup looks quite defiant, but it is just as beautiful. If you want to learn how to do smokey ice makeup for yourself, then we will share with you photo instructions on how to learn it.

Smokey ice makeup has another name - "smoky" makeup. This is because the shadows that are used during application are shaded over the surface of the eyelids, and it seems that the eyes are enveloped in smoke, but at the same time they look bright and expressive.

There was a smokey ice makeup for a long time. It began to be used by femme fatales of the 20-30s of the twentieth century to emphasize the drama and sexuality of their image. At the same time, only black and gray shadows were used in those days. Therefore, this type of makeup in the style of "smoky ice" is considered to be a classic. It is still used by women when they are going to a photo shoot or a noisy club party. In daylight, of course, your image with such makeup will seem too defiant to everyone.

Every modern girl can afford to make "smoky eyes", but playing with shadows of different shades. Thanks to this, such makeup began to be applied not only for evening events, but also for everyday outings.

You can learn how to make smokey ice yourself, but for this you will need the following arsenal:

  • foundation and powder that match the type and color of your skin;
  • eyeliner pencil (here it is important that it is a soft pencil, and not liquid cosmetics, with which girls often bring the eye contour);
  • shadows of 3 different colors (necessarily one of them must have a mother-of-pearl overflow);
  • mascara, which will lengthen them and increase in volume;
  • flat brush for applying shadows;
  • sponge brush for applying shadows;
  • beveled brush for applying shadows;
  • cotton buds, sponges and other soft accessories with which you can remove makeup imperfections.

Once you have everything you need ready, you can start creating a seductive look that will win the hearts of all the men passing by you.

Smokey Eyes Makeup: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Beginner Makeup Artist

Like any make-up, "smoky ice" should not start with the eyes, but with the preparation of the skin. You need to even out its tone with foundation under makeup, powder and blush. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes should also be painted over with these devices so that the shadows that you apply will last better and longer.

  1. Take a dark eyeliner and circle the eye contour with it (in the classic version, a black soft pencil is used, but if you are not doing evening Smokey eyes makeup, but daytime, then you can use a pencil of warmer, but darker shades, for example, brown). Remember that you should not end up with clear and even lines. Everything should be shaded.
  2. When you draw a line on the upper eyelid, in its outer corner, the line should be slightly raised to the temple and painted over. Everything that you paint over must be shaded. The contour line on the lower eyelid also needs to be made smoky.

Some makeup artists do not consider it right to apply eyeliner to the eyes before eye shadow is used, believing that in this way a dark saturated color will simply be painted over. They line the eye at the very end before applying mascara to the lashes.

  1. Next, the darkest shadows that you have chosen are applied to the eyes (according to the classics, they should be pure black, but you can take any other dark shade). Apply them on the upper and tender eyelids using a special applicator. Please note that the edges of the eyelids should be very intensively made up, and their middle - only slightly.

By the way! Some girls resort to using such a trick: they do not make up their eyelids with black shadows, but simply boldly draw the outer corner with a pencil, and then carefully shade it with their fingers.

  1. After that, we take shadows that are lighter in shade than the previous ones, and a flat brush (in the classic version of “smoky” makeup, shadows of silver or pure gray are taken). These cosmetics you need to color the upper eyelid, but so that no transition is visible between the shades of the shadows used - one color should smoothly transition into another, like a gradient. A distinctive feature of the smokey ice makeup technique is this.

Some makeup artists practice a slightly different smoky eye makeup style. They first paint the eyelids with light shadows, and then they are repelled from them, which darker shades to choose in order to achieve a smoky effect. Most often, this technique is used when making everyday smokey ice. To make the eye look not vulgar, but neat and bright, brown shadows are selected, which are well painted not only in the outer corners of the eyes, but also in the crease that forms on the moving eyelid.

  1. Next, the lightest shadows that you have chosen are taken (in the classic version they should be white). Paint over the line under the eyebrows and the inner corners of the eyes. The look then will be very expressive and radiant.
  2. After that, paint over the eyelashes in several layers. Most of all, attention should be paid to eyelashes growing at the outer corners of the eyes. This will help you achieve the hunter's cat-eye effect.
  3. At the very end of creating Smokey makeup at home, paint over your eyebrows. Keep in mind that you don’t need to focus too much on them so that they don’t “kill” the brightness of the eyes.

So that you can clearly see how everyday, evening or wedding make-up"Smokey", we have attached a photo instruction below:

Smokey Ice: how to choose shadows for eyes, skin and hair?

Smokey makeup looks very impressive if, during the selection of shades of shadows, the color of the girl's eye iris, hair and skin pigmentation are taken into account:

  1. How to choose shadows for the color of the eye iris:
  • if you have brown eyes, then for Smokey makeup you need to use shades of brown shades, olive options are also your option (brown-olive can be used as one color), shades of purple, lilac are also suitable, bright blue is rarely used shades, but they also look good in combination with dark eyes;
  • if you are the owner of charming green eyes, then for Smokey makeup it is best to use shades of bright gold, chocolate, a shade of dark green will suit you, also consider bright purple shades as an option;
  • for the fairer sex with beautiful blue eyes, to create Smokey makeup, stylists recommend using a bright palette of shadows: blue, pale pink shadows are suitable, you can also paint your eyelids with black, lavender or lilac shadows, shades of silver or pure gray can also apply, brown shades are a classic that goes very well with blue eyes;
  • girls with gray eyes can use any decorative eye shadow to create Smokey makeup, as well as blue-eyed girls, but preference should still be given to classic colors - pure black, brown, gold and silver.

  1. How to choose shadows for hair color:
  • if you are a charming blonde, then stylists and makeup artists recommend using pink and blue shades, as well as gray and brown, to create Smokey makeup;
  • if you have brown hair, then it is best to take nude shades of shadows, gold and black for Smokey Ice;
  • if you are a red-haired beast, then, like no one else, olive shades and gold are ideal for smokey ice.
  1. How to choose shadows according to skin color:
  • if you have bright skin, then you can only use a warm tone of the shadow - exclude silver and any of its shades, because it will visually make your skin even whiter;
  • owners of dark skin will need to select only dark shadows for “smoky” makeup, because light ones will create the effect of dirt under the eyes;
  • if you have beautiful olive skin, then for "smoky ice" use burgundy shades or bronze.

On the World Wide Web, you can find many video tutorials for Smokey makeup. Each of them will be different, because applying makeup to the face is an art that makeup artists treat differently. Everyone strives in their version of "smoky ice" to emphasize their creative individuality. We recommend that you follow this tactic. Perhaps you will like the option that you get more than makeup made according to recommendations taken from the Internet.

Video: Smokey Ice Makeup

Proper makeup is a woman's main weapon to defeat men's hearts. An obligatory element of the image makes it possible for a lady to show herself in a favorable light in significant life situations. An expressive look will help to attract attention. There are many techniques for applying shadows, but the most popular of them is smokey ice. For brown eyes, such a make-up is considered the best solution.

Translated from English smoky eyes means "smoky eyes". The main feature of this makeup is the smooth transition of shadows from dark to light. The effect of a vanishing haze is created using 3-4 shades, which are applied to the eyelid and blended with a special brush. With a sponge, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Smokey ice is suitable for all female representatives, but it looks more profitable on brown-eyed girls. In addition, they can be used in many different shades. If you choose the wrong colors for light-eyed beauties, then the look will not be expressive. Such makeup fills brown eyes with depth. Smokey eyes make the girl attractive and mysterious.

Smoky make-up is considered a classic. Once he was advised only to brunettes, who were transformed into captivating heartbreakers. To create an evening make-up, dark tones were used. Today, makeup artists use shades of various colors that can be chosen even for an everyday look.

Shadow palette selection

For everyday makeup Smokey for brown eyes pick up light colors. Make-up is created in beige, walnut, milk-cream, chocolate or golden tones. A silver and pearl palette of shades also harmonizes with brown eyes. With the help of these paints, it is easy to perform both light and rich looks.

Bold natures can experiment with such bright shades as lilac, purple, red and burgundy. But with these colors you have to be careful, because they can give the effect of "tearful eyes".

Brown-eyed women should not overload makeup with dark shadows. Colors of medium saturation will look good. For experiments, gray, milky beige and purple undertones are suitable.

Some cosmetic brands produce eyeshadow palettes that are designed for smoky eyes. Usually the tool includes 4-5 shades to create a smoky eye effect. With such a palette, you do not have to waste time and nerves on the selection of suitable colors.

Creating Smokey Ice

To create beautiful smoky eyes for brown eyes, you need to know the step-by-step instructions for applying it. On its basis, it will be possible to perform not only the “disappearing haze”, but also other variations of the make-up.

First you need to wash apply a moisturizer on your face and wait 20-25 minutes until the agent is completely absorbed.

Perfect smoky eyes will not work without certain tools and cosmetics. For makeup, you need to purchase a special base, corrective foundation, concealer, powder with a matting effect, brushes for applying shadows and powder. You will also need an eyeliner and mascara to help complete the look.

How to create smokey eyes for brown eyes step by step:

  1. On dark circles under the eyes and reddish spots on the wings of the nose, apply a little concealer and blend.
  2. Then they take the tonal foundation and distribute it in a thin layer over the skin of the entire face. It is necessary to remember about the transition of tone from the chin to the neck so that there is no mask effect.
  3. On the upper eyelids, apply the foundation under the shadows.
  4. Then the upper and lower eyelids are outlined with a soft pencil closer to the lash line.
  5. At the outer corner of the upper eyelid, thickened raised arrows are drawn, which should turn out to be symmetrical. You can use a pencil or persistent shadows of a dark color, which are applied with a special hard brush.
  6. From the edge of the arrows to the middle of the eyelids, a pencil or shadow is well shaded with a brush.
  7. Dark shadows are applied to the upper eyelids along the stroke and then to the crease of the arc.
  8. For moving eyelids, an intermediate tone is used.
  9. In the inner corners make a color accent with bright shadows.
  10. A light tone is applied from the crease of the eyelids to the eyebrows.
  11. Then all the transitions are carefully shaded so that they turn out smooth and without sharp borders.
  12. Then they take dark mascara and paint over each eyelash. After the first layer has dried, a second layer can be applied. Thus, it will be possible to emphasize the beautiful effect of haze.

The finishing touch in creating smokey ice will be the design of the eyebrows. When correcting them, you should not greatly change the natural shape and bend. It is only necessary to remove excess hairs along the lower eyebrow growth line.

Smoky for the impending century

Some of the fair sex are faced with the problem of the impending century. Usually this is due not to age-related changes, but to structural features. The hanging eyelid visually presses and lowers the outer corner of the eyes, which makes the facial expression seem sad and tired.

In this case, it can be difficult to create a beautiful smokey ice, but with tips from professionals it will turn out correct the lack of appearance and make the overall look attractive and spectacular:

  1. Arrows should be discarded, as they make the look heavier and visually make it even more tired. With the help of a pencil, draw a line close to the eyelashes and blend it well.
  2. To frame the lower eyelid, use shadows and a narrow brush.
  3. Shadows of an intermediate tone are distributed along the upper movable eyelid and along the crease. This step is recommended to be performed in front of a mirror, sitting straight facing it. Shadows should be visible under the crease so that the overhanging eyelid looks visually raised.
  4. Then a dark shade completely covers the movable eyelid to the crease.

It remains to shade the shadows with a soft brush to make a smooth transition from one tone to another. You should also correct the design of the outer corners of the eyes, where the shades of the upper and lower eyelids should meet.

Color combinations

An unusual and bold make-up will turn out with the help of burgundy and dark brown tones with reddish sparkles. For a delicate look, take turquoise and ultramarine colors. This makeup is perfect for the summer season.

Other successful color combinations:

  1. Color eggshell and olive. The combination of soft shades can emphasize the beauty of brown eyes. If they have a greenish undertone, then the olive color will make it more saturated and noticeable.
  2. White and black. This combination is ideal for creating a bright and extravagant look.
  3. Light pink and dark purple. This palette is used to create a delicate daytime smoky eye or a romantic look.

Charming brunettes should try emerald and greenish tones with silver or mother-of-pearl.

When performing smoky eyes, brown-eyed ladies can experiment with different colors, but remember that you need to use several colors for smooth transitions. To make eye makeup symmetrical and neat, it should be done in good lighting.

Smokey ice will look harmonious if you choose the rest of the cosmetics correctly.

Blush should be purchased in beige, terracotta or bronze colors.

Brown-eyed beauties can use both dark and light shades of lipstick. Even bright colours will be appropriate, but they are better used for evening looks. In combination with thick arrows, the overall look will turn out to be stylish and spectacular. No less attractive look will turn out with a colorless sheen.

For a daytime make-up and a business look, natural tones should be selected. Black pencil should be replaced with brown. The thickness of the line is chosen depending on the incision and shape of the eyes. To emphasize an expressive look, lips are advised to be painted with gloss or lipstick in a nude shade. It is better to refuse a contour pencil. You can also use a colorless balm, which will give your lips a light gloss and will not allow them to dry out.

When creating a smoky eyes make-up, beginners often make typical mistakes. It takes a little time to master this technique perfectly.

The main secret of smoky makeup is skillful shading, which must be done from the bottom up and from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. You should not mix all the colors into one, waving the brush all over the eyelid. Shade only transitions between tones.

It is not recommended to bring the lower eyelid with a white pencil. Some believe that this way the eyes become visually larger, but the light lines give the appearance of an unnatural look. It is worth doing without such a pencil. But if desired, you can use a light pink version.

Professionals do not advise applying a dark tone far beyond the edge of the eyes. Shadows that almost reach the temple will look good only on the catwalk.

Ladies of respectable age should avoid cosmetics with shimmering pigment. Shiny microparticles clog into small wrinkles which become more noticeable.

The more intense the smoky eyes are, the more ideal the skin tone should be. Before creating a smoky makeup, you should get rid of redness and bumps on the face.

Makeup with the effect of a vanishing haze can be learned on your own. If the make-up does not turn out right, there is always the opportunity to turn to a professional makeup artist who will teach the technique and help you choose suitable colors shadows.

An expressive and charming female look always attracts attention, turning any woman into a fatal beauty, able to easily break men's hearts.

You can achieve this effect with the help of Smokey Ice makeup, which looks especially elegant on the owners of delicate brown eyes. How to learn how to perform this type of makeup and make your look inimitable? Details in our article.

Secrets of "smoky" eyes

Like a foggy haze, such makeup can turn its mistress into a beautiful stranger. Creating a “smoky look”, this is how this type of make-up is translated, fashionistas around the world already at the beginning of the twentieth century mastered the Smokey Ice technique and began to use it for a gala evening appearance.

At first, such makeup was used to create a fatal image of a vamp woman and was performed only in black. Now the Smokey Ice makeup technique has changed in many ways, and although no one has canceled the classic version, the color scheme has been replenished with many colors: from brown to turquoise.

The main secret of such popularity among makeup artists and women around the world is simple: the filigree shading of pencil and shadows, layer by layer, in such a way as to create a complete feeling that the eyes have fantastic magnetism.

Especially this technique looks advantageous with brown eyes, giving the look mysticism and depth.

Create Your Smokey Ice: Makeup Rules

The Smokey Ice technique is not difficult to perform, but it is still worth practicing in applying such makeup. The most important thing is to take into account several nuances and rules.

And here, in fact, are the rules for creating Smokey Ice makeup for brown eyes:

  1. Skin preparation. Any makeup should be applied to previously cleansed skin of the eyelids. The more even and smooth the surface of the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin, the neater and more advantageous the makeup will look;
  2. Applying a base or foundation. In order for the makeup to last as long as possible, you need to powder the surface of the eyelids with either a light fluid or foundation. If there are inflammations or irregularities on the skin, then the second option is unambiguous. Stock up on a primer - a masking pencil that will give your eyelids a perfect and well-groomed look;
  3. Shadows and pencil. The colors of these makeup tools should be chosen, focusing on the color of the eyes, hair, and also correlating them with the tone of your skin. You need to choose a make-up according to the color of the clothes last;
  4. Pomade. Such a bright makeup, like Smokey Ice, is combined only with soft shades of lipsticks, such as maroon and dark purple. Accents in your image should not overlap each other: either you need to pay attention to bright lips or eyes. The best option will use transparent gloss.

Make-up tools

Smokey Ice makeup is performed using various accessories and makeup tools. For work, you will definitely need:

  1. Eyeliner. It is better to choose a classic in black, but a gray pencil looks very interesting on brown eyes if an unusual Smokey Ice is made;
  2. Eyeshadow. A hazy effect requires at least two or three shades. For brown eyes, for example, it must be the shade of the color of wet asphalt, as well as coal. If you don’t have time to choose a palette that suits your eye color, then you need to use a ready-made set of shadows for doing Smokey Ice makeup, which is commercially available from many cosmetic brands;
  3. Pearlescent shadows. Mandatory accent in smoky eyes- it creating a lung and an open look, so the space above the upper eyelid should be shaded with a mother-of-pearl shade;
  4. Mascara. It should be waterproof and lengthening eyelashes to give the look expressiveness and depth;
  5. Makeup brushes. In your arsenal, you must have a beveled, flat and spongy eye brush;
  6. Cotton swabs or swabs. Each step by step video make-up is completed at the stage of applying lipstick or gloss with a lip, however, there is no question of correcting an already created make-up. That is why these last tools are needed - to collect particles of mascara and shadows that have crumbled during the application, to correct the corners of the make-up or the lipstick that has fallen out of the lip line.

Required eyeshadow palette

Choosing the right color combinations is the most important thing in the performance of any makeup, especially a technique such as Smokey Ice, where you need to blend layer by layer from the darkest to the lightest tone of the shadows, otherwise the smoky effect will not work, and the look will look like eyes sad raccoon. Your task is to give the eyes depth, a kind of 3D image, as if you are an artist, only your canvas is a face.

The main feature of brown eyes is that, depending on the color of the shadows, they can change their main shade. No wonder brown is a fusion of orange, green and gray colors. So, for example, shades of ripe plum color will give an emerald sheen, and pinkish or purple ones will make the look sparkling, as if carved from a noble topaz.

A winning option for hazel eyes are green shades with a golden hue that will emphasize all the warmth of brown eyes, as well as violet and shades of deep copper brown.

Pay attention to the shadows that have a reddish undertone - a delicate coffee mocha with a ruby ​​​​base will make the look inviting and attractive, making the iris of brown eyes sparkle with a whole color kaleidoscope.

Just about the complicated: "Smoky Ice" for brown eyes step by step

Consider how you can do a simple Smokey Ice makeup for brown eyes step by step with a photo. The first step is to cleanse the face and apply a day cream to the skin to give the top layer of skin the necessary moisture. The next step will be smoothing the skin with a foundation. Especially you need to pay attention to the circles under the eyes, if any, as they will spoil the whole look of makeup.

After masking, you need to circle your eyes with a black pencil. Make sure that the line is even and neat, and also has a thickening to the outer corner of the eye.

Then you need to select and apply the darkest shadows on the upper eyelid, on the lower one this color must be applied strictly from the outer edge to the inner. Remember, there should not be any veins between the eyelashes without shadows or a pencil base, otherwise the look will appear flat and expressionless, and the smoky effect will not work.

Then, with a flat brush, apply light shadows, and make sure that the composition lies evenly. We reduce the intensity of the second color to the corners, where it should turn out soft and luminous.

On the inner surface of the eye and the space above the eyebrows, you need to apply mother-of-pearl shadows that will make the look open and radiant.

The final step will be staining the eyelashes with lengthening mascara, as well as completing the makeup with gloss or not bright lipstick.

Don't forget to cleanse the skin under the eyes cotton buds remove the rest of the mascara. Your Smokey Ice is ready!

Below are step-by-step instructions in the photo.

Day "Smoky Ice" for brown eyes

Every day, any girl wants to look beautiful and harmonious, and if earlier Smokey Ice makeup was used only for evening outings, now makeup artists recommend applying it at any time of the day, depending on the color of the shadows that you will use when applying makeup.

For bright day shadows such as light brown, pinkish, green and blue are suitable. by the most important point it should be that they blend perfectly with your face type and hair color. Darker and deeper colors will suit brunettes, blondes will look great with makeup in pink tones, and warm brown shades will suit brown-haired women. Step by step photo illustrations below.

"Smoky Ice" for an incendiary evening

Smokey Ice makeup looks great in evening lighting, because it was taken from the movies of the turn of the 20th century, which presented a new image of a vamp or a fatal beauty who easily finds new chosen ones and shines as the brightest star at the evening rendezvous.

It is better to choose tones for evening make-up classic, or those that are perfect for your evening outfit. This is the only moment when makeup matches the color of the dress or pantsuit.

Pearlescent shades, stars, sparkles are preferred. You need to be bright and radiant to be noticed at any glittery party. Photo from step by step instructions below.

"Smoky Ice" in coffee tones

An option for brown eyes is also makeup in coffee tones, which emphasize the warmth of the hazel look. If you have an almond shaped eye, then use darker shades to emphasize nice shape if, on the contrary, you have close-set small eyes, then your option is light shades of brown, for example, almost beige. Brown "Smoky Ice" for brown eyes step by step with the photo below.

"Smoky Ice" in the style of sapphire and emerald

Green and blue shadows draw out a stunning emerald shade of brown eyes, so this make-up can be used when you want a warm summer in the middle winter cold or do bright summer makeup to attract increased attention.

Smokey Ice makeup is very popular among makeup artists, who very often use such makeup for their models, because Smokey Ice looks great with any outfit. Therefore, designers such as Dior or Mukha constantly resort to its bright accent for their model looks.

One of the famous makeup artists, Anastasia Khvalei, advises to achieve color and intensity with the help of dark shadows that need to be shaded closer to the temples in order to maintain the so-called make-up rhythm.

It should be ascending, that is, create a feeling of flight and radiance. According to her, the colors should be matched to the whole image, so that everything looks more or less harmonious.

Leah Vitkovskaya, a well-known makeup artist with experience, advises playing on the shades of the eyes and taking highlights as a basis. For example, if you have light brown eyes, then you need to add a blue tint to make your eyes more open.

If you have dark brown eyes, then add more green or burgundy, then the look will be darker, which means alluring and languid.

Alexey Skoptsov, teacher of the beauty school, also gives very interesting tips on preparation. According to him, before applying makeup, you need to use a lifting mask that will completely cleanse your face and prepare it for make-up. It will also be great to use a nourishing and cleansing mask, for example, based on chamomile, or collagen mask based on silicone.

If your skin is still prone to various roughness or unevenness, then it is better to use a tool like a highlighter that completely transforms the tone of your face and makes it even and smooth.

The evenness and smoothness of your top layer of skin determines how neatly makeup will fall, and therefore you should not neglect such an important preparation and foundation.

Be sure to paint over the lower eyelashes with mascara, as this will give the eyes magnetism and a special charm. If staining lower lashes mascara is not your strong point, and you constantly stain the space under your eyes, then an ordinary stencil will come to your aid.

It needs to be cut out of paper along the contour of the eye and placed under the eyelashes, after painting, just remove the stencil and powder the space under the eyes. Thus, your makeup will be neat, finished and perfect.

For more useful Smokey Ice makeup tips, see the following video.

The smoky eyes technique appeared in the era of black and white cinema, when the only way to express the beauty of women's eyes was the intense application of shadows. The years passed, and the popularity of smokey ice did not fade away and, on the contrary, only gained momentum. Now we can say with confidence that this is the most common eye makeup technique.

Smokey eyes has several variations. It can be day or evening makeup, bright or calm, conservative. The best option shadows for application are selected depending on the color of the iris and the shade of the hair. A richer choice of color palette for brunettes, because absolutely everything suits them. Smokey ice for brown eyes is also very diverse. This make-up can be done in almost any color option.

Smokey ice basic rules

Smokey eye makeup for blondes has many limitations, it is undesirable for them to use a dark color palette and black shadows. Performing the smokey ice technique for brunettes, you have more options. However, one general rule should be observed in any case - no pronounced lines. Each shade should flow smoothly into the next, enveloping the eye with a light haze.

Smokey ice in the classic version is a pencil technique.

Smooth, neat arrows in front of the eyes, a thin line of eyeliner - all this must be forgotten. Brushes and applicators are used, all lines are carefully shaded.

To make a perfect makeup, you will need:

  1. Base makeup.
  2. Loose powder.
  3. Black contour pencil.
  4. Shadow palette. Three shades of shadows are usually used. You can purchase ready-made kits for smokey ice or choose your own harmonizing colors.
  5. Mascara.
  6. A set of brushes and applicators.

Any makeup is applied to a pre-prepared face. You can not immediately start to paint the eyes. If you do not smooth out imperfections and irregularities on the skin, they will attract attention and the effect of charming eyes, alas, is no longer the same. Face preparation is performed step by step as follows:

  1. Apply a small layer on the face foundation without forgetting the eyelids. Tonal again will serve to better fix the shadows on the skin, prevent them from rolling and shedding.
  2. Then it is recommended to apply a thin layer of transparent powder on the face.

The best shades of shadows when doing smokey ice for brown eyes will be:

  • beige-brown;
  • jet black;
  • purple;
  • dark blue.

Do not forget that smokey ice is a fairly bright make-up eye, and therefore lips must be painted with restraint. A universal option that is suitable for any type of appearance will be a transparent gloss.

How to wear everyday smoky eyes

Day smokey ice

A woman wants to be dazzling not only in the evening or on holidays. Emphasizing the bottomlessness of the eyes, their deep beauty and charm in the daytime is the goal of most of the fair sex, both blondes and brunettes.

Let's tell you a little secret - smokey ice can be performed even during the day. Of course, this is not a recommendation to make up your eyes with dark shadows and a thick layer of pencil. Day smokey is always light, neat, airy. It very gently transfers the emphasis in make-up to the eyes and makes you irresistible even at work.

The best option for brown and green-brown eyes is smokey ice in beige and brown tones. It will beautifully highlight the eyes and create a noble, sophisticated image.

Some secrets of daytime make-up for brown eyes:

  • It is better to replace the black eyeliner with brown, it will not overload the image or look unnatural;
  • The thickness of the pencil application must be adjusted depending on individual characteristics. Small eyes will be slightly corrected by a thin line of dark color, for asian eyes dark color it is necessary to bring not only eyelashes, but also a moving eyelid. A thick line looks very beautiful on large eyes and gives them even more mystery.

short step-by-step instruction on the implementation of the daily smoky ice:

  1. Apply a contour pencil along the lash line to the upper and lower eyelids.
  2. Then, using a brush, apply dark shadows, but do not rub, but lightly drive them into the eyeliner.
  3. Make a feathering of the upper border of applying shadows.
  4. Next, apply shadows of a lighter shade and blend again. The lightest color should be applied to the brow area.

A smooth transition from a dark color at the eyelashes to a light, almost milky color should also be made on the lower eyelid.

  1. Apply mascara to eyelashes.

A few workouts, and you can do this makeup in a matter of minutes. Just what you need, in the conditions of limited time for morning preparations. As for special occasions, such as an invitation to a restaurant or a movie, the most win-win option would be an evening smoky ice.

Smokey ice is one of the most popular eye shadow techniques. It took the leading positions in record time and continues to hold them for more than one year in a row, gradually supplementing and forming new species. This is a favorite technique not only for professional makeup artists, but also for most girls and women.

What is Smokey Eye Makeup?

Smokey eyes are also called smoky makeup. This technique differs from others in a smooth transition from dark to light color with the summing up of the lower eyelid.

Unlike the relief technique, which uses two or three shades of shadows, smokey ice can contain a much larger number of tones.

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The effect of haze is created thanks to a neat transition and careful shading. The classic version of smokey ice is makeup using black and dark gray colors. However, today almost any shades are used to create a beautiful and bright make-up in a smoky style.

Depending on the purpose of the make-up, choose the tone and type of smokey ice that is most suitable for the upcoming event. The technique is used not only for evening events, but is also actively used in daytime make-up.


Over time, the classic smokey ice makeup technique has grown significantly and has been supplemented with new elements and varieties. Smoky makeup was divided into two groups: by application methods and by purpose.

In accordance with the purpose of smokey ice makeup, it happens:

  • Classic evening;
  • Bright festive;
  • Everyday;
  • with arrows;
  • With shimmer.

In most cases, these methods are combined to obtain a more effective image. So you can make a bright smoky eye with arrows or a day one using a shimmer. At the same time, makeup can be given any shape, from an elegant oval to a strict oblong one.

According to the methods of application, smoky makeup is divided into the following subspecies:

  • Pencil method;
  • With the use of shadows;
  • Mixed style.

Initially, smokey ice was applied exclusively with a soft wide pencil, which was then shaded. After that, shadows began to be added on top of the pencil, and, ultimately, applying only shadows became the fastest way.

However, many makeup artists still adhere to the second method of applying smokey ice, as it is the most persistent. A huge selection of pencils of various shades, nuances and textures allow you to significantly diversify smoky makeup.

Choosing an eyeshadow color palette

With the help of smoky makeup, you can highlight the look, emphasize the color and shape of the eyes, focus on the oval of the face. The choice of color palette for smokey ice depends on many factors:

  • skin tone;
  • hair colors;
  • eye tint;
  • Make-up appointments;
  • Face shapes;
  • Eye cut;
  • Hairstyles.

Girls with blonde hair too dark smoky ice is contraindicated, such tones will look vulgar in combination with bright locks. Make-up is best done with shadows in shades:

  • Beige;
  • brown;
  • Blue;
  • Pink;
  • purple;
  • golden;
  • Champagne.

Blondes are more suitable for nude or colorful options, as well as arrows and shimmer. Lipstick is recommended to choose cream or matte in delicate shades.

For blond hair the most relevant will be the bright colors of smoky makeup:

  • Purple;
  • Emerald;
  • Blue;
  • purple;
  • Fuchsia.

Smokey ice for fair-haired girls should be done in mixed media. Brown shades are also suitable, and the black version should be replaced with gray, blue or bronze shades.

For dark haired girls absolutely any type of smokey ice will do, as well as the methods of its application. From shades to girls with dark hair suitable shadows:

  • Black;
  • Silver;
  • chocolate;
  • purple;
  • Copper;
  • Sea wave colors;
  • Indigo.

Among other things, rich lipsticks with a matte or satin finish will help create a stunning look. Lipstick shades: dark pink, cold red, marsala, burgundy, amaranth, crimson.

Almond shaped eyes smokey ice with a pointed and bent up corner is suitable. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the crease between the movable and fixed eyelids. Shiny shadows with a shimmer will look especially interesting. Light shine will help to visually “open up” the look.

With close-set eyes you need to apply light shadows on inner corner eyes, and dark ones on the outside. For far-set eyes shades are applied in reverse order.

In cases of asymmetry in the shape of the eyes you need to use bright colors, as well as highlight the crease between the eyelids and shade the area near the eyebrows. Such a simple technique will help to visually equalize the shape.

Makeup for small eyes you will need light shadows to help visually enlarge them. In this case, it is better to apply dark shades exclusively on the moving eyelid and darken the outer corner of the eyes. In this case, it is important not to paint over the lower eyelid, otherwise the look will narrow.

Too much big eyes dark nuances and classic smokey ice are suitable. Makeup can be supplemented with arrows, but it is undesirable to use a shimmer and mother-of-pearl shadows, and you should not apply a highlighter.

With the impending century it is important to carefully shade the shadows throughout the eyelid, without highlighting the crease between the mobile and the fixed. The overall tone will help even out the texture of the skin without focusing on its imperfections.

Smokey Ice Makeup for Blue Eyes

Creating Smokey Ice Makeup for blue eyes directly depends on the shade that they have. If a girl wants to emphasize green nuances, then golden and brown shades should be chosen, it is possible with a green or gray undertone. Gray-blue eyes will help bring out the blue nuances, while brown eyes will bring out the darker copper tones.

Smokey ice for blue eyes is performed in the following colors:

  • Grey;
  • brown;
  • Pink;
  • Silver;
  • golden.

Gray eyes are more suitable for smoky makeup in black, sand, dark gray and dark purple shades. It will be interesting to look at the make-up in golden brown nuances and with arrows.

With green eyes, smokey ice in cold colors is ideally combined:

  • Purple;
  • purple;
  • olive;
  • emerald;
  • Champagne.

Classic black is recommended to be replaced with gray with the addition of a brown tint. Saturated arrows with a shimmer will help to complement this makeup. From lipsticks, preference should be given to bodily nuances and colors with a beige undertone.

Makeup "Smoky Ice" for brown eyes

Huge selection colors smokey ice is provided to owners of brown eyes. Shades are suitable for creating smoky makeup for brown-eyed girls:

  • Black;
  • Brown;
  • Wet asphalt;
  • Indigo;
  • Olive;
  • Cornflower;
  • Caramel;
  • Golden.

You can also choose lipstick for makeup from rich bright colors: fuchsia, scarlet, copper, natural with a red undertone, purple. Ordinary cream lipstick can be replaced with a tint or regular lip gloss with a slight shimmer effect.

Smokey Ice Day Makeup

The daytime version of smokey ice makeup is usually performed in nude shades with brown elements and shimmer. It is possible to use contrasting arrows to make the look more expressive.

The most suitable shades for daytime smoky ice:

  • Peach;
  • Purple;
  • Pink;
  • Beige;
  • Honey;
  • Bodily;
  • Light brown;
  • cinnamon;
  • Chocolate;
  • Light gray;
  • Golden;
  • Metallic.

To achieve the perfect result when creating smokey ice, professional makeup artists recommend using at least two blending brushes and carefully preparing the foundation for makeup.

Basic rules for creating a daily Smokey Ice:

  • Be sure to use concealer. It can also be applied to the eyelids for a more comfortable fit and longer-lasting eyeshadow and liner;
  • Under the shadows, a special primer or transparent fixing powder should be applied;
  • Apply dark shades exclusively to the outer corners of the eyes, light shades to the inner, medium shades to the crease of the eyelid;
  • Carefully blend the shadows to create a hazy effect;
  • When adding arrows, it is better to use a soft pencil, which is better to blend.

The outer corners of the eyes should not just “break off”, they should also smoothly turn into a natural skin tone. In this case, it is better to give an oval shape to the corner, slightly lifting it up.

Minimalistic Smokey Ice: step by step

You can create a minimalistic smokey eye makeup in black tones for every day. It is created with the help of black kyle and champagne-colored mother-of-pearl shadows. You will also need two brushes: hard and soft.

Step 1: prepare the base. First of all, we prepare the skin of the eyelids for further application of makeup. For daytime smoky ice, in addition to standard procedures and the use of foundation or concealer, you can resort to using special matte flesh-colored shadows, it is recommended to choose a cream base.

We cover the entire eyelid with them to hide minor skin imperfections and for easier and more convenient application of a pencil or a pick.

Step 2: applying kajal. Kayal is a soft pencil designed specifically for contouring around the eyes. We take a black kajal and draw a thick strip along the upper lash line. We draw a narrower line under the lower eyelid.

Step 3: shading. With a narrow hard brush, blend the kajal with gentle movements from the bottom up to give the effect of haze and create a light shadow on the eyes. At the same time, we try to only slightly increase the line, it should not completely cover the moving eyelid. We do the same for the lower eyelid.

Step 4: adding shadows. We choose the most natural shade of shadows, it is possible with a bronze or copper undertone. The ideal option would be champagne or peach shades with mother of pearl. With a medium-sized brush, add a shade over the “blurred” kayala along the upper and lower eyelids, then also blend.

Step 5: coloring eyelashes. Mascara for daytime smokey ice is better to choose black. It will perfectly complement the make-up. It is necessary to paint over both the upper and lower cilia, and this should be done carefully so that they do not stick together.

Natural shades of lipsticks with a satin or mother-of-pearl finish are suitable for a minimalistic smokey ice: nude, peach, light pink, fawn lilac. A light lip gloss completes the look perfectly.

Evening Smokey Ice Makeup

Evening smoky ice includes classic style and bright. The standard version of smoky makeup uses black and gray eyeshadows, which are given various shapes with a brush.

For a colorful evening make-up, various shades are suitable:

  • emerald;
  • purple;
  • Burgundy;
  • chocolate;
  • Blue.

You can create a hybrid of classic and bright smokey ice. To do this, circle the eye along the contour of the upper and lower eyelids with a black pencil, then gently blend it. Next, shadows of saturated color are added from the edge of the eyelid to the eyebrows. Under the eyebrows, the lightest shade of shadows is added and also shaded.

Purple and black smokey ice evening: step by step

Making smokey ice for an evening celebration in mixed media is quite easy, even without special skills. To do this, you need a soft black pencil with a purple tint, dark purple shadows and two brushes for blending.

Step 1: base. We prepare the base for makeup: apply concealer and fixing powder. Then we take a soft pencil and carefully outline the moving eyelid. After we spend thin line under the lower eyelid so that the tip coincides with the upper angle.

Instead of a regular pencil, you can use a kajal of a similar shade.

Step 2: Primary shading. Using a medium hard brush, blend the pencil. Then take a dark purple shadow and add a little on top. You can take shadows with a pearly tint to create a slight sheen. We also shade, giving an almond shape.

Step 3: final shading. With a large brush, carefully blend the shadows on the eyelid, specially drawing from the bottom up to the motionless eyelid. You can add some more dark shadows to the outer corner of the eye to give the look depth.

Gently blend the bottom line with a stiff brush, moving the edge beyond the eyelid and connecting with the upper shadows to give the desired shape.

Step 4: eyelashes. We take black mascara, other shades will look out of place and will simply be lost against the background of makeup. Carefully paint over the upper and lower cilia from the very base.

Lipstick for evening smoky ice can be chosen in both nude and rich colors. It is desirable that the undertone or shade matches the main color of the makeup. Lipsticks are suitable for the smoky make-up described above:

  • Fuchsia;
  • Purple;
  • With a purple undertone;
  • Wine shade.

For better fixation of shadows and makeup in general, makeup artists advise using a special spray that helps to fix the result and prevents cosmetics from crumbling.

Major Mistakes

When applying smokey ice makeup, it is extremely important to take into account all the subtleties of the process in order to prevent errors in the process. However, sometimes even the most professional makeup artists fail to avoid them.

The main mistakes when creating smokey ice:

  1. Use concealer only at the beginning of the make-up. Concealer is necessary not only to prepare the foundation, it can be used to correct sloppy lines and hide crumbled shadows under the eyes;
  2. No base primer. The primer is necessary so that the shadows do not crumble and do not roll during the day;
  3. Neglect of natural shades in the palette. Even a small amount of nude shadows will help make the transition between colors smoother;
  4. Too dense layer of shadows or kayala. You should not circle your eyes with a dark shade several times, this does not contribute to more convenient shading;
  5. Lack of fixation and fixation of cream shadows. On top of the shadows and a pencil with a soft texture, it is imperative to apply a little loose dry shadows of the same shade;
  6. Insufficient shading. Clear lines in smokey ice are unacceptable, with the exception of the arrows;
  7. Wrong shading. Depending on the shape of the eyes, lighten and darken different corners of the eyelid.

After applying makeup and shading, it is very important to re-circle the dark contour around the eyelid. Many girls ignore this rule, although the overall effect of the make-up depends on it.

Also, special attention should be paid to the choice of lipstick and eyebrow shaping, otherwise the lips and eyebrows will be lost against the background of rich makeup, they will look faded, and the image will seem out of place.