
How to choose the right mascara. How to choose mascara according to the type of eyelashes: let them be luxurious! Maybelline Volum' Express Big Eyes Double Ended Mascara with two brushes - for upper and lower lashes


Owners of short eyelashes want to visually lengthen them, making the look more piercing. Girls who rarely grow hairs want to give them density to emphasize their eyes. Hence the need to use mascara. Depending on the specific problem, the direction of action of the cosmetic product also varies. Carcasses are voluminous, twisting, lengthening. Let's talk about each type in more detail.

Ingredients of the carcass

To achieve maximum results when using the product, you need to consider the ingredients of the carcass.

  1. Wax. The component is part of a quality product. The wax helps the mascara stay on. for a long time on the eyelashes and not crumble.
  2. Water. Almost all mascara contains liquid. The ingredient allows the cosmetic to maintain the desired liquid structure.
  3. Melanin. The substance gives color to the hairs. Melanin is considered a hypoallergenic component that is part of high-quality mascara. Also, the ingredient allows the product to remain more resistant on the eyelashes, while saturating the shade of the eyelashes.
  4. Natural oils. Before buying, check if the mascara is included natural oils. Components contribute to proper nutrition and strengthening of hairs.
  5. Glycerol. Do not be alarmed if the carcass contains alcohol or glycerin. Such ingredients do not adversely affect the condition of the eyelashes. They only prolong the life of the cosmetic product.
  6. SPF filters. The protective components contained in the mascara help protect the eyelashes from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  7. Lanolin. A special component is part of expensive cosmetics. Lanolin favorably affects the condition of the hairs, strengthening them. It prevents delamination and brittleness.
  8. Protein. Some manufacturers of high-quality carcasses add natural protein to the quality product. The component strengthens the structure of the hairs, it also contributes to the rapid growth of eyelashes.
  9. Keratin. The component creates a shell when applying mascara to the eyelashes. Thanks to keratin, the hairs are protected throughout the day from factors environment.
  10. Additional components. Give preference to the vitaminized group of cosmetics. Some manufacturers add flavors and green tea. If the mascara contains natural oils, no other additives are needed to create the scent.

  1. Plastic brush. Such a device with sparse bristles, which looks like a regular comb, can give an impressive volume to the eyelashes. A significant disadvantage is the inability to separate the hairs after applying the product.
  2. Silicone brush. The accessory is able to separate each hair when applying the composition. At the same time, the silicone brush does not lengthen the eyelashes and does not add visible volume. Mascara with a similar device is more suitable for representatives with thick and long hairs by nature.
  3. Spiral brush. With the help of a device in the form of a spiral, the composition lies in an even layer along the entire length of the hairs. Such a brush is suitable for girls with naughty and hard eyelashes.
  4. Short bristled brush. This accessory is suitable for short lashes. Hair can be easily painted over, and without much effort you will emphasize the corners of the eyes. The undoubted advantage of such a brush is that when applying mascara, traces of the product do not remain on the upper eyelid.
  5. Extension brush with thick bristles. The fixture has different length villi, while they remain quite thick. The accessory is able to carefully stain the eyelashes, as a result of which the hairs are separated and acquire a visible length.
  6. Full bristle brush. The device is able to give an impressive volume to the eyelashes. Also, the hairs are easily separated, despite their natural length and thickness. A brush with a solid bristle is the most common and in demand.
  7. Curved brush. If you use such a device, you can achieve an expressive and memorable look. The brush is able to lift the eyelashes, making them more rounded.
  8. Long bristled brush. The accessory has proven itself to be able to give eyelashes an impressive volume. Mascara with the help of this brush lays down in an even dense layer along the entire length of the hairs. The device is able to separate each eyelash, while leaving the maximum amount of mascara on it.

V modern world cosmetology there are a lot various options ink. Depending on the desired effect, choose the right product for yourself.

  1. Mascara with a lengthening effect. The constituent components of the cosmetic product are able to lengthen the hairs. When the mascara is applied, the particles form the eyelashes, giving them an impressive look. The composition should contain fibers of viscose, nylon or silk.
  2. Curling mascara. Thanks to the curved brush and short pile, you can achieve the desired result. On the accessory, the pile has a short structure. With its help, eyelashes can be slightly lifted and twisted, despite the size of the hairs.
  3. Mascara with volume effect. The cosmetic product gives an impressive volume to the eyelashes. The result is obtained due to the special components of the carcass. When applied, the components build additional length of the eyelashes, thanks to the sticky microstructure. The ingredients completely envelop the hairs with synthetic fibers or wax.
  4. Mascara with color effect. Cosmetics of this kind are designed for non-standard women who want to stand out from the crowd, breaking everyday stereotypes. Buying such mascara, you can choose almost any color for hairs. The range of mascara manufacturers is impressive. To use a cosmetic product with a color effect every day or not is up to you.
  5. Waterproof mascara. The composition of the product includes substances that can withstand the influence of moisture. If you use this mascara Everyday life, you can not be afraid of a sudden downpour. Also with this cosmetic you can visit the pool, while remaining with an expressive look.
  6. Mascara with hypoallergenic components. If your eyes and skin are sensitive to various synthetic additives, many manufacturers provide cosmetics based on natural ingredients with a minimum amount of impurities. Allergies can be caused by preservatives and dyes, so you should carefully consider the choice of product. This mascara is especially recommended for girls who wear contact lenses.
  7. Mascara with vitamin complex. The composition of the product provides for a number of directed components to strengthen and nourish the hairs. Mascara has a higher price compared to other analogues, while the product contains protein, melanin, SPF filters, keratin and wax. It is worth noting that it is necessary to give preference to just such a product. In the future, you will not have to additionally restore eyelashes.
  8. Mascara with medicinal ingredients. Such a tool does not give any visible effect, as it is a colorless substance. Mascara is available in the form of a thick transparent gel with a set of vitamins for recovery natural growth hairs. The components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyelashes, protecting them throughout the day from the effects of environmental factors. Please note that the shelf life of the product does not exceed 90 days.

When choosing a quality mascara, stick to practical advice. If neglected simple rules, you run the risk of purchasing a product that does not suit your features, while you simply throw money away.

Carcass consistency

  1. Choose mascara only in specialized cosmetic stores. If you have looked after the copy you like, take a sampler or ask a consultant for a tester.
  2. Such stores are responsible for the quality of cosmetics. They should provide an opportunity to visually inspect and test the tool.
  3. Open the mascara and apply the composition to a piece of paper or hand. Carefully examine the structure of the substance, the paste should be homogeneous, without a hint of any clots.
  4. The mark from the brush should remain bright, clear and uniform. After that, figure out how the mascara will lie on your eyelashes when using the product.
  5. You should also pay attention to the smell of the composition. It should contain admixtures of light pleasant aromas. Avoid mascara with a strong unpleasant odor.
  6. Repeat a series of identical movements, remove and return the brush to the mascara tube. The easily soiled composition should not remain on the neck of the container, otherwise you risk getting your hands dirty during further use.

Mascara packaging

  1. If you figured out the consistency of the product, focus on the packaging of the carcass. The components included in the composition, instructions for use, information about the manufacturer, date of issue and expiration date must be signed on it in detail.
  2. If the latter expires soon, you should not purchase the product even at a tempting price.
  3. The components included in the composition can adversely affect the condition of the eyelashes and skin. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction, even if you have not previously experienced one.
  1. When using a new cosmetic products You should still read the rules for using the tool. Thus, you can apply mascara much longer.
  2. If the product has served you faithfully throughout the expiration date, while a significant amount of the composition is still left in the container, it is better to change the mascara with a new one.
  3. The cosmetic product should be changed 1 time in 4 months. Please note that the product is not allowed to be used by several girls. This factor is due to personal hygiene considerations, do not neglect this.
  4. Before the first application, do not rush to apply mascara with a thick layer. First, do an individual intolerance test by treating a few hairs.

Do not let the mascara dry ahead of time, each time you use the composition, gently unscrew and twist the brush. Thus, the air will be evenly distributed throughout the container. If the mascara has dried up a little, it should be placed in an upright position in a glass with 80 ml. hot water, wait 1.5-2 minutes, remove.

Video: which mascara to choose

Just like hair brushes, mascara brushes are designed to different cases. The resulting effect depends on the shape of the brush. For example, a curling mascara will most likely have a curved brush, and a straight brush with thick bristles will allow you to paint over the eyelashes evenly and along the entire length. If neatness is not your forte and when coloring eyelashes you stain the upper eyelid, then you should buy mascara with a short pile on the brush. It is the easiest to control. Read more about how one mascara brush differs from another in the material.

material matters

Many makeup artists are sure that the result of eye makeup depends on the material of which the brush is made. Previously, they were made of plastic, but now it is increasingly possible to find a brush made of silicone or rubber. Such brushes are more resilient, with a hard frequent pile, perfectly separate the eyelashes and prevent them from sticking together into one big lump. How to choose the mascara that is right for you? You have to experiment with different brushes.

Texture and formula of mascara

A good mascara can be recognized by two factors: composition and texture. Types of mascara are full of variety. Volumizing mascara contains moisturizing ingredients and enveloping particles that, when applied to the eyelashes, swell and make them more fluffy. Curling mascara contains polymers that tighten the eyelashes after drying. It is due to the contraction that the effect of twisting is created. It can easily be compared to using a curler. The “chip” of lengthening mascara is the small villi in the composition, which “build up” on the cilia and make them visually longer.

And by what criteria do you choose your mascara?

Makeup artist Nadezhda Zhulei evaluated 10 different ones and at the same time told which mascara to choose if you have sparse, thick, short, long, hard or soft eyelashes.
The dream of the perfect carcass is like the dream of the perfect man. It is clear that in wildlife does not happen, but - I want to. I have always been fascinated by the battles that unfold from time to time in blogs (and in general in any girl flock) over what is the best mascara. You will not find such a variety of opinions and intensity of passions even on football forums, where fans of different clubs discuss who is cooler - Inter Milan or Spartak Moscow :) Paying tribute to the evergreenness of the topic, I myself adhered to the tactics of "I'll stand aside, I'll smoke" - because I suspected that the famous principle “what is good for Masha, then Dasha is dead” works here. But why is it so, why is it good for Masha that Dasha is death and vice versa - I did not know. The only scientific explanation that came to my mind is “it happens” :)

But then, very opportunely, two sorceresses from beauty catering Peggy Sue came to my house. (This is such a service, something like an on-site beauty salon. Call, order - and on the same day a manicure master, pedicure master, makeup artist, hairdresser and whoever you want will arrive. Very convenient, and I liked the result, so there will be a separate informative post on this.) And one of the sorceresses - hair master and makeup artist Nadya Zhulei - literally opened my eyes to mascara :))

The fact is that in the program of my catering there was such a service as “parsing a cosmetic bag”. I have long wanted someone to take a professional look at what was acquired by overwork, received at presentations and for some reason stuck to their hands. And he told me sternly: “Take it off immediately!” At the same time, I wanted the make-up artist to be independent, not working for any brand, and versed in everything, and not just in the means on which he himself used to paint. And, if possible, it should be a make-up artist who does not work on beauty shoots and does not paint models, because what (again) the model is good for Yana can be death. And it’s one thing when someone paints you (and it’s convenient for him to paint you with just that), and another thing is when you yourself, with your little hands. Well, and so on.

And here is Nadia - she, as it turned out, is just a treasure in this sense. Because before moving to Moscow and getting a job at Peggy Sue, she lived in another city and taught master classes for clients. That is, she taught them how to paint - and gained invaluable experience about how normal people are not able to master banal things :) Those that makeup artists do not even suspect that someone has may have problems.

Therefore, for 5 hours, Nadia and I enthusiastically sorted out my, uh ... cosmetic bag apartment. And during this, I suddenly found the answer to the fundamental question “why is the mascara that Masha is good, Dasha is death”? Why does Masha's X mascara lie perfectly, while Dasha's has lumps? Why Masha, using the best Z mascara, does makeup for 3 minutes, and Dasha dances around her with tambourines? .. And why are Dasha and Masha ready to pull out each other's eyelashes, proving their case? .. It turns out that the whole thing is in accordance with the shape and type of brush mascara - Dasha's eyelashes and Masha's eyelashes.

That is, other things being equal (the quality and freshness of the mascara itself), it is the brush that is of decisive importance - I, of course, knew this :)) But what for different eyelashes(the shape of the eye and even the size of the face (!) There are more and less comfortable brushes, and that there is a certain pattern in this - no.

Just in case: my eyelashes are not too thick, not too long, but not particularly short and sparse. In general, eyelashes for myself and eyelashes%)) On the lower eyelid - also not too rare and not short. Facial features (and everything in general) are quite large. And I love all my mascaras.

1. MAC In Extreme Dimension Lash Volume Lengthening Mascara.

My opinion: Favorite! Intense thick black color, good elongation, can be held perpendicular to the eye and achieve a perfect separation of the eyelashes.

Nadia's opinion: The brush is wide and the silicone bristles are quite short. Not suitable for those who have thick eyelashes - it will be difficult to apply evenly, without lumps. The tip is not tapered: if the eyes are a little narrower than we would like, it will be difficult to paint over the eyelashes in the corners of the eyes without staining the lower eyelid.

2. Mascara that gives volume and length Givenchy Noir Couture

My opinion: I have a difficult relationship with this famous "brush". Everything is ok with the upper ones, but the lower eyelashes cannot be painted over, for the life of me.

Nadia's opinion: This carcass has a lot of fans and the same number of opponents. Due to the peculiar design of the brush, those girls who have soft and not very thick eyelashes cannot apply it evenly. Somewhere it turns out "dense", and somewhere - "empty". On elastic hard eyelashes, problems, as a rule, do not arise.

3. MAC Haute & Naughty Lash Mascara

My opinion: Mascara with two holes: you open through one (narrow) - you get a small amount of mascara, just right to paint over the lower eyelashes or make a completely decent nude. You open it through another (wide) one - there is enough mascara for the “rokovuha”. Fits great, I have no complaints about it.

Nadia's opinion: The length of the handle (especially if we talk about the "narrow" version of the opening and, accordingly, for coloring the lower eyelashes) is such that if the face is narrow, the hand has to be held far "through". This is uncomfortable for many, and the chance of staining the lower or upper eyelid increases.

4. Mascara Helena Rubinstein Surrealist Everfresh

My opinion: I appreciate that it really does not dry out - the brand promised this and kept its word. Since I have a lot of mascaras, as some very observant might have noticed, this is important for me: many dry up before I finally love them or not. It’s not very convenient for me to use it, but it gives an excellent careless effect - when you want to collect some eyelashes “in a pile” and add grunge to a decent look.

Nadia's opinion: Very short brush, and silicone fibers are quite rare. If the eyes are wide, and the eyelashes are not the thickest, you need to paint over several times, it is unlikely that you will be able to apply mascara evenly. But really, for the effect of "grunge" - great.

5. Double-sided mascara Maybelline Volum 'Express Big Eyes with two brushes - for the upper and lower eyelashes.

My opinion: It is not very convenient for me to paint my eyes with it - the handle is too short. All the time it seems that I will poke myself in the eye :) But the small brush for the lower lashes is the best one. A plump brush perfectly separates the eyelashes - the image turns out to be an “excellent girl”.

Nadia's opinion: One of the most versatile mascaras. Many people like to paint eyelashes, resting their hand on the cheekbone. So it is precisely thanks to the short handle that it is convenient to do this. The villi are silicone, but soft - they will give both volume and lengthening. They are located not often, but not too wide either - that is, they are suitable for those who have thick eyelashes, and those who do not. For those who have light sparse eyelashes, it is also ideal: it is impossible to paint over them with a thick brush, it turns out a daub.

6. Clarins Instant Definition Mascara

My opinion: I like that at the end the brush is twice as narrow - you can paint over the eyelashes in the corners of the eyes. But sometimes I get this mascara on my eyelids.

Nadia's opinion: Such a silicone brush with rather short bristles is not suitable for those who have thick eyelashes: it will not “comb” them. For the rarer ones, just right. But it will not be possible to create a fatal volume - rather, a daytime casual-look. Although the brush tapers towards the end, it still leaves a lot of mascara on it - too much for the lower eyelid or eyelashes at the corners of the eyes, which is why you get dirty with it.

7. DiorShow Iconic Extreme Mascara

My opinion: Oddly enough, I'm not such a fan of this mascara as many. Yes, good, but not wow-wow-wow. It still does not give me the desired telescopic volume. But I keep it - for the collection, and in general, any self-respecting woman should have DiorShow :)

Nadia's opinion: This mascara is so loved by many, because, despite the fact that the brush here is silicone, it still copes with volume better than many other similar ones. Due to the fact that the silicone is very soft, and the teeth are twisted in a spiral - therefore, by the way, it also twists well. And the ideal ratio of the frequency of the teeth and their length. The handle is not very long - you can paint with your hand on your cheekbone.

8. Maybelline Go Exrteme The Colossal Volume Mascara (new).

My opinion: To be honest, none yet :)) This is an absolute novelty that has just been presented - as a mascara that gives extreme density and volume. It is planned for sale in May. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. But the first two quick tests showed that I would not give it to anyone, I would use it myself.

Nadia's opinion: If the cilia are very tiny and need to be lengthened, someone will be disappointed. The rest, most likely, will be satisfied - a bristle brush, the length of the bristles is sufficient to comb through each eyelash, even if they are thick, it tapers towards the end, the handle is not too long. The bristles themselves are spiral-shaped. I think this mascara has a great future.

9. Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme Mascara

My opinion: I love this mascara for the color - I actually have two of them, blue and emerald. But it is quite difficult to paint over eyelashes in the corners with it. And colored eyelashes look even more ridiculous when the corners are not painted over - did you pay attention? The bottom lashes are also not very good.

Nadia's opinion: Very soft pile - will glue thick dense eyelashes, and not comb them. If the eyelashes are soft and sparse - on the contrary, then what you need. And yes, the tip is not narrow enough, too much mascara is drawn on it to paint over the corners of the eyes and lower eyelashes without staining the eyelid, you have to wipe it all the time. It is generally quite difficult to paint over the lower eyelashes with such a brush - it is large, and it depends on the shape of the eye whether you succeed in this trick or not.

10. Mascara Max Factor Excess Volume two-sided: one side - to add volume, the other - to create a black-lacquer shine.

My Opinion: I love this mascara. She recently appeared, it seems, on sale, and she was presented to us at the beginning of winter, so I managed to play enough. It contains not only two different brushes, but also two different compositions. One to add volume, and the other to create the effect of lacquered, shiny “wet black lashes”. As if I just had a sexual cry :)) Or got caught in the rain. Volume is not created from the first application, really - but I honestly don’t know which mascara gives this very “wow” from the first application. But, no matter how you comb your eyelashes, no lumps form. The mascara has only one drawback, in my opinion: if you “polish” your eyelashes with varnish, you can remove makeup only with the help of a two-phase liquid and half-hour dances with tambourines. He is so persistent that you can seriously sob - he at least henna. Well, it’s important not to confuse the tubes - if you mistakenly apply “varnish” with the first layer, the eyelashes will look like black-black varnish sticks (like those served in good Japanese restaurants), and you won’t add any volume to them until you wash it off.

Nadia's review: Both brushes are correct. The first one that needs to be painted over each eyelash is silicone. The second is made of bristles, they “get” the volume. The brushes are not very large, taper evenly and do not pick up more than necessary at the ends. But it's really hard to wash off.

A few general rules:

1. Silicone brushes glue eyelashes more often, creating the effect of "spider legs". Especially if the eyelashes are thin and soft.

2. If you have thick eyelashes, choose a brush with a long bristle - short bristles will not "comb" them.

3. If you have long and hard eyelashes, the brush should be hard enough, but with long bristles.

4. If you have a small (low) lower eyelid or a Mongoloid eye slit, the lower eyelash brush should be very thin.

5. The size (length and width) of the brush should be ergonomically shaped to fit your eye. This is generally very individual.

Dear ones, I'm wondering: does this theory coincide with practice, what do you think? Do you agree with Nadia's remarks? Stay tuned for new swatches and reviews of cosmetics in the following articles.

Even if a woman practically does not use decorative cosmetics, in her purse there is sure to be mascara. After all, with its help in a couple of minutes you can emphasize the beauty of the eyes and make the look more expressive.

From the variety of products presented in stores, eyes run wide. They differ in price, composition and properties, appearance packaging and application brushes. How to choose mascara from the whole variety? So that in the future the chosen product does not disappoint you, you must understand what exactly you want from the mascara: lengthen the eyelashes, give them volume, or maybe just make them a little more noticeable.

The main types of carcasses

There are several types of mascara, each of which allows you to achieve a certain effect. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Lengthening. The composition includes certain components (fibers of nylon, viscose, silk), due to which the eyelashes become visually longer.
  • Gives volume. Contains wax particles or synthetic fibers. Thanks to these substances, the product completely covers and thickens each eyelash, as a result of which they look thick.
  • Twisting. It contains keratins, which, after drying, give the cilia an attractive curl. Such cosmetics will allow you to abandon the use of special curling tongs, which often injure eyelashes.

In addition to regular mascara, there are moisture- and waterproof products that do not contain moisture-sensitive substances. Such cosmetics can be safely used in rainy weather, as well as before going to the pool or to the beach, without fear that after contact with water, the makeup will “blur”. This mascara can be easily removed with special means to remove make-up. But it is important to know that waterproof mascara is more aggressive than water-soluble mascara. Therefore, it is better not to use it for owners of sensitive eyes.

Separately, it is worth highlighting hypoallergenic mascara, which can be bought both in a cosmetics store and in a pharmacy. Its main advantage is the absence of components that can cause irritation. By purchasing this tool, you can be sure that your eyes will not water or itch. Often such mascara is chosen by women who wear lenses, as well as very young girls who are just starting to use decorative cosmetics.

Color palette

How to choose mascara color

Many of us are used to dyeing our eyelashes in classic black, although the mascara palette is very wide. And do not think that only bold and extravagant individuals can afford colored mascara. For everyday makeup it is quite possible to use gray, brown or blue tint. It is only important to choose it correctly. Here are some suggestions for this.

Green mascara

  • Brown mascara, like black, is considered a classic and fits any eye color. It makes makeup more natural and natural.
  • Blondes should pay attention to the black-brown shade.
  • Blue mascara will perfectly emphasize the depth brown eyes. Thanks to a pleasant shade, the eyes do not look tired, even at the end of the working day.
  • Dark gray ink - great alternative black for those who are afraid that daytime makeup will look too catchy.
  • But purple and green shades in daytime makeup you should not abuse it, otherwise you risk looking tired or tearful.

Pay attention to the brush

Types of mascara brush

It depends on the brush how the mascara "lies" on the eyelashes. They differ in shape, material, number and size of bristles. Consider how to choose the right mascara, focusing on the type of brush.

  • Spiral - one of the most popular options, which is suitable for absolutely all eyelashes. In the process of applying mascara, the brush must be slightly scrolled for a more even distribution.
  • Standard brush with even bristles - makes soft cilia more fluffy, which lacks volume.
  • Curved arc - helps to create the effect of curled cilia.
  • Silicone - usually used for good separation of eyelashes and creating light volume.
  • A plastic brush with fine and thick bristles - allows you to create a spectacular volume, however, a special comb may be required to separate the cilia.
  • With short bristles - suitable for owners of short eyelashes. It will allow you to paint over the cilia well along the entire length, while not staining the eyelids. Also suitable for coloring eyelashes in the corners of the eyes.
  • With thick and long bristles - gives an impressive volume to the eyelashes, while perfectly separating them. Mascara with such a brush is best used to create an evening look and the effect of eyelash extensions.

Composition and consistency

Depending on the main component, all carcasses can be divided into two types: high wax content and high water content. The first type fits tightly, covers each eyelash, thereby increasing the volume. Typically, this mascara has a thick, creamy consistency. It is great for soft and thin lashes. The second type lays down in a thin layer, without blinding the eyelashes. This mascara dries quickly, however, it can crumble. Has a more fluid texture. More suitable for thick lashes.

Some manufacturers add various vitamins to the mascara, which help maintain the health of eyelashes, improve their condition or protect them from adverse external influences. But such components are not mandatory, rather, it is a nice bonus. What can be included in the composition of mascara?

  • Keratin - covers the hairs with a thin film and strengthens them.
  • Lanolin - prevents drying and brittleness.
  • Melanin - protects the cilia from the negative effects of the environment: wind, low temperatures, dry air, heat.
  • UV blockers - protect eyelashes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Cosmetics with this component are great for summer makeup.
  • Panthenol - improves the general condition of the eyelashes, and also makes them thicker.
  • Castor oil - has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a beneficial effect on the roots of eyelashes, nourishing and strengthening them.
  • Vitamins A, E, F, B5 - strengthen and nourish eyelashes, and also make them more silky and elastic.

Preservatives in cosmetics should not scare you. They prevent the appearance and development of microorganisms, so that the ink retains its properties for several months.

So, if you have decided what kind of mascara you want to see in your cosmetic bag, you can proceed directly to the purchase. What to look for in the store to pick up a good mascara that won't ruin your makeup or damage your eye health?

Picking up cosmetics, first of all, pay attention to the packaging. It should contain information about the type of carcass, country of origin, composition, date of manufacture and expiration date. All drawings and inscriptions must be clear and legible. After the ink has been printed, it is recommended to use it for no more than 3-6 months, after which various bacteria begin to develop in it. That is why it is not recommended to choose a product from a showcase, where, perhaps, it has already been opened several times. It is better to give preference to a sealed copy.

Be sure to use a tester, but it is better not to apply it to the eyelashes. To assess the consistency of the mascara, run the brush over your hand. An important point is the smell of cosmetics. High-quality mascara should have a barely perceptible smell. If you feel too rich or unpleasant smell, it is better to refuse the purchase.

You will not find a consensus on which mascara is the best, even among professionals. But following these simple recommendations, you can easily find a quality mascara that is perfect for you.