
Andrey Yurin: The Gokhran of Russia is the second budget with a margin. Criminal Corridor to the Diamond World: Yurin Andrey Vladimirovich, Hiryakov Sergey and Zharkov Andrey The crisis is not a hindrance to diamonds


Higher education. In 1982 he graduated from Altai State University with a degree in Labor Economics. Speaks English.

Labor activity:

09.1977 - 01.1982 - Altai State University, student;
01.1982 - 10.1984 - Altai Regional Committee of the Komsomol, instructor;
10.1984 - 07.1990 - Central District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Barnaul, Second Secretary of the District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, First Secretary of the District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League
07.1990 - 12.1991 - Central District Executive Committee, Barnaul, executive committee manager, acting deputy chairman of the executive committee, chairman of the planning commission of the executive committee;
12.1991 - 02.1992 - Administration of the Central District of Barnaul, Deputy Head of Administration;
02.1992 - 03.1994 - Administration of the city of Barnaul, deputy head of administration - chairman of the city administration committee on economic reform;
03.1994 - 04.1995 - Committee of the Administration of the Altai Territory for Finance, Tax and Credit Policy, Deputy Chairman of the Committee;
04.1995 - 02.2002 - Committee of the Administration of the Altai Territory for Finance, Tax and Credit Policy, Chairman of the Committee;
02.2002 - 05.2004 - Ministry of Finance Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Department, Acting Head of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations;
05.2004 - 02.2006 - Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations;
02.2006 - 11.2008 - Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations.

In 2002 he was awarded the jubilee medal "200 Years of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation".
In 2003, the gratitude of the Government of the Russian Federation was announced.
In 2003, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.
In 2004, the gratitude of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation was announced.
In 2005 he was awarded the medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan".
In 2010, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 2010 No. 388-r, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation for merits in the development and improvement of the system of compulsory medical insurance.

He has the class rank of adviser to the Russian Federation, 1st class.
Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.

Since November 15, 2008, he has been Chairman of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FFOMS). He fully managed the activities of the foundation, coordinated and controlled the activities of the deputy directors on issues supervised by them, as well as their interaction with legislative and executive authorities, and other organizations. Carried out control and coordination of the activities of the affairs department, the personnel policy department, the legal and international activities department, the control and audit department, the accounting and reporting department, the department for the modernization of the CHI system.

In mid-June 2012, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.

At the end of July 2013 - the head of the Federal State Institution " government agency on the formation of the state fund precious metals and precious stones of the Russian Federation, storage, release and use of precious metals and precious stones (Gokhran of Russia) under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Since July 2013 Head of the Federal State Institution Gokhran of Russia, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation (From 2012 to 2013). Chairman of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (From 2008 to 2012). Deputy Head, Deputy Director, Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (From 2002 to 2008).

"Connections / Partners"



Former head of Gokhran Vladimir Rybkin committed suicide in Moscow

Vladimir Rybkin, who for more than 10 years headed the Gokhran (State Institution for the Formation of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Gems, Storage, Release and Use of Precious Metals and Gems under the Ministry of Finance), committed suicide due to depression.

Ex-head of Gokhran commits suicide in Moscow

The ex-head of Gokhran, Vladimir Rybkin, died by suicide in the center of Moscow, a law enforcement source told Interfax.

The source noted that the probable reason for such a step could be the depression that Rybkin developed in Lately on the basis of disease.

According to him, the body of 68-year-old Rybkin was found last Saturday evening near house 25 on Zubovsky Boulevard. According to other media reports, Rybkin had injuries typical of a fall from a height.

In July 2013, Rybkin, who had headed the Gokhran since 2002, was relieved of his post due to his retirement, and Andrey Yurin was appointed head of the department.

Gokhran is headed by Andrey Yurin

Andrey Yurin became the new head of Gokhran. The corresponding order was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

What we have, we keep

Head of Gokhran Andrey Yurin: There will be much less counterfeit jewelry on our shelves

The Russian stock of precious metals and stones will not be spent on budget expenditures in the coming years, Andrey Yurin, head of Gokhran, believes.

He stated this in an interview with RG. And he also spoke about gold prices in the coming years, giving advice on whether it is worth investing in it. He also gave a forecast of how the situation in the jewelry market will develop, whether we will have masters of Faberge's talent. With the help of Andrei Yurin, we managed to look into the "diamond bins" of the Motherland.

Andrey Yurin appointed head of Gokhran

MOSCOW, 11 July. /ITAR-TASS/. Andrey Yurin has been appointed head of the Gokhran, and the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the corresponding order.

The previous head of Gokhran, Vladimir Rybkin, was relieved of his post due to his retirement, according to the order of the head of government, published on the official portal of legal information.

Until today, Yurin was Deputy Minister of Health. By the same order, the head of government dismissed him from his post.

Magnit's revenue in May 2014 increased by 28.7% to RUB 62.2 billion.

Revenue of OJSC “Magnit” in May 2014 increased by 28.7% - up to 62.195 billion rubles. This was said in a statement.
Read in full:

The Gokhran of Russia approved the existing ones on May 29, 2014. prices for precious metals and products from them 29.05.2014 11:03
The Gokhran of Russia approved the existing ones on May 29, 2014. settlement and selling prices for precious metals and products made from them purchased from the State Fund and sold from its reserves.
Read in full:

Gokhran will buy palladium for the state fund from Russian producers

The Gokhran of Russia is preparing to purchase palladium for the state fund, the counterparties will be Russian manufacturers, primarily MMC Norilsk Nickel, Andrey Yurin, head of Gokhran, told Interfax. “We are determined to buy.

Ambulance will become more mobile in 2013

Andrey Yurin, Deputy Minister of Health: Until now, medical institutions have been financed from several sources: the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the budget of the level to which they belong. Now all the money will flow into the "single pool" - the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and from there it will be distributed to medical institutions, depending on the number of services provided.

And the tariff at which the calculations will take place will now include not only the doctor’s salary and charges for it, medicines, consumables and food in hospitals, but also the repair of premises, payment for gasoline, purchase of equipment and many other expenses of the medical institution. Although it is worth noting that the tariff will finally become full by 2015, when the regional authorities will begin to make maximum contributions to compulsory medical insurance for the non-working population.

The rules for paid treatment are defined

Deputy Minister of Health Andrey Yurin commented on this situation to Rossiyskaya Gazeta: “No growth paid services the ruling will not. On the contrary, it spelled out severe restrictions for medical institutions: they can charge only for those conditions and services that are not provided for in the state guarantee program. And even more so, the order of medical care cannot be the subject of the provision of paid services. If money is extorted from you in a medical institution, you should immediately contact the insurance company that issued the medical policy, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund or Roszdravnadzor.”

The Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Karlin thanked the Minister of Health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova, her deputy Andrey Yurin and the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation Vladimir Uibe for helping a resident of the Altai Territory.

Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Andrey Yurin in the Government of the Russian Federation at a conference call with the regions presented data on the implementation of regional healthcare modernization programs

Andrey Yurin noted that over the past six months, the rate of use by the regions of subsidies from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for the modernization of healthcare has accelerated significantly. “The growth dynamics of indicators in terms of repair work in medical institutions from September 1 to November 15 in Russia as a whole amounted to 7.5%, in terms of equipping with medical equipment over the same period - 12.7%,” the Deputy Minister.

Deputy Ministers of Health of Russia appointed

In particular, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova has three deputies today. They were Tatyana Yakovleva, Andrey Yurin and Igor Kagramanyan. Earlier, V. Skvortsova stated that she would have four deputies. According to her, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation submitted documents to the government for the formation of these positions.T. Yakovleva previously worked in the State Duma, was the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Health. As reported in the lower house of parliament, T. Yakovleva will oversee the issues of childhood and healthy lifestyle life.

Altai Governor expressed gratitude to the Minister of Health

Altai Governor expressed gratitude to the Minister of Health | The Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Karlin thanked the Minister of Health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova, her deputy Andrey Yurin and the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation Vladimir Uibe for helping a resident of the Altai Territory.

The conditions for the provision of medical services have been approved. What's left for free? What do you need to pay for under the new rules and at what prices? Andrey Yurin, Deputy Minister of Health, said on October 17, 2012 on the air of the TV program "Morning of Russia" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

Deputy Minister of Health will make a presentation in Yaroslavl

Tomorrow, September 21, the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy will host a coordinating council for postgraduate and additional professional education of healthcare professionals. Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Igor Kagramanyan will speak at the council.

The government discussed the implementation of the healthcare modernization program

Deputy Minister of Health Andrey Yurin spoke about the situation in the main areas for organizing modernization programs on November 15.

What medical services are available for free?

The government approved the conditions for the provision of medical services. Andrey Yurin, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, spoke about what remained free of charge, and for what and at what rates they will now have to pay.

The State Duma discussed the execution of extra-budgetary funds

On September 21, the State Duma adopted in the first reading the bills “On the execution of the budget pension fund of the Russian Federation for 2011”, “On the execution of the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for 2011”, “On the execution of the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2011. The discussion was attended by the official representative of the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Anton Drozdov, the official representative of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Andrey Yurin. Natalya Petukhova, Evdokia Bychkova and Mikhail Yemelyanov asked questions from the A JUST RUSSIA faction. Natalia Petukhova made a presentation.

The development of pension insurance will lead to the restriction of entrepreneurial activity

On September 18, Alexander Grot, head of the OPORA RUSSIA Health Commission, took part in the work of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations. During the meeting, the main parameters of the draft federal budget for 2013 and for the planned period of 2014 and 2015 were discussed, the main parameters of the forecast for the socio-economic development of Russia for the next three years, the draft federal law"On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015". In work Trilateral Commission also attended by Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Andrey Yurin and Head of the Federal CHI Fund Natalya Stadchenko.

Andrei Yurin, a native of Barnaul, began his career in one of the Barnaul district executive committees, then worked in the regional administration's financial committee, and left for Moscow in the early 2000s. There he worked in several federal departments, and a few months ago he was appointed head of the Gokhran of Russia. The VD correspondent visited a high-ranking countryman, talked with him about his new job and how he lives in the capital.

- Andrey Vladimirovich, how did you come to work in the Ministry of Finance? And how quickly did you get used to life in the capital?

It was a long time ago, at the beginning of 2002, the Ministry of Finance invited me to work in the department that dealt with the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. But I got used to Moscow long before I got a permanent job here: before moving to the capital, I worked as the chairman of the finance committee of the Altai Territory, and it was impossible not to visit the Ministry of Finance. Frequent contacts with the Ministry of Finance required an understanding of the methods of work of federal authorities, regular business trips to protect the interests of the region. I came to the Ministry of Finance as a deputy director of a department, and then I was a director of a department, head of various federal structures, for example, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and worked as a deputy minister of health.

- You changed the field of activity several times: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, now the Gokhran ...

In fact, there was no cardinal change in activity: work in the Ministry of Finance and the Finance Committee is practically the same thing. In the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund and in the Ministry of Health, again, I was primarily concerned with issues of financial support. Each industry, of course, has its own specifics, but it would be wrong to say that my work is fundamentally different from what I had to do before. I have always dealt with financial matters. In my current job, there is more management, logistics, and I have to study a lot of things related to the technologies of mining and processing of diamonds, the market of precious metals and stones.

Diamond reserve

- Explain what the Gokhran of Russia is, what does it do?

Gokhran is a division of the Ministry of Finance. Gokhran's task is to ensure the operation of the state fund of precious metals and stones, including, for example, the formation of a fund of pearls and amber. Each state has such a reserve: precious stones, currency and other things. The storage of that part of the state fund, which is in precious metals and stones, is entrusted to the Gokhran. Gokhran ensures their receipt and release from the State Fund, as well as high exposure art products. The exhibition of the Diamond Fund (not only historical relics are stored there, but also modern jewelry masterpieces) is in great demand, tours go every 20 minutes.

Another function, not so widely known, is state control over the extraction and sorting of diamonds: in accordance with federal legislation, their extraction, classification and determination of value are subject to special control. We have a special service of state inspectors who are present at the sites where diamond deposits are being developed. In addition, there are also control inspections in the Gokhran structure, including at a special customs checkpoint.

- What are your duties?

The main task of an official working in a federal ministry is to prepare normative acts, documents, according to which the industry then lives. This is what I did at both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health. In the activities of the head of the Gokhran, there is less work on normative acts, the dominant issues relate to ensuring the activities of the institution; The nature of the material we are dealing with is quite specific, especially as regards the storage and sale of diamonds: there are several hundred nomenclature items alone. Business trips are rare in my work, although I plan to visit diamond deposits in the near future.

- How many employees do you have under your supervision?

- How is your usual working day?

The way my day goes, I think, is not much different from how the day of most Muscovites goes: the residents of Moscow work quite a lot, most of the day is spent at work or on the road there and back. The working day officially starts at 9.00 and ends at 18.00, but in fact it can continue until 20.00 and 21.00. An eight-hour working day does not work, at least an 11-hour one. But in about the same mode I worked in the region, so for me little has changed here.

I feel like a Russian

- Do you keep in touch with the Altai Territory? Do you follow the events in the region?

I regularly come to Barnaul once a year: my relatives, friends, colleagues live here, I keep in touch with them. Once a week I try to browse news sites: I want to be aware of what is happening in Altai. I don’t delve into the events of economic life very deeply, but it’s noticeable that life in the region is changing for the better: roads are getting better, new monuments are appearing, theaters are being restored, tourism is developing: for example, Turquoise Katun is a European-class tourist complex. Changes in the field of healthcare are noticeable - unprecedented volumes of modern medical equipment for last years delivered to the region. The enterprises of the region sound not only on the all-Russian, but also on the world arena: for example, the Altai Plant of Precision Products today supplies products to the world market.

- Do you feel like a Muscovite? Or more of a resident of the Altai Territory, Barnaul?

I feel like a Russian.

- In recent years, the outflow of young specialists to the capital has been increasing. What would you say to a person who is moving from the Altai Territory to Moscow?

I think this is not a trend of the Altai Territory or even Russia, but, perhaps, a global one: megacities attract everyone more people. However, it has always been so. And for young people moving to Moscow, I would advise you to first decide on a place of work, and then decide on the issue of moving. Well, after the move - be prepared for the fact that there will be more work, there will be more worries, a lot of time will be spent on the road to and from work. There will be many cons, but Moscow tempers the character.

- Do you like to watch TV?

News and good feature films, but they are rare.

- Do you use a company car or a personal one?

Service. I don't like driving myself. I often take the metro, because it's faster in Moscow.

- Are you a member of United Russia?

Yes, since 2004.

What subject did you like the most in school?

History and economic geography.

- What kind of education would you like to get?

Improve your English.

- The book you are currently reading.

I recently read a book about Witt from the ZhZL series. I like it.

What else did the interlocutor say?

About the history of Gokhran

Before the revolution, many functions of the Gokhran were performed by the Diamond Storeroom, where, among other things, the royal regalia were kept: the crown of the Russian Empire, orb and scepter. The common phrase “behind three locks” comes from there: three officials had three separate keys, and they could get into the pantry only when they gathered together, under the supervision of a senior leader. After the revolution, the Gokhran of Russia received jewelry that belonged to the royal court and became state property. Until the 1960s, Gokhran mainly accumulated gems and metals, and then diamond deposits were discovered in Yakutia, and significant changes took place in the work of Gokhran. It was decided that not only mining, but also cutting of diamonds should also take place in the Soviet Union. It was then that the Kristall plant, one of the eight plants in the USSR, which was engaged in diamond cutting, appeared in Barnaul. And the Gokhran was entrusted with the functions of control over the extraction and sorting of diamonds in order to attribute them to one group or another and determine the market value.

About diamond sorters

This exotic profession is owned by only a few hundred people in the country, and only women. They manually - because there is still no device that would allow sorting diamonds automatically, according to samples - sort diamonds. On the world market, the school of Russian order pickers is highly valued, and this is the merit of the Gokhran. This is a very painstaking work, it is extremely difficult to maintain the evaluation parameters, because nature creates diamonds, and there is simply no single template. But having come into this profession, women do not leave until retirement.

I really love nature, mountains, in general, my family and I love to travel - however, the family is so far more successful than me. There is little time for rest. I like to read the memoirs of prominent people, to reflect, to draw some analogies with today ... To say that among these people there is some uniquely attractive image for me, it would probably be wrong: people are too complex and contradictory ... I am called by people who faithfully served and serve their cause and Fatherland. I admire such people as, for example, Mikhail Kalashnikov (I happened to meet him), Mikhail Lisavenko, Ida Kalinina, who laid the foundations of gardening in the Altai Territory.


Andrei Vladimirovich Yurin was born on February 9, 1960 in Barnaul. In 1982 he graduated from Altai State University with a degree in Labor Economics. From 1984 to 1990 - the second, then the first secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol. In 1990-1991 - and. O. Deputy Chairman of the Central District Executive Committee. In 1992-1994 - deputy head of the administration of Barnaul, chairman of the committee on economic reform. In 1994-1995 - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Administration Committee for Finance, Tax and Credit Policy, then until 2002 - Chairman of the Committee. From 2002 to 2004 - deputy head of the department, and. O. Head of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, then until 2006 Deputy Director of the Department, and from 2006 until the end of 2008 - Director of the Department. Since November 2008 - Chairman of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. In June 2012, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, and at the end of July 2013 - Head of the Gokhran of Russia.

Councilor of the Russian Federation I class. Honored Economist of Russia. Wife - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, teacher at the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov. The son is a student.


The export of crown jewels outside the Kremlin is prohibited.

A small opus about how Andrei Vladimirovich Yurin, Sergei Hiryakov and Andrei Zharkov are actually connected. A story truly worthy of our precious oligarchs, literally and figuratively.

The Diamond World company attracted public attention when the state decided to sell its block of shares (52.4%). The auction was scheduled for the end of December 2015. But here, too, there were intricate criminal schemes.

So, among the main contenders, there was an Irish company, though with Russian shareholders Ovoka Gold. But the cost of 740 million seemed artificially low to specialists, so the issue with the purchase disappeared. Then, the minority shareholder of the Diamond World, the ALROSA company, entered the arena, back in the fall of 2015, the company's president Andrei Zharkov announced his interest in acquiring a stake.

Immediately, a modest and obscure commercial broker LLC TBSS comes to the fore. This company, however, leases the territory of the Diamond World and, at the same time, subleases it to government agencies. And here a classic criminal scheme is already opening up, the owner of an 86.5% stake in TBSS is Sergey Hiryakov, deputy CEO Diamond world.

Well, here a logical conclusion suggests itself that the main production in this case is the only center in Russia for processing valuables, through which 90% of all exported precious metals and stones pass. Of course, it's good to own a broker who, in blatant violation of the law, runs the Diamond World like at home. But since part of the shares belongs to the state, all this is not interesting. Therefore, you need to use the announcement of the government and create a private shop where real money will spin.

Hiryakov Sergey

Anyone can even get acquainted with the plan for the future of the leadership on the website of the Diamond World. "Creation of the property complex of the Diamond Center of Russia" - the truth is that this plan is clearly different from the actions of potential applicants. So, let's start with Sergey Hiryakov and Andrey Zharkov, who are old acquaintances. At the same time, Mr. Zharkov came to ALROSA from Gokhran, which has been headed by Andrey Yurin since 2013.

The path of this trinity to the state's diamond exports is almost paved: all that remains is to take control of the Diamond World by buying up the state's stake in this company on the cheap. Now I had to fold beautiful plan. Thus, it was necessary to find several officials who have at least some influence at the top. According to competent sources, in order for the Federal Property Management Agency not to obstruct the sale of shares at a clearly underestimated price - lower than the assessment of the Federal Property Management Agency itself by more than million rubles - it took a "friend" in law enforcement agencies, the role of which was quite suitable for an employee of the department "K" of the SEB FSB of the Russian Federation Anton Blinov - who managed, as they say, for short term to make a dizzying career downshift: to leave the post of the head of the 5th department of the “K” department of the SEB FSB and turn into a seconded employee in one of the large banks - according to some reports, due to serious allegations of corruption.

Part of the reserves of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones is put up for auction this year. What exactly will be "put under the hammer" and who will have the right to become a buyer? When will Russian jewelers enter the world market? And how is control over diamonds mined in Russia carried out?

These and other questions were answered in an interview with "RG" by the head of the Gokhran of Russia, Andrey Yurin.

The crisis is not a hindrance to diamonds

Andrei Vladimirovich, does the crisis somehow affect the treasury of Gokhran? Is it replenishing now or, on the contrary, has it started to become scarce?

Andrey Yurin: Treasury grows. For all the positions that are presented in it - and a variety of precious metals, and precious stones. But at the same time, we started working on the structure of the State Fund for Precious Metals and Precious Stones.

The goal is to exclude from the fund what is not currently significant for the state, but is significant for those whose business is connected with precious stones and precious metals, for people who are interested in jewelry. Thus, the federal budget will also receive additional funds.

In this regard, we have developed special procedures that have made it possible to conduct auctions in new directions. And this year, for the first time, such auctions began.

Until 2016, only rough gemstones, diamonds over 10.8 carats were sold at the auction, others were list prices. And a price list is a firm fixed price that does not always correspond to market conditions on the day of sale. When selling at an auction, the buyer can be sure that he is purchasing the goods at the price prevailing on the market, and we, as sellers, that this is not a low price.

What was sold at the first auction?

Andrey Yurin: At the recent first such auctions, we sold about 120 thousand carats of rough diamonds (each diamond weighing up to 10.8 carats) for a total amount of more than $10 million. At the same time, the cost was higher than it would have been according to the price list and than originally announced. For some positions, the excess amounted to 10-25 percent. The goods are sold at a price that is interesting to both the buyer and the state.

We plan to hold another auction in May. It is unique because the things that will be exhibited on it have never been sold by Gokhran before. It will be trial. Starting from this auction, we will sell jewelry made during the Soviet period.

We have a sufficient number of them, we put up a small amount for sale. I think that these products will be of interest to buyers, because they are solid, there is no doubt about the quality of the stones and metals from which they are made.

Let's wait 200 years?

Is it the crisis that pushed you to "sales"?

Andrey Yurin: No, this is a planned activity. The situation in the country today is far from the same as in the 1990s. At that time, the State Fund for Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation was a significant source of financing the federal budget deficit. Now Russia has serious reserves.

And there is no need to urgently sell the reserves of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones.

Gokhran will hold a unique auction in May, where jewelry from the times of the USSR will be exhibited

But there is a need to improve the structure of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation, so from time to time something that has become less attractive to the state is sold, and what is interesting is bought for this place - first of all, precious metal ingots and stones of high quality characteristics.

We sell what is of interest to those involved in cutting, but not what is used for settlements between banks or states.

Have you thought that in 200 years "Soviet" jewelry will cost much more than it does now, and its presence in the fund could become very interesting for the state?

Andrey Yurin: We have everything thought out, and there is an answer to this question. Firstly, we only sell a trial batch. This is a very small part.

Secondly, we without fail leave in our jewelry collection several copies of all the samples of jewelry that we have. And thirdly, what we sell is not unique pieces. A sufficient number of such products were produced, and the population still has them. Yes, they are well made, but for the state they are not of high value. And they will not represent.

Who are the participants of your auctions - individuals, museums, enterprises?

Andrey Yurin: Our customers are legal entities that are engaged in both the cutting of rough stones, the creation of jewelry, and trade.

Special criteria have been developed for auction participants. They can be found on the Gokhran website. We did not hire any intermediaries to organize it, we did not spend state money on it. Bid organizers are our specialists.

But why can't a simple rich person take part in the auction and buy a product he likes or a large diamond for his personal collection?

Andrey Yurin: We are not in the retail business. This is not our task. And we do not need to build a structure that would comply with the rules of retail.

Tell me, do any unique items get into your treasury these days?

Andrey Yurin: Yes, the treasury is replenished with gifts that jewelers and artists make for us. Just recently, for example, the Gokhran collection received several works by stone-cutting artists Alexander Veselovsky and Anton Ananiev.

Platinum, palladium, silver

How are things in the market of precious metals and stones? Are prices going down or going up now?

Andrey Yurin: In the long term, prices for the main types of metals - platinum, palladium, silver, gold - are rising. On the world market, all precious metals are quoted in dollars.

Until 2012, their prices steadily increased. Then a slight decline began, but it is still not very deep. For example, in 1996 an ounce of gold cost $376, now it costs $1239. Growth - 400 percent. In 2012, the price of gold peaked at $1,668. Then a slight decline began, in 2015 it cost $1,160 per ounce. And now it's growing again.

Platinum is different. The price of it is falling, and today we are seeing an interesting phenomenon. The price of platinum on the world market has become lower than that of gold. If you look at the dynamics of prices for 20 years, it turns out that such a decrease occurred for the second time. So, in 1996, platinum and gold cost the same. Then platinum overtook gold and caught up with it in price only in 1999 ($279).

In 2011, 1,720 dollars were given for platinum (1,568 for gold). In 2012, when gold was at its peak, platinum lost some ground - $ 1,551 per ounce, after which it again surpassed gold by two years.

And in 2015, there was a turning point, and platinum began to cost $ 1,053 - a hundred dollars cheaper than gold. This year, they give 957 dollars for it.

Palladium fell slightly in price ($537 per ounce). But when compared with 1996, its price has increased five times. And four times during the same time, silver has risen in price. If we add to this the changed dollar exchange rate, investments in precious metals turn out to be profitable.

Gokhran is the holder of a unique collection of specimens, according to which precious stones are evaluated. Photo: Sergey Mikheev

Has the consumption crisis, which is much talked about, affected the areas associated with the extraction of precious stones and metals, and the jewelry industry?

Andrey Yurin: At the end of last year, there was a certain decline in demand for rough stones in the gemstone market. Today the situation has improved. And in the first quarter, activity returned to its previous level. The sales results of ALROSA confirm this. The company finished last year with a profit. And now sales volumes have started to increase.

Even strange. Do not buy cheap goods. And the luxury industry is booming...

Andrey Yurin: Precious stones and metals are a world commodity that is consumed by all developed countries of the world. And if in several of them interest is decreasing, then in other states it is increasing, therefore, in general, the situation in the industry is quite stable.

But the volume of sales of jewelry in our country, of course, has been somewhat reduced in recent years.

Russia has serious reserves, so there is no need to urgently sell Gokhran's reserves

Who are the main buyers of our diamonds and gold?

Andrey Yurin: The center of the world diamond trade in the Belgian city of Antwerp. Also, our major customers are India, Israel, UAE, the growing market of China. And consumers of final products are countries with leading economies.

Is Russia still in the top five countries with the highest production levels?

Andrey Yurin: Yes. Russia is one of the world leaders in gold mining together with China, Australia, the USA and Canada.

Kings and diamonds

Diamond is the king of stones. And what stones do Russians prefer when choosing jewelry?

Andrey Yurin: Preference today is probably moving towards diversity. Jewelry of the Soviet era was quite the same type. Today, the buyer often wants to purchase an individual product that is not in stock. mass production. At the same time that it was beautiful and cheap.

Responding to this request, jewelers are making jewelry that is lighter in weight, but diverse in design. Now the mass buyer looks not so much at what kind of stone, but at a combination of beauty, grace and price. Although it is worth noting that the range of stones that are used in jewelry is expanding.

Have your tastes changed in metals?

Andrey Yurin: Gold is still the flagship of the jewelry industry. But the demand for silver products, which are significantly cheaper than gold, has also grown significantly. So, in 2015 production silver products increased by 6% compared to 2014.

Have our jewelers got an opportunity to make themselves known abroad? Or are we only selling "raw" so far - gold and diamonds?

Andrey Yurin: Russian jewelers were represented at the last exhibition in Basel. Although, of course, the dollar exchange rate significantly complicates the participation of our jewelers in such events. Exhibition space is too expensive. Nevertheless, we will support them and expand the participation of our representatives at international exhibitions.

Wealthy people buying Jewelry, prefer brands. And almost all brands are abroad. Have jewelry brands started to take shape in Russia?

Andrey Yurin: We are only at the very beginning of the journey. It will probably take another decade for our names to gain brand status and be able to compete in the global market. Although, of course, we have masters of the highest class, world-class. But in order for them to be recognized in the world, for it to become prestigious to buy their jewelry, a lot of work is needed to promote it. Need time.

For example, an exhibition of Ilgiz Fazulzyanov is now open at the Moscow Kremlin Museums. And this is already an event, one might say, of global significance. This Russian master is recognized by the world jewelry community.

As far as I know, you also help our jewelers...

Andrey Yurin: We hold exhibitions together with the Guild of Jewelers of Russia, the Creative Union of Artists of Decorative and Applied Art, because in fact the line between a jeweler and an applied artist is very blurred. And we understand that it is very important for a creative person to exhibit.

We will continue to hold such exhibitions in the future. In the autumn we will once again hold a competition for the best jewel and an arts and crafts product to support the interest in this type of creativity and our Russian masters. This competition will be held for the third time after a long break. The winner receives a prize and the right to be exhibited in the Diamond Fund of the Russian Federation in the Moscow Kremlin.

We also actively participate in all international associations of jewelers, diamond miners and those who work in the field of circulation of precious stones and precious metals. This summer we will be holding a special seminar in Moscow for representatives of our refineries to discuss the compliance of their technologies with the Good Delivery requirements of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). "Good Delivery" is a special international rule that translates as "reliable delivery" and is associated with the confirmation of the quality of gold in the world market. Enterprises with this status have advantages in trade, and we will help Russian plants to obtain and maintain this status.

We are working with the World Jewelry Confederation CIBJO to develop standards for the jewelry industry. The CIBJO Congress takes place annually, and we participate in the meetings of the committees of this respected international organization as developers of approaches to national harmonization of requirements for precious stones and jewelry.

Half a century look

Is something changing in the permanent exhibition of the Diamond Fund in the Kremlin?

Andrey Yurin: Gokhran for the first time in the last 20 years has carried out a serious restoration of art objects that are in the collection of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation. Previously, only the products of the Diamond Fund of the Russian Federation were restored; it is for this work that the Gokhran jewelers were awarded state awards.

A record number of visitors passed through the Diamond Fund last year - 120,000 people. Groups go with an interval of 20 minutes, and all groups with our excursion service. Last year, an audio guide was introduced for 6 foreign languages. This also became a factor in the increase in attendance.

In 2017, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Diamond Fund exhibition, which presents the most valuable of those jewelry treasures that were in pre-revolutionary Russia and which were made by jewelers of the 20th century.

State control

Gokhran in 2017 to reduce clearance of diamonds for export to one day

Recently, several major scandals have erupted around attempts to smuggle large lots of amber. Do they often try to illegally send diamonds abroad?

Andrey Yurin: An important task in the work of the Gokhran is state control in the sphere of circulation of precious stones in two directions. The first direction is the control over sorting, primary classification and primary evaluation of precious stones.

We are talking about the work of sorters at diamond mining enterprises at the stage of determining the cost of mined stones. State control is needed here, so that the state has objective information about the cost of mined stones, in part, so that companies pay taxes correctly.

Such control exists all over the world. In Russia, it is carried out by our organization. Gokhran specialists are constantly present at mining enterprises. Forty million carats of diamonds passed through the inspectors last year.

If during extraction they are found unique stones, for example, especially large ones (and stones are estimated at seven thousand positions), then they can be sold abroad only by decision of the government. As well as by decision of the government, they can be purchased for the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones.

The second direction is control at the border during the import and export of precious stones. Here we monitor compliance with the Kimberley Process and declared value. We confirm that the presented stones are of bona fide origin, that they were obtained in an honest way, they are legal. And for each batch of diamonds, a special certificate of the Kimberley Process is issued.

Last year, our inspectors reviewed three and a half thousand batches of such stones for a total amount of more than four billion US dollars. It is clear that in the course of this control cases of non-compliance of classification features with the submitted documents are also revealed. These goods are sent for re-registration, and, if necessary, we report them to law enforcement agencies.

Here we protect state interests at the border and help businesses overcome formalities as quickly as possible. The processing time for diamonds for export has already been reduced from five to two business days. We set the task to reduce it to one day: if the game is presented in the first half of the day, then before its end it is necessary to review it. TO next year we will solve it. This direction is headed by Andrey Nikolaevich Kutepov, First Deputy Head of the Gokhran of Russia, who for a long time works in our organization, and under his leadership an effective control system has been created.

Established effective interaction with the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the necessary electronic document management has been introduced, which contributes to the rapid completion of procedures without loss of quality.

Another point - we carry out the assessment of stones for enterprises that are not able to do it on their own. Last year we valued about three million carats of diamonds for them.

You touched upon one of the important functions of the Gokhran - state control of precious stones when crossing the border. Recently, information appeared in the media about an alleged alliance of individual controllers and controlled ones. Can you comment?

Andrey Yurin: The author of the mentioned material, apparently, did not bother to check the considerations and materials that were provided to him. As a result, on the basis of unreliable and fictitious provisions - biased conclusions.

Our organization controls not the owners and tenants of areas for customs warehouses for temporary storage, but the precious stones being moved and the actions of their owners with them. For this reason, and in accordance with the established competence, no one from the leadership of our organization, in principle, can supervise any joint-stock company.

The control unit is located at a certain place due to the fact that there is a specialized customs post, the location of which is determined by the order of the Federal Customs Service, and a customs warehouse for temporary storage, and not because we wanted to. A lease agreement was concluded at market prices, according to which we pay in a timely manner, and there were no comments from the prosecutor's office on this matter. There were no claims from the objects of control either to us or to other regulatory bodies.

But for some reason, state control was associated with the privatization of the Diamond World...

Andrey Yurin: It appears that this fictional connection is an attempt to influence the privatization process. But in the state today there is legislation on privatization, objective procedures have been developed. And only in accordance with them can the form of ownership change. Publications, especially dishonest ones, are unlikely to stop decisions that comply with the law.