
Interaction of specialists in a preschool educational institution. Job descriptions for employees of a preschool educational institution. Recommendations for teachers on effective interaction with preschool staff Interaction of the educator with medical

Pathology of the uterus

Ways of interaction of the educator with medical staff

Teachers teach children to wash their faces, wash their feet before going to bed, monitor the condition of their hands and nails, wash their hands before eating, use the toilet and toilet paper, properly use personal items (comb, handkerchief, towel, toothbrush, etc. Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in the classroom, conduct cognitive work on the dangers of bad habits, forms the knowledge and skills of children on the basics of life safety, mastering the behavior of children in dangerous situations.

Ensure maximum stay for children fresh air. Organize musical and sports entertainment, outdoor activities on a walk, hiking, excursions to nature. Provide regular visits to the circle by children with a diagnosis of ʼʼsimplified footʼʼ, ʼʼflat feetʼʼ.

Include in the daily regimen exercises to prevent violations of flat feet, posture, vision. They teach children to control their own posture, landing at the table during classes. Respect sanitary rules organization of classes: light on the left, sufficient illumination of the workplace and play area; selection of furniture according to the height of children. Carry out medical and pedagogical control over compliance with the regime motor activity during the day. Monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for classes, motor density and physical activity on children during organized forms of work on the physical education of children

The medical staff monitors the quality of the work of preschool teachers in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the implementation of sanitary rules established by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. Counsels parents on the basics of healthy eating. Advise teachers and parents on ensuring the safety of children in the summer, on the prevention of child injuries, sunstroke, insect bites, poisoning by poisonous mushrooms, berries, plants.

Provides first aid for diseases of children, controls the implementation of hardening procedures of natural hardening factors (sun, air, water). Conducts selection of children for a circle for medical reasons. Complexes of therapeutic gymnastics, exercises, games are selected in accordance with diseases.
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Diagnoses the condition of children's vision, posture, feet. Controls the implementation in groups of a comprehensive system of recreational activities in preschool educational institutions.

Carrying out work on the prevention of child injuries in a children's educational institution

Ways of interaction between the educator and the medical staff - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Methods of interaction between the educator and medical staff" 2017, 2018.

Educational and methodical publication. Speech at the city methodological association of physical education instructors and music leaders, 2016

The creation of an educational space in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the appropriate organization of the educational process. It is also important to observe the normative legal acts regulating the activities of the teacher and the entire teaching staff in the organization of the upbringing and education of children.

The creation of an educational space in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the appropriate organization of the educational process. It is also important to observe the normative legal acts regulating the activities of the teacher and the entire teaching staff in the organization of the upbringing and education of children.

One of these legal documents is Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in Russian Federation"No. 273-FZ of September 1, 2013 In Art. 64 clause 1 states that preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of children's health preschool age.

Another regulatory and legal document is the Federal State Educational Standards of the preschool educational institution. One of the objectives of the standard is to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health children, including their emotional well-being.

Therefore, the process of educational interaction is very important.

Consistency in work is the key to a good result. This rule is valid in any team, including pedagogical ones, especially since the activities of all teachers and specialists of the preschool educational institution are aimed at achieving common goals for the development, upbringing and education of children.

Thus, the effectiveness of physical education health work in a preschool institution is provided as a result of the cooperation of teachers.

We have identified some forms of interaction between specialists:

  • Correctional work
  • Consultations
  • teachers' councils
  • Workshops
  • Festive events
  • Individual conversations
  • Joint projects
  • Medical and pedagogical control

Ensure the education of a physically healthy and developed child is possible only under the condition of close cooperation of the entire staff of the preschool educational institution.

Interaction between instructor and educator

Modern requirements provide for the integration and "living" of the content by the child preschool education in all kinds of children's activities.

We, together with the educators, analyzed the educational areas with which the area "Physical Education" is integrated in terms of content and means.

Integration of the educational field "Physical Development" with others educational areas content : "Health" - the use of health-saving technologies and special exercise to strengthen organs and systems ( breathing exercises and gymnastics for the eyes), air hardening.

"Socialization" - interaction and assistance to each other during relay races and sports events, a fair assessment of the results of games or competitions.

"Safety" - the formation of safe behavior skills during outdoor games, when using sports equipment.

"Labor" - assistance in the distribution and cleaning of benefits and sports equipment.

"Knowledge" - activation of children's thinking, outdoor games and exercises that consolidate the knowledge gained.

Integration of the educational area "Physical culture"

with other educational areas affordable:

"Communication" - conversations of the instructor with children and children with each other, with the aim of teaching to express guesses e and draw the simplest conclusions, express your thoughts clearly for others, etc.

"Reading fiction" - reading poems by the instructor and children.

"Artistic creativity" - preparation various materials for decoration of the premises, for use in various events.

"Music" - holding games, relay races, consolidating the skills of the main types of movements, respiratory gymnastics - to music.

To improve motor skills, the educator, in close contact with the physical education instructor, organizes a developing motor environment in groups and on the territory of the preschool educational institution, while taking into account age features children and their interests.
In turn, the physical education instructor should assist educators on various issues of the physical development of preschoolers: select exercises for morning exercises, physical education, invigorating gymnastics, organize games for a walk, as well as independent motor activities of pupils.

Interaction with a teacher-psychologist

No one needs to prove that preschool children need psychological help. It is important that not only educational psychologists, but also educators and a physical education instructor, and most importantly, so that they can use them in their daily work with children, taking into account their individual psychological features and problems.

Therefore, cooperation with a teacher-psychologist is very necessary here, who will tell you what games and exercises to offer children with excessive fatigue, restlessness, irascibility, isolation, neurosis and other neuropsychiatric disorders.

It should be noted that practically healthy children also need psychoprophylactic work.

Therefore, a card file was jointly created, which contains games and exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress, games to develop the ability to feel the mood and empathize with others, to use expressive movements, facial expressions and gestures, which I include physical education and entertainment

Interaction with the music director

In addition to the fact that music has a positive effect on the emotions of children, it creates good mood, helps to activate mental activity, musical accompaniment helps to increase the motor density of the lesson, its organization, frees the instructor or educator from counting, draws attention to gestures, posture, posture, facial expressions. This is where the help of a music director is needed.

It is very important that the music in the lesson does not sound just for the sake of sounding, it should naturally be woven into the lesson, into every movement, and correspond to the theme. Therefore, if I need musical accompaniment during morning exercises, classes or entertainment, we together select musical works for various exercises and games. Energetic peppy march for walking, light dance music for jumping - polka, gallop.

Most often we use music, including sound recordings, in outdoor and round dance games, during relay races and competitions, as well as at the end of the lesson, when music acts as a soothing, providing a gradual reduction in physical activity, a means. In this part I use the sounds of nature and the sound of lyrical works, relaxation.

Together with the musical director, we have created a discography, which we are constantly replenishing, it serves as an indispensable assistant in the organization of motor activity.

Interaction with a healthcare professional

In modern conditions, the full-fledged upbringing and development of a healthy child is possible only with the interaction of teachers and medical personnel.

The main aspects joint activities are primarily:

  • The physical condition of children attending kindergarten. So, at the beginning and at the end of the year, together with the nurse, monitoring of the physical development and readiness of children is carried out.
  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Together we develop recommendations for building a pedagogical process with children with developmental disabilities, we single out differentiated groups of children that require corrective work. Therefore, in addition to individual work with such children, I definitely include exercises for the prevention of posture and flat feet, breathing games and exercises in my classes. Be sure to conduct joint control over the organization of a sparing regimen of classes or a medical tap for children who have had illnesses.
  • We contribute to the prevention of negative influences of intensive educational activities, those. rational alternation of load (optimal drawing up of a grid of classes), compliance with the daily regimen and motor regimen.

Interaction between the instructor and the teacher-speech therapist

The teacher-speech therapist is working on correcting the sound pronunciation in children, the physical education instructor teaches children the main types of movements, so the relationship between the instructor and the speech therapist can be traced in the motor speech activity.

Speech games, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, etc. help develop the child's thinking and speech, overcome speech therapy difficulties in pronouncing individual words and sounds, make speech rich and expressive, support children's interest in the lesson, and the physiological need for movement. Besides, in speech games there is an opportunity to improve those basic types of movements that should be developed in preschool children.

Thus, the following tasks are solved:

  • correction of sound pronunciation;
  • exercise of children in the main types of movements;
  • the formation of coordination of general motor skills;
  • ability to coordinate word and gesture;
  • developing the ability to work together.
  • Development of mental processes (emotions, feelings, thinking, memory, attention, etc.)

Together, speech-motor games were selected and developed, which are aimed at consolidating the main types of movements.

Thus, the regular, joint work of a physical education instructor and a speech therapist teacher will certainly lead to the fulfillment of the tasks set.


The effectiveness of physical education and health work in a preschool educational institution directly depends on the interaction and mutual understanding, both of individual teachers and the entire teaching staff. Only by joint efforts can we solve the tasks set, which means that we can count on the positive results of our work.

The preschool teacher must clearly know the conceptual foundations of the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution, the main directions of development of the institution. The educator should be able to reflect on the causes of successes and failures, mistakes and difficulties in the educational process in order to make changes in subsequent activities, to achieve better results.

Interaction educator with specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the successful education and upbringing of children.

Interactions educator with administration educational institution.

Interactions educator with the administration of the educational institution is aimed at creating optimal conditions for a full-fledged comprehensive development and teaching pupils, protecting and strengthening their health in accordance with the state educational standard and programs implemented in the institution. Also on the organization of work among parents (persons replacing them) on the upbringing and education of children in the family, to promote pedagogical and hygiene knowledge, involve parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and the parent agreement.

Comply with safety regulations and fire safety.

Interactions educator with a senior educator of an educational institution.

The senior educator organizes the current and advanced planning activities teaching staff of preschool educational institution. Analyzes the implementation of educational and methodological and educational work in the preschool educational institution and develops proposals to improve it efficiency. Interactions the educator and the senior educator of the educational institution are inseparable throughout the entire educational process. Senior teacher assists teaching staff in

development and development of innovative programs and technologies, helps to prepare for certification. Measures are being taken jointly to equip the groups with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, to replenish them with educational, methodological, artistic and periodical literature.

Work is being carried out to comply with the norms and rules of fire safety in the educational process, traffic, behavior on the street.

Interactions educator with a musical worker of an educational institution.

The general and musical and aesthetic development of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out by a music director who is fluent in theory and methodology pedagogical process, and a teacher with a general musical background.

Work teachers is difficult, diverse, and should be carried out in close, mutual understanding and contact.

Music lessons in kindergarten are the main form of organization of children's musical activities. A music director with a teacher participates in the preparation of music lessons. These activities often start in a group where something fun for the kids happens. For example, children discover that some toys are missing and go looking for them. They come to the hall ... and the game music lesson begins. Thus, children are motivated, interested in musical activities. All this teachers thought out and carried out jointly.

The activities of the music director and educator also include conducting music and speech classes. These classes are a link in the activities teachers. Classes are aimed at the development of speech by means of expressive singing, are additional. The teacher actively helps the music director in its implementation. The content of the lesson includes literary and musical material.

In music lessons, the singing skills of children develop, improve and consolidate, a stereotype of the correct pronunciation of words is formed. The emotional basis of music lessons contributes to a better assimilation of various skills. The teacher, being present at such classes, enriches the methodology of his work on the development of children's speech and brings it closer to the methodology of the music director.

The educator and music director create a subject-developing environment, which is carefully thought out by them. The subject-developing environment is given fundamental importance in pedagogical the process of a children's educational institution.

The essence of the tasks of joint interactions the musical director and educator consists in awakening the creative activity of children, developing their musical imagination and thinking, stimulating the desire to independently engage in musical and creative activities.

jointly teachers should develop the musicality of children, educate their moral sphere, mental processes and personal neoplasms. Thus, the music director and educator must provide for the integrity of the musical education: training, education, development. All these tasks can be realized only if the following conditions:

Introduction to musical activity brings children only positive emotions;

A humane-personal approach has been thought out to ensure the emotional comfort of children;

A comfortable musical and educational environment has been created in all forms of organization.

The musical director and educator must keep the development of the whole integral set of personality qualities at the center of the musical educational system, and this is the main result. The goal of the humane-personal approach, proclaimed pedagogy

cooperation, is an approach to the personality of the child, his inner world, where undeveloped abilities, strengths and opportunities are hidden. Task teachers awaken these forces and use them for a more complete development.

close interaction educator and music director provides efficiency solved problems of music education, individually differentiated approach to children.

Teachers should subjectively interact with children. Such a style teacher interaction with the child gives the child the right to choose (songs, games) for learning. Game motivation, the presence of dialogue and polylogue (i.e. interaction musical director with a teacher, a playable character and children) makes the lesson very dynamic. During the lesson, when posing a question to a child, the music director (tutor) Forms a question in such a way that it contains two possible answers. for instance: “What mood did the music make you happy or sad?”, “How do chicks sing in a high or low voice?”. Children answer, as a rule, always correctly.

In the process of subjective interaction educators constantly put children in the position of an experimenter, ask them a lot of questions, encourage them to constantly think and look for an answer to the question posed. That's exactly what interaction excellent effect on the development of intellectual abilities.

The process of music education is long, you should not expect quick results. Only the joint activity of the music director and educator leads to the desired results in solving the problems of the general and musical and aesthetic development of preschool children.

Interactions educator with the head of physical education of an educational institution.

Currently, one of the most important problems is the state of health of the population. Children's health is the wealth of the nation. Most

an accessible means of increasing the potential of health is physical culture, physical activity.

In a preschool institution, physical education and health work is organized by the educator and the head of physical education. Efficiency physical culture and educational work in a preschool institution is largely determined by their interaction. Each of them performs the work in accordance with their job responsibilities. The requirements for the activities of these specialists differ depending on the tasks to be solved. tasks: general physical training of children, motor rehabilitation. Pedagogical activities are aimed at the child, so their actions must be coordinated with each other. Planning of their joint activities is carried out on the basis of the annual plan preschool and is formatted as plans: consultations for educators, performances at pedagogical councils and medical-pedagogical meetings

They are equally:

They know the program in accordance with which they put into practice the physical improvement of children (goals, objectives, predicted results) ;

Carry out diagnostics of the physical condition of children according to the program implemented by the preschool institution;

Know the characteristics of the health status of pupils and plan physical exercises in accordance with these characteristics;

They form in children ideas about the hygiene and aesthetics of physical exercises (posture, exemplary demonstration of physical exercises, conducting classes in sportswear and shoes, etc.);

Use funds physical culture for the education of moral

(moral-volitional) qualities of pupils;

Control physical activity outward signs fatigue;

Use the means of physical culture to form normal gender-role behavior in children;

Carry out hardening in the process of physical exercise;

Ensure the safety of children in the process of physical exercise;

Give children the first medical care in case of accidents;

Plan, conduct and analyze sports and recreation activities in the daily routine (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games between classes and on the street, invigorating gymnastics);

Inform parents about the level of physical condition of their children and success in motor activity.

The life of every child in a preschool educational institution is built on the basis of a thoughtful alternation of physical activity, different types and forms of activity.

Interactions educator with a medical worker of an educational institution.

Interaction educator and health worker sent on the:

control of the sanitary condition of the premises and the site kindergarten;

compliance with the sanitary regime as prescribed by the doctor, organizing events for hardening children;

ensuring the organization of recreational activities, compliance with the daily routine, the correct conduct of morning exercises, physical education and children's walks;

registration of those absent due to illness, isolation of sick children;

joint daily morning reception of children;

participation in pedagogical councils dedicated to the problem of physical development and health of children;

sanitary-educational work of parents;

adherence to the schedule for receiving food by the group;

maintaining time sheets for the nutrition of children in a group;

group catering.

Interactions educator with junior teacher educational institution.

In interactions educator with a junior educator takes place daily, throughout the day of the children's stay in kindergarten, in it included:

participation in planning and organizing the life of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the educator;

creation of conditions for social and psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils;

together with medical workers and under the guidance of an educator, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, their observance of the daily routine;

organization, taking into account the age of the pupils, their work on self-service, compliance with labor protection requirements, providing them with the necessary assistance;

participation in the work on the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits among pupils;

responsibility for their life and health of children;

dressing and undressing children, holding hardening events;

ensuring the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process;

compliance with the rules of labor protection and fire safety;

ensuring the protection of the lives of children, the preservation and strengthening of their health;

joint work with children;

interaction in work to improve efficiency educational process and to create a favorable emotional climate for pupils in the group during their stay in a preschool institution.

Summing up the above, I would like to note once again that the modern goals and objectives of preschool education cannot be realized by each participant. pedagogical process separately. All specialists should strive to have a unified approach to the upbringing of each child and a unified style of work in general. To ensure such unity in the work of all teachers and specialists need their close interaction.

1. Tasks and content of the interaction of the educator with the medical staff of the educational institution on children's health issues. The head, the educator, who, knowing the individual characteristics of each child, with an attentive attitude to him, can timely notice any deviation in his behavior and well-being and call the medical staff for diagnosis and isolation.

Persons entering work and working in catering units are required to undergo medical examinations and examinations in accordance with current regulatory documents. So, persons who are in direct contact with food, utensils, production tools and equipment must undergo hygienic training, pass an examination every 2 years according to the established program. The sanitary doctor has the right to suspend from work persons who do not know and do not follow the sanitary rules at work, until they pass the test according to the established program. Each employee must have a personal medical book, which records the results of all medical examinations and examinations, information about infectious diseases, hygiene training, certification.

Proper planning and operation of the premises, strict adherence to the daily regimen, rational nutrition of children with a sufficient introduction of vitamins into the menu, physical education and especially hardening, as well as good organization of general medical care and educational work increase resistance child's body to various harmful effects of the external environment, including pathogenic microbes.

An important measure in the system of combating infection in children's institutions is the proper organization of the reception of children.

Before being sent to a children's institution, the child should be carefully examined by a polyclinic doctor, examined for the bacteriocarrier of diphtheria and intestinal diseases. The doctor must find out if there are any infectious diseases in the house and apartment where the child lives, and clarify what infectious diseases he had previously had. The teacher should know this. Based on the data of the examination, the doctor issues an appropriate certificate. A certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station must be submitted to the children's institution stating that the child and those living in his neighborhood do not have contagious diseases.

The nurse examines newly adopted children, as well as a child who has returned after an illness, checks the availability of medical documentation and gives permission to accept him into the group. This child is then necessarily examined by a doctor. In the event of an infectious disease (such as whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, rubella), with the permission of the epidemic station, a quarantine group is organized from children who had contact with a sick child. Medical workers, as well as all personnel, ensure strict isolation of this group and careful observance of the anti-epidemic regime (dishes are treated and boiled separately, linen is soaked separately in disinfectant solutions). Once a week, medical workers examine children for pediculosis. The results of the inspection are recorded in a special journal. In case of detection of children affected by pediculosis, they are sent home (for sanitation).

After the disease, as well as the absence of more than 3 days, children are admitted to preschool only if there is a certificate from the local pediatrician indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease, and treatment.

More important is the sanitary control over the recruitment of personnel, especially in children's institutions of a closed type. Persons entering the work in the food blocks of children's institutions and for positions related to the direct service of children (caregivers) are subject to a full medical examination, a thorough questioning about past diseases; find out if there are infectious diseases at their place of residence. These persons should be examined for bacterial carriage (intestinal infections). If in the family of a person working in a preschool institution there are infectious diseases transmitted through third parties, he can come to work only after the isolation of the patient and complete chemical disinfection of the entire apartment.

Of great importance is the sanitary and educational work that is carried out with the attendants of children's institutions, with children, as well as with their parents.

WITH early age children should learn to always keep their body and clothes clean, to cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief or the back of their hand when coughing and sneezing, etc.

Mutual notification of children's and medical institutions (clinic, hospital, sanitary and epidemiological organization) about the presence of contagious patients and children who have been in contact with them is the most important means of preventing infection in nurseries and kindergartens. It should be ensured that parents immediately notify kindergarten workers about the illness of the child, family members and roommates. It is important to carefully record the incidence of infectious diseases in children and staff of child care institutions.

During the summer recreational work in the country, it is necessary to carry out a set of special preventive measures. Of great importance is the sanitary and hygienic condition of the place where the children's institution goes.

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I offer my colleagues my material on innovative activities in a correctional kindergarten.

The material is intended for speech therapists, defectologists, educators, medical workers preschool institutions.

The relevance of the problem of organization and content in a modern preschool institution is beyond doubt. Innovative processes are a pattern in the development of preschool education and refer to such changes in the work of an institution that are significant, accompanied by changes in the way of activity and style of thinking of its employees, introduces new stable elements (innovations) into the implementation environment that cause the system to transition from one state into another.

Preschool education is designed to provide the main foundation not only for development, but also to create the most favorable conditions for the formation of a healthy and harmoniously physically developed child.

The task of protecting and strengthening the health of children is one of the key tasks in the construction and development of the system of preschool education. It is specific for each preschool institution, since the contingent of children, the social conditions of families, the social infrastructure of the region, the ecological environment and medical care for the population and children in particular are specific.

You can talk about the quality of preschool education when it is present.

I made an attempt to comprehend the theory and practice of the existing system of education, training, correction of the development of children, as well as to determine ways to improve this system in a preschool educational institution of a compensating type.

The correctional and educational system in the conditions of a compensating type kindergarten offers joint activities of teachers in organizing correctional, educational, health-improving, medical events, in order to compensate for the defect of each child, enrich his social experience, familiarize him with a healthy lifestyle, develop his culture of communication, horizons tolerant behavior, i.e. interaction of specialists in the correctional and educational space of the preschool educational institution: a speech therapist, an educator and a medical unit.

Relationships in the work of a speech therapist teacher, educators and a health worker in the implementation of health-saving technologies with children with severe speech disorders

The constant growth in the number of children with deviant development puts forward the diagnostic, corrective and preventive activities of a preschool educational institution among the most significant and priority ones. The largest group - up to 60% of all children of preschool age - today are children with deviations in speech development.

Children with speech disorders need a systematic complex corrective action to be started as early as possible. The further education of the child at school depends on how purposefully, comprehensively and systematically the correctional work is carried out with preschoolers who have a general underdevelopment of speech.

At present, the educational process in MDOU is distinguished mainly by the “educational” orientation of correctional and pedagogical work, unduly increased attention to solving the problems of the primary school course, to the detriment of the tasks of speech, individual-personal development and upbringing of children.

Therefore, I began an active search for new, innovative forms of organization of speech therapy assistance preschoolers, and their experimental testing, along with the improvement of traditional forms of correctional speech work.

Firstly, I pay the main attention to the full formation and development of the personality of a child with speech disabilities in general.

Secondly, I believe that the effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical work is much higher if each child is corrected, having studied all his personal, speech, psychological characteristics, the structure of the speech defect, and the clinical diagnosis.

Thirdly, in children, more and more often, signs of a combined violation of speech and mental development, which force us to modify the usual forms, methods and content of correctional speech therapy work, to deal not only with the elimination of speech disorders proper, but also with overcoming shortcomings in the development of non-linguistic functions and processes.

Fourthly, I have clearly established a direct dependence on the continuity in the work of all participants in the correctional and educational process.

I believe that full-fledged correctional work cannot be carried out without purposeful, systematically planned, integrated work of the entire staff of the educational institution, without the conscious and interested involvement of parents in this process.

Work on the correction of systemic speech underdevelopment is not limited to the walls of a speech therapy room. Successful overcoming of a speech defect is possible only if an individual approach to the personality of each child as a whole and a close relationship and continuity in the work of the entire medical, psychological and pedagogical team (speech therapist, neuropathologist, educators, music director, medical unit of the kindergarten, psychologist of the children's consultation or the Center for Diagnostics and Counseling) and the unity of the requirements for children.

The relevance of the problem of correctional education and upbringing of children with disabilities speech development determined successful work all specialists of a preschool educational institution. The effectiveness of the activities of the preschool institution itself depends on what this work will be, forcing the search for new forms of this work.

Efficiency pedagogical activity the speech therapist teacher in work with other specialists will be fully represented if one of the most difficult problems is solved - interaction in working with the medical unit and the elimination of differences in the positions of the speech therapist teacher and medicine on the speech development of children.

The medical block in the kindergarten does its job well, and the speech therapist does its job, and at best, the interaction of these specialists is carried out when the child is referred to a neurologist.

Physicians often, as spontaneously, are removed from work on medical and correctional work, since they do not possess the necessary pedagogical knowledge and skills. In addition, a certain part of teachers - speech therapists underestimate the importance of close interaction in working with the medical unit of the kindergarten in corrective work.

The lack of systematic feedback makes it impossible for both of them to work effectively to eliminate speech pathology in preschool children, to be sufficiently informed about the nature of children's speech activity from all sides, both medical and pedagogical.

The conscious inclusion of the medical unit in the treatment and correction process jointly with the teacher-speech therapist can significantly increase the efficiency of work. Creating a single space for the child's speech development is impossible if the efforts of the speech therapist and physicians are carried out independently of each other and both parties remain ignorant of their plans and intentions.

The modern concept of preschool education laid the foundation for the reform of preschool education, which indicates that the interaction of all specialists in the preschool educational institution will give the full development of a child with speech disorders.

The practical experience of the work of the preschool educational institution allows us to conclude that in modern conditions it is necessary close interaction between medicine and a speech therapist teacher to solve the problems of speech development of children attending a compensatory kindergarten. Recognition of the priority of interaction between medicine and teachers in correction requires a different relationship between the medical unit of the kindergarten and the speech therapist, namely, cooperation, interaction and trust. This collaboration is becoming more and more in demand; teachers are looking for new points of interaction, forms of work with doctors; and medical personnel - to improve the pedagogical culture, as the basis for improvement for the full development of the child.

Involvement of the medical block in the correctional and educational process, interested participation in this activity is important not because the teacher-speech therapist wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of children in kindergarten.

Purpose: to provide various meaningful and structural options for the interaction of a speech therapist teacher and a medical unit in the process of corrective work with children of senior preschool age with speech disorders.

1. To study the features of interaction between a speech therapist teacher and a medical unit for correcting children's speech.
2. Involve the medical block to participate in the pedagogical process in conditions speech therapy group correctional preschool educational institution.
3. To supplement the visual and informational material for parents, aimed at the development of children's speech, through medical and corrective measures
4. Systematize the practical material that could be used by teachers and physicians in the implementation of work in the interaction of a speech therapist teacher and a medical unit in the process of corrective work with preschool children with speech disorders.

Goal Achievement Strategy

The pedagogical project "Health-saving technologies in a speech therapy group with the relationship in the work of a speech therapist teacher, a medical unit and educators" is designed for 1 year.

The project will be implemented in three stages: diagnostic, main and final.

Stage 1. Diagnostic - September
Stage 2. The main stage is October-April
Stage 3. Final stage-May (Appendix No. 3)

The work is organized in the following sections:

1. Correctional speech therapy work and correctional - educational work(speech therapist and educator, assistant educator):

  • development of general speech skills;
  • correction of sound pronunciation;
  • work on the syllabic structure of the word;
  • development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • formation of the grammatical structure of speech;
  • development of coherent speech;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • development of general motor skills.

2. Correction of the main mental processes (Teacher-speech therapist, educator, psychologist of the children's consultation or the Center for Diagnostics and Counseling, since there is no psychologist in our institution):

  • work of a psychologist on a neuropsychological program.

3. Correctional and health-improving work:

Relationship with a neuropathologist (speech therapist teacher, medical unit, educator, music director, children's consultation doctors);
- consultations of an otolaryngologist, orthodontist, surgeon;
- biofeedback (setting lower-diaphragmatic breathing);
- massage (probe);
- phytotherapy;
- aromatherapy;
- music therapy;
- art therapy.

For fruitful work on overcoming children's speech defects, it is necessary to properly distribute the duties of specialists. Many of the correctional tasks are solved by specialists together. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly define and delineate their functions in order to exclude the possibility of duplication.

Without a doubt, the leading role in the organization and conduct of correctional work belongs to the speech therapist teacher. I, as a specialist, know better the speech and psychological characteristics and capabilities of children with various speech pathologies, the degree of lag in speech development compared to the speech norm, the dynamics of correctional work, as well as the principles, methods and techniques for the formation of correct speech skills in children.

At the beginning school year at the meeting, I acquaint all participants in the correctional process with the results of the examination of children (all information about admitted children is entered in a special folder, i.e. a database of children is created); I draw their attention to the peculiarities of behavior, the nature of the children, determines the training program, explaining the goals, objectives of the program, methods for its implementation, the duration of the stages of correctional work, and the intended results. A plan of health improvement work is discussed jointly. (Appendix No. 4)

When determining the content of the work, I acquaint everyone with a long-term work plan, and throughout the school year I systematically inform about changes in the requirements for the speech development of children at different stages of education.

Specialists contribute to the development of all safe analyzers of children, thereby strengthening and expanding the compensatory capabilities of the child, carry out corrective work in various directions, depending on the tasks set by me in a certain period of study.

Educators carry out work preceding speech therapy classes on the accumulation, expansion, and activation of the vocabulary, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational base for the formation of speech skills. Also, educators reinforce educational material speech therapy classes. Together with educators, a long-term plan for the development of speech is drawn up, in which the relationship between the correctional tasks of a speech therapist and educators is clearly traced.

I work with teachers in the following ways:

  • Thematic teachers' councils, consultations for MDOU specialists;
  • Mini-pedagogical councils with the participation of teachers working in a group, which are devoted to the analysis of shortcomings in speech development and the choice of means of corrective action in relation to each pupil of the group;
  • Individual conversations and consultations with teachers, conducted on a routine basis;
  • Thematic consultations;
  • Individual consultations;
  • Round tables;
  • Creative living rooms;
  • Theoretical and practical workshops…

The contingent of preschoolers with OHP is presented mainly with children with residual manifestations of organic CNS damage. This causes them to often combine a persistent speech defect with various disorders, so overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech is a complex medical and pedagogical problem.

In cooperation with the pediatricians of the children's polyclinic, the psychoneurologist of the Central District Hospital, the following work is carried out: the nurse and I have the opportunity to view the child's medical record and collect information about the history, about his early speech and motor development, about his diseases up to a year and after a year. Such a direction of work as control by medical personnel is scientifically substantiated by the provision on the need for a comprehensive medical and pedagogical analysis of a speech disorder to determine its nature. Developmental disorders can occur due to various etiologies, and manifest themselves in various forms especially in the form of speech disorders. To correctly determine the pathogenesis and structure of a speech disorder, it is not enough only a pedagogical examination, it is necessary to involve data from clinical studies (conducted by doctors: a pediatric neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, an orthodontist, etc.) These data are of great importance for the development of a differentiated correctional and pedagogical impact and the choice of the necessary medical and pedagogical measures aimed at overcoming speech disorders.

The medical staff participates in clarifying the child's medical history, gives a referral for consultation and treatment with medical specialists, controls the timeliness of the prescribed treatment or preventive measures, and participates in the preparation of an individual educational route. We list the main necessary components of such a system:

Creation of conditions for the preservation and promotion of health, for the full physical development of children;
- medical control and prevention of morbidity;
- inclusion of health-improving and correctional-developing technologies in the pedagogical process;
- training of teachers in health-improving technologies and methods of corrective influence on the psychomotor development of the child;
- specially organized work on physical education:
- formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
- inclusion of family members of pupils in the process of physical development and rehabilitation of children.

Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, for the full physical development of children involves:

Providing conditions for the life and activities of children that meet sanitary and hygienic standards (appropriate furniture, lighting, air regime, quartzization of premises during periods of increased morbidity of children and epidemics, etc.);
- design of the protective and motor mode based on modern regulatory documents;
- provision of good nutrition, vitaminization;
- carrying out hardening activities;
- design of space and its equipment.

Medical control and prevention of morbidity:

Clinical examination and preventive examination is carried out by doctors of the children's polyclinic;
- current medical control and prevention of morbidity is carried out by a senior nurse (full-time unit), a pediatrician, and medical specialists: a psychiatrist, a neuropathologist, a physiotherapist (children's consultation specialists);
- Carrying out recreational activities and procedures.

Inclusion of health technologies in the pedagogical process:

Prevention of hypodynamia and provision of an optimal motor regimen (morning exercises, motor warm-ups, during classes);
- usage various kinds gymnastics for development and correction motor functions, relieving mental and muscle tension, preventing visual impairment. To solve these problems, articulatory, and finger gymnastics, motor warm-ups, relaxation exercises, awakening gymnastics;
- the formation in children of the initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, including the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, teaching some methods of self-massage;
- creation of psychologically comfortable conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child.

Medical workers are also involved in the correctional process. When the study of various topics is over, I invite medical workers to classes, where they talk about their profession, introduce children to medical instruments. We organize an excursion for children to the medical office for the purpose of familiarization, training and development, we cultivate respect for the medical professions. The publication of the newspaper “Healthy-ka” has been arranged in the group, in which information is provided in an accessible form for parents on the relationship between the work of the medical unit and the speech therapist teacher.

Also, in the framework of cooperation with the children's clinic, in the direction of the pediatricians of the district, the speech therapist of the children's clinic and the teacher-speech therapist of the MDOU, children with disabilities are examined to draw up documents for the medical expert commission (ITU) and further corrective assistance. The teacher-speech therapist, together with the doctors, sends the child for consultations to doctors who prescribe the necessary treatment. In the future, the medical unit monitors the terms of treatment and itself directs the child for repeated courses of treatment, if necessary, after consulting with the speech therapist teacher of the child. Together with me, medical workers at the beginning of the year spend medical examination children (Appendix No. 1), carry out work on the adaptation of children (Appendix No. 2), determine the load for each child, prescribe a general strengthening massage, prepare documents for the consultation.

In the middle and end of the school year, after corrective work, I conduct differential comprehensive diagnostics to track the dynamics of the child's development and highlight the leading deviations in the child's development. (Appendix No. 1)

If all the measures developed by specialists turned out to be ineffective, and the child continues to experience significant difficulties in learning and upbringing, then he needs diagnostic and advisory assistance, i.e. PMPK kindergarten. If this does not help, then in this case I send the child to the psychological and medical-pedagogical commissions, where the issue of the type of further education of the child is decided, recommendations are given to parents, teachers and a deadline is given for the implementation of the recommendations, i.e. the dynamics of the child's development is monitored.

The experience of our work: teachers and medical workers convinces that the individualization of corrective medical and pedagogical assistance has a positive effect on the entire course of speech, psychological development child, creates an opportunity to overcome these shortcomings. The effectiveness of this is evident. The number of children graduating with good speech to school is increasing.

The use of innovative activities in the work of a speech therapist and a medical unit helps a deeper (qualitative) correction, especially affecting the conditions associated with speech pathology. It is possible to effectively solve the problems facing professionals in a speech kindergarten only by including the influence of specialists in the process of correcting the main speech pathology.

Functions of specialists in the organization of the health-saving regime and the correctional educational process:

Teacher speech therapist

Providing a flexible, gentle regimen.
- Enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
- Formation of sound pronunciation using health technologies.
- Gymnastics articulatory, finger, breathing, for the eyes.
- Massage and self-massage of the tongue, face; physical education, relaxation exercises.
- Work with teachers and parents.


Providing a flexible health regimen.
- Monitoring the development of children.
- Corrective work.
- Use of health technologies.
- Working with parents and teachers.


Vaccination, vitaminization, medical care.
- Therapeutic and preventive measures,
-Individual restorative massage.
- Creation of conditions for the preservation and promotion of health, for the full physical development of children;
-Medical control and prevention of morbidity;
-Inclusion of health-improving and correctional-developing technologies in the pedagogical process;
-Education of teachers in health-improving technologies and methods of corrective influence on the psychomotor development of the child;
- Specially organized work on physical education:
- Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
-Inclusion of family members of pupils in the process of physical development and rehabilitation of children.

Expected results.

When implementing the project “Health-saving technologies in a speech therapy group with the relationship in the work of a speech therapist teacher, medical unit and educators”, we expect to get the following results: one of the most difficult problems will be solved - the problem of differences in the positions of teachers and the medical unit on overcoming children's speech disorders. The medical unit will no longer be excluded from participation in the correctional process to correct speech defects in children, because. acquire the necessary pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities. They will overcome certain difficulties in organizing interaction with a speech therapist teacher.

The conscious inclusion of the medical block in the correctional process jointly with the teacher-speech therapist will significantly increase the efficiency of joint work. There will be an understanding that the creation of a single speech space for the development of a child is possible under the condition of close cooperation between a speech therapist and the medical staff of a kindergarten for children with speech disorders.

The success of joint correctional and pedagogical work with children with severe speech disorders largely depends on the properly organized interaction of a speech therapist, educators, music director, medical workers and parents. Each of them, solving their own tasks, certain educational programs and the provisions on the preschool educational institution, should take part in the formation and consolidation of the correct speech skills in children, the development of the sensorimotor sphere, higher mental processes and health promotion.

I have developed documents that help to carry out the work of the medical unit and the speech therapist more fruitfully, but most importantly, aimed at overcoming speech deficiencies in children:

Table for identifying speech, psychological, medical problems in children according to the stages of the experiment. (Appendix No. 1)
- a table of activities to prepare children for admission to a preschool institution; ((Appendix No. 2)
- an action plan for the joint activities of all specialists of the preschool educational institution; (Appendix No. 3
- medical recommendations for the implementation of an individual approach to the child in a speech therapy group. (Appendix No. 4)
- schemes of interrelation of medical and pedagogical influence on the child. (Appendix No. 5)
- photo exhibition of the newspaper "Healthy-ka" and the relationship in work nurse and a speech therapist. (Appendix No. 6)
- a summary of a lesson on coherent speech with the invitation of a nurse. (Appendix No. 7)
- Questionnaire for parents (for collecting anamnestic information) for the joint activities of a speech therapist. (Appendix No. 8)

Appendix #1- Identified problems of children in the "Rainbow" group:

Photo exhibition of the relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a nurse. Collaboration with children's medical records:

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