
Pregnancy and childbirth in Poland: important nuances. How to give birth to a child in Poland for emigrants from Ukraine for free and how much do paid services cost in the absence of NFZ insurance? What if a Ukrainian woman gives birth in Poland

Pathology of the uterus

Life proceeds according to its own laws, and sooner or later, but almost every one of us will face the issue of having a child. Not only foreigners permanently residing in the country can give birth in Poland, but also those who want to use the services of European medical institutions. The conditions for them, of course, will be different: those who are officially employed in the Republic of Poland and have grounds for legal stay in the country can count on free childbirth, the rest - only on a paid basis.

A child of foreigners who was born on the territory of Poland cannot automatically acquire the citizenship of this country. In this order, citizenship is obtained by children whose parents do not belong to any country in the world. It also happens when children are orphans and there is no way to determine who their parents are. At the same time, children of foreigners, being born in Poland, acquire a wide range of advantages. These priorities include:

  1. A newborn has the right to receive a Steel Residence Card. To do this, the mother or father of the baby must be residents of the European Union or have a permanent residence permit in Poland.
  2. If the mother or father is a citizen of Poland, the newborn may acquire the same citizenship. Parents have the right to refuse in favor of the citizenship of the other parent.

In the absence of an official marriage between the parents, the procedure for recognizing the child as his father must be completed. In order to obtain citizenship for a child whose mother or father is Polish citizens, you need to contact the authorities that perform the functions of the registry office and submit the following papers:

  1. Statement. It comes in four versions. Must be completed in the national language of the country.
  2. Photo. They need to prepare 4 pieces.
  3. A document confirming the registration of one of the parents in the country.
  4. Duplicate of an identity document.

You must also have the original identification document with you.

Some Belarusians have already tried the option of having a child in Poland. Now we will not talk about those who moved to Poland for permanent residence, but about those who are only going to use the services of maternity hospitals. Pregnant women cross the state border of Poland without a queue. To do this, a border guard officer must present a certificate from a medical institution that contains information about pregnancy, or a medical card.

How is pregnancy and childbirth in Poland for foreigners

A woman has the right to personally choose, according to her criteria, a clinic for observation during pregnancy. This clinic will support pregnancy. You will need to visit the clinic in the usual manner, once or twice a month, depending on the duration of the pregnancy. In order to prepare for childbirth, many women attend a birth school. During the course, specialists will teach how to handle the baby. Registration and completion of these courses is not a requirement. Approximately attending the class will cost about 50 zł.

The mother-to-be can choose maternity hospital. When choosing, the financial situation of the family, the requirements for a medical institution play a role. For your safety and your child, it is recommended to choose a maternity hospital in advance. This is due to the fact that there may be questions about the appointment of the operation, the choice of anesthesia. Also, if the family wants to have a husband or other close person during childbirth, these issues should be discussed with the clinic management.

At the onset of the forty-first week of pregnancy, observation will be carried out in the maternity hospital. During this period, the woman will need to visit the clinic every two or three days. Before giving birth, a woman needs to set herself up for this process physically and mentally. It is also necessary to prepare things and accessories. These include things of a woman, clothes for a baby, documents.

Important! Ambulance crew medical care does not leave during contractions to pregnant women. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital in the maternity hospital in advance. Otherwise, relatives or friends can bring a woman in labor.

The service provided in Poland corresponds to the European level. Favorable conditions are created for women in the medical institution. A number of services include:

  • counseling on the first feeding of the child;
  • psychological help;
  • dietitian consultation;
  • personal gynecologist;
  • neonatologist services.

All clinics have new beds that transform into a comfortable place and position. The mother and baby room has a changing chest and a baby cot.

All medical equipment is required to be sterilized. Doctors have a high level of knowledge and therefore they are ready for any twists and turns during childbirth. They are assisted by high-tech equipment. All rooms are clean and comfortable. All conditions are aimed at maintaining the health of mother and child. If the mother feels unwell after the delivery, the maternity hospital nurse will take care of the child. In Poland, it is possible to give birth in water. During such childbirth, the correct water temperature is adhered to. Music is turned on to relax.

If the parents decide that the father will be present during the birth, he needs to go medical examination and get a health report. This also applies to other people whose presence is planned during the birth of the baby. Decree in Poland takes effect from the day the baby is born.

Paid childbirth for foreigners: the price of the issue

If you cannot count on free services, for example, you do not have a health insurance policy or you came to Poland only to give birth, then you will have to pay for all the services provided by the maternity hospital out of your own pocket. Poland is distinguished by a high level of development of medical services and, accordingly, not low prices for them. The cost of standard procedures strongly depends on the Voivodeship, for example, in small towns you can purchase a full package of services for PLN 2000-2500, in large cities the cost is much higher (about PLN 10 thousand). May be charged separately sum of money behind Additional services, procedures.

Can a foreigner give birth in Poland for free

Yes maybe. Foreigners officially employed in Poland have the right to use the services of free medicine, provided that at least one of the spouses has a health insurance policy (NFZ). Please note that the policy does not have to be with the woman in labor herself, the policy of her legal spouse is also suitable. For example, the husband is already officially employed in Poland, and his pregnant wife has not yet managed to find a job. In this case, a woman can legally use her husband's medical policy and not pay for childbirth.

To receive free medical care and free childbirth, you need to provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • documentary evidence of legal stay in the country;
  • medical card of the woman in labor;
  • medical documents containing information about the woman's health and the course of pregnancy;
  • PESEL;
  • NIP of the employer of the pregnant woman or her spouse.

The application must contain a request to appoint a maternity allowance.

Foreigners who go to Poland only to give birth to a child cannot count on free services.

How long can you legally stay in the country after the birth of a child

Polish legislation in the field of medicine establishes a minimum period during which a woman must stay in a maternity hospital after childbirth. This time is fifty hours. It is reserved for the observation of the baby. This period may be extended if additional procedures are required. Insurance payments do not always cover additional procedures. The cost of additional procedures is affected by a medical prescription.

Thus, we get that after a little more than 2 days, a young mother with a child can go home. If for some reason you decide to extend your stay in the country, this can be done by paying extra for a hospital room or by renting an apartment (hotel room). After registering a child at the consulate of his country, the baby receives a temporary passport for 1 month, during this time the baby must go to his homeland, otherwise the document will have to be issued again.

Extract and documents that will provide

In the absence of complications and concerns about the state of health of the mother and child, they are discharged. On the day of discharge, the mother of the child is issued the following papers:

  • baby's medical record;
  • act of release.

In certain cases, a woman is given an allowance. Next, parents need to choose a clinic to register the child and transfer information about the baby. The child should register there and hand over the documents. A pediatrician is chosen for the baby. medical worker clinics must visit the child in the first month of his life at least five times. Then every month you need to visit the clinic on your own. There are compulsory and optional vaccinations for the child. Vaccinations are given free of charge at the clinic, on a first-come, first-served basis. The same vaccinations parents have the right to do not in the state clinic. Approximately the cost of vaccination will be equal to two hundred and fifty zlotys.

Registration of the birth of a child: documents and cost

Registration of a child is carried out at the registry office (Urząd stanu cywilnego), including locality where the family lives. If the address of registration and the address of residence are different, you can submit documents to Uzhond at the place of residence, but in the future they will be redirected to Uzhond at the place of registration.

The registration procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Visit Urząd stanu cywilnego. The papers are sent to Uzhond by the maternity hospital, but the parents must personally pick up the certificate.
  2. Get a full extract (Wypis zupełny). Only if you have this document, you can register the baby at the consulate of your country, in our case, at the consulate of Belarus. The document is issued for a fee, the cost is 20 PLN.
  3. Make a sworn translation of the extract. The service is paid, it is made according to the established price list of the person who makes the transfer.
  4. Next, with an extract, passports and other documents, contact the consulate of your country, i.e. to the Consulate of Belarus.
  5. At the Consulate, parents must fill out an application, and it is considered that the registration of the little Belarusian is completed.

To return a child to Belarus, you will need a document proving his identity. The baby is issued a temporary passport, its validity period is one month. Such a document can be obtained from the Consulate. It is produced on a paid basis.

If the parents do not plan to return to Belarus, then you can apply for a child. The process of obtaining it for a baby is identical to the process for adults.

Attention! If the child's temporary identity document has expired and the Residence Card has not yet been received, the child's temporary passport must be renewed.

Acknowledgment of paternity in Poland

The procedure for recognizing paternity is resorted to when the mother and father are not officially married. To do this, you must notify the Voivodeship in writing. The man makes a confession and indicates himself as the father of the child. This recognition is made on the prescribed form. Both parents sign at the end of the document.

The procedure for recognizing a child is paid. The fee is PLN 9. You can pass it on the territory of Poland, as well as in your country in the official representative body of Poland (at the embassy or consulate). Documents proving the identity of the parents are attached to the completed declaration form. If there are documents confirming the status of the relationship, they are also attached.

Parents can go through the recognition process before the birth of the child and after the birth of the child. When a child is recognized before birth, a certificate of the woman's pregnancy is provided. When a child is recognized after birth, a Birth Certificate is provided.

Choosing a child's last name

When parents have the same surname chosen at marriage, the child is automatically assigned that surname. Both parents must agree to this. They can apply, but this is not required. If the parents have different surnames, it is recommended to submit an application and indicate the chosen surname in it. If the application is not received, the baby is assigned a double surname (mother and father). When a man and a woman are not officially married and, as a result, have undergone the procedure for recognizing paternity, the surname of the child in the documents indicates the name agreed between the parents. They may give the child the surname of one of their own, or a double surname consisting of the surname of the mother and father. In the absence of recognition of the child by his father, the baby will receive the name of the mother.

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Regardless of age social status and worldview, every woman dreams of a child. And every family dreams of a healthy baby and is ready to protect and protect him from the moment of conception. Therefore, any expectant mother is extremely excited about the issue of pregnancy and childbirth. The site offers to compare the process of pregnancy and childbirth in Poland and Belarus and find out where it is easier, easier and cheaper to become parents.

It’s worth starting with the fact that pregnancy and childbirth in both Poland and Belarus are free. The only condition is that in Poland you must have NFZ insurance. It can be your insurance, or your husband's insurance - it applies to all family members. Otherwise, in Poland you will have to give birth for a fee.

It is desirable to register in both countries up to 12 weeks. This is necessary for adequate monitoring of pregnancy and timely delivery of tests.

Unlike Belarusian women, Polish women can be observed in absolutely any clinic, without being tied to a residence permit. Moreover, you can choose a clinic in advance by visiting it on a special open day. On this day, you can personally walk around the wards and assess the conditions in which you will later be with the baby. In Belarus, you can give birth free of charge only in the clinic that is located at the place of registration. Moreover, in small towns, even if you have money, you are unlikely to have the opportunity to choose a maternity hospital, since there will be only one there.

After registration in both countries, pregnant women must pass a certain list of tests. Only in Polish clinics, unlike Belarusian ones, pregnant women do not have to stand for several hours waiting for their turn. Here everything is clear on time: both a doctor's appointment and blood donation. In addition, most clinics in Poland have a website where you can independently track the results of your tests online and get your doctor's comment on them.

Expectant mothers have to visit their doctor in Poland about once every three weeks. In Belarus, it depends on the gestational age. So, for example, after 30 weeks, your doctor may schedule you a weekly visit. Before each visit to the doctor, Belarusians take tests, so they come to the clinic two or three times a week.

At normal course pregnancy, pregnant women in both Poland and Belarus do ultrasound three times: at 12, 20 and 30 weeks, plus or minus a few days. True, most Belarusian women prefer to undergo ultrasound not in state clinics, but in private centers. The cost of the procedure is on average 30-40 USD. depending on the gestational age and the popularity of the medical center.

In Poland, great attention is paid to preparing for childbirth. Special free courses for expectant mothers are held at every maternity hospital. You can attend these classes with your husband. There you will be told how childbirth goes, how to prepare for it physically and mentally, how to eat right, care for a newborn, and much more. useful information. Belarusian expectant mothers attend only one or two compulsory classes free of charge. To take full-fledged childbirth preparation courses, you will have to pay a lot. In small towns there are no courses at all.

On sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth in Belarus, they leave at 30 weeks or approximately at the seventh month of pregnancy. In Poland, this can be done earlier. The decree in Poland begins on the day of birth, for Belarusian mothers - about two months after the birth of the baby. Prior to this, mothers are on sick leave.


There are just so many differences here. Many Belarusian women in labor remember their childbirth as something very scary and do not want to go through it again. And this is primarily due to the rigidity medical personnel and with the conditions in which you have to give birth. Especially in small towns. They rarely stand on ceremony with Belarusian women in labor, they are not calmed down and they are not morally supported during labor. Rather, on the contrary, they can make a remark if a woman moans loudly or screams in pain. After the birth of the child, it is applied to the mother's breast for several minutes and taken to the children's department. They bring the baby to the mother after a few hours, depending on the well-being of the woman in labor. In the chambers of Belarusian maternity hospitals, there are usually two or three women in labor with children. There are also paid wards, but there are so few of them that it is almost impossible to get there. In an ordinary ward, there are beds for mothers, bedside tables, cuvettes for babies and changing tables. The shower and toilet are shared for the whole floor, so sometimes you have to leave the baby in the ward, and stand in line for several minutes yourself. Pregnant women buy all hygiene products for caring for the baby and mother in advance. The expectant mother is given a whole list of what to bring to the hospital. The cost of collecting such a "disturbing suitcase" is approximately 30-40 USD.

In Poland, the opposite is true: all consumables for a woman in labor and newborns in Polish maternity hospitals are free (under insurance). You only need to take clothes for mom and baby with you. In any, even the smallest maternity hospital, you will find a cozy atmosphere and great attitude to patients. The service here is European. A very wide range of services has been created for expectant mothers. In addition to care directly during childbirth, they can also use the help of specialists: obstetricians who will help you behave correctly during the first feeding of the child, nutritionists, psychologists, rehabilitators and neonatologists who will take care of the child immediately after birth.

Provided with modern high-tech equipment, Polish doctors are ready for any situation during childbirth. At will, special, maximally safe painkillers are used, and yet the commitment of doctors to the natural course of childbirth is noticeable. In Poland, it is possible to choose new forms of childbirth, for example, in water. Also very popular here. partnership childbirth, when choosing which the future dad has the opportunity to be next to the woman in labor both during and after childbirth in the ward.

Polish postpartum rooms are equipped with everything necessary for the comfort of the mother and maintaining the health of the baby from the first hours. If a mother is not able to spend time with her baby for some time, then she can be sure that midwives will look after the newborn around the clock, because the main value here is taking care of your health.

After the birth of a child, Belarusian women, along with their babies, are discharged on the fifth day. The minimum required period of stay in a maternity hospital in Poland after the birth of a child is  50 hours. If the condition of mother and baby is in order and there is no reason to keep them longer, you can return home.

Well, the last difference between the birth of a child in Poland and Belarus is in the very process of leaving the maternity hospital. In Poland, this is a quiet family event without noise and fanfare. In Belarus, this is, at times, a real show with music and fireworks, entertaining outsiders rather than a woman who gave birth a few days ago and a very little man.

If there is at least one expectant mother on this resource who lives / plans to move to Poland and my experience about pregnancy here will be useful to her, I will be sincerely and immensely glad 🙂

When I first moved to Wroclaw (shortly before the move I found out that I was pregnant), I began to collect information literally bit by bit from various forums, articles and from the stories of work colleagues about what I should do, where to go, what to do next, etc. .d. And yet the full picture was formed only from personal experience. My husband and I both moved here on work visas, that is, the entire social. the package was provided to me (and continues to be provided) by my company. I will mention this right away, since I don’t know the nuances of obtaining insurance (public and private) through my husband.

Start over. As a rule, in addition to the compulsory social insurance (ZUS), under which you can receive free treatment in public hospitals, employers also issue commercial ones to employees - which cover a certain package of services in private clinics. A very popular insurance is Luxmed. I actually have it. The standard package covers all pregnancy management with all necessary tests. Unfortunately, I didn’t get it right away, like ZUS, but only a month after the move, so I had to pay for the first visits and tests (a lot 🙁). I had a period of about 8 weeks and I didn’t want to wait until insurance appeared to go for a consultation with a doctor. I will talk about how pregnancy is monitored in Luxmed.


So you've got an appointment. Try not to be late for the appointed time. Otherwise, you can simply skip it and then wait a long time until the doctor has a free window. All you need to take with you is your passport / residence card and, if you have one, take, just in case, the tests that were done during pregnancy outside Poland. Although they most likely will not be needed and you will still be sent to redo everything (it is unlikely that you have them in Polish or at least in English language). The doctor will give you a pregnancy card (they have their own forms), make an examination, make the first notes and give directions for subsequent tests. Registration for them can be done immediately at the reception. You will see the results of the analyzes and records for your subsequent visits on the aforementioned patient portal. If you do not like the doctor, you can easily change him at least for each new visit.

In general, I am satisfied with the service, although there were not very pleasant moments. Please note that sometimes there is a real hype for ultrasounds and appointments with a gynecologist (once visits to my doctor were booked 4 weeks in advance, I had to go to another one).

When there will be more late deadline, the question of the maternity hospital and maternity leave (for those who officially work) becomes.

Maternity hospital and childbirth

There are 5 of them in Wroclaw: 4 public and 1 private (MedFemina. By the way, I didn’t see any information about it on the forums and found out recently). We chose ours according to a simple principle - one was too far from us, otherwise there were not very good reviews from both my doctor in Luxmed and from friends We did not consider a private maternity hospital option - it was too expensive. You can find a review of the maternity hospital where I gave birth here - There are also answers to many additional questions in the comments 🙂


Every woman with a long-term work contract in Poland has the right to go to a paid maternity leave duration of 1 year, regardless of the period worked. Women who have officially worked in Poland for more than 6 months can then be in unpaid maternity leave for 2 more years. At the same time, they retain their ZUS insurance. If they have worked less than six months, then after a paid annual decree they must return to work or terminate their work contract.

Until the very birth, as a rule, working Poles do not use their maternity paid leave. In principle, from the moment you began to feel bad and get tired quickly, there are 2 options: 1) talk with the employer about reducing the working day without losing wages; 2) take sick leave. As practice has shown, from the 7th month it is not particularly problematic. Just come to the doctor, say that it’s hard for you and you need rest and ask for a sick leave. Of course, it is unlikely that they will give it to you immediately for a couple of months, but it is not a problem to come and extend it later. For pregnant women (unlike other mere mortals), sick leave is paid at a rate of 100%. It is necessary to go on official maternity leave upon the birth of a child, even if the sick leave is issued for another couple of weeks in advance. An interesting nuance is that in order to go on maternity leave, you need a birth certificate for the baby. For example, we received ours only three weeks later ... The good news is that the application can then be written retroactively).

Before you go to the employer to fill out this application, you and your husband must decide two points: the format of payments and who will be on maternity leave (yes, here part of the maternity leave can be taken over by the spouse. True, you are parallel to your maternity payments will not receive). IN paid maternity leave can be taken for a year. There are 2 payment options: 1) the first 6 months of the decree - 100% of the salary + 6 months of 60% of the salary, or 2) the whole year 80% of the salary monthly. In terms of money, the same amount comes out in the end. Here, everyone chooses for their own reasons.

I hope I have thrown some new information on the Internet on this issue. Most importantly, do not worry, you will definitely manage to figure it out 🙂

The birth of a child is a long-awaited and joyful event for every family. It is very important for future parents to be sure that the birth will go well, the baby will be born healthy and in a comfortable environment. For this reason, women often try to find specialists abroad, for example, in Poland. Foreign hospitals are equipped according to European standards, they employ responsible professionals who value their reputation, modern techniques and treat patients more humanely.

Let's find out why Ukrainian women trust doctors from Poland, weigh all the arguments and present them to expectant mothers.

Pregnancy in Poland

Having decided to bear and give birth in the Republic of Poland, Ukrainian women will not encounter anything unusual, but there are still certain nuances. First of all, you need to see a doctor before the 12th week, visit your gynecologist regularly, take tests, and undergo examinations.

You will have to do:

  • HIV test;
  • general examination of blood, urine;
  • a blood test for group and Rh (if it is negative, then also an antibody test);
  • cytology;
  • RV and blood test for hepatitis B;
  • measuring fasting sugar levels;
  • Ultrasound 3 times: at 11-14, 18-22 and 28-32 weeks;
  • glucose testing at 7 months.

Pregnancy in Poland is conducted by a doctor or just a midwife. She can take birth in their normal course. But it also happens that the specialist who observed the woman does not appear in the delivery room.

The nuances of pregnancy in Poland

  1. In Poland, gynecologists are mostly men. Not every district has maternity hospitals with female doctors. And where women work, there is a specialized queue, which should be signed up in advance.
  2. It is also advisable to pre-register for ultrasound and other scheduled tests so as not to stand in line.
  3. In modern Poland, the principle of linking patients to a polyclinic by registration is not relevant. It is not necessary to be observed by a district gynecologist at the nearest antenatal clinic. In addition, if you don’t like the doctor, you can change it 2 times for free.

Nutrition and preparation for childbirth

When carrying a child, it is important to eat right, consume all the necessary vitamins and minerals, maintain fluid balance, do breathing exercises that will help relieve pain during contractions, and prepare mentally and physically for the appearance of the baby.

Brochures with a sample menu for pregnant women are distributed free of charge in polyclinics. But visiting schools for future moms and dads is paid.

Such courses are organized at various foundations (“To give birth like a human being”, for example), maternity hospitals, and health centers. In class, you will learn everything about intrauterine development fetus, childbirth and rules for caring for the baby. Here future mother they will teach you breathing techniques, exercises, help you figure out which position is best for giving birth, and answer all your questions. Occasionally, patients are allowed to see the delivery room.

In the Republic of Poland, 99% of births take place in medical facilities. But if you decide to have a baby outside the hospital walls, you will be introduced to a doctor who will help in this process.

Costs for childbirth and additional procedures

For Ukrainian women, the issue price is on average 2000-6000 PLN (14-42 thousand UAH), which is expensive for many of our compatriots. In fact, the birth of a baby in Ukraine often costs almost more. If you count all the costs, the prices in Poland are actually not much higher than in domestic officially free maternity facilities. So, in a Polish clinic, a mother does not need to worry about purchasing the necessary medicines, disposable syringes, a navel clip, diapers - all these little things are included in the cost of staying at the clinic during childbirth and the next 2 days. The mother will be able to completely devote herself to taking care of the little one, communicating with him and restoring her own strength in a comfortable ward under the supervision of doctors. The husband and relatives will also not have to waste time going to pharmacies, but the most important thing is the safety of childbirth in Poland for the mother and baby.

Natural childbirth in the Republic of Poland costs from PLN 1820 - 2000, cesarean will cost more - from PLN 2500 for childbirth alone to PLN 4500 - 6000 (including KTG at 36 weeks, two days stay in an individual ward with a baby, information assistance from gynecologists, obstetricians, neonatologists after childbirth).

How to give birth in a Polish clinic for free?

All citizens of Poland have such an opportunity, who are guaranteed by the National Health Fund, financed from the state budget. He concludes an agreement with the maternity hospital, and the woman is released from the burden for free.

Different rules apply for foreigners: a Ukrainian woman who is waiting for a new addition to the family can be provided with obstetric services free of charge, but for this she needs to work in Poland, be insured (you can register with her husband’s insurance), have a document confirming the legality of stay in the Republic of Poland.

Package of documents for unpaid obstetrics:

  • Pole's card (pobytu);
  • analysis data;
  • medical papers related to the health of a woman and a baby;
  • Polish TIN Pesel (or its photocopy);
  • NIP (Employer Identification Number).

In addition to documentation, bring clothes for yourself and the little one to the hospital, clothes and personal hygiene products.

If you manage to give birth to an heir in Poland for free, you can try to issue a monthly child allowance 80% of salary.

Advantages of giving birth in Poland

  1. The country of churches has European service: maternity halls are equipped with comfortable transforming beds, a table for a baby, a place for a loved one. Postpartum individual chambers are also comfortable and renovated. They are equipped with everything necessary for the comfort of mother and child from the first hours of his birth. The little one is monitored 24 hours a day.
  2. Women in labor receive qualified care during the birth process, doctors are ready for any emergency turns of fate during childbirth. Their arsenal includes high-tech equipment, modern harmless anesthetics (although doctors advise giving birth without them).
  3. All medical equipment and instruments are sterilized several times, so that accidental infection is excluded.
  4. Obstetricians, infant specialists, gynecologists, nutritionists, psychologists and rehabilitation specialists are at the service of the patient. They will tell you how to breastfeed the baby, swaddle and dress him, as well as what to eat for mom, how to care for the intimate area after childbirth and answer many other questions that arise before and after the birth of a child.
  5. Polish maternity hospitals provide a woman with a choice of the form of childbirth. Here it is possible to give birth in water, where contractions are easier to tolerate (there is special equipment, doctors select the optimal temperature and even musical accompaniment for relaxation). Increasingly popular in Poland are partner births with the participation of a spouse, best friend, mothers. It is allowed to invite any loved one to the hospital. The main thing is that the woman in labor feels comfortable. For this purpose, it will not be superfluous to take an interpreter who will help you communicate fluently in Polish with doctors and medical staff.


Be prepared for the fact that in Polish free maternity wards, several women usually give birth at the same time, separated from each other only by screens. Discuss this point ahead of time. If possible, use a paid delivery room in private clinics.

Infant Registration and Citizenship Issue

Child, start your life path in Poland, becomes a citizen of the same country as his parents. If they are Ukrainians, then the baby will be registered as a Ukrainian.

A child can “inherit” Polish citizenship from mom or dad if one of them is a Polish citizen. A similar situation is also possible if the father and mother of a baby born in Poland are not identified or have renounced their citizenship.

Upon discharge, the newly-made mother will be given documents for registering the baby and the pediatrician:

  • a map of the development of the child for the upcoming registration with a pediatrician;
  • direction to Urząd stanu cywilnego (similar to our registry office) indicating the time and date of receipt of a document confirming the fact of birth.

“Birth on the back is convenient only for obstetricians and appeared in the 17th century, when men joined the process of childbirth. It is unnatural for a woman and a child, ”a Warsaw physiotherapist began a meeting at a childbirth preparation school. / photo is for illustrative purposes

Why I chose childbirth in Poland

In Belarus, I was afraid to give birth. I know that many people happily give birth to healthy babies in the Republic of Belarus, but the experience of my friends is quite traumatic. Therefore, pregnancy planning included the choice of a country for childbirth. Ultimately, the choice was between Lithuania and Poland. And by coincidence, we settled on Warsaw.

Observation of pregnancy

In Poland, you need to register up to 10 weeks. In the case of a state clinic, the first visit may happen later: the main complaint about medicine here is the queues. Usually, after registration, pregnant women do not have problems.

It was more convenient for me to visit a private clinic. Insurance pays for itself (300 zł per month - 173 BYN), taking into account the average cost of a visit of 160-180 zł (about 100 BYN). The bonus of a paid clinic is that most doctors are bilingual, and my gynecologist generally speaks four. In addition, in the mobile application, you can quickly ask questions to the doctor, see the results of tests with a commentary from a specialist.

The visit to the gynecologist was very comfortable. Throughout the pregnancy, we met monthly. Plus four ultrasounds: up to 10 weeks, then at intervals of 11-14, 18-22 weeks and closer to the planned date of birth. The sex of the child on ultrasound is said at will. Ultrasound was done by specialized specialists in a separate room. Although the gynecologist also has an apparatus, she looked at the condition of the waters only before she was sent to the maternity hospital.

In the case of a normal course of pregnancy, after the first visit, blood is extensively examined (morphology, general analysis, hormones), then only the minimum set needs to be taken: blood and urine monthly, once glucose, and TSH control. Separately, with the consent of the mother, blood is taken for a non-invasive genetic study of the fetus. The doctor clearly indicated that I agree in case of deviations found for intrauterine intervention. The results of such tests, as well as those for HIV and hepatitis, are received in a sealed envelope directly from the laboratory.

What pleased me was the concern for my emotional state. The doctor practically does not do examinations if there are no complaints and the tests are normal, so as not to disturb the pregnant woman and the child. But when I complained about my health and mood, I received a referral to an endocrinologist and a psychiatrist to rule out both hormonal disorders and possible depression.

In general, the doctor recommended an active lifestyle, allowed cycling, swimming, sports, sauna. She asked to exclude only strength training and a jacuzzi. Here I realized that pregnancy is not a disease, you just need to take a balanced approach to stress and monitor your well-being.

School for expectant mothers

Preparing for childbirth. Courses

At 6-8 months of pregnancy, you can attend childbirth preparation courses. Usually they are paid, one lesson costs 50-60 zlotys (about 30 Belarusian rubles) and the number of lessons is from 2 to 6. The doctor recommended choosing courses in the maternity hospital where the birth was planned. This is a good opportunity to get to know the staff and see if it's comfortable there. But even without courses, all maternity hospitals have open days, you can look around and ask questions.

The birth preparation courses, or rather, in the literal translation from Polish, the school of birth, turned out to be very useful. There were 5 meetings, each of two blocks: with a physiotherapist and with specialized specialists (psychologist, obstetricians, nurse, administrator).

The physiotherapist led practical classes, we trained with her the following points: how to relieve a woman's condition during pregnancy; How can a partner help? all kinds of exercises to keep yourself in shape; massage the perineum to reduce the chance of tears; then different physiological ways to relieve pain in childbirth, partner's help in this and, finally, the main stages of body recovery after childbirth. The physical therapist emphasized natural childbirth and its benefits for mother and baby.

The psychologist talked about the mutual support of partners, especially in the first months of a new life. By the way, in the courses all the women were with their husbands. Separately, the psychologist explained the difference between baby blues, normal emotional state women after childbirth, and postpartum depression.

Obstetricians spoke about the physiology and stages of childbirth, about postpartum rehabilitation. They emphasized that a woman should rest and recover, and not chase the press cubes, like Instagram moms do. The reality is that the body changed for 9 months, and about the same time it will take to return to its previous form.

The obstetricians also spoke about breastfeeding, postures for it, breast care (again, emphasizing the importance and usefulness of breastfeeding).

The nurse showed the main stages of caring for a newborn. On dolls close in weight and size to real newborns, future parents trained to feed, handle the umbilical cord, bathe and swaddle.

Separately, it is worth noting the lecture of a nutritionist, who dispelled many myths about what should not be pregnant and lactating. In particular, she said that there is no data on the relationship between colic and mother's nutrition, that one should not completely exclude allergenic foods from food and, moreover, sit down after childbirth on mono-diets without indications. The doctor also asked the pregnant women not to eat for two, but to eat in a balanced way and often in recent months.

  • Maintain an active lifestyle during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Eat as varied and balanced as possible. Drink plenty of clean water.
  • At the end of pregnancy, eat a variety of vegetables - children feel the taste amniotic fluid, it will be easier to introduce complementary foods.
  • The beginning of childbirth with a normal discharge of water is better to spend at home in a comfortable environment: sleep, take a shower, eat heartily.
  • In childbirth, choose a comfortable position, making maximum use of gravity.
  • Have everything with you in the maternity hospital that makes you feel comfortable: music, essential oils, etc. Do not forget to drink constantly.
  • After childbirth, shift all household responsibilities to loved ones, and the mother recovers, establishes feeding and communication with the child. Until 6 months, it is recommended to breastfeed only, do not supplement and do not introduce complementary foods.
  • You can bathe and walk as soon as you are discharged, if it is comfortable for the parents themselves.
  • Separately, they showed Shantali massage to establish psychological intimacy with the child and relaxation.

birth chamber

Before childbirth

After choosing a maternity hospital, you can pre-select and sign an agreement with a specific midwife. You can call her, consult, and, most importantly, she will come to your birth, even if she is not on duty today. The price for such a service, depending on the maternity hospital, is PLN 800-1200 (from 500 to 700 Belarusian rubles).

The birth itself in public clinics is free, while in private ones the price starts from 2,000 zlotys (1,150 Belarusian rubles), there is no ceiling, because you can come up with many additional services.

We chose the state maternity hospital because it has an excellent service level rating in Poland and we liked the staff. But they did not conclude an agreement with a midwife in order to be more mobile in case of unforeseen circumstances.

It is also advisable to come to the maternity hospital with a ready-made birth plan (each maternity hospital has its own questionnaire). In the document, you indicate whether you are ready for anesthesia, whether you will be with a partner and the main wishes for childbirth. A separate item is whether you allow student interns to be present at the birth.

And there is one more nuance for a woman giving birth in Poland: a taxi driver has the right to refuse transportation, and calling an ambulance without special need (in fact, a threat to life) is fraught with a fine. Well, the ambulance will definitely be lucky not to the chosen maternity hospital, but to the nearest one.


In the admission department, you need to give the necessary papers: a pregnancy card, test results and a birth plan. Clothes for a woman in labor and a newborn should be with you, each maternity hospital has a list of necessary things on the website. But in fact, everything is in the hospital or you can buy it in the store in the lobby of the clinic. There you can also rent a device to reduce pain during contractions.

After examination and health questions, the woman in labor is taken to the delivery room. In the hall there is an armchair with many positions and a connected CTG apparatus, a fitball, a shower, in some maternity hospitals there are baths. Entrance door separated by a partition so that the incoming doctor or obstetrician does not violate privacy.

I was very lucky with the obstetrician: he professionally and carefully helped my son to be born. He came in regularly to check on his condition, answer questions, and offer physiological options for pain relief. Of the medication, he offered only laughing gas, I refused epidural anesthesia.

In general, you can arrange for yourself a really comfortable birth: many come with essential oils and favorite music (the physiotherapist recommended taking two types of music - relaxing for contractions and familiar with physical exertion for attempts). Only candles for safety reasons are not allowed.

The partner is allowed to be present all the time, he is advised to have a snack, water and comfortable clothes for himself, no shoe covers and other nonsense. You can be present at childbirth and during cesarean, this is a paid service (the price is 200 zlotys (about 115 Belarusian rubles), and, of course, the partner is given the necessary sterile clothing. After the birth of the child, the partner can cut the umbilical cord.

After childbirth

Like the birth itself, they try to make the postpartum period as natural as possible. The child is lightly wiped and given to the mother for 2 hours. If a woman needs hospitalization or after a cesarean, the child is placed on the father's chest for this time. Only after 2 hours is it allowed to weigh and measure the child in front of the parents. Then the mother and the child are transported to the ward and are not separated all the time they are in the maternity hospital.

Free wards in our maternity hospital in blocks are designed for three women in labor, single and double rooms, with a shared shower and changing table. The beds are adjustable to a sitting or lying position. The spouse can be in the ward from 8 to 20.00.

The ward where the mother and baby are

Paid ward (price PLN 400 per day (230 BYR) single, with its own shower room, separate changing table, scales, and most importantly, a bed for a partner (spouses can spend together around the clock). In the paid ward, food is also brought to the two. By the way, food is the only unpleasant memory of the maternity hospital, they fed disgustingly there. For example, they served a loaf, margarine and sausage for dinner, and at 16.00, after nothing. snacks such as snacks and hot dogs.

In fact, after giving birth, the mother is left alone with the baby. Of course, you can contact the staff with questions, but there is no overprotection and strict rules.

In the maternity hospital, hearing is checked, blood is taken for genetic diseases and an injection of vitamin K is given. If desired, you can refuse the first two vaccinations, against hepatitis B and tuberculosis, or choose paid analogues.

If necessary, you can contact a consultant for breastfeeding or go to lectures by specialized specialists, which take place every day in the lobby of the maternity hospital. You can also agree on paid services: recovery after childbirth with a physiotherapist for the mother or rehabilitation sessions for the baby in case of birth injuries.

If the mother and child are healthy, they are discharged after 50 hours: I gave birth on Sunday, and on Tuesday I was already at home. With two lists of recommendations on what to do for a newborn up to 6 weeks, and for mom.

Finally, the elderly midwife said that she used to come to the maternity hospital and hear the baby crying, and now even inside there is silence. Because babies are no longer separated from their mothers.