
Plasticineography in the senior group on the theme of spring. Plan - abstract Modeling lessons (plasticineography) Topic: “Spring landscape. Spring crafts papier-mâché "Easter egg"


Elena Nesteryuk
Lesson on fine arts in the technique of plasticineography "Spring Tree"

Synopsis on fine arts activities in the technique of plasticineography« spring tree» second junior group

Target: Teaching children to draw spring leaves in the technique of plasticineography.

Educational: Cultivate respect for nature, notice the beauty spring nature, arouse the desire to preserve its beauty in work.

Educational: Expand children's knowledge about the features of change trees in spring. Introduce a new way of obtaining an image, teach children to pinch off small pieces on their own plasticine from a large piece and roll up small balls, applying to tree, twigs to press down plasticine finger.

Educational: Develop children's creativity, fine motor skills, imagination, thinking, memory, attention.

Preliminary work. Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten, observation of trees. A conversation about observations on a walk for different trees. Conducting didactic games: "From what tree leaf» , "When It Happens".

materials: plasticine Green colour , drawn tree on paper, stand for plasticine.

Course progress.

Guys, what time of year is it? (Spring)

What changes have occurred in nature with the advent of spring?

(On the trees green leaves appeared, grass grew on the ground, birds fly high.)

kidneys swell,

leaves break through,

Ants start

Fix your palaces. G. Ladonshchikov

I show the children a branch with leaves.

What color are the leaves?

Are the leaves big or small?

Guys, we will now turn into beautiful trees.


“The wind blows in our face, we wave our hands in the face

swayed small tree. - swing with raised arms to the sides

The breeze is quieter, quieter - we smoothly lower our hands down

the tree is getting taller, above." - we stretch on toes up.

Guys, I have a drawing wood, but it is completely without buds and leaves. It's spring now, what's missing tree? (leaves) And now let's make leaves on plasticine wood and we'll have a whole forest. (children's answers)

I take green first. plasticine and I pinch off a small, small piece of it. I roll between my fingers. I put the resulting ball on the branches tree, I press on the rolled ball with my finger and get a leaf.

Take your seats at the tables.

Outcome: Guys, you quickly completed the task, well done! Let's see how wonderful we have a spring forest. But real trees grow slowly so they need to be protected. Gotta protect trees, take care of them, and in the spring, together with their parents, plant young saplings!

Setting up an exhibition of works.

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1. Arouse interest in the awakening spring nature, introduce spring changes, give ideas about primroses.

2. Continue to introduce children to non-traditional technique images - plasticineography, to learn how to create an expressive image through the transfer of volume and color.

3. To consolidate the skills and abilities of children in working with plasticine - rolling, flattening, smearing the material used on the base, smoothing the finished surfaces.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Lesson material:

Thick cardboard of orange (pink) color, size - 15x20 cm;

A set of plasticine;

Board for modeling;

Wet wipe for hands;

Illustration depicting snowdrops.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational part

Vos-l: In early spring, in open places, on thawed patches, where the snow has melted, the first flowers appear. Try to guess what they are called.

First out of the dungeon

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of frost

Even though it's small.

Children. This is a snowdrop.

Sun: Right. Does anyone of you know why it's called that?

Children. A snowdrop appears from under the snow; it blooms when there is still a lot of snow; because it's white as snow...

Teacher. Now listen to the tale of the snowdrop and you will find out why it is called that.

The winter wind was howling, and the house was warm and cozy. A flower was hiding in this house. He took refuge in his bulb under the ground and snow. Then the rain fell. The drops broke through the snow cover and pounded on the flower bulb. They talked about the bright earthly world, and after them a gentle and persistent sunbeam broke through the snow and warmed the bulb.

Who's there? Sign in! - said the flower.

I can not! Sunbeam said. - I can't open the door.

Wait until the summer, then I will gain strength.

And when will summer be? - asked the flower and repeated this question every time a new sunbeam made its way under the ground. But the summer time was still far away, snow lay everywhere, and every night the water twitched with ice.

How tired I am of this! - said the flower. - The whole body is aching! I must stretch, straighten up and go free, I must bow to the summer and wish it good morning. Ah, what happiness it will be!

The flower stood up, stretched and leaned on its shell. He rushed up, carrying a pale green bud on a green stem, carefully covered with narrow dense leaves, and found himself in the snow. The snow was cold, but it was much easier to break through it, and the sun's rays were very close now, as close as ever. They rang and sang:

Welcome! Welcome!

And the flower rose to meet the bright sunny world.

The rays stroked and kissed him so tenderly that he opened up completely. He stood white as snow, adorned with green stripes, bowing his head in embarrassment and joy.

Beautiful flower! sang the rays of the sun. - How tender and fresh you are!

You're the first! You're the one! Our favorite! You bring to cities and towns the news of summer, of a warm summer...

He was so happy... He stood in a white and green outfit and praised the summer. But summer was still far away, the clouds covered the sun, and a sharp cold wind blew.

You showed up early! - said Bad weather and Wind. - We'll show our strength! You still know us! I would sit better at home and did not jump out into the street to flaunt outfits. Your time has not come yet!

And the cold came again. Gloomy days dragged on without a single ray of sunshine. The weather was such that it was time for a small flower to freeze through. But he himself did not know how strong he was: he was strengthened by cheerfulness and faith that summer would come anyway ... and so he stood, full of love, faith and hope, in a white outfit on white snow, and bowed his head when snowflakes were falling thickly and icy winds were blowing.

You will break, they said. - You'll freeze, you'll dry up! What are you looking for here? Why trust the sunbeam? He deceived you. And serve you right, fool. Oh, you, the herald of summer!

Madman! - repeated the flower, when the frosty morning came.

Summer Herald! - the children who ran into the garden were delighted. -

Admire how glorious, how beautiful, the very first, the only one!

And from these words the flower became as good as from warm sun rays... (From the fairy tale "Snowdrop" by Mr. Andersen.)

Vos-l: Now you know why it is called a snowdrop - it begins to grow under the snow and appears in early spring, it is not afraid of cold, frost, or strong wind. That's how hot he is! It is also called the herald of spring. Whoever sees blue or white snowdrop flowers understands that spring has come! And in the summer, the snowdrop will again hide in its onion, which is in the ground, it will rest in it and gain strength in order to overwinter the winter and wake up early in early spring.

Physical education "Spring has come":

Spring, spring! Spring came!

Brought warmth on the wings.

And here in the sun

With a proud head up

Blooming blue snowdrop.

He is all fluffy, silver,

The little one stands in the sun.

He is a reliable messenger of spring,

He is not afraid of the cold.

Other flowers will follow him,

He is the firstborn among flowers.

Clap your hands.

Short flapping arms. Walking.

Raise your chin up. Hands to the side.


Body tilts.

Turns left and right.

Vos-l: Delicate snowdrop flowers, similar to bells, attract the attention of all who see them. People collect primroses in bouquets, not thinking that they will quickly wither in captivity, because without their onion, the underground pantry that feeds them, the flowers will not live long. Therefore, in order not to destroy nature, you can photograph flowers, draw or make a stucco picture with their image.

2. Practical part

1. Stems. At the beginning of work, roll up three thin long sausages from green plasticine and fix them on the base, outlining the future composition (the stems can be located straight, they can be of different heights, with an inclined top).

2. Leaves. The leaves of the snowdrop are of two types: large, elongated, located at the base of the stems, and small - at the top of the stem.

Large leaves. Roll up a long thick green sausage, divide it into three parts with a stack, flatten each one with your fingers, sharpen on both sides, then place the leaves at the bottom of the stems, flatten, fix on the base.

Small leaves. They are performed according to the same principle as large leaves, only smaller. Place the finished leaves at the top of the stems and press lightly against the base, without flattening them much.

3. Flowers. First, roll up a pea from green plasticine and flatten it at the end of the upper part of the stem; you get the part of the plant called the sepal that connects the flower and the stem.

Next, proceed to the manufacture of snowdrop petals: roll up a white (blue) sausage, divide it into a stack into three equal parts, sharpen each one from the ends, like the leaves. Lay out the flower from the finished petals as follows: connect the two petals with the tips at the sepals, and tilt the upper tips to the right and left, place the third petal between the first two in the center and lightly press against the base, without flattening it much. Similarly, depict other snowdrops.

Warm-up for fingers "Flower":

A tall flower grew in a clearing,

Opened the petals on a spring morning. To all the petals, beauty and nutrition are amicably given underground roots.

Hands upright, palms pressed together, rounded fingers. Spread your fingers apart. Rhythmic movement of the fingers together and apart. Put your palms on the table with the back side, spread your fingers.

3. Summary of the lesson

Teacher. Now snowdrops will delight us all year round. And you can not only talk about the flowers that are the first to appear after a long winter, but also show how they look in your pictures.


The sun of the Christmas tree warmed

Pines and fallen trees,

Bravely went out into the clearing

First snowdrops.

Straightened up, blossomed

Nice days of spring

Children of the gentle earth

Similar to guys.

They stand on the thaw

Swinging in the wind

Like stars are burning

Abstract of the lesson on modeling (plasticineography)
Theme: “Spring landscape”

(Senior group)

Topic: "Spring landscape" (educational area "Artistically - aesthetic development” in integration with the educational area “Speech development”.

Target: creation of a spring landscape in the technique of plasticineography.


Tutorials: to teach how to make a background from plasticine on a plastic or cardboard base and a composition from plasticine on a flat basis using waste material.

Educational : to develop an aesthetic perception of the natural world; develop a sense of composition, the ability to harmoniously place an image on the surface of the base.

Educational: to cultivate love for creativity, goodwill, responsiveness, purposefulness; to form a positive emotional mood, interest and self-confidence.

Lesson progress

The guys in our group received a letter from the artist today. The artist received an order to depict a landscape. But the artist has a problem: he has run out of paints and pencils, and he does not know what to do.

Look at the tables, do we have paints or pencils?

And we don't. How can we help an artist?

Oh guys, I know very interesting technique, which is called plasticineography (drawing with plasticine). Guys, do we have plasticine?

- Can we help the artist?

- In order to find out what landscape the artist needs to draw, we need to guess the riddle: The snowstorm has calmed down, the winds have stopped,

The spruce needles are a little shiny.

And Santa Claus sits in a sleigh,

It's time for him to say goodbye to us.

To replace him, majestically

There is only one beauty.

You know a lot about her

The name of the beauty is ... (Spring)

- Of course guys, it's spring. What are the signs of spring?

Children: Everything comes to life, the snow melts, the sun shines, birds fly in, grass begins to break through and the first flowers appear.

- Well done boys. I suggest you go to the tables and help the artist complete the order.

- Guys, there is a sheet in front of you, place it horizontally. We begin the creation of a spring landscape from the background of the work. Guys, how are we going to draw a landscape? We will draw with plasticine, like with crayons.

- We need to cover the upper part of the sheet with blue sky plasticine, and lower part in two layers: the first layer is brown, and the second is green - earth

- We take a piece of blue plasticine and draw straight lines from right to left. And so we paint over the entire upper part.

Then we take a piece of green plasticine and draw straight lines from right to left.

And so we paint over the entire lower part. Look closely at the sample.

Then, with a finger, it is necessary to smooth out the formed lumps of plasticine, to even out the background.

- In order to find out what objects will be in our landscape, the artist has prepared riddles for you. Ready to guess? So, 1 riddle: White sheep

They don't sit on the stove.

And sail from afar

Cumulus clouds)

Well done guys, we will perform clouds in the form of a snail.

We take a piece of plasticine, put it on the board and roll out a long sausage. And now we twist the sausage with a snail. Like this.

Well done boys. We place the cloud in the sky and flatten it with the index and middle fingers. Here we have a cloud.

- Ready to guess the next object?

Listen carefully to the riddle:Not high, not low

Not far, not close.

Floats in the sky Shar-

Hot like a fire. (Sun)

Of course it's the sun.

What color will we draw the sun? (yellow)

We take a piece of plasticine and roll it between the palms in a circular motion. We make a ball. Then we apply it to the cardboard and press it with our fingers so that such a cake is obtained.

Guys, what is missing from our sun? (Luchikov)

We draw small rays along the edges of the sun with our index finger.

And in order for our sun to be beautiful, we will make incisions with a stack at each ray.

- I have the following riddle for you: High and green

She will be beveled

Sheep, goats and cows

There is always her ready. (Grass)

Our landscape lacks young green grass.

What color do we need plasticine to depict grass? (in green)

That's right guys. We take a piece of green plasticine and pinch off 4 pieces the size of a pea. Roll out small sausages. It will be weed

We place 2 blades of grass in the foreground (closer to us). And the rest in the background (closer to the horizon). Now spread each sausage with your thumb up.

- Well, what is spring without the first spring flowers.

And to guess what flowers we will draw, a riddle will help us:

With a soft white head

Straight from under the snowdrifts

comes into being,

Little flower! (Snowdrop)

- Well done boys. When spring comes, snowdrops break through the grass and reach for the sun.

Since the snowdrops have just begun to break through the grass, we can see small snowdrop buds with you

We will make a bud from 3 pumpkin seeds.

We take the first seed and place it in the grass. And so we place snowdrops in each blade of grass.

Here we have such a beautiful landscape.

- Guys, take your work and go out on the carpet.

Tell me what did we do today?

What time of year is the landscape?

What methods were used?

Did you complete the task?

Well done boys. You did a good job, neat and most importantly beautiful.

Now I suggest you organize an exhibition, for this, come to the dressing room, and I will fix your work on the stand.

Irina Kolotsey
Abstract educational activities on plasticineography "My spring"

Abstract drawing lessons (plasticineography)

Topic: "Our Spring»

(Senior group)

Tasks: continue to introduce children to non-traditional technology images - plasticineography, the ability to create expressive image through the transfer of volume and color; develop an aesthetic perception of the natural world; develop a sense of composition, the ability to harmoniously place image on the surface of the base; to consolidate the skills and abilities of children in working with plasticine - rolling, flattening, smearing the material used on the base, smoothing the finished surfaces; to cultivate love for creativity, goodwill, responsiveness, purposefulness; to form a positive emotional mood, interest and self-confidence.

Lesson progress

Guys guess the riddle. Listen carefully….

The blizzard subsided, the winds fell silent,

The spruce needles are a little shiny.

And Santa Claus sits in a sleigh,

It's time for him to say goodbye to us.

To replace him, majestically

There is only one beauty.

You know a lot about her

The name of the beauty (Spring)

Of course guys this Spring. Tell me what are the signs spring you know?

How sweet and tender word - Spring! Spring brings to all the joy of life, the joy of creativity, activities! This feeling embraces all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write pictures. Now I will read poetry about spring, and you listen carefully and think about what Spring will be in your pictures.

The sun will smile on you and me

And the snow will cry blue!

Boats will float in the stream.

And the grass is green - right there!

O. Teplyakova

On the trees - You look -

Where the kidneys were

Like green lights lights

Leaves flared up.

T. Dmitriev

If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream is ringing,

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the wind gets warmer

So, she came to us Spring.

E. Karganova

Did you like the verses?

Today I invite you to draw spring....

Look at the tables, do we have paints or pencils?

How are we going to draw?

Oh guys, I know a very interesting technique called plasticineography(drawing plasticine) .

Guys, we have plasticine?

I suggest you go to the tables and try to draw plasticine.

Guys, there is a sheet in front of you, place it horizontally.

I suggest you cover the top of the sheet with blue plasticine - sky, and then you think and do it yourself. (to the sounds of a drop and the spring singing of birds, children draw spring).

Here we have such a beautiful landscape.

Guys, take your work and go out on the carpet.

Tell me what did we do today?

What time of year is the landscape?

What methods were used?

Did you complete the task?

Well done boys. You did a good job, neat and most importantly beautiful.

Now I suggest you organize an exhibition, for this, come to the dressing room, and I will fix your work on the stand.

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