
Colloidal silver formula. Indications for the use of colloidal silver


Colloidal silver is a commercially available product containing microscopic particles of pure silver. Typically, these particles are found in demineralized water or other liquid.

Colloidal silver is often marketed as a bactericidal and external wound care agent. Some argue that it helps you heal faster from colds and other illnesses, and even treats cancer or HIV.

But does colloidal silver really boost the immune system? Is it safe for daily use? If you decide to use colloidal silver, then be sure to read on.

Colloidal silver is a popular product in holistic medicine. However, in 1999 () (and then 10 years later), the FDA issued a press release stating that there was no definitive proof of the benefits of colloidal silver. Moreover, the results of some studies even indicate a certain risk associated with the use of this substance.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) warns () that taking colloidal silver is risky in the long term. In addition, this product will not improve immunity or promote recovery.

Clinical trials of colloidal silver and “negatively charged silver nanoparticles” () are still ongoing. It is possible that the medical community will change its mind at some point.

Risks and complications associated with taking colloidal silver

Argyrosis is an irreversible condition. Argyrosis itself is not dangerous; from a medical point of view, it is considered "benign". Of course, changes in skin pigmentation are not the most desirable side effect. Colloidal silver also interferes with the absorption of certain medications, including antibiotics and medications for treating thyroid deficiency. ()

If you are taking antibiotics for bacterial infections, colloidal silver can significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment. In other words, taking silver will make you sick even longer.

Pregnant and lactating women who decide to try colloidal silver as an alternative to medicines for the flu and colds should keep in mind that there is not a single trial of this drug proving its safety for the development of the child. If its safety is not proven, then it cannot be recommended.

The benefits of colloidal silver

Silver-based topical ointments have several benefits. The claimed beneficial properties of colloidal silver include:

  • antimicrobial properties
  • help with the healing of cuts and wounds on the skin
  • possible acne treatment
  • help in the treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns

Colloidal silver items are marketed as antimicrobial and antibacterial. At least one clinical study shows that these characteristics cannot be proven. ()

Colloidal silver is also believed to promote wound healing. According to one study (), silver wound dressings are a more effective barrier against infection when compared to other products with similar characteristics. The NIH also supports the idea that colloidal silver can be used effectively in wound dressings. ()

Colloidal silver is found in some acne products and cosmetics. It is also sometimes used in eye drops to prevent conjunctivitis and newborns. ()

As long as colloidal silver is used in small amounts and for topical use, the risk of developing argyrosis is low.

Instructions for use

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that most of us are already exposed to colloidal silver in our environment on a daily basis. Silver is not a vitamin or mineral that naturally occurs in the body. You don't need to make sure your body is getting enough silver or do anything to make up for a possible deficiency.

According to an EPA-generated table (), the daily dose of silver (topical, oral and contained in environment) should not exceed 5 micrograms per kilogram of weight.

The most common commercial form of colloidal silver is a liquid tincture. It can be found in most stores. healthy foods... It is also sold as a powder. Some even make colloidal silver on their own using special equipment.


  1. Colloidal silver is a classic example of insufficient evidence that differs dramatically from study to study.
  2. Companies that claim that colloidal silver is a magic cure for diseases like cancer and HIV do so without any scientific basis. There are many other safe options for maintaining health and preventing disease.
  3. If you do decide to try colloidal silver, make sure it won't interact with any medications prescribed by your doctor. Start with topical use. Never exceed dosage.
  4. Stop taking colloidal silver immediately if you experience any side effects such as skin discoloration or nausea.

Information on the effectiveness and safety of the use of colloidal silver on the Runet varies greatly: from laudatory odes to a drug that helps from a variety of diseases, to devastating articles warning about the supposedly countless dangers and toxic effects. Let's try to figure out what is a myth here, and what is scientifically confirmed facts, recorded by the results of clinical trials. And at the same time - to find out where such controversial opinions and statements come from.

Colloidal silver has antibacterial activity, working as a very broad spectrum antibiotic. It can be effectively used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • colds;
  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • infected wounds;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • otitis;
  • fungal skin lesions.

How and in what dosages to take colloidal silver directly depend on the disease. Usually this information is indicated on the packaging or in the instructions for the colloidal silver preparation. For example, with a runny nose, colloidal silver is instilled into the nose; for sore throats, sprays are used to irrigate the larynx. In general, the oral dosage is one teaspoon of colloidal silver for adults and half that for children four years of age and older. Water with colloidal silver is kept under the tongue for half a minute, then swallowed.

Preserve water or milk with silver coin thrown into a dish, people learned long before the refrigerator was invented. In the fifth century BC, Herodotus wrote that the troops of the Persian king Cyrus II carried water in silver jugs, thus protecting it from rotting. There is evidence that during the Indian campaign of Alexander the Great, the epidemic of intestinal infections that broke out in his army did not affect the commanding staff, who drank water not from pewter, but from silver dishes.

Until the 1940s, silver was widely used in medical practice as natural antibiotic... Later, antibiotics, cheaper in production, appeared, and its use began to gradually fade away.

Silver returned to medical practice thanks to the discovery of the colloid. Colloidal silver is distilled water with a suspension of the smallest positively charged particles of silver... This form of silver has made it possible to significantly expand the range of its use. bactericidal and antifungal properties of colloidal silver make it possible to use it for a wide variety of diseases.

How Colloidal Silver Treatment Works

Microscopic silver particles in the amount contained in colloidal solution do not directly kill harmful bacteria. However, they block the enzymes that provide respiration and, as a result, the vital activity of pathogens. As a result, the activity of bacteria and their ability to reproduce is inhibited. An environment is formed in which their survival and reproduction is impossible, and they gradually die off. At the same time, silver is not depleted, but continues to perform its functions. At the same time, it has no effect on the living cell itself. It is known that only pathogenic bacteria are highly sensitive to colloid. Thanks to this, colloidal silver remains safe for humans.

It is worth remembering that silver is a heavy metal. And all of its salts are toxic to humans. Silver nitrate is simply poisonous. Colloid is actually the only non-toxic form of silver.

If you try to find information about colloidal silver in Russian, you will see, on the one hand, countless positive reviews after the use of colloidal silver in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, various kinds of infections and in cosmetics. In addition, you will learn that, for example, in the Novosibirsk science city of Koltsovo, cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations based on colloidal silver are being actively developed. On the other hand, you will certainly see numerous warnings about the dangers of colloidal silver and the dangers of using this tool.

Ultimately, most warnings are cited by the 1999 FDA statement and articles based on it. The statement says that there is no scientific basis for the arguments in favor of using colloidal silver.

Meanwhile, if you study the literature on the topic published on English language, the situation turns out to be far from so unambiguous. In particular, almost all medical sites reporting the unconditional harm from the use of colloidal silver are in one way or another associated with Big Pharma, one of the world's largest antibiotic manufacturers. That is, it is not worth considering these opinions and testimonies in any way objective and impartial - here we are talking about a clear commercial interest. The price of the issue for pharmaceutical companies is tens of billions of dollars that they can lose due to colloidal silver.

At the same time, absolutely all sources (including, for example, the Russian-language Wikipedia) indicate only one (!) Side effect that can arise from ingesting colloidal silver. We are talking about the danger of the development of argyrosis, or argyria, - silver poisoning.

Argyrosis is a life-threatening condition, but unpleasant. With it, the color of the eyes, hair and skin of a person changes, acquiring a grayish tint. The disease is irreversible.

However, the most interesting thing here is what is not indicated in the FDA report. In order to get silver poisoning and, as a result, argyrosis, you need to take silver daily in very high doses for more than ten years. There is no evidence of the development of argyrosis when using colloidal silver in the normal recommended dosages. For example, the danger of turning orange from excessive consumption of carrots (and carotenoids in general) is much higher. It's just that we all understand that a normal person will not eat one carrot every day for years. Or drink silver in liters.

Once again: no other side effects from the use of colloidal silver have been recorded anywhere.

Hundreds of clinical studies have convincingly proven the ability of silver to kill pathogens.

In 2003, Viral Pathogens and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Oligodynamic Ag1 for Direct Immune Intervention, No. 13 (2), June 2003) was published in the regular scientific journal Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, devoted to the interaction of colloidal silver with acute respiratory infections. The material describes the results of a medical study demonstrating the effectiveness of the use of colloidal silver against SARS and coronavirus. In addition, the article says about the absence of any negative consequences and toxic effects on the body as a result of such treatment.

In 2008, experiments were carried out in the United States that showed that silver nanoparticles destroy the viruses that provoke the development of Ebola! However, further research on the Ebola virus was conducted for some reason in a completely different direction. Later, an article was published in the Swiss magazine ZeitenSchrift detailing the reasons why this could happen. you can read the Russian-language version of the article.

In 2013, the American scientist James Collins wrote in the journal Translational Medicine that colloidal silver can cope with antibiotic resistance.

With all that said, it can be concluded that the greatest threat colloidal silver poses to pharmaceutical companies, which could lose billions of dollars if colloidal silver becomes widespread.

At the same time, I will emphasize: only you can draw any conclusions for yourself and make this or that decision. I just gave a number of sources on the basis of which you can try to analyze the issue.

What are the real contraindications to the use of colloidal silver

There is only one absolute contraindication for a colloidal solution of silver - individual intolerance. I note that allergic reactions to it are extremely rare.

Pregnancy and lactation can also be considered a contraindication, since there are no studies on the possible effect of silver on the fetus.

It is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as the Herxheimer-Yarish-Lukashevich reaction. This is a phenomenon in which, soon after the start of treatment with antibacterial agents, the patient's condition temporarily worsens. This is due to the mass death of pathogens and an uncontrolled response of the immune system. This can happen with any antibiotic treatment. If such a reaction occurs, the drug should be temporarily discontinued until the condition improves.

How to choose a safe and effective drug

When choosing a product for myself, I am guided by a number of criteria. In the end, I settled on a line that includes nasal sprays, horizontal throat sprays, gels and oral solutions in different volumes.

So my criteria are:

  • Safety... The concentration of silver ions in colloidal silver is indicated in milligrams of silver per liter of water, numerically the same, or as parts per million (ppm). Moreover, the maximum concentration in this case does not at all mean maximum efficiency. Given the microscopic size of the silver particles, a more dilute solution gives a larger treatment area. At the same time, at a low concentration value (for example, 10 ppm), it is simply impossible to poison yourself with silver at the recommended dosages, even if you take it for years.
  • Bioavailability... Everything is simple here: the smaller the size of the silver particles, the more bioavailable the solution is.
  • Purity of the preparation... The fewer additional ingredients in the colloidal silver preparation, the better.

And here is a comparison of various drugs according to these criteria. Unfortunately, most manufacturers don't even provide meaningful information such as particle size.

A drug Silver concentration (ppm) Particle size (in nanometers) Compound
10 0,8 Pharmaceutical Grade Purified Water Colloidal Silver
500 1-10 Pharmaceutical Deionized Water and Pharmaceutical Grade Colloidal Silver
30 Well Colloidal silver, potassium alginate, distilled water and edta.
10 Well Purified water, colloidal silver
1100 1-2
200 Well Distilled water, colloidal silver
30 Well Distilled and ozonized water, colloidal silver

Summing up the above - think for yourself, decide for yourself ... to determine for yourself what to believe and what to experience for yourself and your family, buy colloidal silver and try or “play it safe” and use familiar pharmaceutical products - everyone can only himself.

Liquid silver is widely used for medical purposes to eliminate bacterial infections and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. The use of nitrate of this metal as an antiseptic and cauterizing agent has been known for several centuries. This substance received regulatory approval as an antiseptic in the early twentieth century.

What is Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver preparations are a special pure solution that consists of high-purity mineral silver molecules and purified demineralized water. Such a mixture is obtained with the help of an electromagnetic charge of the generator, after which microscopic metal particles are dispersed (deposited) on water droplets.

Colloidal silver is thermodynamically unstable; over time, the molecules, colliding with each other, stick together, coagulate, precipitating. The addition of stabilizing substances to the solution, which envelop and prevent them from sticking together, helps to obtain a stable mixture. Colloidal silver is usually based on water or organic solvents. The mixture is intensely colored red or Brown color due to the phenomenon of plasma resonance. The solution is oxidized on contact with oxygen, while metal salts are slowly formed.

Beneficial features

Colloidal silver solution has the following useful properties:

  1. Has a disinfectant effect. Metal ions are a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic, a blocker of the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. The molecules of the substance prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  2. Promotes accelerated wound healing. The suspension, which contains silver molecules, stimulates the production of collagen, which helps the scar on the wound to form faster.
  3. Stabilizes metabolic processes in tissues. The medication accelerates the penetration of water and nutrients into the cells of the body, and also removes toxins.
  4. Improves cerebral circulation and activity of brain neurons. The drug dilates blood vessels, thereby improving the microcirculation of brain tissues, their blood supply.

The composition of the medicinal product

Dietary supplement colloidal silver consists of silver molecules of the highest standard, with a diameter of 0.004 to 0.020 microns, which are dissolved using highly purified demineralized water. In addition, the composition of the medication includes a stabilizer - a 30% solution of ferrous sulfate or a 1% suspension of sodium sulfide and organic protein.

The mechanism of action of colloidal silver on the body

The main effect of such a colloidal solution is its antibacterial effect; this substance is a natural antiseptic. It is able to inhibit the synthesis of a plasmonic enzyme that pathogenic bacteria and viruses produce for their oxygen metabolism, respiration, as a result of which they die. The use of liquid argentum is aimed at getting rid of various groups of harmful microorganisms, preventing them from developing resistance to the agent.

The high biological activity of trace elements-metals in the human body is associated, first of all, with their participation in the formation of certain enzymes, vitamins and hormones. In addition, they have the property of plasmon resonance, which reduces the toxic effect on cells. It was found that tissues of animals and humans contain a certain amount of Ag nanoparticles (approximately 20 μg per 100 g of dry matter). A particularly high metal content is found in the brain, endocrine glands, liver and kidneys.

Liquid silver molecules take an active part in the metabolic processes of the body. Depending on the concentration, its ions and cations can stimulate or inhibit the action of a number of enzymes. Under the influence of the substance, the intensity of oxidative phosphorylation of brain cells by mitochondria increases several times, the content of nucleic acids increases, which improves the functioning of neurons.

Indications for use

Silver preparations are used to eliminate many diseases caused by bacteria. A colloidal solution is prescribed for the following pathologies:

Silver solutions are used externally or internally, depending on the type of disease, the severity of its course, the presence of concomitant treatment or chronic damage to organs and body systems. In addition, the dosage of the medication depends on the patient's age and body weight. The instructions for the use of the colloidal solution should be explained to the patient by his attending physician.

Boost immunity

Inside for adults, 10-15 drops (1 ml) per day, after mixing with water, juice or tea (50 ml), during meals. The duration of the course of preventive therapy is approximately 1.5-2 months. If necessary, the reception can be repeated, but not earlier than after 4-6 months. For children over 6 years old, to increase immunity, take the medicine in 4-5 drops for 2-3 weeks.

Drops in the nose with a cold

For drug therapy of acute or chronic rhinitis, adults are recommended to instill 1-3 drops into each nostril 2-5 times throughout the day for a week. Before using a pharmacological preparation, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the nasal passages from mucus, using special saline solutions for this. If, after using liquid silver, the swelling increases or bleeding begins, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

In the treatment of wounds and burns

In the presence of cut wounds, postoperative sutures, burns, an infectious process in case of damage to the skin (inflammation, abscesses, attachment of a staphylococcal infection), apply a colloidal solution to the area of ​​damage one teaspoon at a time from 1 to 5 r / day. In addition, you can use a medical bandage: apply to a clean bandage a small amount of medicine and apply for 2-3 hours.

Throat Silver Solution

In case of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to take the solution as follows: 15-20 drops up to 5 r / day until complete recovery. You can use additional inhalations with the medication using a special ultrasound device: mix 7-8 drops of the medication with 50 ml of water, carry out the procedure twice a day. Additional use of local anti-inflammatory drugs accelerates recovery.

Features of using liquid silver

Pharmacological agents that contain molecules of this metal should not be used for a long time (more than three months), since it tends to accumulate in soft tissues, human organs and have a toxic, destructive effect on the cell membrane. In addition, the solution should be used with caution in patients with chronic liver and kidney damage (cirrhosis, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, etc.): this disrupts the metabolism and excretion of the drug, which can lead to severe poisoning.

During pregnancy

Drops of silver solution during pregnancy are contraindicated. In the body of the expectant mother, the content of harmful and toxic elements becomes much higher, as a result of which the liver and kidneys undergo an impressive load. If during pregnancy a woman takes additional solutions or salts of heavy metals, these organs cannot perform their function and metal molecules accumulate in the tissues. In addition, the use of a colloidal solution is contraindicated in breastfeeding.

In childhood

Direct strict contraindications to the use of liquid silver by children are not described. Pediatricians strongly recommend that a child should refrain from taking this drug by mouth until they reach 5-6 years of age due to the high risk of developing argyria, gastrointestinal bleeding or drug intolerance. You can use a solution of this metal for a short time according to the instructions, externally to accelerate the healing of wounds or burns.

Side effects and contraindications

You should not take a solution of silver for medical purposes with individual intolerance to medications that contain molecules of this metal. In addition, the colloidal mixture is not recommended for children under 6 years of age, people with serious metabolic disorders or endocrine diseases. Side effects of using this liquid metal include skin rashes, itching, bleeding gums, brittle nails and hair.

Silver poisoning

Acute poisoning with silver dust or colloidal solutions usually leads to damage to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers, bleeds, swells a lot, and with extensive damage to poisonous compounds, its integrity may be disrupted. The gradual accumulation of this inorganic substance provokes argitrosis - staining of the skin, mucous membranes, reddish-brown or in gray... Often there are strong, life-threatening patient, gastrointestinal bleeding.

Colloidal silver price

The cost of colloidal silver depends on the form of release of the drug, the degree of purification, the quality of the main active substance and auxiliary components. The price of a drug can be influenced by the region and pharmacy in which it is sold. The cost of the medicine can be set by the manufacturer. You can also order colloidal silver from your online pharmacy with delivery. Check out the price of the medicine in pharmacies in Moscow:


Colloidal silver is an indispensable product for fighting and preventing infectious processes. It is used for inhalations, antiseptic washes, compresses, water disinfection, applications, food preservation, etc.

This drug is natural material and consists of demineralized water and microscopic particles of mineral silver, in principle, an electromagnetic charge is used for the manufacture of colloidal silver, which dissolves the silver particles in water, thus a solution is obtained. It contains silver of the highest standard and the size of such particles is about 0.005-0.015 microns. Colloidal silver does not contain additional dyes, stabilizers and other chemical ingredients.

During the treatment of inflammatory processes, such difficulties often arise as the presence of adverse reactions to antibiotics, the inadmissibility of taking antibiotics during pregnancy, so scientists are constantly looking for new methods and drugs to fight infections. It is colloidal silver that belongs to such means, although this is not a new method, but an undeservedly forgotten old one.

The properties of silver have been used for a long time, for example, for water disinfection. Already in our time, methods have been developed that allow you to create a colloidal solution of silver of high concentration. In countries such as France, Germany, the USA and many others, drinking water is disinfected using an electrolyte solution of silver.

The property of silver to have a therapeutic effect was also noticed and found widespread use, and it began to be used as an antibiotic.

During the studies, it was found that with the same concentration of silver and carbolic acid, the bactericidal effect of silver is 1750 times higher, and in comparison with or sublimate it is 3-5 times higher. It has also been proven that the bactericidal effect that electrolyte silver has is higher than that of iodine, microcide, furacillin, collargol, protargol, and many antibiotics. Getting into silver, hepatitis and influenza viruses, adenoviruses, yeast-like fungi such as Candida, gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms die. Also, within an hour, Salmonella, Shigella, causative agents of typhoid and cholera die, Silver ions have a detrimental effect even on tuberculosis microbacteria and antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococci.

Colloidal silver - contraindications for use

The use of this drug is contraindicated in children who are less than 12 years old, and its use by pregnant women and nursing mothers is not allowed if they have an individual intolerance to this product.

Colloidal silver should be taken 1 teaspoon per day. The duration of admission should be about 5-7 days.

Colloidal silver - reviews

Most patients note that the drug is highly effective. In order for it to be absorbed as much as possible, it is recommended to keep it in the mouth for several minutes. Many people point out that they use colloidal silver as a topical remedy. In such cases, irrigation of the mucous membranes or skin is carried out, as well as wetting of tampons and dressings. The drug can be diluted in water. Some patients claim that this drug helps relieve hangovers, and the drug is also effective in treating sore throats.

What people have become accustomed to since antiquity as an expensive and noble metal, by its properties turned out to be much more expensive and priceless. Our ancestors intuitively noticed medicinal properties silver and used it to disinfect water, slow down the souring of dairy products. It is unlikely that they guessed about the antibacterial properties of silver, but from generation to generation they passed on their invaluable experience.

Colloidal silver is known to consumers as Protargol or Vitargol. Silver preparations are often used in pediatric practice.

What is Colloidal Silver?

The property of this chemical element to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms was known back in the era of Hippocrates, in 400 BC. Before the invention of the refrigerator, silver ingots and small coins were traditionally used to prevent the rapid souring of foods by placing them in a vessel with milk. Before the use of antibiotics in the 40s of the last century, silver-based agents were used as an alternative to these drugs in medical practice.

Scientific progress has contributed to the creation of a new form of this chemical element. Colloidal silver was created - a suspension of the smallest charged particles in distilled water.

Colloidal silver is essentially a solution that contains silver ions located in highly purified water. At the same time, for the onset of a therapeutic effect, the concentration of Ag must be sufficiently high. In the 20th century, people finally officially recognized that silver can be classified as an antibacterial and antimicrobial metal. Much work in this direction was carried out by Academician L.A. Kulskiy. and Dr. Harry Margraf.

Since the human body, in fact, is one large colloidal system, the silver solution can be organically and safely dissolved in it, bringing undoubted benefits. In other words, silver colloid is an absolutely natural and natural solution for the human body. Approaching the cell of a pathogenic microorganism, silver accumulates to the required concentration, forming a bond of silver ions with the atoms of organic substances of the cell membrane. An intracomplex chemical bond develops, and silver penetrates into a hostile cell. Acting on vital enzymes, it links the amino acids of the cell's DNA, and thus destroys the enemy. At the same time, silver has a positive effect on mast cells, which are on guard, located in the most likely places for the introduction of pathogenic organisms. These are the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and respiratory system, skin. This blocks harmful substances and strengthens the body's immune response.

Colloidal Silver Benefits:

    A solution of a colloid in distilled water creates new possibilities for ease of use.

    Water is a neutral compound, so an aqueous solution of an antibiotic will not cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and mouth, conjunctiva of the eye and other areas treated with an antibacterial drug.

How colloidal silver works in the body

Silver does not kill bacteria, its tiny particles act as respiratory enzyme blocker these microorganisms. So the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria is suppressed, their ability to reproduce is reduced.

The colloid creates an environment in which pathogenic microbes cannot exist and multiply.

At the same time, its potential is not depleted and resumes its activities many times. At the same time, the living cell remains complete and fully fulfills its functions. This property of a colloid is especially valuable for infections, the causative agents of which penetrate into the cell:, and other diseases. Studies have shown that the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to colloidal silver is significantly higher than the sensitivity of healthy cells. This quality ensures the safety of the drug for all multicellular organisms, including animals, plants and humans.

What Science Says About the Effectiveness of Colloidal Silver

Sources of information on the Internet, discussing the pros and cons of colloidal silver, often contradict each other. Some of them, claiming that this compound is dangerous, relies on the FDA statement made by this organization two decades ago. Judging by the text of the statement, there is practically no scientific research supporting the benefits of using colloidal silver.

A number of websites geared towards supporting the influential pharmaceutical company Big Pharma argue that colloidal silver is dangerous. Meanwhile, according to the American Association's annual report on deaths from chemical compounds in the Journal of Clinical Toxicology, no people have died from the silver-based drug. This report takes into account absolutely all chemical compounds: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, household chemicals, medicines. But, in accordance with the latest data from the association, mortality from Big Pharma products is growing.

Until now, there are no compelling arguments to refute the ability of silver to destroy disease-causing bacteria. Clinical trials have proven this exceptional property many times over.

Scientific studies confirming the ability of silver to resist pathogenic microbes, strains of which are resistant to other drugs:

    Journal of Ecological Medicine and Healthy Nutrition - The study "Viral Pathogens and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Oligodinamik ag1 for Direct Immune Intervention" focuses on the antiviral properties of colloid. Data on the successful treatment of SARS caused by coronavirus are presented. An ultrasonic nebulizer was used to inhale silver into the lungs, which led to a significant decrease in the concentration of viruses. The method is effective in the early stages of the disease, the toxic load has not been recorded.

    British newspaper The Telegraph published data on a study of scientists from the UK working in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies Jansen and Johnson & Johnson. Topic scientific work- study of the antiviral properties of silver nanoparticles in the stomach. Scientists have built them into the body of intestinal bacteria and created a new drug on this basis. It is able to resist influenza viruses, rotavirus and other pathogenic microorganisms. The combination of intestinal bacteria and colloidal silver turned out to be successful

    Article by M. Adams (Ranger) “List best products for health".

    In the article "Silver really COULD be the new weapon against superbugs: Adding it to antibiotics boosts the effectiveness by 1,000 times" you can get acquainted with the work of the scientific correspondent Fiona Macrae that the introduction of a minimum amount of colloid in antibiotics 1000 times increases the effectiveness of these drugs and reduces the likelihood of medical errors in such therapy.

    J. Collins, Journal of Translational Medicine, 2013. An American scientist, a bioengineer at Boston University, by his research proved that the drug easily penetrates the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria. This property of silver helps to counter the detrimental effects of resistance to different types antibiotics.

Conclusion - the activity of traditional drugs from the group of antibiotics increases significantly against gram-negative bacteria under the influence of colloidal silver.

Analysis of the scientific literature suggests that the prohibition of the use of colloidal silver is associated with its high competitiveness. Its widespread use does not pose a threat to the average consumer, but may affect the interests of vaccine and antibiotic manufacturers.

The FDA claims in its publications that colloidal silver causes the irreversible side effect of argyria, which is a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin.

Meanwhile, for the entire existence of medical statistics, only a few cases of argyria were recorded per millions of users.

Argyria is a rare phenomenon that manifests itself after the concentration of silver in the body reaches 0.8 g per kg.

This effect is possible when using water and preparations containing silver salts and large particles of the chemical element itself. For concentration in the body, 1 g of silver is needed for a short time take at least 100 liters of colloid of this substance. This amount cannot be purchased and consumed at the same time.

The rarity of this condition is comparable to the incidence of kartemia from excessive consumption of carrots.

Clinical cases of argyria:

    A woman who has used 1 liter of the drug per day for 4 years;

    California resident P. Carason, who used a homemade drug for 6 years, 1/2 liter per day.

In all cases, excessive dosage and prolonged use of colloidal silver takes place, but opponents of this remedy do not mention this. Not a single case of argyria was recorded at a reasonable dosage (1 tsp / day).

Any overuse of even the most useful drugs leads to unpredictable consequences for human health:

    Vitamin A. Excessive dose causes muscle pain, irritability, fever.

    Calcium. Excess leads to impaired immunity, ("carapace heart"), tissue calcification,.

    Iron. Overdose becomes the reason and.

To avoid negative consequences, you need to use a quality product from a well-known manufacturer, observe the recommended dosage (no more than 2 weeks).

Method of administration and dosage of colloidal silver at a concentration of 10 ppm

The dosage and method of consuming colloidal silver differ depending on the disease.

Optimal dose for internal use:

    For adults - 1 tsp. the drug should be held under the tongue for 30 seconds, swallowed.

    For children - 1/2 tsp., Use the same way.

    Calculation by weight - 5 μg of colloidal silver per 1 kg of body weight per day (5 μg / kg / day).

In addition to internal use, the drug is used externally as an antiseptic. They treat wounds, microdamages to the skin, ulcers, abrasions, boils. Colloidal silver, due to its absolute safety, is widely used in pediatrics, starting from the 1st day of life of newborns. A non-toxic drug is instilled into the eyes of a child immediately after birth for prophylaxis, for treating the navel.

How to use colloidal silver for treatment:

    Diarrhea, abdominal pain... From 5 to 25 ml of the drug, 1-5 rubles / day until complete recovery. There is evidence of complete recovery in one day after the patient took 10 ml, 3 r. / Day (2 tsp).

    Bronchitis. From 5 to 25 ml of silver, 1-5 rubles / day until recovery. Patients recovered within 3 days after 1 tsp. funds for 2 rubles / day. Additional inhalations with colloidal silver, carried out by an ultrasound device, accelerate recovery in severe cases, as well as in case of ineffectiveness of various combinations of antibiotics.

    Vaginal candidiasis (thrush). From 5 to 25 ml of silver, 1-5 rubles / day as part of douching, as well as 2 tsp. inside for 2 rubles / day. The effect comes after 6 days.

    Conjunctivitis... Instill in the eyes a few drops of colloidal silver from 1 to 5 rubles / day show their effectiveness after 2 days.

    Cut wounds, infectious process in case of skin damage (inflammation, abscesses, staphylococcal infection). Apply 1 tsp on the damaged area. (5 ml) 1 to 5 times a day.

    Otitis. Instill 2 drops of silver into the affected ear from 1 to 5 rubles / day. The full course of treatment is 4 days.

    Fungal skin infections... Apply 10 ml (2 tsp) of silver to the affected area 1 to 5 times a day. Usually 3 times are enough, the course of treatment is 8 days.

    Gingivitis, halitosis... Rinse your mouth with colloidal silver from 1 to 5 rubles / day. It will take up to 3 days to treat gingivitis, halitosis is stopped in a day.

    Pelvic inflammatory disease... Use 5 to 25 ml (1-5 tsp) to irrigate the vagina 1 to 5 times a day. The effect is noticeable after 5 days.

    Pharyngitis... Gargle 1-5 rubles / day, using 2 tsp. colloidal silver. The course of treatment is 6 days.

    Rhinitis, sinusitis... Instill 2 drops of colloid into the nasal passages, 3 r. / Day. Recovery occurs in 4 days.

    Tonsillitis... Gargle 3 rubles / day for a week.

    Infections excretory system ... Take 2 tsp. (10 ml) of the drug 3 r. / Day. The course of treatment does not exceed 6 days.

Colloidal silver simultaneously kills pathogenic microflora and heals inflammatory foci created in connection with its vital activity. It gives excellent results in the treatment of erosive gastritis, cholecystitis, aphthous stomatitis, etc. Silver is active in relation to, which makes it possible to treat chronic ulcerative processes.

Colloidal silver has an excellent effect in the treatment of intestinal infections. Everyone knows that antibiotic treatment leads to unpleasant and sometimes harmful consequences. Dysbacteriosis occurs, which the patient may not be aware of for some time, writing off the digestive problems as an inconclusive recovery. This is caused by the destruction of both pathogenic and beneficial microflora. You can compare this effect with the movement of a tank, crushing all living things indiscriminately. By destroying only pathogenic microflora, colloidal silver preserves the functions of the intestine, its ability to normally finish the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients.

The use of colloidal solutions will give a positive result both in the treatment of acute intestinal infections caused by putrefactive and fermentative microorganisms, and in the complex therapy of chronic diseases: enteritis, colitis, proctitis. In gynecology, colloidal silver is used for sanitation before labor, with vaginitis and colpitis of bacterial origin. Due to its healing properties, it is widely used for. For lactating women, this is an indispensable remedy in the fight against cracked nipples. There is also a wide range of uses for colloidal silver solutions for prostatitis. The ability to destroy burn pathogenic flora allows the use of colloidal silver in and significantly reduces mortality from burns.

Contraindications to the use of colloidal silver

Allergy to colloidal silver is extremely rare. The reason is the simplicity of the colloidal silver formula, since it contains only a suspension of the smallest particles of this element. An exception is made by people who have close contact with an increased concentration of the element due to their profession. If a reaction occurs on silver jewelry, it is most likely due to the impurity of nickel in the alloy.

Another side effect of colloidal silver is the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. It manifests itself as a temporary deterioration in well-being at the beginning of treatment. The reason for this reaction of the body is the effect on the body of decay products from death. a large number pathogenic bacteria. The person feels increased fatigue, similar to that of the flu or viral infection. If these symptoms appear, treatment should be temporarily suspended.

After weighing the pros and cons of using colloidal silver solution for treatment, each person is able to make their own choice.

About the doctor: 2010 to 2016 Practitioner of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical-sanitary unit No. 21, city of elektrostal. Since 2016 she has been working in the diagnostic center No. 3.