
Silver water purification: myths and reality. Silver coin from the Savings Bank for water purification How to purify water with a silver coin


In ancient times, man learned to process silver and make from it not only magnificent Jewelry, but also various products necessary in everyday life. In wealthy families, dishes made of this metal were used - plates and jugs, forks, knives and spoons.

Silver devices were considered not only more attractive than copper ones. This metal has been observed to have an inexplicable effect on water. She remained fresh for a long time, and people believed in her healing power, began to drink it as a medicine for many ailments.

The benefits and harms of silver

It should be recognized that the effect of silver on the physiological processes that occur in the human body has not been fully studied today. Some data indicate that this element of the periodic table at the cellular level blocks the processes of energy exchange. At the same time, other studies suggest that silver is important in the functioning of the brain. With water and food, a person consumes about seven micrograms of silver daily.

It is located in the periodic table in the group of heavy metals (tin, zinc, indium). Its closest neighbor is cadmium, a highly toxic metal that is not recommended to work with without protective gloves. According to existing sanitary regulations and standards, silver belongs to the second class of hazard. In the same group, cobalt and lead, cyanides and arsenic coexist with it.

Based on this, the maximum permissible dose of silver for a person was established - no more than fifty micrograms per liter of water. Scientific research has confirmed that the suppression or destruction of bacteria occurs when the concentration of silver ions exceeds two hundred and fifty micrograms per liter of water.

Bactericidal properties

The disinfecting properties of this metal have been noticed for a long time. Warriors and sailors of antiquity used cups and vessels from it to disinfect water. Undoubtedly, at that time there was no scientific research on this matter, but practical experience confirmed that in the presence of silver water retains its freshness and properties longer.

The Swiss K. Negeli made a discovery in 1893: silver dissolved in water kills bacteria. Later, this discovery was confirmed by many world-famous scientists. It turned out that silver has more pronounced bactericidal properties than gold or copper. Moreover, metallic silver and colloidal neutral particles have this property to a lesser extent. Silver ions have the strongest effect.

Since 1930, L.A. Kulsky, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, created an institute that began to study the properties of silver ions. A group of scientists led by L.A. Kul'skii found that silver binds to deoxyribonucleic acid and its nitrogenous bases. As a result of this process, the stability of DNA is disrupted and, as a consequence, the viability of fungi, viruses and bacteria.

The bactericidal properties of silver preparations are very effective. According to V.A.Uglov, they exceed the effect of carbolic acid in the same concentration by 1750 times and are three and a half times more effective than mercuric chloride. According to scientists from the L.A. Kulsky Institute, this water is much more active than bleach, chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and many other common strong oxidants in the same concentrations.

Moreover, it was found that the use of silver water for external use gives an antibacterial effect that exceeds the action of penicillin salts ninety times.

Silver water: application

The opinions of scientists and researchers regarding the effect of such water on the human body are quite contradictory. And, nevertheless, silver water, the benefits and harms of which have not been finally established, in last years is actively used in medicine, including folk medicine. It is used in the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the lacrimal sac, and even with some ophthalmic ailments. For this, a concentration of 10-20 mg / l is used for washes and lotions.

Silver water treatment is indicated for diseases of the oral cavity, throat in the form of rinsing. Washing with it relieves conditions with rhinitis. Traditional healers recommend to take water enriched with silver inside, with stomach and duodenal ulcers. This requires silver water at a concentration of 20 mg / l. The recommended dosage is two tablespoons (tablespoons) fifteen minutes before meals.

Doctors claim that the use of silver water will help alleviate the condition of patients with endocrine disorders, including diabetes. The properties of silver water are used in the treatment of serious infectious diseases (dysentery, paratyphoid fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria, etc.). In this case, the healing water is used in a tablespoon every four hours. The required concentration is 10-20 mg / l.

Good results are shown by silver water in the treatment of skin diseases - fungi, boils, cracks, etc. You can use it to prepare gauze tampons, do irrigation. Small doses of silver are good for the blood and normalize the course of almost all processes in the body. The prepared solution is stored only in a dark place. If you find flakes in it, it is unsuitable for both external and internal use.

How to make silver water at home?

This is not difficult to do. Silver water can be prepared in several ways. The simplest, and also the most ancient, is as follows. Coins or a silver spoon should soak in water for at least three days. You can also use a silver vessel in which the finished water will be stored. This method has a disadvantage associated with the duration of the preparation of the solution. Moreover, you will not be able to determine its concentration.

Water saturated with silver can be obtained by using an electric current. In this case, it turns out to be highly concentrated.

Water preparation devices

You can use a more modern and progressive way. For this, a device for obtaining silver water is used - an ionizer. People who are a little tech-savvy can make it on their own. Prepare a four to twelve volt DC power supply. Attach the silver item to the plus. Any stainless steel item is attached to the minus.

Immerse the electrodes in water and hold them until a cloudy cloud appears around the silver electrode. Direct current acting on silver ions quickly saturates the water. The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot accurately determine the concentration of silver ions in the liquid. And this, you see, is important in the treatment of various diseases, since too high a concentration can be harmful to health, and an underestimated one will not give the desired result.

Is it possible to buy such a device in a store?

Yes, today both domestic and foreign purifier markets offer the latest installations for the production of silver water. Studies have shown that it is not the silver atoms that are most active, but its Ag + ions. They quickly penetrate into body tissues and circulate in tissue fluids and in the bloodstream. And meeting with viruses, fungi and pathogenic microbes, they overcome their outer shell and kill them, without affecting the beneficial microflora. Thus, a natural shield is formed, which flu and colds, infectious diseases cannot overcome.

Traditional healers recommend drinking this water in the morning. The devices use two electrodes, which are coated with sources of silver ions. One of them is made of high quality silver and the other is made of stainless steel. When an electric current acts on the electrodes, a potential difference appears between them, and therefore the saturation of water with silver occurs much faster.

More more efficient use electronic silverback. With its help, the process takes place in a matter of seconds. In addition, the advantages of such devices include the ability to control the concentration of silver. After the end of the process, the water can be consumed three hours later, after the bacteria and harmful microorganisms have completely died. We recommend using the Nevoton IS-112 water ionizer to obtain silver water.

Water use in the country

Silver water is successfully used by many summer residents for soaking before planting seeds. This helps to improve their germination. In addition, it is good for watering garden plants and home flowers. Plants grown on such water are less susceptible to disease.

Mistresses on a note

Silver water is useful not only for treating various ailments, but also allows you to prepare many delicious drinks and dishes. It can be used to preserve vegetables and foods.

It is good to rinse vegetables and fruits with this water, as well as cutlery. Once a month, it is recommended to damp your home with silver water.

Bottled water

Today you can buy ready-made silver water in stores. This is the well-known brand "Silver Key", which is mined near the sanatorium, which is located on the sources of natural water. We are talking about the Bekhtemirovskoye field in the Altai Territory. The water here is enriched not only with silver, but also with silicic acid. This gives it anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It is recommended for people with urinary tract and kidney diseases.

"Silver Spring" is not a healing water, it is a dining room. And the name only reflects the purity of the famous spring.


With prolonged, over several years, the intake of silver or in close contact with its vapors (for example, in the jewelry industry), a person may develop argyria - the deposition of silver sulfide on the walls of the capillaries, spleen and bone marrow.


Silver water is very popular these days. Reviews of people who have used this remedy in the treatment of some diseases are rather contradictory. Some believe that this water is a panacea, an effective, affordable remedy. Others believe that beneficial features this water is greatly exaggerated. True, we did not find any sharply negative reviews.

There is no doubt about the disinfecting properties that silver water possesses. Its benefits and harms, as we have already said, are not fully understood. It is likely that its effectiveness depends on the characteristics of each organism. In addition, it is important to consider and observe the concentration of solutions and dosage. That is why most admirers of silver water treatment recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting treatment with this remedy.

Hello dear readers! V Lately we increasingly remember recipes traditional medicine... So the interest in silver treatment is experiencing a new revival. Why is silver treatment becoming more and more popular now? What medicinal properties does this metal have? Is the use of silver preparations harmful?

The disinfecting properties of this metal have been known for a very long time, about 4000 years ago. In their campaigns, Alexander the Great and his soldiers ate from silver dishes and kept water in silver vessels and therefore did not get sick. V Ancient egypt instead of plantain, silver plates were applied to the wounds for the fastest healing. Silver was used for a long time for prophylactic and medicinal purposes, right up to the Second World War, when the first antibiotics appeared.

It is known to many that silver is also present in Christian rituals: children are baptized in silver vats and silver crosses are put on. And at the birth of a child, he is given a silver spoon.

The healing properties of silver

In the human body, silver is always present, most of all it is found in the medulla, in the nuclei of nerve cells, in bone tissue, in the endocrine glands and the iris of the eyes. This element is necessary for the normal course of physiological processes and the functioning of organs in the human body. Its presence has a beneficial effect on the metabolism, the function of hematopoiesis, and also contributes to the rejuvenation of the body.

The healing effect of silver is expressed by the fact that silver ions are able to quickly penetrate into the cell, and the cell does not lose its vitality, but the ability to further divide is lost. Silver ions inhibit the enzymatic systems of microorganisms and destroy them. This explains the disinfecting, bactericidal and wound-healing effect of silver.

Silver ions have a detrimental effect on the causative agents of dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera. Streptococci, staphylococci, proteas and salmonella are very sensitive to silver.

It is noted that silver helps to increase the body's defenses and to cope with colds more easily, increases efficiency.

The healing effect of silver

In its pure form, silver is not used for oral administration, with the exception of the use of products containing the trace element silver. But food contains very little of it.

Therefore, pure silver has a healing effect when wearing silver rings, chains, crosses. In this case, silver has a relaxing effect, promotes wound healing, slows down the development of inflammatory processes in the body, and reduces the manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If, when wearing silver jewelry, the color of silver changes, then this indicates some pathology in the body: it has darkened, which means there are problems in the hormonal system, in case of kidney diseases, silver brightens.

I also found the following information on the Internet:

  • For tachycardia, silver rings should be worn on the middle fingers.
  • To improve bowel function and improve complexion, silver rings should be worn on the index fingers.
  • For heart disease, a ring is worn on the little finger.
  • Not worth wearing silver ring on the ring finger, thereby reducing the likelihood of good relationships with men.

Protargol - silver preparation

V traditional medicine often use protargol. Protargol is a colloidal solution of silver that has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Basically, it is used for various inflammatory pathologies, accompanied by the release of pus in otolaryngology, ophthalmology and urology, in surgery - when washing purulent wounds. It is prescribed in drops for rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, conjunctivitis, especially in children. Previously, protargol was instilled in newborn children for the prevention of blepharitis.

The obvious advantage of using Protargol is that it does not cause dysbiosis. But nevertheless, Protargol may have side effects in the form of itching and burning at the site of application of the drug; with prolonged use, there may be desiccation of the mucous membrane. Allergic reactions to protargol are extremely rare.

The healing properties of silver water

Silver water can be prepared in several ways. The simplest one is to put any silver item in water or pour water into a silver container and leave it for several hours. The concentration of silver ions in water will not be significant (homeopathic doses), so this water can be drunk for quite a long time.

The other way is more time consuming. Take a direct current source with a voltage of 4-12 volts, connect any silver object to the "plus", and a stainless steel electrode to the "minus". For example, a flat shaving blade. Connect this "electrode" to electricity for a few minutes. If a cloudy cloud appears near the silver item, it means that the water is being saturated with silver ions. Depending on the current strength, time and sample of the silver item, the concentration of silver water will depend.

Warning: with prolonged use of silver water with a high content of silver ions, an "overdose" in the body is possible, which can lead to serious metabolic disorders, depression and other unpleasant health consequences. Therefore, for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, it is better to prepare silver water according to the first method with a small content of silver ions.

Homeopathic doses of silver have a therapeutic effect on nervous disorders, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. The use of silver water is especially recommended for those with a sweet tooth, fussy people and those who are afraid of any misfortunes.

Foods rich in silver are cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin, dill, meat, egg yolk... Recently, more and more often for prevention various diseases use silver dishes, toothbrushes with silver ions. I highly recommend that you watch an interesting video about the dangers and benefits of silver.

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With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

There are legends about the beneficial effect silver has on the body. Ancient civilizations used this metal for healing. V modern world When a variety of medicines are offered in pharmacies, many have silver water at home. This miracle cure is said to be able to cure many diseases and be a powerful preventive measure. You can purchase water with silver and industrial production. "Silver Key" - water from this category. Which water is best? Is silver water really that good? How to use silver water ionizers and are they good for them? We'll figure out.

The healing properties of silver

Since ancient times, silver has been attributed to many positive properties: from mystical (supposedly it is able to scare away dark forces) to completely earthly. Numerous studies have proven the beneficial effects of this noble metal on the body.

Even in the aristocratic families of the century before last and the last, it was noticed that silver dishes make water tasty and retain its useful properties for a longer time.

Indeed, silver is vital for the human body. Yes, we contain a certain amount of Argentum, most of all in the brain, nerve cells and bones.

The beneficial effect of silver on the immune system has been proven, its ability to resist viral infections, bone diseases.

The ability of metal to quickly heal wounds has always been widely used. Best of all, Argentum interacts with water, with the help of which it enters the human body. Silver ions, as it were, are enveloped by a water molecule, protecting it from decay - this is how the metal enters the human intestine. This is the most common way.

Also, with the help of water, silver gets on the skin and can be absorbed into the body through it.

Silver in ancestral medicine

The history of the use of silver in treatment has its origins in ancient civilizations. So, in ancient Egypt, it was customary to apply small thin silver plates to wounds, due to which healing took place much faster. In the campaigns under the leadership of Alexander the Great, it was noticed that the commanding staff was better able to resist disease. The discovery was shocking: the soldiers drank water and ate from wooden dishes, while those close to Macedonian - from silver. Due to the bactericidal properties of the metal, the body of the military leaders was more protected from diseases.

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of India have been consuming small pieces of Argentum internally. They believe the metal will help normalize bowel function. Oh healing properties the Ganges River - the ability to heal from skin diseases - has long been legendary. Having studied the problem, scientists came to the conclusion: along its length the Ganges washes deposits of silver, which gives its water healing power.

After observing the ability of silver to destructively affect bacteria in water, scientists of the 20th century began to try to create silver water. At the same time, the time during which the destruction of microorganisms would occur was recorded. Scientists put the following water ionizers into the vessel - silver coins, wire, and even made silvering surfaces using various auxiliary substances.

The newest way is enrichment with electrons. Modern devices for water enrichment work on its principle.

The benefits of silver water

Silver water, the benefits of which will be described below, is used to treat and prevent numerous diseases. All thanks to the wonderful properties of silver. So, what do those who use this miracle remedy gain?

  1. Protection against infectious diseases. This is due to the ability of silver to kill harmful bacteria.
  2. Treatment of respiratory diseases: bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia.
  3. Used to combat oral diseases.
  4. Helps to cope with skin lesions: ulcers, allergic rashes, burns. As a prophylaxis, it can be used from birth while bathing the baby.
  5. Silver water can be used to disinfect household items, children's toys, cutlery, etc.
  6. Helps restore metabolism.
  7. Silver ions have a beneficial effect on the formation of nucleic acids, which are indispensable for the active work of the brain.
  8. Among the bacteria that are under the gun of the miracle liquid is Helicobacter. This microorganism has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Able to gradually rejuvenate the body.
  10. Silver water enhances the effects of antibiotics and other drugs. Some, for example, hydrogen peroxide, a hundred times.
  11. The saturation with silver ions not only improves the quality of the water, but also helps to preserve it for a long time.

It should be noted that, although the miracle liquid kills bacteria, the favorable microflora internal organs remains unchanged. Therefore, a person using it is not threatened with dysbiosis.

Silver water treatment from the inside

How to use an irreplaceable agent like silver water? Water treatment can be done in several ways. It is taken orally, inhaled, lotions or bath solutions. Use a liquid both in pure form and with an admixture of other drugs. Silver water is suitable for mixing with herbal ingredients and synthetic preparations. Consider popular recipes treatment with water with silver ions.

To cure such unpleasant diseases as stomatitis or periodontal disease, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with silver water in the morning and in the evening. Treatment is performed until the problem stops bothering you. It will not be superfluous to drink a couple of sips of such liquid.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to drink half a glass of silver water on an empty stomach. It is allowed to eat in half an hour. To enhance the effect of the liquid, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to it. You cannot stop treatment as soon as it becomes easier. Next, you should use water as a prophylaxis, reducing the dose.

As a prophylaxis for viral diseases, it is recommended to drink silver water every day. It is also irreplaceable for the prevention of intestinal infections.

External use

Water with silver ions will help cope with skin complications caused by diabetes and other diseases. A bath based on a miracle liquid is done as follows: it is necessary to insist for a day in an enamel bowl with an ionizer 3 liters of boiled water and aspirin dissolved in it in the amount of 20 tablets. After the appointed time, you need to take a bath, with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. The procedure takes 20 minutes. Here is such a doctor, silver water. Patient reviews say that improvement occurs after 10 sessions.

A 0.5% solution of silver water can be used for lotions in the treatment of burns and other skin lesions.

Making water at home

Silver water can be crafted in several ways. If you need it for preventive purposes, then the preparation will be the easiest, but the water will also get the maximum average concentration.

In order to obtain a weakly concentrated liquid, an object made of silver must be placed in a vessel with clean water: a spoon, a piece of jewelry - it can be anything. In a day, the miracle liquid will be ready. It is important to remember that water intended for enrichment with silver must be passed through a filter or natural, spring water. Tap water and non-potable water must not be used.

You will get a solution of medium concentration if, after doing the manipulations outlined above, put a vessel (enameled dishes are best suited) on gas and boil so that the liquid is halved. After two hours, the liquid is ready. It is a stronger solution and is used for treatment.

DIY ionizer device

To obtain the highest quality silver water, it is customary to use ionizers. They can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself. Making the device with your own hands is quite simple.

It is necessary to take a three-liter jar, close it with a plastic lid. After making holes, make a cathode and anode. A stainless steel spoon handle is suitable for the “-” charge; a silver object is required for the “+”. We connect the structure with a charger for a mobile phone.

To obtain water enriched with silver, fill the jar, close the lid with the mechanism and plug it in. As soon as a kind of "cloud" appears around the silver anode, immediately turn it off from the socket. The time will take about 3 minutes. We put the jar in the dark for a day. After they have passed, the water is ready.

Bottled water with silver ions

When making silver water on your own, it should be remembered that in this case it is difficult to achieve the optimal concentration of metal ions: it is either negligible or exceeds the norm. Currently, there is an opportunity to purchase bottled healing liquid.

"Serebryany Klyuch" is the water produced by the sanatorium located on the sources of healing natural water. The Bekhtemirovskoe field in the Altai Territory is a source of water production enriched not only with silver, but also with silicic acid. This makes the water the owner of diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is ideal for treating kidney and urinary tract diseases.

"Silver Spring" - not medicinal water, but table water. The name reflects only the purity of the spring flowing in Khadyzhensk. It belongs to the Absheron aquifer. There are no silver ions in this water.

When water can hurt

It should be remembered that enriched water is useful in moderation. The harm of silver water can be very detrimental to health. Argentum belongs to the class of heavy metals, toxic to humans in excessive doses. So, jewelers who constantly work with him sometimes suffer from argyrosis. With this ailment, silver accumulates on the walls of blood vessels and in bone tissue. These processes are irreversible, as well as a grayish skin tone caused by an excess of the concentration of this metal in the body.

Therefore, silver water should be consumed in courses and carefully monitor the concentration. A consultation with a doctor before starting to use the miracle liquid is required.

Research by historians has shown that in ancient times, many peoples and cultures used metals as the basis of therapeutic approaches. The benefits and harms of some techniques to modern scientists seem dubious, while others, according to doctors, deserve attention.

The latter also includes the use of silver water - a drink enriched with silver ions. Of course, with the help of this composition, it will not be possible to cure all existing diseases, but you can still count on certain therapeutic effects when using it. The main thing is to act according to the rules developed by specialists so as not to cause more harm to the body than good.

Useful properties of silver

Valuable and medicinal properties silver were known thousands of years ago. People endowed him not only with magical characteristics, but also noticed very real qualities. In particular, it was noted that the water settled in silver dishes, gets a softer and cleaner taste. It also retains its freshness for a longer time and even manifests itself as a medicine.

Silver ions are really necessary for the human body, they are part of many tissues and take an active part in chemical reactions. Most of the element is found in the brain, bones and nerve cells. Silver deficiency primarily negatively affects the condition of these particular organs. The research carried out also confirms the positive effect of the metal on the state of immunity. They enhance its ability to resist viral infections and some diseases.

Centuries ago, silver water, the benefits of which when applied externally, were established quite by accident, was used to heal wounds, treat burns and skin diseases. It should be noted that the beneficial substances in the composition of the liquid can penetrate through the skin into the tissues of the body. It turns out that even when applied externally, the product has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The benefits of silver water for humans

People have tried to apply silver in different ways, trying to activate its beneficial properties. In some countries, metal plates were applied to wounds, accelerating their healing. In others, healers gave their patients bits of the mineral to ingest. The greatest successes were achieved by the healers who were with the army of Alexander the Great. They noticed that warriors who drink water from silver dishes get sick much less often than those who use wooden ones.

Tip: Before introducing silver water into your diet, you should wear metal jewelry for some time, but only so that it comes into contact with the skin. If such an experiment leads to darkening of the skin, redness, rash or other unpleasant consequences, it is better to refuse the technique.

Even today, scientists believe that silver in water has the most pronounced therapeutic effects. For this purpose, the liquid is enriched with metal ions using a variety of techniques. Regular application of this approach can give the following results:

  • The body's resistance to infectious diseases will increase, and the likelihood of a violent reaction to the activity of bacteria will decrease.
  • The condition of patients suffering from rhinitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases will improve. Recent studies have shown that even bronchial asthma can be treated with silver water.
  • The restoration of the oral mucosa is accelerated, which eliminates some of the inflammatory processes in this area.
  • The simultaneous internal and external use of the healing liquid eliminates dermatitis and aesthetic defects on the skin. According to doctors, the water, in which a silver spoon has been lying for some time, can also be used to bathe a newborn.
  • The enriched drink allows you to normalize metabolism, speed up the process of cleansing the body of poisons and toxins.
  • Silver water has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain by stimulating the synthesis of nucleic acids.
  • Silver ions contained in such water neutralize even bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori. This allows you to increase the functionality of the digestive system, reduce the likelihood of developing gastritis.
  • Regular consumption of the drink has a rejuvenating effect on the human body. The presence of metal in the liquid increases the biological activity of other elements in its composition.
  • The enriched formulation does not have to be ingested or applied externally. It can be used to disinfect household items, which is very useful if infectious disease from one of the family members.

Another positive property of silver water is the selectivity of its action. Disinfecting pathogenic microflora, it does not affect beneficial microorganisms in any way. Thanks to this, there is no need to worry about the development of dysbiosis or other unpleasant conditions.

Healing diseases with silver water

There are several ways to use silver water. The best approach depends on the problem you are facing. Here are some of the most simple options ingestion of the product:

  • With periodontal disease and stomatitis, it is enough to rinse the mouth with healing liquid several times a day. If after that you also drink a few sips of the composition, the effectiveness of the treatment will only increase.
  • In order to treat diseases of the digestive system, silver water should be drunk half a glass on an empty stomach. Half an hour after this, a meal should take place. Do not stop treatment when the first signs of relief appear. It is better to lower the dosage a little, but continue the treatment for a while.
  • In order to strengthen immunity and prevent infectious diseases, the composition should be taken daily, in small amounts.

In addition, inhalations with silver water, its instillation into the nose with rhinitis, are very popular today. The main thing is to remember that in terms of the degree of concentration nutrients the composition can be of three types: low (for prevention), medium (for treatment), high (for external use).

External use of silver water

To combat skin diseases, you need to use pharmacy silver water or prepare it using special devices. A silver spoon or coin soaked in liquid will not give the desired metal concentration. The resulting composition can be used not only for treating wounds, preparing compresses and lotions, but also for conducting therapeutic baths. Such activities will help alleviate allergies, skin changes caused by diabetes and other diseases.

A bath of water with silver ions is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • We take 3 liters of water and 20 aspirin tablets. We dissolve the crushed preparation in the liquid and insist in an enamel bowl for a day, enriching the liquid with the help of an ionizer.

Fun fact: Drinking silver water and applying it topically can enhance the effects of many medications... In particular, it should be drunk with caution when undergoing a course of antibiotics. This product even increases the properties of hydrogen peroxide tenfold, which can lead to chemical burns.

  • The resulting composition is added to a bath with water, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 ° C.
  • The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The minimum number of sessions is 10 in 1-2 days.

For local treatment of problem areas, it is better to use a pharmacy solution of silver water of 0.5% concentration. Already after the first sessions, it will be possible to note positive changes in the patient's condition.

Making silver water at home

The approach to preparing silver water depends on the concentration required for the solution. At home, products can be prepared in the following ways:

  • Weak concentration. To do this, it is enough to lower a silver item (a spoon, jewelry, a few coins) into a vessel with drinking water.
  • Medium concentration. In this case, it is not enough to insist the liquid, it also needs to be boiled, evaporating half of the volume.
  • High concentration. To prepare such a composition, you will need a special device. You can even make it yourself, at home, from improvised tools.

You can also buy silver water at a health food store or pharmacy. The second option is preferable, it reduces the likelihood of buying a product with an unbalanced composition.

The harm and danger of silver water

Even such useful silver water can only be used in certain quantities. We must not forget that silver is a heavy metal, which in large volumes can turn into a poison for the body. For example, jewelers who are forced to constantly work with the mineral often suffer from argyrosis. In this condition, the metal accumulates in the bone tissue and on the walls of blood vessels, causing irreversible consequences in the body.

To prevent negative impact drink per person, water should be drunk only in courses, taking breaks from time to time. It is better to agree on all points in advance with a specialist. If you experience any discomfort while using the product, you should immediately stop the therapy and consult a doctor. But one should not hope for an instant positive effect, some time should pass from the time of the start of therapy.

For centuries, silver has been considered more than just a precious metal. He was credited with unique, at times, mystical qualities, most of which are just a myth. It is enough to remember the silver bullets for "hunting" werewolves, vampires and other representatives of the other world to understand how our ancestors treated this metal. However, among the many qualities of silver attributed by the people, only one was partially scientifically confirmed. We are talking about the unique property of silver to purify water, which was familiar to people several hundred years ago. It is not for nothing that church utensils intended for the storage and use of the so-called holy water were traditionally made of silver. And today, when hundreds of different household water filtration systems are on sale, there are many who want to purify water using silver. Moreover, for this, you practically do not need to do anything. It is enough to put a silver item in a container of water, and after a certain time, it is already considered clean and completely safe for humans. And although scientists, as mentioned above, only partially confirm this fact, blindly believing in the unique qualities of silver is still not worth it.

Adherents of the silver water purification method would be good to remember that silver is, nevertheless, a heavy metal that negatively affects human health. According to the current Russian Federation standards, silver is assigned the second hazard class, which meets the criterion "highly hazardous substance". It turns out that this metal is on a par with arsenic - a generally recognized poison even in low concentrations. Like all heavy metals, silver accumulates in the body without causing problems to a person until a certain point. At the same time, it is quite problematic to remove it from the body even at the current level of development of medical science. A high concentration of silver in the human body inevitably leads to the emergence of a dangerous disease - argyrosis, for which there are no cures. The main symptom of this ailment is a change in skin color from natural to gray. Argyrosis was common among the upper class and church ministers in the Middle Ages, who traditionally used silverware and cutlery. At one time, argyrosis was even considered a disease of kings, whose silvery skin color was then thought to speak of their divine origin.

According to scientists, the antibacterial properties of silver are greatly exaggerated. Laboratory research It has long been proven that the metal kills only a small part of the pathogenic flora that is in poor-quality water. However, in the absence of others effective methods water purification, the use of silver is considered acceptable, but only under strict control. Today it has been established that the maximum permissible daily amount of silver that a person can receive without harm to health is only 7 milligrams. Exceeding this threshold is fraught with serious problems, the most dangerous of which, as mentioned above, is the "disease of kings" argyrosis. Currently, silver is used as a "killer" of bacteria during long-term storage of water on sea vessels, which need such large volumes of liquid that it is not possible to ensure its safety by other methods. At the same time, certain conditions are met, the main ones of which are:

  • water for long-term storage must be initially clean, free of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • water should be stored without access to light, under the influence of which microbiological processes are activated in the liquid;
  • water storage tanks must be completely sealed to avoid the ingress of microorganisms from outside.

If you decide to purify water yourself at home using silver, then it is better to purchase a household purification system that saturates the water with silver ions in an amount that will not harm the body.

Silver has a strong bactericidal property, which is why its ions perfectly purify water. In fact, by dipping silver in water, you are doing a real antiseptic cleaning. At the same time, I do not use chemical elements harmful to health.

Silver purification makes the water safe to use, because the ions of this metal destroy a huge number of microorganisms harmful to health. In addition, silver makes the water even more beneficial.

Why is silver water useful?

Silver purified water improves metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, is the prevention of chronic diseases, and even cures some. In general, the well-being of a person drinking silvered water improves.
It is enough to drink one glass of such water a day to be protected from ARVI, gastrointestinal diseases and other things. In addition, the silver water is especially tasty.

What silver to use

To cleanse everything, use real silver (fineness 999). Water purified with such silver is stored longer and retains its properties for a long time.

For oral administration, you can use water with a concentration of 20-40 mcg / l. It is this amount that is enough to overcome harmful microbes and not harm the human body. In no case should the concentration be higher. This concentration is safe, it makes the water tasty and healthy.

Cons of silver cleansing

Have this method water purification has its drawbacks. Silver is a highly toxic metal and in large quantities can be harmful to the body (like lead, for example). That is why such water should be drunk, adhering to strict dosages and rules. Water with a strong concentration of this metal can be life-threatening.

For external use

For processing objects, washing fruits and vegetables, cosmetic masks, health baths, it is recommended to use silver water with a concentrate of 10,000 mkg / l and more. It is impossible to consume water with such a concentration inside, it is dangerous to health.

How to make silver water at home

Many people use the "grandmother's" method and put silver items in a decanter of water for several days. On average, it takes 2-3 days. But determining exactly when the water has reached the desired concentration is quite difficult. In addition, it can be difficult to know if the concentration has exceeded the desired level. Therefore, many people use modern electric water reagents.

Silver spoon. Ritual | The magic of success

“There must be at least one spoon made of silver in the house. Silver is the metal of the Moon, the one who uses silver is under its protection. In silver, tremendous cleansing power is collected. The easiest way is that this force enters the human body along with the liquid. If you have a silver spoon in the house and sometimes, at least once a month, stir soup or tea with it, then a person will be protected from many things, will not be able to poison himself or fall under the influence of black magic. "

Doctors recommend using silver water to prevent viral infections, colds and many other diseases. Silver ions are released into such water, which have bactericidal properties at a concentration of 20-25 mg / l. They kill 260 to 650 species of disease-causing bacteria, viruses and fungi. Moreover, even the most powerful antibiotics can destroy no more than 10 types of pathogenic bacteria. It is no coincidence that, according to Indian tradition, silver is used to prevent intestinal infections. Silver water has a rather complex structural field. Perceiving this information field, the fluid contained in our body changes its structure. Such changes have a positive effect on any living organism.

How to make silver water at home? For 1 liter of purified water, you need to put from 5 to 10 g of silver (in products). Keep at room temperature. The vessel should be glass and preferably dark if you store this water for more than 3 days (in the light, silver is actively in contact with other trace elements and the water may darken).

For Drinking 0.05 mg / L = 50 μg / L

If pads with silver ions are more likely an item of prestige than hygiene, then there is no doubt about the healing properties of “silver” water. It is not for nothing that the Orthodox Church still keeps holy water in silver dishes. Scientific research has also shown the benefits of water saturated with silver ions.

But it is not enough just to put a silver spoon or fork in water for the latter to become healing. This is made by microscopic silver ions, passing from a silver item into a liquid. Under normal conditions, such saturation takes months, and even in this case there is no complete guarantee that the ions will enter the water in sufficient quantities.

It should be noted that ionization of water can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. Indeed, in most cases, such a homemade ionizer is made of metal, at best, of silvered iron. In what quantity and what quality the silver ions will get into the water in this case, one can only guess. But even if the spoon is silver, you need to pay attention to the sample. It is definitely not worth using low-grade silver products as an ionizer of water, since it is not known what other chemical elements are in the alloy.

You can prepare a liquid "gruel" from baking soda and water (you can use toothpaste instead of baking soda) and gently rub each piece with this using a soft cloth, or just with your fingers. You need to brush until you add a shine to your silver. Use a soft toothbrush for hard-to-reach areas.

There is a variant of using salt instead of soda: in this case, prepare a solution: 1 teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of water. You can either boil silver items for 15 minutes or leave them in the solution for 1.5-2 hours.

Leisurely Sunday dinners in country house, quail and sturgeon pies with sturgeon on an oval table with a round fringed lampshade above it. On the open windows there are white muslin curtains, with the onset of dusk a fire is lit in the fireplace, which is reflected in the silverware. The idyllic picture is increasingly becoming a reality.

People seek to recreate or lay family traditions, one of the material bases of which is family silver. Cutlery from precious metal became a symbol of not only material, but also spiritual heritage. Passing from generation to generation, silver serves as an indicator of the well-being of a family and is an emergency reserve for dark days (although most of the old-regime Russians were not brought up to sell goods marked with the coats of arms of their ancestors).
Presenting aesthetic and material value, family devices are also beneficial for health. They enrich the body with silver ions, which has a positive effect on immunity. It is not for nothing that the tradition of giving a newborn baby a silver spoon was observed even in Soviet times.

Many people use concentrated colloidal silver for cosmetic purposes, to improve the condition of both healthy and problem skin... Moreover, you should not be afraid of its penetration into the body through the skin, since silver is not absorbed through intact skin and mucous membranes. And therefore it will not cause excess content in the body itself.

Silver is part of many human organs.

Interestingly, silver is found in significant quantities in the human body. The most a large number of silver is found in the brain, as well as in nerve cells, bones and the iris of the eyes.

The element silver itself - Ag - is necessary for the normal functioning of all systems and organs, stimulates the hematopoietic organs, thereby increasing the number of lymphocytes and erythrocytes, and increasing hemoglobin. Silver is involved in exchange processes, so it is consumed and needs to be replenished.

What is the body's daily requirement for silver?

Rinse the working part of the ionator. This should be done with warm water and dishwashing detergents. Be careful not to let water get inside. It is better to remove the metal tube, that is, the cathode, and put it on after processing. The silver anode cannot be removed.

To prepare water of medium concentration, which is used for medicinal purposes, it is necessary that the operating time of the electrodes of the device is 3 minutes. Water should be drunk at 100-125 ml within a month, 15 minutes before meals. After a month of drinking water, you need to take a break. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.

With diarrhea: make an infusion of oak bark. 1 tsp insist young bark for 6 hours in 2 glasses of "silver" water, drain. Take 1/2 cup 2-4 times a day.

Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer: keep a tincture of 50 g of birch buds per 0.5 l of vodka for 10 days. Take 0.5 tsp with 1 glass of "silver" water 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

With peptic ulcer: Insist 1 tablespoon of tansy flower baskets for 4 hours in 2 glasses of "silver" water in a closed vessel, drain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

In case of peptic ulcer: 1 tablespoon of fresh roots and leaves of celery insist in 2 glasses of "silver" water, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Swelling in kidney disease: 0.5 tsp Insist crushed parsley seeds for 8 hours in 2 glasses of "silver" water in a closed vessel. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Kidney stone disease: 1 tsp. boil flaxseed in 1 glass of water. Take 1/2 cup every 2 hours for 2 weeks. Before taking the mixture, dilute with "silver" water, you can add lemon juice.

With renal colic: 0.5 tsp. Insist crushed parsley seeds for 8 hours in 2 glasses of "silver" water in a closed vessel. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

In case of renal colic: blueberries, insist on "silver" water. Take 3 times a day before meals, 0.5 glass.