
The best poems about dad: long and short, touching and funny. Happy birthday greetings to dad from daughter in prose Compliments to dad from daughter


I dedicate this page to my beloved daddy, who is not with me... Take care of your dads!

Of course, they are as kind and touching as they are. Indeed, ideally, a father for a child is a true friend, protector, wise mentor. If for a boy dad - best example what it should be a real man, then for a girl, dad is the beloved person whom you can rely on in any situation, who will support and always protect. Very often, a girl in the future chooses a life partner just like her dad, kind, wise, honest, strong.

Do not forget to congratulate dad, with. Believe me, dad will be very, very pleased. And it is not the gift that is important here, attention and love are important. Dad will be very pleased to even hear or read a verse about him.

So I propose the best selection amazing verses -


Lyudmila Vasyukhno

By red, as if by conscience,
A friend wrote that year:
From each according to ability
To each according to work.
My father is a character made of steel.
He crushed rocks into sand.
And where I passed - highways
Direct state roads.
Other fence fenced
For cottages, for private villas.
And he has accumulated gray hair,
And he didn't save money.
The happiest of losers
The last pennies in the house
He spent on our task books,
Chess, pencils.
I love. I respect. How to conscience
I go to my father in difficult times.
From each according to his ability.
To each according to work.

Poem about dad

Natalia Anishina

My dad is big
It's not easy to look at:
Gotta get your head up
To "Hello!" tell him.
He sits me on his shoulders
And rides all evening.
Reading books before bed
During the day we play cat and mouse.
Dad is kind, very strong,
He can do whatever he wants.
I reveal my secret to everyone
That I love my dad!

Dad has an exam

Agniya Barto

The lamp is on...
Dad is doing
thick book
He took it out of the closet
He scribbled and notebook
And a notebook
He must tomorrow
Pass the exam!
Petya fixed it for him
Petya said:
- Be sure to pass!

Adults are learning
After work,
Carried in briefcases
Notebooks, notebooks,
Books are read
They look in dictionaries.
dad today
Didn't sleep until dawn.

Peter advises:
- Listen to me,
do yourself
Daily schedule!

Shares experience
Petya with his father:
- The main thing,
Come out with a cheerful face!

Won't help you
In vain you are transporting with her,
Time is a pity!

Adults are learning
After work.
Come with a book
Pilots for the exam.
With a thick briefcase
The singer comes
Even the teacher
Haven't finished studying!

- Your dad's
What marks? —
Neighbor's daughter
And he confesses
Boys: -
Our trio:
Too worried.

My dad

Viktor Gvozdev

My dad is the strongest
My dad knows everything.
About the automotive world
And different animals.

About mountains and roads
About everything that is around.
Dad is strict
But he is always my friend.

And on top of that, sometime...
He told me himself.
Was a soldier in the Army
And he served his country.

All the reasons for disagreements
For us they are zero.
He is the standard of a man -
And I love him.

My dad is the best!
That's what I'll say about him!
And he loves us with mom!
This is how we live!

on dad

Andrey Usachev

I can on dad
Ride day and night.
It's bad that on dad
Nothing to hold onto.
Grab him from behind
He shouts: - It is not visible! -
And for the hair - it hurts,
And for the ears - it's a shame!

My dad is a philosopher

Natalya Khrushcheva

My dad is a philosopher
He believes: teaching is light,
He asks a lot of questions
And looking for every answer.

Blowing rings of smoke
Putting glasses on your nose
"What can be indelible?" -
He once asked a question.

Here everyone thought a little
And expressed his opinion:
I yelled merrily, “Cat!”
And my mother sighed: “Underwear ...”

Poems about dad from daughter

Elena Vesnova

In the lives of tiny girls
And gray-haired old women
There is a special man
He is loved and sinless!

He is the only one in the world!
He will replace anyone!
And on life dotted line
There is no other like it!

He does not sleep in the dark night
If you get sick...
He wants to help you
Since you can't...

He will protect you
And warm with love!
He is sad with you
And laugh with you!

Teaches exact sciences
Drawing helps...
And he, the cunning one,
Love with all my heart!

Only remembers you
He is deeply separated...
Eagerly catches at a meeting
Your thin hands!

He will support, teach,
And skillfully tell ...
Will voice your fears
Make yourself bold!

Confess in bright feelings
He helps you!
To match the growth of the world
He offers you!

How familiar is his scent,
Both shirt and hat...
Hug and whisper:
"I love you dad!"


Valentina Lanzetti

This is a hat.
She had her dad
Yesterday evening.
And today I am in the morning
I look into the hat.
The light is on, you can see better with it.
So, where did dad go?
After all, yesterday he was in it!

With dad in the meadow

Vasily Mikhailov

Early in the summer morning
I'm going for a walk in the meadow.
So that I don't get lost,
I'm taking my dad by the hand.
What do we see?
That's so amazing!
In the fresh morning glory
Flowers and grass in the meadow
Washed in dew.
I'm not small, I know
And even though it doesn't suit me
To not get wet to the skin,
I sit on my father's shoulder!

If dad doesn't want

Oleg Bundur

Gotta give dad a peck on the forehead
And pat on the head
And say: - You are the best!
You are irreplaceable for us. —

He then wants immediately
Do any job
And, moreover, so quickly -
Don't run after him!


Tatyana Petukhova

My dad is the best friend!
If I'm guilty all of a sudden
He doesn't yell at me
Eyebrow frowns and is silent!
Very upset, you can see right away.
He is ashamed of my actions!

I fooled my dad again.
- Forgive me! I give you my word
I promise as a man
You will not blush for your son!
Dad and I are friends again
And you can't let your friends down!

sand palace

Nadia Hilton

I watered the sand
And piled it up.
Dad took my spatula
He leveled the bed on the hill -
The fairytale palace came out.
Hey dad, well done!

My dad

M. Ivanycheva

My dad is the best in the world.
Even children know about it.
My dad is the most faithful friend.
Will replace a thousand girlfriends.

My dad is strong like Schwarzenegger.
And tanned, like a black man.
Rockefeller dad is our home.
So handsome and not scary.

My dad is a prince or a king.
I would give him the role.
And instead of a white horse
All my family would be.

Congratulations to dad today.
And I wish him from the bottom of my heart.
Be a real man.
Appreciate the family and our entire home.

So that "husband" and "rank" are combined in it.
And I didn't fight with my mom anymore.
My dad is one of a kind.
And in our house Mr.

Things to do

Natalya Zintsova

Dad and I went
On important matters.
Towards passers-by
We were moving.

We were going somewhere
Turned right;
Then we met
Uncle curly.

And my uncle's dad
Asked about something
And even visit us
Invited for tea!

When suddenly my dad
Looked at the clock
And nervous for some reason
He touched his mustache.

Here I thought
That something happened
And maybe even
Trouble happened!

But nothing at all
Did not happen,
And just dad
The boss is angry!

And we went fast
Almost ran;
Then at the station
Someone was waiting...

And walked again
Jumping ran
And even somewhere
A little late!

My dad's hand
All the time me
Held very tightly.
Otherwise you can't!

To keep up
And don't get lost
I'm for dad too
Holding on tight!

And so the whole day
He circled us like a spinning top!
At the end of the day I asked:
"Where are things?"

Hero dad

Oleg Bundur

My dad is a hero!
For the weak - a mountain:
And the mosquito won't hurt.
Same as on screen.
But if he sees blood,
But if he hurts his finger,
Maybe he will change
And in our house, as in a hospital:
Mom blows on her finger
Conjures over a finger, bandages
And the whole table is in the pharmacy army.
But dad suffers heroically!

Wait, dad!

Oleg Bundur

Dad, forgive me
But you don't grow up
Well, I'm growing, growing
And I will outgrow you
I will weigh a hundred kilos
And I won't forget
Every evening at ten sharp
Send you to bed.
You will become small
And you will go like a little one!


Tatyana Bokova

Dad didn't believe

Oleg Bundur

I really wanted
I really wanted -
And I flew
And I flew!
Sailed down below
Trees and roofs
And the birds were crying:
— Higher, higher!
And the air smelled
By sea and in summer
But it's not that,
But it's not that,
And that flew
Above me in the sky
My dad!
My dad,
Not believing me!


Tatyana Gusarova

Every evening with anticipation
Dad's family is waiting at home
Mom, cat, dog Fenya,
Most of all, of course, me.
Hug daddy tight
And I'll give him a newspaper
Delicious delicious food.
I love him very much!

In the deep forest

Oleg Bundur

This is the first time I've been in such a forest,
I heard: somewhere the wolves howled,
And the forest didn't end for so long,
I walked and walked, and he swayed
And leaned towards me
And evening crept between the trees,
And every bush in the darkness trembled,
But I wasn't scared at all.
I held my dad's hand!

Poem about dad

They say it's hard for dads
Swaddle, bathe, feed
And of course it's impossible
Cook borscht for lunch.

Dads don't knit blouses
And pigtails do not weave
And of course they won't show
Where flowers bloom in the garden.

But all dads can
To score, to patch, to repair.
Always help at work
They are easy to hammer a nail.

Papa will plant a tree
And build new house,
He even irons his trousers
And fix all the damage.

He is just a pro in football
And in hockey, not a layman.
He also makes coffee
Mom wears in the morning.

Our breadwinner is dad
Our protector is him.
And even mom doesn't know
How he keeps everything around.

Like Dad

Tatyana Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to be like a dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart
Don't be lazy
And do everything like him - for five!
And don't forget to get married!
And ... take our mother as a wife.

How to love dad

O. Bundur

If you don't love dad
You can kill your dad.
If you fall in love with dad -
You can also lose.
Well, how to love him?
Yes, the advice is very simple:
Gotta be with dad
Everything will come by itself!

And my dad

M. Ivanycheva

Ivan's father is a carpenter.
And Sasha is a hunter.
Vadim has a teacher.
And Levka's dad is a cook.

With Serezha, he is the driver.
And Sasha is a builder.
Makar is a programmer.
And with Vovka, he is an artist.

Cyril has an officer.
He sets an example for everyone.
Oleg has an ATM.
Money is flying to him.

Alyosha has a financial director
And Slava is a cool lecturer.
And my dad is a great doctor.
A rook lives in our house.

He will help everyone, heal,
Shelter if needed.
Dad is kind.fair.
Who am I lazy?

In defense of the popes on March 8

M. Ivanycheva

Day 8 March - Mom.
It is difficult for dads, and for us.
Who came up with this holiday?
Invented what prankster?
Dad is having a hard time on this day.
After all, dad is too lazy to work.
For flowers and gifts.
Any cooking will be better.
Yes, and give to grandmothers.
You can ruin your dad.
He is not a Rockefeller at home.
Remember yesterday.
The holiday is just a waste.
Yes, and a feat for patience.
Silence for days
Agree, don't shout.

The best dad

Olga Chusovitina

Can he play football?

Can I read a book
Can you heat up my soup?
Can watch a cartoon
He can play checkers
Can even wash cups
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Can take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Repair the faucet in the kitchen
Always a hero to me
My best dad!

I will pray for the health of the candle
I will light the miracle worker Nicholas.
I understand that dad is not eternal.
I wish him a long life.

Running through the snowy garden
I will breathe the smell of childhood forgotten
And I feel joyful - near
The doors of the native house are open,

And cornflowers bloom (thank God!)
On the doorstep And again a girl
I will become an expensive palace
And the soul, vulnerable and thin.

And there will be a reprieve for old age,
And eyes - cornflowers in a bouquet.
Because my daughter has arrived.
Because there is a dad in the world!


My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, considerate
He is affectionate.

I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my portfolio
He brings something.

My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He's on the shoulder
Even a difficult one.

He is also a naughty
A mischievous and a prankster.
With him every day
Turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

And bored without dad
Ride on sleds.
Nobody can
Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard
He is the nicest.
He instantly turns
For what you ask.

He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But the best
He knows how to be a dad.

I will hug him
And quietly whisper:
- My daddy, I love you
I love it hard!

You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

Daddy, Daddy, are you awake?
The baby is talking to you.
I'm right here in the dark
Mommy's belly.
We'll see you soon.
Are you waiting for me, dear?
When you sing, read,
I hear, I understand everything.
I have your nose and eyes
I feel your caresses
Are you stroking my back, or my legs,
You tickle my heels...
You are dear to me, dad,
And so is our mother.
You are all my family.
I will be with you soon.
I want to be born in love
You will be happy to appear.
Can I ask daddy?
Mom felt a tear.
Is this pain from me
Did salt get into the wound?
You won't hurt your mother, will you?
It's so hard for her, you see.
My laughter will flow soon
Crying, or rather, but not from grief.
This is my song, there is joy in it,
That will be with you forever.
And while I'm growing up
You protect your mother.
Dad should be a support
Be patient, dear, I will soon
I'll be next to you
Let's chat among ourselves.
I already love you all.
Wait, I will come to you soon...!!!

Thank you, father, that you live in the world.
There is no one sweeter and dearer than you!
I wish you many bright days
Accept these confessions of love from me!

I wish you, dad, goodness and warmth,
So that all failures burn to the ground,
To live - not to grieve up to a hundred years happened,
May everything that has not yet come true come true.

Let the years pass, and you do not grow old,
Let something not come true, but you do not regret
Gray hair is scary, but don't be shy!
Over the years, he became softer, gentler and kinder.
Live up to a hundred years, but don't you dare less!

I. Gurina

You are strong and brave
And the biggest
Scolding - on the case,
And praise - with soul!

You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
Forgive me for the prank.

To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette
You read a newspaper.

Any breakdown
You can easily remove
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.

I walk beside
I'm holding my hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you.

Tale about daddy

All poems about mothers are read,
Dad, they seem to forget
I'll tell you a fairy tale
About your daddy.

me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
We had best friends,
Where he is, there I am.

He goes to work
Will take me to kindergarten
And come home from work
Talk about hunting

We will sit on the sofa with him,
Let's read the book.
Let's cook shulum soup for mom,
We'll take everything.

That leads me to the cinema
That's up the hill in the park,
Just don't take a bath
He says it's hot in there.

I walk beside
I'm holding my hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!!!

My dad left
I'm without a dad, to be honest,
not easy.
Dad, if you want
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
daddy can
read a fairy tale
me without dad
it's hard to fall asleep.
Get up and be quiet
I will stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Dad has a job!
Dad cares!
And once with us
him to play.
And we love him!
And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad
takes a day off
How cool with him
He's so groovy

Today I dreamed about dad
So cheerful and lively.
And I almost cried in my sleep
When he spoke to me.
We were sitting somewhere in the park.
A crowd flowed nearby
The sun was shining, it was hot
And he suddenly asked about business.
There was a slow conversation
I thought, "How lucky I am"
And everyone tried at the neighbor
Check the newspaper for the number.
And my dad told me something important,
But I did not hear through the noise,
After all, it was so once -
I thought I'd ask later.
He was real
He laughed so merrily...
I pretended everything was fine
But he knew it was a dream.
And I didn't want to wake up
He lay without opening his eyes.
Everyone thought - this is the memory of the body?
Or are our souls disturbed?
In the morning, don't know what to do?
Like I feel guilty.
Why do we have such dreams?
I'm going to hug my mom...
Petr Davydov

Daddy, I have already grown up, become independent and responsible, but not with you. My dear, next to you, I instantly turn into a little girl who looks with adoration into your beautiful eyes, literally catches your every word and so awaits your approval and praise. Today is your birthday, and I would like to thank you for the way you raised me. It was you who taught me to tell the truth, to admit my mistakes, to rise and move only forward. I always knew that you were there, and such support and faith only made me stronger. Thank you my dear. Let me wish you only one thing on your birthday - very good health, and everything else, your family will give you. We love and appreciate you very much, happy birthday!

Dear dad, maybe you once dreamed of a son ... And you got me - and you became your favorite daddy. I want you to smile every day for many, many years. Let nothing make you sad, let a tear never run down your cheek, let gray hair not touch your head for a long time ... I love you very much and I know that you love me more than anyone. I am always by your side - even if there are hundreds of kilometers between us. Happy Birthday daddy!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday. May it bring you good mood, joy, warmth in your soul. I wish you all the best, brightest in your work, in your destiny. I wish to be always on the rise, to be on the rise. Never get sick, never grow old in soul up to ninety, and if it works out, up to a hundred. May all your wishes come true, may your plans and dreams come true. Be happy, dear!

Today is my dad's birthday. On this day, I would like to give you all the warmest words, wishes and just the whole world. You have always been a role model for me to look up to. Thanks to you, I learned to be independent and strong, to boldly step forward and know for sure that I can overcome any obstacles. And it simply could not be otherwise, because the best man in the world believes in me. Today I look at all your gray hairs and wrinkles and understand that I brought you many of them, forgive me, daddy, for your troubles and worries. I have matured, but next to you I want to do only one thing - to take your hand, only you can give me strength and confidence. May you have health, happiness, love and respect not only for your family, but for all those around you. Happy birthday dad.

My beloved papa! Today I flutter like a little bird, and I want to twitter to you about how happy I am that I grew up as a princess, and my father was a real king, with whom peace and tranquility always reigned in our kingdom, that is, in our family! Happy birthday! Happiness to you, but not simple, not golden, but woven from the rays of the sun, stars and our love, because we all love you very much and cherish you!

Today is a holiday for a good person, or rather, for my dad. Happy birthday, our beloved. Today, the whole family got together to raise a glass for you, wish you good health, many, many strengths for the implementation of new plans and the implementation of all ideas. You are a wonderful son, the most wonderful and loving husband and, of course, mine, only my coolest daddy. You know I'm so ashamed that I often made you worry or get angry. Your every gray hair and every wrinkle on your courageous face is so dear to me. I want to give you the whole world, to say all the most important words, but there is a lump in my throat, and tears of happiness in my eyes, because it is I who have such happiness as the best dad in the world.
Dear Dad!
Today is your holiday - your birthday. All the closest and dearest people to you gathered at the table, you accept congratulations from colleagues and friends. Let me say a few words too.
Even though I am no longer that little baby that you carried in your arms and did not swing, but still you are still very dear and important to me. I wish you to enjoy life day after day, despite the difficulties, go forward and always feel the support of those whose love and respect you hold dear and need so much!
Happy Birthday daddy!

My dear dad!
This day is very important for all of us - because today you celebrate your birthday. I am very proud that I can call you this warm and such gentle word- daddy. I am immensely grateful to fate for giving me you!
On this Day, I want to wish you always and in everything to be true to yourself, not to be led by fleeting weaknesses, to move through life with your head held high.
Always remain as brave, courageous, strong man and, at the same time, so kind and sweet, my most beloved daddy!
Happy Holidays to you!!!

Father. Such a strict word that I don't associate with you at all, daddy. After all, that's what I called you at any age. I grew up, and gray hair appeared on your temples, today, on your birthday, I would like to apologize for all the worries and troubles that you experienced with me. I would also like to say a big thank you for your support. Today I can reveal to everyone our little secret - you have always been and will be not just a daddy for me, but also the most faithful friend, it is you who know all my secrets and experiences. You always supported me, never reproached me and gave only the right advice. Thank you daddy for these wisdom lessons, it means so much to me. Let me raise this glass to you, the best dad in the world!

A collection of warm words of gratitude to dad from his daughter in prose (not in verse), in his own words. These are examples of a speech of thanks, touching to tears, sincere and warm words that can be uttered on any holiday events(anniversary, wedding, professional holiday father or his birthday) in the presence of guests. The texts are also suitable for private conversation. With these words, you can sign a postcard, a gift, or simply write a letter to dad including these words.

Dear daddy! I have grown up a long time ago, but you, as in childhood, remain for me the ideal of a man. Today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart:

  • Because you are an excellent father: kind, caring, wise and strong - the real head of the family;
  • For the fact that you perfectly fulfilled your father's tasks and helped your mother raise me, and at the same time took care of her;
  • For the fact that you often did the impossible for us;
  • For teaching me to be an independent girl, and not an infantile bore;
  • For trying (and you succeeded) to create a solid foundation for the family;
  • For striving for family prosperity, well-being and reliability

In a word, dad, I am very grateful to you for the fact that you have never been a destroyer and at all times remain a creator ... And for teaching me this by your example. Be happy dad and please us with your health and love of life for many more years (and preferably forever).

Dad! I am glad today to say a few words of gratitude to you, because you, like no other man, deserve it. Thank you daddy for doing such a great job as the breadwinner of the family. For the fact that we were always full, shod, dressed and calm for our tomorrow. Thank you for helping me get an education, for helping me cope with difficulties. For not turning his back on me when I brought trouble from school.

Daddy, thank you for always being a real father and a real friend, helper and support to me and mom.

Dear daddy, gratitude to you has settled in my heart forever and will never leave me. I want to thank you for being you! And for being a real dad. And for the fact that you regularly managed to work as a mother when she could not. For the fact that you are my guardian angel, intercessor, support, support and true friend. I love you daddy, you are a real example of the ideal man for me and it will not be easy for my husband to compete with you. However, I believe he will cope ... After all, I chose him for myself in your image and likeness.

Be happy dad and live forever. I still need your strength, wisdom and love to this day, despite the fact that I have already grown up. And they will always be needed. I promise to take care of you just like you take care of me.

Daddy! I have already thanked you so many times for everything that every time it is more and more difficult for me to choose words and not repeat myself. Today I want to thank you for the fact that you have never been just a breadwinner in our family. Thank you for the fact that you also had time to actively participate in my upbringing, growing up. I know it was not easy for you and there was often not enough time. But you tried and you succeeded. I appreciate your contribution to me, dad, I remember all the good things and love you.

Thanks daddy. Be healthy, happy, still young and charming.

Dad, thank you for being the real head of the family. For your wisdom and patience, for your work that you have invested in my upbringing. For the efforts that you made during my adult life, so that my world is always rosy, joyful, calm and stable. Thank you daddy for understanding, kindness and all the light that you bring into my life to this day. I always remember about you, cherish and never leave. And don't leave me.

Dad, I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and support ... For all the bright things that you generously shared with me ... But today I want to thank you not for that. I say "thank you" to you, dad, for your strictness and willpower. Now I have my own child and I realized how hard it was for you to put up with my stupidity and insolence, unwillingness to grow up and learn, with laziness and frivolity. Your punishments as a child brought me almost more benefit than love, encouragement and gifts. Now I know that your strictness was also a concern for me. I want you to know, dad, there is no grudge against you in my heart. I understand you perfectly, I love you and be calm - I don’t blame you for anything.

Daddy, I am grateful to you always lives in my heart and I have already thanked you many times. But today I want to thank you for the fact that you have always been, as a real man should be, an excellent earner. The mammoths you harvested were fat and of good quality. There were many mammoths and we did not know the need. Thanks to your masculine qualities, my mother and I have always had reliable support and a strong shoulder that you can lean on at any moment. You are a wonderful support for our family and a strong foundation on which I grew up. Thank you and be happy. I really hope your daughter doesn't upset you too often.

Daddy, I am very grateful to you for your love and care. For my prosperous childhood and education. For the fact that I always had someone to come to ask for intercession, even if I was wrong. Thank you dad for always being on my side - such support gives strength and inspires. Thank you for the wise advice and help in my studies. thanks for beautiful dresses and smart books. They made my life rosy, and my childhood warm and cozy.

And most importantly, dad, I am grateful to you that you raised an independent girl. Thank you for my vitality. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know that you are the most important man in my life. I am grateful to you for the fact that you have always been, are and remain with me and with my mother. We have a wonderful mother, but without you, our family would not be as beautiful as it is. And my life could never be happy and as rosy as it is with you. Thank you, dad, for living and doing everything for me and for me. It warms my heart, inspires me and supports me.

Favorite daddy! I will not get tired of thanking you for warming me with your warmth. For generously giving me all the best that you manage to get in life. For the fact that you spare no time and effort to support me in difficult times. Because you know how to keep my secrets. For the fact that with your wisdom and life experience you help me become independent and viable.

I love you dad and wish you good health, eternal love of life and a long happy life.

Dad, I want to thank you so much for so much that I don't know where to start. Thank you for everything. But the main thing is for the fact that I have you. And for the fact that I have never been ashamed of you. I have always been proud and will be proud of a dad like you, because you are the best. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know: I have always been and will be grateful to you for the fact that you were not only my father, but also my mother. And I know how difficult it is for you to be two people in one person and perform completely different (male) functions. But you did a great job and for that you are my huge "thank you"! Be kind daddy, live forever, never leave me.

Daddy, I hasten to inform you that if you decide that your adult daughter does not need you, then you are deeply mistaken, my golden one. Childhood has passed, but the need for you remains the same. I would never want this world to be without you. You are an integral part of my life and it will never be different. So - humble yourself and continue to be my beloved daddy ... And I promise, I will also try to make your life pleasant and not upset you.

Dad, I have no words to convey how valuable you are to me and to what extent I am grateful to you that you are in my life. Thanks to you and your work, the life of our family was stable, even, smooth and prosperous. Mom and I love you, appreciate you, always remember you and constantly think about how else you can decorate your world. I hope we succeed at least sometimes. And I also hope that you will always be happy with us. Be kind - live long.

I have already thanked you many times, dad, for your love and care. And I will always be grateful. But today I want to say: thank you, dad, for friendship. For real, strong, your male friendship. For the fact that you always lent me a shoulder in difficult times. For being my protector and support. For extending a helping hand in time. And most importantly, for not leaving me despite the fact that I have already grown up and continue to do all this to this day.

Thanks dad. And I wish you the fulfillment of all desires, health, success and long years.

Daddy, can you imagine recent times I am so often praised at work and admired for my professionalism, energy and decisions that I make that I am surprised at myself ... Every time I hear in my address, another recognition of my merits with the question "How do you do it?" I say: “This is all from my dad!”

Honestly, dad, I am grateful to you for giving me such willpower, such patience and stamina. And perseverance and right attitude to work, I learned only from you, observing what and how you do, how you solve your problems. Thank you for teaching me courage in my profession and in life.

  • If you choose to include thanksgiving words in a letter to your father, try to restrain yourself and not enter several texts at once. This is overkill. One or two (combined in one paragraph) will be enough. Of course, I want to say to dad all the words of gratitude at once (whatever they can find), but it will be “spam”, believe me.
  • If you pronounce these words in public (at a wedding, anniversary, etc.) and the text seems long to remember, you can use the shortest version or shorten the long text you like by half, leaving only the main thing that in the text goes directly to your situation with your father.

My dad is just incredibly cool. For any daughter, her dad is the best, but I know for sure that many girls would dream of such a father. I want to congratulate you on your day and thank you for being in my life. It's never scary with such a dad, because he is always next to me, he protects me, supports and gives me strength. I never hesitated to talk to him, because he can keep up the conversation on any topic. I really want to wish you only what you yourself need. You know that I am ready to do anything for you, because I want to make you as happy as you made me. I am very glad that you have found your calling in life. May this day be useful for you, and our efforts will not be in vain. We will rest and relax in full. Happy holiday to you!

The coolest dad in this world has a holiday today, which means that the whole city will have fun. My dad knows how to arrange cool holidays that are remembered for many years. I want to wish you good mood that will never leave you. Let this cool holiday will give you many vivid emotions and feelings. You should forget about all your affairs, plunge into the festive atmosphere, because this holiday happens only once a year. May this day be remembered by you for many years, or at least until the next holiday. I wish you to achieve the most significant results in all areas. I have no doubt that you will continue to develop professionally. I wish you good health, as well as happiness, patience and endurance. It is important to me that you never be sad and do not worry. Happy holiday you daddy!

I don’t remember a single case when my dad refused me, so that he didn’t support me. He was always by my side, always supported and helped. He wanted to show me the whole world, to give me all the gifts of this world. Today I want to wish you on your holiday only everything that you yourself dream of. Believe that your daughter is trying to do everything so that you do not get upset. I will not get married for a long time so as not to leave home. I want to wish you good health, because everything else does not make sense if a person does not have health. My dad, you know that you are a very important person to me. Others can only dream of such a dad, but I was lucky. You make all my dreams come true, so I want your dreams to come true too. Spend this day for the benefit of yourself, get the maximum pleasure and enjoyment. And we will have fun with you until the morning.

Today is a special day for my dad because he is celebrating his new life stage. I want to congratulate you, and also say that many can only dream of such a dad, but I was definitely lucky. Let this wonderful day give you a lot of bright emotions, otherwise you really don’t have enough of them during the working months. You so rarely rest, but I want you to rest as often as possible, spend time with us. I wish you a great mood, many new useful acquaintances. I am sure that you will find all the most interesting things you can dream of. You will achieve great success in your work. I know what a purposeful and hardworking person you are. All this was passed on to me, so you can be calm for your daughter. I will do everything to make you proud of me, my beloved daddy. I wish you a cool mood! Let's spend this day in such a way that the whole city will stand on its ears.

Today is just a beautiful day, but it's definitely not because of the long-awaited warm weather. The thing is that today one wonderful and very important person for me will celebrate his birthday - my dad. I want to congratulate you, and also say that for me there is no one dearer than you. I have always said that I love my dear daddy in a special way. We always had a very strong bond, so we understood each other very well. I didn't even have to say anything because I knew he understood everything. Daddy, I want to wish you only the bare necessities. Over the long years of your life, you have achieved a lot, including such a beautiful daughter. I would like to wish you continued success in professional activity. I have no doubt that a lot of victories await you, because you are a winner in our life. Spend this day in such a pleasant company of people you love so much. Believe that they sincerely wish you all the best.

I want to congratulate my dear dad on the fact that his holiday has come. On our holidays, you have fun until the morning, but you don’t really like your birthday. I want to congratulate you, and so to say that you should spend this day for the benefit of yourself. You simply must leave all your affairs today, because this day is meant for celebration and fun. I wish you all the very best that can be. Your daughter always wants to see you happy and self-confident, as well as the kindest and most loving daddy, without whom my life would not be so bright and interesting. As a child, we always had a very cool time, we traveled a lot out of town. These will be the most pleasant memories of my life, which I would not exchange for anything. My daddy, let every day of yours be like a holiday, and I will do everything to make it so. I wish you good health and also good health. You will see that the best is yet to come. A rich future awaits you.

I want to congratulate my daddy and say that I look up to him in everything. Usually sons say this, but in our case, the daughter takes an example from her beloved father in everything. Daddy, the most important and necessary thing for you is health, so this is exactly what I want to wish you. It is important to me that you always achieve what you think about. You have always been such a purposeful dad for me, who set goals for himself and quickly walked towards them. I would like to wish you a wonderful mood, a sea of ​​​​positive emotions and all the most positive and joyful. In general, today I saw you so happy that I want you to have many reasons for joy, so that you always be like that. I wish you only everything that you really need. May all your dreams and desires be fulfilled at the speed of light.

I want to congratulate the most important person in my life on the holiday, without whom I don’t even want to imagine my life. Today, my incomparable daddy, whom I can talk about for hours, has become one year older. My dear, I want to congratulate you, and also wish you all the most necessary. I want you not to stop improving your professional skills, because you still have so many achievements ahead of you, and you need to prepare for them. I want your every day to be like a holiday, and with a daughter like me, you don’t even need to worry about this. You know that I have these creative ideas so much that I can color any of your days. I really want you to always remain such a wonderful, very kind daddy, because you are unique to me. Happy holiday to you!

I would like to congratulate my dear dad on the holiday, and also to say that there is no dearer person for me in this world. Of course, I also love my mom, but we always had a special connection with dad, although my mother herself told me that trusting relationships are built between dad and daughter. So I want to congratulate you, my dear daddy, but I want to wish you exceptionally good health, a lot of strength and energy. I want good luck to always accompany your affairs, but troubles and hardships all bypass you. I have no doubt that many more different achievements await you, because you have always been able to achieve your goal. You always talked about how difficult it was for you to get your mother, but you still got to your point. Know that behind your back, we are like behind a stone back, because we have just an amazing daddy and the most beloved one.

Today's sunny day is dedicated to my daddy. He is simply wonderful with us, which is why everyone loves and respects him so much. Even the sun decided to look out today to please him. Daddy, I want to wish you a great mood, although this is something that cannot be taken away from you, because you yourself can cheer up anyone. I really want your whole life to be filled with exceptionally joyful and happy moments. You can be sure that we, your family, will do everything for this. You know that your daughter will do everything to ensure that you are always full of strength. I really want you and me to go to nature just as often, because I really like spending time with you, but you are just incredibly cheerful with us. May it always be so, because I can’t even imagine my daddy in a different way.

I want to congratulate one wonderful and positive person on the holiday, about whom I can talk for hours. It's about my favorite dad, whom I have always loved more than anyone else. But everyone knows that a father is a special person for a daughter, so, for example, my mother will certainly forgive me. I want to wish you good health, as well as all the most positive and positive that can be. It is important for me that you are always full of energy, because you and I have many more ideas that will certainly need to be implemented. I wish you a great and high spirits, as well as a sea of ​​​​positive emotions that will warm your soul until the next holiday. Let no troubles and problems disturb you, my dear daddy. You know that your daughter is ready to help you at any moment.

The coolest and most positive dad in this world has a holiday today, which means that the whole world will relax and have fun with us. Well, if not the whole world, then our entire city for sure. I want to congratulate you, daddy, and also wish you all that you need to feel happy and confident. Although my daddy was always like that, so I don’t even imagine you differently. Over the years of your life, you have achieved the most real recognition in professional terms. But I think that your most important achievement is your family, or rather your beautiful daughter, who cannot imagine her life without you. I hope that mommy will not be very offended by me, because she knows that I have always been much closer to you than to her. May this day be full of the most best wishes, congratulations and cool gifts.

My daddy, I want to congratulate you on your holiday, thanks to which you will be able to relax a bit and have a good time with your family and friends, otherwise you don’t often manage to just relax. I would like to wish you good health, as well as all that you yourself want. If you dream of a new car, then I wish you a cool sports car that you can drive, but not on the road. I wish you a cool mood, as well as all the most positive and positive. If something doesn’t work out for you, then be sure that your daughter is ready to help and support at any time. In fact, you and I are similar in many ways, so I know exactly what you'll need. I wish you patience, because it doesn't always work out exactly the way you imagine. But you will be great!

On this day, I want to congratulate one special person for me - my dear daddy, about whom I personally can talk for hours. Let this festive day be remembered by you every moment, because I tried to do everything in such a way that you have a very good time. Although I certainly know how my dad knows how to relax and have fun. May all your relatives, friends and relatives always be there, although you know that we, your family, will be the first to come running to the rescue. I wish you festive mood, a lot of new emotions and new pleasant and useful acquaintances. You have always been able to achieve what you dreamed of. I remember how you were just starting your business, and we just supported you. You've put in so much effort, but you've reached a level you never dreamed of. And so let it always be, because we expect the best from you.

I just have to be the first to congratulate my dear daddy, because he is a very important person for me. Since childhood, I said that I love dad more than mom, but mom understood me, because she always said herself that dad and daughter have completely “cosmic” relationships. I really want to congratulate you on the fact that you have become one more year older, but at the same time you look like our peers. By the way, you use this because you often say that I am your sister. I like your sense of humor, because not every dad can boast of it. I want your every day to be like a holiday, to be pleasant and positive. And you should just enjoy every moment. I wish you cool and have a fun day which will forever remain in your memory. Have a good day you!

My daddy, I want to sincerely congratulate you on your significant day. I thought for a long time about what to wish you, but in the end I realized that you only need to wish good health, because you already have everything else. But even if you lose something in your life, then know that we will help restore justice. Daddy, I want you to enjoy your work. It takes a lot of strength from you, so it must certainly bring at least some positive emotions. May all your dreams and desires come true with an enviable speed, but just do not forget that your daughter also has desires, and only her beloved daddy can fulfill them. I want to wish you everything that you can only dream of. If you think that there is something impossible in this world, then you are grossly mistaken. You can everything!

I really want my daddy to be the happiest, so for this I can do anything, because it is important to me that you never get upset. Daddy, you must understand that you are a very important person for your daughter. You and I have always had a special relationship, and I really want it to be that way forever. You always know what I need, so you often make me happy with unexpected gifts. I want to wish you good health, because there is nothing more important than health. Always watch your well-being, because it is very important to you. Let no barriers stand before you and your dreams and hopes. Let everything be exactly the way you yourself want it, and your daughter is ready to support any of your undertakings. Do you remember how we used to go out of town with you? I really want this to happen again.

Today will be fun and carefree, and all this just because my incredible daddy will celebrate his holiday. I want to congratulate you and say that I love your birthdays very much, because they always go so well that you don’t even want the day to end. I would like to wish you only everything that will help improve your mood, because because of your work, you walk around sad and tired. I myself am ready to do everything for you, so that you at least from time to time rest and spend time with us. Your life stories inspire, motivate and give me strength. Let no troubles prevent you from achieving your goal, but if anything, then you can be sure that your beloved daughter will help you. I wish you a great mood, many pleasant wishes and cool gifts.

I want to congratulate one wonderful and very positive person on the holiday, about whom you can talk for days on end. Of course, we are talking about my beautiful daddy, whom I love so much that I can’t even find words to talk about what kind of friendship we have with him. My dad, I want to congratulate you on your day, and also wish you all that you yourself need in order to feel like a happy person. My daddy, let every day be a real holiday for you, and I will do everything to make it so. You know that we are not just a family, but a real team, so you can always count on our help. I wish you patience and endurance, because not everything in our life turns out exactly the way we imagine it to be. But I have no doubt that you will have a lot of achievements in the future.

Today I must be the very first to congratulate my dear dad on his holiday. I really want to wish you a great mood, as well as all the most positive that you only need. I love it so much when you good mood because you become so cheerful and active. I want it to be like this forever. Daddy, the most important thing I want to wish you is good health, because it is never superfluous. I really want you and me to spend a lot of time together, like in childhood. I really want my daddy to always be full of strength and energy, and for this, his beloved daughter will delight with her successes. May you always be surrounded only by the closest and dearest people who will never betray you. And we, your family, will certainly always be there to share both joyful and sad moments.

Happy birthday wishes for dad:
In verse | From daughter | From son | Cool

100 Reasons Why I Love Dad- this is a great gift for February 23 or for an anniversary for dad. The idea is that 100 reasons why you love your father and for which you are grateful to him are written on the notes. It could be everything. anything. Some of your childhood memories, some little things that touch you, daddy's habits or a manifestation of care for you. For example, "you always buy us ice cream" or "you give me money secretly from mom" or "you clever man of those I know."
The notes are folded into a tube, tied with a bow and folded into a transparent glass jar. Glue on the jar beautiful inscription"100 Reasons Why I Love You Dad"
Although it may not be a jar. You can make a beautiful box for such a gift. Or arrange a frame with notes, as I did. Only, knowing my father, I also printed out all the notes on separate sheet. So that he can read them without unfolding.
Dad will definitely like such a gift, because it contains words of gratitude for all the years that he raised you.
Below are examples of notes that you can write for such a gift to dad.

Print out the reasons why you love dad on colored paper. Cut the notes into strips and roll them into tubes. Bandage them thin satin ribbon and tie a bow.

Then these notes can be folded into a transparent jar, into a box or into a three-dimensional frame.

If you choose the option with a frame, then keep in mind that when the frame hangs or stands on the table, the notes will all be at the bottom. Therefore, glue a few notes at the top to make it beautiful.

What else can you give dad for an anniversary or for February 23? . This will be a very unusual and original gift.

If you want to congratulate your husband-dad on behalf of the child, but he is still quite a baby, then here.