
Words that express gratitude. A letter of thanks for the help. How to be


Many people strive to find all the words of gratitude at once in the depths of the Internet. You are not looking for them there. The human heart is an untapped treasure trove of words of gratitude. Both past and present.

I will say right away that in this article you will not find all the words of gratitude. It’s impossible. Otherwise, you would only read them, read them, read them ... And the words are alive. They need fresh air life, in sunny smiles of understanding. Sometimes, and shaking hands. And you definitely need a human heart. And not just one.

It's wonderful that this very smile is now pulling the corners of your lips upward. I am grateful to you for that ...

Hello readers of Find Yourself!

For some reason it was in new year holidays words of gratitude have become especially demanded.
I already wrote about. I even made a review of my articles.

It was these articles that were visited during the January holidays of the country. It was they who remained without comment. Why?

Because most are looking for ready-made words. Government templates. Strives to collect a collection that will gather dust in albums and souls. Can't believe it? And we will check a little later ...

Personal opinion about all the words of gratitude.

I will speak briefly, but succinctly.

1.Never said all the words of gratitude to anyone.

The Russian language is truly comprehensive ...

2. It is necessary to recognize other people's words, but ...

3. True words of gratitude come from the human heart.

Certainly, a living heart. I hope everyone understands the difference?

4. Heartfelt gratitude always returns a hundredfold.

5. She is always selfless.

You can thank counting on the response. Only it will be more like a bribe.

It’s my human heart that thinks so. I suppose nobody was puzzled by my interpretation. If this happens, write it down immediately in the comments. Because the topic of gratitude cannot be put on the back burner. And we will move on to examples.

Valid words of gratitude.

I'll start with the most important and effective words. I'm not afraid to say that our beautiful world is based on them.


Everyone already knows that the first means "God save". But many forget that they themselves are gods. Not omnipotent due to their laziness, self-loading with household chores, etc.

“Thank you” does not need interpretation at all. But he needs not so much utterance as real implementation.

And, when epithets that sound the human heart, and characteristics and direction are added to these words. With the word "thank you" there are not many such options. But, "gratitude" and "thanksgiving" ...

Heartfelt gratitude

Please accept my most sincere thanks.

Deepest sincere thanks for ...

My dearest man. Thank you from the depths of my heart

My human heart, in a fit of happiness, is ready to splash out all delight

Thanksgiving to heavenly purity and depth

You can continue for a long time. The more specifics in your words, the more significant they will be perceived. What does specifics mean? Talk about your happiness, oh a specific person who helped you (gave you a gift) and how your life will change now.

Do not be afraid of beautiful words when they come "from the most sincere human heart." From your heart.

Here's a classic example. For me, the classic: Bulat Okudzhava. The song is as short as it is deep. His human heart still sings to everyone. Listen.

And now a few examples.

An example of words of gratitude for ...

I looked in the statistics "Find yourself" among the most frequent queries. How to make a page by me has already been described step by step.

That is why I chose another example, "all the words of gratitude for the gift." It is clear that this is enough for a search engine. Only…

You may be presented with a keychain that will only cling to your pockets. Or a car you don't have a driving license for. Or they can present a book or a picture that you have dreamed of for a whole year. Therefore, I am giving below not a template, but my own version of gratitude.

Friends! You cannot imagine what gratitude I feel from the fact that you came to me. No ... I will not find suitable words to express all its depths. Even if you appeared without a gift ... Tell me honestly, who has such a developed intuition that you guessed to give me? I hear the voices of your human hearts.

Even my parents did not imagine that I needed this now. Thank you very much. I have been dreaming about such a gift for a year already.

I see: now my life will definitely change. But this is not enough! Because it's so nice to feel like not just a person, not only the right person... And the person you all need. It is these feelings that overwhelm me when I see you with this gift. Thank you!..

The most interesting thing is that it was written in 2 minutes. And I put an ellipsis because you can go on for a long time. I repeat: specifics are needed everywhere. Therefore, state your desires in the comments. The first 3 will be gratitude as a gift. Precisely "we will compose". Because without your active participation it will turn out sour, stingy, sluggish ...

However, I have already made a similar proposal. I confirm both.
Of course, words of gratitude can be expressed in a shorter way:

For all that you have done
From a heart full of love
I am ready to give thanks to the stars.

Let the feelings do not have enough words
So, the heart will flare up with a new sun.
And the happiness of life in him will not subside

In the coming thousand centuries! ..

Does anyone think the terms of such gratitude are exaggerated? Remember, the sun lives longer.

Practice yourself. Don't be ashamed to be grateful right here and now. Open your humanity first to yourself, and then to the world. And you will see all the words of gratitude on the faces you meet. And soon you will feel it on your own.

Not working with words yet? Simple ones have been invented on the Internet

Read on. Set yourself. Click here.

With heartfelt thanks

Thank you for supporting me in hard time... Your attention and help was invaluable to me! It's nice to know that there are kind people who will find the desire and time to help! And I wish you to come across such sympathetic people like you in your life!

I would like to thank you for the help provided. At the most crucial moment, you extended a helping hand and made it possible to do everything right. Thank you for your understanding and responsiveness. May your goodness, compassion and complacency return to you many times!

I would like to bring you my sincere words of gratitude. Without your help, everything would not have worked out as well as it is now. For me, you have become like a savior. Thank you for being such a kind and helpful person. There are very few such units in our world.

My people are always with me

I am very glad that I got friends like you. Thank you very much for your support during this difficult time. I couldn't have done it without you. You are the ones I can always count on. Thank you for being in my life. You are a real gift of fate!

Thank you very much for your help,
For the fact that you treated me with a soul,
Rushed to the rescue in the right moment!
So know that you are no more wonderful!
And if someday you call,
You will also find understanding in me!

We sincerely want to thank you for the timely assistance provided to us! We are indebted to you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We wouldn't have succeeded without you, you helped us out!

Your help is priceless for me!
Be blessed by fate!
Let her reward you in full!
I wish you love, good luck and warmth!

I am very grateful for your help. There are very few people like you. You have never refused, but on the contrary offered your help and support. I am very pleased with this. I, in turn, is ready to help you in any situation. Thank you very much, I will never forget this.


  • expand children's understanding of the concept of gratitude;
  • to form in students an understanding of the importance of a polite attitude towards people around them,
  • to cultivate the desire to do good deeds,
  • develop self-esteem.


Nothing costs us so cheap
and is not valued as much as courtesy.

The rules of politeness originated in antiquity.

Politeness has always been an indicator of good manners. True politeness lies in treating people well.

Polite people are well-mannered people who follow the rules of behavior accepted in society. A polite person is courteous, attentive. He is easy to contact and maintain. Polite words cheer people up, talk about the speaker's respect for the interlocutor, about his tact, sensitivity, readiness to provide a service to someone who needs it.

Politeness is a moral quality that characterizes the behavior of a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a habitual way of dealing with others.


Today we will talk about words that play, perhaps, the most important role in a person's life.

Try to decipher the words and you will find out the topic of today's lesson:

Thanks to


When do they say “thank you” or “thank you”?

Let's try to figure out what these words mean. Let's find the roots of these words.

What does the word thank you mean? Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary defines the word "thank you" as the original dialect from the Slavic language, which has taken root in modern language as an abbreviation for "God save".

The word THANKS was supposed to answer NOT FOR WHAT, sometimes people preferred to answer “please”.

To thank a person today by saying THANKS to him is meant to do good, a well-known common truth, just like saying hello or goodbye.

People say - THANK YOU. This expression is formed from two roots of different words: BLAGO + GIVE. By pronouncing this phrase, we share a part of our good, and in this way we respond with kindness to goodness personally, we mutually give goodness as a gift.

If we want to THANK for something, then it would be more correct to say - THANK YOU!

That is, good for good, good for good!

What words of gratitude do you know?


1 situation.

You've lost your pen. Olcha gave you hers. Thank her.

2 situation.

You were awarded a certificate for second place. What do you say when you receive it?

3 situation.

Today for lunch was your favorite dish. Thank the chefs.

4 situation.

On your birthday, you received a gift that you have dreamed of for a long time. What do you say?

5 situation.

Olcha distributes vitamins to all the children. What do you say?


Two angels. The parable of gratitude.

There were two angels in paradise. One always rested on a cloud, and the other flew from earth to God.

The resting angel decided to ask another: "Why are you flying here and there?"

I carry messages to God that begin - "Help, Lord ..."

Why do you always rest?

I have to carry messages to the Lord that begin - "Thank you, Lord ..."

What does the parable tell about? What is her main idea? (People ask God for help, but they forget to thank him.)

Does this happen in life?

What work of L. Tolstoy did we read about the attitude towards old parents? ("Old grandfather and granddaughter", p. 110, "Literary reading", grade 2)

How did the boy's parents treat his grandfather?

Why did they feel ashamed?

Match the proverb with the content of the story.

CONCLUSION: We need to be grateful to those who care about us.


"Don't spare your thanks!"

If in word or deed
Someone helped you
Don't hesitate loudly, boldly
Say: "THANKS!".

  • Having done good, do not repent (or: do not reproach, do not remember).
  • And the dog does not bark at the one whose bread it eats.
  • God save the one who drinks and feeds, and twice the one who remembers bread and salt.
  • You cannot respect a thin person.


Everyone needs gratitude, it brings goodness to the world.

To thank is to give good, it is always pleasant for a person, it evokes good and joyful feelings in the soul.

We must always be grateful for everything we have, and we will definitely get more.

It is necessary to express gratitude, then a positive cloud will form around, enveloping everyone who is near, and everyone will follow a good example.

You need to see goodness around you, and thank people and nature for it.

We need to share our joy with friends, give love to loved ones, please relatives.

We must say THANK YOU to everything good in life, to everything good, and in return you will receive reciprocity.


Students perform the song "If you are polite" (Lyrics by S. Marshak)

And if you are polite, then sitting in the lesson,
You won't rattle with a friend like two magpies.
And if you are polite, will you help your mom
And offer help to her without asking, that is, eat yourself.
And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt
Both with grandfather and grandmother, you will not interrupt them.
And if you are polite, then you are in the library
You will not take Nekrasov and Gogol forever.
And if you are polite, you will return the book
In a neat, not smeared and whole cover.
And if you are polite to the one who is weaker,
You will be a protector before the strong without shyness. colleagues, head. You will not find all your sincere wishes, you swam in success, Thank you in words to say friend Thank you very much for

To wish good health, Thank you very much from For the impulse of light, May you always have speeches Kind, great. I just adore you Smiles forever not a warm word, friend. Pleased me with their fulfillment of dreams, rainbow soul for wonderful

Kindness. Luck surrounds, Heaven, I know, will hear. Let all that, I. Would go from That didn’t forget Thank you for your attention. I am very

Happiness and pure congratulations, good wishes, For helping out the Good over the negative Let there be life that I was told, I was lucky with the faces! You give me a pleasure that I love.

Paid attention and ready, wins.your rich To you soon as friends in life, Thank you for your Thank you that we are surrounded by such people in life.

Thank you so much for your pleasant words... In Cover, correct, change. It is pleasant to me that For good, joy, it will return. More reliable and more beautiful congratulations, in joy and respite, I feel a great

warm congratulations and the answer I wish peace I wish you solid miracles with me. There is no door in front of you. For the harmony of phrases, in grief, So that congratulations from

Pride from the consciousness of good wishes. Good luck to me, well-being of awards, here, Thank you for the kind in the dream Thank you for the evenness of presentation, you instilled pride in friends that I am very pleased with your

And light, joy Calmly and in And know, in words and congratulations, It will also open wide, understanding, For praise, for ourselves. We managed to hear a lot. We succeeded in attention and care. and love, good luck to live well.

This house has become very special for me. I believe that support, help and that everything is my faithful friend. Thank you from the soul of life, basically May your mood and happiness.

Thank you for congratulations to friends in verse

Me you, without
Congratulations advice.
Will pass, congratulated
For congratulations, thanks to you.
Will always be wonderful Thank you very much for the warm
You better thank you for the congratulations,
Doubts, from the heart only
I wish you happiness, prosperity, for miracles and

And I thank you you please me and optimistic, albeit sincere words,
And poisons less I'm so pleased
I’ll come to the rescue.
So that thoughts are healthy, a friendly round dance.
I say. Surprised. Thank you for the congratulations,

Vital let your
Evil smoke for your congratulations.
Heard these
To everyone who
I'm glad about you.
Thanks for the dreams and not in
I wish you in
For joy and will be strewn with happiness
And bright wishes. We are strength together,
Phrases! Asks,
Let me come true more often
And wishes,

Life of such rules, in turn, I
Warmth of communication, and kindness.
I am very pleased, that's for sure, I really hope I
Let it only be positive. They have not forgotten now.
Ideas, goals and For generosity, laughter,
Not to say - happiness, For sincerity and
Thank you very much I want to say I hope that
Our team is always on their implementation, life brings you.

You congratulated well,
Dreams. For your understanding. How much i appreciate.
Thankful for my kindness,
For the warm and life will be supportive
One. Let it come true
Thank God for Hindering me already.
The rains are not scary And if it comes true
I appreciate you and you have not forgotten!

Openness for souls,
my sincere congratulations, for and will fulfill everything.
I will thank you today, my dreams are not
Sent such people, I wish you also
And at least five storms
Your friendship, it's nice to tears
Beauty! Kind and light May you
My co-workers, friends, right away!

More fun, happiness,
After all, always with interest,
Glory to the warmth that your congratulations,
Let everything turn out to be wishes. Let it be
God will send a strong Big one in life
In response to you carefree days
Thrive day from me you.
Will not be so nice.

Thank you for
At you,
Yours is full of happiness
Health, joy and luck,
I wish everything For you always
Of the day. Thank you friends
The earth is happier than man.
And congratulations, aren't you kind to

To fire into life and to
Happiness, well-being and that office with
The same, my dear
For the words of love, dear ones, to the service, me.
The eyes are not extinguished, the cherished dream stretches
Prosperity. I share you.
Let the house and heart be on your face,

Be happy, merry. Thank friends today
From you to me Be you successful
So that my heart is even and light, I want to sincerely thank
My employees, colleagues, a smile blooms before
Opened bright, welcoming Straight for the soul
Always ready to give me
Always needed. And healthy, spring was blooming
Trail. You for pleasant

Thanks to friends

Door .took.
Hand, better just not.
It's nice to receive on a holiday Let there be life

And a lot of happiness I want with all my heart
Congratulations. And thank you.
After all, nothing on I thank you now
I want to Save and take away

I was lucky guys, such a congratulation,
Yours, as she brought in!
Thank you for the kind response to wish you
All of you, beautiful light is no more precious, For your congratulations,

For you in life
Trouble. With you,
I want to thank you, sweet dream.
For your congratulations, I and pleasant congratulations,

All the best guys,
Than happiness that you are in life
Only fortune and I appreciate you, glorious
You give happiness After all, yours is important

Thank you for your congratulations
Thank you for your kind attention
For me your
I appreciate very much living in my soul

And care. Words will serve me beautiful
And I love yours!
Wonderful moments. I want to tell you a huge
My house is open, More than once from troubles

Thanks for the congratulations in verse

It became in my soul
From the bottom of your heart
Your congratulations were presented as a complement for a good
More than once you saved

And all that
Thanks for your
Always waiting for you.
I was saved
Rhyme, warmth,
Wonderful mood and
Mood. Thanks a lot!

With a report
Thank you my
You wished, congratulations. It was
They rushed to the rescue Everything is clear and
And it rose in an instant Thank you so much for
Optimistic attitude. Large Very pleasant to the heart sincere
And helped to survive
Colleagues, let Fate increase,
Very touching and thank you for your congratulations,
I always understand

Kind words,
Thank you for
Congratulations and warm punctures, failures, shortcomings.
For all that is your good a hundredfold
Unexpected. Very nice I liked all the wishes,
I am grateful to you Thank you for the congratulations,
Bad as if forever They tremble
It is. I wish you wishes. Thank you

You do me with you. Let me get so warm Aspires, I will embody immeasurably, I was so gone. Heart, dizzy! Incredible strength and great. I just want to live better.

And Nice words
Dream, May it be glorious
Nice! Thank you, it was so
And joy covers happiness, wonderful ideas
The answer is to wish you Thank you, dear colleagues,
Did not cover it aptly,
Will be able to return from such a person.
Thank you, in general, years.

You congratulated me very pleasantly,
Me in a continuous wave, and bright good luck, peace and joy,
For the joy of everyday life That does not endure Thank you I
I would like for the attention.
My friends are mentally
I get so happy I am infinitely
Thank you very much for your long years of health, labor,
My head. I say

So that every one of yours
I am for kind words
My prop, now i'm thank you
Kind words,
That you are friends sincere congratulations and
Happiness and good luck.
Your smiles, coffee breaks, For kindness, openness, honesty
For wishes of happiness.the wish was realized, and
Thank you, Support, strength and
For that I speak.
From the wishes of the sun with me!
Kind words. Let Let in life

Not in offices
I am in this His I am with
I will try my best Wishes are all yours
Wall. And be happy
Shines brighter, you kind words wonderful
All wishes and luck and always
Others like that. Thank you for an hour. I will share with you,
Do everything for Let them be mutual. Thank you, my

You will certainly
And it blooms in an instant.
There will be loved ones for the fact that you
You are all pros, I will give each of them according to their embodiment.
I believe in the sincerity of my family, and I respect
My soul! To me. Everything will be so,
People. Are ready to cover,
Let the parts know it. Thank you for the congratulations,

Thanks to colleagues

I will give it to you without you.
Thank you for your congratulations, and I thank
Just as you want Thank you very much for the warm
Help, since I love you all

How nice to hear congratulations
You said a lot of your every phrase.
I am no longer My holiday without
From happiness I ate you for congratulations.

Us. I and
Congratulations and sincere always.
I appreciate it. It immediately raises
Words, I believe everything will come true,

I. You wouldn’t
I am a kilogram of jam.
We live in you I wish you prosperity
Wishes. With gratitude I wish you ups and

We went through a lot of checks, the mood.
In response and what they said right away.
Accept gratitude to-day failed.
Soul in the sky a speedy rhythm,

And prosperity, wonderful
And respectfully accept
Victories to you, Always with me
Thank you for I wish you

What words to express gratitude for the gift and attention.

When we receive a gift, we want to express our gratitude and appreciation. It will not be difficult for a creative person to find the right words and say them sincerely.

But what if words of gratitude for a loved one do not immediately come to mind, and composing a poem seems generally an impossible task?

We offer you a selection of words of gratitude for almost all cases. Let your loved ones hear the words that are important to them in a beautiful way.

For all the good things that have been done for us by our relatives, friends, employees, just strangers we can say thank you. Beautiful words Thanks in good time can change our lives and make it better.

Words of gratitude to parents for a gift in prose and poetry

For parents who gave you a valuable or simply long-awaited gift, thank you with beautiful verses or say the most touching and sensual words of thanks in prose, which are collected in this section.

My invaluable parents, you are the most important thing for me in my destiny... Mom, dad, you give the first life lessons: about how important a true friend and that he should not be left in trouble. I learn from you that first “we have to do the job”, and then “walk boldly”. From you I receive the first lessons of kindness: you need to respect the elders and always help the younger ones. Forgive me, forgive me, please, for not doing everything that you taught me ...

All moms and daddies are different - young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict... But until old age they remain the same mothers and fathers for us. After all, an adult, just like a child, needs mother's and father's advice. Only mom and dad, no matter what, will support you in any good endeavors, and sometimes help out in difficult times. "

“Mom and Dad will forgive you for any mistake and failure, rude words and misunderstandings. They will only sigh softly, steal away a tear from their sad eyes and ... forgive you. After all, the heart of the parents is bottomless. After all, the heart of parents is able to forgive everything in the world. The most precious treasure, the greatest value in our life - our parents! Those who took upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the burdens and bad weather, everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy. "

My family, mom, dad,
Thank you today.
You were always my support,
I respect and love you.
Let your eyes sparkle happily
Be healthy, cheerful.
Thank you for understanding,
You are dearer to me in the world

You gave life and were there
When I wandered along the paths.
I am your tenderness and care,
Loved ones, did not forget.
I will say thank you on a beautiful day
For everything that was given to me in life.
Your Prayer and Participation
Gave light in pitch darkness
Thank you dear parents
For love and nights without sleep.
Indeed, in any of my endeavors
We were always there to the end.

People who are in charge of the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
They love you very, very much!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
A son - like a dad, will be strong
A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time, dad and mom
Never forget!
It's not true that the senses are weakening
When old age comes.
Love as the highest art
The example of my parents is.
Thank you for your concern
And helped me stay on track
And, when necessary, in childhood they instructed
And protected from bad temptations.

The sun is hidden in your heart
Sweet tender mother.
You live for the sake of children
And she was not tired of worries.
Our parents gave us life
Fortunately, they taught me goodness.
So that the cherished thread is not interrupted,
They gave the light of the soul!

You can also thank your parents in your own words. The main thing is that the words are sincere.

Words of gratitude to her husband and beloved for the gift and attention in prose and poetry

Women love it when men shower them with nice words. But the representatives of the stronger sex sometimes want to hear warm words from their beloved, after which there is a desire to “fly” with happiness.

Not all men love exclusively food, sex, sports and beautiful ladies. Many of them yearn for the beauty of words spoken beautifully and tenderly.

How turn to beloved? Here are some suitable words to address:

  • Darling
  • Gentle
  • Sexual
  • Best
  • The only one
  • Desired
  • Sun
  • Native
  • Expensive
  • Beloved
  • Wonderful
  • Unrepeatable

Just “weave” these words into your thank you speech and your man will love you even more.

How to thank your beloved man for your attention

And here are the appropriate words of thanks:

“My beloved angel! You gave me your wings you gave me your heart. These are priceless gifts. What do you want instead? Take all…. Take all of me "

"You are so wonderful…. Why did I get this joy, how are you? How did I deserve it? Probably because I love you madly. May my madness of love be and remain your amulet and talisman "

“I remember all the gifts that have been presented to me in my entire life. Your gifts are the best, because you are the best. Each of your gifts is a little "sweetness" of the soul, which, like the apple of an eye, is guarded by a memory. "

Thank you my angel, thank you guardian
For taking care of my soul
And at the hour when all the threads can break
You take a needle and sew it up gently.
Forgive me angel, sometimes I make
I suffer from my actions
I'm sorry angel, I just don't know
How to live correctly and be able to forgive everything.
You will say - not true, I know - you will say
That my heart is far from granite,
That you are always there, that you understand everything
After all, there is a transparent thread between us.

Thank you for beeing,
For the fact that your voice is spring
Comes as good news
In moments of resentment and doubt.
Thanks for the sincere look,
That you give only to me
My pains lurk in you
I live with you as in a dream.

Thank you for beeing,
Through all partings and deadlines
Some hidden currents
Suddenly they will remind you again - you are here.
You are here on Earth.
And everywhere I hear your voice and laughter
And I know that next to me
My dearest person!

Thanks for the nerves of kilograms,
Thanks for the tones of patience.
Our hearts are sending you telegrams:
"THANK YOU! Good luck, luck! "

From the bottom of my heart I will say "thank you", from my heart,

Thank you for the words - so cute!
Thank you for your support and attention!
Thank you for your kindness and understanding!
May happiness fall in love with you and joy smile!
Let it multiply three times and everything will return to you!

Thank you for
That you are attentive and sensitive
And always ready for me
Find a free minute.
And you never betray
And you never offend
You wait patiently from work
And you understand everything in the world.
For this sincerity of yours,
For good, eternal readiness,
My friend! I adore you!

Thank you for being around.
Thanks for not leaving.
Thank you for the fact that when there were tears like hail,
You almost lost your mind.
Thank you for holding my hand in yours
For opening the door to your heart.
Now I will forever be yours
Baby, you just believe it.

Words of gratitude to a guy, a man for a gift and attention in prose and poetry

You can express gratitude to a man for a gift with sincere words. Do not tell a man that the thing presented to him is too smart a gift. Refrain from phrases such as “you spent a lot on me”, “you shouldn't have” and “you could not have spent so much on me”.

Say that the present is exactly the thing that you needed. And if the gift is not entirely clear to you, then do not criticize the man's choice, but just say thanks.

By expressing gratitude to a man for his attention, you help him maintain the feeling of being loved and appreciated. After all, if a woman takes signs of attention for granted and does not do anything in response, then it is likely that on the part of a man they may stop altogether.

Saying "thank you" to a guy, a man, avoid such expressions as "baby", "hare", "fish". It will only irritate you. Men do not like "usipusi", diminutive epithets. Such phrases are appropriate if they are uttered by the man's mother, but not from a beloved woman or from a good friend.

“Beloved, with you I felt myself internally whole and an organic person, you perfectly complement my world with your presence. The sensations of daily joy and delight have moved to a new, previously inaccessible to me level, and this, undoubtedly, is only your merit. I love you all - endlessly and forever! "

“Darling, life sometimes brings not the most pleasant surprises, but when we are together, absolutely nothing is unattainable. With you, confidence, calmness and a clear understanding of the insignificance of troubles came into my sense of life. You are the support for my desires and support for the planned achievements. I am sincerely grateful to the universe for the happiness, to be loved by you! "

“I want to thank you, my dear beloved, for the reverent attitude to my desires, for the amazing ability to listen and the need to support my ideas. My tender feelings they grow stronger towards you and paint my cozy world with warmth, reliability and light. Thank you for a lasting union, dear! "

“Your attention is dearer than a mountain of gold, your smile is more valuable than a scattering of diamonds, your presence is like air for me, your love is a dream that suddenly came true. You are the meaning of my life, giving a wonderful hope for pure happiness without borders. With you my soul is full to the brim with crystal feelings. "

There are so many people on our planet -
Acquaintances, relatives and best friends.
But there is one in this world - the most important,
Smart, handsome, kind, courageous.

My valiant knight, my prince on horseback,
You kindle a fire in me.
Meeting you changed my life
She turned her into a fairy tale from books.
You are not just my beloved
You are my incomprehensible world
You are my air and my light
You are my breakfast and lunch!

You are not just my boyfriend
You are my dear, my dear,
You replace the whole world for me
As my hero and idol!

I love you, you know
Together we will create paradise!
Darling, I want to say again
How I need and need you!
We can do everything, we can do everything,
We will not spare the blues and boredom!

Together we succeed in everything
And life is like a piece of paradise!
And beats in unison with your heart
My deep love is great.

I'm not afraid of anything in this world,
When you are near, my dear boy!
You have become an amulet of a happy life
So be always, please, with me!

And even if the heart is cloudy,
One look of yours will bring me peace.
The door to Love itself is open to me!
But only when you are next to me!

I have a secret in my heart -
Our meeting is not accidental
I saw you in a dream
Waking then I found out

And suddenly I realized:
I used to always sleep!
And did not know what in the world
There are these dear eyes!

But now there is no doubt -
You are my lucky ticket!
You are my love and my life
I know it for sure!

Words of gratitude to a friend for a gift and attention in prose and poetry

If you are lucky in life and you have a best friend, then you should definitely find a day, a reason and a moment to say thank you to her. After all, this is the person you can turn to in difficult times, and not just to have fun.

If you have a best friend, be sure to tell her "Thank you!" for the time spent together

A friend knows what to tell you to make your soul lighter and warmer. Appreciate her friendship. She will be pleased to hear warm words of gratitude. They can be expressed in poetry or prose, or they can be written on a postcard.

Express your emotions and say "thank you" in time best friend the following collection will help you.

Thank you, my dear, that I have you! Without your support, it would be very difficult for me to overcome life's difficulties, and all the holidays would be a dull pastime, and not an unforgettable celebration!

I want you to understand:
My life fades away without you.
Fate gave you to me
And I don’t know better than a gift.
I am an invaluable gift of fate
I will cherish and store forever.
Oh, thanks, dear friend!
You help me very much to live ...

My dear friend
Thank you for beeing.
Thank you for the joy dear,
That you give me

You can always help with advice.
And a full cup with you
I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

My dear friend
You are like a sister to me
We have no secrets from each other,
Do not spill water, they all call us.
Let me thank you for everything
For our friendship, for trust, warmth,
For being so lucky in my life,
For the fact that we have been friends for years to spite everyone.

Women's friendship is different,
Someone finds, and someone loses,
But our friendship, I know for sure
The strongest and most holy.
I so want our friendship
Lasted for many years
Thank you for everything, dear friend,
And I think you are the best, most reliable.

Thank you for beeing.
Thank you for the joy dear,
That you give me
Support in joy, in sorrow,
You can always help with advice.
And a full cup with you
I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

My dear friend
Thank you for beeing.
Thank you for the joy dear,
That you give me
Support in joy, in sorrow,
You can always help with advice.
And a full cup with you
I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

Words of gratitude to a friend for a gift and attention in prose and poetry

It's nice when there is a real friend in your environment who is ready to support and help in difficult times. But if you also received a gift from him, then take a moment and express your gratitude to him for the time spent together. It's not difficult at all!

Even the most ordinary words, spoken beautifully and sincerely, will spill like a sweet balm on the heart. And so that these words are not trivial, take a look at our selection and pick up what is worthy of your friendship. Here you will find words of gratitude for all your friends.

“I thank fate for sending me this a wonderful person like you! What a blessing that our paths crossed in this life! "

"Thousands of words" Thank you! " not enough to express how much I am grateful to you! I wish you all the best, may there be only sincere, kind and sympathetic people around! "

“Thank you for the warmth and support, for the fact that in difficult times you you are always there! I am glad to know that I have such a reliable and close person, on whose help I can count on every time! Beautiful words of gratitude in prose I do not have enough words to express my gratitude! Thank you for everything! A person like you deserves deep respect! I would like to wish that everything in life will turn out with ease, and I will always be there! "

“When I understand that I am not alone in the world and there is a reliable brotherly shoulder, I begin to appreciate and cherish our friendship even more! Thank you for your dedication, dedication and sincerity! "

“I am so glad that I have you, the most wonderful, kind, good and funny! With you I am never bored and sad! Thank you for bringing a sea of ​​positive emotions into my life. "

I am grateful for your help,
Your honor and kindness.
I will keep it in my heart for years
Love and warmth to you.
Be happy, healthy,
Never change.
Peace and prosperity to you
I wish you forever.

Thank you from the heart
I want to express now.
Describe delight and happiness
Phrases are not enough for me today.
I take off my hat
And I say "thank you".
All that is done with love
I respect and honor.

Help is always a sacred thing,
And you did not refuse me.
Thank you for your understanding,
May all dreams come true.
You are not left with a problem
I have to suffer in private.
I wish you always luck
And bright happiness in fate.

I send thanks today
Kindness for your hearts.
They helped, gave a hand,
Gave warmth.
I wish you health
There are few such people.
Happiness to you, goodness and peace,
Long and happy days.

Add to the words of gratitude: You helped me a lot (you helped me out, saved me)! or Thank you very much for this book! I dreamed about her for a long time

“I thank my friends for their cheerful disposition, for their skill listen and understand me, for their kindness, for their sensitivity towards me, for showing the highest degree of interest in my life, for always finding time for me, and in general, just because they are! Without you, life would be absolutely impersonal and would have lost its meaning! I love you!"

Words of gratitude to colleagues for the gift and attention in prose and poetry

Work colleagues help you develop and achieve your goals. With them, you enjoy small things and big victories, learn to successfully interact with each other.

What words of gratitude to say to colleagues who work with you as one close-knit team? Choose what you like best, and be sure to tell the recipients of your appreciation how valuable their work is and how difficult it would be for you to solve all work issues without them.

“I am overwhelmed with a sea of ​​emotions, but I will try to express words what I would like. I am grateful to you, my dear colleagues, for everything that I happened to hear today. It is incredibly pleasant that you surrounded me with the warmth of words on such a magical and amazing day. I wish you all that you have wished for me, a thousandfold! Understand correctly and accept with your soul all the words I said! "

“I indefatigably thank God for bringing me to such wonderful work colleagues! My gold, irreplaceable! Thank you very much…. For a long time no one has spoken such amazing words to me. Tomorrow they will become part of my fond memories. "

“We express our gratitude for our long-term cooperation! Over the years, we have developed strong partnerships based on mutual understanding, trust and respect! We hope for their further strengthening and development! "

“I am grateful for your help and support, for that they were there at the right moment! Thank you for your attentiveness, responsiveness and kindness, such rare qualities in our time! "

From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, to you
I "Thank you!" I say
For your help and support
In life, I thank.

Always in difficult times
There is a safe hand
If I brake somewhere
You will nudge slightly.

Answers to any question
We are looking together sometimes
And in trouble we are for each other
We all rise up at once.

I want to wish, colleagues,
Happiness to each of you
And I am grateful to fate
That she tied us up.

Thank you, wonderful colleagues,
Assistants, advisers, strategists,
It was so easy for me to work with you
And it was fun, cordial and warm!

I'm sorry to part with you today,
I so want to come back and stay
But it's a pity, the trumpet is calling and it's time to go,
And another game awaits me!

I wish you good luck and inspiration,
And there are a lot of fabulous moments
Careers and salaries, to be higher
Love and impressions - above the roof!

“Dear colleagues, we spend a lot of time together. We we help each other, sometimes we support. And I would like to say a big thank you to all of you for creating such a wonderful team! I would like to wish that our team remains strong and there are no conflicts in it. "

Words of gratitude for a valuable gift in prose and poetry

You were very touched by the congratulations, but you cannot find the words of gratitude on your own? In this section, you can find reciprocal prose, after which you will be grateful to each other for the wonderful moments and sincere smiles presented to you.

Saying "thank you" is sometimes tricky. Prepare in advance for an important moment in your life: re-read the words of gratitude presented in the section and let your speech flow easily and be filled with sincere emotions.

I can't put into words everything I know
I am unable to convey the souls of striving,
And I will only say a word, dying,
This word is "thank you" without a doubt.
It means a lot in our difficult life,
If someone takes part in it,
If someone changes this life,
So thank you for the sun and happiness!
For you, my door is always open,
Do not betray what was, to me oblivion,
I will say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart, from my heart
For your participation, attention and patience!
Grateful with all my soul
For support and care.
Our dear man,
You always come to the rescue!
Feeling the joy of light
We are kinder and better.
Positive was put into life
Have ceased to be upset!

Let the words of gratitude sound
And they are of great importance.
We express spiritual joys
Sayings help us in that.
Fortunately, we give, bringing pleasure,
Delivering happiness to others.
So allow for all the good
Thank you today!

“Thank you for your sympathetic attitude towards me, for your simple, friendly support and non-user interest, for sincere sympathy and attempts to help, for the benevolence and truthfulness of statements. "

“Thank you so much for the fulfillment of my most cherished, desired, sincere and seemingly unrealizable desire. You made me very happy at this moment. Thank you for a fabulous day. "

How to give thanks for a wedding day gift in prose and poetry

On the wedding day, young people embark on the path of independent life. The thread that connects them with their parents is torn and born new family... On such a day, words of congratulations and shouts of "bitter" sound. But the heroes of the occasion should not forget that without the parents who gave birth and raised them, this day would not have happened.

What words to pronounce? What parents would like to hear from their children on their wedding day? We advise you to use the selection below to express gratitude to dear and close people, because at the most exciting moment, an impromptu speech can fail.

Both parents and newlyweds prepare for this day with special trepidation, and any little thing that does not go according to plan can ruin the mood.

What is worth considering in one of important points weddings:

  • you need to thank both your parents and the parents of the groom (bride)
  • do not memorize poetry: worrying, you may forget something
  • a speech of thanks can be written on beautiful postcard and, after reading in front of those present, give to parents
  • the speech needs to be worked out in advance, so you do not have to remember well-chosen words and thoughts that you would like to utter
  • if you still forget a fragment from a prepared speech, then the words chosen on the go will add sincerity to your words

Parents help young people to organize wedding ceremony... But this is not limited to caring for a young family. Young people receive the most valuable and significant gifts from their parents: a car, an apartment, the opportunity to go on a honeymoon trip.

How can I thank them for this? Say the following words:

Example # 1
"Dear Parents! In this life you have given us a lot gifts, but wedding - we especially need roads. Thanks to your generosity, our family foundation has been laid, and we believe that it will be strong and reliable, that we will definitely build our fortress and the first bricks in strong walls have been laid by you - our loved ones ”.

Example # 2
"Dear Mom and Dad!
Today is such a special day, our family has become bigger and I am so happy (happy) that I found (found) my happiness. For all these emotions that I had to go through today, I want to thank you, my dear parents! I am immensely grateful (grateful) for your help and support during preparation for one of the most important days of my life and I hope for your help in the future, when our house is filled with children's laughter! Thank you for everything, dear ones, I love you very much! "

Example # 3
“Dear and beloved our mom and dad, thank you for your the tenderness that you gave us when we were little, for the love with which you warmed us in difficult moments of our life. We thank you for the gift of happiness to be near you, to feel your warmth and support in the most difficult days. "

Heartfelt gratitude to you, our beloved, our dear, our irreplaceable mom and dad. You have always supported us in the most difficult times. But right now, when we are at the peak of happiness, we want to thank you for everything that you have done for us. Thank you for the gifts that we will definitely use in our future life, for the help that you provided to us in the preparation of this celebration. And know, we love you no less than you love us! "

Let us say the words
After all, there is a new chapter in life.
From our young family,
For those who cherished our lives.

Parents, our relatives,
Thank you for your concern.
For everything that they did for us,
For the fact that we are here now.

We will always be by your side,
We will support with deeds, not words.
We love very much, we appreciate you,
You are everything for us in this life!

To our parents "Thank you!"
At our wedding we say
For the fact that they loved, raised,
Thank you today.

For affection, love and care,
For hundreds of sleepless nights
Thank you, our beloved,
There are no relatives in the world.

We wish you happiness, health,
Happy and joyful years
We know with our love
You will save us from troubles.

Relatives, dear dad, mom,
You have led me by the hand into marriage.
Thank you for raising, bringing up,
Sorry what I did wrong.
Thank you for your love, care,
For not letting me fall
For being from Sunday to Saturday
Couldn't sleep nights because of me,
That they were fair in their upbringing,
What they took care of from mistakes, from troubles,
For making my life happy.
May God grant you a long life up to a hundred years!

After the words of gratitude have been pronounced, bow to your parents in the belt.

Video: More expensive than the sun, sky and earth ...

Video: words of gratitude to mothers

How to Give Thanks for a Birthday Gift in Prose and Verse

For the kind words and good wishes at the birthday party, the birthday man is simply obliged to thank his guests. How to do this and what to say, see this section.

“Dear, beloved guests! Thank you for being already for a year in a row you share with me the joy of my birth! Life is the greatest gift for me, since it was she who gave me the opportunity to meet you on earthly corner. Let's take care of each other and not forget, despite the hustle and bustle of everyday days! "

“Thank you so much, my friends, for making me so beautiful congratulated! I feel that each of you managed to put a significant part of yourself into congratulations. I am moved to the very depths of my soul "

“Today is the best day in my life! You are my priceless present. My next dream has come true: we again gathered at the same table. Thank you all for coming! "

“Thank you very much for your kind words and good wishes, for bright congratulations happy my birthday. In response, I want to wish the same, but doubly. May life be accompanied by strong love, strong faith and warm hope. "

“With all my heart I want to thank you for the kind and sincere congratulations on my birthday. I sincerely say thank you and wish you good health and material welfare, bright joy of the soul and undoubted happiness in life.

"Thank you very much for pleasant congratulations on my day birth. My soul was filled with light and happiness from your good wishes and warm words. In return, I wish you endless happiness and sincere love, unquenchable kindness of your heart and grandiose memorable events in your life. "

“Thank you very much for my sincere congratulations on my day. birth. I am very pleased with the attention paid and I like the warm words. In return, I wish you good health and eternal happiness, stable good and high prosperity in life.

“Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes! I am very nice! I will work hard to make every word you say comes true! Thanks again!"

For warmth and kindness
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

For words and wishes,
For wonderful confessions!

I wish you in full
Faith, happiness and kindness.

Your congratulations on my birthday
Have touched my soul!
And I am with tenderness, great admiration
I say thank you!

Thank you for all the wishes
What do you sincerely give me
What do you not forget, giving attention -
Thank you for everything!

Allow with warmth and joy
Say thanks to you,
For sincere congratulations
On my birthday.

Thanks! You are very attentive.
For everything - I am very grateful to you.
I know - many more times ...
I will remember you with a kind word.

Thank you all for your congratulations,
Over the sea of ​​wonderful poetry!
I heard from you on my birthday,
So many pleasant, kind, warm words.

In return, I wish you all the same
What did you wish for me today?
Only twice as much, or maybe
Not even twice, but three times at once!