
How to whiten armpits with baking soda. Dark armpits: how to lighten the skin. Dark armpits: what to do at home


Many girls have to give up stylish open tops because of dark armpits. Darkening of the armpit area is caused by various factors. To solve the problem, you can take the advice of a dermatologist or use folk remedies. In this article, you will learn what to do to restore the whiteness and beauty of your armpits.

Why armpits are dark - what is the cause of dark spots?

Causes dark spots a lot in the armpit area. The most common of these are hormonal changes in the body, as well as the aging process. However, there are other causes of dark underarms that you need to be aware of in order to make the treatment as effective as possible.

  • Shaving. As a result of frequent shaving of the armpits, the skin coarsens, irritation and ingrown hairs occur. Therefore, we recommend giving preference to other methods of removing unwanted hair in this area.
  • Depilation. Depilatory creams, although they get rid of hair in this area, contain chemical components that cause darkening of the skin over time.
  • Excessive sweating. Another common cause of underarm darkening is excessive sweating and poor ventilation in the area. Therefore, wearing very tight clothing should be avoided in case of increased perspiration.
  • Use of alcohol based deodorants. Armpit darkening is often caused by the use of alcohol-based deodorants. Therefore, with regular use, the skin will gradually change its tone.
  • Dead cells. Every cell in the body dies and a new one is formed in its place. This also applies to skin cells. Dead cells form in the underarm area, giving the skin a more dark color. To solve this problem, it is best to use scrubs or other means.
  • Black acanthosis. One of the symptoms of obesity or diabetes is black acanthosis. This condition is associated with hyperpigmentation in the folds of the skin.
  • Smoking. Quite often, spots in the armpits occur in smokers. This condition is called smoker's melanosis and is an excess accumulation of melanin in the tissues. Goes away with quitting smoking.
  • Melasma. Uneven pigmentation most often occurs during pregnancy. It can also be a consequence of taking hormonal contraceptives or hormone therapy.
  • Addison's disease. A disease that causes darkening of the skin that is not exposed to ultraviolet rays.

According to research by dermatologists, almost half of women are unhappy with the skin of their armpits. The advice of dermatologists will help you not only keep your skin healthy perfect condition, but also get rid of dark spots in this area.

The main product for armpit skin hygiene is deodorant. His choice should be taken very carefully. It doesn't matter if you use a spray, roll-on deodorant or stick. The main thing is that the product does not include parabens, which dry out the skin and cause darkening of the armpit. The formula of deodorants should be hypoallergenic. It is also recommended that the product contains licorice root, which prevents darkening of the skin.

  1. For cleansing underarm skin, use only detergents for sensitive skin.
  2. Thoroughly lather and rinse your skin. Dry your skin dry with a towel. Moist skin is the cause of the growth of bacteria, skin rashes and other problems.
  3. Use deodorant. It should be applied in a thin layer.

Carry out this procedure at least twice a day.

An important condition for a healthy and beautiful skin armpit is the correct hair removal. Regardless of which method of hair removal you choose, there are general rules that will help maintain the beauty and health of the armpit.

  • Before removing unwanted hair, the skin must be perfectly clean and dry. Do not use bar antibacterial soap to clean it, otherwise you will dry out the skin. It is better to give preference to liquid detergent.
  • If you use a razor or tweezers to remove hair, disinfect them.
  • All hair removal products and preparations must be of good quality.
  • You can only remove hair in the direction of growth. If you remove hair the wrong way, microbes can enter the pores, causing redness, inflammation, and clogged pores. This is what causes darkening of the skin.
  • Remember to moisturize your skin after removing hair. Great option is a deodorant with moisturizing ingredients.

How to remove dark armpits at home - folk remedies

To lighten the skin of the armpits, you can use folk remedies. They are quite effective, affordable and at the same time completely safe for health.

The most effective and popular procedures at home:

  • Lemon. Universal remedy for skin lightening. It can also be used to whiten underarm skin. It is enough to rub the skin after a shower with half a lemon.
  • Kefir. Kefir is also an excellent remedy for whitening armpits. It contains beneficial ingredients that reduce dark spots and heal the skin. It is enough to apply kefir on cleansed skin and rinse with warm water.
  • Soda and chickpea flour. These components can be used to prepare natural scrub to remove dead skin cells. To prepare it, mix some baking soda with chickpea flour and natural yogurt.
  • Turmeric. To prepare a brightening paste, mix turmeric with lemon juice. Use daily after evening shower until dark spots disappear.
  • Sandal paste. One of the most effective means against dark spots. Regular use of sandalwood paste not only brightens the skin, but also eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat and relieves irritation after removing unwanted hair.
  • Rice vinegar and flour. To make a paste, mix rice flour with a small amount rice vinegar, and apply for 10 minutes. This tool brightens the skin and makes it fresh and velvety.
  • Cucumber juice. To prepare a clarifying lotion, you need to chop the cucumber with a blender and give the juice. Use the juice with a small amount of turmeric for a daily underarm rub.
  • Honey. To make your skin soft and whiten, apply a thin layer of honey and lemon juice mixture under your armpits. Then take a shower and moisturize the skin with lotion.
  • Potato. Potato is also a natural bleach. Therefore, you should prepare potato juice, and apply it for 20-25 minutes on clean skin. For optimal results, use potato juice daily.
  • Coconut oil. Ideal for brightening underarm skin and reducing sweat odor. Use coconut oil after taking a shower.
  • Talc. If darkening of the skin has occurred as a result of the use of alcohol deodorants, it is recommended to use talcum powder. It will keep the skin dry and clean, but at the same time protect the armpits from darkening.

On guard of health - what you need to know when trying to solve the problem of dark spots

To solve the problem of dark armpits, it is not enough to use cosmetic preparations and home remedies. You have to change certain habits to permanently solve the problem of underarm dark spots. These habits include:

  1. Use of alcohol-based deodorants. They not only irritate the skin, but over time make the skin dark and unkempt. Opt for alcohol-free deodorants for sensitive skin.
  2. Skip the razor. Shaving the underarm area causes irritation and darkening of the skin. So it's better to remove unwanted hair wax.
  3. Natural clothes. We recommend that you avoid clothing made of synthetic fabrics that are poorly ventilated. It is better to wear only cotton clothes and underwear.
  4. Comfortable and loose clothing. Do not wear tight clothing to ensure good ventilation in the underarm area. If the clothes are too tight, you can not avoid irritation.

dark armpits

Dark underarms is a skin discoloration problem that makes it look darker than the normal skin tone. According to the Mayo Clinic, this problem can affect women and men of all ages, although Hispanic and African American women are more likely.


This problem has an impact on self-confidence, on the choice of clothing that is aimed at hiding problem areas. Most people try to avoid swimwear as well as sleeveless clothing.


If a person has dark hair in the armpits, then you should expect the same skin color after shaving. This is due to the appearance of the hair follicle, which is under the surface of the skin, that is, the subsurface hair will be dark. Sometimes itching may be present if a razor that is not sharp enough is used.

It is worth considering plucking or using wax to remove hair. These two options will make the remaining hair less noticeable, thus improving the appearance of the armpits.

Even with waxing or plucking, some micro abrasions can leave small wounds that darken and thus the problem remains. Permanent laser hair removal may be required.

Before and after laser hair removal

Accumulation of dead skin cells

Accumulation of dead skin cells on microscopic bumps can also cause darkening of the color of the armpits. In this case, you can try peeling with products that contain lactic acid.

Using deodorant and antiperspirant

Some antiperspirants or deodorants can cause skin discoloration. Although this is a rare occurrence, some ingredients can cause underarm darkening. You should try changing your deodorant or antiperspirant.

Black acanthosis

This is a medical condition that is accompanied by darkening of the skin in the armpits, as well as in the "groin, neck, elbows, knees, joints or folds of the skin, lips, palms and soles of the feet" . The skin will have dark spots as well as a thick velvety texture.

Black acanthosis affects men and women, and is more common in people with more dark skin and obesity. In addition, it has been associated with "insulin production or glandular disorder", meaning it affects people who have diabetes.

This problem also affects people with "Addison's disease, pituitary problems, hypothyroidism, or those who are undergoing treatment with growth hormone, use oral contraceptives or cholesterol preparations containing nicotinic acid. Lightening products should be tried - Retin A cream, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, 20% urea, glycolic or lactic acid.


Very dark armpits due to hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation can also be responsible for dark skin in the armpits, inner thighs, groin, and neck area. It occurs when the skin produces too much melanin, although it rarely affects the armpits. In this case, various bleaching agents are suitable, including creams, discussed below.

bacterial infection

Erythrasma is a bacterial infection caused by corynebacterium minutissimum that causes “reddish-brown, slightly scaly patches with well-defined borders that may be slightly itchy. They form in moist parts of the body such as the groin, armpit and skin folds. The infection spreads “in warm conditions. People who are overweight or have diabetes are more susceptible.

Erythromycin gel and antibacterial soap will help to deal with this problem. In extreme cases, medication may be required.


Some women suffer from dark underarms during pregnancy. This is due to a large number of hormonal changes that can increase melanin production. Estrogen increases the production of melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. This is an intermittent problem that causes not only uneven skin tone, but also darkening of the armpits, nose skin, and upper lip. The discoloration usually goes away after pregnancy. However, in some women, dark armpits persist after the birth of a child.

Tight clothing

If the armpits are constantly exposed to friction, hyperkeratosis or thickening of the skin can occur as a means of protecting the body from irritation, that is, inflammatory hyperpigmentation appears. Light, loose-fitting clothing should be worn to reduce the contact, friction of the fabric with the skin of the armpits.

To avoid bacterial growth, synthetic fabrics should be avoided as they do not absorb sweat. Armpits should be kept dry. Tretinoin lotions (Retin A cream) may be tried, as well as "oral medications such as isotretinoin and dermabrasion (may help reduce the thickness of affected skin)".

Other reasons why your armpits are dark

  • After shaving, waxing, or plucking your armpits, you may experience itching. If you scratch the skin, wounds appear that give a dark shade.
  • Overweight. As mentioned, obese or overweight people tend to suffer from this problem due to acanthosis, a bacterial infection, or even skin irritation.
  • Fungal infections. Especially when the darkening is accompanied by a slight itch.
  • Some medications, including birth control, cause changes in skin color.
  • Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light stimulates melanocyte cells to produce melanin.
  • Trauma, scars.
  • genetic factors.

Whitening methods

Most of the methods can also help treat skin in the knees, groin, neck, inner thighs, or other parts of the body. These tools and methods can be used by both women and men.

Below will be considered various ways Relief from this problem: the use of creams, natural or home remedies, as well as other available treatment options.

Application of creams

Whitening creams

Whitening cream is paramount to get the desired results. Any good whitening cream should not only eliminate darkening, but also prevent recurrence by controlling the production of melanin, that is, “skin pigment that is produced based on the actions of the tyrosinase enzyme, which catalyzes the chemical production of melanin. By reducing tyrosinase activity, further discoloration can be prevented.”

What ingredients should be in the cream

To find out if a certain cream is effective, look at its active ingredients. Some of them that should be included include hydroquinone, steroids, retinol (Retin A), tretinoin (helps with the exfoliation process, gets rid of already formed pigment in the epidermis), gauronoside (prevents the action of tyrosinase) and arbutin (inhibits tyrosinase activity) . Arbutin and gauronoside are two sister molecules of hydroquinone that work in a similar way.

On the this moment“The US Federal Food and Drug Administration only recognizes hydroquinone as a “discoloring agent.” This means that many other ingredients included in the products used should be referred to as brighteners, bleaches. Other ingredients that may be helpful include:

  • Alpha hydroxy acids (especially glycolic and lactic acids)
  • Travaza - improves the penetration of ingredients that reduce the amount of melanin
  • Melatonin brightens hair follicles
  • Kojic acid - inhibits tyrosinase activity, and "melanocytes further lose their dendrites, which reduces the ability of these cells to pass through any residual pigment to keratinocytes"
  • Bearberry extract - inhibits tyrosinase activity
  • Azeleic acid - acts only on highly active melanocytes
  • Vitamin C - reduces the formation of melanin and also acts as an antioxidant
  • Gluconic acid - as a chelating agent, it binds to copper molecules that were used to activate the tyrosinase enzyme
  • Licorice (licorice) extract – has glabridin which stops tyrosinase activation
  • Beta-carotene - found in carrot oil and blocks the tyrosinase receptor
  • Dithiaoctanediol - prevents the activation of tyrosine without sugar, while a sugar molecule is needed to activate the tyrosinase enzyme.

When using skin whitening creams, apply them only to the darkened area and stop using them when the desired effect is achieved. Most creams require longer use, usually up to 6 months, to see results.

The most effective whitening cream

Before choosing any of the best underarm whitening creams, it is worth reading the many reviews and ratings to make sure they are effective. Some of the best among such creams include:

  • Belo whitening cream
  • Dove True Tone (brightening cream)
  • Nivea whitening roll-on deodorant
  • Ponds Armpit Whitening Cream – They have a wide range of whitening products
  • Mayfair whitening cream
  • Yoko cream with papaya extract
  • Plato's Concealer
  • Melarase AM and Melarase PM systems
  • Pink Privates

They can be purchased online or at a pharmacy.

DIY cream

To prepare a whitening cream on your own, you need to find components that have the ability to whiten by acting on melanin or reducing its formation. If you use natural ingredients, you get a natural whitening product.

Note: Hydroquinone has been linked to skin irritation, increased darkening at the site of application, effects on fetal growth, etc. Products containing it are available in Europe and South Africa. However, the US Federal Food and Drug Administration does not recognize this product.

Before and after whitening cream (in this case brand Gluta-C, available on

home remedies

Baking soda

Often cited as one of the most popular remedies for this problem. Works as a scrub to exfoliate any dead skin cells. Baking soda can be used alone or with other products such as rose water.

It is necessary to mix it with water to a thick paste, apply it to the darkened area and use it as a scrub. Then wash everything off. The procedure is carried out several times a week.

Lemon acid

Another good home remedy to try is lemon. This home remedy works not only as a whitening ingredient, but also as an antiseptic and antibacterial product. After use, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer, as it can dry out the skin.

You should wipe your armpits with a slice of lemon for a few minutes. Wait about 10 minutes before rinsing the areas. It whitens and removes dead skin cells. For best results, you can sprinkle sugar on a slice of lemon. Apply two to three times a week.

You can also apply a mixture of turmeric, natural yogurt and lemon juice and leave for 10 minutes (3 times a week).


Works well as a natural bleaching agent with minimal skin irritation. You need to apply a slice or juice of fresh potatoes to the problem area. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. Do this twice a day.


Effective for skin irritation, blemishes and pigmentation due to its anti-inflammatory properties . You need to mix rice and turmeric powder in equal proportions, add tomato juice and milk to get a paste. Apply it and leave for 30-60 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat twice a week.


Cucumber has natural bleaching properties. It is necessary to apply a slice or use its juice. Pairs well with lemon and turmeric.

orange peel

Exfoliates and brightens skin. The dried, ground orange peel is mixed with rose water and milk to form a thick paste that is rubbed under the armpits. Rinse after about 15 minutes with cold water, repeat 2-3 times a week.


1 tbsp full fat milk + 1 tbsp flour + 1 tbsp yogurt. Apply the paste to your underarms and leave it there for 15 minutes before rinsing with cold water.


Kills germs and brightens skin. You need to mix it with rice flour to form a thick paste. Apply it to your underarms immediately after a hot shower, let it dry, and then rinse with warm water. Do this procedure several times a week.


Helps whiten underarms and removes odor. It is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder with rose water until a thick powder, apply it to dark skin areas, allow to dry and rinse with cold water. Repeat daily for fast results (within a few days).

Common chickpea

Mix chickpea flour with lemon juice and yogurt or turmeric powder. Place the product in the armpit for 30 minutes before rinsing. Repeat daily for two weeks.

Other home remedies

You can also use a pumice stone (a stone to remove dead skin cells), massage with coconut oil (has vitamin E that can brighten the skin), olive oil (antioxidant), vitamin E oil, saffron, applesauce scrub, lime slice, etc. .P.

The fastest home remedy

Most home remedies that whiten skin will not give instant and fast results. However, those that exfoliate dead skin may work faster.

Whitening or lightening treatments

Laser treatment

Laser whitening procedure - expensive, but fast

Laser treatment is not only intended to treat wrinkles, acne scars, tattoos, age spots, birthmarks, freckles, hair removal, skin lesions, etc., but can also be aimed at whitening dark skin areas, including armpit number. It is one of the fastest and effective methods underarm whitening.

Laser skin lightening treatment "works by directing concentrated beams of light energy onto dark spots to help remove layers of skin." There are various laser whitening methods that can make the underarm skin tone lighter and more even. Some of the common types of lasers include erbium laser, pulsed dye laser or PD, Nd:Yag, and intense pulsed light or IP.

One of the main benefits of laser therapy for dark underarms is to provide faster results, i.e. instant underarm healing and improved skin condition. Some may be seen side effects such as swelling, itching, scarring, bruising, changes in skin texture, burning sensation, and others.

Price for underarm laser whitening?

Laser skin whitening treatments are expensive. Expect to spend upwards of $70 for underarm whitening per session. Up to 5 whitening sessions are required to achieve excellent results.

Chemical peel

An alternative way to treat this problem is a chemical peel. To carry it out, an "acid solution is used to remove damaged outer layers of the skin." Typically, alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), phenol, retinoic acid, beta hydroxy acid (BHA), among others, or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) are used to exfoliate dead cells and the outer layers of the skin. After the procedure, the skin becomes smoother. Chemical peels can remove any skin pigmentation.

There is a possibility of deep chemical peeling, in which the recovery time is longer (several months). It uses stronger chemicals, such as phenol, which actually whiten the underarm skin. It is ideal for very dark underarms, as well as to combat wrinkles, precancerous growths, age and age spots. Some of the best inclusion chemical peels include:

  • Forever Flawless Diamond Infusion Peeling
  • Clarifier 70% AHA Vitamin C
  • Infinite Skin Professional chemical peel
  • 25% Chemical TCA peel for home use
  • Agera Rx Peels
  • Chirally peeling CosMedix
  • Jessner's Acid Peel (Salicylic, Lactic Acid and Resorcinol)
  • ZO peeling for depth control.

Others are Green Peel, Innovation Concept Peel, Jan Marini Peels, Obagi Blue Peel, Compositum Peels, LA peel, Neostrata Peels, Mene & Moy Peels and many more.


This is a non-chemical abrasive technique for treating dark areas of the skin that eliminates any imperfections, that is, this procedure is intended for "complex problems on the armpits, arms, chest, back and legs, such as spots, scars and scars after chickenpox» . Microdermabrasion removes dead skin, rejuvenates and also improves texture.

Before choosing any of the above procedures, you should obtain as much as possible more information, including how they work, expected results, how effective they are, any risks, precautions, and cost.

Other underarm whitening treatments

Botox treatments help reduce sweat and odor. Excessive sweating can cause underarm darkening.


There are some deodorants that can help combat this problem. Some of best deodorants for lightening include:

  • Dove Whitening Deodorant
  • Rexona Skin Light Underarm deodorant
  • Nivea extra whitening.

How to quickly get rid of darkening in the armpits

If you need to deal with the problem quickly, instantly, for example, in a week, you should consider various salon procedures, as they give faster results. The effect of using home remedies comes much more slowly. But some of them may take a week or two to work.

The best remedy

Which method to use depends on the cause of darkening of the skin, on how quickly the result is needed, costs and safety. Salon procedures Treatments such as laser can give quick results but are quite expensive, some creams can give good results but take longer to lighten, while home remedies are ideal for mild cases.

How to whiten armpits? A lot of people are asking this question. The fact is that many are faced with such a piquant problem as darkening of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits and.

For ladies, this defect causes a lot of discomfort, which makes them refuse to wear open clothes, visit beaches, and so on. This encourages them to look for quick ways to whiten their armpits and groin.

But before you start to deal with the problem, it will be useful to understand the causes of its occurrence and possible solutions.

Why armpits and groin darken

Among the primary sources that cause extreme pigmentation in the armpits and bikini area, internal and external can be distinguished.

The first category includes age-related and hormonal disorders that occur in the body, the second - incorrectly selected cosmetics or their improper use (these are the most common causes).

In addition, there are a number of provoking factors:

  • excess weight, due to which diaper rash appears under the armpits;
  • predisposition to allergies to individual components in the composition of deodorants;
  • wearing tight clothing made of synthetic materials, which creates friction and contributes to the appearance of irritation on the skin;
  • systematic or depilation with wax.

It is important to find the cause of the darkening of the skin under the armpits, then after its elimination, the problem will self-destruct.

Family Doctor Jenny Weiler

Once in a similar situation, women usually care about only one question: How to whiten the armpit and bikini area?

Only this can be avoided if you follow certain tips of cosmetologists:

  1. Remove hair in delicate places with the help of salon conditions (if possible).
  2. At home, do not use low-quality razors that can injure the epidermis, but resort to wax or sugar depilation ().
  3. In the summer, regularly apply sunscreen to the skin of the armpits.
  4. To resort to scrubbing the skin, which helps to remove dead skin particles.
  5. Do not use alcohol-based deodorants. And also give preference to clothes with free cut sleeves and from natural fabrics.

If the darkening of the skin is due to health problems, then it will not be possible to cope with this quickly at home. Once the source is identified, appropriate treatment will be required.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Selena Lantry

Tips for lightening underarms in different ways

You can whiten your armpits yourself at home, using improvised means.

Some help get rid of the defect quickly, others will have to be used more than once. Insofar as folk ways many, then everyone makes his choice depending on the circumstances.

In addition to non-traditional methods, attention should be paid to cosmetic care products. sensitive skin armpits and groin, which should be properly selected.

Preference is given to special deodorants with a whitening effect, which contain herbal ingredients and vitamins, as well as zinc (prevents sweating during the day). It is good if they are creamy or ball-shaped.

After consulting a dermatologist, you can use drugs that contain hydroquinone, kojic or phytic acid.

Dermatologist Barry Ginsburg

Before using brightening agents, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction in order to prevent negative consequences.

To do this, a little composition is applied to the elbow or wrist and wait at least 15 minutes. If there is no negative reaction in the form of redness or itching, then everything is in order.

Suitable cosmetic products

There is now a wide range of cosmetics, including for clarification of armpits. They come in the form of creams, crystal deodorants, powders or soaps.

Creams (TOP-3)

The most popular whitening creams that also nourish, moisturize the skin and prevent sweating are:

NameA photo

Such creams are used as follows:

  1. Cleanse the underarm area from sweat and other impurities.
  2. Squeeze a little cream on your fingers and rub it in for a minute.

This is done in the morning and in the evening for a month.

Do not use bleaching creams containing hydroquinone during pregnancy. This substance provides negative impact on the epidermis and can cause cancer.

Dermatological Surgeon Garrett Cramtree

Tamarind Powder

Tamarind is the fruit of a tropical plant belonging to the legume family. It contains many vitamins and other useful substances that will help to cope with the problem under consideration.

So, for whitening the armpits and groin area, powder from these miraculous fruits is used.

Instructions for use:

  1. Take a shower and remove excess moisture from the armpits by blotting with a terry towel.
  2. Mix 60 g of tamarind powder with water until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  3. Evenly distribute the resulting product in problem areas and then massage for 2 minutes.
  4. After that, wash it off with warm water.

The procedure can be carried out daily.

Crystal deodorants

Deo-crystals are especially in demand among allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin due to the absence of preservatives, harmful flavors and other chemicals in their composition. They do not leave stains on clothes.

They are used in this way:

  • be sure to take a cleansing shower;
  • moisten the deodorant with water so that the crystal is slightly soaked (only after application does it leave a protective film on the dermis);
  • spend a crystal on the skin of the armpits.

Soap with tamarind

This soap is made in Thailand, but you can buy it from us in any cosmetic department.

It contains tamarind extract, due to which a whitening effect is achieved.

Use the same soap as regular toilet soap. It is suitable for care not only for delicate places, but also for the face and body.

To lighten the armpits, they are soaped when taking water procedures, and after 2 weeks of systematic use, you can enjoy the result.

Question answer

They should not contain perfumed components that are provocateurs for the darkening of the armpits. Crystals of freshness are now popular. But it is better not to use solid antiperspirants, as they block the release of sweat, provoke blockage of pores, which also does not have a good effect on the skin.

1-2 times a day will be enough.

It also helps to brighten the skin, eliminates unpleasant odor. Before applying it, cleanse the skin.

How to whiten armpits with folk remedies (11 recipes)

In the fight against darkening of the skin in the armpits and intimate area, time-tested recipes with products that can always be found on the farm show good results.

Here are a few options on how to whiten underarms at home:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is mixed in equal proportions with water and, having moistened a cotton pad in the resulting liquid, wipe the pigmented areas. After 30 minutes, wash off the composition with clean water. The procedure is done 3-4 times a week.
  2. Every day for a week, lubricate the armpits with lemon or cucumber juice. Or mix turmeric powder or natural honey with any juice and apply the paste for 15 minutes. Then wash.
  3. Make a mask of kefir and oatmeal. It is applied to problem areas and kept for a quarter of an hour, then removed. It is enough to do it 3 times a week.
  4. Scrub is prepared baking soda. To do this, combine it in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. with 40 ml of water. The gruel is applied to the area of ​​​​the armpits in a circular motion and continue to massage for another couple of minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  5. A product based on rose water (2 tsp) and sandalwood oil (3 tsp). Apply the ointment for 20-25 minutes and wash off.
  6. Dilute sandalwood powder in clean water (2:1). Treat them with armpits and other darkened areas, wait 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. It will be enough to do this twice a week to achieve the desired result.
  7. Connect 2-3 tbsp. spoons of rice flour and vinegar, until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Apply the composition to cleansed skin and incubate for 15 minutes, then rinse. The result can be seen in 1 time.
  8. Take pharmacy aspirin in the amount of 2 tablets, which are ground and dissolved in 100 ml of water. The solution is applied to the armpits and left for an hour.
  9. Prepare a mixture of toothpaste (1 teaspoon) and baking soda (2 g). Cut the lemon into 2 parts and wipe the darkened parts of the body with each half. After that, a paste is applied and washed off after a quarter of an hour. Such sessions are carried out 2 times in 5-7 days.
  10. Mix crushed activated charcoal (2 tablets) with honey (5 g). Apply and after 5 minutes remove with wet wipes.
  11. Buy at any pharmacy white clay. For intended use, the powder is preliminarily diluted with warm water to a creamy state. The resulting mass is distributed evenly over the armpits and wait until it dries. Only then wash off. Daily procedures with clay will help get rid of hyperpigmentation.

After any of the proposed procedures, the skin should be thoroughly dried and lubricated with a moisturizer.

How to remove yellow stains in the armpits on white clothes

Often, people suffering from excessive sweating due to certain physiological disruptions are faced with the problem of yellow spots on white things.

How to whiten armpits at home:

  1. Soak a white blouse or T-shirt in water with regular bleach or stain remover. You can add one of these products to the powder in the automatic wash.
  2. When stubborn stains a combination of gasoline and ammonia will help. First, a little gasoline is applied to the pollution and rubbed with a stiff brush, then it is treated with ammonia. After that, the thing is erased in the standard way.
  3. Abundantly moisten a cloth with hydrogen peroxide and wipe the stubborn stain with it. Next, wash the linen in warm water using soap.
  4. Prepare a saline solution by dissolving a tablespoon of salt in 2-3 tbsp. l. water. The composition is applied to the yellowness and left for 1-2 hours. After that, the thing is washed by hand or in a typewriter.

If the skin in the armpit area has darkened, this indicates its increased pigmentation, but there can be quite a few reasons for this - both elementary non-observance of personal hygiene rules, and skin reaction to deodorant. How to whiten armpits at home?

It makes no sense to try to cope with the problem until you find out why the skin in this area has darkened.

Why do armpits darken?

There are several probable reasons: most often, this situation occurs due to age-related or postpartum hormonal changes in women.

However, other explanations are possible:

  • the clothes you are wearing are too tight and made of synthetics, which makes it difficult to properly ventilate;
  • armpit skin is irritated after depilation or shaving;
  • you use antiperspirants and deodorants that contain pigmenting components;
  • rarely take a shower, take care of your skin improperly, as a result of which dead skin cells begin to accumulate and leave an unpleasant odor;
  • you sunbathe for too long in the sun or in a solarium, perhaps the tan is uneven;
  • another reason for dark armpits is taking hormonal drugs;
  • smoke often.

Sometimes darkening of the skin in the armpits indicates some diseases - such as liver disease, diabetes, fungal skin infections.

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In addition, it is possible that the problem lies in individual characteristics: excessive sweating, skin reaction to care products, etc.

How and how to whiten the skin of the armpits?

A universal way to solve the problem will be a visit to the solarium.

Just keep in mind: this is only a superficial effect on the skin, although the method is effective.

When you get a tan, the dark color of your underarms will blend in with the color of the rest of your skin.

The method with a solarium is especially good when it is required to put the armpits in order in a short time, quickly and briefly eliminate the visual defect of the skin.

If you are looking for a way to whiten your armpits at home and on your own, then a tanning bed is not needed.

First of all, you should give up the habit of shaving them every day, and at the same time from the constant use of antiperspirant - it is better to use regular deodorant instead.

Now move on to the next step. How to whiten underarm skin with home remedies? To do this, you can use various products that are present in your kitchen.

However, if folk remedies do not suit you or you prefer to use cosmetic products, then special creams with a skin whitening effect will come to the rescue. They are also found on the shelves in pharmacies and in cosmetic stores.

Of course, there is also a sense in such creams - the skin in the armpits becomes much lighter after their application.

As for the frequency of use, the cream should be applied every day and until the skin color in the specified area is equal to the color of the skin of the whole body.

Prevention of darkening of the skin in the armpits

So what should be done?

  1. Get rid of underarm hair with laser hair removal, hair removal or waxing. In addition to the fact that in this way new hairs grow much more slowly, you do less harm to your sensitive skin;
  2. Purchase a special deodorant for underarm care (for sensitive and delicate skin), which does not contain any aggressive substances and alcohol;
  3. Try to always wear loose clothing made only from natural materials and fabrics;
  4. Fight excessive sweating. Proper, balanced nutrition, treatment of diseases will help you cope with it at least partially, reduce sweating endocrine system(if any), as well as Botox in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits. On the other hand, resorting to Botox is not necessary - you can instead purchase special pads for your armpits: they absorb moisture well, so the skin will not be irritated.

Now you know how to lighten the armpits, which means that this summer sundresses and open tops become your favorite piece of clothing.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

dark armpits, or brownish spots on the skin of the armpits, are rarely symptoms of any disease. This is an acquired problem that has a specific solution at home. We will sequentially understand the cause of dark spots, how to get rid of them by brightening the skin, and how to prevent their reappearance.

Causes of "dark armpits"

The most common reasons:

1) skin reaction to a deodorant/antiperspirant formulation or shaving cream;

2) frequent use of depilatory cream;

3) an old accumulation of dead cells that require exfoliation;

4) regular squeezing of the axillary region by clothing, in connection with which the natural ventilation of the skin is disturbed;

5) increased sweating.

It happens that "dark armpits" indicate more serious health conditions:

1) obesity;

2) diabetes mellitus;

3) regular smoking;

4) alcohol abuse.

If you assume that the causes of darkening of the skin in your case are disclosed in the first list, you can solve the problem yourself. But if there are reasons from the second list - without medical care not enough.

Dark armpits: what to do at home

With excessive sweating

If you suffer from excessive sweating, do not try to solve the problem with cosmetic products (deodorants or antiperspirants). This is where a preventive approach is needed. An infusion of sage will help, which can be taken orally, and also used as an impregnation for a compress applied to the problem area. You can also make compresses from red clay diluted with water.

Often, excessive sweating indicates an increased agitated, nervous state, so it may be necessary to take sedatives.

Remember that modern medicine has ample opportunities to save a person from the problem of excessive sweating. Therefore, do not be lazy, postponing the trip for medical help "for later."

Proper care

Most women, when making a body scrub, unfairly bypass the armpit area. Scrub of the armpit area before the hair removal procedure is relevant in the same way as in the case, for example, with the legs.

"Sparing scrubs are suitable for the armpits: it is enough to massage the skin of this area with table salt, slightly diluted with water to form a slurry. "

Compared to shaving or hair removal cream, sugaring or waxing affect skin discoloration to a lesser extent. After these procedures, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with products based on aloe vera juice or calendula.

Assess the composition of your antiperspirant or deodorant. If alcohol is present in it, this can be a real cause of darkening of the skin. It is better to choose such cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Solid deodorants are considered the safest.

How to lighten underarm skin

1. Wipe the armpit with a slice of raw potato. Let the skin dry naturally. Carry out this procedure several times a day.

2. Grind raw potatoes for juice. Apply the juice liberally on the armpit, wait 10 minutes, rinse with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. Use freshly squeezed juice at least 2-3 times a day to get the fastest results.

3. Rub the darkened skin with a thick slice of lemon. When the juice dries, wipe the armpit with a tissue or cotton swab dipped in warm water. After that, be sure to moisturize the skin if you feel tightness or dryness.

4. Apply a milk mask for 15 minutes. The ingredients of the mask - milk (2 tablespoons), cottage cheese (1 tablespoon), flour (1 tablespoon) - are mixed until a homogeneous paste-like mass is obtained.

5. Use a slice of fresh cucumber or squeezed cucumber juice for rubbing. A homemade mask is even more effective: turmeric plus cucumber juice plus two drops of lemon juice. The consistency of the mixture should be like a paste. It is easy to apply, does not flow. Leave the mask on for half an hour. Apply every other day.

Anastasia Bochina