
Coco Chanel style: elegant look and stylist tips. The legend of impeccable Coco Chanel style and her secrets Chanel style top


The legend of impeccable style Coco Chanel and her secrets

For 88 years of life, the Great Mademoiselle gave her name to the style of clothing, costume, fashion house, perfume. tireless inventor, Coco Chanel created a lot of new things, but above all... a woman that no one knew before her.

The orphan from the orphanage went down in history forever - she chanelized the whole world. How? She had her ways.

1. Every morning, Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel began to live anew.. She methodically got rid of the burden of her unfavorable past. Every new day she erased from her memory everything painful from yesterday. Childhood and part of her youth are shrouded in a veil of mist. She created her legend on her own, inventing facts, confusing her biographers. Gabrielle had thrown at least 10 of her years overboard like trash, and realizing this, oddly enough, she felt that she had more time. She began to need less sleep, to think more fruitfully. With her fate, she proved that the future does not follow from the past at all, you can start a career at any moment. It was easy for her to close her main brainchild, the Fashion House, for many years, so that later, at 71, when she was no longer taken into account, she would return to business and reach former heights.

2. Chanel considered any obstacle in the way as a sign of a new direction.. At the beginning of her career, she was not allowed to make a "real" women's dress, as she could be prosecuted for illegal competition, because she was not a professional dressmaker. Then Chanel began to make dresses from men's jersey and created a fortune on this. All her opening dresses were born in a similar way. Creating, Coco did not refine, but simplified. She did not draw her models and did not sew them. She simply took scissors, threw the fabric over the fashion model and, while she stood motionless, cut and stabbed the shapeless mass of matter until a brilliant silhouette appeared. Once, a gas column caught fire at Koko and scorched her curls. Then the innovator cut off her braids and proudly went out "to the people." So in 1917 there was a fashion for a short women's haircut. Before Chanel, women were required to have long hair.

3. Chanel didn't let random people into her life., so almost no random events happened to her. The criterion was elementary: she sensitively recognized those who did not like, and left them. Her friends were Cocteau , Dali , Picasso , Diaghilev, Stravinsky.

4. Coco's teacher was love. Lovers were her universities. Through the invisible channels of love, she uninterruptedly "pumped" the knowledge and skills of her men into herself. Poet Pierre Reverdy, who anticipated Eluard, Paul Iribe, cartoonist, politician and publisher, Duke of Westminster, the richest man in the world, Grand Duke Dimitri. Each of them was a person. And Coco for the time being became tracing paper, carbon paper, Chekhov's Darling. Riding, savoring oysters, English language, playing tennis, hunting for foxes and wild boars, fishing, publishing newspapers learned from them perfectly. Each of her men brought something of his own and to women's fashion, and in her other endeavors. She was neither a chemist nor a perfumer. But thanks to Prince Dmitry, she met the outstanding specialist Ernest Bo, the son of an employee of the Russian royal court. Bo put his unique perfumery knowledge at Chanel's service. Coco sniffed, chose, and herself - nothing would have happened without her! - settled on the perfume formula "Chanel No. 5", consisting of 80 ingredients. For the first time, not a specifically floral, quickly vanishing, but an abstract, persistent fragrance appeared, which still conquers the world.

5. Coco Chanel made paradox her way of life and the driving force behind her talent.. Before her, black was considered the color of poverty and mourning. Women didn't dare to wear black clothes for no reason. Chanel proclaimed black popular and luxurious. For five years, she produced only black, and her "gloomy" dresses were sold like buns, stuffed - with a small white collar and cuffs. With Chanel began white women's pajamas. In general, she "robbed" men, introduced their jackets, blouses with ties, their cufflinks and hats into women's fashion.

6. Independence was her god, the axiom of life. Even with her first lover, Coco discovered the freedom that money gives if you do not serve them, but they serve you. Friends lived luxuriously at her expense, she covered their huge debts. It was her principle - to pay in order to forget that she was once paid for. With the help of money, she conquered her shyness, because before in the salons she did not open her mouth. The colossal profits gave her confidence and the ability to speak in public.

7. External beauty in a woman was proclaimed by her as part of success, otherwise you can’t convince anyone of anything.. The older the lady, the more important it is for her to be beautiful. Chanel said: “At 20, nature gives you your face, at 30, life sculpts it, but at 50 you have to earn it yourself ... Nothing ages like the desire to look younger. After 50, no one is young. But I know 50-year-olds, which is more attractive than three-quarters of ill-groomed young women." Chanel herself looked like an eternal radiant teenager. She weighed all her life as much as in 20 years. And one more thing: she gave the ladies not only a new style, but also a new face that embodied the era - "the face of a rebellious orphan with the grace of a deer." Two or three times a century, non-standard types of faces appear, which suddenly overshadow the recognized beauties and introduce a different canon of beauty. Chanel was one of those!

"Fashion changes, only style remains the same." These are the words of the legendary designer Coco Chanel. She died in 1971, but still the principles that Coco followed in life and the fashion world remain relevant. She believed that beauty should be simple. And even today, there is little that compares to the impeccable elegance of Chanel's timeless style.

Gabrielle Chanel is one of the most iconic personalities of the 20th century. Her work formed the basis of the key fashion trends of the century, and her name became synonymous with elegance, perfection and freedom of creative genius.

Mademoiselle's influence went far beyond the world of fashion. The years of her work coincided with the time when representatives of the avant-garde movement of world art came to the fore: Pablo Picasso, Paul Moran, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Diaghilev - they were all her friends, and influenced her creative path, just like she did on their works. .

Coco Chanel on the stairs of the Chanel fashion house, 1954

"I'm not a heroine. But I myself chose who I want to become and who I am now."

Chanel called fashion not an art, but a craft, and it is safe to say that her main achievement was her very life, which continues to inspire a whole generation of designers and artists. We, in turn, decided to recall the iconic creations of Coco Chanel.

Coco Chanel is a woman who has had a cult influence on 20th century fashion. It was she who followed the main principle of modern fashion - luxury in simplicity. Here are some ideas we can borrow from a Frenchwoman today.

1. "Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury."

Both casual and evening wear from Chanel were comfortable, not restricting movement. Low heels, sleeveless blouses under jackets, long-handled bags - all this to provide a woman with comfort. Coco never created "fashion for fashion", the comfort of her clients was above all.

2. Pants make a woman feel free.

Coco Chanel was the first to design and then wear women's pants. Koko's courage was criticized, and this is not surprising, because it was the time of corsets and long skirts. But it didn't take long for the women to start putting on trousers one by one. It is Coco Chanel that we must thank for the opportunity to wear such a comfortable thing. Coco loved to wear cropped trousers paired with expensive classic sweaters.

3. The perfect skirt should cover the knees.

Mademoiselle considered women's knees ugly, as a result, she decided that it would be right to hide them under her clothes. Chanel designed skirts for business women, they were straight and incredibly graceful.

4. The more accessories, the better.

Koko loved accessories and wore them in abundance. She knew how to combine costume jewelry with jewelry. It was impossible to see Chanel without a string of pearls, chains of rubies, emeralds and semi precious stones, a miniature brooch, beret or hat, which she liked to wear on her eyebrows.

5. The perfect suit combines masculine and feminine.

Tweed suits

The great Chanel was distinguished by cunning and foresight: she was the first to think about using relatively inexpensive fabrics to create clothes, since during the First World War, high-quality silk or luxurious brocade were in great short supply. Therefore, Koko began to use less expensive materials: tweed, boucle, jersey, knitwear. Things from Chanel were much cheaper than other fashion houses, but at the same time they looked much more elegant. Today, tweed jackets are the hallmark of Chanel. They are worn by representatives of royal families, actresses, female politicians, it-girls, stylists and editors. fashion magazines. From season to season, Karl Lagerfeld does not ignore the legendary jacket, trying to integrate it into modern trends. The technology for creating things has remained unchanged for 50 years. A tweed jacket can also be found in modern fashion brands, with a bolder design and affordable prices.

6. Elegant shoes can be two-tone.

Koko preferred black and white, she adored her black and white shoes. Chanel believed that such shoes visually reduce the female foot and make it more sexy.

7. The bag should be on a strap so that your hands remain free.

"I'm tired of carrying reticules in my hands, besides, I always lose them!"

Chanel 2.55 bag

Chanel 2.55 is a legendary bag produced by Chanel Fashion House. In February 1955, Chanel introduced a small rectangular bag with a long chain, which was supposed to replace impractical reticules. The model was named 2.55 - according to the date of creation of the model (February, 1955). Initially, the bag was presented only in black, but less than a year later, multi-colored versions of 2.55 appeared in jersey, silk and crocodile skin.

8. Worship little black dresses.

Koko first introduced a small black dress in 1926, and soon it became the biggest gift to all the women of the world. She wanted to create a dress that would be both day and night, sexy and versatile at the same time. If before black was considered the color of mourning, then thanks to Chanel it has become a symbol of elegance. She offered the lady her own model of the classic, and they accepted it gladly.

9. Jackets should be soft, like jackets.

In 1925, Chanel developed her first soft jacket, which emphasized the figure and did not restrict movement. Chanel offered women thin silk, high armholes and tight sleeves. All this made the form elegant.

10. Perfume is as important as clothing. "A woman who does not wear perfume has no future."

Perfume Chanel No. 5

"Apply fragrance where you want to be kissed."

Legend of Chanel No. 5 was born in 1921, when, at the request of Mademoiselle Chanel, perfumer Ernest Beaux creates a fragrance that eludes the usual definitions, going against the traditional codes. Restraint, geometric shapes, clean lines of the bottle and packaging - for that time, Coco Chanel's desires were quite avant-garde. The legend of this unique fragrance finally took root in 1952, when Marilyn Monroe answered the question of one of the journalists that at night she puts on only a few drops of Chanel N ° 5 and nothing more.


Red lipstick

In 1924, Gabrielle Chanel released his first lipstick. It sets the tone for everything that will continue to distinguish lipstick from Chanel: the intensity of the color, the sensuality of hand movements, the functionality of the packaging. When creating the 2.55 handbag, Mademoiselle thoughtfully took care of a special lipstick pocket to always have it at hand. “It is generally accepted that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, why not admit that the lips are the conductor of the heart?” She said to emphasize the importance of the lips in expressing emotions.

Read also:
1) Coco Chanel: secrets impeccable style

A variety of modern fashion trends gives women room for imagination when choosing a casual, business and evening look. You can make your wildest dreams of femininity come true or, on the contrary, assemble a bow in a strict style. Everything depends only on the desire and the presence of a subtle artistic taste. The Chanel style in clothes for women in 2019, just as before, is a kind of tuning fork by which designers and stylists compare their “watches”. Taking such things as a basis, you can always remain fashionable and attractive to the people around you.

As Gabrielle Chanel herself said, if others cannot remember what a woman was wearing, then this indicates that she was dressed perfectly. Any bow will be romantic and artistically complete, if a cursory glance does not leave rough details that the eye “clings to”. This is precisely the art of Coco Chanel style in any kind of women's clothing. business suit and casual dress, jacket and skirt and many other items of clothing in a similar cut create an ideal springboard for creating images for various occasions.

Look at the photo of Chanel's style in clothes for 2019 - the leading fashion houses offered their individual vision of this design direction:

Consider a Chanel-style suit: jacket, jacket and skirt (with photo)

France has always been the birthplace of new fashion trends. It is quite logical that this country has given the world many great couturiers. And Coco Chanel is a bright representative of this trend. professional activity. Consider further a Chanel-style suit for a casual bow in a business female image. Throughout her life, this talented woman has created images of elegance and luxury from simple improvised means.

This was facilitated by a rather difficult childhood and youth spent in the circle of a poor family. After the departure of the great Gabrielle, the fashion house created by her was headed by the equally talented designer Karl Lagerfeld. It is he who carries the world heritage ideas of Chanel style. It is based on a jacket and a skirt - examples of these wardrobe elements can be seen in the photo below:

Any Chanel-style jacket in 2019 is, first of all, a strict vintage, emphasized current trends fashion. Simple at first glance, the silhouette creates an impression of sophistication due to the perfect fit. Classic lines with rounded edges, darts and tucks, draperies - all this is designed to create an impression of casual lightness, embodied in a business style. Look at the photo of a Chanel-style jacket - options are offered in a variety of styles:

The Chanel style tweed jacket is another iconic piece for modern woman. It goes well with 7/8 cropped straight trousers, and even jeans, if you want to create a casual business look with a democratic style. Comfortable fit does not hinder movement and creates comfortable conditions throughout the working day.

A classic Chanel-style skirt in any suit plays the role of a high-quality background against which a jacket or jacket is the soloist. A straight cut without flaring and a fit due to darts are the distinguishing features. The emphasis is on the quality of fabrics, including lining. It is simply impossible to imagine a skirt of this company without a lining layer.

Coat, cardigan and dresses in the style of Coco Chanel

As a legacy, the great Gabriel left not only a new direction in women's fashion, but also certain trends in the style and cut of women's clothing. Smooth lines and a special chic selection of fabrics are still present in all models without exception. A Coco Chanel dress is not necessarily a little black sheath. Among the line of styles there are models for everyday life, for an evening out and a business dinner in a restaurant. Chanel in the tailoring industry women's dresses prefers classic forms and decor. The laconic look is complemented by various accessories.

The Chanel-style coat is more of an element of a certain decor and rarely carries the function of warm clothing for a really cold season. Therefore, it is advisable to look at this style for spring and summer. Houndstooth pattern, natural cashmere and strict drape with classic forms of sleeves, collar and lapels are in fashion. The length of the coat, like dresses with a skirt, should not fall below the middle of the knee.

Knitted cardigans are another of the most popular elements of Chanel-style women's clothing, enjoying continued success among a wide range of fashionistas. Tight jersey keeps its shape perfectly. Depending on the color, it is part of a business look or an everyday romantic bow. Look at the photo examples of such cardigans:

Among the general trends in the collections of 2019, it should be noted the trimming of the collar satin ribbon and the thinnest silk lining with the signature logo of the fashion house. The absence of a collar in a jacket and coat is another trend sign. You can wear such styles with large beads or silk neck scarves.

Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel is a fashion designer from France who was able to change the style of clothing for the female population of the entire planet.

Her parents were poor, and Koko had to earn a living in a sewing workshop.

But, despite the difficulties and hardships suffered, the name of the Frenchwoman soon began to personify luxury and elegance.

This strange lady...

Chanel built her life position and created her own style of clothing as she saw fit. Many considered her a lady with oddities, and some were wary, because in that era it was free thinking woman caused, to put it mildly, amazement.

The founder of the trend destroyed the established norms regarding fashion, she did not tolerate generally accepted standards - that's why her style of clothing was attractive.

The great Chanel left us in 1971, and the Fashion House, created by her with such love, was headed by the famous couturier Karl Lagerfeld. The dominant basis - beauty in simplicity, and is still the main one in the activities of the Lagerfeld team.

Chanel's clothing style is the simplicity of the silhouette and the classics of forms. Cropped trousers, a tweed jacket, a sheath dress, a pencil skirt, shoes with a small heel, a bag on a chain, sleeveless blouses - these are the basic things of style.

First of all, the famous fashion designer took care of women. The created clothes were distinguished by a comfortable fit and high-quality tailoring.

Vintage Chanel suits

Close attention was paid to natural fiber fabrics and neat seams. She is the author of many quotes, and one of them is "... the inside must be as beautiful as the face."

The trendsetter believed that there should be some kind of light thoughtlessness in the image, which makes it clear that looking great for a lady is a completely natural state that does not require painstaking work.

What did Gabrielle leave behind?

The dress

The little black dress has become great gift to all women. The goal was to create a versatile and sexy dress at the same time. Up to this point, black was considered a symbol of grief. But presented in a new light, the elegant product quickly gained popularity among fashionistas.


The famous evening wide trousers, later made famous by Marlene Dietrich. Thanks to the trousers, the girls were able to sit comfortably and move quickly. Chanel herself preferred daytime cropped trousers that went well with classic expensive sweaters.


Mademoiselle Coco was sure that women's knees are not the most seductive part of the body, so they should be hidden by a skirt. She developed models of skirts suitable for business ladies. These are straight and narrow samples with slots or godet frills.


Chanel welcomed the mixture of gemstones and jewelry made of glass and plastic. She was literally hung with ruby, emerald beads, pearl threads. Thanks to her it became fashionable combination everyday clothes and an abundance of jewelry. In an ideal suit, the designer believed, men's and women's clothing styles should be combined. For example, a tweed coat, a jacket, a fisherman's sweater made in large knit and a sailor's vest decorated with numerous beads.

Blouses and Legendary Jewelry


Preferring black and white colors, Chanel was able to show the world a well-known model of shoes - white patent leather sandals with a dark toe. She correctly calculated that they would give maximum sexuality and visually reduce the size of the legs.

Shoes by CHANEL


The bag is simply obliged to have a strap so that the hands gain freedom. Soon, that quilted reticule on a chain was created, which still represents the classic style of a ladies' bag.

Such a dress and jacket by Coco Chanel, as in the photo, and today represent good style. A string of pearls, elegant shoes and a miniature bag will look like a wonderful decoration on women. Complement the image of a calm make-up of pastel shades and impeccable styling.

It is worth looking at the photo of dresses in the style of Chanel, and the challenge to mass fashion immediately becomes tangible. And the ability to wear such models is invariably considered a sign of good taste. Black dress Coco Chanel - classic haute couture on the picture.


A tweed jacket is recognized as an important element of the wardrobe. This is a collarless jacket with ribbon trim. The lining of the jacket from Coco is made of delicate silk. The jacket gave elegance to the figure and provided ease of gestures. The main desire of the fashion designer was to dress a woman in a jacket that does not constrain her movements and gives a feeling of comfort and convenience. “Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury” - the validity of the quote is confirmed by the creativity of the fashion designer.

Jackets and their elements


“A woman who does not use perfume has no future,” the trendsetter believed. With this quote, the creation of a perfume masterpiece called "Coco Chanel" began. And here Koko did not deviate from her principles. She placed perfume with a feminine scent in a "male" bottle in the form of a square.

Not only the created clothing style glorified the great Chanel. For example, she modeled charming hats to complement costumes.

Once Gabrielle got sunburned during a boat trip, and immediately her tan became an object of imitation for fans after the appearance of a tanned Coco in Cannes.

Short haircuts were also invented by Coco. Going to the theater, she accidentally set her hair on fire. I had to urgently cut my hair and show the world short haircut. Ladies quickly picked up this innovation.

Her quotes

Here are apt quotes from an amazing woman that cheer up and teach femininity:

"You won't get a second chance to make a first impression."

"Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted".

“If you were struck by the beauty of some woman, but you can’t remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.”

"Nothing ages a woman like a too rich suit."

“Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress.”

“See how a woman enters the room, attracting all eyes. How she walks, how she sits down, what gestures she makes in conversation. By classical standards, she can be considered quite ugly, but despite this, in her figure, her behavior, her gestures there is something that makes up style and which is very important precisely because all this is not some kind of external decoration, but belongs to her very being."

“Beware of originality; in women's fashion, originality can lead to a masquerade."

"Be a chrysalis by day and a butterfly by night, for there is nothing more comfortable than a cocoon and more lovable than the wings of a butterfly."

Decades have passed. But it is difficult to imagine modern fashion without all that was invested in it by this magnificent woman who offered her own style, which is an example of fine taste and the greatest care for women.

This real masterpiece of high fashion, and today, after almost a hundred years, since its first appearance, remains the reference.

For the first time, Mademoiselle Chanel herself brought him to Parisian society in the mid-20s of the last century on a very sad occasion - as a sign of mourning. The original was emphatically modest: a straight silhouette, long sleeves to the wrist, a small rounded neckline and a hem that covered the knees. Literally everything in it contradicted the canons of fashion of that time - but the dress, like all the ideas of the Great Mademoiselle, overnight became the most fashionable and desired outfit of Parisian fashionistas.

Such Coco Chanel dresses, as in the photo, are still an example of good style today:

Secrets of Coco Chanel's Little Black Dress

Despite the time, the classic style and color remained unchanged. Black, as you know, unconditionally slims any figure, it was he who, despite the time and fashion trends, remained unchanged. The secret, the models are simple, like everything ingenious. A dress in the style of Coco Chanel unconditionally emphasizes the individuality of its owner, drawing attention to the beauty of the figure, skin tone, facial features and smile.

Ideal and complements for this model are a string of natural pearls, elegant shoes and a miniature bag. Discreet and will help to accurately withstand the image. The most stylish in this combination looks high and concise hairstyle.

Koko herself believed that if a woman’s wardrobe has at least one little black dress, then dressing is appropriate, which means elegant in any life situation she can always.

Look at the photo of Chanel-style dresses - evidence of her being right:

Mysteriousness and sophisticated charm inherent in the model do not leave indifferent any connoisseur of high style. Today's fashion claims that every woman has her own model of a little black dress in the style of Coco Chanel. Keeping the very idea of ​​the style, the models are adapted to any type of female appearance.

The tight-fitting "Case" is ideal for the owner of a slender figure, and models with a slightly flared A-shaped hem will emphasize all the advantages of magnificent forms. Only demonstrative simplicity remained unchanged, which is set off by defiantly expensive fabrics - an obligatory pledge of discreet aristocratic elegance.

Dresses Coco Chanel 2019: photos and trends

The iconic model outlived its creator. Today, as almost a hundred years ago, it is becoming a bright alternative to a string of glamorous, complex trends. In 2019, Coco Chanel style dresses still look like a challenge to mass fashion. And the ability to wear such models is invariably considered a sign of good taste.

One of the luminaries of modern fashion - Karl Lagerfeld, who for almost forty years has the title of artistic director of the legendary fashion brand Chanel, sacredly keeps its traditions. The great Mademoiselle would not forgive him for the only thing - Lagerfeld shortened the length of her iconic model, but did not change her high style.

Coco herself categorically did not recommend even to the owners ideal forms show off your knees. Lagerfeld made an adjustment for time and new standards. He also introduced layering into fashion and complicated the style, with the sole purpose of emphasizing beauty. female figure of any type and enter into fashion trends. One thing remains unchanged - the emphasis on individuality, which such a model gives flawlessly.

Coco Chanel's black dress - a high fashion classic in the photo

Want to get closer to the original? Choose your favorite color of the Great Mademoiselle.

In the photo - a black dress by Coco Chanel - a classic of high fashion:

The famous little black dress, in today's reading, is a universal thing. You can wear it to work with the strictest dress code and be impeccable at any negotiations and informal meetings. And there is no more elegant option for a cocktail or a party.

The idea of ​​a miniature feminine model turned out to be universal and in demand in a variety of styles - up to everyday. Natural silk, wool and, of course, knitwear became exactly those materials in which the style was revealed in a modern stylish perspective.

What to wear with a black Coco Chapelle dress?

Traditional string of pearls and pumps - a classic option, unfortunately, does not fit well into everyday looks. The idea of ​​a miniature black, and therefore a model that perfectly outlines the silhouette, is now supported by new combinations.

First of all - bright jewelry and accessories. Massive necklaces, bracelets and even informal little knitted hats with a veil are radically controversial decorative details from the point of view of a classic look, giving it complexity and novelty.

In 2019, Coco Chanel dresses and photos from fashion shows - proof of this - look completely new:

Everyday elegance requires a special, sometimes controversial, selection of shoes. , shoes with a stable heel and platform or defiantly "male" boots with high lacing. Louboutins? Yes! A miniature, mandatory black model in this combination will look especially feminine and sophisticated. Dense matte tights of local black color will add lightness to the silhouette.

The founder of the trend loved explosive fashion paradoxes, non-trivial ideas and shocking, destroying the standard concepts of fashion, and never accepted generally accepted norms - her style is built on this. Coco left no official will... nothing but a mysterious and elegant style.

It has not lost its relevance to this day, and is the reason for creating bold, elegant, sexy and too simple, but only at first glance, images.

Coco Chanel made a splash in fashion. Her style could not be criticized by the most famous fashion designers. She created unique combinations in clothes, the style of Coco Chanel was considered wonderful by a couple, and some even feared such a strange behavior of Chanel. She sought to help the woman and become free in her choice.

What was the difference between the style of K. Chanel?

Coco Chanel adhered to the principle of being sophisticated, not allowing herself extra accessories in a combination of clothes when famous fashion designers argued the opposite. In those days, women were dressed in dresses that carried the word “femininity” behind them, they were strewn with various ornaments and small details in the form of beads, rhinestones, buttons and ruffles. To which Coco Chanel dressed the ladies in trousers. Initially, this step was taken on herself, while not having fear and uncertainty in her heart, not being afraid to hear condemnation from the outside. Pants are comfortable and practical, said Coco Chanel.

little black Coco Chanel style dress

In the 20s, the well-known little black dress was born, which became an integral part of women's wardrobe. Previously, black was considered a tone of mourning and sorrow, but with the advent of this dress, the idea of ​​​​black colors has changed. Coco Chanel considered women's knees to be an unattractive part of the legs and paid due attention to this when cutting the dress. The length of the dress reached below the knees, the cut was ordinary, the neckline on the dress was semicircular with long sleeves.

This dress was considered the most practical and luxurious outfit, as the right combination accessories, you could create a new image. Coco Chanel turned the little black dress into a legend. The black color for her was practical and suitable for any meeting, which turned it from a mourning color into a classic color.

The little black dress still occupies a place in the wardrobe of any fashionista, as it is suitable for any event, it can be business negotiations, a meeting in a cafe, and even a secular party. Modern designers were not afraid to change the length of the dress and add various decorative accessories.

What did the famous designer and fashion designer bring to the fashion world?

Coco Chanel-inspired jacket paired with a knee-length skirt

As we have already said, K. Chanel considered women's knees not the most beautiful part of women's legs and preferred to hide them. She perfectly combined a skirt below the knees with a fitted jacket. You can see what this image looks like in the photo:

Jewelry and bijouterie

For Koko, costume jewelry is a beautiful accessory that can be combined with everyday clothes, which surprised society a lot. She could pair jewelry with costume jewelry with ease, which shocked the designers. This manner of combining was Coco's achievement in popularizing jewelry.

Chanel made it possible for ladies to look chic by wearing pearls any day. After all, these are not necessarily real pearls, ordinary glasses were covered with mother-of-pearl paint and the products looked no worse than pearls.


Chanel introduced women's fashion men's suits tweed style. These suits are made from thick woolen fabrics. But Coco turned tweed suits into classics, making them an integral part of women's clothing. It consisted of:

  1. tight skirt;
  2. Jacket with short sleeves.

The costume looked luxurious, one of the ladies of high society known to us, Princess Diana, appreciated the creation of Coco.


Women's shoes should look neat and fashionable. Chanel said that it is not the facade of the shoe that is important, but its convenience and comfort. In her mind, it's a stable heel, patent leather shoes white color with a black sock, which are ideal for any outfit. Moreover, by combining two colors, the legs visually decrease in size and become more elegant.

Men's vest

As you have already noticed, Coco brought into fashion men's tweed suits, two-tone shoes, but that's not all, she also borrowed a men's vest. It could be sweaters, T-shirts, skirts in a vest. What led women's fashion to simplicity and convenience.

Handbag 2.55

In the 50s, Coco brought the world of fashion the new kind handbags that were very comfortable to use. Its shape resembled a rectangle on a long chain, the handbag was hung on the shoulder. When Chanel visited the orphanage at the monastery, she noticed some details for the creation of the 2.55 handbag. The chain was used to store a bunch of keys for the caretakers of the shelter, and the color of the lining was combined with the uniform of the servants of the monastery. On the back of the bag there was a small pocket where you could put money, and the inside could serve as the storage of love messages from admirers. After 62 years since the beginning of the recreation of the new handbag, it was performed a large number of 2.55 possible models, but at the same time does not lose its relevance in fashion.
We wish you to be fashionable and stylish, while do not forget about the convenience and practicality of your clothes, because this is what Coco Chanel wanted.