
Lesson on the development of speech of children of middle preschool age using the techniques of mnemonics and model schemes. We illustrate the fairy tale “Teremok” with movements


Sections: Working with preschoolers

Preschool age is most favorable for laying the foundations of competent, clear, beautiful speech, which is important condition mental education of the child.

The influence of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of speech of preschoolers.
Mnemonics, or mnemonics, translated from Greek - "the art of memorization."

mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics for preschoolers today is becoming increasingly relevant. The purpose of learning with its use is the development of memory ( different types: auditory, visual, motor, tactile), thinking, attention, imagination. The basis of education is the development of creative knowledge.

A special place in working with children is occupied by didactic material in the form of mnemonic tables and model diagrams, which makes it much easier for children to master coherent speech; in addition, the presence of a visual plan-scheme makes stories (tales) clear, coherent and consistent. mnemonic table- This is a scheme in which certain information is embedded.

I have been working for the second year on the topic “Development of coherent speech of children of the middle preschool age through fairy tales. I have developed a special set of classes on fairy tales using various games, as well as mnemonics and modeling techniques. I bring to your attention one of the options for such activities.

"Telling the fairy tale" Teremok "" (middle group)


  • Educational:
    • name the distinguishing features of wild animals (wolf, hare), using a mnemonic table;
    • activate words and expressions in speech that allow you to start and end a fairy tale;
    • to exercise children in the ability to tell the content of a fairy tale using visual aids;
    • to consolidate the ability to compose a fairy tale coherently, in a logical sequence;
    • fix the sequence of actions of the characters thanks to the modeling method.
  • Educational:
    • continue to develop mental processes: memory, attention, visual-effective thinking;
    • the ability to correlate sound symbols with images.
  • Educational:
    • cultivate a kind attitude towards animals;
    • to accustom children to the implementation of the elementary rules of the culture of behavior.

visual material:

  • mnemonic tables (for the fairy tale "Teremok", "Wolf", "Hare");
  • characters of the table theater based on the fairy tale "Teremok"
  • for each child (sheet of paper; pencils; circles different color(small gray will mean a mouse, green will mean a frog, white will be a bunny, orange will be a fox, big gray will be a wolf, big brown will be a bear)).

Preliminary work:

  • reading the fairy tale "Teremok";
  • consideration and discussion of symbols of wild (wolf, hare) and domestic animals (goat, cow) according to mnemonic tables;
  • demonstration by the teacher of the fairy tale "Teremok" (tabletop, three-dimensional, cardboard theatre);
  • singing songs about animals;
  • reading poems about animals;
  • didactic games“Who lives in the house”, “Who eats what”, “Who screams how”.


Children sit in a semicircle on chairs or sofas. The teacher is in the center, in front of them. Nearby is a small table and an easel with a magnetic board. There is a knock and the heroes of the table theater (the bunny and the wolf) appear.

Teacher. Hello guys!
Children. Hello
Teacher. Guys who came to visit us?
Children. Bunny and wolf.
Teacher. Guys, what do you think the hare and the wolf are wild or domestic animals?
Children. These are wild animals because they live in the forest.
Teacher. That's right, well done!
And let's tell you about the bunny, what is it?

Narrative according to the mnemonic table "Hare" <Рисунок 1>.

Teacher. Well done, the bunny lives in the forest, loves to eat carrots and cabbage. And who will try to tell about the wolf, what is it like? Go... tell me about the wolf.

Narrative according to the mnemonic table "Wolf" <Рисунок 2>.

Again there is a knock, and the heroes of the table theater appear (a mouse, a frog, a fox and a bear). They greet children.

Teacher. Oh, how many guests have come with us today!? A lot of!..
Guys, let's remember where the mouse lives?
Children. In a mink
Teacher. And the frog?
Children. In the swamp.
Teacher. Bunny lives...
Children. Under a bush.
Teacher. Where does the fox live?
Children. In the hole.
Teacher. What is the name of the wolf's house?
Teacher. The wolf lives in a lair. His house is called the lair. What is the name of the bear's house?
Children. Den.
Teacher. That's right, the bear lives in a den. That's how good you are, you told everything correctly. And who will say what is the name of the fairy tale in which all these animals lived together in one house?
Teacher. Guys, what words do fairy tales usually begin with?
Children. Once upon a time there lived...
Teacher. How do fairy tales end?
Children. That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done, they began to live and live and make good ...
Teacher. And with what words does the fairy tale "Teremok" begin?
Children. There is a teremok in the field, it is neither low nor high ...
Teacher. And let's remember what nicknames each animal has in the fairy tale:

Mouse ... (norushka),
Frog ... (wah),
Bunny ... (runaway),
Chanterelle ... (sister),
Wolf ... (teeth click),
Bear ... (clubfoot).

Teacher. And now let's play a game called "Mirror" with you, I will show you the movements, and you must guess which animal I depicted and repeat the movements after me.

After the game, the children sit in their seats.

Teacher. Guys, now let's remember and tell the fairy tale "Teremok" together.

Telling a fairy tale according to the mnemonic table "Teremok" <Рисунок 3>.

Teacher. Guys, now let's play this fairy tale. Let's make our own turrets. Here on the sheet you have a house. Let's draw doors so that the animals can enter. Who came first?
Children. Mouse.
Teacher. What mouse? Tailed because she has a long tail. The frog croaks loudly, it has a big mouth, as if it is smiling all the time. So what is she like?
Children. Cheerful.
The teacher shows how to designate each of the characters in the drawings.<Рисунок 4>.

If the children are not tired, and they still have interest, the teacher offers to play a fairy tale with the help of table theater characters. Children act out dialogues. The lesson smoothly turns into a creative game.


1. Bolsheva T.V. We learn from the story. Development of thinking of preschoolers with the help of mnemonics: Teaching aid. 2nd ed. correct - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005. - 96 p.
2. Polyanskaya T.B. Using the method of mnemonics in teaching storytelling to preschool children: Educational and methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: LLC "PUBLISHING" CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010. - 64 p.
3. Ushakova O.S., Gavrish N.V. We introduce preschoolers to fiction: Notes of classes. - M .: TC "Sphere", 1998. - 224 p.

It would seem that there is no kid in the world who does not like fairy tales. And many mothers whose child does not fall into this category start to panic: “What is wrong with him? Why isn't he like everyone else? How to fix it? And is it possible? I hasten to calm them down - you can! And, if you love fairy tales and are ready to devote at least a few minutes a day to it, then it will not be difficult to change the situation!

Why does your baby not perceive fairy tales, and what to do?

  • First, remember that a fairy tale is a lot of words, and besides, they are not always familiar to the baby. That is, for him, some of them are ㅡ literally "an empty phrase". A plus, Small child still bad at concentrating. And this is completely normal if he is only a year old, two or even three! There is only one conclusion: you need to go from the nature of the child!
  • Secondly, the nature of the baby requires movement. Movement ㅡ is everything: growth, development, and health. So let's try to combine the movements and the text of the fairy tale!

How our mothers and grandmothers told fairy tales

Do you remember what the very first works of art were introduced to us by mothers or grandmothers? These were nursery rhymes, pestles and lullabies, and they were always accompanied by movements! Under the last, the baby was rhythmically rocked (rocking also has its own benefits for development). And pestles with nursery rhymes were used for various “important” events - washing, dressing, feeding, massage, and just playing. Although, of course, not "simple". All of them contributed to the development of the baby, and replenished his still very small vocabulary.

How to show a fairy tale with the help of hands and not only

If suddenly your child is already out of infancy, but still cannot calmly listen to even the smallest fairy tale from beginning to end, then, when telling, try to show him the “theater” with your hands. It is not necessary to use only the arms, it is possible to expand the range of motion by using the whole body, but still try to do it while sitting. So the baby will develop concentration.

We illustrate the fairy tale “Teremok” with movements

For example, let's take the fairy tale "Teremok". It can be illustrated as follows.

« Stands in the field Teremok-teremok » - cross your arms at the wrists above your head.

« He's not low, he's not high, he's not high » ㅡ mark the height with your hands.

« How a mouse-norushka runs across the field-field ”- press your arms bent at the elbows to your chest, lower your fingers down ㅡ these will be the paws of the mouse. Move the brushes up and down alternately, depicting mouse movements.

« Teremochek saw and knocks » ㅡ again depict the tower, crossing your arms above your head.

« Knock Knock! Who lives in the teremochka? Who-who lives in the low? » ㅡ make a "knock" with your fist.

« And no one answers her » ㅡ spread your arms to the sides (gesture "Alas").

« The mouse entered the teremok and began to live and live there » ㅡ show the tower again.

« Here the frog is in a hurry across the field » ㅡ for a frog, lower your arms down, half-bent at the elbows, and spread your fingers in opposite directions. Make a few springy up and down movements to depict how the frog is jumping.

« Teremochek saw and knocks : who-who does he live in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low? » ㅡ repeat the movements "teremok" and "knock".

« I am a mouse. And who are you? - And I'm a frog ㅡ Speak and take turns impersonating a mouse, then a frog.

How to show other animals

  • To show a bunny, raise your palms to your head with connected fingers ㅡ "ears".
  • The fox can be imitated by alternately smoothly moving the hands in front of you.
  • To show the mouth of a wolf, join your hands at the wrists and tap with slightly bent fingers on the opposite hand.

  • Well, for a bear, you can twist your legs a little, putting them on the outer edge of the foot, and lower your half-bent arms down. Slowly sway from side to side like a clumsy clubfoot.

It is not important to portray the characters exactly as described above. This is an example. You can come from your own experience and ideas. Do not be afraid to fantasize and come up with original "illustrations" for fairy tales.

A little more of our experience: the fairy tale “Puff”

One of my son's favorite fairy tales was the fairy tale "Puff". We portrayed grandfather, putting one hand on the belt and, as it were, “limping” in this direction. The grandmother was quicker - we moved our arms bent at the elbows. And the granddaughter was introduced as "imaginary", shaking her head and moving her index fingers from the back of her head to her shoulders, as if denoting spiral curls.

When the heroes went out into the garden, I added the following text: “And there - the sun is shining (we raised our hands with spread fingers up ), birds are singing ( fingers joined and turned into wings ), the bees buzz: “Zhzhzhzhzh” (fingers were connected by "binoculars", but spread apart ),

mosquitoes ring: "Zzzzz" (index fingers extended forward, while the rest clenched into a fist ).

The beds were also “active”, a kind of massage turned out: with carrots (index fingers tapped on the legs or on the back ), with cabbage ( fingers folded into a “ball” and slightly pinched ), with potato ( banging their fists ). When the son grew up, he began to invent for himself what should grow on them: peas, cucumbers, pumpkins, etc. He really enjoyed painting these vegetables on my back. Sometimes I asked him to guess what grew in the garden, "forgetting" the name of the vegetable. In general, the storytelling with the help of our body gives a huge scope for imagination!

When telling a story, encourage your baby to repeat the movements after you. After some time, try to do them together, and then in roles. So the baby learns to listen to your speech, pay attention to individual words, comprehend what he hears. And the movements of the arms and torso will develop motor skills, help to become more plastic. But most importantly - your baby will love fairy tales!

Tatiana Verbitskaya, an experienced teacher and mother of two "do-it-yourselfers"

It is important to pay timely attention to the development of the child's speech, in particular, to teach him to talk about something, that is, to compose a coherent story. It is better to start with something familiar, for example, from fairy tales that parents have read to a child more than once and, perhaps, a preschooler even knows them by heart. We bring to your attention cards with illustrations for popular children's fairy tales, according to which you can play with your child. This is a kind of mnemonic table - a series of pictures that capture the images of the plots of a fairy tale in order.

At 3 years old, the child can print these cards or simply show them on the screen. No need to cut. Tell a story, be sure to point out all the events in the pictures with your finger. Then invite the child to tell this tale himself from the pictures - the mnemonic table.

When this is mastered, we cut the mnemonic table into cards. Let the kid independently remember which events of the fairy tale were at the beginning, which later, restore the sequence of events.

By age senior group Kindergarten game even more complicate. We lay out all the cut cards in front of the child. Now he will have to first determine which fairy tale the picture belongs to, and then its place in order.

Download cards

Illustrations for the fairy tales "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Goby, tar barrel", "Teremok", "Fox with a rolling pin", "Ryaba Hen".


There lived a man (we depict a little man with a hand,) and he built himself house. small house turned out beautiful with a high pipe on the roof. He built a fence around the house with a gate. Near the house a little man planted flowers, they opened their petals in the morning and closed them in the evening. Above bees circled with flowers, they buzzed and collected flower juice.

little man he lived alone, and he went around the world to look for friends. Walked, walked, met bird and says: "Bird-bird, let's be friends!" But bird didn’t say anything to him, flapped her wings and flew away.

The man went further and saw a fish. But the fish did not want to be friends with man, wagged her tail and swam away. And he went on and met horse . "I-ho-ho," she said horse, - Let's be friends with you human, I will help you carry heavy loads." And little man gladly agreed. They went on together: man and horse.

They walked and walked, and towards them - dog. "Av-av, take me with you, man, I will protect you." And they went on together:man, horse and dog. They go and see - a goat grazes in the field: "Me-me, let's be friends, man, I will give you delicious milk to drink." The four of them went on:man, horse, dog and goat.They go and hear a plaintive meow. It turned out that this cat: "Meow meow, take me with you, man, I'll mice scare them so they can't chew on anything."

The man agreed and they went on:man, horse, dog, goat and cat. Came to the river but they can't cross it. bridge no. They built everything together bridge, crossed to the other side and saw man his house with a pipe, from which he left. built human for your friends barn and they began to live together and help each other.

Vaska cat.

Cat Vaska saw on tree nest. Chicks lived in the nest . (upr cat, tree, nest with chicks). Cat Vaska wanted to eat chicks and climbed a tree. But here a bird flew in- a mother who began to protect her chicks. The cat got scared and ran away.

Fox and wolf.

Visit the chicken.

Listen, listen! I'll tell you a good story, a very good one.

Once upon a time there was a cockerel. He thought to go for a birthday chicken. Here he is walking along the path, in front of the river, and across the river there is a beautiful bridge, he passed through bridge, and here is the house of the chicken. A chicken sits in the window, looks out, sings a song

(sound ditty). The cockerel gave her a bouquet of flowers, and cake with candles.The chicken blew out the candleand made a wish: “To have many friends come to congratulate her.” And then it started to come true. A goose came, gave her a basket grains, ran the dog handed her a balloon . The guests became together in unison play with a ball roll the ball on the table). Played, played - the balloon burst (sh-sh-sh). Upset chicken . suddenly appeared the kitty and gave it to the hen a lot as a giftcolorful balls, blew them up (s-s-s) and decorate the chicken house.

They began to have fun. The birthday girl invited everyone to table, began to feed them delicious tea, with cake, cookies, and jam . Since then, they all live together in one home.

Children of our yard.

Every day guys met in the yard. They told each other a lot of interesting things about themselves. Borya played with kitten . Marina's mother bought doggy. Igor lost his turtle . Varya is going to sea. Serezha's aquarium has three fish. Andrey made beautiful in the spring birdhouse and hung it on a tree . Now lives there birdie with your family. And Irina forest collected a lot of nuts and a basket of mushrooms.

Ekaterina Tokareva
Master class "Tell a fairy tale with your hands"

The topic of my work experience is "Development of children's creative abilities using fiction." And today I want to introduce you to one of the methods that allows me to interest children and instill in them a love of fiction. Telling poems, nursery rhymes and fairy tales with the help of hands. It arouses a keen interest in children, increases emotional tone, memorization efficiency, promotes the development of large and fine motor skills, imagination, imagery. Joint actions with adults and peers relieve uncertainty and tightness. Let's tell a story together.

"Tell a story with your hands"

In far, far away times, all animals were wild, and a man thought: “Is it possible to make friends with them?” This is what our fairy tale "How man tamed animals" will be about.

lived was human. And he built himself house with chimney on the roof. Around the house built a beautiful, wooden fence with gate. To make it beautiful in the yard, he decided to plant flowers. They opened their petals in the morning and closed them in the evening. They circled over the flowers bees. They buzzed and collected flower juice.

Human He lived all alone and was very sad and dreary to him. And he went around the world to look for friends. How long, how short was it and met birdie. But bird did not want to be friends with a man, flapped her wings and flew away.

And he went further and sees a meadow, and grazes in the meadow horse a. "I-ho-ho," she said horse- let's be friends with you, man, I will help you transport goods. And human gladly agreed. They went on together: man and horse.

They walked and walked, and to meet them from behind a bush jumped out dog. "Av-av, take me with you, man, I will protect you." And they went on together: man, horse and dog.

They go and see goat grazes in the field: "Me-me, let's be friends, man, I will give you delicious milk to drink." The four of them went on: man, horse, dog and goat.

They go and hear a plaintive meow. Someone said "meow" - thought the man. It turned out that this cat. “Meow-meow, take me with you, man, I will scare the mice so that they don’t gnaw anything.” The man agreed and they went on: man, horse, dog, goat and cat.

And finally, they came to river. And they can't cross bridge no. They decided to build bridge. Nice, strong bridge. They crossed to the other side and saw his man house with chimney. “But where do animals live?” - thought the man. built human to for your friends barn. And they all became together live together and help each other.

This is how man managed to tame some animals. And they began to be called?. (homemade)

The teacher can come up with a variant of movements on his own or do it together with the children. You can show the content of not only the line, but also each word, which can be used in older kindergarten groups. And for a better memorization of the plot, pictures can be used to accompany the text.

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