
The increase in the retirement age


The pension reform of the past years is radically outdated. Insurance improvement measures have been developed over several years. The upcoming changes will stabilize the situation in the country and increase the life expectancy of the population.

The essence of the 2018 pension reform:

  • the rise retirement age in stages for men up to 65 years old, for women up to 63 years old;
  • new requirements for early appointment pensions;
  • formation of individual pension capital;
  • cancellation of the point system;
  • new calculation for.

The retirement age in Russia is from Of 2019 will rise at a slow pace. By 2023, men will retire in 65 years old, for women, the figure rises to 63 years old by 2026. The bill of July 19, 2018 consolidated these adjustments.

Future changes await all citizens who will have to apply for pensioner status, starting next year. Exception preferential categories will become:

  • persons working in the Far North;
  • medical specialists of various levels;
  • teachers;
  • art workers.

In relation to these citizens, there are other rules when calculating the timing of eligibility for benefits. New pension reform will not affect persons who are already receiving pensions, some categories of mothers with many children, workers in hazardous and hazardous industries, disabled people of group 1, participants in man-made disasters.

In connection with innovations, the traditional increase in pension with 1st of February canceled. The government approved an increase of 1000 rubles the following categories:

  • persons who are on a well-deserved rest without continuing their work activities;
  • old-age pensioners, disabled people and people left without a breadwinner.

Table of increasing the retirement age under the new pension reform

Raising the retirement age from January 1, 2019 planned to be carried out smoothly so as not to injure a sharp increase in 5 years for men and 8 years for women. The annual increase in retirement will increase by one year, affecting men from 1959 and women from 1964.

Pension calculation table for the new reform:

Year of birth The number of years to add to the previous age Retirement year according to the obsolete pattern Renewed pension year
husband. wives husband. wives
1959 1964 1 1 2019 2020
1960 1965 2 2 2020 2022
1961 1966 3 3 2021 2024
1962 1967 4 4 2022 2026
1963 and beyond 1968 5 5 2023 2028
1969 6 2024 2030
1970 7 2025 2032
1971 and following 8 2026 2034

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev shared that the need to recalculate the age of pensioners is long overdue. The new one contributes to an increase in the allowances of pensioners by a greater amount than the indexation of previous years, and, "like a bitter medicine" will stimulate citizens to live longer, actively developing and building a career.

Preferential categories of citizens for retirement according to the new formula

The retirement age for beneficiaries will be calculated according to the updated system:

  1. For citizens working in conditions Far north, will be saved " northern experience". The shift in the period of retirement will be carried out in accordance with the new law, as for all Russians. Male northerners will become pensioners upon reaching sixty age, and women in fifty eight years.
  2. Persons whose working conditions are equated to dangerous or harmful to life will not experience any innovations. for them will be calculated as before.
  3. Women who have become mothers five or more times are eligible for benefits in 55 years... An additional condition is the conscientious fulfillment of parenting responsibilities throughout eight and more years. Women with many children can be distinguished into a separate category. two children and more, who have developed a special experience in the North. These categories will not be involved in the new reform to increase the starting age of pensioners.
  4. The updated reform will allow every working citizen to benefit from the early termination privilege labor activity... For this, a person needs to earn a lot of work experience. Men who have worked 45 years, are issued at 63 years old, for women it is enough 40 years labor to become a pensioner at 61.

Has a law been adopted to raise the retirement age?

The main prerequisites for the adoption of a law that increases the age of citizens considered unable to work:

  1. Outdated figures for life expectancy, which almost a century ago were 40 years old, dictated the age at which government payments begin. In recent years, this figure is 72 years, in connection with which the decision was made to revise the line of incapacity for work.
  2. The new rules will increase the pension benefit to a decent level by reducing the number of unemployed citizens in relation to the working population.
  3. Gradual stages of promotion should raise life expectancy by encouraging citizens to lead an active lifestyle into old age.

The main task of this measure is to ensure the implementation of the President's decree No. 204 dated 07/05/2018"On national goals and strategic development objectives Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 ":

  • increase the birth rate and lower the death rate;
  • increase life expectancy to 80 years after 12 years;
  • improve the well-being of Russians;
  • cut by 50% the number of poor residents;
  • accelerate the country's technological progress;
  • provide housing for the population in need;
  • be in the top five economically developed countries of the world;
  • to improve the professional level in the industries.

Who will not be affected by the increase in the retirement age from January 1, 2019

Pension reform in 2018 year does not apply to the following groups:

  • registered pensioners who are already receiving government payments;
  • citizens working in hazardous or harmful conditions: prospecting, geological exploration expeditions, logging organizations, in mines, hot shops;
  • managers of public transport constantly running around the city;
  • pilots civil aviation and safety engineers;
  • disabled 1 group;
  • mothers with many children 5 and more minor dependents who have reached eight year old age;
  • residents of the North who gave birth two and more children;
  • parents of children with disabilities from childhood;
  • persons who have lost their health during man-made disasters.

Pension increase by 1000 rubles per month from January 1, 2019

Free funds that have emerged from the reform will add to the pension a monthly allowance for 7 % v 2019 year. The amount will vary depending on the amount of the benefit received, the declared amount in 1000 rubles corresponds to a pension of about 14,500 rubles.

The surcharge will be added to each payment, which on average will be 12000 in year. The subsidy will be accrued to non-working pensioners. For persons who continue to receive salaries, indexation by law not provided. A person will receive all compensation due after dismissal from an official place of work.

Will state pensions be canceled in 2019?

Fresh news informs that the cancellation state pensions may be considered in the future. The Chairman of the Duma of the Russian Federation V. Volodin does not rule out the decision not to pay state pension benefits.

This measure is associated with a budget deficit. For retirement benefits a considerable amount of money is required, which is not enough due to the imperfection of the pension system. All amounts are taken from the country's budget, which entails an acute shortage of financial resources.

Individual pension capital since 2019

Starting next year, Russians have been invited to take part in a new self-filling system future pension... Individual pension capital is introduced to replace the insurance part of the pension paid by the employer. All citizens will automatically become participants new reform from next year.

The employee has the right to independently appoint the amount that he is ready to transfer to his personal retirement account. In case of disagreement with the provision, the citizen has the right to refuse in writing to participate in the innovation. Subsequently, for every five years can appoint a "vacation", exempting from payments.

Benefits of the voluntary savings system:

  • participants in the new program will be able to count on tax breaks;
  • savings are the property of a citizen who can dispose of them at his own discretion.

As part of the new reform, it is planned to abolish the point system that was introduced in 2015 year. To replace it, it is proposed to introduce a new formula, which presumably will be 40% from monthly wages former employee.

New hearings on the transformation of the pension system are currently expected. By the end Of 2018 the final version of the new project will be known.

What was expected and feared - a gradual increase in the retirement age in Russia from 2019 to a year in two will begin in early January. A smooth transition, according to the government, will allow the population to better adapt to the introduced changes, increase payments and bring the average size of pensions to 20 thousand rubles.

New retirement age in Russia

While the country was celebrating the first victory of the national team at the world championship, the government decided to increase the retirement age. Starting in 2019, it will not yet reach the established limits - 63 and 65 years for women and men, respectively:

  • women in 2034;
  • in 2028 for men.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking about the decision, said that this decision will allow the released funds to be used to raise the size of pensions above the inflation rate. In the meantime, 2018 remains the last year when Russians can retire at 60 or 55 years old (men and women, respectively), since this threshold will change in six months.

Retirement year Men (year of birth, age) Women (year of birth, age)
2020 1959, 61 1964, 56
2022 1960, 62 1965, 57
2024 1961, 63 1966, 58
2026 1962, 64 1967, 59
2028 1963, 65 1968, 60
2030 1969, 61
2032 1970, 62
2034 1971, 63

Important! 43.2 million pensioners live in Russia, which is about one third of the total population of the country.

The changes will take place in stages. For example, if a man was born in 1959, then he will retire in two years, in 2020. A woman born in 1964 will retire in the same year. For more details see the table above.

Expected that this reform will allow bringing the average pension to 20 thousand rubles by the beginning of the fourth decade. As for those citizens who are already retired, their innovation will not affect, but will add about 1,000 rubles annually.

Latest news: pensions of military personnel, civil servants

How do they transmit last news, along with the increase in age, benefits for some categories of citizens on early retirement will be preserved. Those who will be affected include workers in hazardous and hazardous industries, "Chernobyl victims", mothers of many children with 5 or more children, some categories of disabled people and others (table below).

As for the security officials, to whom payments are made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, servicemen need at least twenty years of service. Currently, work is underway on this issue, since, according to the Ministry of Finance, it should also be adjusted.

Another category - civil servants, the retirement age was changed last year. If before they retired at fifty and sixty years old, now they are 63 and 65 years old. It was to this limit that the age of all other Russians was raised.

In addition to changing the retirement age, it is necessary to eliminate the existing reluctance to hire elderly people. According to the Prime Minister, the older generation is "people with vast experience, often with unique qualifications, who know how to work." In this regard, the prime minister instructed Rostrud to control this process - working pensioners will be able to receive a higher income than the assigned pension.

For a long time, the Russian retirement age remained one of the lowest in the world. If in 1970 there was an average of 3.7 able-bodied citizens per one elderly person, then already in next year this figure will decrease to two people per pensioner, and by 2044 - one and a half working people. Such data was provided by the Center for Strategic Research, the head of which, Alexei Kudrin, became one of the initiators of this reform.

But if we compare it with the experience of other countries, where the retirement age was also increasing, one cannot fail to note parallel changes in the health care system and the development of social programs to support the employment of pensioners. If you do not apply a similar approach in Russia, then there is a high risk of an increase in unemployment among senior citizens, as well as an increase in the number of different groups disability, but not old age.

The issue of pensions is quite acute in the country. With a small average payout Pension Fund has a huge deficit and cannot cover the necessary expenses in order to provide the population with well-deserved money for old age.

There are a number of reasons that caused this problem. The difficult economic situation in the country only increases the importance of this issue. Therefore, now the question of revising the retirement age for the population is often raised.

Talking about such a measure generates rumors and natural anxiety among ordinary people, so it is worthwhile to understand the issue. We present to your attention the latest on this topic.

Why you need to raise the retirement age

The current retirement age in Russia is 60 for men and 55 for women. By the way, this criterion has not been revised for over 80 years. Such parameters were adopted back in 1932. However, a lot of time has passed since that moment and a lot of things have changed.

The pension fund is in deficit and the annual loss of money amounts to hundreds of billions of rubles. This suggests that taxes paid by citizens are not enough to provide pensions to all those in need.

Because of this, additional funding from the state treasury is required, which, against the background of problems with the economy, are very painful for the state budget.

According to experts, the deficit will decrease over the years, and already in 2019 it is expected to decrease by 20%. However, this is not enough. Raising the retirement age will help to quickly level the deficit and provide additional injections into the Russian treasury.

Increased life expectancy

An increase in life expectancy is a very positive characteristic, but it creates problems specifically for the Pension Fund.

The fact is that at the time of the adoption of the current values ​​of the retirement age, the indicators of average life expectancy were much lower. As a result, the country had a large percentage of able-bodied citizens who paid taxes to the Pension Fund and there was no deficit.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. About a quarter of all Russian citizens receive pensions. From the total amount of the population, it is worth subtracting the unemployed and children, and then we get such a picture when the taxes paid are not enough to ensure pension payments.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that many Russians do not officially find employment or hide their income level, as a result of which they pay lower contributions to the Pension Fund.

At the same time, experts predict a constant increase in the life expectancy of Russians. Already now it is more than 72 years old. In 5-6 years, it can reach 76 years.

With such dynamics and keeping the current retirement age, by 2030 a third of the entire population of Russia will receive a pension. And this will be a very big blow to the economy.

Authorities' opinion on raising the retirement age

There is a debate in the government over whether it is necessary to raise the retirement age or not. The Center for Strategic Research is confident that this is a necessary step. This is the only way, in the opinion of the leader of this authority, that it is possible to prevent a fall in the country's economy and create conditions for its constant growth.

The results will be visible almost immediately and will provide excellent support for the state budget, officials say.

At the same time, adherents of this opinion believe that the retirement age should be raised to 63 years. Without this, stable economic growth cannot be achieved, they say.

The current government strongly disagrees with this initiative. The Ministry of Labor said that the economy is growing anyway.

According to representatives of this organization, the deficit of the Pension Fund in 2019 will decrease not by 20% compared to 2017, as experts predict, but by 50%. Such indicators are generally achievable, but only if Russia is not shaken by new problems. In many ways, everything depends on the price of oil.

The issue of raising the retirement age has not yet been raised among the country's top leadership. According to experts, this is due to the upcoming elections - such discussions can lead to a rapid drop in ratings.

However, after the elections, provided that the current leaders remain in power, and there is no tendency towards a rapid decrease in the PFR deficit, a revision of the retirement age is quite possible.

The Pension Fund itself states that no orders have been received to revise the retirement age.

Thus, there are no plans to adjust this parameter at the moment in 2019. As stated in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, they will deal with the shortage of funds in another way - reductions. So, for 2017, the plans were to reduce the staff by 10%.

Models for raising the retirement age

It should be noted that the initiators of such adjustments understand how painfully the population can perceive the fact of raising the retirement age. Therefore, the government has proposed several options in order to mitigate this adjustment.

The age is proposed to be changed to 65 for men and 63 for women.

The retirement age will not change immediately:

  • The government may increase the rate by six months every 12 months to ensure the smoothest transition.
  • The second option is to raise the age by a year every 12 months. Then the economic benefits will be more tangible.

The Ministry of Economy and Development proposes an option of raising to 63 years for men and women at the same time - a practice that is used in several countries.

An option is also being discussed with a gradual transition to the age of 60 for women and 65 for men. The transition with this strategy is the smoothest. For men, the age will rise by 3 months every year, for women - by six months.

One way or another, now the government has not officially announced such intentions. Whether this will come true is a question, the answer to which depends on the state of the Russian economy. It remains to be hoped that its steady growth will help maintain the old parameters of retirement for the longest time.

Video news

On July 19, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF) submitted to the State Duma bill No. 489161-7, which contains changes in the field of pension provision (hereinafter referred to as PO). Objectives - extending the working period, saving finances. The PFR (Pension Fund of Russia) has already begun planning to cut costs today. The government promises to use the saved funds to increase the size of payments to current pensioners.

The period of raising the retirement age in the Russian Federation

After discussion, the draft law proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted by the State Duma in the first reading. It provides for a phased increase in the retirement age. The minimum indicators are as follows:

Changes are proposed to be implemented gradually - the indicator of the age of retirement will increase by 1 year annually during the transition period. Its duration:

The draft law does not affect the individual pension capital, as well as regional and multiplying coefficients. For civil servants, the age of retirement will be increased according to the general procedure - from 01.01.2017 it has already increased by 6 months. annually.

Which years fall under the retirement age increase

The innovations will affect all citizens of the Russian Federation: women born in 1964 and younger, men born in 1959 and later.

2 age categories of citizens fall under the transitional provisions:

How will the retirement age change from 2019

The general dynamics of changes in the conditions of care for a well-deserved rest since 2019 is as follows:

Retirement age for men (years)

Year of birth (M)

Retirement age of women (years)

Year of birth (F)

Retirement (city)

For persons eligible for early retirement

A table of changes in the conditions for retirement from 2019 for citizens eligible for early benefits:

For beneficiaries it is provided transition period in general order. The seniority requirements for doctors and teachers will remain the same - 25 years for women and 30 years for men. The development of citizens of creative professions should be from 15 to 30 years, depending on the nature and direction of work.

For citizens with extensive work experience

Who will not be affected by the reform

The increase in the retirement age in Russia from 2019 will not affect some categories of citizens. These include:

  • pensioners;
  • workers in hazardous and / or hazardous industries:
    1. employed in underground, mining, miners;
    2. civil aviation flight personnel, technical engineers serving aircraft;
    3. participants in exploration and prospecting expeditions;
    4. the composition of ships of the sea and river fleet, the fishing industry;
    5. female workers in the textile industry with increased intensity;
    6. the composition of locomotive crews;
    7. organizers of transportation and traffic safety on railway transport, metro;
    8. truck drivers in mines, mines, quarries;
    9. employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service (hereinafter - FSIN);
    10. drivers of construction, road, handling equipment;
    11. tractor drivers;
    12. drivers of buses, trolley buses, trams;
  • persons receiving health benefits due to difficult life circumstances:
    1. mothers of 5 or more children raised before they reach 8 years of age;
    2. women who have given birth to at least 2 children with the required experience professional activity in the Far North and areas equated to it;
    3. parent / guardian of a disabled person from childhood, brought up until they reach 8 years of age;
    4. visually impaired group 1;
    5. midgets;
    6. disproportionate dwarfs;
    7. military invalids;
    8. reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters, traders of the Far North and territories equated to it;
  • suffered from the consequences of man-made disasters;
  • test pilots;
  • parachute equipment testers.

Increasing the age for granting social pensions

The conditions for assigning social benefits to disabled citizens have also undergone adjustments. There are three main changes:

  1. Persons who have not earned the required insurance experience by the time they go on vacation due to old age will be able to apply for social benefits: men upon reaching 70 years old, women - 68 years old.
  2. The conditions for assigning software to members of military families have been adjusted:

Retirement age (years)

Before the reform

fathers / mothers / spouses of security officials - deceased breadwinners

parents of military personnel who died in the line of duty or after dismissal, but for reasons related to combat injury

grandfathers, grandmothers of the deceased breadwinner

military widows

  1. Conditions of appointment have changed social benefits small peoples of the North:

Retirement age (years)

Before the reform

Workers in general order

Pension calculator


Increasing the retirement age in Russia

The possibility of changing the retirement age in Russia is quite real, if only because it is inevitable, experts say. However, the issue has not yet been fully worked out and continues to be discussed.

First, it is necessary to resolve the issue with senior citizens who do not receive pensions. Currently, there are no special programs in the country to assess their ability to work or programs for retraining and employment. If we compare with other countries where men retire after 60 years, then it is necessary to take into account the average life expectancy - often in developed countries it exceeds 80 years. However, for Russian men this threshold is lower.

Average life expectancy for men and life in the countries of the world (hereinafter - the table, data for 2016)

Experts acknowledge that pension system financially unstable. An increase in the retirement age, as well as the abolition of various benefits and early exit on retire.

In the meantime, President Vladimir Putin has assured that the upcoming changes, and there is no doubt that they will occur, will not come as a shock to older Russians. However, the country is not yet ready for this step.

FIU budget: latest news

The problem of financing is acute - now the budget of the Pension Fund, as the latest news reports, is formed, almost half of it, from the state treasury. As follows from the report for 2016, revenues amounted to 7625.2 billion rubles, of which:

  • insurance premiums for MPI - 4131.5 billion rubles;
  • federal budget - 3,355.3 billion rubles.

At the same time, expenses were more than revenues by 204.4 billion rubles - 7829.7 billion rubles.

The main function of the FIU should be to invest funds collected from the working population. If this mechanism was observed, an impressive amount of money would await a citizen for retirement, more than was invested. However, due to the freezing of the funded part, all the funds received are distributed to the maintenance of real pensioners. Thus, the Pension Fund is concerned with the distribution of funds, not investment and accumulation.

Civil servants, military and police pensions

In addition to ordinary citizens who go on a well-deserved retirement due to their old age, the retirement age has also been increased for civil servants. A year ago, a law came into force that changed the retirement rights for federal and municipal employees. The age will increase in stages: 65 years for male civil servants and 63 years for women. In the Far North, the threshold is somewhat lowered: 60 and 58 years, respectively.

As for the security officials, the military is assigned a seniority pension:

  • 20 years or more - 50% of the monetary allowance and 3% for each year after 20 years, but not more than 85% in the total amount;
  • 25 years or more - 50% and another 1% for each year after 25 years.

The monthly salary increase for police officers also depends on the length of service and qualification rank. More details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in the Federal Law "On Police".