
How to cash out retirement savings. How can a pensioner receive a lump sum payment of the funded part of the pension? When can I get


Part wages person is deducted into the Pension Fund. Funds are kept in accounts until old age. But under certain circumstances, you can withdraw money from the NPF of Sberbank.

The NPF of Sberbank is a reliable system that allows you to ensure a harmless old age. Clients receive interest on invested funds. But is it possible to withdraw money from NPF Sberbank? this will be discussed below.

The funds of the accumulative part are formed from the contributions of employers. A personal account is opened for each person. Without the participation of citizens, money is invested in the stock market. It is not possible to withdraw money, but it will be possible to make a profit from them.

To do this, customers must make a choice:

  • transfer the funded part to the non-state Pension Fund;
  • change the non-state fund.

Each client is independently determined with a choice, according to priorities.

When and how can I get my pension savings?

NPF clients are interested in the question of when it is possible to withdraw money from Sberbank NPF. Accumulated profit can be received only when the pension bases are reached. They are:

  1. Acquiring the right to insurance pension by old age. Including early receipt in accordance with the law.
  2. Achievement of the generally established required age.

To receive payments by age, you must contact the Fund. An application and documentation package will be processed.

The application itself and the package of documents can be issued:

  • at the bank office;
  • at the central office of NPF Sberbank.

in case of self-execution of a package of papers and an application for payment, it is necessary to notarize the signature of the insured person. Documents are sent by mail. Application forms can be found in your personal account.

When calculating the amount of the pension, the amount of investment income for the entire period of the agreement between the bank and the insured person is necessarily taken into account. You can get information about the accumulated amount:

  • on the official resource of NPF Sberbank;
  • in a branch of Sberbank;
  • at the head office of the Pension Fund.

Regardless of the method of obtaining information, have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS with you.

Ways to receive savings

There is more than one way to get the funded part. There are three of them:

  1. The whole amount at once. This method implies a one-time receipt of savings by age from the client's account. Such a payment can be received by disabled people, incapacitated persons and Russians whose work experience has not reached the minimum. The heir can also receive funds, but on condition that the account holder died before the payment was made.
  2. Equal parts throughout life. It is appointed when the amount of pension income is more than 5% of the amount of the insurance part.
  3. Every month for 10 years. This method is relevant when the client has reached retirement age. The account must contain deductions made by the employer, profit from investment, tangible capital, voluntary deposits of the investor.

Cooperation with NPFs has many positive aspects. Applications for receiving funds are considered from 7 to 30 days. If the place has a payment in installments, then the decision is made no later than 10 days. If the payment is a one-time payment, then the application is usually considered longer. A citizen has the right to receive funds in the following ways:

  • at the post office;
  • to a bank account;
  • with home delivery.

If you choose the latter method, then the client must pay for the courier services.

Subject to all these points, difficulties in obtaining funds should not arise. You should first visit the bank branch and inquire about the procedure for the return of funds.

Customer Reviews

Marina Shazhko, St. Petersburg

"Hello! I have deductions to NPF Sberbank. I am disabled, unable to walk, but I work. I understand that I can get the money ahead of schedule. How to withdraw money from NPF Sberbank before the end of the contract? How can I clarify the information without visiting the branch?

Discussion: 6 comments

    Hello, now I came across an article on the Internet that you can withdraw money from the SNILS number. Is it true?

    To answer

    Where to write an application for the payment of a funded pension, what documents are needed for this NPF "Sberbank"

    To answer

    In 1 month, having invested money on my own, I earned the same amount, which is shown to me by the NPF of Sberbank for several years. Why can't I withdraw my money early and invest in something that brings me more income?

    To answer

    I am 51 years old in 2016, I transferred my savings to the NPF of Sberbank, I have this question: How can I withdraw my savings from the NPF of Sberbank? we have a savings bank in the village, but they don’t know how to take my savings to me. It turns out that I have to go to the city (several thousand kilometers with transfers to a helicopter, then to a plane, somewhere to live and live for something, I don’t work, my husband doesn’t work in the unemployment village) to write an application and wait until they consider it? We live in the Kamchatka Territory in a village, the nearest city is Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

    To answer

    I turned off online NPF contributions to Sberbank, now it hangs in the archive. Can they be removed or are they missing?

    To answer

    I transferred money to the NPF of Sberbank for 2 years, I want to withdraw my funded part all at once, because I earned this money and have every right to dispose of it. Why is it forbidden to take your money?

    To answer

Measures of material support from the state are extremely important for those people who have every ruble in their account.

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Pensioners belong precisely to this category of socially unprotected citizens who are completely dependent on benefits and benefits.

In order to improve their own standard of living in old age, many citizens are already taking measures and transferring part of the funds to a funded pension.

Main Aspects

The term "contributory pension" first appeared in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2002, when the government considered the issue of investing savings in order to improve the living standards of people who will retire.

In a shaky economy, the introduction of this element was a rather risky undertaking. Since 2015, new reforms have been introduced by the government and the pension has finally begun to be divided into two independent parts. Namely:

  • accumulative;
  • insurance.

The value of the first part depends entirely on the funds accumulated by the time the period of their payment begins.

Unlike the insurance pension, the funded pension is not subject to indexation, but its size can be increased by investing additional finances.

Legislation provides citizens with the opportunity to choose a pension formation system with funded part or without it. However, this choice can only be made once in a lifetime.

Who is entitled to a one-time payment

According to the rules of compulsory pension insurance (OPS), certain categories of citizens can receive the funded part of the pension:

  • men and women born in 1957-1966, working in 2001-2004;
  • citizens who voluntarily make contributions under the state co-financing program;
  • insured persons who were born in 1967 and later, who have chosen an insurance and at the same time funded pension;
  • women who directed their maternity capital to the formation of their own pension.

From 2001 to 2005, employers made mandatory deductions of accumulative and insurance payments.

Accordingly, citizens working in a given period of time have the right to apply for these payments upon retirement.

The following insured citizens can also issue security in the form of a lump sum payment:

  • having a disability of 1, 2 and 3 groups;
  • those who have reached retirement age and are on old-age security (this category also includes people who have retired early);
  • who receive social benefits old age;
  • receiving survivor's pension benefits.

Terms of urgent issue

When choosing a fixed-term pension, insured persons can specify the time frame in which monthly payments will be made.

The issuance of monetary allowance may begin not earlier than the age of citizens determined by law:

An exception can only be the categories of persons who can retire early. According to the law, the period for receiving payments can be at least 10 years.

The issuance of funds is carried out from the formed budget under the state co-financing program, employers' contributions, as well as maternity capital.

The legislative framework

Questions regarding the formation of a funded pension, as well as the procedure for its issuance, are determined by regulatory legal acts:

According to the mentioned Federal Law No. 360, citizens who have reached retirement age (women - 55 years old, men - 60 years old) have the right to receive savings in the form of urgent, perpetual payments or a lump sum payment.

In the event that a citizen died before the retirement age, then the right to receive savings will pass to successors (wife, children, brothers, and other relatives).

Rules for providing funds

Citizens can apply for the establishment and issuance of a funded pension at any time, immediately after reaching retirement age (persons who finished work ahead of schedule also have this right). An application form for a lump sum payment can be.

In order for funds to be provided, a person must draw up an application and apply with it directly to where the savings are stored.

In simple terms, if the money was transferred to the management company, then the PF will deal with payments Russian Federation.

In the event that the funds were transferred to the Non-State Pension Fund (NFP), then he will be responsible for assigning accruals.

The insured person can choose one of three types of finance payments. Namely:

  • urgent;
  • perpetual;
  • one-time.

The latter type can only be chosen by people of certain categories (disabled persons, persons receiving survivors' subsidies, etc.).

How is the calculation made

In order to calculate the amount of the pension contribution, the following formula is used:


In the event that it is necessary to calculate the urgent funded pension:

SP = PN / T

With a one-time payment, citizens receive “in their hands” all at once sum of money. This opportunity is available only to the following categories of people:

  • citizens who have a total savings of less than 5% of the insurance pension;
  • persons who are assigned benefits for the loss of a breadwinner, disability or state pension for senior citizens with a small number of points or insufficient work experience;
  • pensioners who are the spouse or direct relatives of a person with savings who died before retirement.

A one-time allowance cannot be assigned to people who have already received it before. As for pensioners, they have such a right, however, not earlier than after 5 years.

What documents need to be submitted

In order for a person to be assigned a funded pension in the NPF or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide a certain list of documents:

  • application for the accrual of funds;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pension certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID.

Additionally, other types of documentation may be needed that are for accruing funded payments.

Peculiarities of filling out an application in a non-state Pension Fund

NPFs are created for the sole purpose of making a profit. Non-state Funds take citizens' savings (accumulative capital) and invest in various projects in order to increase the amount of money.

Despite the fact that these are private commercial structures, they are strictly controlled by:

  • Accounts Chamber of the Pension Fund;
  • FS on the financial market;
  • other government agencies.

The most reliable non-governmental organizations include:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB PF;
  • Lukoil-Garant;
  • "Future".

The principle of using accumulative funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and NPF is identical. Both organizations invest money in various projects.

In difficult economic situations, in the event of a budget deficit, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation uses these funds to calculate pensions for the elderly.

In addition, the fund is too bureaucratic, which does not allow the current government to manage the money as efficiently as possible. NPF can use capital more flexibly, which allows it to increase much faster.

In addition, a non-state fund does not have the right to use more than 15% of income for its own needs, and in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, there is no such restriction. If necessary, a citizen has the right to transfer his own savings from one NPF to another.

The procedure for receiving the savings of a deceased relative

Relatives of the deceased have the right to receive his savings. However, in this case, they may have a question, when can they receive a pension?

According to the legislation, savings can be transferred to heirs only if:

  • the person died before the start of urgent or indefinite payments;
  • after the establishment of an urgent pension;
  • after establishing the issuance of a lump sum (possibly if it was not transferred to the deceased earlier).

If a citizen died after the appointment of an indefinite pension, then its balance is not refundable to the second spouse and relatives.

The following heirs have the priority right to receive a funded pension of a person who has passed away:

  • children;
  • second spouse;
  • parents.

If the deceased does not have them, then brothers, sisters, second cousins ​​or strangers can become heirs, however, if they are included in the will.

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The accumulative part is formed gradually and begins to be paid together with the insurance part. A citizen will not be able to pick it up before retirement, but he is able to go on a well-deserved rest earlier.

The prerequisites for accrual are:

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  • age;
  • insurance experience over 15 years;
  • individual coefficient from 30.

If a citizen does not have seniority he is paid a social pension.

To start receiving payments earlier than the established age, you must meet one of the conditions:

How to get a funded pension all at once at a time

Perhaps this is only in the absence of storage.

The lump sum payment is available for the following persons:

  • with savings of less than 5% on the size of the insurance part;
  • the recipient is assigned , ;
  • for those whose funds were formed from contributions in accordance with the co-financing program or using.

To receive a lump sum payment, a citizen must prepare the necessary documents confirming the basis for receiving funds in one payment, and submit them to the NPF. The time for consideration of the application is one month, based on the results of which a decision is made to satisfy the application or refuse.

When applying to the pension fund, a citizen must take with him the following list of documents:

  • SNILS;
  • printouts to determine the details where the funds will be sent;
  • confirmation of the required experience;

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

  • an application for a funded pension.

The application with the request must be drawn up in accordance with the structure:

  • name of the PF;
  • applicant's data;
  • Account number;
  • a list of pension types that are assigned to a citizen;
  • employment record;
  • date of issue and signature of the applicant.

After a decision is made to satisfy the petition, the citizen will have to wait another month to receive funds in a convenient way.

How is formed

Only persons who started their labor activity no later than 2014 can count on the funded pension. The rest, who do not fall under this requirement, can form the amount through voluntary transfers.

Five years from the date of payment of the first insurance transfer are allocated for making a decision. This period can be extended only if the citizen has not yet turned 23 years old.

In the PF, the employer must transfer 22% of the employee's salary. If a person has made a choice in favor of a funded pension, then 6% is sent to it, and the remaining 16% to the insurance payment.

Additional sources of formation:

  • amounts from co-financing savings;
  • money from maternity capital;
  • investment of accumulated funds;
  • voluntary insurance premiums;
  • voluntary contributions from the employer.

To find out the amount that is already on the account, you need to go to the PF branch, where you need to confirm your identity. Access to information is available only to the insured person who is the owner of the wallet.

What's better

Benefits of the storage part:

  • funds can be inherited;
  • contributions become points that can be used to pay benefits to current retirees;
  • the amount is stored on the citizen's personal account, access to which is available only to the owner;
  • indexation is not available, but it can be increased by investing in the financial market.

If a person uses NPF, then he may not worry about his funds. In case of loss of the license, all savings will be transferred to the Pension Fund without taking into account the income from their investment.

The cumulative amount has its own nuances:

  • when forming, the amount of contributions for the insurance part is reduced due to the need to divide the funds received (for this reason, the number of pension points will be reduced);
  • at any time, a citizen can refuse contributions while maintaining the already accumulated funds that can be invested;
  • in 2019 there is a moratorium on deductions.


The amount of the funded pension is 10% , due to which the lump sum payment is replaced by monthly accruals.

Payment types

Federal Law No. 424 establishes the following types:

One-time Paid to insured persons who have the appropriate right to:
  • disabled people;
  • beneficiaries in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
  • persons whose funded pension is less than 5% in relation to insurance, taking into account additional payments.
Urgent Monthly payment over a period of more than 10 years with the possibility of early receipt for participants in the state co-financing program and persons who have allocated maternity capital for the formation of a pension.
Cumulative It is formed at the expense of the employer and additional contributions from the citizen himself on his own initiative.
In the event of the recipient's death You can receive funds for a deceased relative upon application or in accordance with the norms of the law. Payment of funds can also be made in accordance with the order (first priority - children, parents, spouse, second - brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandparents).

Theoretically, a Russian pensioner can receive a funded pension ahead of schedule, before retirement.

But given that the State Duma has decided to freeze funded payments until 2020, the prospect of early retirement is moving away. Nevertheless, the legislative mechanism has been developed and will probably become effective in the near future.

What it is

Since 2015, in the Russian Federation, the pension of citizens consists of two elements:

  • insurance social pension;
  • funded pension.

Every Russian is obliged to pay 22% of the social contribution from wages towards old-age insurance coverage. This is done by the employer.

Persons born after 1967 pay 16% as a mandatory social contribution to the State Pension Fund of Russia, and 6% as a savings contribution to any non-state fund specified by the employee.

The employer is obliged to fulfill the will of the employee, and monthly contribute the required amount to the fund, to the accumulative personal account of the employee.

The choice of fund depends on the preferences of the employee. Depending on the effectiveness of the fund's commercial policy, its pension will depend.

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But this does not mean that if a non-state fund is declared bankrupt or deprived of a license, the pensioner will be left with nothing. The state protects the property rights of pensioners.

Within three months, all the savings of a citizen will automatically be transferred to the FIU. The owner of the savings has the right to decide for himself whether to leave the savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or send them to another non-state pension fund.

Is it possible to receive the funded part of the pension before retirement?

State and non-state PF are not banking institutions, their activities are regulated by other laws, so early withdrawal of deposits is not always possible. But if the legislation allows, the invested finances can be returned ahead of schedule.

How to pick up

In order to receive finances invested in a non-state pension fund ahead of schedule, you need to make sure that the citizen has the right to do so and prepare documents.

In case of death of the insured person

Savings are paid to legal successors in the shares indicated in the application to the pension fund of the citizen, the owner of the savings.

If such an application was not submitted, then the accumulated finances are divided between the heirs of the first and second stage, which include:

  • natural or adopted children, spouse, parents (adoptive parents);
  • brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren.

Accumulated funds are paid if the death of a citizen frowning after:

  • appointment, but was not paid, provided that the assignees lived in water housing with the deceased for at least 4 months;
  • appointment of an urgent payment;
  • assignment of pension savings.

This list does not include funds from family or maternity capital, from which the future pension will be formed.

In order to receive the savings of a deceased pensioner, the successors must, no later than six months after the death of the right holder, present the savings to the pension fund:

  • documents confirming kinship (birth, marriage, adoption certificates);
  • identity card indicating the age and place of residence of the successor;
  • a power of attorney certified by a notary, if the rights of the assignee are represented by a third party;
  • permits from the guardianship and guardianship authorities on the refusal to receive the legal successor of the funds due from the share of pension savings; e
  • certificate of death of the owner of the accumulated funds.

Representatives of the pension fund may also require other documents confirming the rights of the successor to receive part or all of the funded pension.

Lump sum payment

A one-time payment of a funded pension means that the entire amount paid in is paid out in full at one time. Not all pensioners can take advantage of this opportunity.

Russian legislation defines the following categories of persons entitled to receive a funded pension before retirement in the form of a lump sum payment:

  • disabled people of all groups;
  • citizens who have lost their breadwinner;
  • citizens whose funded pension is less than 5% of the social pension;
  • citizens who are entitled to early retirement: doctors, railway workers, pilots, geologists, metallurgists, miners (hot workers), etc. in accordance with Articles 30 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013.

If a pensioner is not sure in which of the funds his savings deposit is stored, he can apply with an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in order to receive an extract on accruals or use the information of the Public Services Portal.

The lump sum payment since 2015 is limited by the time frame. It is allowed to apply for payment no more than once every 5 years.

Urgent payments

Urgent payments can only be received from a part of the funded pension (6%) or from voluntary additional contributions to non-state pension funds or to the state fund under the co-financing program. Also, maternity capital funds can participate in the funded part of the pension.

What documents are needed

To receive an urgent payment from the pension fund, you need to prepare. Most likely, you will need the help of a lawyer to complete a package of documents, draw up applications and consultations.

Also, a lawyer will be able to assess the reality of paying an early old-age pension, which requires evidence of working conditions in different periods:

  • increased danger and harmfulness of the profession;
  • hard or tedious work.

A complete list of professions and activities that allow you to receive early retirement, listed in federal law No. 173 dated January 17, 2001.

The data must be recorded in work book. Witness testimony that does not document the right to receive a pension early is not considered by Pension Funds and courts.


Each citizen who has made pension contributions to the accumulative pension fund has the right, upon reaching retirement age, to apply to the fund for the payment of a pension.

Since 2019, the pension is accrued on the basis that the total funded contribution is divided into 234 months. This will be the amount of the funded pension paid for life.

If a pensioner believes that he is still able to work, for example, for five years, the savings will be calculated based on 234–5 * 12 = 174 months. Thus, the monthly pension will be higher, but later.

If a person decides to transfer deposits from a non-state pension fund to a state one, then the transfer period will be five years.

Is it possible to get ahead of schedule from NPF

If a citizen has reached the retirement age by length of service, he has the right to receive pension provision from a non-state pension fund before reaching the official retirement age.

The funded pension can be received at a time or divided into months, including transferring it by inheritance. In this case, the investment income on the deposit will be preserved, in case of an urgent transition - no.

What are the alternatives

Any citizen has the right to set aside savings for old age independently.

This does not mean that he can stop paying insurance premiums of 22%, but as additional guarantees of a comfortable existence in old age, you can use:

  • bank deposits;
  • investments in financial projects;
  • investments in the form of contributions to insurance companies.

The use of deposits as an alternative to savings in a pension fund is sometimes justified, but interest on deposits is usually lower than interest in non-state pension funds. On the other hand, banks are considered more reliable partners than pension funds.

Some banks promote special deposit programs for future retirees, with increased interest rates. Unlike pension funds, banks do not require a fixed amount of contributions.

The client of the bank deposits into his account the amount that he can afford. Also, banking services look more attractive in that they are valid for the period specified in the contract, after which the bank client has the right to either withdraw the investment or transfer it to the next period along with interest.

In a non-government fund, the depositor's savings will be frozen to the retirement age, usually not earlier than ten years before retirement age.

But investments can be issued upon departure for permanent residence abroad, the onset of disability or death of the owner of the pension deposit.

In addition, it is almost impossible to withdraw a pension deposit ahead of schedule at will in standard situations. What can not be said about bank deposits. It can be withdrawn from the system at any time, although, possibly, with some financial losses.

Insurance savings, on the one hand, require minimal contributions, but cash payments will be paid only in cases of death or disability due to illness or injury.

Retirement savings is a fairly long-term investment and it is likely that during the investment period money in the deposit currency may depreciate.

Banks in this case are more reliable, because the investor has the right to deposit finance in any currency that he trusts. At the same time, pension funds work only with the national currency.

On the other hand, state and non-state pension funds are protected by state guarantees, which cannot be said to the same extent about commercial private banks.

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