
Application of district coefficients to labor pensions. District coefficient for pension. How to Calculate Retirement Point


Each of the regions of Russia has its own standard of living and differs most often due to climatic conditions. Therefore, in order to equalize the income of Russian citizens working in difficult climatic and dangerous technical areas: regional wage coefficients are introduced. This is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, where article 146 part 3 and article 148 indicate all the reasons and instructions for calculating the coefficient. In simple words, for a working person, the district coefficient is a constant additional payment for living and working in conditions that are negative for life.

Depending on the status of the territory of the region of Russia, the regional coefficient of 2017 has its own significant differences. This norm is fulfilled for people who receive a salary: the military, pensioners, people living on the social security of the country or the social department and people with employment contracts from employers. Provided that they live there on a permanent basis, or are employed indigenous people.

Coefficient definition

Determines the calculation of the district coefficient in accordance with the location near a certain climatic area. The largest coefficient is provided to residents who live near the Arctic Ocean, especially the coastline and the seas adjacent to it. The territory of Chukotka and Yakutia provides working citizens with a two-fold increase in salary by 200%. Mainly European territories Russian Federation those located in the northern part have a district territorial coefficient in the amount of multiplication by 1.15 - 1.4 to increase the salary.

The calculation of the coefficient takes into account the complexity of climatic conditions, probable weather conditions that may interfere normal operation, level of development of transport infrastructure, road surface and electronic development of the region, environmental situation, background environment and other factors of nature that can definitely influence the performance of work.

The coefficients are set not at the federal level by the country, but independently by the subjects of employment in the territories located on Far North and adjacent territories.

Payments for which the district coefficient is applied

The previous law prescribed by the Labor Code from the Russian legislator indicates what types of payments can be recalculated by a coefficient and according to what instructions it is carried out this procedure. So, it is used for:

  • Salary paid to a person upon taking office.
  • Payment to previously received wages accumulated for continuous working activity (in other words, it is called length of service).
  • The established law spells out all the instructions and information about the allowances by position regarding their category, degree and class of profession.
  • Compensation for received bad and arisen or probable dangerous working conditions. Night working conditions also fall into this category.
  • The thirteenth salary is an annual bonus for performance.
  • Seasonal work does not differ from temporary work, therefore it is included in the same category.
  • Temporary disability will not affect the receipt of the district coefficient, but it is necessary to have a “sick leave” from a dispensary or a hospital setting confirming your illness.
  • This includes compensation for part-time work.
  • The calculation also includes part-time work, when two jobs are combined.

The category of exceptions includes payments that cannot be changed by a multiplier:

  • Vacation payments from the employer - these are already modified own coefficients, but your employer has the right to add a multiplication for the required percentage for the vacation.
  • One-time payment. This department includes awarding cash prizes and providing financial assistance for certain services to the employer.
  • Work in the northern regions for its difficulties has its own percentage allowance, specified by law. The coefficient depending on the territory and the percentage of the allowance significantly change the amount of payment for your work, but do not adjust the material amount of the payment to each other.

The territorial coefficient expresses its influence by changing the amount of the sum. All documentation is recorded by the accountant, taking into account all changes in percentage form. The same percentage is multiplied by the minimum wage.

The coefficient plays a significant role in the formation of pensions. Regardless of the fact that the salary fund is paid in accordance with the multiplied percentage, the coefficient also applies to pension payments and benefits. The main condition is the residence of the person in the given territory. If there is a change of residence, the coefficient will be reduced or canceled.

The order of the coefficient for the military includes the change of regions during the passage military service in a military unit or on a special assignment: desert, highlands, arid regions of the country. Also, for the safety and preservation of the secrets of the state there is an additional payment.

Northern surcharges

Employees who transferred and carry out their work in the conditions of the Far North and the northern regions receive a significant increase in wages, multiplied by the district coefficient of the territory where you are located (city, town, district, republic). Such a norm is clearly spelled out and indicated in the Labor Code, which is written by the main legislators of the Russian Federation in Article 317. Unfortunately, the Russian legislative framework in modern world did not create new standards for calculating and adding northern allowances, therefore, an ancient order from the Soviet times of 1990 from the then Ministry of Labor under No. 2 is used. It indicates the procedure and instructions for calculating the district coefficient indicator.

The scheme for organizing the calculation of earnings received consists of adding a regional percentage allowance in relation to the salary. Employees working in an organization where they work in the regions and certain territorial areas (for example, as the Kirov region receives only in certain three areas, plus the income received due to working conditions), receive an accrual. Regardless of the place of work, the initial percentage of the allowance is 10%. This rate lasts for six months of the worker's work activity. If a person continues to do work further, then every six months that have passed, he has the opportunity to find an increase of another 10% to the interest received, but this will not happen until he receives a special indicator by order from the Ministry of Labor.

In accordance with the instructions received, in youth affairs, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation singles out persons under the age of 30 (young people). If a person is included in this age range, then this is a young person and his allowance will be up to 20% in the northern regions. Anyone who has reached 5 years of residence in the conditions of the Far North can take advantage of this condition, that is, this right is granted to the indigenous inhabitants of the region and those who come and live for a period of 5 years.

Dependence of the coefficient on the region of Russia

  • 2.0 - provided to people working on islands in the Arctic Ocean and the seas adjacent to it, except for the White, and Dixon Island is an exception; in Yakutia on the territory of Sakha, where diamond mining enterprises and construction sites are located (the Udachnaya and Aikhal deposits, the mines of the Kular and Deputatsky mines); Lower Kolyma region, Ust-Yansky region with the village of Ust-Kuyga. Sakhalin is the Northern, Kuril and South Kuril regions, paired with the Kuril Islands. V this list also includes the Commander Islands, the entire territory of the Chukotka District and the Aleutsky District of the Commander Islands.
  • 1.8 - the cities of Murmansk and Norilsk.
  • 1.7 - Yakutia (Lensky district of the Republic of Sakha and the city of Mirny), the entire Magadan region, town. Foggy in the Murmansk region.
  • 1.6 - Vorkuta in the Komi Republic, Turukhansky district Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia (districts: Abyisky, Eveno-Bytantaisky, Bulunsky, Momsky, Ust-Yansky, Allaikhovsky, Oleneksky, Suntarsky, Anabarsky, Topmonsky, Verkhnevilyuisky, Srednekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky, Oymyakonsky, Verkhoyansky, Nyurbinsky, Zhigansky, Mirninsky, Kobyaysky); Okhotsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory, the entire Kamchatka region, with the exception of the Aleutsky district, the northern part of the Evenki district; the entire Dolgano-Nenets territory of the district; the city of Okha and the adjacent Okhinsky and Nogliksky districts of Sakhalin.
  • 1.5 - the entire territory of the Yamalo-Nenets and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, Uvatsky district of the Tyumen region; the city of Inta of the Komi Republic; in the Tyva Republic, Kyzylsky, Mongunsky, Todzhinsky and Taiginsky districts; Tomsk region (Strezhevoy, Verkhneketsky, Parabelsky, Aleksandrovsky, Kolpashevo and Kargasoksky districts and such cities as Sterezhevoy, Kedrovy and Kolpashevo).
  • 1.4 - Altai Republic (Ulagansky and Kosh-Agachsky districts); in the Republic of Tyva, all cities, except for those indicated in the rate of 1.5; Republic of Karelia (Loukhsky, Kalevalsky, Belomorsky and Kemsky regions); Primorsky district - Kavalerovsky district; Severodvinsk; Solovetsky, Leshukonsky, Mezensky and Pinezhsky districts of the Arkhangelsk region; Khabarovsk region (Ulchsky, Vaninsky, Solnechny, Verkhnebureinsky, Tuguro-Chumikansky, Ayano-Maysky districts and the cities of Sovetskaya Gavan).
  • 1.3 - Izhemsky, Udorsky, Pechorsky, Ust-Tsilemsky, Troisk-Pechora regions in the Komi Republic; Krasnoyarsk Territory (Yenisei, Turukhansk, Motyginsky, Boguchansky, Kezhemsky and Severo-Yenisei regions); Karelian Republic (Segezhsky, Medvezhegorsky, Pudozhsky, Izhma regions); Evenk region; Irkutsk region (Bratsky, Ust-Ilimsky, Bodabisky, Ust-Kutsky, Katangsky, Mamsko-Chusky, Kirensky, Kazachinsko-Lensky districts), Bakcharsky, Telguldetsky, Krivosheinsky, Molchanovsky districts of the Tomsk region.
  • 1.2 - in the Republic of Buryatia - Okinsky, Barguzinsky and Kurumkansky districts; Khabarovsk Territory (Amur, Dzhuenskaya, Paddalinsky, Voznesenskaya, Omminskaya and Verkhnebureinskaya settlements); Primorsky Krai (administration Roshchinskaya, Boguslavetskaya, Kavalerovsky, Taezhnenskaya, Dalneigorskaya, Vostretsovskaya, Izmailikhinskaya, Olginskaya); the entire territory of the Komi Republic, unaffected in the previous paragraphs; the territory of the Arkhangelsk region, except for the Gainsky, Kochevsky and Kosinsky districts.
  • 1.15 - the entire territory of the Republic of Karelia.


The legislator took into account absolutely all the difficulties Russian climate and peculiarities of working conditions in particularly difficult regions. In creating the law, the legislator took into account not only the climatic, but also the economic features of each of the districts of each region, separate region or republic. Thanks to such a mechanism, a system of incentives and compensations is being created for people who live or have begun to work in this territory.

The mechanism includes:

  • Odds guarantees, with possible mechanisms to increase the rate and pay out the amount received.
  • Such payments go to all types of deductions from the employer: regular and mandatory for employees.
  • Payments that are determined in the average labor indicators are not included in their amount, however, the employer can resolve the issue related to the calculation of the district coefficient in vacation money.
  • A young specialist, once in the Northern Territories, can increase his allowance gradually by 10% every six months;
  • Depending on the relevant department, the data can be applied to the military, falling into difficult climatic conditions.

Laws governing odds

  1. Articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation 146, 148 and 317;
  2. Order No2 of 1990 from the Ministry of Labor, which is still valid today.

When calculating the salary of employees based on working conditions, various incentive payments or coefficients can be applied. For workers who perform labor duties in the Far North, when calculating wages, it is necessary to take into account the established regional coefficient for the regions of Russia in 2018. Its exact value is set by the government.

Russia has a vast territory with many climatic zones. At the same time, people who live in the northern regions often work in more difficult conditions, and they purchase products and services more expensive than those living in the central and southern regions of the country.

In order to equalize the values ​​of the earnings of workers in all regions, a regional coefficient of wages was developed.

The Labor Code does not directly indicate which regions should be considered the Far North and the regions assigned to it. However, the list was defined at the level of law as early as 1967 and is still in use today. The last time it was changed in 2013, when two regions of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug were recognized as regions of the Far North.

The base coefficients were determined in a decree of the Ministry of Labor. In the future, they can be adjusted by the subjects of the country themselves. The size of the coefficient ranges from 1.15 to 2 for the regions of the country, and for employees participating in expeditions to Antarctica - up to 3.

When appointing it, transport accessibility, infrastructure of the place of residence, environmental situation and other indicators are considered. Companies can also determine their coefficients, but they should not be lower than those established by law in the region.


Important! The additional payment that is due for the use of the district coefficient should be assigned to employees who live and work in the regions specified in the list, regardless of the form of ownership of their places of work. The coefficient should be used for all people without exception with employment contracts from the very moment they are hired.

On the this moment The regions where the district coefficient is used include:

  • Southern subjects of Eastern Siberia;
  • Subjects of the Far East;
  • Subjects of the Far North and areas equated to it.

What payments are affected by the district coefficient

The law prescribes accruals, on which the district coefficient is necessarily used in their determination, these include:

  • Valid and all payments that are tied to this indicator;
  • The basic component of earnings is salary, tariff rate, etc.
  • All additional payments that an employee receives for the performance of duties - bonuses, additional payments for qualifications, for length of service, compensation, payment for commercial or military secrets, etc.
  • Compensation to an employee for work harmful conditions, according to ;
  • Payments for sick leave with temporary disability;
  • Salary, which is accrued to seasonal workers, part-time workers, an employee on a flexible schedule or part-time mode;
  • Pension payments;
  • Other transfers that an employee receives on the basis of an employment or collective agreement.

There is no limit to the use of the coefficient - it must be applied all the time for the entire salary.

All of the above payments, including indexation of pensions, will be valid as long as a person lives in such a special territory. When moving from a pensioner, the surcharge according to the regional coefficient will be withdrawn.

Based on the fact that the district coefficient affects, information about it must necessarily be included in the labor contract as an essential condition.

Attention! If the use of this indicator is defined in any other regulatory act of the company, then it is allowed to simply make a reference. However, the employee must be familiarized with the act itself against signature.

What payments are not covered

The coefficient is not set for payments that, for certain reasons, are calculated on the basis of amounts already containing it:

  • Holiday payments - are determined on the basis of the full salary, already calculated taking into account the coefficient;
  • One-time financial assistance - the coefficient does not apply if the payment is not made regularly, and the procedure for its appointment and calculation is not prescribed in a collective agreement or other internal regulatory act;
  • Bonuses that are paid periodically;
  • Payment for a business trip if the employee travels to a region where the regional coefficient is not taken into account;
  • The northern allowance is an additional accrual for activities in difficult conditions. Despite the similar accrual circumstances, the district coefficient and the northern allowance are different allowances that cannot be mixed.

Hello Vladimir!

Citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as citizens who previously worked in such areas, regardless of their current place of residence, are entitled to early appointment of an old-age labor pension and to an increase in the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of an old-age labor pension .

The right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension for work in the Far North is granted to: men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.

For citizens who worked in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, a labor pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.

Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years 6 months are assigned a labor pension with a decrease in the generally established retirement age for four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas.

Citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or less than 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them and who have the necessary early appointment old-age labor pension, the insurance period and length of service in the relevant types of work, the age established for early assignment of the specified pension is reduced by five years.

The fixed basic size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, the fixed basic size of the insurance part of the labor disability pension and the fixed basic size of the insurance part of the labor pension in case of loss of the breadwinner "northerners" are increased by the corresponding regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the area of ​​residence.

The same rule applies to pensioners who have moved from an area with normal natural climatic conditions to areas of the Far North or to areas equivalent to them, and is valid for the entire period of residence of a pensioner in these areas or areas.

If a pensioner moves from the Far North to an area with normal climatic conditions, the fixed basic old-age labor pension, the fixed basic labor disability pension and the fixed basic labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner are subject to revision. At the same time, the value of the regional coefficient is not taken into account.

Citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them, and who have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women, a fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension for old age and labor disability pension is set at an increased rate, regardless of the place of residence.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 28 of the Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ for persons who lived as of January 1, 2002 in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, in which regional coefficients for wages are established, the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly wage in the Russian Federation (ZR / ZP) is taken into account in increased amounts, but not more than 1.4; 1.7; 1.9.

Until 01/01/2010, the use of an increased ratio of earnings in assessing pension rights to persons who lived as of 01/01/2002 in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas was provided for by paragraph 2 of Art. 30 of the Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ.

According to paragraph 1 of the Clarification of April 22, 2003 N 3 of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF "On the procedure for applying paragraph 2 of article 30 federal law"On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" in terms of determining the increased ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for persons living in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, as well as outside these regions and localities", an increased ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation in amounts not exceeding 1.4; 1.7; 1.9 was applied regardless of the type of pension, for persons living as of 01.01.2002 in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them .

When establishing pensions both before 01/01/2010 and after the specified date, the assessment of pension rights is carried out taking into account the increased ratio of earnings to persons who lived in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas as of 12/31/2001.

Therefore, I think that you have, taking into account the length of service you indicated, the right to review the amount of the pension, taking into account the increasing coefficient. Get an answer to your request from FIU branches and appeal it first in a higher order to the head of the FIU department, then you can also go to court with an appeal against the decision of the Pension Fund.

Why was it necessary to introduce regional coefficients at all?
Russia, as a state, has a very vast territory. Citizens of our country living in different regions sometimes find themselves in very different conditions. In some areas, due to climatic reasons, the cost of living is much higher, while working and living conditions are much more difficult and are associated with additional burdens on people's health. It would be unfair to evaluate work in the same way with such differences in the original "rules of the game". We need a certain state mechanism that would relatively equalize the rights of all the working people of the Russian Federation. Its role in labor law is called upon to fulfill the district coefficient (RK).

What kind of legal norm it is, what monetary categories it applies to, how it is documented and how to calculate it correctly, we will consider in this article.

District coefficients in the Labor Code

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the district coefficient as a mechanism for equalizing the income of workers through an increasing financial indicator that indexes payments in regions with special climatic conditions and equated to them.

This way state support working citizens operates at the governmental and local level.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts prescribe this rule in the following provisions:

  • Art. 316 of the Labor Code says that the regional indexing coefficients are set directly by the Government of the Russian Federation, which does not exclude the possibility of additional "additives" from local budgets;
  • Art. 146, Art. 148 of the Labor Code decipher in detail the concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a state-guaranteed premium to various types payments for working citizens;
  • the territories on which the fixed RK will be relevant are given in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of September 11, 1995 No. 49;
  • Art. 10 of the Federal Law N 4520-1 of February 19, 1993 covers in detail the "northern" allowances.

Who can apply for regional surcharges

Funds, taking into account the district coefficient, as payments guaranteed by the state, will be received by employees living and working in the regions provided for by law, regardless of the form of ownership of the organization. Features of the region that determine the appointment of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • dependence on transport;
  • existing infrastructure;
  • environmental conditions;
  • climate;
  • scope of the enterprise.

IMPORTANT! The district coefficient is applied to all employees working on the basis of an employment contract, without exception, from the very first working day - subject to the essential condition of their permanent residence or employment in the agreed territories.

The areas with a status requiring financial equalization include the following territories of the Russian Federation:

  • southern part of the East Siberian region;
  • Far East;
  • The Far North and regions similar in status to it.

Payments indexed by the Republic of Kazakhstan

The law implies a list of financial incomes that are subject to the obligation to apply a district allowance:

  • the minimum amount of labor remuneration and, accordingly, all payments “tied” to the minimum wage;
  • salary, tariff rate, salary itself - the entire amount received by the employee in his hands;
  • all additional payments to labor remuneration - compensation, bonuses, allowances for seniority, for qualifications, for military or commercial secrets, etc.;
  • surcharge "for harm";
  • compensation for temporary disability;
  • remuneration of seasonal workers, part-time workers, workers on a flexible schedule or part-time;
  • pension accruals;
  • other funds paid on the basis of an employment or collective agreement.

NOTE! Pensioners will receive increased amounts only as long as they live in "special" territories, moving will necessarily remove the district indexation of pensions.

RK does not apply to these payments

For logical reasons, the coefficient does not apply to the following cash accruals in favor of employees:

  • holiday pay - when they are calculated, a rate is used that already takes into account the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • single material assistance provided - if this payment is irregular, and the procedure for its calculation is not prescribed in the collective agreement or a special provision of the enterprise;
  • irregular bonuses;
  • travel funds if the employee does not travel to an area that also belongs to “special” regions;
  • allowances for work in the Far North and similar regions - the Republic of Kazakhstan and the "northern" surcharge are different indicators, they should not be mixed, although they increase the same payments.

RK in the employment contract and other documents

Since the Republic of Kazakhstan is a state guarantee that reflects wages, information about it should be contained in the employment contract as its essential condition. This most important document must indicate the amount of remuneration for work, therefore regional surcharge must be included in its terms.

How to calculate payments taking into account the AC

The district coefficient increases the amount of the financial payment by a certain percentage. The accounting department calculates the payment according to the usual scheme that is valid for the whole country, and then multiplies the resulting figures by its regional coefficient.

If the employer finds it difficult to determine the size of this indicator, he should contact the regional Labor Inspectorate, which has all the information on this issue, because compliance with this legislative norm is mandatory for all entrepreneurs. On their official website and other information resources, you can get acquainted with a table containing a list of "special" regions of the Russian Federation with the corresponding financial ratios.

Table of regional coefficients to wages for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation RK size
1 Republic of Adygea
2 Altai Republic:
throughout the territory 1,4
Kosh-Agachsky, Ulagansky districts 1,4
3 Republic of Bashkortostan:
throughout the territory 1,15
4 The Republic of Buryatia:
throughout the territory 1,2
Barguzinsky, Kurumkansky, Okinsky districts 1,3
5 Bauntovsky, Muysky, Severobaikalsky districts, Severobaikalsk 1,7
6 The Republic of Dagestan:
for settlements located at an altitude of 2000 to 3000 meters above sea level 1,2
for settlements located at an altitude of 1500 to 2000 meters above sea level 1,15
7 The Republic of Ingushetia
8 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
9 Republic of Kalmykia:
on the territory of the Kalmyk ASSR, bounded from the north and west by the border line with the Astrakhan region through the village. Chompot, p. Northern, pos. Tsagan-Nur, p. Burugsun - 10 km, east of the village. Kugulty, further to the southern border of the Lakeside region with. Shatta-UlanErge, s. Iki-Burul, pos. Southern, from the south along the border of the Kalmyk ASSR with the Stavropol Territory and the Dagestan ASSR to the Caspian Sea; in the state farms "Razdolny", "Northern", them. Chkalov, "New", "Yalmata", "Ulan-Erginsky", "Red Putilovets", "Khomutnikovsky" 1,3
on the territory of Yustinsky, MaloDerbetovsky and Priozerny districts, bounded from the west by a line from Lake Barmannak, state farm named after. Chapaeva, p. Dede Lamon - p. Burgsun and from the south with a territory where a coefficient of 1.3 is provided; on the territory of Lakeside, Tselinny, Yashkul and Iki-Burul regions, limited from the west and north-west by a line 10 km east of Kegulty with. Bor-Nur, p. Jendik, pos. Buratinsky, p. A giant from the south and southeast by the border of the Iki-Burulsky district with the Stavropol Territory, from the north and east - territories where a coefficient of 1.3 is provided; in the state farms "Buratinsky", "Priozerny", "Baga-Burulsky", "Manych" 1,2
on the territory of the Kalmyk ASSR, with the exception of the territory where coefficients of 1.3 and 1.2 are provided, the city of Elista and the territory to the west of Lake Manych and Manych Gudilo; in the state farms "Arshan-Zelmensky", "Obilny", "Ergeninsky", "Garden", "Troitsky", "Balkovsky", "Western", "Leninsky", "Voznesenovsky" 1,1
in settlements provided with drinking water and water for household needs, as well as in regional centers, the coefficients are reduced, respectively, from 1.3 to 1.2, from 1.2 to 1.1
10 Karachay-Cherkess Republic
11 Republic of Karelia:
Kondopoga, Pitkyarantsky, Prionezhsky, Pryazhinsky, Suoyarvsky, Lakhdenpohsky, Olonets districts, the cities of Petrozavodsk, Sortavala 1,15
Medvezhyegorsk, Muezersky, Pudozhsky, Segezhsky districts 1,3
Segezha and settlements subordinate to its Administration
Belomorsky, Kalevalsky, Kemsky, Loukhsky districts, Kostomuksha 1,4
Kem and settlements subordinate to its Administration
12 Komi Republic:
Knyazhnogorsky, Kortkorossky, Sysolsky, Syktyvdinsky, Priluzsky, Ust-Vymsky, Ust-Kulomsky, Koygorodsky districts, Syktyvkar 1,2
Pechorsky, Sosnogorsky, Izhemsky, Ust-Tsilemsky, Troitsko-Pechorsky, Udorsky districts 1,3
the city of Ukhta and settlements subordinate to its Administration, Pechora and settlements subordinate to its Administration, Sosnogorsk and settlements subordinate to its Administration, Vuktyl and settlements subordinate to its Administration
Vuktyl district, Vuktyl 1,4
Usinsky district, the cities of Inta, Usinsk 1,5
13 Vorkuta 1,6
14 Mari El Republic
15 The Republic of Mordovia
16 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):
areas located up to the Arctic Circle, south of 65 degrees. northern latitude: Aldansky, Amginsky, Verkhnevilyuisky, Vilyuisky, Gorny, Kobyaysky, Leninsky, Lensky, Megino-Kangalassky, Neryungrinsky, Namsky, Mirninsky, Olekminsky, Ordzhonikidzevsky, Suntarsky, Tattinsky, Tomponsky, Ust-Aldansky, Ust-Maysky, Churapchinsky, Yakutsky 1,7
areas located beyond the Arctic Circle, not lower than 65 ° north latitude: Abysky, Allaikhovsky, Anabarsky, Bulunsky, Verkhnekolymsky, Verkhoyansky, Zhigansky, Mirninsky (the territory of the Aikhalsky possovet and the Udachny city council), Momsky, Nizhnekolymsky, Oymyakonsky, Oleneksky, Srednekolymsky, Ust- Yansky, Eveno-Bytantaisky 2
areas where enterprises and construction sites of the diamond mining industry are located, at the Aikhal and Udachnaya deposits, the Deputatsky and Kular mines 2
17 Republic of North Ossetia Alania
18 Republic of Tatarstan
19 Tyva Republic:
throughout the territory 1,4
Mongun-Taiginsky, Tozhinsky, Kyzylsky (territory of the Shynaan rural administration) districts 1,5
20 Udmurtia
throughout the territory 1,15
21 The Republic of Khakassia:
throughout the territory 1,3
22 Chechen Republic
23 Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia
24 Altai region:
throughout the territory 1,15
Aleisky, Baevsky, Blagoveshchensky, Burlinsky, Volchikhinsky, Yegorevsky, Zavyalovsky, Klyuchevsky, Kulundinsky, Mamontovsky, Mikhailovsky, German, Novichikhinsky, Pankrushikhinsky, Pospelikhinsky, Rodinsky, Romanovsky, Rubtsovsky, Slavgorodsky, Suetsky, Tabunsky, Uglovsky, Khabarovsky, Shipunovsky districts, cities regional subordination Aleisk, Slavgorod, Yarovoye 1,25
25 Krasnodar region
26 Krasnoyarsk region:
throughout the territory 1,3
Kezhemsky district 1,6
Turukhansky (to the north of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Turukhan rivers) district, areas located north of the Arctic Circle (with the exception of the city of Norilsk and settlements subordinate to its Administration), the city of Igarka and settlements subordinate to its Administration
Norilsk and settlements subordinate to its Administration 1,8
27 Primorsky Krai:
throughout the territory 1,3
settlements of mines Taezhny and Ternisty of the Krasnoarmeisky district 1,4
28 Stavropol region
29 Khabarovsk region:
Khabarovsk, Bikinsky, Vyazemsky, named after Lazo, Nanai districts, Khabarovsk 1,3
Ayano-Maisky, Tuguro-Chumikansky, Nikolaevsky, named after Polina Osipenko, Komsomolsky, Sovetsko-Gavansky, Vaninsky, Solnechny, Amursky, Verkhnebureinsky, Ulchsky districts, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 1,5
Okhotsk region 1,7
30 Amur region:
Arkharinsky, Belogorsky, Blagoveshchensky, Bureysky, Zavitinsky, Ivanovsky, Konstantinovsky, Mazanovsky, Mikhailovsky, Oktyabrsky, Romnensky, Svobodnensky, Seryshevsky, Tambov districts, the cities of Blagoveshchensk, Belogorsk, Raychikhinsk, Svobodny 1,3
Magdachinsky, Shimanovsky districts, Shimanovsk 1,4
Skovorodinsky district 1,5
Zeya, Selemdzhinsky, Tyndinsky districts, the cities of Zeya, Tynda 1,7
31 Arkhangelsk region:
throughout the territory 1,2
Leshukovsky, Pinezhsky districts 1,4
Mezensky, Solovetsky districts, the city of Severodvinsk and settlements subordinate to its Administration
32 Astrakhan region:
the district coefficient is applied to the wages of employees of enterprises and organizations located in desert and waterless areas on the “black lands”, “Kizlyar pastures”, in part of the Limansky district 1,1
the district coefficient is applied to the wages of workers for work in desert and arid regions, employed in water management construction and in the construction of facilities at state farms and other agricultural enterprises of the Astrakhan region 1,35
the district coefficient is applied to wages for work in desert and waterless areas: workers employed in geological exploration, drilling of wells, construction and operation of the Astrakhan gas condensate field, including workers of auxiliary enterprises, bases of the construction industry, as well as workers of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, employed on this building; employees of enterprises and organizations servicing the construction and operation of the Astrakhan gas condensate field; workers and employees of enterprises, organizations, institutions located in settlements in the eight-kilometer sanitary protection zone of the Astrakhan gas complex for the period until the latter are resettled from this territory
33 Belgorod region
34 Bryansk region
35 Vladimir region
36 Volgograd region
37 Vologodskaya Oblast:
Babaevsky, Vologda, Gryazovetsky, Kaduysky, Mezhdurechensky, Sokolsky, Ustyuzhensky, Chagodoshchensky, Cherepovets, Sheksninsky districts, Vologda 1,15
Cherepovets with the territory subordinated to the City Council of People's Deputies 1,25
38 Voronezh region
39 Ivanovo region
40 Irkutsk region:
throughout the territory (with the exception of the city of Angarsk, the city of Cheremkhovo and the Cheremkhovo district, the city of Tulun and the Tulun district and employees of the Higher Railways, for which the decisions of the regional executive committee and the resolutions of the Head of the Administration were adopted) 1,3
Bratsk district, Bratsk 1,4
Ust-Ilimsky, Nizhneilimsky districts, Ust-Ilimsk 1,6
Ust-Kutsky district 1,7
41 Kaliningrad region
42 Kaluga region
43 Kamchatka region:
throughout the territory 1,8
Commander Islands 2
44 Kemerovo region:
throughout the territory 1,3
45 Kirov region:
Afanasyevsky, Belokholunitsky, Bogorodsky, Verkhnekamsky, Darovsky, Zuevsky, Kirovo-Chepetsky, Kamensky, Luzsky, Murashinsky, Omutninsky, Nagorsky, Oparinsky, Podosinovsky, Slobodskoy, Uninsky, Felensky, Khalturinsky, Yuryansky districts, Kirov with the territory subordinate to the City Council of People's Deputies 1,15
46 Kostroma region:
Buisky, Galichsky, Soligalichsky, Chukhlomsky, Sudaysky, Neysky, Manturovsky, Kologrivsky, Mezhevsky, Sharyinsky, Ponazyrevsky, Vokhomsky, Pyschugsky, Pavinsky, Parfenevsky districts 1,15
47 Kurgan region:
throughout the territory 1,15
48 Kursk region
49 Leningrad region
50 Lipetsk region
51 Magadan Region:
throughout the territory 1,7
52 Moscow region
53 Murmansk region:
throughout the territory 1,5
town Fog 1,7
Murmansk-140 1,8
54 Nizhny Novgorod Region
55 Novgorod region
56 Novosibirsk region:
throughout the territory 1,25
57 Omsk region:
throughout the territory 1,15
58 Orenburg region:
throughout the territory 1,15
59 Oryol Region
60 Penza region
61 Perm region:
throughout the territory 1,15
Krasnovishersky, Cherdynsky districts 1,2
62 Pskov region
63 Rostov region:
Zavetinsky, Remontnensky districts; Dubovsky, Zimovnikovsky, Orlovsky, Proletarsky districts bounded from the west by a line railway Salsk - Volgograd, from the north by the border with the Volgograd region, from the east, northeast and south - by the border with the Republic of Kalmykia 1,1
64 Ryazan Oblast
65 Samara Region
66 Saratov region
67 Sakhalin Region:
Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Anivsky, Dolinsky, Korsakovsky, Makarovsky, Nevelsky, Poronaysky, Smirnykhovsky, Tomarinsky, Tymovsky, Uglegorsky, Kholmsky districts, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 1,6
Nogliksky, Okhinsky districts 1,8
Kuril, North Kuril and South Kuril regions 2
68 Sverdlovsk region:
throughout the territory 1,15
Garinsky, Taborinsky districts, in the territories under the administrative subordination of the Ivdelsky, Karpinsky, Krasnoturinsky and Severouralsky city councils (including cities) 1,2
69 Smolensk region
70 Tambov Region
71 Tver region
72 Tomsk region:
Bakcharsky, Krivosheinsky, Molchanovsky, Teguldetsky districts 1,3
Aleksandrovsky, Verkhneketsky, Kargasoksky, Kolpashevsky, Parabelsky, Chainsky districts, the cities of Kedrovy, Kolpashevo, Strezhevoy 1,5
the regional coefficient is applied to the wages of employees of enterprises and organizations engaged in the oil and gas industry, geological and topographic and geodetic works, as well as employees of construction, construction and installation and specialized departments, ancillary industries, transport, farms and organizations serving oil and gas producing enterprises, offices drilling, construction of oil and gas industry facilities, geological and topographic and geodetic works on the territory of the Tomsk region north of 60 ° north latitude 1,7
73 Tula region
74 Tyumen region:
throughout the territory 1,15
Uvat district 1,5
Tobolsk, Vagay districts, Tobolsk (only for public sector employees) 1,217
75 Ulyanovsk region
76 Chelyabinsk region:
throughout the territory 1,15
77 Chita region:
throughout the territory 1,4
Tungokochensky, Chernyshevsky, Tungiro-Olekminsky, Mogochinsky districts 1,5
Kalarsky district 1,7
78 Yaroslavskaya oblast
79 Moscow
80 Saint Petersburg
81 Jewish Autonomous Region:
throughout the territory 1,3
82 Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug:
throughout the territory 1,4
83 Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug:
throughout the territory 1,15
Gaininsky district 1,2
Kochevskoy, Kosinsky districts 1,2
84 Koryak Autonomous Okrug:
throughout the territory 1,6
throughout the territory (the regional coefficient is applied to the wages of employees of construction and repair and construction organizations) 1,8
throughout the territory (district coefficient applied to the wages of forest workers) 2
85 Nenets Autonomous Okrug:
throughout the territory 1,8
86 Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug:
throughout the territory 1,8
87 Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug:
throughout the territory 1,3
88 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra:
throughout the territory 1,7
89 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug:
throughout the territory 2
90 Evenk Autonomous Okrug:
Baikitsky, Tungussko-Chunsky districts 1,5
Ilimpiyskiy district 1,6
91 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug:
north of the Arctic Circle (66° 33.3′ north latitude): 1,8
Salekhard, Aksarkovsky village council of the Priuralsky district
Labytnangi, s. Sidorovsk, Krasnoselkupsky district, Nydinsky and Yamburgsky village councils of Nydymsky district, Baydaratsky, Beloyarsky and Kharsaimsky village councils of Priuralsky district, Samburgsky village council of Purovsky district, Tazovsky, Yamalsky districts
south of the Arctic Circle (66° 33.3′ north latitude): Gubkinsky, Muravlenko, Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk, Krasnoselkupsky district (with the exception of the village of Sidorovsk), Nadymsky district (with the exception of Nydinsky and Yamburgsky village councils), Zelenoyarsky and Katravozhsky village councils of the Priuralsky district, Purovsky district (with the exception of the Samburgsky village council), Shuryshkarsky district 1,7


Northerners get more

Bonuses for work in the North have the same function and mechanism of action as the Republic of Kazakhstan. But these numbers are somewhat different. The Far North stands apart in a number of regions with a special financial status, distinguished by special climatic conditions. This is how the legislative norms, adopted in the Soviet era and remaining practically unchanged, are interpreted.

"Northern allowance" - an additional payment of a constant percentage to the salary part of the salary, carried out for work in certain regions of the Russian Federation, which are distinguished by harsh climatic conditions (the Far North and similar areas). Its size does not differ for all territories included in this list:

  • 10% for the first six months of employment;
  • every 6 months there is a 10% increase up to the established limit of 80%, and in some areas - up to 100%;
  • territories equated to the Far North allow increasing the allowance by 10% only after a year of work and doing this once a year with an increase of up to 50% (in some regions up to 30%);
  • special norms are relevant for young professionals (up to 30 years of age) - they receive a double bonus (20%) accelerated, starting from the first working day, if they have lived in the region for 5 or more years before starting work.

Features of northern payments for different categories of workers

Payment according to the northern coefficient will be slightly different for employees performing work in different modes:

  1. part-timers if they extra work produced in the northern region, they are fully entitled to the corresponding allowance (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. Seasonal workers, shift workers, conscripts who temporarily arrived to work in such regions will also receive an allowance in accordance with Art. 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Professionals who perform home work and workers remotely, will receive indexed pay if they permanently reside in the agreed area, which is reflected in the employment contract.
  4. "Travel" or employees whose work involves a lot of movement will receive additional funds depending on where exactly they travel, and not on the location of the main unit of their organization.