
How to make a traffic light out of colored paper. Do-it-yourself traffic light for kindergarten. Craft options. From a plastic bottle


Everyone should make a traffic light quickly and simply with their own hands good parent if you do not want your child to get into a road accident. But children just do not want to learn traffic and its rules. There is a way for parents to help their children with this. A paper traffic light can be made not only for children together with their parents, but also to arrange it as an exciting game. The same training of children in traffic rules can be arranged as a game in kindergarten or school.

Schools take care of learning traffic and his rules. Making such crafts with children's hands will be useful.

Let's see - as well as from paper, from a shoe box and some other elements, you can make our homemade product.

We make an original traffic light with our own hands from a box and paper

Option 1.

Let's start with the manufacture of the simplest and most accessible traffic light, which, despite its simplicity, has become popular among both parents and children.

For this we will take cardboard box from under the shoe, consisting of the box itself and a separate lid, one sheet of colored cardboard in the colors of a traffic light, a pencil, two sheets of black paper, “moment” glue, and a large cup (the cup is slightly smaller than the diameter of the box width)

  1. We take a cup and a pencil. On each sheet of cardboard, we trace an inverted cup along its diameter.
  2. Cut out three circles with scissors.
  3. From the box and the lid we make the case. Lay them flat on reverse side black sheet of paper and circle. So, we do, starting from the larger side, we completely outline the development of the remaining sides. Cut out the resulting folds.
  4. We paste the reamers on the lid and the box from the outside in black outward.
  5. Now, after the glue has dried, glue the box (smaller side to the lid) to the larger outer side so that their small edges match.
  6. On the big side of the box we paste three circles that we cut out at the beginning. Paste from top to bottom in the order of the colors of the traffic light and at the appropriate distance.

The traffic light is ready.

Option 2.

Here's what you can do with plain paper, making it first bulk modules(balls), and then from the modules we form the entire structure of the traffic light

Having made such balls of three colors, we get an almost finished traffic light.

For this task, you will need thick paper or cardboard, thick threads, Moment glue, and ordinary scissors.

  1. We take and cut out a template from cardboard.
  2. On paper of three colors of a traffic light and using a template and a pencil, we draw 20 modules of the future ball of each color.
  3. We cut out all the modules with scissors.
  4. From these modules we collect three balls of traffic light colors.
  5. In each ball, on one side, we pierce a hole in one of the protruding parts.
  6. A piece of thread is threaded through the holes, and a knot is tied on it. Pieces of thread must be made the same length. Then the balls will hang on the wall at the same level.
  7. The balls are attached to the wall with a pin stuck in the wallpaper. A loop of thread is put on the head of a pin.

Option 3.

We make a traffic light from modules in the shape of a ball. First we make balls.

  1. We take paper of colors according to the colors of the traffic light. We cut squares 50 by 50 mm.
  2. The modules should turn out as shown in the picture.
  3. Connect three modules together. Four such blanks are half of the module.
  4. We assemble a whole module from two halves, smearing their planes with glue
  5. Ready-made modules are attached to the leg and installed on the stand
  6. It turns out quite a nice traffic light made of paper

It is possible to make traffic lights from multi-colored paper and using various templates and patterns in a very wide variety, and if it becomes interesting in your free time, you can do a lot more various crafts from paper

Option 4.

Corrugated is taken colored paper three colors corresponding to the traffic light (enough to make 30 strips measuring 5cm by 20cm of each color).

To make the base, take an empty plastic bottle and a piece of thick black cardboard. For work, we need scissors, a sharp knife, glue "moment" and thick threads.

Let's start making:

  1. Cut out a square with a 15 cm edge from cardboard. Put on the table black side up.
  2. We cut a plastic bottle with a knife at a distance of exactly 5 cm from the bottom. We take the lower part and, turning it over, glue this bottom onto the black side of the cardboard square and press the structure against the table for some time.
  3. Cut with scissors corrugated paper the required number of stripes of each color.
  4. We tightly fold each strip with a dense tube and tie the end of each 1 cm from the edge with a thick thread. It will look like a bouquet.
  5. By gluing these bouquets with glue, with the bound edge inward, we make a ball out of them. We make three balls.
  6. We glue to the base first a green ball, then yellow and then red. Glue so that the balls are vertical.

A traffic light is a homemade product that is very useful for learning and educating!

With a certain ingenuity and imagination, a traffic light can be made from plasticine, from beads, from disks, and many more from what components.

Video selection on the topic of the article

You can make a working traffic light model yourself. To make it, we need to prepare one battery and three bulbs for a flashlight, as well as a small coil of bell or other thin wire. From three-layer plywood, we need to cut out the front and back walls of the head (case) of the traffic light model. On the front wall we will cut three holes with a diameter of nine millimeters. On the inside, they must be pasted over with pieces of papyrus paper of red, yellow and Green colour. Usual white paper can be easily and quickly painted with felt-tip pens or watercolors.

On the back wall of the traffic light, you need to fix the bulb holders. You can make them yourself from strips of tin or from copper wire. Light bulbs can be installed in traffic lights in another way: drill holes in the back wall and insert light bulb bases into them. In this case, the wires must be soldered to light bulbs without cartridges. One wire can be soldered to the base on the inside of the back wall, and the other on the outside.

Attention: when installing the bulbs, make sure that they are exactly opposite the holes in the front wall.

The front and back walls of the head of the traffic light must be connected with a strip of cardboard. In this strip we will make a cutout. The notch should be at the bottom of the head; wires from light bulbs come out through it. We glue the cardboard to the ribs of the front and back walls with carpentry and casein glue. After we assemble the head, between the bulbs to the plywood walls we glue the transverse partitions with a cutout for the wire. Partitions block the light of an adjacent light bulb so that color mixing does not occur.

On top of the outside, glue the visors cut out of thick paper to the holes.

We will cut out the traffic light column from a round stick with a diameter of about 10 millimeters. We will strengthen it at the base,. To do this, you can make a semicircular recess in its upper end, glue and nail a strip of cardboard with a carnation, and then paste over the head of the traffic light with this strip. Its side walls will be double.

We will glue a board to the base of the traffic light, on which we will mount the control panel. Install a slider and four pins - four copper studs or buttons - and hammer them into the board.

Attention: the board must be well dried to avoid short circuits.

The slider is a strip of brass or tin. We fix it with one end to the board of screws or a nail - it should turn in it. Press the other end of the slider to one of the three contacts. We bend the slider a little so that it springs and presses more tightly against the contacts.

Contacts can be made in the form of clamps, and the slider can be made in the form of a knife switch. Place the battery next to the remote control. Let's connect the bulbs in parallel: connect the end of one common wire to one of the contacts on the control panel. Connect one of the battery contacts to the same contact. We connect the second wires from the light bulbs to three other contacts: each light bulb to a separate contact.

Connect the second contact to the slider. Moving the slider from one contact to another, we will light different bulbs.

Attention: Wires from light bulbs that are in contact with each other must be insulated.

It is advisable to assemble the traffic light under adult supervision. If desired, in the future, this traffic light model can be converted into an excellent color music.

A master class on working with waste material and paper, crafts for conducting events on traffic rules.

student 4 "B" class MBOU "OOSH No. 2" Bortsov Artem
Supervisor: teacher of technology MBOU "OOSH No. 2" Burova Olga Vladimirovna

Purpose: making crafts for events according to the Rules of the road.

Use of the lesson will be useful:
- in work with children aged 6 years and older (with the help of adults), older children and adults.

Purpose of the lesson:
Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of the child's personality.

- generate interest in traffic rules;
- to educate a competent pedestrian, to fix the rules of the road;
- to consolidate and develop the ability of students to work with templates;
- to develop accuracy and patience in work;
- encourage creativity and non-standard solutions in the performance of work;
- correction of general and fine motor skills;
- develop artistic taste and focus on the quality of products;
- develop cognitive interest in arts and crafts;
- contribute to the formation of a comprehensive developed personality;
- to master new technologies.

The story of the traffic light.

In one small town lived the most ordinary traffic light. He stood on the very ordinary street and the most ordinary inhabitants of the city constantly passed by him. Days and weeks passed by. The seasons changed each other, and the traffic light stood and stood. And he didn’t have days off and even a lunch break. The work at the Traffic Light was not very easy. His only pleasure was watching the pedestrians.

From day to day, the Traffic Light watched the townspeople and always considered the behavior of everyone. Most of all, he enjoyed watching children.

Here is the girl Varya with her mother. He is naughty, asks his mother for a toy. I look at her with an angry red eye. Varya stopped crying, looks at me and holds out her hand to her mother. That's good, that's smart! All young children should know that they need to cross the road by taking an adult by the hand.

Vika runs about her business. Runs and does not look around! Stop, Vika!!!

Don't rush on the road! Look at me!!! I'm not standing here in vain, I'm protecting your lives! Well, here, what a disobedient, yellow eye is still burning, but she ran!

You can't do that ... It's a pity that Vika does not follow the rules of the road at all! In every kindergarten, in every school, they learn the rules, and parents at home also talk about how best to cross the road. Why does Vika not know them? Why doesn't he understand the danger?

And here comes the boy Egor, probably to school. He has a satchel on his back. Hurry, apparently overslept. I look at him with a red eye, and he stamps his foot with impatience, but stands still. My yellow eye made Yegor turn his head in all directions, I wink at him green. Everyone ran with all his might.

The traffic light looked after adults and children every day. He was upset and happy. Sometimes he was very worried that he could not scream. Very, at times, I wanted to scold negligent pedestrians. And then the thought came to his mind: “Maybe they don’t pay attention to me, because I’m the most ordinary?” The traffic light firmly decided: “I need to change!” How to decorate yourself? Beautiful garlands and light bulbs will distract drivers and passengers. Flags in the wind can close your eyes. And the traffic light decided to turn into a flower. He was very fond of daisies, they grew nearby on the side of the road. It turned out to be a very nice costume! Now everyone who passed or drove by looked at him very carefully. The traffic light was very pleased, there were no more violators on its section of the road.

The inhabitants of the town fell in love with the Traffic Light and always smiled when they looked at it. No one was in a hurry and did not run across, and did not drive through a red light. It's nice when everyone follows the rules of the road!!!

Listen and remember
And always follow them.
The RED light came on
Stop, baby, there's no way.
YELLOW light is on
Get ready says.
And the light is GREEN
Come on, my scientist friend.
Remember traffic rules
Like a multiplication table!

I. Dal

Required materials and tools:
- scissors;
- disks;
- colored paper;
- glue gun;
- printed pictures;
- ribbon.

Execution steps:

For traffic lights, we use colored foil paper. A4 printer paper and unnecessary discs.

Cut out the squares. The size is determined using a disk. Draw a circle on the square.

Cut the edges of the square to the line of the circle. We cut the strips randomly, approximately 0.5 cm.
Then we bend all the strips to the center of the disk.

We print pictures on the printer.

What they will decide for you. You can choose emoticons)

In order for the traffic light to last longer, we glue it on top with a film or tape.

Cut and glue in the center of the disks. The main thing is not to confuse the meanings)))

We glue the first three disks with a gun.

From paper white color cut out the leaves according to the pattern. Twist with a stick or pencil.

Glue on the wrong side. You can stick them with double sided tape.

We make leaves in two rows. Glue discs. Glue a ribbon loop between the two red discs.

The traffic light has two sides. On one, we wrote down the meanings of the colors of the traffic light in words.

On the other hand, mimic emoticons were glued.

A. Shtro
A traffic light has three eyes.
Well, remember them, my friend,
Walk the streets so that soon
You could do it on your own.
Here is a red eye ... You are afraid of him!
When it burns, there is no way.
Blinking yellow - get ready!
Green glowing - go!

Our traffic light can hang on the wall in the classroom. Children will always see it and never forget what each color at the traffic light means.
With such a chamomile traffic light, you can visit other classes and tell our fairy tale)))

Thank you very much for your attention.
We are waiting for your feedback)))

Do-it-yourself traffic light from the box. Step-by-step instruction with photo

craft from waste material do-it-yourself “My friend is a traffic light”. Master class with step by step photo

Grinko Karina, student of MKOU Kalacheevskaya secondary school No. 6, Kalach, Voronezh region.
Supervisor: Fedorova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Deputy Director for educational work of MKOU Kalacheevskaya secondary school No. 6, Kalach, Voronezh region.
Master Class: designed for children 9-11 years old, organizers, educators and leaders of clubs according to the rules of the road.

Purpose: craft serves didactic material when studying and repeating traffic signals in kindergarten, lower grades. This master class can serve as a good help in preparing and participating in the school competition for the "Best or Original Traffic Light".
Target: manufacturing themed crafts from junk material with their own hands.
- repeat the rules of the road, traffic signals;
- develop fine motor skills hands, attention;
- to educate diligent pedestrians and future drivers, diligence, accuracy.

Materials for work:
- an empty tube of glue stick (or white cardboard);
- glue stick (PVA glue);
- empty boxes from tea (can be used from toothpaste, cream, etc.);
- scissors, a simple pencil;
- ruler;
- colored sheets (format A 4) - 2 pcs.;
- Sponges for dishes (red, yellow and green).


1. Take colored sheets. Using a ruler and pencil, measure the sides of the box by drawing a template.

2. Glue the template onto the box to make a solid rectangle - a layout for a traffic light.

3. From the bottom side of the mock-up (bottom), cut a hole with a diameter slightly smaller than an empty tube of glue stick with scissors (later it will come in handy for attaching the traffic light legs).

4. Remove the cap from the empty tube of glue stick - it is not needed for work. Using the rest of the colored paper and scissors, cut out a small sheet according to the height of the glue tube (not included in the height). Bottom part a tube that serves to supply glue - red, and the part on which the lid was put on).

5. Paste over the “leg” with colored paper.

6. Place the leg into the hole cut at the bottom of the layout - it holds well even without glue.

7. On one side of the traffic light, draw 3 circles. Take sponges - red, yellow, green. Starting with red, lay out along the contour, and then fill in the middle of the circle with crushed pieces of sponge, using PVA glue.

8. It turned out a three-eyed traffic light made of waste material! Such an unusual layout of a traffic light is convenient to use to introduce kids to its signals!

During the next trip to the toy store, it turned out that we don’t have a very useful and, most importantly, simply necessary thing at home - a traffic light. Frank Chinese g ... but for normal money there was no desire to buy.

Poryskav as usual in the internet, I found out that this idea, to make a traffic light with my own hands, did not visit me alone. Of the proposed homemade products, I didn’t like anything: either four batteries, then some small LEDs, then extra wires with toggle switches, etc. Eliminating what other traffic lights did not like, I drew a diagram:

The traffic light circuit is powered by one battery or accumulator (I use an old battery on which cars no longer drive, the camera took ten pictures and went dead, in short, the battery was asked for in the trash). The NCP1400 or NCP1402 converter discharges the battery almost to zero. A charged old battery lasts for several months. I liked the pulse converter because the circuit contains a minimum of details, not a high price, in short I recommend it. The main criterion when choosing a processor is that extra legs do not hang from the board. PIC 12F508 was chosen, but it turned out that PIC12F509 is cheaper - strange, but oh well. LEDs with a diameter of 10 mm are the brightest, 8 mm can be used. The voltage drop on the LEDs of different colors is different, the intensity of the glow is also different, so the resistors for each color were selected to even out the brightness of the glow by eye (do not look too closely at the photo, since the camera has its own concept of color and white balance, in short - it's lying) .

To reduce the size of the entire toy, the board had to be double-sided. They made it using ironing technology and not the first time, but still it turned out well.

The assembly order is as follows: assemble the necessary parts, make a board, solder the voltage converter and check its operation

Then solder the remaining parts, it should turn out like in the picture, so that it is clean and beautiful, you need to wash the board with alcohol. You should pay attention to the vias, which are soldered with wire, and the LEDs are soldered on both sides.

First road test

And now the most interesting begins - the body. A traffic light in a temporary building would have lived for a long time if it had not fallen apart and the LEDs had not bent. It was not possible to pick up the case and I had to manually cut out each detail from some kind of plastic (waste from an advertising workshop), carefully grind it and, finally, glue it with dichloroethane.

Turned out pretty solid and pretty.

Operating modes

The microcontroller sleeps safely (sleep mode) until the button is pressed.
When the button is pressed, the normal traffic light mode is switched on. If the button is pressed briefly in the automatic switching mode, the manual switching mode will be activated, i.e. the next switching only after pressing the button.
If the button is held down, flashing amber mode will be enabled.
Further holding the button will turn on the night light mode. Short presses of the button in this mode will cycle through combinations of LEDs on.
Holding the button for a long time will enter sleep mode.
Working in any mode for about 20 minutes will turn off the traffic light. The time is counted from the last button press.

The project turned out to be quite successful. Those who do not tremble can do it for themselves - all the necessary files are there (there is no placement of elements, but with such a complex scheme this is not a problem).

You fiddle around in the evenings, draw, write a program, saw plastic, and then the little one goes out with his mother to the store in the evening, when it just starts to get dark, he carries a bright traffic light in front of him - you can see far away, blinking. Everyone looks around - it's interesting, and the baby squeaks: "Mom, mom, I also want this!" And the happy little one goes:
- Boy, where did you get such a traffic light?
- Dad did.

List of radio elements

Designation A type Denomination Quantity NoteScoreMy notepad
U1 Pulse ConverterNCP1402SN33T1G1 To notepad
U2 MK PIC 8-bit


1 To notepad
D0 Schottky diode


1 To notepad
C1 10 uF1 To notepad
C2 electrolytic capacitor68uF1 To notepad
R1-R4 Resistor

680 ohm

4 To notepad
R5-R8 Resistor

1 kOhm

4 To notepad
R9-R12 Resistor

820 ohm

4 To notepad
L1 Inductor47 uH1 To notepad
IN 1 Button 1