
Didactic material in mathematics. The number "7. Math puzzles with numbers for children Rebuses about family, about mom

Pathology of the uterus

Rebus is a unique invention of mankind, helping to educate people in sharpness of mind, ingenuity, ingenuity. Adults sometimes like to indulge in solving such puzzles in their free time, but puzzles are the most fun for children. To combine the pleasant and the useful, we invite you to solve puzzles with numbers for children, which are given on our website with answers.

Puzzles are aimed at the logical development of the child.

How to solve them?

Mathematical puzzles are not puzzles that we are used to at school, although they may still contain some elements of such actions. Let's remember what a traditional rebus looks like.

Any word is taken for encryption. Then it is divided into parts and each part is encrypted. Having solved each part of the rebus separately, it is necessary to add the word.

Mathematical puzzles can be both linguistic and numerical in nature. For example, in a problem, by mathematical operations, you can calculate the required number. If mathematical puzzles with numbers for children are encrypted with words, then the task is simplified.

A selection of materials on the topic

Answers to this rebus: swift, family, magpie, pillar.

How can you use them?

You can solve puzzles in lessons with younger children school age as well as preschoolers in kindergarten or aesthetic center, if they already know the numbers and know how to navigate them. At school, puzzles with Roman numbers can be connected to work, although it will be more difficult for children to solve them for the time being.

Of course build math classes completely on puzzles is impossible. But the lesson can be significantly diversified if, after several difficult tasks, a fun rebus is offered for children. If classes are held in children's center or kindergarten, then math puzzles for children can be offered daily, between games or other activities. Of course, they should be tied to the study of numbers, since children at this age are still poorly versed in numbers.

Mathematical puzzles can be given to children at home, of course, taking into account that parents will help them at home. At school, in an open lesson, if the teacher resorts to such tasks, he will surely succeed.

How to solve mathematical puzzles? Let's give some examples.

So, the first part of the word in the rebus is encrypted in the form of the word "glasses", in which you need to remove the first and third letters. So we get "chi". Further from the word "elephant" subtract the last letter. We get the word "number".

Another puzzle. The first part of the word is the note located in the middle of the first line on the stave (“mi”). The second part of the word is "nose", in which the second letter is equal to "y". If you put it all together, you get a "minus".

So, the rebus is not complicated, and younger students can also understand the principle of its construction. When the children get comfortable with the puzzles, you can invite them to come up with mathematical puzzles themselves. The kids love this kind of work. When everyone comes up with at least one or two problems, ask the others to guess. To do this, the kids must draw pictures for their puzzles on sheets of paper or on the board.

Another option for using puzzles is to prepare a competition for children's work. This can be done during Math Week or in preparation for a holiday. Hang your work with puzzles in a conspicuous place, for example, in the hall or assembly hall. It will be very interesting for parents to look at children's works and try to solve them. It is better not to hang puzzles with answers so as not to deprive the audience of intrigue.

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Puzzles are very useful tasks for children, especially if they are able to teach new things. Mathematical problems not only allow you to repeat the material by numbers, but also develop ingenuity and ingenuity.

Children are very mobile and curious creatures. Puzzles are able to awaken their imagination and sharp mind, which will surely find a solution to the problem. Give the guys more food for thought, stimulate the thinking process, Creative skills. Let mathematics be closely intertwined with philology and logic, because the interaction of objects allows from childhood to feel the connection of various disciplines, which is so necessary for the formation complete picture peace.

Getting to know the number number "7", we use various didactic material for acquaintance .

Didactic material in mathematics.

Number "7"

Merry Poems

The number seven - a crane - She looked to visit us. She took seven flowers with her,

Light a rainbow in the sky.

Seven nights and days a week.

Seven things in our portfolio:

Blotter and notebook.

A pen to write to

And a rubber band to stain

Cleaned up neatly

And a pencil case, and a pencil,

And the primer is our friend.

I can easily take

From seven and three and five.

But take away from Sanka

I can't sled.

V. Lanzetti

Over the forests, over the river The seven-colored bridge is an arc. If I could stand on the bridge,

I would reach for the stars.

There are seven huts in the village,

Seven porches, seven old women,

Seven puppies, seven smokes,

Seven pugnacious roosters

They sit on seven fences,

They don't look at each other.

Released seven tails.

Each tail is seven colors.

A. Stroilo

Seven is like a sharp scythe,

Mow, spit, while dew.

G. Vieru

She has one leg

Yes, and without boots!


They don’t drive with a whip, They don’t feed oats; When it plows -

Pulls seven plows.


What kind of birds fly by, seven in each flock?

They don't turn back.

(Days of the week.)

We are a flock, seven rams, Protects from snowstorms.

(Fur coat.)

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The seven-colored bridge is cool!


Seven guys on the ladder

They played songs.


There are exactly seven of these brothers. You know them all. Every week around

The brothers follow each other.

Say goodbye to the last -

The front appears.

(Days of the week.)

funny puzzles

The ants live together and do not scurry around. Two carry a blade of grass,

Two carry a blade of grass

Three carry needles.

How many are under the tree?

Five crows sat on the roof

Two more flew in.

Answer quickly, boldly,

How many of them flew in?

One evening to the bear

The neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, oblique,

A wolf with a cheat-fox.

But the bear couldn't

Share the pie.

Help him quickly

Count all the animals.

Elephant, elephant, two baby elephants Were crowded to the watering hole. And towards the three tiger cubs

From the watering hole they went home.

Count quickly

How many friends did you meet?

Uncle hedgehog went into the garden

Found ten ripe pears.

Three of them he gave to the hedgehogs,

The rest are rabbits.

(How many pears did he give to the rabbits?)

On the edge of a spring day

Under the curly leaves

To Snow White on her birthday

The people of the forest gathered:

Dwarf Quiet, Beardless,

Wise, Red and Grumpy,

Bully and Silent.

How many people were there?

V. Usacheva

  Our Masha got up early, she counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls on the window,

Two Arinka on a featherbed,

Two Tanyas on a pillow,

A parsley in a cap

On an oak chest.

(How many?)

Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon,

Wolf, fox, baby mole

There were friendly neighbors.

They came to the bear for a pie.

You guys do not yawn:

How many animals, count

   Squirrel mom for kids Collected a dozen cones.

I didn't give it all away

She gave just one.

Elder - spruce,

Medium - pine,

The younger one - cedar.

(How many bumps does the squirrel have left?)

To the teddy bear on his birthday

The people of the forest gathered:

Hedgehog, wolf, raccoon, badger,

Hare, elk, fox - a friend.

Count quickly

How many guests were there?

  Grandma Mila loved animals,

Every morning caressed, fed:

Cat, cow, sheep, pig,

How many pets does grandma have

in a family?

Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats.

Fisherman Roots caught three perches.

Rybak Yevsey - four crucians.

How many fish are fishermen

Dragged from the river?

  Grandma Nadia lives in the village, has animals, but does not keep count.

I will call them guys

Cow, calf, two gray geese,

Sheep, piglet and cat Katusya.

(How many animals does Grandma have?)

V. Drozdova

A flock of grouse flew

She sat down on a grove;

Two perched on a tree -

One tree is missing.

One by one they will sit down -

One black grouse extra.

(Answer: 4 black grouse and 3 trees.)

Proverbs and sayings

  • Seven troubles - one answer.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
  • Seven Fridays in a week.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  • Bow from seven ailments.

Tongue Twisters

  • They sat and whistled seven waxwings.
  • In seven sledges, seven in a sleigh sat themselves.
  • Stepan has sour cream, yogurt and cottage cheese, seven kopecks - tuesok.

Physical education minute

How many green trees

So many bows (7).

How many circles do we have here

So many jumps (7).

How many knitted balls.

We will make so many claps (7).

Graphics tasks

Task 1. Separate the ducklings.

The seven ducklings in the pond fight all the time. How to separate them with three lines to stop quarrels?

Task 2. Find the circles.

Find 7 circles in each figure.

Task 3. Help Snow White find her way.

Snow White decided to treat the seven dwarfs who worked in the forest. How to get to the gnomes without going to each one twice?



The number 7 is very unusual in the history of Russian culture. Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, poems¸ riddles were composed about her. Modern authors come up with new stories and even puzzles to make it more interesting for children to study this figure. In the methods of teaching mathematics for a teacher who goes to a lesson in grade 1, a photo, a picture, a presentation are used. They can be downloaded from our website for free.

Photo pictures

Verbal aids

In the lessons for children who go to grade 1, you can use verbal aids to study mathematics. They can serve as proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, riddles, where the number 7 is mentioned.

Proverbs, sayings and riddles

Proverbs, sayings, riddles - genres of oral folk art. The number 7 in them is an unusual number. It has always been associated with the motive of the harmony of the universe. For example, such proverbs as "Measure seven times - cut once" indicate that the number 7 was revered as a self-sufficient number. To repeat an action seven times means to achieve good luck in it. Riddles for the number 7 are mainly related to the days of the week: we also have seven of them. The puzzles can be downloaded from the website.

Of course, there is no time to devote a lot of time in math classes to the fact that the number 7 represents a certain ideal, and there is no time to delve into history. But raising children in the national spirit is simply necessary. To do this, use proverbs and sayings. These are instructive genres of folklore containing all folk wisdom. If you tell proverbs and sayings appropriately in the classroom, the children will take it for granted, and then they will begin to quote themselves. Proverbs and sayings dedicated to the number 7 will also be associated with the perception of this number as harmonious, expressing the consent of a person and the world around him. You can download proverbs and sayings on our website.


Whatever class a child goes to, it will be useful for him to listen to poems about the number 7. This number is present in many modern authors, but S. Marshak's poems can be called the best. Poems in the math class not only contribute to the greater interest of children. Poems in skillful hands develop children's memory, instill love for their native word, and it is with the help of words that we turn to any science. A teacher who is preparing an open lesson for an elementary class can use verses about the number 7 to diversify the lesson, to attract the attention of children and guests. In children's development centers, you can learn simple poems about the seven by heart with the guys. The more you offer your children, the more you will get from them. You can download poems by modern authors about the number 7 on our website.

It will be interesting for children to solve puzzles. It is puzzles that develop logical thinking, ingenuity. Without a developed ingenuity, it will be difficult to solve puzzles. Puzzles about the number 7 can contain an encrypted word or appearance the number itself. You can download interesting puzzles for children here.

The question may also be interesting for the guys: what does the number "seven" look like? Let's think about what the children can say. She looks like a poker, an old woman, a club, etc. What would you adults say? What does the number seven look like?

How to write a number correctly?

Visual and video aids

As a visual aid, no matter what class the child goes to, a photo with objects or animals, pictures where you need to count something or someone can act. You can take a humorous photo of the number 7 with computer programs, combining the number with interesting objects or phenomena. You can invite each of the children to take a photo (or demonstrate existing ones) of those items that are very similar to the number 7. You will see with what pleasure the children will perceive this idea. Also, a photo can be used if a presentation is being prepared by a teacher who is going to a lesson in an elementary class. You can also download photos and presentation on the site.


  1. Proverbs, riddles, sayings and poems about the number

The presentation is simply necessary for a full-fledged lesson and development of children. Most children have visual memory, and the presentation contributes to the maximum assimilation of the material. However, it must be built wisely. The presentation is not just a set of slides: they must be methodically lined up. This means that you should be able to explain your choice of slides at any time. To ensure that your presentation is successful, we suggest that you use the presentation dedicated to the number 7, which can be easily downloaded from our website.

Video materials

coloring pages

Which number is greater than six but less than eight? (Seven)

Ten kittens lie in the sun
Warm the back, nose, paws,
Suddenly, they decided to run to the beds,
Follow the hostess and ask for milk at the same time,
How many ran away?
One, two, three run jumping,
How many seals lie and purr in the sun? (Seven)

Five forty crackle on a branch,
And they can't guess
How many of them will be together
If two more forty call! (Seven)

There are sweets on the table
Sveta was sitting at the table,
I ate all the candy
Except for the ones she left for her friends.
Once a candy for Masha,
Once a candy for Pasha,
One candy for Dasha
Once a candy for Seryozha,
Once a candy for Roman,
Once a candy for Stepan,
One candy for Mariana.
How much light did you leave? (seven)

I guess the number
You can easily recognize her
Just remembering a fairy tale
About the beautiful Snow White,
You tell me quickly
How many friends she had! (Seven)

Our Christina collects raspberries,
I put three in a basket from a bush,
Well, four from another bush,
How many raspberries did Christina collect? (Seven)

Our family is very big. I have a mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, and a brother and sister. How many people are in my family? (Seven)

I have two cats. One cat brought three kittens, and the other two. How many cats do we have at home now? (Seven)

My friend and I competed to see who could eat the most apples. I ate ten and he three. By how many apples did I overtake my friend? (Seven)

Other riddles:

Picture 7 - seven

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about the Fly for children with answers

    I'm buzzing, but not a bee, Annoying me. I love to eat. I sit down, I rub my paws. Then I'll fly, right next to the ear, After all, I'm annoying (fly).

  • Riddles about Cucumber for children with answers

    Delicious vegetable - baby, Hid under a leaf! This is ... (Cucumber).

Math games puzzles in pictures for schoolchildren in grades 5-7

Klochkova Natalya Konstantinovna, teacher of mathematics, MBOU "Bukharai secondary school", village of Bukharai, Zainsky district
Description: This work can be used in mathematics lessons in grades 5–7. Solving puzzles can be offered to students during oral counting, can be offered as didactic material for homework. This work can serve as a guide for extracurricular activities, electives. Solving puzzles develops the child's ingenuity and teaches him to find a way out of difficult situations which, of course, will come in handy in life. Guessing puzzles, children replenish their vocabulary, develop attention and creative thinking, train visual memory, learn to write correctly and memorize new words.
Target: development intellectual abilities, the formation of logical thinking.
Educational: teach students to solve puzzles with mathematical themes.
Developing: to expand the horizons of students in the field of mathematics.
Educational: educate conscious attitude to mathematics as an important subject.
A rebus is a puzzle in which a word is encrypted. This word is given in the form of drawings using letters and numbers, as well as certain figures or objects. Rebus is one of the most interesting puzzles.
In this picture, the word COMPUTER is encrypted.

There are certain rules for solving puzzles.
1. A comma at the very beginning of a word indicates that you need to remove the first letter in this word, and a comma at the end - remove the last letter in the word. Two commas - remove two letters. In the word mosquito we remove the last two letters AR, in the word iron we remove the first letter U and the last letter G.
2. Crossed out numbers indicate that the letters in this place are removed. In the word five, we remove the second and third letters, that is, YAT. If letters are crossed out, they are also removed from the word.
3. Non-crossed out numbers show that the letters in place 2 and 3 must be swapped. In the word iron, the letters T and Yu are interchanged with YUT. And now we read the word in full.
In this picture, the word PERPENDICULAR is encrypted.

4. If the picture is upside down, then the word made up with the help of the picture is read from right to left. It is not the word turnip that is read, but aper. The first letter A is removed. In the word stump, the last letter b is removed. The word whale is read the other way around. In the word chair, the first two letters ST are removed. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case.
5. "Arrow" or "equal" sign indicates that one letter must be replaced by another. In our case, in the word tick, the letter T must be replaced with the letter D. Now the word can be read in full.
On this picture the word EAST is encrypted.

6. Letters, words or pictures can be displayed inside other letters, above other letters, under and behind them. Then prepositions are added: IN, ON, OVER, UNDER, FOR. We have the number STO in the letter O, so we get B-O-STO-K.
In this picture, the word CARD is encrypted.

7. The numbers under the picture indicate that from this word you need to take the letters that stand in the places under the numbers 7,2,4,3,8 and compose them in the order in which the numbers are located. In the word cheesecake, you need to take the letters 7-K, 2-A, 4-P, 3-T, 8-A. You can read the word.
Let's try to solve some puzzles from the field of mathematics.





















All assignments completed bright pictures and interestingly illustrated, so the puzzles will captivate the guys. And you can try to make it yourself. It will be even more interesting.