
Garden bike for flowers do it yourself sizes. How to make a flowerpot in the form of a bicycle with flowers with your own hands. Master class "pots" bike "for a bouquet of sweets"


This article contains several master classes on making a bicycle quickly and easily with your own hands from improvised materials with step by step photos and video. Such a product will serve as an excellent element for home decor and will be the subject of surprise and admiration for all guests.

We make the composition "Flower bike" with our own hands

To create this decorative composition, we need:

  • A decorative bicycle, which can be purchased in a specialized store, or made by yourself, guided by master classes from the Internet;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Toothpicks, glue, glue gun, thread or wire for attaching flowers;
  • Decor elements: tulle, bows, beads, ribbons, homemade beaded flowers, sisal;

First you need to make a small bunch of flowers from corrugated paper... To do this, you need to cut a rectangle five by seven centimeters in size, fold it in half, round one edge and stretch it gently.

Now you can start making petals. You need to cut a strip of paper measuring ten by five centimeters, and fold it in half twice. Then you need to cut out a petal of the same shape as shown in the photo below, and tuck it a little with an ordinary handle. Next, these petals must be attached to the bud and secured with wire.
Flowers can be made of any shape and size, and when you have enough of them, you can start creating the composition itself. The bottom of the wicker basket of the bicycle should be filled with a piece of polystyrene and the paper flowers and beads should be fixed on it with the help of toothpicks. You can also add green sisal and various elements in the form of decorative bugs and butterflies. Our flower beauty is ready!

Making a bike from cocktail tubes quickly and easily

To make such a charm, you need a little waste material and a few hours of free time.

Tools and materials for creating this product:

  • Cocktail tubes;
  • Disposable plastic cup;
  • Scissors, toothpicks, cotton swabs, Scotch;
  • Threads, bandage.

For greater clarity, this master class is presented in the video photo instructions.

In this master class we will show you how to make an original flower planter with your own hands.

A flower pot in the shape of a bicycle will be a very unusual decor for your home or a gift to your family and friends.
To create such a charm with our own hands, we need:

  • Wire two to three millimeters wide;
  • White tape;
  • Four white buttons;
  • Moment glue or glue gun.

First, you need to make three circles from the wire. different sizes and wrap them with tape. Now you can add curls to them and fix them well.
You need to decorate the entire bike with the same curls.
The next step is to create a basket for our bike. It is made using the same technology as the bicycle itself and is fixed with glue.
All that remains is to make flowers from sweets and decorate the product with them.

How to create a very cute decorative bike with your own hands

To create such a miracle, we need:

  • Several blanks made of cardboard;
  • Small wooden stick;
  • A piece of thread, toothpicks;
  • Scissors, glue.

First you need to make a cardboard basket. To do this, cardboard strips must be glued to the bottom of the product, as shown in the photo below.

And then weave a basket out of them.

In the same way, only with the absence of weaving, you need to make three wheels.
Next, you need to take a small wooden stick, two strips of cardboard and a thread and make a fork for the future bike out of them.

The details that turned out at the end need to be glued together.
The steering wheel of a bicycle is made of cardboard and thread, and is also decorated with some kind of decorative element.

Here's what you should get at the output:

Let's make a decorative planter bike from twine and aromatic coffee beans

For work we need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Cocktail tubes;
  • Leg-split;
  • Coffee beans;
  • Polymer glue;
  • Scissors.

On cardboard using a compass, you need to draw circles, as shown in the photo below and cut them out with scissors.

Then these blanks must be wrapped with twine.
In the cocktail tube, trim off the excess, leaving about two centimeters from the bend on both sides. You need four such blanks to make one wheel for a bicycle. Then each tube must be tightly wrapped with twine.
Now you can assemble the wheels, as shown in the photo below.

Then you need to take two tubes, stretch one, and cut off the other upper part and connect them as in the photo below. Two such blanks must be wrapped with twine.

The steering wheel needs to be created by cutting off the top of the tube, leaving two centimeters before the fold and three after it. Wrap them with twine.

The next blank for the steering wheel is a tube eleven centimeters long, wrapped in twine.

The wheel needs to be decorated with coffee beans. Insert two blanks into the front wheel and fix them with polymer glue.
Insert a straight tube between the rear wheels and fix it with glue.
A piece of tubing must be inserted between the upper ones. And wrap the place of their attachment with twine.
The role of the pots here will be played by an empty jar. You can decorate to your liking.

Related videos

At the end of this article, there is a selection of thematic videos on how to make a topiary with a bicycle, make a cute cradle for this type of transport, or decorate your composition in the steampunk style.

A bike with forget-me-nots for mom. Master class with step by step photos.

DIY gift for your beloved mom.

Sinotenko Alina, 11 years old, studying at the “Needlewoman” association of MBU DO Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Supervisor: teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBU DO Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Work description: in the manufacture of the handicraft, different technologies were used: beading, working with paper and waste material. The master class will be useful to everyone who wants to please loved ones with a handmade gift.
Purpose: gift, interior decoration.
Target: making a gift for mom from beads and paper.
- to teach how to make flowers from beads based on the weaving pattern;
- learn to model a bicycle using paper and waste material;
- develop imagination, artistic taste, the ability to beautifully present a gift;
- to bring up accuracy, diligence, love of creativity, attention and care for loved ones.

Materials and tools:

Colored cardboard, thick cardboard;
- beads blue and yellow color;
- wire for beads;
- floss threads Green colour;
- stick, bead wire spools;
- scissors, pencil, ruler;
- a stand (bucket) for flowers;
- Titan glue.

Step by step execution work.

But before we start working on making forget-me-nots from beads, I want to tell you a legend about these delicate, very cute flowers.

Once the goddess of flowers Flora came down to earth and began to present flowers with names. She gave a name to all the flowers and wanted to leave, but suddenly she heard a faint voice behind her: “Do not forget me, Flora! Give me some name too! " Flora looked around - no one was in sight. She wanted to leave again, but the voice repeated itself. And then only Flora noticed a small blue flower in the forbs. “Well, be forget-me-not,” said the goddess. Together with the name, I endow you with wonderful power. You will return memory to those people who begin to forget their loved ones or their homeland.

First stage. Forget-me-nots.

Let's get to work. Cut off the wire 15cm long. We string 11 blue beads and close them into a ring.

Cast on 11 beads again and make a second ring next to the first.

Forget-me-not will be of five petals. Let's collect 11 beads three more times.
Each petal ring should be close to each other.

Connect the petals of the flower and twist the ends of the wire tightly at the base of the corolla to secure them. Insert one large yellow bead into the middle. Forget-me-not is ready.

To make the stem of the flower stable, add a piece of thick wire and wrap it with a green floss.

We make a lot of blue forget-me-nots to make a beautiful bouquet.
They are visible and invisible,
You can't count them!
And who just invented them -
Cheerful, blue?
Must have been ripped off,
A shred from the sky
Slightly conjured
And they made a flower.
E. Serova

Second phase. Making a bicycle.

Let's make wheels for our bike. On colored cardboard we circle the coils from the wire, cut out four large circles and two small ones.

We glue the coils on both sides with colored cardboard.

We cut strips 1 cm wide and glue the blanks of the wheels.

We make a hole in the wheels, insert a stick between the two wheels.

We wrap the stick with corrugated purple paper to match the wheels. Cut out a 12cm long strip of hard cardboard and wrap it with paper too.

We glue the strip to the bottom of the stick and connect it to the small wheel.

Cut out another small circle, slightly larger than the bottom of the bucket, and glue it onto the bike. This will be a stand for a bucket of flowers.

Let's make a steering wheel. Cut off two strips 1.5 cm wide, 10 cm long and a strip 13 cm long. We glue it with colored paper.

We connect the strips as in the photo. This will be the handlebar for your bike.

We glue the steering wheel to the small wheel. So our bike is ready for transporting flowers.

Add beads to the wheel and steering wheel. They will complement the bike model.

Stage three. Setting colors.

For the flowers, we took a bucket with a candle. We liked it very much both in shape and color. We made a hole in the wax and placed the colors. For the stability of the colors, a little plasticine was added on top.

We glue the bucket onto the stand. This is how gentle and touching forget-me-nots on a bicycle look.

We didn't have time to put the blue flowers in the bucket when the bees flocked to them!

Let's admire our little miracle from all sides.

Nadezhda Ignatova (Voloshchuk)

Hello my dear friends, a long time ago I had to see on the Internet twine bike, a lot of time has passed since then, but the desire remains. Today we have a holiday "Day of Russia" with which I congratulate you all, it means all our employees kindergarten day off, and I decided to do twine bike, so that the weekend is not wasted.

Now I will tell you how I did it. To make it, we will need:leg-split, titanium glue or hot glue, cocktail tubes, cardboard, anything for decoration (coffee beans, beads, rhinestones, sequins) I used sequins (sequins and beads I store from under jars of gouache are very convenient and nothing is lost).

So, let's begin.

Cut out three blanks for wheels from solid cardboard (you can circle the scotch tape, mug, glass) I have a rear wheel size of 8 cm, a front wheel of 10 cm:

we wrap all the blanks twine:

from 4 cocktail tubes we make these blanks (about 2 cm before and after folding):

trying on:

wrap twine:

glue crosswise:

glue the crosses into the blanks for the wheel With:

decorate the wheels (front on both sides, rear on one side):

we take a tube, bend it and stretch it a little and insert a segment into it (in order for the tube to be inserted into the tube, it must be slightly cut and inserted with a drop of glue):

the workpiece is ready, we need such workpieces 2 :

we wrap two blanks twine:

make a steering wheel, cut off 2 blanks (2 cm before the fold and 3 after):

connect them:

wrap twine:

another blank - a straight tube 11 cm:

we wrap the workpiece twine:

we start assembling. We insert a straight tube into the rear wheels, fasten it with glue. Insert the blank into the front wheel and insert a piece of the tube between the upper tubes (1.5-2 cm) and glue:

we wind the trim twine:

insert another blank into the front wheel (on the side, here So:

put the front wheel with two glued blanks on the rear wheel beam and glue:

glue the steering wheel:

put on bike wrapped in twine and a planter decorated with beads (for pots you can use boxes of melted cheese, ice cream, sour cream, etc.):

decorate bike flowers:

flowers for bike made by my daughter 7 years old - these are daffodils.

My daughter likes it. I already have 2 crafts from twine:

Thanks to everyone who watched to the end.

DIY flower bike. Master class with step by step photos

Handicraft workshop "Decorative bicycle with flower pots"

The author of the work: Dizhak Alena Valerievna, teacher of additional education MBOU DOD "House of children's creativity" Osinniki, Kemerovo region.
The master class is calculated for teachers of additional education and everyone.
The purpose of the master class: Original flower pots in themselves can become an ornament if you arrange them appropriately, adding your imagination and skillful hands. Besides original thing, made by hand, will be a great gift for a holiday or simply decorate your interior.
Target: making a decorative bicycle with flower pots.
- to develop labor skills in independent artistic activity;
- mastering the technology of making a pots-bike;
- develop imagination and Creative skills;
- to form artistic taste, aesthetic experience.

To work you need:

Cocktail tubes,
nylon thread
glue "Master",

A glass or small pot,
ribbons and sequins for decoration.

Step by step process making

We cut out three wheels from cardboard and wrap them with nylon thread.

Cut off the top of the cocktail tube (about 2 cm from the fold on different sides). To create one wheel, you need to prepare 4 blanks. We wrap the tubes with thread.

Putting the inside of the wheel together and joining both parts together.

We use 2 tubes. Stretch one at the fold, and cut off the upper part of the other, inserting it into the short part of the stretched tube. We wrap all the blanks with thread.

Moving on to the next step: creating a rudder. Cut off the top of the tube (2 cm before the fold and 3 cm after the fold). We connect and wrap with a thread.

We start assembling the bike. In order to fasten the rear wheels, we need a tube of 11 cm, we also wrap it with thread. Insert two blanks into the front wheel and glue it with polymer glue. Insert a straight tube between the rear wheels, fix it with glue.

The role of pots will be performed by empty food jars or pots for indoor flowers. We glue the pot with nylon thread and glue it to the crossbar on the rear wheels. We fill the pot with flowers. From width satin ribbon the size of the rose will depend.
Keep the tapes horizontal. Fold diagonally from the right corner so that you have an end of about 1.5 cm. Holding the ribbon in your left hand and the folded end in your right, roll the ribbon tightly in a clockwise direction one turn.

Let's make a couple more turns to form the middle of the rose.

Let's make rose petals. Hold the middle of the rose in your right hand. Fold the top edge of the ribbon back and down with your other hand. Wrap the tape around the middle once. Wrap the ribbon around the middle of the rose again. Continue folding the ribbon, twisting and stitching until you have a rose. the right size.

Cut off the excess tape - the rose is ready.

We decorate the bike with sequins, glue a bow on the steering wheel. Our bike is ready!

Good day, dear!

In general, he was blinded by Sjusen from what was at her fingertips. Surely you will be given a bike very easily :)

To make it, we just need twine (which was probably lying around in the back room), cocktail tubes, coffee beans for decoration, hot glue and trimming ceiling tiles or cardboard.

Cut out 3 blanks for the wheels from the scraps of the ceiling tile (a reel of large scotch tape is very suitable as a template). For each wheel, you can glue 2 blanks to make the wheels more stable - then you get 6 blanks.

We wrap each wheel with twine.

We wrap the blanks from the tubes with twine.

We glue it with hot glue, so that we get a cross.

We insert into a circle. The wheel is ready (we make 3 such wheels). One wheel is 11 cm in diameter:

We take another tube, bend it and stretch it slightly in the fold.

We insert one piece remaining from the blanks for the wheels into this bent tube. To do this, cut the bent tube slightly and insert a straight line with a drop of glue into it.

Wrap with twine. You will need 2 such blanks.

For the steering wheel, cut off 2 blanks (2 cm before the fold and 3 after).

We connect them together.

Wrap with twine.

We make another blank - a straight tube about 11 cm long (for the stability of the bicycle, you can insert skewers of a suitable size and diameter inside).

We wrap the pots with twine and decorate with coffee beans. Instead of pots, you can use various jars of melted cheese, sour cream, jelly, ice cream).

Decorate the 2 rear wheels with coffee beans on the outside.

For a straight blank and a "rudder" we decorate the side parts with grains so that everything is neat.

We start assembling. We insert a straight tube into the rear wheels, fasten it with hot melt glue.

In the front wheel, while still without decor, we insert 2 blanks and fix with glue.

We decorate the wheel on both sides.

Insert the cut tube (1.5-2 cm) between the upper tubes and glue it.