
What does a beryl stone look like? (50 photos) - Its properties and meaning. Variety and unusual properties of beryl

Pathology of the uterus

Dreaming of meeting your soul mate? Do you want to get rid of loneliness? Beryl is considered the protector of the family. He helps the lonely meet their destiny, and for those who have already started a family, jewelry helps protect relationships. But that's not all. The gem has rich magical and medicinal properties which you will learn about in our article.

Haven't heard of this? What about emerald and aquamarine? Meanwhile, these two gems are varieties of the same mineral. So, let's figure out how it can transform our lives.

According to the chemical composition, the stone is a silicate of two elements: beryl and aluminum. Colors can be very diverse, and depending on the color has its own name.

Beryl report. Who makes happy?

Types of stone

The stone is rich in its types. Many gems known to us are a type of gem. See for yourself:

  • Beryl is a colorless or slightly colored stone.
  • a greenish-yellowish mineral - chrysoberyl or true beryl;
  • aquamarine stone is called;
  • blue is augustite;
  • golden - heliodor;
  • green is;
  • an apple-green mineral, geshenite.

Properties and deposit

Deposits are scattered all over the world: from Colombia to Russia, from Brazil to Africa. In its pure form, the mineral is colorless. In ancient times, such minerals were polished and used as magnifying glasses. The color depends on the presence of impurities in it, for example, iron, calcium, manganese, etc. The most beautiful and, as a result, expensive varieties of Beryl have shades of almost all colors of the rainbow.

It was the Latin name of the mineral "Beryl" that became the source of the origin of the words: in Italian "shine", and in French - "diamond".

The rarest gem is the pink mineral.

A very rare and really expensive stone is pink beryl, which is called moranite.

The brighter the color, the more expensive the decoration.

Deposits in the Urals and Transbaikalia, USA, Columbia, Madagascar and Brazil.

Magical and healing properties

Beryl has rich healing and magical properties, which we will now tell you about.

In the East, this gem has always been considered a strong amulet. It was used not only to protect against the evil eye, but also to remove damage, neutralize negative energy.

All magical and healing properties:

  • Beryl yellow- Green colour and beige help restore metabolism;
  • Accelerates the metabolic process and recovery after illness.
  • In ancient times, the stone was revered by women. P helps women cope with gynecological diseases. Blue beryl is especially effective in this case.
  • It is believed that he is able to cope with any female disease. For example, bracelets will protect against ovarian diseases and genitourinary system, and the mineral that adorns the ring helps with various diseases of the uterus.
  • Helps the lonely find your soul mate .
  • Protects the family from betrayal and temptation. These decorations should be given to married couples.
  • Protects those who have been married for many years . Helps refresh the senses.
  • Talismans for good luck are made with stone.
  • Organizes thoughts, brings feelings into balance. In the East, it is considered an amulet against madness.
  • All travelers are advised to take this gem with them on the road.
  • O reflects negative energy , so it is recommended as a defense.
  • Influences the solution of complex issues, serves as a talisman for those involved in science.

Be careful. Not all varieties of the gem can be worn. Green beryl is considered a mature stone and is not recommended for people under 35.

So what else is so “brilliant” about Beryl? This is a symbol of all the brightest and best. It has long been believed that it brings good luck in a variety of cases. He protects the family hearth, repelling negative energy and preventing quarrels between loved ones. And if you want to have financial and professional stability, then wear precious items in a silver frame.

Minerals of green and red shades give vitality and promote a surge of strength, especially when worn by older people. People who are prone to constant worries and mental anxiety should pay attention to blue beryls. They will put thoughts in order and speed up mental activity.

For women, Beryl is especially useful for its healing properties. Even in the Ancient East, this mineral was used for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases. In addition, it helps to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Who is the beryl stone suitable for?

If you work a lot, then beryl is just for you, as it relieves fatigue in a wonderful way. It will also help lazy people, raising their good spirits and desire to act.

Main gem meaning - well-being. Suitable for family people or those who want to start a family. It will help to improve relations between parents and children, restore harmony between husband and wife, help them in maintaining feelings. He also protects the family from homeowners, envious people and any negative influence. In addition, negative energy after a hard day's work, which, as a rule, family members carry home, is also effectively eliminated by beryl.

How to distinguish a fake?

Like any other gem, beryl can be counterfeited. And if you have any doubts about its authenticity, it is better to seek advice from a professional jeweler. However, there are some features of Beryl, thanks to which you can independently distinguish a fake. Firstly, any natural stone has exceptional transparency, regardless of color. Secondly, it is resistant to acids and salt solutions. And if a ray of light is directed at a colorless mineral, then the “cat's eye” effect will be observed on it.

Beryl - a stone of well-being

Achieve peace and kindness – this is the direction in which beryl works. The value of the stone, which has also been known since antiquity, is prosperity. It has the ability to take care of the material well-being of its owner.

If the question of your promotion or dismissal is being decided, if it is necessary to settle relations with a creditor or ask for a loan, you must take a beryl stone with you and go to a meeting with people on whom your business depends. financial solvency . The amulet helps to resolve such issues quickly and always in favor of the owner of the stone.

Charm for travelers

The properties of the mineral allow it to be a wonderful amulet for travelers, protecting them from unforeseen circumstances, unnecessary expenses and dashing people. Therefore it the second name is the wanderer's talisman.

Beryl for zodiac signs

When choosing "your" color, it is necessary to take into account the natural element of the Zodiac Sign. For example, many astrologers claim that dark blue stones are suitable for water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

The red and golden hues of Beryl will have a greater impact on the signs of the fire element, that is, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. Signs of the elements of the Earth, namely Capricorn, Sagittarius and Virgo, should choose stones with green hues. And, finally, a mineral of light blue or even a crystal clear shade is a suitable talisman for the signs of the air element: Aquarius, Taurus and Libra.

Jewelry Care

If you are already a happy owner of Beryl, then you should know a few simple rules to care for him. To prevent scratches and damage on Beryl, jewelry you should take it off when washing dishes, playing sports or other physical activity.

If it becomes necessary to clean the jewelry, it is best to do this with a soft brush and warm soapy water. And it is preferable to store the stone in soft tissue away from direct sunlight. If you follow these simple recommendations, your talisman will delight you with its brilliance and beauty for a long time.

real stone price

Any real mineral is very fragile, and since in its pure form it usually has many cracks and irregularities, its processing is a rather time-consuming and costly process, often accompanied by a change in the color of the stone.

The cost of an individual Beryl largely depends on its transparency, color saturation, chemical composition and weight. The richer and more transparent the shade of the stone, the higher its price will be. The most valuable are stones that, in their pure form, had a minimum of damage. For example, in Russia, the most expensive gemstone among Beryls is the emerald. His average price varies between 100 and 300 US dollars per 1 carat.

No one remembers exactly how the word “beryl” is translated, but it is known for certain that it came from the ancient Greeks, who called any transparent green stone beryl. Even the Egyptian pharaohs decorated their bodies with beryl, and not only during their lifetime, but also after it, as evidenced by archaeological finds.

And the legendary emperor Nero was the owner of a monocle with a beryl lens, because polished beryl crystals served as the material for their manufacture. In the Middle Ages, with the help of polished beryl balls, sorcerers managed to find thieves. In addition, the stone has been widely used in various magical rites, served as material for the manufacture of church utensils and seals.

Description of the stone and its application

To describe this stone in general terms, the term "common beryl" should be used. But this generalized name is applicable only to translucent green stones with blue or yellow hues. If the shade is dark, then such stones are usually called emeralds. The color is due to the content of chromium impurities in the composition of the mineral.

Beryl is also found in its pure form. It is nothing but beryllium silicate, which has no color, that is, it is completely transparent. It is this chemical compound that serves as a raw material for the production of beryllium, which is part of light alloys. In fact, beryllium silicate has no value other than technological. Another thing is its multi-colored "brothers", which for the most part are precious stones used in jewelry.

Beryl is rightfully considered one of the best gems. In nature, there are both single crystals of this mineral, and fused into groups. The structure of the crystals has the shape of a prism, and their weight can reach several kilograms. However, internal cracks and defects significantly reduce the number of stones suitable for jewelry use.

The beryl family is numerous. Beryl is especially valued for its hardness and variety of colors. The color of this mineral can be very different: all shades of red, blue, green, and even unusual purple or pink colors. Many varieties of beryl have become known by their own names.

Varieties of Beryl

Depending on the color, they distinguish:

Augustite, or maxis-beryl, is a deep blue indigo crystal. It is also called Maxis in honor of the first deposit in which it was discovered. This type of blue beryl can reach $150 per carat. Due to its high cost, augustite is often counterfeited. The gem tends to fade from time to time or from prolonged exposure to the sun.

Aquamarine - blue, bluish blue, greenish blue, bluish green. Colors vary from blue to blue, the color is most often uniform. Small gems weighing less than 3 carats are not of great value, but large stones play a big role in jewelry.

Bazzite is a pale blue stone. Was discovered in Italy. The stone is listed as a separate variety due to the high content of scandium. For the manufacture of jewelry, this mineral is not used.

Noble beryl - apple green; noble ordinary - transparent, but with a pale color. Beryls, which do not look like emeralds in a shade of green, are called noble. Such stones may have a green color with an admixture of brown, blue or yellow tones.

Bixbit - red (also called "red emerald"). Due to its rarity, a one-carat gem can be expensive. Many refer to bixbite as red emerald, however its prevalence is much less than that of emerald. Crimson beryl is mined in just one deposit, which is periodically flooded with groundwater.

Heliodor (Davidsonite) - yellow, golden yellow, orange-yellow. It is the yellow variety of beryl. It got its name in honor of the sun god. There are completely transparent stones. Despite this, the yellow color of the mineral is clearly visible. If the heliodor is heated to a temperature of 400 degrees, then its shade will turn blue. Golden beryl has a lemon tint that uranium provides. However, despite the content of this element, this material is not radioactive.

Goshenite is a colorless mineral. We can say that this is beryl "in its purest" form. It has no special value in terms of jewelry, but still, it gives a certain benefit. For example, earlier this type of beryl was used to make magnifying glasses. The gem is often used to imitate emeralds or diamonds.

Emerald - rich and bright deep green, grass green to salad green (the paler the color, the less valued). The most expensive of all beryl. Most often it has a rich green color, but in general the colors vary depending on the deposit. It is in the same price category as a diamond.


Masheshe is the most unusual mineral of this type. It has a deep blue tint. However, it looks like this only for the time being. The fact is that it immediately discolors at the moment when it gets hit. Sun rays Or it will get a little warm. After that, its color will be restored only with x-rays.

Morganite (sparrow) - usually pink, sometimes purple-pink, reddish, amber. The deep red variety of morganite is called bixibt. Extremely expensive and rare gem. The mineral has a large number of red shades: from pale pink to burgundy. It is a mineral that contains manganese. It is he who determines the shade of the stone.

Pezzottait (pedzottait) - deep pink. This gem, found in Madagascar, was considered a special variety of beryl for several years. The pink mineral struck the researchers with its bright color and high content of cesium in its composition.

Rosterite - The color of this beryl can range from completely colorless to bright pink. The mineral differs from other stones in that it has a high content of alkali metals and other impurities. Similar in price and cost to goshenite.

Chrysoberyl is an amazing, fascinating gemstone with its beauty. It is rare, deposits are rare. Transparent crystals of chrysoberyl are precious stones. The color of chrysoberyl is greenish-yellow, less often the mineral is colorless.

The magical properties of Beryl

If you work a lot, then beryl is just for you, as it relieves fatigue in a wonderful way. It will also help lazy people, raising their good spirits and desire to act. It promotes constancy of feelings, dispels negative energy and prevents negative energy from entering the house. Makes the wearer friendly and invincible. Beryls protect on long journeys. They are the talisman of travelers and wanderers.

The main meaning of the gem is well-being. Suitable for family people or those who want to start a family. It will help to improve relations between parents and children, restore harmony between husband and wife, help them in maintaining feelings. He also protects the family from homeowners, envious people and any negative influence. In addition, negative energy after a hard day's work, which, as a rule, family members carry home, is also effectively eliminated by beryl.

The healing properties of Beryl

This stone helps a person to improve the general condition of the body. It is especially useful to wear jewelry with a mineral for sickly and elderly people. It strengthens the immune system and eases the course of respiratory diseases. Also, this gem has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person. Neuroses, fears and depression will go away without a trace, and the stability of the psyche will increase. It is very effective to wear yellow and green shades of the stone for diseases such as pancreatitis and liver failure.

Talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, in the East, beryl was considered magic stone. It was believed that it conducts life-giving energy into the body and removes negative energy from it. This stone helps to keep people cheerful, relieves fatigue. The magic of stones connects beryl with thinking and intelligence. There is a belief that beryls help win lawsuits. Beryl was considered absolutely necessary for divination. During the Middle Ages, most alchemical operations were necessary without beryl. This stone was considered a talisman of artists and sculptors.

Beryl in astrology

Beryl is the zodiacal stone for, and. This mineral will be an excellent protector for people born under these signs. Beryl has a positive effect on intellectual ability his master. This stone will bring good luck in any event. Protects lovers. Help people of mental labor. It will always keep its owner from ailments and "bad" energy.

Beryl compatibility with zodiac signs

Beryl for

Aries beryl helps to get closer to relatives. It is especially worth buying beryl for Aries-teenager. Difficult transitional age with beryl it will pass without consequences, the child behaves by no means aggressively. Aries beryl helps to negotiate in their favor and "on the side." Beryl will give a special effect in the professional field of Aries. Beryl is also positively focused on the liver and spleen.

Beryl for

Beryl will be responsible for the "strength" hearth Taurus. The house of Taurus, be there beryl, under the reliable guardianship of the talisman. It’s nice to relax there, think about plans for the future and just be there. But even beyond the “gates”, beryl will always support and protect Taurus, teach wisdom, prudence, attract wealth and open new “doors”.

Beryl for

Beryl will help twins in confusing situations. Extreme, even emergency, difficulty with beryl is tolerated without fear of unpleasant consequences. Everything will come to a happy ending. Or rather, the beginning of something new. Gemini just needs to constantly wear beryl and fortune will not go anywhere from them. What to say about the treatment with beryl - here the stone is useful for the spine and chest.

Beryl for

Cancer Beryl improves relationships with parents and children (if any). From the house of Cancer, beryl drives away all negativity and forms a warm atmosphere where everyone is nice and friendly to each other. Beryl is also responsible for the financial well-being of Cancer. The stone builds relationships with superiors and does not create conflicts between colleagues.

Beryl for

Leo beryl contributes to a successful relationship with a spouse. Lions are used to dominating, but beryl will “correct” their character, making Leo softer and more compromising. Beryl will drive away any thought that disturbs Leo. In material terms, Leo, thanks to beryl, has advantages.

Beryl for

A wonderful amulet for the Virgin will be beryl. Beryl jewelry cleanses all the chakras of its wearer. With beryl, Virgo is pure in soul and ready for new sensations. It is recommended to take Beryl with you on trips so that nothing bad “clings” to the morally fragile Virgo: neither frightening thoughts, nor some kind of illness.

Beryl for

Libra beryl will not let you become addicted, especially the stone relieves alcohol addiction. To do this, you should often look at the stone in daylight. Or look through the stone at the sun. Such "self-treatment" will help Libra recover from illness. Beryl also increases Libra's self-esteem and puts all thoughts in order.

Beryl for

In the characteristic features of Scorpio, beryl suppresses negative emotions (anger and anger) in the best way. But such qualities as iron will and invincibility, beryl will “put” in the first place and thereby contribute to the great success of Scorpio. In relation to other people, Scorpio will also change, be friendlier and more caring.

Beryl for

Sagittarius learn quickly and accept fresh information. Beryl can give Sagittarius the idea to do science. Beryl directly supplies the energy of the cosmos to its owner, and the owner must correctly use this power given to him. Beryl will save Sagittarius from bad people on the way and bring great happiness to life.

Beryl for

Beryl gives those born Capricorns a little composure for unshakable decisions. From Capricorns, having a talisman of beryl, successful businessmen are obtained. Therefore, Capricorns should acquire this stone and think carefully about their future. Capricorn is sure to touch beryl more often with a cold and runny nose.

Beryl for

Beryl is able to enhance the attractiveness of Aquarius, which soon forms around a bunch of admirers and admirers of the opposite sex. But at the same time, Aquarius with beryl is restrained and a little modest, which will not allow you to completely surrender to the "flow" of love adventures.

Beryl for

Pisces beryl, as you know, will bring good luck. Also, Pisces are satisfied, thanks to beryl, with their intimate life. Beryl gives Pisces the loyalty of friends, the respect of loved ones and the loyalty of a loved one. The body of a representative of the zodiac water sign is strong and healthy. Beryl is good for Pisces women, because. prevents gynecological diseases.

Beryl - magical properties stone

Beryl gemstone was found many centuries ago. There are many legends associated with it. interesting stories. His magical and healing properties successfully used by the ancient Greeks.

The precious stone beryl was found many centuries ago.

The mineral began to be explored after archaeologists discovered beryl beads during excavations in Egyptian lands. The beads were subjected to various analyzes and found that their age is at least 6 thousand years. According to historical facts, the name of the stone came to us from the ancient Greeks, but the true translation of the word is unknown. The Greeks believed in the properties of the nugget to predict the future, so they often used it in magical rites. V Ancient Greece attached special importance to beryl jewelry and wore them not only during their lifetime, but also adorned the bodies of deceased pharaohs (according to a number of excavations).

An unusual stone is also mentioned in the Bible. It says that the beryl stone was the eighth in a row when laying the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem. Balls made of this stone were popular with magicians. It was believed that with the help of such balls you can find villains, especially thieves. In the Middle Ages, seals and church utensils were made from it. For a long time, it has been the material for making monocles.

A mineral mined in nature often has the shape of a hexagon of regular outlines. In its structure, it is either transparent or translucent. The pebble differs in the special durability and durability in comparison with other semiprecious stones. Thanks to these characteristics, it occupies the first meta in the ranking of precious gems. Such properties of beryl stone are very much appreciated in jewelry production.

Sometimes it is believed that beryl is an emerald

The size of a natural mineral can vary from very large to very tiny. Repeatedly mined specimens that were several meters long. To date, the largest of them is a beryl boulder weighing 61 tons and more than 8 meters long. The United States became its deposit. The smallest stones are only a few centimeters long.

Sometimes it is believed that beryl is an emerald. The fact is that the stone can have different shades of green: yellowish, with blue, dark green, light green. Instances of dark green color are called emeralds.

This color is explained by chromium impurities. However, the mineral is also found in nature in its pure form. Interestingly, it is not painted in any color at all and has a completely transparent structure.

Such a colorless stone is beryllium silicate, from which beryllium is extracted through various manipulations. This substance becomes a component for the creation of light alloys. The value of beryllium silicate is only technological in nature. And in the event that the stone has a color, beryl is considered precious and is successfully used to create jewelry.

Beryl stone properties (video)

Breed varieties

The color of the mineral is great value, its value depends on it. So, for example, if we are talking about a high-quality emerald, then it can compete with a diamond. A common characteristic of all beryl gems is their chemical composition. How valuable they are will depend on the impurities, their quantity and quality. There are such varieties of beryl: goshenite, morganite, aquamarine, bixbite, heliodor, mache-beryl, as well as green and golden gem.

Goshenite is a pure mineral. It is colorless and is very common in nature. As already mentioned, its value is low. However, it is still used quite widely, in former times it was a material for the manufacture of magnifying glasses. Green beryl should not be confused with emerald or aquamarine. He does not belong to them. Being a precious stone, it occupies an adjacent niche with these gems.

The next type of stone is golden. It is an extremely rare specimen. It got its name because of the lemon color, which is acquired due to the impurities of uranium. However, despite this, the golden mineral does not cause a radioactive hazard. Often his companion is a real aquamarine.

Aquamarine acquires its blue-green hue due to the presence in its composition of elements such as vanadium, chromium, iron. Depending on the amount and ratio of these impurities, the saturation of the shade may vary. The most valuable aquamarine is considered to be the one that has the color of a sea wave. This shade is also called aquamarine. It is known that even professionals without the use of special tools cannot reliably determine whether the blue beryl in front of them is genuine. This is why scammers often make money trading fake aquamarines.

Pink, orange or purple color has a stone called morganite. This characteristic is affected by the amount of manganese contained in the mineral. The color of morganite is not too saturated. However, modern jewelers have found a way to make it more intense. For this purpose, the stone is subjected to heat treatment. In nature, there are also bright red morganites.

They are interesting in that when they are contemplated through ultraviolet radiation, the color will appear pale pink.

Bixbite is the rarest variety of beryl.. Its deposits are found only in the US state of Utah. At the same time, the number of mined minerals is so small that their value exceeds the value of an emerald. For all the time since the discovery of deposits, only about 2 kg of bixbite have been mined. Its main difference from other beryl gems is its pink color.

Gallery: beryl stone (47 photos)

Heliodor is the most popular. This is explained by its similarity with the emerald. Heliodor can also have a green color, but its tone is somewhat lighter due to the dominance of the yellow color scheme. The price of such a gem is much lower than that of an emerald. At the present time, heliodor is only rarely used as a material for cutting, it is mainly used as a raw material for the production of aquamarine. Heliodor, or as it is also called yellow beryl, was first discovered in Namibia at the beginning of the 20th century. It is known that he became the material for creating a jewelry set for Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Blue beryl, which has another name, mache-beryl, is a stone with a bright color. However, the color saturation is significantly reduced if it is subjected to temperature effects. Even the sun's rays can be the factor that will affect the decrease in brightness. Often such a temperature effect leads to discoloration of mache-beryl. It is possible to return the previous color only under the influence of X-rays.

Saturated green color is the color of one of the most expensive gems. Emerald was the object of worship of the Persians, ancient Egyptians, Peruvian Indians. There is an assumption that such an attitude towards the emerald is explained by its special magical properties.

Other types

In addition to the main described varieties of beryl, there are other specimens. For example, in Brazil, stones of a dark blue color are mined. This augustites or maxis. In Italy, there is a deposit of light blue gems, which are called bazzites. These minerals are not suitable for use in jewelry production. A black mineral is quite rare. It has original appearance: its edges are light blue and the center is painted black.

Unusual in its own way color scheme is an pezzottaite. This is a bright red beryl with purple tints. It was first discovered at the beginning of the 21st century on the island of Madagascar. A little later, its deposits were discovered in Myanmar and Afghanistan. Augustites, bazzites and pezzottaites have a very beautiful appearance, but their strength is rather low. That is why all these specimens are unsuitable for creating jewelry.

Pezzottaite is unusual in its color scheme.

The healing properties of the mineral

In lithotherapy, the properties of beryl are widely used. It is believed that it can be used to strengthen the immune system and overcome chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even in ancient times, the mineral was used to treat the liver and any gynecological diseases. To solve health problems, the color of the stone does not play a role.

traditional healers claim that for the treatment various diseases it is necessary to use a pebble in different frames. So, for example, if he is wearing earrings, then the person wearing them will forget about headaches and toothaches. To get rid of problems with the functioning of the reproductive organs, you will need a bracelet with beryl stones, which must be worn without removing it.

This mineral in the pendant will alleviate the health of people who have problems with the lungs and bronchi, even if these diseases are in the chronic stage. These pendants are also suitable for smokers. Women are advised to wear a beryl ring to avoid any uterine diseases. For good male health, men can carry a keychain with a healing stone.

If we talk about who the mineral is suitable for, then we need to mention people with metabolic problems. It can help you get rid of excess weight. Traditional healers use beryl to treat colds, rhinitis, back pain. To do this, pass a light beam through the gem in the direction of the diseased part of the body.

magical effect

In astrology, the mineral has its own meaning. It is most suitable for people whose zodiac sign is associated with the water element. We are talking about Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios. The gem brings them great luck and luck, whatever its variety. However, at the same time, aquamarine will have the most positive impact on these signs.

The stone also carries positive energy to other signs. Taurus who constantly wear a beryl jewelry or amulet, for a short time can make a lot of friends. However, wearing a crystal in this case is recommended in a silver frame. With the help of a wonderful pebble, Gemini will learn to finish any business without leaving it for later. In addition, the Gemini horoscope speaks of their conflict, so wearing an amulet with heliodor or emerald is simply necessary for them, as they make a person more balanced and calm.

Beryl jewelry is also suitable for Sagittarius. Thanks to them, people of this sign will be able to deal with outbursts of causeless anger, will have calmer nerves. In this case, a silver frame plays an important role. Beryl has a positive effect on Libra and Aquarius. But, despite the large number of advantages, it is not recommended for other zodiac signs to use it.

How to distinguish natural stones from fakes (video)

There is an opinion that beryl is an excellent talisman. Whatever the pebbles are: green, yellow, blue or blue, they are equally capable of protecting a person from negativity. Anyone can afford such an amulet. Beryl gems can attract good luck and the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, they contribute to the successful resolution of litigation and getting rid of vain thoughts.

Thus, beryl is a truly wonderful gem. Choosing jewelry or talismans with such a mineral, you can not only get an addition to the image, but also protect yourself from negativity, having received a lot of positive emotions.

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Beryl, by itself, does not belong to the first class. precious stones, unlike aquamarine and emerald, which captivate with their uniqueness and splendor. This fossil was already written about in manuscripts, and amulets and amulets inlaid with processed materials are often studied by historians.

Beryl: description and meaning of the stone

The gem has been known since ancient Greece. It was then that he was given a name, and at that time it was most likely something else: the Greeks called any transparent green stone that way - the nuances were not taken into account then. The correct value has not been preserved.

History and origin of beryl

The first mentions date back to 300 BC, but even earlier, in Ancient Egypt, it was mined in Namibia - the desert (now this place is known as "Cleopatra's Mines"). The booty was sold by transporting it to the southern countries along several seas - such as India and Persia.

Gem deposits are either pegmatite veins (narrow cavities in mountain ranges), or placers that appear on the site of already destroyed mountains (only in a rounded state). The scale is always different: there are both massive and tiny monoliths. So, for example, in Madagascar, 380 tons of gems were once found, enclosed in an 18-meter monolith.

Beryl deposits

The gem is mined all over the world, but Brazil brings the most production. There are large deposits in America, Argentina, France, Canada and Germany.

It is also mined in Russia: in the time of Peter I, attention was paid to the Ural deposits (jasper, rhodonite, malachite are also obtained there to this day). It was there that in 1828 a rare yellow gem was discovered, weighing 2.5 kg. Now it is one of the exhibits of the St. Petersburg Museum of the Mining Institute. Crystals are also mined in Siberia and beyond Baikal, although in the last ten years the number has decreased.

What does beryl look like?

The gem does not have an unusual appearance, it is translucent. It does not have a clearly defined color, and often does not even have a significant jewelry value. At the same time, it has asterism (when illuminated, a six-pointed star appears on the surface) and iridescence (after polishing, or in bright light, a rainbow is reflected - otherwise the phenomenon is called a cat's eye).

Physical Properties

From the point of view of physics, it is an aluminosilicate. It is from it that the beryllium used in industry is isolated. Sometimes inclusions of sodium, lithium, rubidium, iron, magnesium, cesium, manganese, helium and water are found in crystals. Less often - chromium, scandium and calcium. All of them to some extent affect the properties, weight and color.

The crystal lattice is an island structure (annular). Crystals are prisms with 6 corners correct form, located singly (sometimes - in parallel or in the form of rays). They have a glassy sheen.

  • The refractive index is 1.5-1.6.
  • Hardness - 7.5-8 (Mohs).
  • Density - 2.75.
  • It does not split along the planes. Very fragile.

The magical properties of beryl

According to esotericism, any product from this fossil is capable of:

  • symbolize friendship;
  • cope with difficulties on the “personal front”, maintain the warmth of the family hearth;
  • protect households from negativity;
  • to give the owner sociability and improve mood, calm the nerves;
  • surround the wearer with an aura of invincibility and irresistibility;
  • get rid of laziness;
  • help to think more critically and make more informed, thoughtful decisions;
  • clarify thoughts.

Healing and healing properties of beryl

If you turn to the old scrolls on astrology, you can find a lot of evidence that the use of material in medicine helps to fight various diseases.

For example, morganite helps against:

  • colds, coughs, runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • pain in the spine, coccyx, spinal joints.

Heliodor is effective against:

  • inflammation of the digestive tract and excretory systems- in the liver, pancreas and spleen;
  • tachycardia.

Emerald is able to heal:

  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • eye strain;
  • insomnia;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

Aquamarine helps to get rid of:

  • phobias, stress;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • inflammation of the gums and nerve canals in the teeth;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • allergies;
  • sea ​​sickness.

In general, it supports immunity and restores lost health. It has been used since antiquity as a means traditional medicine from chronic processes in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In Babylon, they were treated for hepatitis and malignant tumors in the kidneys.

For a very long time the belief held, as if for a cure internal organ it is enough to direct a beam of light refracted through this mineral to it.

Beryl products

Crystals are quickly processed and cut, and jewelry is a huge success with women and some men - a ring set in gold or silver, beads, a bracelet, earrings, even costume jewelry. Any purchased jewelry can be combined with expensive fabric and pick up a stylish, elegant look.

Beryl Jewelry

Due to the variety of shades, the jewelry sells very well. It is combined with other jewelry: pearls, citrine, topaz and even a diamond. The assortment will always help you choose exactly what will perfectly emphasize the color of the eyes and the elegance of the chosen outfit. In addition, they act as protective amulets and bring good luck.


Astrologers believe that the mineral symbolizes Venus, the Moon and Pluto. When a processed gem is inserted into a gold frame, the wearer acquires a useful connection that positively affects his thinking abilities. This was once successfully used by orators, publicists, rhetoricians and philosophers.

Aquamarine amulets can often be found among sailors. Brooches, rings, pendants protect them and inspire faith in a speedy return home.

Radiant heliodor always improves mood, gives joy and puts thoughts in order.

According to legend, emeralds attract wealth, and also teach the wearer to make wise, informed decisions.


Although the crystals are very hard, they are easy to process, so even in ancient times they were often used to make amulets. Figures of birds, animals and insects were carved from it.

The scarab could open the owner's third eye and enable them to see the future clearly. A figurine of a frog could be presented as a sign of friendly disposition. Former enemies exchanged them, marking reconciliation.

Colors and shades of beryl

Colors include almost the entire spectrum. What color the material will be depends on the impurities of other chemical elements - hence the varieties are taken. Sometimes the colors are unevenly applied to the surface: in this case, they say that the crystal is colored in zones.

Aquamarine (blue)

Aquamarines are in many ways reminiscent of the sea surface, and therefore their shades vary from light blue to dark blue. This happens due to iron ions. The coloration is uniform, but there is also zoning. There are both small ones (they do not have special value) and large ones.

Bazzite (blue)

Saturation is weak, and therefore processed very rarely. Contains scandium.

Mashishé (dense blue)

Produced in Brazil, named after the city near which it was first discovered. It fades quickly and is therefore not of high value. Processing work is practically not carried out.

Heliodor (yellow)

It got its name from the Greek language, in which "helios" means the sun. "Heliodor" can be translated as "gift of the sun". Even tiny minerals reflect light and sparkle. If it is heated to 400 °, it will turn blue. The spectrum of shades is widened due to small impurities of iron and uranium penetrating into the lattice through ore deposits.

Emerald (green beryl)

Saturated green is obtained from impurities of chromium and vanadium, sometimes there is a zonal color - the gradient is superimposed either along the main axis of the monolith, or stretches from the center to the periphery. Physical Properties differ depending on the genetic type of deposits. In a rare case, it can cost even more than a diamond.

Bixbit (red)

A very rare fossil, which is also reflected in the cost: more than 15,000 rubles can be paid for one carat. In saturation, it can even compete with emerald. There are almost no deposits of bixbite - and what is, from time to time is flooded with groundwater.

Vorobevit, morganite (pink)

There are impurities of manganese, lithium, cesium and rubidium - it is to these elements that sparrowite owes its rich palette. Crystals softly shine, they are transparent. The largest deposits are in Madagascar, but, in general, are rare.

Pezzoatite (hot pink)

Like sparrow, it is mined in Madagascar. It struck the researchers with its brightness and brilliance, achieved, apparently, due to the high content of cesium.

Rosterite (colorless, bright pink)

Unlike other varieties, rosterite has massive inclusions of alkalis. It costs about the same as goshenite.

Goshenite (white or colorless)

Discoloration due to lithium and sodium. Faceted goshenite vaguely resembles a diamond, but with a weakened luster, and has practically no jewelry value. If used, then for strict, restrained headsets that do not shine in the light and do not scatter rainbow sparks around them.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

The mineral has the most influence on Gemini, Libra and Scorpio.

For those Gemini who do not like to sit still, the mineral will give self-confidence and help in achieving the main goals. Any started business will not remain abandoned halfway, and the result will always exceed expectations.

Libra mineral helps not to lose heart when it seems that everything around is set against them. Gloominess, depressive moods, melancholy - energy will help get rid of them. Like Gemini, she can give more self-confidence, exterminate laziness and weak will, as well as make new friends and restore lost relationships.

For Scorpions, the mineral will be indispensable for managing their own anger. He will remind you of the most important thing in life, and direct the flow of thought in a more positive direction. Scorpions wearing beryl amulets become more caring, acquire an iron will, a strong character and some invulnerability.

If the representatives of these signs are long time wear jewelry with this stone, wisdom, glory and approval of others will come to them. Such energy is able to protect the financial situation and even attract patrons.

How to distinguish natural beryl from a fake?

A specialist gemologist will not spend much time trying to distinguish a fake from an original. It's all about the inclusions that are found exclusively in this form. The surface must be examined under a microscope to draw a conclusion.

There is an imitation of a green gem made of diopside, it is called "Siberian emerald". Their only difference is in hardness (6 for diopside and 7.5 for emerald). Sometimes for cheap fossils natural origin apply a dark green plastic film. You can see this by carefully examining the product under a magnifying glass.

Beryl Care

The rules of care are simple. How to care for him? It’s worth starting with the fact that this is a fragile mineral, and therefore you need to be careful with it. Any careless movement, carelessness will lead to cracks and scratches. It is better not to store light minerals in bright light: this can discolor them.

If there is a gold frame that has lost its luster, you can wipe it with ammonia diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and soap that does not contain dyes (so that there are no traces of paint left).

How to clean silver? Simple baking soda will work for this as well. After cleaning, it is washed in water and dried.

Stone price: how much is beryl worth?

The cost of beryl jewelry varies depending on various factors: for example, weight, transparency. Color is also of great importance.

Most expensive stones do not have any impurities or cracks, and retain their original, clean appearance. When evaluating, both the frame and the number of facets that can reflect light are taken into account. Prices ranging from pendants to large earrings range from 2000 to 20000.

Where can I buy?

You can buy precious items in any jewelry store. Decorations different kind and style are very popular, and therefore they have a very flexible pricing policy, and everyone can find something for their pocket.