
Peppy long stocking read short. Listen to audiokazka peppy long stocking online. Astrid Lindgren Book Series: Pippi Longstocking

Pathology of the uterus

Astrid Lindgren

Peppy Longstocking is going

How Peppy goes shopping

Once, on a cheerful spring day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, but the puddles were not dry yet, Tommy and Annika ran to Peppy. Tommy brought along some lumps of sugar for the horse, and he and Annika stood on the terrace for a minute to pat the horse on the sides and feed it sugar. Then they went into Peppy's room. Peppy was still in bed and slept, as always with her feet on the pillow, and her head covered with a blanket. Annika pulled her finger and said:

Get up!

Mr. Nielson had long awakened and, sitting on the lampshade, swayed from side to side. Some time passed before the blanket stirred and a red, disheveled head came out from under it. Peppy opened her clear eyes and smiled broadly.

Ah, it’s you pinching my feet, and I dreamed that it was my dad, the Negro king, who was checking to see if I had any blisters on myself.

Pippi sat down on the edge of the bed and began to pull on her stockings - one, as we know, was brown, the other black.

But what calluses can be when you wear such beautiful shoes, ”she said and tucked her feet into her huge black shoes, which were exactly twice the size of her feet.

Peppy, what are we going to do today? Tommy asked. - Annika and I don't have school today.

Well, you need to think carefully before making such a responsible decision, - said Pippi. - We will not be able to dance around the Christmas tree, because we already did it exactly three months ago. We will not be able to skate on the ice either, because the ice has melted long ago. It would probably be fun to look for gold bars, but where to find them? Most often this is done in Alaska, but there are so many gold prospectors that we cannot push through. No, you have to come up with something else.

Yes, of course, but just something interesting, ”Annika said.

Pippi braided her hair in two tight pigtails - they stuck out funny in different directions - and thought.

I've decided, ”she said finally. - We will now go to the city, go around all the shops: we must do some shopping sometime.

But we have no money, ”said Tommy.

My chickens don’t peck at me, ”Pippi said and, in confirmation of her words, she went to the suitcase and opened it, and the suitcase, as you know, was chock full of gold coins.

Pippi took a handful of coins and poured them into her pocket.

I'm ready, I'll just find my hat now.

But the hat was nowhere to be found. First of all, Peppy rushed to the wood closet, but, to her extreme surprise, for some reason, the hat was not there. Then she looked into the sideboard, into the drawer where the bread was put, but there was only a garter and a broken alarm clock. In the end, she opened the hatbox, but found nothing there, except for a crumb of bread, a frying pan, a screwdriver, and a piece of cheese.

What a house! No order! Nothing can be found! Peppy grumbled. - But it is very fortunate that I found this piece of cheese, I have been looking for it for a long time.

Peppy looked around the room once more and shouted:

Hey you hat, don't you want to go to the store with me? If you don't show up now, it will be too late.

But the hat did not appear.

Well, since you're so stupid, blame yourself. But then, mind you, don't whine and not be offended that I left you at home, - said Pippi in a stern voice.

And soon three guys ran out on the highway that leads to the city - Tommy, Annika and Pippi with Mr. Nilson on his shoulder. The sun was shining with might and main, the sky was blue-blue, and the children galloped merrily. But suddenly they stopped: in the middle of the road there was a huge puddle.

What a great puddle! - Pippi admired and happily slapped on the water, which reached her knees. When she got to the middle, she began to jump, and cold spray like a shower poured over Tommy and Annika. - I'm playing steamer! - She shouted and swirled in a puddle, but immediately slipped and plunged into the water. “Or rather, not into a steamer, but into a submarine,” she corrected herself cheerfully as soon as her head appeared above the water.

Pippi, what are you doing, ”Annika exclaimed in horror,“ you’re all wet!

What's wrong with that? - Peppy was surprised. - Where is it said that children must be dry? I have often heard adults assert that there is nothing more useful than cold rubdowns. Moreover, children are forbidden to climb into puddles only in our country. For some reason, we are told to bypass the puddles! So figure out what is good and what is bad! And in America, all children sit in puddles, there is simply not a single free puddle: each is full of children. And so all year round! Of course, in winter they freeze, and then the children's heads stick out of the ice. And the mothers of American kids bring them fruit soup and meatballs there, because they can't come home for lunch. But believe me, there are no healthier children in the world - they are so hardened!

On this clear spring day, the town looked very attractive - the cobblestone pavements on the narrow crooked streets sparkled in the sun, and in the small front gardens that surrounded almost all the houses, crocus and snowdrop were already blooming. There were many shops and shops in the town, their doors opened and closed every now and then, and each time a bell jingled merrily. The trade was brisk: women crowded at the counters with baskets in their hands, they bought coffee, sugar, soap and oil. Children also ran here to buy themselves a gingerbread or a package chewing gum... But most of the guys did not have money, they crowded around the tempting display windows and only devoured with their eyes all the beautiful things that were exhibited there.

About noon, when the sun was shining especially brightly, Tommy, Annika and Pippi went out onto Bolshaya Street. Water was still flowing from Peppy, and wherever she stepped, there was a wet footprint.

Oh, how happy we are! Annika exclaimed. - Straight eyes run up, what showcases, and we have a whole pocket of gold coins.

Tommy was also very happy when he saw what wonderful things they can buy, and even jumped with pleasure.

I don't know if we have enough money for everything, - said Peppy, - because first of all I want to buy myself a piano.

Piano? - Tommy was amazed. - Peppy, why do you need a piano? You don't know how to play it!

I don’t know, I haven’t tried it yet, ”Peppy said. “I didn't have a piano, so I couldn't try. I assure you. Tommy, it takes a lot of practice to play the piano without the piano.

But the windows, where the pianos would have been exhibited, did not come across to the children, but they passed by the perfume shop. There, behind the glass, was a huge jar of cream - a remedy for freckles - and on the jar were large letters:

"Do you suffer from freckles?"

What is written there? Peppy asked.

She couldn't read such a long inscription because she didn't want to go to school.

It says, "Do you suffer from freckles?" Annika read aloud.

Well, a polite question must be answered politely, ”Peppy said thoughtfully. - Let's go here.

She flung open the door and entered the store, accompanied by Tommy and Annika. An elderly lady was standing behind the counter. Peppy went straight to her and said firmly:

What do you want? the lady asked.

Not! - Pippi repeated just as firmly.

I don’t understand what you are trying to say.

No, I do not suffer from freckles, - explained Peppy.

How Pippi settled in the Chicken Villa
On the outskirts of a small Swedish town, you will see a very neglected garden. And in the garden stands a dilapidated house, blackened from time to time. It is in this house that Pippi Longstocking lives. She is nine years old, but imagine, she lives there all alone. She has neither a dad nor a mom, and, frankly, it even has its advantages - no one drives her to sleep in the midst of a game, and no one forces her to drink fish oil when she wants to eat candy.

Before Pippi had a father, and she loved him very much. Mom, of course, she also once had, but Pippi no longer remembers her at all. Mom died a long time ago, when Peppy was still a tiny girl, she lay in a carriage and screamed so terribly that no one dared to approach her. Pippi is sure that her mother now lives in heaven and looks from there through a small hole at her daughter. Therefore, Pippi often waves her hand to her and says every time:

- Do not be afraid, mom, I will not be lost!

But Pippi remembers his father very well. He was a sea-going captain, his ship sailed the seas and oceans, and Pippi was never separated from her father. But then one day, during a strong storm, a huge wave washed him into the sea, and he disappeared. But Pippi was sure that one day her dad would return, she could not imagine that he drowned. She decided that her father had ended up on an island where many, many blacks lived, became a king there and walked around with a golden crown on his head day after day.

- My dad is a Negro king! Not every girl can boast of such an amazing dad, - Pippi often repeated with visible pleasure. - When dad builds a boat, he will come for me, and I will become a Negro princess. Gay hop! That will be great!

This old house, surrounded by a neglected garden, was bought by my father many years ago. He was going to settle here with Pippi when he was old and could no longer drive ships. But after Daddy disappeared into the sea, Peppy went straight to her villa "Chicken" to wait there for his return. Villa "Chicken" - that was the name of this old house. There was furniture in the rooms, utensils hung in the kitchen - it seemed that everything had been specially prepared so that Pippi could settle here. One quiet summer evening, Pippi said goodbye to the sailors on Dad's ship. They all loved Pippi so much, and Pippi loved them all so much that it was very sad to part.

- Goodbye guys! - said Peppy and kissed each one in turn on the forehead. - Do not be afraid, I will not be lost!

She took only two things with her: a little monkey named Mister Nilsson - she received it as a present from her father - and a large suitcase filled with gold coins. All the sailors lined up on the deck and gazed sadly after the girl until she was out of sight. But Peppy walked with a firm step and never looked back. On her shoulder sat Mister Nilsson, and in her hand she carried a suitcase.

- Left alone ... Strange girl ... But can you really hold her back! - said the sailor Friedolph, when Pippi disappeared around the bend, and brushed away a tear.

He was right, Peppy is indeed a strange girl. Most of all, her extraordinary physical strength is striking, and there is no policeman on earth who would cope with her. She could jokingly lift the horse if she wanted to - and you know, she often does this. After all, Pippi has a horse that she bought on the very day she settled in her villa. Peppy has always dreamed of a horse. The horse lives on her terrace. And when Peppy wants to have a cup of coffee there after dinner, she, without hesitation, takes the horse out into the garden.

Next to the Villa "Chicken" there is another house, also surrounded by a garden. Dad, mom and two lovely children live in this house - a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Tommy, and the girl's name is Annika. They are nice, well-bred and obedient children. Tommy never begs for anything from anyone and does all his mother's errands without wrangling. Annika is not capricious when she does not get what she wants, and always looks so smart in her neat starched chintz dresses. Tommy and Annika played together in their garden, but still they lacked children's society, and they dreamed of finding a playmate. While Peppy was still swimming with her father on the seas and oceans, Tommy and Annika sometimes climbed the fence separating the garden of the Villa "Chicken" from their garden, and each time they said:

- What a pity that no one lives in this house. It would be great if someone with children would live here.

Tommy and Annika were away on that clear summer evening when Pippi first stepped into her villa. Mom sent them to stay with their grandmother for a week. Therefore, they had no idea that someone had settled in a neighboring house. They returned from their grandmother in the evening, and in the morning they stood at their gate, looked out into the street, still not knowing anything, and discussed what to do. And just at that moment, when it seemed to them that they would not be able to come up with anything funny, and the day would pass tediously, just at that moment the gate of the neighboring house opened and a girl ran out into the street. She was the most amazing girl Tommy and Annika had ever seen.

Pippi Longstocking went for a morning walk. This is what she looked like: her carrot-colored hair was braided in two tight braids, sticking out in different directions; the nose looked like a tiny potato, and besides, it was also speckled with freckles; white teeth gleamed in a large, wide mouth. It was blue dress, but since she apparently did not have enough blue material, she sewed red patches into it here and there. On very thin and thin legs, she pulled on long stockings different colors: one is brown and the other is black. And the huge black shoes seemed about to fall off. Dad bought them for her in South Africa to grow, and Pippi never wanted to wear others.

When Tommy and Annika saw that a monkey was sitting on the shoulder of an unknown girl, they simply froze in amazement. The little monkey wore blue trousers, a yellow jacket, and a white straw hat.

Peppy walked down the street, one foot on the sidewalk, the other on the pavement. Tommy and Annika kept their eyes on her, but she disappeared around the bend. However, soon the girl returned, but now she was already walking backwards. And she walked like that only because she was too lazy to turn around when she decided to return home. When she reached Tommy and Annika's gate, she stopped. For a minute the children looked at each other in silence. Finally Tommy said:

- Why are you backing away like a cancer?

- Why am I creeping like a cancer? Peppy asked. - We seem to live in a free country, right? Can't everyone walk the way they like? And in general, if you want to know, in Egypt everyone walks like that, and this does not surprise anyone in the least.

- How do you know? Tommy asked. - After all, you have not been to Egypt.

- How?! I have not been to Egypt?! - Peppy was indignant. - So, cut yourself on the nose: I was in Egypt and in general traveled all over the world and saw enough of all kinds of miracles. I've seen things funnier than people who back away like crayfish. I wonder what you would say if I walked down the street in my arms, as they do in India?

Peppy thought for a moment.

“That's right, I'm lying,” she said sadly.

- Sheer lies! - confirmed Annika, finally deciding to insert a word too.

- Yeah, sheer lies, - agreed Peppy, becoming more and more sad. - But sometimes I start to forget what was and what was not. And how can you demand that a little girl, whose mother is an angel in heaven, and dad is a Negro king on an island in the ocean, always speak only the truth. And besides, - she added, and her whole freckled face shone, - in all the Belgian Congo there is not a person who would say even one truthful word. All day long they lie there. They lie from seven in the morning until sunset. So if I ever accidentally lie to you, you shouldn't be angry with me. I have lived in this very Belgian Congo for a very long time. But we can still make friends! Right?

- Still would! - Tommy exclaimed and suddenly realized that this day could not be called boring.

- Why don't you, for example, go now to have breakfast with me? Peppy asked.

"Really," Tommy said, "why don't we do it?" Went!

- That's great! Annika yelled. - Come on soon! Come on!

“But first I must introduce you to Mr. Nilson,” Pippi said.

At these words, the little monkey took off her hat and bowed politely.

Peppy pushed open the dilapidated gate, and the children walked down the gravel path straight to the house. The garden was filled with huge old mossy trees, which had been made to climb. All three went up to the terrace. There was a horse. With her head lowered into a soup bowl, she chewed on oats.

- Listen, why is your horse standing on the terrace? - Tommy was amazed. All the horses he ever saw lived in stables.

- You see, - began Pippi thoughtfully, - in the kitchen she would only get underfoot, but in the living room she would be uncomfortable - there is too much furniture.

Tommy and Annika looked at the horse and entered the house. In addition to the kitchen, the house had two more rooms - a bedroom and a living room. But, apparently, Pippi did not think about cleaning for a whole week. Tommy and Annika looked around apprehensively for a Negro king sitting in some corner. After all, they had never seen a Negro king in their lives. But the children did not find any signs of either dad or mom.

- Do you live here all alone? Annika asked with dismay.

- Of course not! We live three: Mr. Nilsson, the horse and me.

- And you have neither mom nor dad?

- Well, yes! Peppy exclaimed happily.

- And who tells you in the evenings: "It's time to go to bed?"

- I tell myself. At first I say to myself in a very gentle voice: "Peppy, go to bed." And if I do not obey, then I repeat it strictly. When this does not help, I feel great on my own. Clear?

Tommy and Annika couldn’t understand this, but then they thought that maybe it’s not so bad.

The children entered the kitchen and Peppy sang:

Hurry up the pan to the oven!

We will bake pancakes.

There is flour, and salt, and butter,

We'll be eating soon!

Peppy took three eggs from the basket and, tossing them over her head, broke one by one. The first egg spilled directly onto her head and covered her eyes. But on the other hand, she managed to deftly catch the other two in a saucepan.

“I’ve always been told eggs are very good for hair,” she said, rubbing her eyes. - You will now see how my hair quickly begins to grow. Hear, they are already creaking. In Brazil, no one goes out into the street without smearing a thick egg on their head. I remember there was one old man, so stupid, he ate all the eggs instead of pouring them on his head. And he became so bald that when he left the house, a real commotion arose in the city, and they had to call police cars with loudspeakers to put things in order ...

Peppy spoke and at the same time selected from the saucepan that got there eggshell... Then she took off the long-handled brush that was hanging from a nail and began to beat the dough with it so hard that it splattered all the walls. What remained in the saucepan, she poured into a frying pan that had been on the fire for a long time. The pancake immediately turned brown on one side, and she tossed it in the frying pan, so deftly that it turned over in the air and flopped back down on the unroasted side. When the pancake was baked, Pippi threw it across the kitchen directly onto the plate on the table.

- Eat! She shouted. - Eat quickly before it gets cold.

Tommy and Annika did not force themselves to beg and found that the pancake was delicious. When the meal was finished, Peppy invited her new friends into the living room. Apart from a chest of drawers with a huge number of small drawers, there was no other furniture in the living room. Peppy took turns opening the drawers and showing Tommy and Annika all the treasures she kept. There were rare bird eggs, outlandish shells and multi-colored sea ​​pebbles... There were also carved boxes, graceful mirrors in silver frames, beads and many other things that Pippi and his father bought during their travels around the world. Peppy immediately wanted to give her new friends something to remember. Tommy got a dagger with a mother-of-pearl handle, and Annika got a box with many, many snails carved on the lid. There was a ring in the box with green stone.

“Now take your presents and go home,” Peppy said suddenly. “After all, if you don’t leave here, then tomorrow you will not be able to come to me again. And that would be a shame.

Tommy and Annika were of the same opinion and went home. They passed the horse, which had already eaten all the oats, and ran out of the garden through the gate. In parting, Mr. Nilsson waved his hat to them.

Lindgren Astrid

Year of writing: 1955

Genre: story

Main characters: Peppy, Tommy, Annika


On a rainy evening, a girl came to the Chicken Villa, which stood next to the house where Tommy and Annika lived. She had no parents, she lived alone and was the most extraordinary girl in the world.

Not only did she have a whole suitcase of gold coins, and she possessed unprecedented strength, but she was kind, caring and very lonely.

The guys quickly became friends and did not cease to be surprised every day by the new inventions of their friend. She sometimes walked on her hands or her back, then she smeared her head with an egg, then she watered the flowers in the rain.

Tommy and Annika's parents were at first wary of their new girlfriend, but soon realized what a loyal and devoted friend she was, although at times she shocked adults with her behavior and manners.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Both adults and children love stories about an extraordinary girl who does not do everything according to the rules, but it is always fun and interesting with her.

Lindgren A., "Pippi Longstocking"

Genre: fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking" and their characteristics

  1. Pippi Longstocking. Girl 9 years old. Redhead, with freckles, pigtails, mischievous and restless. Very strong, kind, extravagant. He is not afraid of anyone or anything, does not go to school, cooks well, and loves adventure.
  2. Annika, Tommy's sister. A cheerful girl, very calm and obedient.
  3. Tommy, Annika's brother. A kind and helpful boy. Often he is afraid, but he knows how to overcome his fear.
  4. Efroim Longstocking. Captain and King, Peppy's father. Very fat, strong and cheerful.
The shortest content of the tale "Pippi Longstocking" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. When Peppy's dad was washed away by the wave, Peppy settled in the Chicken Villa and made friends with Tommy and Annika.
  2. Thanks to her strength, Pippi easily came out whole from different situations, helped the weak, and laughed at the thieves.
  3. Peppy becomes the heroine of the city, after she rescues the kids in the fire, saves the girl from the tiger, and punishes the local bully.
  4. When Pippi's father arrives, she is going to go with him to the island of Veselia, but remains, unable to part with her friends.
  5. Peppy goes to Veselia Island with Tommy and Annika, talks to a shark and punishes two robbers.
  6. Peppy returns to the Chicken Villa, celebrates Christmas, and decides never to become an adult.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
Childhood is the most the best time in a person's life, and therefore it should be rich in adventure.

What the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking" teaches
The fairy tale teaches you to live life to the fullest, have fun, play, seek adventure. It teaches you not to give up and not back down, teaches you not to be sad and understand humor. Teaches the benefits of knowledge and education.

Review of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
I really liked this wonderful story. Peppy is just a miracle, what a girl you will never get bored with and with whom you can not be afraid of anything. But I myself would not want to be like Peppy, because I think she was too lonely anyway.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
Free to play naughty, who is not beaten from youth.
Do not hang your head, do not the sadness of your comrades.
He who knows how to have fun fears grief.
I would be glad to cry, but laughter prevailed.
Childhood is a golden time.

Peppy settles in the "Chicken" villa

Chapter 1 How Pippi Lived at the Chicken Villa

Peppy's mother died a long time ago and the girl did not remember her, but she thought she was an angel. And her father was a long-distance sailing captain, who was washed away by a wave during a storm. After that, Pippi took her monkey, a chest of gold and settled in the "Chicken" villa. She immediately bought a horse and often carried it out into the garden, because Pippi is very strong.
And Tommy and Annika lived opposite the villa, very obedient children. And they were very surprised when they saw how Pippi first left her house and walked normally, and came back backwards. Peppy explained to the guys that she walks the way she likes, because she lives in a free country. Then she introduced the children to the monkey Nilsson and invited them to her breakfast.
The children were very surprised that Pippi lived alone, and there was a big mess in the house. But they even liked it.

Chapter 2 How Pippi Gets Into A Fight

The next morning, Tommy and Annika went straight to Peppy's, who was making cakes. Then Peppy decided to put things in order on the streets, and collect things that people have lost or thrown away.
The children went outside and Peppy found a tin can, and then an empty spool. But then a girl ran out into the street, followed by five boys. Peppy stood up for the girl and instantly scattered the boys, some in a flower bed, and some directly on a tree.
Then the children returned to the villa, and Peppy went to bed with her feet on the pillow.

Chapter 3 How Pippi Plays Tag with the Police

When the city found out that Peppy lives all alone, they decided to send her to Orphanage... And two police officers came to the villa, who began to convince Pippi that she needed to study.
But Peppy decided to play tag with the police, climbed onto the balcony, then onto the roof.
The police cautiously followed, but Pippi jumped up a tree, went down and carried away the stairs.
Then, of course, she returned the stairs to the place when the police politely asked her about it. But the police turned out to be cunning types and grabbed Pippi.
However, Pippi took them by the belts and put them on the street.
The city decided to leave Peppy alone.

Chapter 4 How Peppy Goes to School

Tommy and Annika told Pippi about the Christmas holidays and Pippi also wanted to go to school. She came to school on a horse and behaved very loosely in class. Pippi did not answer the teacher's questions, drew on the floor, told funny stories.
And then she announced that she was bored at school and she would not come there again. And at parting she presented the teacher with a golden bell.

Chapter 5 How Pippi Crawls into the Hollow

The day began with Pippi telling a story about a Chinese man with big ears who had a son, Peter, and then told the girl, who was looking for her hairy dad, that no bald man passed here today.
Then Peppy invited her friends to climb the oak tree, where it was a very convenient place. The children settled in it like in a hut, and Pippi brought a coffee pot and rolls.
And then Pippi found a hollow in a tree and climbed into it. She liked the hollow so much that she lowered the stepladder into it and told Tommy and Annik to climb into the hollow too.
The children decided that they would have a cache in the hollow.

Upon learning that a cleaning day was announced at the school, Pippi also washed the floor in the villa, and then all the children went on an excursion.
They went out into a meadow, behind which there was an excellent lawn. Peppy pushed aside the cow that was blocking the passage and tore off the fly agaric. After taking a bite, she threw away the mushroom, and the children climbed the hill.
There Pippi laid out her picnic supplies and the children had a great snack.
Then Peppy tried to fly, but fell off the hill and hurt her knees. Meanwhile, Nilsson ran away. The children went looking for him and Tommy ran into a bull.
The bull threw Tommy into the air, but then Peppy came to the rescue of a friend. First, she beat off the bull's horns, then saddled him and made him gallop across the clearing until he fell. Only when the bull collapsed exhausted did Pippi leave him alone.
And Nilsson went down from the tree and the children went back.

Chapter 7 How Peppy Goes to the Circus

Tommy and Annika called Pippi to the circus, and the girl agreed to watch the show. She bought friends the best and most expensive seats near the arena. When a horse with an acrobat on its back jumped into the arena, Pippi jumped on the horse and had a good time. Then she walked along the tightrope and jumped from it onto the back of the director of the circus.
He was in a panic, but no one was able to get Pippi out.
Then the most the strong man planet strongman Adolf. But Pippi easily put it on her shoulder blades, then a second time, and in the end she just carried it on one hand.
The audience was delighted, and Pippi fell asleep and slept through the rest of the performance.

Chapter 8 How Thieves Get to Pippi

Once the thieves saw Peppy counting gold coins and decided to rob her. At night they climbed into the house, but Peppy did not sleep. She decided to play with the thieves and first threw them on the closet, then scattered them in the corners of the room.
Finally she got the thieves to twist with her until they drop.
And then she fed the thieves and gave each of them a coin, saying that they honestly earned them.

Chapter 9 How Peppy Is Invited for a Cup of Coffee

Annika and Tommy's mom invited Peppy for a cup of coffee and the girl was very worried that she would behave badly. However, everything went great. Peppy ate all the sweets, sprinkled sugar on the floor, ate a huge cake alone, and when her friends 'mother put the children on the sidelines, she was happy to interfere in the adults' conversations about the servant, talking about her grandmother's servant.
Annika and Tommy's mom decided not to invite Peppy to visit anymore, telling the girl that she was very bad.

Chapter 10 How Peppy Saves Two Babies

Once, when Pippi was out for a walk, a fire broke out in the city. A skyscraper caught fire, in the attic of which two kids were crying. People were afraid that they might die, but they could not help them in any way.
But Peppy sent Nilson up a tree with a rope, and then took a long board and also climbed to the top of the tree. She threw the board onto the attic balcony and easily pulled the kids out.
Then she danced on the blackboard, shouting that the fire was just great. And the people below praised Pippi's heroic deed.

Chapter 11 How Pippi Celebrates Her Birthday

Once Tommy and Annika received an illiterately written invitation to a feast on the occasion of Peppy's birthday, and were very happy. They bought a gift, dressed up and went to Peppy's.
Everything was ready there. The table was bursting with delicious food, the stove was hot, and there was a new carpet on the floor.
The children gave Pippi a music box, and she gave them small gifts in return. Then everyone ate Chinese cookies and played. At the end, Peppy suggested going to the attic to catch the ghost.
There were no ghosts in the attic, but the children found a sailor's chest with a saber, gold and pistols. Peppy immediately fired her pistols and was delighted.
And when dad took Tommy and Annika, Pippi shouted after them that she would definitely become a sea robber when she grew up.

Peppy is getting ready to go.

Chapter 1: How Peppy Goes Shopping

One spring, Annika and Tommy came to Pippi, they did not know what to do, because there were no lessons at school. Peppy offered to go shopping and took a handful of gold coins from the suitcase.
Peppy decided to buy herself a piano, but the first thing she did was walk into a store that sold freckle cream and asked for a cream that increases freckles. In the next store, Pippi broke off her hand from the mannequin and immediately bought the whole mannequin, but took only the severed hand.
Then Pippi went into a candy store and bought a hundred kilograms of candy, which she immediately began to distribute to children on the street. Then Pippi bought all the children around toys in the same way, and then looked into the pharmacy and took various medicines.
Then Peppy loaded all the purchases in the wheelbarrow and went home.

Chapter 2 How Peppy Writes a Letter and Goes to School

Tommy and Annika said that they wrote a letter to their grandmother, and Pippi decided to write a letter to herself. She wrote for a long time, then sealed the envelope and gave it to the postman, who immediately threw the letter into her mailbox. Peppy took out the letter and read it happily.
There were many mistakes in the letter and Tommy and Annika advised Pippi to go to school again. Saying that then she could go on an excursion with them.
The next day, Pippi came to school, but refused to enter the classroom. She talked about how fun lessons are held in Australia and children jump out of the window.
And the teacher allowed Peppy to go with the class on an excursion.

The guys went on an excursion to the Wonderful Forest on foot, and only Pippi was on her horse. In the Miraculous Forest, the children began to play the Monster, and of course Peppy was the monster. She hid in a cave and hunted children. Everyone had a lot of fun.
Then a girl named Ulla took the guys to her home for a compote. On the way, they met a loaded horse, the carter of which was ruthlessly whipping the animal.
The teacher was indignant and demanded to stop torturing the animal, but the driver threatened the teacher with a whip. Then Peppy came up to him and began to throw him into the air. Then she made the driver carry the sack of flour himself, and took the horse to the stable.
The teacher praised Peppy.
But at lunch, Peppy again behaved terribly, grabbed everything without asking and ate more than anyone else put together.
The teacher tried to explain to Pippi how a well-mannered lady should behave, but Pippi's stomach rumbled so much that she again wanted to become a sea robber.

Chapter 4 How Peppy Goes to the Fair

A fair came to the city and Peppy decided to inspect it. The children walked along the stalls, then entered the shooting range. The sleek gentleman hit the target only from the fifth time, and Pippi easily hit the target with five bullets in a row.
Then the children circled on the merry-go-round for more than an hour, and then they went to the booth to watch the theatrical performance. Pippi took to heart the story of the unfortunate Countess Aurora, and when the Countess was about to be killed by some guy, she jumped onto the stage and threw the guy into the box.
After that, the children went to the menagerie. Peppy was interested in the boas and she put one around her neck. He got angry and tried to strangle Peppy, but of course he failed.
Suddenly there was a cry - the tigers escaped from the cage.
However, Pippi was not late here either. She grabbed the tiger by the scruff of the neck and, like a kitten, carried him back to the cage.
At this time, the local hooligan Loban joined an old man who was selling sausages and began to juggle with sausages. No one dared to say a word against, and only Pippi boldly stepped forward and began to juggle Loban.
After that, she made the bully pay for the sausage and sent him home. And people were shouting that they didn't need the police since they had Peppy.

Chapter 5 How Pippi Is Shipwrecked

Peppy often told Tommy and Annika about the sea, about storms and shipwreck, and the children decided to play shipwreck on an island on a local lake.
When the schoolchildren were dismissed for the holidays, Tommy and Annika's parents left, and the children went on a boat to an uninhabited island.
They began to look for cannibals, but those were not on the island. Then they pitched a tent and lit a fire. After eating and playing, the children went to bed, and first thing in the morning they had a good breakfast.
Then Pippi tried to catch a cuttlefish, and when that did not work, the children began to swim. Since the water was cold, they tied a rope to a tree that grew above the water, and slid along it into the water.
The next morning, Tommy discovered that the boat was missing. The children were scared, but Peppy did not lose heart. She made Tommy write a letter and threw the bottle with the note into the water.
Then she remembered that she herself hid the boat in the bushes and the children went home.

Chapter 6 How Peppy Receives a Dear Guest

One evening a fat sailor approached Peppy's house. It turned out to be Papa Efroim. He hugged Peppy and they immediately began to measure their strength. No one could get the upper hand, but Peppy promised that she would soon become stronger than her father.
Efroim said that he was blown off the ship by the wind, he got to the island of Veselia and became its king. And now he returned for Peppy, because he promised his black subjects to bring a real princess.
Peppy arranged a festive dinner, then there were dancing until you drop.
And in the evening, going to bed, Annika cried.

Chapter 7 How Pippi Has a Farewell Feast

The next day, Pippi announced to her sad friends that she was going with her father to his island, and decided to have a farewell feast.
Children from all over the city were invited to the feast. Captain Efroim was beating the drum, the children were playing the pipes, and everyone was having fun.
After dinner, everyone played funny Games, and Efroim and Pippi demonstrated their strength, breaking crowbars and carrying many people. The day ended with a solemn fireworks display.
Peppy invited Tommy and Annika to come to her villa to play when she sailed away, but the children were too upset to agree.

Chapter 8: How Pippi sets out on a voyage

Pippi closed her house and went to the Jumper, her father's ship. Tommy and Annika saw her off, silent and sad.
When Pippi climbed the ladder, Annika broke down and burst into tears. Peppy tried as best she could to cheer up her friends, but her own eyes sparkled treacherously.
When there were ten minutes left before sailing, Pippi suddenly told her father that she could not leave her friends, who were so bad because she was leaving.
Efroim sadly supported her daughter's decision, and Pippi got off the ship and rode on horseback towards the "Chicken" villa.

Peppy in the Land of Fun.

Chapter 1 How Peppy's Villa Is Purchased Chicken

Once an important gentleman came to the city, and when he saw the sign to the "Chicken" villa, he decided that the villa was for sale. He drove up to the villa and saw a neglected garden and an old house that was easier to demolish.
The gentleman began to figure out where to start the repair and decided to cut down the old oak first. The gentleman began to ask the owner and Pippi invited him to wait. The gentleman behaved insolently and defiantly, and Pippi began to tease him. The lord was furious, and Peppy climbed the oak. Then the gentleman grabbed Annika to beat her.
But Peppy immediately went down and began to play the master with the ball, throwing it into the sky.
The gentleman left in a panic, and then learned from the policeman that Pippi is the owner of the "Chicken" villa and she is the strongest girl in the world.
Then the gentleman started his car and left this town forever.

Chapter 2 How Pippi Cheers Up Aunt Laura

Aunt Laura came to visit the mother of Tommy and Annika, and Peppy decided to cheer her up. She told about her grandmother, who was very nervous, but began to take fox poison and after that she sat quiet and calm for months.
Then Pippi told how a cow flew into the train compartment. Then Peppy talked about two two-meter twins. Aunt Laura got up and decided to leave.

Chapter 3 How Peppy Seeks Cucaramba

On that day, Pippi announced to her friends that she had found a new word - kukaryamba, but she herself did not know what it meant. Peppy really wanted to know what this word means, and the children went to the store. There was no kukaryamba in the grocery store, nor was it in the hardware store.
Pippi decided that kukaryamba was some kind of illness and went to the doctor. But the doctor said that there was no such disease.
Then Pippi climbed to the third floor of a house and looked for cucaryamba there. But there was no enigmatic word there either.
On the way back, Tommy almost crushed a bug with his foot and Pippi realized that this bug was the sought-after kukaryamba. Kukaryamba turned out to be very beautiful and Pippi fell in love with her very much.

Chapter 4 How Pippi Invents the new kind sports

Summer holidays ended and Tommy and Annika invited Pippi to pick them up at school, because on that day Miss Rosenblum was giving gifts to obedient children.
Freken Rosenblum, a dry old woman, lined up the children in order to conduct a survey and identify those who are worthy of gifts. And at that moment Peppy galloped up. Freken Rosenblum began to ask Pippi questions, and she answered with her usual humor and imagination. The old woman got angry and said that Pippi was the most ignorant and disgusting girl in the world.
Then Pippi decided to play questions with those who were eliminated by Miss Rosenblum. She asked the kids funny questions and then handed out coins and candy. And the children who did not receive gifts from Miss Rosenblum were more happy than those who received them.

Chapter 5 How Peppy Receives the Letter

In the winter, Tommy and Annika got sick with measles, but Pippi came to visit her friends every day and entertained them in every possible way. Finally, the children recovered and Pippi began to feed them porridge, telling instructive stories on this topic from her life.
At this time, the postman brought a letter to Peppy.
Tommy read the letter aloud, and it said that King Ephroim immediately demanded his daughter Penelotta to him, and had already sent a ship for her.
There was a dead silence.

Chapter 6 How Pippi sets out on a voyage

The next day, the "Bouncer" entered the port and King Efroim was greeted with great honors by the inhabitants of the city. Pippi was terribly glad that she would soon set sail, while Tommy and Annika opposite were dull and gloomy.
Peppy decided to take her friends with her, and her friends were amazed at the offer and were afraid that their mother would not let them go. But Peppy said that she had already agreed on everything with their mother.
In early spring, Peppy, and with her Annika and Tommy, climbed onto the deck of the Jumping Girl. All the children of the city were terribly jealous of them, and Mom and Dad Tommy and Annika secretly wiped their eyes. But the doctor advised their children to change the climate after the illness, and the parents decided that this trip would be of benefit to them.
"Jumping Girl" sailed away, and Annika confessed to Pippi that when she grows up, she will also become a pirate.

Chapter 7 How Pippi Goes Ashore

For many days the ship sailed on the sea. The children got tanned and got stronger. But now the shores of Veselia, a small cozy island, appeared.
All the inhabitants of the island poured ashore to meet their king Ephroim, and he put Pippi on his shoulders and the islanders shouted loudly. And then Pippi put Efroim on her shoulders and the screams intensified.
Efroim showed the monument, which was erected on the spot where the waves had thrown it. Then he took his place on the throne, for Pippi there was a smaller throne nearby.
The islanders fell down in front of Pippi, and she was angry, she needed the throne only for the game.

Chapter 8 How Peppy Talks to a Shark

The next day, all the children went for a swim, and the local negroes asked Pippi how white children lived in their country. Pippi explained that all white children love to learn and that their worst punishment is vacation.
King Efroim announced to his daughter that he was going with the men to another island to hunt wild boars. And Peppy and her children went to the coral caves to look for pearls.
Tommy suddenly fell into the water and a shark rushed towards him. She managed to sink her teeth into the boy's leg when Peppy arrived.
Peppy raised the shark above the water, shamed it and threw it back into the sea. The shark hastened to swim away.
And Peppy, having gone ashore, burst into tears, she was sorry for the shark, who was left without breakfast.

Chapter 9 Peppy's Explaining to Jim and Buck

The children found a wonderful cave in which coconuts were stacked and they could live for several weeks. They looked out to sea and spat when a ship appeared in the distance.
On it were two bandits, Jim and Buk, who learned that there were a lot of pearls on Veselia Island, and wanted to get their hands on it.
They landed just outside the cave where Peppy was hiding. And Peppy, of course, got into a conversation with them. She told the bandits about sharks and her grandfather, who has a wooden leg and a long nose.
But the bandits did not believe Peppy and began to swim. Sharks appeared. The bandits hastily made their way to the shore and decided to go in for pearls. Having learned that the children keep a lot of pearls in the cave, they began to ask to sell it, and then they climbed into the cave.
But the entrance to the cave was high, and the bandits constantly fell off and fell into the water. Sharks hurried to them, which Pippi fired with coconuts.
So the day passed, the bandits got tired and wet, and the children ate coconuts and went to bed.

Chapter 10 How Pippi Taught the Bandits a Lesson

In the morning the monkey Nilsson and the horse went in search of Pippi. The bandits caught the horse and threatened to kill it. Then Pippi jumped down and began to throw the bandits into the sky. At the same time, she said that the bandits were behaving badly.
Then she carried them into the boat and pushed the boat away from the shore. The bandits hastened to sail away from the terrible island.
And when Peppy's father returned, the girl told him that nothing interesting had happened.

Chapter 11 How Pippi Leaves the Land of Merry

The days passed. Children played in caves, played in a bamboo house, played bandits and went to the jungle. The rainy season was approaching. And one day Pippi asked Tommy and Annika if they would at least return home.
Peppy said goodbye to the islanders and "Jumping" took the children back. Only at the beginning of January did the children find themselves in their hometown.
The lights were on in Annika and Tommy's house, and their parents were waiting for them. The Chicken Villa was covered in snow. Tommy and Annika called Pippi to their place, but the girl stubbornly went to her villa, saying that a lot of work had accumulated there.

Chapter 12 How Pippi Doesn't Want to Be an Adult.

Tommy and Annika were very happy to meet their parents, but they were very sad that they had missed Christmas.
The next morning they went to visit Peppy and froze in surprise. The house was brightly lit, a candle was burning on the terrace, and Pippi herself wished her friends a Merry Christmas. She said that her villa was a little behind in time, and the children exchanged gifts that Pippi had prepared.
Children began to talk about how they did not want to become adults, because adults cannot play. And Peppy took out three magic pills that could leave the children as children forever.
The children took the pea pills and Tommy and Annika went home. They thought it was so cool that they would never grow up and would always play with Peppy.
And Peppy looked at the Christmas tree for a long time, and then blew out the candle.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"

How Peppy celebrates his birthday
One day Tommy and Annika received a letter, they took it out of the mailbox on the door of their house.

The envelope read:


And when they opened the envelope, they found a piece of cardboard in it, on which were carefully drawn uneven letters:


Tmi and Anka should come to Peppy's for a birthday feast tomorrow after lunch

Any addezhda

Tommy and Annika were so happy that they started jumping and spinning around the room. They perfectly understood what was written there, although the letter looked a little strange. It was very difficult for Peppy to write this invitation. She, for example, did not know exactly how to spell the letter "I". But one way or another, she was still able to write what she wanted. In those years, when she was still sailing the seas, one of the sailors tried to teach Pippi to write in the evenings, but she was never a particularly diligent student of Pippi.

“No, Fridolph (that was the name of that sailor), I'd better climb up on the mast and see what the weather will be like tomorrow,” she usually said, “or I'll go play with the ship's cat.

She sat all night writing an invitation letter. And when it began to dawn and the last stars had gone out, Pippi dropped the envelope into the drawer on the door.

As soon as Tommy and Annika returned from school, they began to prepare for the holiday. Annika asked her mother to comb her hair better. Mom curled her locks and tied a huge pink silk bow. Tommy carefully parted his hair and even moistened it with water so that it would not curl - unlike his sister, he hated all kinds of curls. Annika wanted to put on her most elegant dress, but her mother did not allow her, saying that they always come back from Pippi, how dirty they are. So Annika had to be content with her almost most elegant dress. As for Tommy, he was not at all interested in what to wear, as long as the shirt was clean.

Of course, they bought Peppy a gift, gutting their piggy bank for this. Returning from school, they went to a toy store and bought ... However, it is still a mystery. While the present lay, wrapped in green paper and tied with a cord. When the children were ready, Tommy took the gift and they went to visit. And mom from the doorway shouted after them to take care of their costumes. Annika also wanted to carry a little gift. So they walked, passing the green bundle from hand to hand, until they both decided to carry it.

It was November and it was getting dark early. Before opening the gate of Peppin's Garden, Tommy and Annika joined hands, because it was already dark in the garden, and the old black trees rustled menacingly with the last leaves that had not yet fallen.

“Careful,” Tommy said at every step.

But it was all the more pleasant to see the bright light in the windows ahead and to know that you were going to a feast on the occasion of your birthday.

Usually Tommy and Annika entered the house through the back door, but today they decided to enter from the front door. There was no horse on the terrace. Tommy knocked. A dull voice answered:

"Has this ghost come to my feast?"

- No, Peppy, it's us, - Tommy shouted, - open it!

And Peppy opened the door.

- Oh Peppy, why are you talking about ghosts? I was so scared, - Annika said and out of fear even forgot to congratulate Pippi.

Peppy burst out laughing and flung open the doors. Oh, how nice it was to get into the bright and warm kitchen! The feast was supposed to take place here. Indeed, in Peppin's house there were only two rooms: a living room, but there was only one chest of drawers, and a bedroom. And the kitchen was large and spacious, and Pippi cleaned it up so well and arranged everything in such a funny way. There was a carpet on the floor, and on the table was a new tablecloth, which Pippi had embroidered herself. True, the flowers that she depicted looked very strange, but Pippi insisted that these are the ones that grow in Indonesia. The curtains were drawn and the stove was red-hot. Mister Nilsson sat on a cabinet and beat with pot lids. And in the farthest corner was a horse.

Then, finally, Tommy and Annika remembered that they needed to congratulate Pippi. Tommy shuffled his foot, and Annika curtsied. They handed Peppy a green package and said:

- Happy Birthday to You!

Peppy grabbed the bag and frantically unfolded it. There was a large music box. With joy and happiness, Pippi hugged Tommy, then Annika, then the music box, then the green wrapping paper... Then she began to turn the handle - with a tinkling and whistling melody flowed: "Ah, my dear Augustine, Augustine, Augustine ..."

And Peppy, in rapture, twisted and twisted the handle of the musical box and seemed to have forgotten about everything in the world ...

Suddenly she remembered:

- Yes, Dear friends, now you should receive your gifts too.

“It's not our birthday today,” said the children.

Peppy looked at them in surprise and said:

- But it's my birthday today. Can't I please myself to make you presents? Maybe your textbooks say that this is prohibited? Maybe, according to this very table of respect, it turns out that you can't do this? ..

- No, of course you can, although this is not accepted ... But as for me, I will be very happy to receive a gift.

- And me too! Annika exclaimed. Then Pippi brought two parcels from the drawing-room, which she had prepared in advance and put on the dresser before time. Tommy unrolled his bundle - there was an ivory pipe. And Annika received a beautiful butterfly-shaped brooch with red, blue and green glittering stones on its wings.

Now that everyone has received their birthday presents, it is time to feast. The table was lined with dishes of buns and biscuits of the most bizarre shapes. Pippi assured that this is exactly the kind of cookie that is baked in China. She brought chocolate with whipped cream, and everyone was about to sit down at the table, but Tommy said:

- When we have a dinner party at home, men lead the ladies to the table. Let it be so with us.

- No sooner said than done! Peppy exclaimed.

- But we will not succeed, because I am here the only man Tommy said sadly.

- Nonsense! Peppy interrupted him. - And what, Mister Nilsson is a young lady, or what?

- Oh, really! And I forgot about Mr. Nilson, - Tommy was delighted and, sitting down on a stool, wrote on a piece of paper:

"Mr. Settergren has the pleasure of inviting Miss Longstocking to the table."

“Mister Settergren is me! - Tommy explained importantly. And he gave Pippi his invitation.

Then he took another quarter of the paper and wrote:

"Mr. Nilsson has the pleasure of inviting Freken Settergren to the table."

- Fine, - said Peppy, - but the horse also needs to write an invitation, although she will not sit at the table.

And Tommy dictated to Peppin the invitation for the horse.

"The horse has the pleasure of standing quietly in the corner and chewing on biscuits and sugar."

Peppy slipped the piece of paper under the horse's face and said:

- On, read it and tell me what you think about it.

Since the horse had no objection, Tommy offered Pippi his hand and led her to the table. But Mr. Nilsson clearly did not have the slightest desire to offer his hand to Annika. Therefore, Annika herself took him in her hand and carried him to the table. The monkey sat down directly on the table. She didn't want the chocolate with whipped cream, but when Pippi poured water into the mug, Mr. Nilsson grabbed it with both hands and began to drink.

Annika, Tommy and Peppy drank and ate as much as they wanted, and Annika said that when she grows up, she will definitely go to China, since such delicious cookies are baked there. When Mr. Nilsson had drunk all the water, he put a mug on his head. Peppy immediately followed his example, but since she did not have time to drink her chocolate from the bottom, a brown trickle flowed down her forehead and nose. But Pippi stuck out her tongue in time and caught the droplets.

“As you can see, everything can be fixed,” she said.

Taught by her example, Tommy and Annika carefully licked their cups before putting them on their heads.

When all the guests, including the horse, were drunk and full, Pippi, with a quick dexterous movement, grabbed the tablecloth by the four ends and lifted it. Dishes and saucers, cups and spoons were like in a sack. She put all this right in the closet.

“I don’t want to clean anything today,” she explained.

And now it's time to have fun. Peppy suggested a game called "Don't step on the floor." It is very simple to play it: you need to run around the kitchen, never touching the floor with your foot. Whoever runs around first won. Peppy coped with this task in an instant, but it turned out to be much more difficult for Tommy and Annika. You had to spread your legs very wide, move stools and build real bridges to get from the stove to the cabinet, from the cabinet to the water sink and from there to the table, and then, stepping on two chairs, jump to the corner shelf. There was a distance of several meters between this shelf and the bench, but there, fortunately, there was a horse, and if you were able to climb on it and crawl from tail to head, you could, having gotten a handle, jump onto the bench.

So they played until almost Annika's most elegant dress turned into far, far, far from the most elegant, and Tommy turned black as a chimney sweep. The children decided it was time to change the game.

“Let's go up to the attic and call the ghost,” Peppy suggested.

Annika's breath caught in fear:

- Ra-ra-once-there is it?

“You bet,” said Peppy. - And not one. It's just teeming with different spirits and ghosts. You stumble upon them at every step. Let's go there?

- O! - Annika exclaimed and looked reproachfully at Pippi.

“Mom said ghosts and ghosts don’t exist at all,” Tommy said with feigned cheerfulness.

“Possibly,” Peppy replied. - Perhaps they are not anywhere, because they all live in my attic ... and asking them to get out of here is useless ... But they are not dangerous, they only pinch so terribly that bruises remain. And they also fight and play bowling with their heads.

- And-and-g-ra-a-ayut in k-e-e-gle with their-mi holo-o-va-a-mi? Annika whispered.

- Well, yes, - confirmed Peppy. - Well, let's go quickly, let's get up, we'll talk to them ... I play skittles well.

Tommy didn't want to show that he was a coward, and how great it would be to see at least one ghost with his own eyes, and then tell the guys about it at school. He reassured himself that in the presence of Pippi the ghosts would not dare to attack, and agreed to go to the attic. Poor Annika at first did not want to hear about going upstairs. But then it occurred to her that if she stayed in the kitchen, then some seedy ghost might sneak up to her. And she made up her mind. Better to be with Pippi and Tommy, surrounded by a thousand ghosts, than face to face with one, even the most overwhelming.

Peppy walked in front, she opened the door leading to the attic staircase. It was dark there, even if you gouge out an eye. Tommy frantically grabbed Pippi, and Annika even more convulsively grabbed Tommy. Every step creaked and groaned under their feet, and Tommy was already wondering whether to turn back. As for Annika, she was sure of it.

But then the stairs ended, and they found themselves in the attic.

It was no longer so dark here, the moonlight, penetrating through the dormer window, lay in a strip on the floor. With every breath of wind, something sighed and hooted in every corner.

- Hey, ghosts, where are you! - shouted Peppy. Whether they were there or not is unknown, but, in any case, none of them responded.

“Apparently they’re not at home now,” Peppy explained. “Probably went to a meeting at the Union of Spirits and Ghosts.

A sigh of relief escaped Annika. "Oh, if only this meeting lasted longer!" She thought.

But just at that moment some suspicious noise was heard in one of the corners of the attic:

- Klu-y-i-id!

And Tommy saw something fly at him, as something touched his forehead and disappeared into the dormer.

- Ghost, ghost! He shouted in horror.

“Poor thing, it's late for the meeting. True, if it's a ghost, not an owl, - said Peppy. “And in general, guys, you should know: there are no ghosts,” she added after a pause, “and I will click on the nose of the one who will say that they are.

- Why, you said it yourself! Annika exclaimed.

“She did,” Peppy agreed. - So, you have to snap yourself in the nose.

And she gave herself a hefty snap in the nose. After that, Tommy and Annika felt a little better at heart. They were so bold that they decided to look out into the garden. Large black clouds quickly ran across the sky, as if to prevent the moon from shining. And the trees creaked in the wind. Tommy and Annika moved away from the window and… oh horror! They saw a white figure moving on them.

Annika was so scared that she simply lost her voice. And the white figure came closer and closer. The children hugged and closed their eyes, but then the ghost spoke:

“Look what I found here in an old sailor’s chest: Dad’s nightgown. If I sew it on all sides, I can wear it, - and Pippi approached them in a shirt dragging along the ground.

“Oh, Peppy, I could have died of fright,” Annika said with a tremor in her voice.

- It's nothing, nightgowns are not dangerous! Peppy reassured her. “They only bite when attacked.

And Peppy decided to rummage through the trunk properly. She pushed him close to the window and threw open the shutter. Pale moonlight flooded the chest, which contained a whole bunch of old clothes... Peppy laid it out on the floor. She also found there spyglass, two pages of a book, three pistols, a sword and a bag of gold coins.

- Ti-de-li-pom! Pi-de-li-dey! Peppy exclaimed happily.

- How interesting! Tommy whispered.

Pippi wrapped all her treasures in her father's nightgown, and the children went down to the kitchen again. Annika was impatient to leave the attic.

“Never let children play with firearms,” Pippi said and took a pistol in each hand. “Otherwise, misfortune can happen,” she added, and pulled the triggers.

Two shots rang out.

- Great beat! She exclaimed and looked up.

There were two holes in the ceiling.

“Who knows,” she said thoughtfully. “Perhaps these bullets pierced the ceiling and hit the heels of some spirit. Perhaps this will teach him a lesson and make him sit still another time and not frighten innocent little children. Since spirits do not exist, why do they scare the people? .. Do you want me to give you a pistol?

Tommy was delighted with the offer, and Annika didn't mind having a pistol, unless it was loaded.

“Now we can, if we want, organize a band of robbers,” Peppy said and raised her telescope to her eyes. - Whoa! She screamed. - This is a pipe! I can spot a flea in South America! If we have a gang, the pipe will be useful to us.

Then there was a knock at the door. This is Tommy and Annika's dad.

“It's high time to go to bed,” he said.

Tommy and Annika thanked Pippi, said goodbye to her and left, taking their treasures - a pipe, a brooch and pistols.

Pippi escorted her guests to the terrace and looked after them until they disappeared into the darkness of the garden. Tommy and Annika kept looking around, waving at her. Peppy stood in the moonlight, a red-haired girl with tight pigtails sticking out in different directions, in her father's huge nightgown dragging along the floor. She held a pistol in one hand and a telescope in the other.

When Tommy, Annika and their dad reached the gate, they heard Peppy shouting something after them. They stopped and listened. The wind hummed in the branches of the trees, but they made out the words:

- When I grow up big, I will be a sea robber ... And you?

Lindgren Astrid