
The daughter accused her father of sexual harassment. Shards. Father and daughter My real father Didier Koveler


Little Cassie always knew that her mother did not love her. "I didn't want to have you. You ruined my whole life. You, you ruined everything, ”these words of the mother haunted the girl from the very beginning. early age. Day after day, the mother never tired of repeating to her daughter that she was superfluous in this family, that no one needed her. An unwanted child, an unloved daughter, causing only disgust ... Cassie had no one to complain to, no one to rely on. Only the godfather seemed to the girl very kind and caring. She called him Uncle Bill, even though he was not her uncle. An adult friend is always...

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I take the liberty of placing in one file several stories of Hasek about his stay as the commandant of the city of Bugulma, in Udmurtia in the Urals. And then separately, the stories from this cycle, such as "The Procession", found here, without the previous ones, are practically meaningless ... let them be, of course, but not understandable. The request of the moderators to condescend - maybe some rules have been violated, but I don’t see another way to put a complete cycle about Bugulma here ... Borrowed from the “Collected Works” by J. Hasek (I don’t remember the year, I don’t remember 5 - or 6 - lantern,…

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I have always loved History, but I was annoyed by the fact that in our country it fluctuated in accordance with the necessity of a given historical moment. THEN it fluctuated along with the lines of the party, NOW - in accordance with the instructions of the President. Because of this instability, I felt sorry for myself and historians (how can you study something that, instead of lying quietly, crawls under your microscope?), but then I realized that our History is a living History. If something has happened to THEM, then it has already happened, but what has already happened to US may well be rethought.…

My real father Didier Koveler

Seven-year-old Didier was already preparing to bury his sick father, but a miracle happened, and his father did not die. I must say, miracles haunted him all his life: in childhood he miraculously fed his family, in his youth he miraculously did not become a murderer, miraculously did not die in the war, and after it miraculously escaped execution. He lived to be ninety years old, and even after death he did not stop working miracles. Having buried his father for real, the son decided to write a book, remember everything, tell everything and confess everything. This is a book about a miracle, about deceit, about love. This is a book about his father. Didier van Covelaert is a famous French…

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Amy Hempel was born in Chicago, Illinois. She was one of the first students of Gordon Lish, under whom she published several of her early stories. Lish was so impressed with her talent that he helped her publish her first collection of short stories, Reasons for Living (1985), which included "The Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried," her very first story. First published in TriQuarterly in 1983, "The Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried" is one of the most widely read short stories of the last quarter of the twentieth century. Hempel released three more collections: "At ...

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Stories by Raphael Lafferty

Collected stories by Raphael Lafferty

The "indescribable" work of Lafferty defies rational analysis. But today everyone agrees that without this author, modern science fiction would noticeably fade. Lafferty's stories only disguise themselves as "simple and easy-to-read stories" - they are always full of secondary plans and hidden meanings. In the bizarre universe of Lafferty, everything is different from our world. Because Lafferty is a visionary at heart, not a cold artisan who writes fiction. And he is also an infectious humorist, although not to say that he is bright and light. And a sophisticated mythmaker. And deep...

Collection of short stories by R. Lafferty

The "indescribable" work of Lafferty defies rational analysis. But today everyone agrees that without this author, modern science fiction would noticeably fade. Lafferty's stories only disguise themselves as "simple and easy-to-read stories" - they are always full of secondary plans and hidden meanings. In the bizarre universe of Lafferty, everything is different from our world. Because Lafferty is a visionary at heart, not a cold artisan who writes fiction. And he is also an infectious humorist, although not to say that he is bright and light. And a sophisticated mythmaker. And deep...

Undefined Undefined

Volume 11. In Russia. Stories 1912-1917 Maxim Gorky

The eleventh volume included twenty-nine works written by M. Gorky in 1912–1917 and combined by him in 1923 into an art cycle called “Across Russia”. The cycle in its entirety was included in all the collected works of M. Gorky, published after the October Revolution. All stories were edited by the author in the preparation of the collected works in the publication "Book" in 1923-1927.

Twice Blessed Lee Bristol

The stern father of the young Gorn Meredith was ready for absolutely anything, just to snatch his daughter from the hands of the irresistible and insidious Don Diego, his old enemy. But could he imagine that the fearless Ethan Cantrell, who promised to return the fugitive to his father's shelter, would love her at first sight with all the strength of his soul? That a man who did not know weakness now dreams of only one thing - to awaken a reciprocal flame of passion in Tori? ..

Everville Clive Barker

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Many years late... Svetlana Mertsalova

Oksana and her daughter come to visit her father, whom she has not seen for several years. At first, the father and daughter make every effort to make their meeting pleasant ... But behind the external well-being, there are resentments and disappointments that have accumulated all their lives and splashed out during a night conversation ... The eternal question What do our parents owe us? Do they owe us Furthermore what have you already given? After all, they gave us the most valuable thing - life ...

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On the eve of the final of the international beauty contest, the main contender for the title of Miss Asia suddenly disappears. “She left the room and did not return ...” Muscovite Katya Vlasova becomes a victim of deceit and envy of her own friend, who, trying to get rid of her rival, organizes her abduction. Not knowing the whole truth, the frightened, broken Katya allows herself to be taken to Germany. And here a new, stronger shock awaits her. She learns that her real mother is the owner of a women's fashion magazine and her father is a prosperous Singaporean businessman.…

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Marina asks
Answered by Alexandra Lantz, 05/23/2016

Question: "Good afternoon. In the Old Testament, the story of Lot is not entirely clear to me. Please explain why the Lord, after Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the face of the earth, allowed that Lot's daughters got him drunk and slept with him, and even after that they gave everything offspring. I can't figure it out. Isn't this the same or similar to what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah. Thank you in advance for your answer."

The story of Lot's daughters has two very important lessons...

The first is that it is quite possible to be a virgin but have a depraved mind and body. Remember what Lot said about his daughters? "I have two daughters who have not known a husband" () . However, at the end of the story we read that the daughters turned out to be very skillful in what a God-fearing girl cannot even come up with. Simply put, they took with them from Sodom what they had learned there and immediately put it into practice.

The second lesson is much more complicated and painful... Judging by the consequences of saving these two girls, one can draw a rather simple but terrible conclusion... it would be better if the angels did not take them by the hands and lead them out of Sodom. The descendants of the daughters of Lot became the eternal enemies of God's people, and then completely disappeared from the face of the earth.

You see, Marina, God is merciful and loving, but in this story He clearly shows us the truth about leaving a sinner who is corrupt and unwilling to repent alive means to create a problem for those who want to live righteously. Because God does not cancel the freedom of choice granted to people. As long as people breathe, they will live the way their "brains" work.

So if in the history of fallen mankind God allowed the "salvation" of such people as the daughters of Lot or Cain, prolonging their lives, then on the last day He will not do it. Why? Because only by completely removing the bearers of sin can a happy existence be guaranteed for those people who want to live righteously. Here is how it is said in

“Therefore, as they gather tares and burn them with fire, so it will be at the end of this age: the Son of Man will send His angels, and they will gather from His kingdom all stumbling blocks and those who do iniquity, and cast them into a fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

With love in the Savior Lord Jesus Christ,

Read more on the topic "Salvation":

For outsiders, the Menshikov family (surname changed. - Ed.) was no different from hundreds of others. Dmitry and Tamara, the same age, met, fell in love, got married, settled in a three-room apartment in Kolomyagi, and their daughter Yulia was born. Parents could not get enough, they raised the child with a soul. A black cat ran between her parents eight years later. Dimitri once said:

Today I'm going to bed with Yulia.

He was then 30 years old. The woman must have noticed before that her husband is too gentle with the girl. But I hardly expected outright pedophilia. Shocked, she swallowed her resentment. She didn’t tell anyone - they don’t take dirty linen out of the hut. And it was useless to contradict Dmitry. A big man, over two meters tall, he could easily hurt.

Since then, the Menshikovs have lived according to new rules. Dmitry moved into the room with his daughter, he cooled down to his wife. Years passed. At the age of 17, Julia became pregnant.

From whom? the father asked naively.

From you, I have you the only man, was the answer.

At the family council, they decided to leave the child. The daughter-granddaughter was named Sveta. The incest didn't go unnoticed. The child fell ill with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. It is practically incurable. Consider disabled for life.

Sveta is now four years old. Tamara filed for divorce. Dmitry seemed to agree, but on the condition that Yulia would stay with him. He still burns with "love" for her.

And the girl, apparently, was tired physically and mentally. She told her father that she was breaking up with him. Wants, they say, to meet with guys of the same age:

I'm already 21 years old, I want to be with others!

Menshikov, who will turn 43 in early December, boiled over. He wanted eternal fidelity and vetoed his daughter's dates.

The girl went to the police. She recalled the details calmly, as if she were telling a philistine story. Three operatives followed Menshikov. They knocked on the door, introduced themselves, and asked to go with them to the investigator. The man agreed. And on the street he changed his mind and rushed to the policemen.

What are you, Dmitry Valentinovich, what are you doing! one oper shouted, holding on to his sprained arm.

Two were also injured. Menshikov bit hard. Wrecked company car. Finally, they laid him down with a wrestling technique and brought him to the investigation department. Dmitry denied his guilt. "Pig" planted and the victim. Seeing dad, Yulia refused the application.

If you start to plant him, I will say that I slept with him voluntarily! - she threw in the face of the investigators.

Such a turn was not expected. As it became known to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the investigation of the Primorsky district was associated with Prosecutor General's Office for consultations. Apparently, there were still grounds for initiating a criminal case. Perhaps Yulia was persuaded to testify against her father. It is possible that at large he would have avenged his daughter for betrayal.

The defendant has been arrested. He is suspected of raping a minor and resisting police officers, - Ekaterina Gilina, head of the investigative department of the Primorsky District of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg, explained to a Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent.

Nastya Kalinina* started a special page on the Internet. There she describes in detail everything that happened in her family ten years ago.
And directly accuses his parent of sexual harassment.

Silence in exchange for sweets

My father is a pedophile! - twenty-year-old Nastya openly told the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent. I was his victim.

With the help of the Internet and public opinion Anastasia tries to punish her father for ruining her childhood. However, such activity is not liked by dad, who threatens to sue her for slander.

Ten years ago, the Kalinin family was not much different from other St. Petersburg families. Dmitry and Tatyana lived in their own apartment in the Kirovsky district, worked at the railway depot and raised Nastenka. Sometimes they fought seriously. But as soon as the scandal subsided, their lives returned to normal.

Mom was regularly on duty on the night shift, - Nastya recalls. - I stayed at home with my dad. I liked it very much, because my father spoiled me a lot.

The girl went to ballet school, and therefore her parents carefully monitored her daily routine and diet. But secretly from his wife, Dmitry treated his daughter to various sweets, allowed him to watch TV for a long time, bought all sorts of trinkets and gave pocket money. The daughter doted on her father.

How it all started, I don’t even remember, - says Nastya. - At first he told me where children come from and how a man differs from a woman. Then he moved from theory to practice ...

Dmitry began to show erotic films to his young daughter. Further more. Nastya clearly remembered: she was sitting on her father's lap, and he was telling her another adult story. Suddenly, Dimitri interrupted his story and asked if the girl felt "something" under her? The daughter nodded.

Get undressed, - ordered the father.

The daughter obeyed implicitly.

He touched me and asked me to touch his “dignity” too, Nastya recalls. - Before rape, thank God, it did not come. Although he tried to do it. But he didn't succeed. I said that it hurts me and I don't want to. He kissed me, told me to put my tongue in his mouth.

These adult games, according to her daughter, lasted several months. And once her father even forced her to have oral sex with him.

He asked me not to tell my mother about this, Nastya continues. - He said that otherwise my mother and I would no longer have money. I realized that if I blabbed, I would only make things worse for everyone and was silent.

Confession of sins

When Dmitry and Nastenka had a "terrible secret", the mother's heart sensed something was wrong.

I didn’t see anything with my own eyes, but the thought crept into my mind that this was possible, says Tatyana. - However, I drove her away: after all, a man cannot be such a bastard. It turned out that it could.

One day the girl stayed with her grandmother. They played, and the granddaughter suddenly blurted out something about the films that she watched with her dad. The grandmother was struck by the knowledge of the baby, and she told Tatyana about everything. That same evening, mother and daughter had a serious conversation.

Dmitry at that time was in the country. When he returned, his wife told him from the door what she knew. The dumbfounded head of the family began to hysterically, began to ask for forgiveness. He was ready to do anything to atone for his guilt.

Taking advantage of the moment, Tatyana forced her husband to write a letter of gratitude. With trembling hands, he scrawled on a notebook sheet about his atrocities.

With this piece of paper, the woman went to the police. However, there she was disappointed. The policemen listened to her story and read the letter. After that, they said: "It is unlikely that we can do anything. After all, there is no real evidence of indecent acts."

I was told that we needed a video recording, a photograph, marks on clothes or on the child himself, - Tatyana sighs. - True, they offered to beat her husband so that he remained disabled. But I didn't need it.

The family lived together for about six months. Only Nastya was no longer left alone with her father. When she left for the night shift, her grandmother stayed with the girl.

Revenge for a ruined childhood

And yet, soon the couple divorced and parted. After that, Tatyana breathed a sigh of relief, as living together, as it turned out, was a real nightmare for her.

All twelve years that we lived in marriage, I felt like a victim, - Tatyana recalls. - My husband did not get out of the binge for weeks, he beat me. But the worst thing is that after the incident with his daughter, he did not have a drop of remorse.

Now I understand that my mother endured him only for me, - says the grown-up Nastya. - My father earned well and provided for us. Even in difficult times, we had everything: good food, a computer, mobile phones. I liked living like this. I was against divorce. Maybe that's why his mother endured him for almost a year.

A few years later, Tatiana got married again. Now she has a one and a half year old child from her second marriage.

Nastya is twenty years old. She lives alone in her own apartment and seems to be content with life. That's just with the opposite sex, her relationship is not glued. She is afraid of guys. And he believes that the father is to blame.

I was a little girl, playing with dolls and dreaming that I would marry a prince. But dad destroyed these dreams, - the girl sighs. - In addition, I am haunted by the fact that he mocked my mother and now she has a serious illness due to nerves. The most vile thing is that he admits all this, but sincerely believes that he did nothing wrong.

The girl does not count on the help of the police. She still has that note. And Nastya decided to make the case public through the Internet.

By law, I cannot punish him, so let him at least as much as possible more people Petersburg learns about his "feat," she says.


People spoil apartment

Her only proof is that very note, - says Dmitry Kalinin. - It is really written by my hand. But I did it to save my family. Although the actions described in it qualify as pedophilia, I did not commit any depraved acts. This was even confirmed by the medical board.

According to the father, this story surfaced a decade later for a reason. It's all the fault of his apartment, which his daughter laid eyes on. The fact is that both he and Nastya are registered in the very apartment where they lived ten years ago. However, in 2007, Dmitry married a young girl, whom he also registered in this living space. This marriage fell apart. However, Dmitry did not write out his second wife from the apartment. This, in his opinion, very infuriated Nastya, who decided to blackmail.

My daughter set me a condition: either I write out ex-wife, or she launches a note, - says Kalinin. - I refused, that's how it all started.

After all, after her mother and I divorced, my daughter periodically lived with me. And abroad, and in the village on vacation with "dad-pedophile" went. And there was no talk of any psychological trauma. And then suddenly, at the age of 21, it suddenly appeared. All this is strange.

* The names of the heroes of the material have been changed.

Shifting from foot to foot, Becky had been hypnotizing the handle of the door that led to her father's room for fifteen minutes, and still could not make up her mind. Biting her lips, the girl now and then held out a trembling palm, but as soon as her fingers touched the shiny surface, Becky immediately pulled them away, as if from an electric shock.
"Rebecca Jane Lionel!" the girl mentally shouted at herself, looking gloomily at the hated piece of metal. "You are the biggest coward imaginable! You are not a wolf, you ... you are a Yorkshire terrier! Chihuahua! I'm sure they'll be bolder!"
"Well, let it be!" another inner voice responded with whining notes. "Yes, I'm a coward! But anyone else in my place would be afraid! Sleeping with your own father!"
"Just think! It's nothing like that for us!"
"Nothing like that?! Yes, if someone knew..."
"Don't be ridiculous! We are not people, we are wolves! It is they who will degenerate, but for us..."
Then the handle of the door suddenly turned, and the mental argument with myself immediately ended.
“H-hello,” Becky said, unable to think of anything better, looking up at the tall, black-haired man standing in the doorway.
"Hello," he replied, raising an eyebrow. - And how long were you going to stand here?
Immediately blushing, Becky looked down.
- Well... I... ahem...
Mr. Lionel chuckled.
- Come on.
After waiting for his daughter to cross the threshold, the man closed the door with a key. The girl shuddered.
"Why-e-eat?? Well, why me-a?!"
"You already asked your father. Do you remember what he said?"
"What is so necessary, what is it for the sake of the family ... But this is not enough!"
"That's enough! You don't want to let her down, do you?"
Taking a deep breath, Becky nodded to her thoughts.
"Wait a minute, I'll finish now," came a voice from the other side of the room.
The girl turned around: Mr. Lionel was sitting at the table and quickly typing something, carefully looking at the monitor. Eh, it's almost night, and my father is still working. However, he does this very often.
- Good.
Finally releasing the convulsively compressed edge of the silk peignoir (Rachel said that today it was not worth going to her father in pajamas with pink hippos), the girl went to the bookcases. They ran from the door all the way to the window on the opposite wall, and each one was as high as the ceiling. Most of the shelves were filled with books, but on some of them Becky saw drawings that younger brothers and sisters painted for their father, as well as all sorts of different photographs. Basically, they depicted John Lionel himself and one of his children, or even just them, without a father. There were no mothers. Yes, yes, namely "mothers", because Mr. Lionel's sons and daughters are from different she-wolves. He allowed them to meet very rarely, but Becky did not suffer a bit from this: Rachel, one of the older sisters, took care of her from childhood as if she were her own child. The girl even remembered how, at the age of five, she really called her "mother."
- Are you ready?
Becky turned around again: turning off the computer, Mr. Lionel was taking off his jacket. And why does my father wear a suit even at home? Well, at least without a tie.
No, no, stupid thoughts! Not about that! Now it doesn't really matter!
- U... uh-huh... - squeezed out the girl, blushing again and hiding her eyes.
The man approached the spacious bed.
"Then come to me," he said, sinking onto the fur blanket.
With a shaky sigh, Becky obeyed, feeling like a naughty puppy who now needs to be punished. Oh no, not that! Although Mr. Lionel loved his children very much, he was only terribly strict and always demanded complete obedience, which should be in the "wolf pack". Disobedience was punished, the more severely, the older the culprit or culprit was. How Becky would love to go back to her childhood now! Though...
Going up to the bed, the girl wanted to sit down on the bedspread next to her father, but he, taking her by the hand, sat him on his knees.
- Do not be afraid.
Unable to restrain herself, Becky hugged her father. She pressed her body against his, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. Just like in childhood, when a little girl, despite all the persuasions of her older sister, cried and could not sleep because of the terrible monsters that flashed past the window every now and then. But then dad came, hugged the baby, wiped away the tears, and the monsters disappeared, turning into the most ordinary maple branches. The girl immediately fell asleep, her father laid her down, but did not leave until the daughter fell asleep, without fail holding his hand.
Now Mr. Lionel hugs Becky again, she feels safe again. Dad is so strong. He will always protect, will not give offense. Yes, very strong... very... true wolf... oh...
So strange.
Again this feeling.
It's like... it's like Becky isn't just with her dad right now, it's...
Continuing to hug, the man stroked his daughter fair hair. Still so young! Just a girl, his little Becky. But no, not a child anymore. Already a girl who promises to become a she-wolf, beautiful and strong. Just like her mother...
No, Mr. Lionel will not give this daughter of his to anyone. No stranger wolf will touch Becky, no family will get her wolf cubs - they will be too strong to bear any other name than Lionel. But many are already looking, are already interested in John's plans for this particular daughter of his. Just refuse? Too dangerous and fraught with a huge amount of trouble for both the girl herself and the rest of the family. No, John can't let that happen. He can only follow the primitive laws of the pack and make Becky his own, so that no one else, not a single wolf dares to claim her.
And the girl kept clinging to her father. A familiar smell, gentle touches, a careful kiss on the temple - a couple of years ago, Becky would have fallen asleep long ago, warmed up, but now ...
Again. Everything seems to be the same as always. But in a different way. It seems to be a father, but it seems to be ...
The male?
Kiss again. Still the same careful and gentle, only lower, on the cheek. Lower. More. To the neck.
Feeling a wave of something very sweet go through her body, Becky groaned softly and clutched at her father's shirt.
"It's all right," the man whispered. Carefully and unobtrusively, his hand slid along the back of his daughter, now and then lifting the silk peignoir. - Relax.
"Daddy..." Becky breathed, involuntarily clinging to him tighter. - It's... it's... so weird...
Mr. Lionel chuckled. Yes, not a child. No longer a child...
- But nice? he asked, running his lips along the girl's neck from ear to shoulder, making her wince again.
- Y-yes... oh...
- It means everything is OK. So be it.
- I... but... but... I...
- Quiet. Relax.
- Dad...
Keep on kissing delicate skin, a man, untying the belt of a peignoir, touched his bare hips, ran it over his stomach, chest. Feeling that she was blushing again, Becky involuntarily tried to pull away, but with just one movement of her fingers clenching her nipple, the girl was unable to suppress a loud moan.
- Dad!..
- What's happened? asked Mr. Lionel in a low voice, without withdrawing his hand.
- S-stop!
- You do not like it? You feel bad?
“N-no… but… I… it’s… painful…!”
The man just chuckled as he continued.
Becky was trembling, now she could not bear to just sit still, enjoying her father's warmth. Now something ached in the lower abdomen, strong and sweet, forcing the girl to squeeze her knees harder.
- Please ... - after a couple of minutes she pleaded again, looking into the yellowish Brown eyes. - Dad... don't do that...
"Good," the man agreed mercifully, placing his hand on his daughter's thigh. But then you must let me in.
- Let go?..
- Yes. Here.
Mr. Lionel's fingers touched his lower abdomen. Becky groaned again.
Let me in... where it's so painfully sweet... but it's also so embarrassing!...
Quietly whimpering, the girl buried her face in her father's shoulder. Smiling again, he himself spread his daughter's knees to the sides, lowering his hand even lower.
And again a groan. Long, loud.
Yes, the girl is ready.
After torturing his daughter a little more, Mr. Lionel pulled back the covers and carefully laid her on the bed. Got up.
Breathing heavily, the girl did not immediately understand what was happening, but when the man began to unbutton his shirt, she immediately turned away, instantly realizing. Very soon, almost now, father will make Becky a woman. Realizing this, imagining how in a couple of minutes she would lie under him, feel him, the girl groaned again, whined, clutching the sheet and biting her lips.
Having got rid of his clothes, Mr. Lionel lay down on the bed, covering his daughter with himself so that she could no longer bring her knees together. overheated female body, even so young... especially so young... brown eyes have almost completely turned wolf-yellow.
Becky hugged her father. Her hands were trembling, but in the lower abdomen everything ached so much that the girl was not even afraid. All thoughts were only about that man, that wolf that would now make her his own.
- Please please...
- Shut up, Becky! .. - Mr. Lionel growled through his teeth, reveling in the tart smell of desire and excitement emanating from his daughter's body.
But the girl simply could not be silent.
- Please... I... I want...
- Girl!
The man leaned forward, making Becky scream as she dug her nails into her father's back.
- Not! Hurt!
But he didn't stop. Restraining himself, he, though slowly, but still moved, tearing out more and more moans and pleas to stop from his daughter's chest. No, you don't have to. Werewolf wounds heal very quickly - soon the girl will not moan from pain. The main thing is to restrain yourself.
Becky continued to moan and whine, even tears appeared in her eyes. But soon the girl began to feel that the pain was receding, that that painfully aching sweetness was returning, becoming stronger, stronger, stronger...

How do you feel? asked Mr. Lionel, carefully stroking the hair of his daughter, who lay beside him.
- Well ... - the girl whispered, enjoying the feeling of pleasant weakness. - And ... and you?
- I also.
Raising herself on her elbows, Becky looked into her father's eyes - already brown again, only with thin yellow rings around the pupils.
“Did you…did you like it…?”
Shaking his head, the man chuckled.
- Yes. And you?
Blushing, she buried her face in his chest. Yes, she liked it. Very. Becky had never experienced this in her life and was sure that she would not experience it with anyone else.
I wonder if my father can be released early tomorrow night? And then after all, to get pregnant, one time may not be enough ...
Smiling at her own thoughts, Becky pressed closer to the man.