
Physical activity in the elderly and senile age: myth or reality? Physical activity of the elderly Physical activity of the elderly


- it really is life. Physical activity in old age - this is exactly what prolongs life and improves health. In addition, moderate but regular physical activity contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, regulation of the autonomic systems of organs, support normal ratio all processes that occur in the cerebral cortex - excitation and inhibition.

Motor activity allows you to normalize and activate the blood supply to the brain, increases the contractile function of the myocardium. With physical exertion and intense movements, reserve capillaries open, which improves coronary blood flow.

The benefit of physical activity, which should not be forgotten in old age, is manifested in an increase in pulmonary ventilation, which improves gas exchange in the lungs. Traditionally, the benefit of any active activity, in contrast to a sedentary lifestyle, is manifested in maintaining an optimal body weight. Adipose tissue in people in old age continues to accumulate and grow, which leads to obesity.

Bad cholesterol accumulates in the blood, which clogs the walls of blood vessels and increases the risk of thrombosis. Physical exercise and physical activity help the body adapt to conditions faster environment. The ability of the immune system to resist viruses and bacteria is developed, which means that colds and infectious diseases will be less likely to attack the body.

Many exercises are designed to increase and develop the declining mobility of the vertebrae, correct posture, and reduce the excitability of the cardiovascular system. In addition, physiotherapy exercises will improve and maintain coordination. Any physical activity is not a prevention of the aging process of the body, which is inevitable, but a clear slowdown.

In old age, unfortunately, there are few people who take care of their health correctly. Motor activity does not involve strength exercises and intense aerobics in the gym, but elementary actions: walking through the park and on fresh air, morning exercises, and for those who are healthy, jogging. But exercise cannot be ruled out.

If there are no contraindications to the doctor, then you can even afford to go in for sports under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Ideally, physical exercise should bring positive emotions to those who are involved, otherwise they will be of little effectiveness.

An aging body needs to be supported, and an elderly person needs to be convinced of this. The whole complex of exercises in old age is selected taking into account all the changes that occur with age in order to prevent disruption of the organ systems.

In order for physical activity to be beneficial and not cause any violations, the following recommendations should be taken into account:
- before any physical exercise, you should talk with your doctor about how safe they are;
- not allowed during training sudden movements, accelerate strongly, lift too much weight, sharply and quickly change the position of the body;
- during physical exercises, it is unacceptable to hold your breath, strain hard, otherwise the blood flow to the heart muscle will be disturbed, and there will also be a risk of developing pulmonary emphysema.

During physical exertion, it is necessary to take into account bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, the presence of shortness of breath or occupational diseases that provoke shortness of breath.

In old age, the body is much more difficult to adapt to the loads that are placed on it. This means that the increase in loads should occur gradually, slowly, no more than 5% in one week. In the process of training, you need to constantly monitor the heart rate, and each session begins with a slow warm-up, gradually warming up the muscles.

If you don’t have the strength, you can’t try to do more exercises. It is only useful for a young body to work "for endurance". The end of the exercise should be accompanied by pleasant fatigue, complete satisfaction from the work done, and not exhaustion and shortness of breath.

The motor activity of people who have reached old age involves 1-2 workouts per week. This is enough to keep yourself in great shape. But at the same time, you can’t do it from time to time, taking long breaks. If you play sports, then you need to do it regularly, because in old age it is extremely difficult for the body to get used to the load every new time.

A set of exercises for an elderly person may include approximately 8-10 exercises that are performed in one approach. After a workout, you can take a walk in the park or ride a bike.

Physical activity may include swimming, badminton, tennis, skiing, rowing at a moderate pace. It is a natural stimulant that allows you to prolong life and improve health. With a gentle regimen and regular exercise, you can give yourself excellent health.

Physical activity the elderly includes leisure activities, recreational exercises, mobile activities, professional activities, household chores, competitions, outdoor games. To maintain the heart muscle, vigor, and promote health, it is important that the muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen, back, neck and face work. To do this, older people are recommended to perform special exercises during morning exercises, walk daily for short distances and at a certain pace, and also just take a walk in the fresh air during the daytime.

When doing morning exercises, older people should be careful and be smooth when turning their heads, rotating and tilting their bodies, with deep squats. You should also avoid exercises that require prolonged breath holding and excessive tension. The gradual increase in physical activity should be carefully observed. Charging should contain slow and smooth movements in large joints, leaning forward with lowering the arms to the floor and leaning back with raising the arms, turning the head, turning the body to the left and right. It is good after exercise to lightly massage the muscles of the neck, face, head from top to bottom with stroking movements, massage the feet, hands and wrist joints. It is useful to finish such a self-massage with a warm shower.

Of great importance for the health of the elderly is daily walking. In the process of walking, breathing becomes deeper, muscles work hard, the heart trains, metabolism increases and becomes more complete. Walking has a beneficial effect on the psyche, improves the mental activity of an elderly person, relieves nervous tension. Walking is best to start with short distances at a leisurely pace. You can start with a distance of 500 m every other day and then bring it up to several kilometers. The speed for beginners should be about 30-60 steps per minute, then it can be increased to 90-120 steps per minute.

Physical activity in the open air, for example, work in the garden, in the garden, is very useful for the elderly. The healing potential of such activity is high. For example, one hour of digging up the earth expends about 530 kilocalories, which is more than the energy expended while jogging. And when preparing the beds, 340 kilocalories are consumed per hour, during irrigation - 300 kilocalories. Approximately 2.5 hours of physical gardening old man will fulfill the daily minimum muscle load, which is 1200 kilocalories. Plus, a variety of movements are performed at the same time, including inclinations, which help strengthen the abdominal press and develop spinal mobility. Such activity of older people in the fresh air will help strengthen muscles, heart, improve breathing and mood. Returning home, it is recommended to have a massage and take a shower at a pleasant temperature, which will help relieve the accumulated muscle fatigue.

Work "to exhaustion", physical exercises without breaks is contraindicated for the elderly. Intense, fast and prolonged physical labor can lead to a failure of the rhythmic activity of the heart, the appearance of pain in large joints and the back, and an increase in pressure. An older person should take frequent but short breaks from work rather than waiting to feel tired.

According to research by specialists from the Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Sciences, older people are recommended to perform the following health minimum:

  • 10 minutes of daily morning hygiene exercises,
  • 1 hour daily outdoor walking
  • active rest throughout the weekend.

In some cases, it is necessary to limit the physical activity of an elderly person to a minimum. For example, when:

  • acute colds,
  • coronary insufficiency with frequent and severe attacks of cardiac asthma or angina,
  • circulatory failure II, III degree,
  • high blood pressure,
  • aneurysm of the aorta, heart,
  • acute stage of the disease.

Lesson 5.

Topic: Physical activity and exercise therapy for the elderly

Motor activity and exercise therapy

for elderly and senile people.

The level of vital activity of the organism during age development, life expectancy depend on two opposite tendencies: on the one hand, extinction, metabolic and functional disorders; on the other hand, the inclusion of adaptation mechanisms. Motor activity is considered one of the stimulators of life extension, and a comprehensive functional load of the organs and systems of an aging organism by maintaining motor activity is a kind of “protection” against premature aging, a means of structural improvement of tissues and organs.

Physical activity is the most important prerequisite for maintaining the functional ability of an aging organism.
^ Goals and objectives of the medical physical culture consist in:
training of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus.

Improving the function of the central nervous system.




Intensive training.

By age, elderly and senile people are divided into 4 groups;

Pre-retirement: women - 50 - 55 years old,

Men - 55 - 60 years.

Elderly - 60-74 years old

Senile - 76-89 years old

Long-livers > 90 years.

For data persons age groups use I, II and III motor modes.

Age group

Motor mode

50-55 years old(women)

55-60 years (men)



75-89 years old

Characteristics of physical exercises in various motor modes

Starting position


Tempo (number of repetitions)

Gentle mode (I)

Alternate straight leg raises

Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt

Tilt to the right with the left hand raised. The same to the left with the right hand raised.

Standing, legs apart, hands down

Circular movements of the arms 8 times in each direction.

Lying on your back, arms to the side

With the toe of the right foot, touch the floor on the left, turning the pelvis, return to the starting position. The same on the other side.

Gentle training mode (II)

Standing, feet together, hands on the belt

Circular movements of the body alternately in each direction

Standing, hands on the belt

Lean forward (back straight) up to 90 and straighten up

Go to a sitting position, return to the starting position.

Basic stance (legs together, arms along the body)

Hands up - inhale, lower your hands, leaning forward and half-crouching - exhale

Training mode (III)

Main rack

Sipping with tension of the arms and torso, rising on toes

Sitting on the floor, legs straight, arms behind

Raise the pelvis, straightening the torso, return to the starting position.

Lying on your back, arms along the body

Hands in an arc back behind the head and with intense pulling of the socks away from you (traction), return to the starting position - relax.

Main rack

Raise the leg, touching the toe with your hands, return to the starting position. Raise the bent leg, joining the hands under the legs, return to the starting position.

The exercise therapy session consists of three parts:




The introductory part is walking in different versions with and without additional hand movements, breathing exercises. The movements included in the introductory part should contribute to a moderate revival of the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, and create a cheerful mood. All exercises of the introductory part, especially for the elderly and senile, should be simple, easy to perform and performed at a slow or medium pace. The duration of the introductory part is 5-10 minutes.

The main part includes exercises of the most diverse nature, which have a general and special effect on the body. The tasks of the general influence on the body are resolved by exercises that strengthen and train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increase metabolism, tone up the nervous system, and contribute to the emergence of positive emotions.

The task of a special impact is solved by exercises for setting up correct breathing (expiratory phase), exercises that develop the mobility of the spine, correcting posture defects, exercises for the abdominal press, preventing lethargy of the gastrointestinal apparatus. Exercises are used in stretching and relaxing muscles, in balance, including game elements to improve coordination. Duration - 25-30 minutes.

Final part. The exercises included in this part provide a gradual decrease in the excitability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, creating favorable conditions for recovery period and rest. For the same purpose, slow walking, exercises, breathing and relaxation are used.

The duration of this part is 5-10 minutes.

Mode #1

(age 50-55 years)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Walking at a normal pace with gradual acceleration and deceleration. Elementary physical exercises for the arms and torso alternate with dynamic breathing exercises in a ratio of 1:3

Rhythmic, at a calm pace. Perform exercises freely, with medium and large range of motion in the joints.


Elementary exercises for arms, legs, torso on various axes.

Alternate exercises correctly with breathing dynamic exercises.

Exercises in throwing and passing balls and medicine balls, relaxation of the muscle groups of the arms and legs. Sedentary ball games and short runs.

Alternate with breathing and exercises to lower extremities. Diversify the ways of throwing and transferring gymnastic objects. Regulate the emotional reactivity of patients, include pauses for rest and breathing exercises.


Walking with a normal step and complicated, exercises to relax the muscles of the trunk of the arms, legs, breathing static exercises.

Walking rhythmically, at a calm pace.

Total 40-45

Mode #2

(age 60-74 years old)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Sitting on a chair

Elementary gymnastic exercises for arms and legs

Perform exercises freely, alternating them with breathing, dynamic exercises.


Exercises for arms, legs with a large amplitude. Lightweight exercises for the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles.

Avoid straining and disturbing the rhythm of breathing. After relatively difficult physical exercises - deep breathing.

Walking is simple, in different directions at a calm pace. Breathing exercises.

Follow the rhythm of breathing


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for the arms, legs and torso. Breathing, dynamic, then static exercises.

Total 30-35

(age 75-89 years)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for the arms and legs combined with exercises for the trunk and breathing.

Perform exercises rhythmically. Smoothly, at a calm pace. Don't hold your breath. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1: 3


Exercises for medium and large muscle groups of the arms, legs and torso, combined with dynamic breathing and relaxation exercises for muscle groups

Perform exercises freely, with a large range of motion in the joints. The pace is slow. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1:3.

sitting and standing

Exercises for training the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements, combined with exercises for relaxing muscle groups.

To achieve the most complete relaxation of the muscles, the exercises for training the vestibular apparatus should be correctly combined with the phases of breathing.

Exercises for arms, legs, torso with the inclusion of swing movements, exercises for coordination.

Perform exercises freely, at an average pace. Don't hold your breath.


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for arms and legs combined with physical exercises to relax muscle groups and breathing.

Breathing is free, deep, rhythmic. The pace of the exercises is slow.

Mode #4

(centenarians over 90 years old)

Lesson section

Starting position


Duration (min.)


Walking at a normal pace with gradual acceleration and deceleration. Combine walking with elementary hand exercises.

The pace is average, do not hold your breath


Sitting on a chair

Elementary exercises for small, medium and large muscle groups, arms, legs and torso in combination with breathing exercises

Perform exercises freely with a large range of motion in the joints. Breathing exercises alternate with general developmental exercises in a ratio of 1: 4

Exercises with moderate static and dynamic effort, including exercises for training the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements.

Perform exercises rhythmically, at an average pace, correctly combined with the phases of breathing. Follow your posture.


Walking at a normal pace, calm, with elementary exercises for arms and legs, combined with relaxation and breathing exercises

Breathing is free and deep. The pace of the exercises is slow.


To limit the negative consequences of aging and purposefully influence the body, complexes of physical exercises are used that improve the mechanisms of regulation, heart activity and expand the range of motion in the joints and spine of the elderly.

To strengthen the heart and expand the range of its work from a minimum at rest to a maximum in a load, exercises that develop endurance are used: dosed walking, health-improving running, cycling, swimming, etc. To “rejuvenate” the joints and intervertebral cartilage, loads are used that expand the range of motion in them. When performing these exercises, it is recommended to follow a number of rules: before performing a set of exercises for the joints, a 3-5 minute general warm-up (it may consist of walking and breathing exercises); repetition in the first lessons of each exercise 3-4 times with a small "amplitude, gradually increasing the number of repetitions up to 10-15 times or more; expanding the range of motion after mastering the technique of performing the exercise; performing exercises daily, with a total duration of 7-15 minutes (it is necessary to constantly monitor breathing ); when pain appears, the load stops, rest for 5-7 minutes and continue exercising again. Exercise complexes can be developed independently, but it is better, especially for beginners to practice for the first time, to take the advice of specialists.

The proposed complex uses simple, easy-to-perform exercises that are accessible to everyone.

* Exercise 1. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on your knees, raise your shoulders - inhale, lower - exhale; relax, breathing is calm, shallow (repeat Zraza).

* Exercise 2. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on the knees, squeeze the hands, while raising the toes of the legs toward you (average pace, repeat 8-10 times).

* Exercise Z. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on knees, alternately take the straightening arm to the side and return to its original position (slow pace, repeat 3 times with each hand).

* Exercise 4. Sitting on a chair, legs bent, holding hands behind the back of the chair, alternately unbend the right and left legs, sliding the feet along the floor (medium pace, repeat 4 times with each leg).

* Exercise 5. Sitting on a chair, raise your right hand up - inhale, lower - exhale (slow pace, repeat 3 times with each hand).

* Exercise 6. Sitting on a chair, turn the torso with the spread of the arms to the sides (the pace is slow, repeat 3-4 times in each direction).

* Exercise 7. Standing sideways to the chair, with one hand holding the back of the chair from above, perform swing movements with the opposite arm and leg back and forth; the same, standing on the other side (swings are performed freely, without tension, repeat 6-8 times).

* Exercise 8. Stand at arm's length from a chair and, leaning on your back, slowly sit down - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale (repeat 6-8 times).

* Exercise 9. Sitting on a chair, hands on knees, perform circular movements with the foot, touching the toe of the floor (repeat 4-8 times with each foot).

* Exercise 10. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees, alternately raise your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale (repeat 3-4 times with each hand).

* Exercise 11. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees, alternately bring and part the heels and toes of the feet for 4 counts (voluntary breathing, repeat 8-12 times).

* Exercise 12. Sitting on a chair, straighten your legs, lower your arms, lean back in the chair, close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds.

This complex is performed daily for 10-12 days. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of movement when performing exercises 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. They are difficult for people with stiffness in the joints, but they should not be excluded from the complex, but on the contrary, they should be achieved by repeating each separately for several once a day.

^ After 10-12 days, the complex becomes more complicated by entering special exercises for necks that perform while sitting on a chair:

1 slowly turn their head to the right and left;

2 slowly tilt the head to the left and right;

3 slowly tilt the head forward and backward;

4 head movements forward and backward;

5 head rotations with lowered and raised shoulders;

Straighten your legs, lower your arms, lower your arms, lean back in your chair, close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds. Neck exercises are especially useful for people with spinal osteochondrosis, they reduce or reduce headaches, pain in the region of the heart. When performing them, they observe a slow pace, achieving a full range of motion, repeating each position 3 times.

As you master the described exercises, personal experience motor activity, which is used to develop new sets of exercises. Initially, it includes exercises without weights: squats, bends, jumps, arm rotations, leg swings, etc.; exercises with a stick are very good, they help to develop coordination of movements and mobility in the joints. Then exercises with dumbbells, balls, rubber shock absorbers are added, which develop muscle strength and endurance. When developing sets of exercises, it is necessary to take into account your motor capabilities, you do not need to rush to force the load (only a gradual increase, the consistent inclusion of more and more complex exercises will provide a healing effect); do not wait for the onset of a healing effect immediately, only after a month of systematic daily exercises you will feel cheerfulness, freedom of movement, a desire to exercise; be sure to include in the complex an exercise that is especially difficult for you. Performing complexes of physical exercises, do not forget that this is absolutely not enough for an active motor regime. Along with the complexes, use walking, health-improving running, elements of sports games, outdoor games and other loads. Combining them with hardening, remembering self-control, you can be sure of the healing, “rejuvenating” effect of the chosen motor regimen.

Annex 5.1.

We will pass a test that will help you understand the state of your body, discover its strengths and weaknesses and thereby draw a conclusion about your physical abilities, choose the sport that suits you best.
^I. Breathing
1. Do you smoke?
No - 5 points
Up to 5 cigarettes per day - 4
Up to 10 cigarettes per day - 3
More than 20 cigarettes daily - 0

2. Do you get short of breath when you walk fast? After a few meters - 1 point
After a few hundred meters - 3
After a few kilometers - 4

3. How do you breathe after walking up to the third floor?
Fairly even - 2 points
Out of breath - 1

4. When you play sports, what makes you stop to take a break?
Difficulty breathing - 2 points
Tired muscles - 4

5. How long can you stay underwater without breathing?
A few seconds - 1 point
30 seconds - 3
45 seconds - 4
More than a minute - 5

6. Do you know how to restore breathing after intense physical exercises, loads?
No - 0 points
Only sometimes - 2
Quite often - 3


From 23 to 16 points. You have no difficulty breathing. It perfectly adapts to your work and sports activities. You can play any sport with complete peace of mind: basketball, volleyball, tennis, cycling, swimming, surfing, water skiing, scuba diving... The choice is yours!

From 15 to b points. You need to develop, train your breathing. We offer you a great exercise: jumping rope every day for 10 minutes. It is very important to learn how to breathe correctly, to take a full breath and exhale. We recommend you moderate physical activity, but at the same time make more efforts, do all the exercises carefully, regularly. We advise you to take up cycling, cross-country running, swimming.

5 points or less. You don't know how to breathe properly. And before you do any kind of sport, you have to learn how to "storage" the air, prepare your lungs. Walk more. Every morning and evening, do the following exercise: while lying down, inhale deeply and exhale completely; straining the press, you train, develop it. Do this exercise 20 times. When your lung capacity increases, you will be able to take up tourism. Long walks and hikes over rough terrain and in the fresh air calm the nervous system, make it possible to breathe freely.
^ P. Aerobic capacity
1. Do you walk?
Never - 0 points
Sometimes - 1
Regularly 1 km per day - 2
From 1 to 3 km per day - 3
Over 3 km daily - 4

2. Do you do any of the following sports during your weekends: cycling, swimming or running?
Never - 0 points
Sometimes - 2
Regularly - 4

3. How long have you been doing any of the above sports?
Half an hour - 2 points
From half an hour to 1 hour - 3
Over an hour - 4

4. Can you talk when you are walking, running or cycling fast?
Yes - 2 points
No - 0

5. What is the approximate distance you can cover in 12 minutes of walking, jogging?
Over 2.6 km - 5 points
From 2 to 2.6 km - 4
From 1.7 to 2 km - 3
From 1.5 to 1.7 km - 2
Less than 1.5 km - 1


19 to 12 points. You have an energetic, active nature, you know how to give your muscles and heart the best "fuel" - oxygen. Not only can you play any sport, you have reason to consider taking up sport seriously. Run at your normal pace for several kilometers, then jerk up the pace for a distance of 100 - 200 meters. So you will develop even more stamina and be able to run faster. It would be useful for you to ride a bicycle to work and shops. In summer, on the river, on the sea, run on the sand, swim as much as possible. If you're in the mountains, try cycling through difficult sections and up steep slopes.

11 to 6 points. You can do some sports, but first you need to develop your aerobic abilities more in the main types: cycling, swimming, running. Be patient and persistent. When you run or ride a bike, get into the habit of talking to your comrades. Breathe deeply and evenly, try not to suffocate. Do not forget that real physical activity begins only after 20 minutes of vigorous activity.

5 points or less. Develop your program, which includes daily walking from 2 to 5 km, alternating it with cross-country running. Schedule a half-hour of cycling or swimming each day, and then gradually increase the duration and distance. But if such intense loads exceed your capabilities, then first limit yourself to jump rope exercises or give up the elevator and climb the stairs on foot. After a while, try cycling, swimming, and running again. The effect will not be slow to affect.
^iii. body flexibility
1. Put your feet together and slowly lean towards the floor.
You touch the floor with your palms - 4 points
Fingertips - 3
You don't reach the floor - 0

2. Legs straight, shoulder width apart. Lean left and right without moving your pelvis.
You touch the calves - 4 points
Get to the knee - 3
Do not reach the knee - 0

3. Lying on your back, put your legs behind your head.
Touch the floor with straight legs - 4 points
Touch with slightly bent legs - 3
Bent legs - 2
Can't reach the floor - 0


12 to 8 points. You have enviable flexibility. To keep fit, we recommend that you do gymnastics, sports dancing, swimming.

7 to 4 points. You probably had flexibility as a child. Then let me give you one piece of advice: alternate strength sports (basketball, volleyball, handball...) with softer ones like tennis, gymnastics, sports dancing, swimming. Thus, you will return to its former shape.

3 or less points. Alas, you do not have sufficient flexibility. And you feel it yourself Everyday life. Select sports activities which develop flexibility and muscles - gymnastics, sports dancing, yoga, swimming. These sports will also help you develop a sense of balance. But do not overexert yourself, proceed from your capabilities. Only patience and long training will restore your flexibility.
^IV. jumping ability
1. Collect your legs, swing your arms and jump forward from a place. How far did you jump?
120 cm - 2 points
160 cm - 3
180 cm - 4
200 cm and more - 5

2. Feet together, stand against the wall, raised above your head with your right hand, measure the height with chalk. Then jump up and make a second mark. How far above the first mark did you jump?
25 cm - 1 point
For 25 - 30 cm - 2
At 30 - 40 cm - 3
For 40 - 50 cm - 4
More than 50 cm - 5


10 to 6 points. You are jumpy, energetic. We recommend you any kind of outdoor sports: volleyball, basketball, swimming, athletics. This is a good workout for the respiratory apparatus and the heart. But don't overwork!

5 points or less. Unfortunately, your success here is modest. Work out first with the rope, jump more, but with collected legs, at least 5 minutes a day. When you walk or run, then jump over the obstacles that you meet on your way: fallen trees, ditches, garden benches, low fences. Jump trying to grab the leaves of the trees (without picking them off, of course). Play volleyball or basketball. And the results will not be slow to tell.
^v. Your muscles
1. Do your muscles hurt after exercise?
Always - 2 points
Sometimes - 3 Never - 4

2. Do you experience pain in your legs when you ski or ride a bike?
Always - 2 points
Sometimes - 3
Never - 4

3. Do your feet hurt when you walk several floors?
Sometimes - 2 points
Never - 3

4. Do you have muscle spasms?
Often - 1 point
Rarely or never - 2

5. Do you feel pain in your arms and shoulders when you swim or ride a bike?
Often - 2 points
Sometimes - 3
Never - 4

6. Can you do things with your hands up high without difficulty?
Yes - 3 points
No - 0

7. Try to squat on one leg, keeping the other straight, without helping with your hands.
You have successfully completed this exercise - 4 points
Completed it, but lost balance - 3
Done, helping yourself with your hand - 2
Failed to complete - 0

8. Do you feel back pain 2-3 hours after exercise?
Always - 1 point
Sometimes - 2
Never - 3


From 27 to 20 points. Your muscles are in good condition. Do the sport that interests you the most. But do not forget to make hiking cross-country, hiking in the mountains. This will increase muscle strength.

19 to 10 points. You still need to develop your muscles. Actively exercise with kettlebells and dumbbells that strengthen muscles. Play more volleyball or basketball, do more gymnastic exercises.
^ 9 points or less. You must admit that your muscular system is underdeveloped. Take advantage of your summer vacation and do 30 to 45 minutes of gymnastic exercises at least twice a week. But the load must be increased gradually to avoid the appearance of exhaustion and muscle spasm. After the holidays, continue your studies even more intensively, but without forgetting a minute of rest. And swim more - the water wonderfully massages tired muscles and soothes you.

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on metabolism, enhances oxidative processes in the body, and if the right diet is followed, it helps to successfully fight obesity, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, metabolic arthritis, osteoporosis, immune disorders and depression, and improves performance.

1. Morning exercises for 15 - 20 minutes with proper breathing.

2. Walking, walking. Before starting physical exercises, you should consult your doctor. Walking should be fast, only then it will have a training effect. Why should older people (and not only the elderly) try to walk more? Firstly, when walking, as with any physical exercise, the muscles do work, the body spends energy, spends energy substances. It has been established that walking consumes mainly carbohydrates and fats. And many have a tendency to accumulate fat. The time for a walk is preferably in the morning, but it is also a good idea to walk in the evening, especially for those who suffer from insomnia. Older people who are prone to fullness should take a walk after dinner.

3. For more trained people, swimming, football, tennis, skiing, muscle stretching exercises, strength training are useful. Skiing is regulated arterial pressure blood, lowering it, if in a person it is slightly increased. The impact of skiing on the respiratory system is enormous.

Basic rules of health-improving physical training:


Gradual increase in load

Individual selection of physical exercises and loads, taking into account age and concomitant diseases.

3. Plan for a conversation about the dangers of smoking:

Tobacco smoking- one of the most common bad habits that have engulfed a significant part of the population. The harmful effects of smoking on the body are associated with the nicotine and other harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke (carbon monoxide, ammonia, etc.). The main toxic factor in tobacco smoke is nicotine. It directly affects internal organs and disrupts their nervous regulation.

· Smoking leads to inhibition and then paralyzes the activity of CNS cells.

Smoking leads to a disorder of the nervous system, manifested by a decrease in working capacity, trembling of hands, weakening of memory.

· Smoking leads to impotence in men.

People who smoke are more likely to have cancerous tumors, as well as cancer of various organs and the lower lip.

Often smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, accompanied by a persistent cough, bad breath and a hoarse voice.

The role of smoking in the occurrence of tuberculosis is great.

Often smokers experience pain in the heart.

· Smoking can be the main cause of persistent vasospasm of the lower extremities.

· From the substances contained in tobacco smoke, the digestive tract also suffers, primarily the teeth and oral mucosa.

Gastritis, gastric ulcer in smokers occur much more often than in non-smokers.

· Smoking can cause nicotinic amblyopia.

· Smokers endanger not only themselves, but also those around them. In medicine, even the term "passive smoking" has appeared. In the body of non-smokers after staying in a smoky and unventilated room, a significant concentration of nicotine is determined.

· Smoking shortens life.

· In children of smoking parents during the first year of life, the frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia increases and the risk of developing serious diseases increases.

Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are prone to seizures. They are much more likely to develop epilepsy. Children born to smoking mothers lag behind their peers in mental development.

· Smoking contributes to the development of many allergic diseases.

· Teenagers who smoke weaken their memory, among them there are more often poor performers.

End of work -

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Control and measuring materials
professional module PM.01 Carrying out preventive measures profession code / specialty 060501 "Nursing" ba

Explanatory note
Qualification exam for PM.01 "Carrying out preventive measures" on the profile of training 060501 "Nursing", basic and advanced levels of training of a secondary professional image

View professional activity: performance of work in the specialty SPO 060501 "Nursing", the basic level of secondary professional training

Requirements for training activities in professional competencies
Results (professional competencies mastered) Key performance indicators 1. PC 1.1. Carries out activities to preserve and strengthen

Evaluation materials
Task number 1 Stimulus: You are a visiting nurse of a polyclinic. Target wording:

Evaluation sheet for the professional module
PM.01 Carrying out preventive measures code and name of the module _________________________________________________________________________

The results of the qualification exam for the professional module
Methods for assessing professional competencies - in a model situation. Codes of tested competencies Outcome evaluation indicators

Final evaluation sheet for the professional module
__________ ___________ PM.01. Carrying out preventive measures ___564___ group course code and name of the module volume of hours

Preparing the family and child for vaccination
- Preventive vaccinations are carried out in medical institutions state, municipal, private healthcare systems. - To ensure the timely implementation of

4. Evaluation physical development child 7 years old (boy). Assessment of physical development is carried out using centile tables: chest circumference 58 cm

Action plan for hardening a child of 6 years
The air temperature in the room is 19-17 degrees. Air bath lasting 10-15 minutes when changing clothes after night and day sleep, during morning hygienic gymnastics,

The main problems of the child and family associated with vaccination
In accordance with order No. 885 of August 2, 1999, post-vaccination reactions include: - local reactions - in the form of hyperemia with soft tissue edema at the injection site up to 3 cm in diameter

Nutrition should be complete, varied and rational in quantitative and qualitative terms. The diet should include - milk (up to 500 ml), sour-milk products (cottage cheese, cheese

Tips for hardening a child
Hardening is the training of the body in order to increase its resistance to various influences. It is necessary for the prevention of diseases in a child. For the purpose of hardening, nature is used

Nutrition advice for breastfeeding mothers
Nutrition should be complete, varied and rational in quantitative and qualitative terms. The diet should include - milk (up to 500 ml), sour-milk products (cottage cheese, cheese

Mother's recommendations for the prevention of hypogalactia
Hypogalactia is a reduced secretory ability of the mammary glands, i.e. a decrease in the amount of milk production in the mother. Important condition prevention of hypogalactia - rhythmic and n

A healthy lifestyle is the only real way to avoid the development of chronic diseases.
1. Stop smoking. 2. If you cannot quit smoking immediately, then strictly limit smoking to a maximum of ten cigarettes a day. 3. Give up alcohol. 4. If

A plan for a conversation with a mother and a child about the psychological characteristics of adolescence
This is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, which is a period of personality formation. Main content adolescence constitutes his transition from childhood to adult life

ov should be sat

Recommendations for adequate physical activity for the elderly
Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on metabolism, enhance oxidative processes in the body, and if the right diet is followed, they help to successfully fight obesity, help

Goals and objectives of primary patronage
The first patronage of healthy newborns is carried out in the first 1-3 days after the mother and child are discharged from the maternity hospital. Considering the great complexity

Nutrition advice for breastfeeding mothers
Nutrition should be complete, varied and rational in quantitative and qualitative terms. The diet should include - milk (up to 500 ml), sour-milk products (cottage cheese, cheese,

The effect of alcohol on the human body
Modern research allows us to reasonably assert that there are no organs and tissues in the human body that would not be affected by alcohol. 1. Only 10% alcohol

Assessment of the physical development of a child 5 years old (boy)
Assessment of physical development is carried out using centile tables: chest circumference 53 cm (assessed by age) - P 10-25, which corresponds to the 3rd corridor, the height of the child is 105 cm (estimated

Basic principles of hardening
Principles of hardening: systematic, gradual increase in loads, rationality in choosing clothes, a positive attitude towards hardening, combinations

Child mode 1 year
Feeding the child 5 - one time, after 4 hours (breakfast 7.00, lunch 11.30, afternoon tea 16.00, dinner 19.00, night feeding 24.00) Daytime sleep - 2 times for 2 hours (from 9.00 to 11.00, from 14.00 to 16.00)

Principles of therapeutic nutrition in diabetes mellitus
The diet should be physiologically literate: The amount of energy in food should be equal to the energy needs of the patient. Quantity of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Talking about the dangers of smoking
Tobacco smoking is one of the most common bad habits that has affected a significant part of the population. The harmful effects of smoking on the body are associated with those contained in tobacco smoke.

What vaccinations should a child have at 1 year old
The first 12 hours - vaccination against hepatitis B. 3-7th day of life - vaccination against tuberculosis (BCG-M). 1st month - 2nd vaccination against hepatitis B. 3rd month - va

Family advice on physical activity
For adults, physical activity includes recreational or leisure activities, moving activities (such as cycling or walking), vocational

Advice for families on enrolling their child in kindergarten
The maximum approximation of the home mode to the DDU mode. Elimination of bad habits (sickness, bottle feeding, use of a pacifier). Provision of basic

Communication plan with the elderly
Mental activity of the elderly falls. They get tired quickly. You need to carefully monitor how your patient behaves and, having found the first signs of fatigue, give him the opportunity to rest,

Rules for the nutrition of elderly and senile patients
Currently, a low-calorie and volume-restricted diet is considered as one of the effective methods combating the process of premature aging. In the diet of the elderly

General principles of care for elderly and senile patients
Each patient needs an individual approach, taking into account the personal characteristics of the patient and his attitude to the disease. To establish contact, the nurse should speak in a calm, friendly manner.

The problem of insomnia
Elderly patients often complain of insomnia, their sleep patterns change - often they sleep more during the day, and at night lead a more active lifestyle (eat, walk around the ward, read). Frequently used

Ensuring personal hygiene activities
It is often difficult for an elderly and senile patient to take care of himself. He should be assisted in changing bed and underwear, if necessary, take care of his hair, legs

Injury prevention
Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of possible injuries. Bruises and fractures (especially necks femur) immobilize patients, accompanied by the development of such complications

Plan for dynamic observation of a student
Children over 3 years old and adolescents under 18 years old are examined by a pediatrician once a year + laboratory research(general blood test, general urinalysis, feces for helminth eggs).

Control feeding
Purpose: to determine the average amount of milk a child receives during breastfeeding. Equipment: - changing kit with diapers; - n

Maternal Diet Recommendations
Nutrition of a breastfeeding mother should be complete, varied and rational in quantitative and qualitative terms. The diet should include - milk (up to 500 ml), sour-milk

The amount of food for a child per day
The daily amount of food for a child is calculated by the volumetric method. V days \u003d 1/5 actual mass \u003d 1/5 * (3000 + 600) \u003d 1/5 * 3600 \u003d 720 ml We feed a child of 1 month 7 times, that is, Vra

Principles of therapeutic nutrition in diabetes mellitus
The diet should be physiologically literate: The amount of energy in food should be equal to the energy needs of the patient. Quantity of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

The effect of alcohol on the human body
Modern research allows us to reasonably assert that there are no organs and tissues in the human body that would not be affected by alcohol. 1. Only 10% of alcohol is excreted from the

There is not a single tissue, not a single organ in the body that would not be subjected to degradation under the influence of alcohol.
3. Determine the child's health group and risk group. The child's health group is II B, since the child is currently practically healthy

Assessment of the physical development of a 10-year-old child (boy)
Assessment of physical development is carried out using centile tables: chest circumference 62 cm (assessment by age) - P10-25, which corresponds to the 3rd corridor, the height of the child is 142 cm (assessment

Care for the Elderly with Visual and Hearing Impairment
In older people, refractive error occurs, cataracts often develop, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity, especially peripheral. Elderly people do not fix their eyes on objects, often

Diet advice for seniors
In the body of an elderly person, the activity of all organs and systems decreases, including the departments of digestion: the masticatory apparatus, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, and intestines. decrease

Assessment of the physical development of a 9-year-old child (boy)
Assessment of physical development is carried out using centile tables: chest circumference 69 cm (assessed by age) - Р75-90, which corresponds to the 5th corridor, the height of the child is 140 cm (estimated

Advice for elderly patients with sleep disorders
Older people take longer to fall asleep and reach the deep, restful sleep stage. The period of superficial sleep, which does not give rest, increases. With such

Prenatal Care No. 1
(conducted by a nurse when registering a pregnant woman). Purpose: - to identify and eliminate household and professional hazards; - observe the protective regime, organize a hedgehog

Questions to prepare students for the qualifying exam
according to PM.01 "Carrying out preventive measures" for the specialty 060501 "Nursing", basic and advanced levels of secondary vocational training


Doctors say that human health is more than 2/3 dependent on established habits. Many people do not feel like old people even after 70 years. You can delay old age, save energy and prolong an active lifestyle with the help of suitable physical exercises.


In youth, a person is constantly moving, he does not feel tired. After 60 years, he also strives for activity, tries to realize his potential, but at this time the so-called age-related diseases make themselves felt and the previously acquired diseases become aggravated: either he will grab his back, then his legs hurt, then it’s impossible to bend down, then it’s impossible to straighten up, therefore the urge to move disappears. But, despite this, only movement in such cases helps to avoid many health problems.

Unfortunately, there is still a perception of inferiority of the elderly. However, it is fundamentally wrong. If an elderly person is physically healthy, then his body is as full-fledged as it was during periods of growth and development, only he is already different: many of his functions have actually weakened in the process of aging. But, despite this, older people are quite capable of performing long-term muscular work of low intensity. Therefore, it is not necessary to completely abandon motor activity at any age.

Scientific and technological progress, which has greatly facilitated the life of a modern person, contributes to a passive lifestyle. People are less and less likely to walk, using public transport services. Almost all new buildings have elevators, and escalators in the metro and shops. Handling various household appliances - electrical appliances, automatic washing machines, washing vacuum cleaners - also does not require much physical activity. Of course, it is difficult (and hardly necessary) to abandon these innovations voluntarily. And yet, you can increase the number of movements performed by starting with an elementary one: it is not so difficult, for example, to switch TV channels without the help of a remote control (using the buttons on the TV itself).

In Western countries, people try to take care of their health. For example, in the houses of Canada, the following inscriptions are sometimes found on elevators: “Constant use of the elevator is dangerous for your health”, “Now take the elevator - then you will pay with your health.”

If you want to be strong and enduring - get tired! This recommendation is suitable for people of all ages. At first glance, it seems paradoxical: after all, everyone strives to conserve their strength, save energy. However, in fact, you can achieve high performance only by regularly tiring yourself with physical activity. With a lack of movement in the body, as a rule, physiological functions weaken, its tone and vital activity in general decrease.

Physical exercise is an excellent means of preventing a number of disorders and diseases, and therapeutic exercises improve the quality of life in many diseases. When a person moves, the joints and ligaments are strengthened, the volume of the muscles increases, their elasticity, strength and speed of contraction increase. In the process of physical activity, the blood flow increases, the blood delivers oxygen and necessary nutrients to the muscles, which break down in the process of metabolism with the release of energy. When the muscles are inactive, their nutrition deteriorates, they decrease in volume, lose strength, their elasticity and firmness decrease (muscles become weak and flabby).

Doctors from the United States conducted an experiment: the volunteers who volunteered to participate in it were deprived of the ability to move (a high cast was applied to their limbs) while maintaining their normal diet. After 40 days, all subjects developed muscle atrophy with accumulation of body fat. At the same time, other symptoms were noted - increased reactivity of cardio-vascular system and decreased basal metabolic rate. Over the next 4 weeks, the subjects began to actively move, and all negative phenomena disappeared.

Breathing and muscle activity are closely related to each other. Various physical exercises affect breathing and ventilation of air in the lungs, as well as the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between air and blood. In the process of aging of the body, the lungs lose their elasticity, less air enters them than at a young age. This process can be slowed down with exercise and breathing exercises.

Physical exercises increase the general tone of the body, as a result, it more actively resists diseases and stresses, i.e., its defenses increase. In addition, sports contribute to the activation of mental activity, which is also very important, since the memory of the elderly is somewhat weaker than that of the young. It should also be mentioned that regular physical activity contributes to good psychological well-being: a person can live to an advanced age and still feel great.

Many examples can be cited when people who have reached a respectable age were able to do what most young people cannot do. In 1986, the Italian E. Presencini, at the age of 72, twice set a world record. The Englishman D. Decker became famous for the fact that at the age of 88 he made a parachute jump. Together with his coach, he was in free fall for 1500 m and did not open his parachute.

The possibilities of the human body are almost limitless, they only need to be developed. Therefore, physical activity in old age is useful in all respects.

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