
Examples of the spiritual development of man. What is the spiritual development of man? What can hinder a person's spiritual development

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Spiritual development of personality today from fashion trend becomes a necessity. Every person who wants to succeed understands the importance of constant self-development.

What is spiritual and moral education?

The concept we are considering does not have a clear definition. But based on its content, we can say that the spiritual development of a person is the sphere of incorporeal education, daily work aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills, faith, and a sense of beauty. The result of such development can be both material (artistic works of art) and intangible (music, philosophy, religion).

Moral education presupposes the development of the moral values ​​of mankind in the personality.

Spiritual and moral development takes the following forms:

  • politics;

  • philosophy;


Religious upbringing

When a person hears the concept of “spiritual development”, the first thing he thinks about is religion. This is natural, since from childhood a person is instilled with the dogma that the spirit is God's creation. And religious education is fully based on the scriptures. Despite differences in history, forms of worship, traditions and customs, all three monotheistic religions preach the same thing - the principle of monotheism and following God's word.

Religious spiritual development begins with a personal example of parents - if adults follow religious dogmas, then the child will follow their example. But sometimes this is not enough for the child, and he requires an explanation. Then you can tell him that this or that action is allowed or forbidden by God, and He rewards for good deeds pleasing to Him, and punishes for bad deeds. In addition to explanation, the following means of religious education will also help:

    joint reading and discussion of religious literature;

    visiting places of worship;

    observance of fasting and sacred days;

    celebration of religious holidays.

If the child goes to school, then ordinary and religious schools come to the aid of parents. In a regular course, the subject “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” is taught, which is divided into 6 areas:

    secular ethics;


The main feature of religious education is that parents themselves can choose in which direction to raise a child, since the course was developed by a group of scientists of different faiths.

In religious, besides the basics, you can study the scriptures and get to know your religion better.

moral education

Ideas, principles, laws, norms and rules of behavior in society are the components of moral education. In short, it is based on the education of the following qualities:

    feelings of kindness;

    helping a neighbor;

    feelings of sympathy;

    the need to follow human morality.

To do this, it is necessary to accustom the child to moral standards, form his positive moral experience, direct his behavior, feelings and consciousness to the realization of moral values ​​and form the moral character of the individual.

In this case, a child, teenager or adult is the object of moral education, and the family, school and other public organizations influence him. But conscious self-education is also possible, when a person himself forms an activity aimed at improving moral qualities and forming habits and behavior in accordance with ideals accepted in society. In this case, such techniques as self-assessment, self-order, self-hypnosis, self-correction, self-regulation, self-approval and self-punishment are used.

political education

Political education is a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness of an individual with one goal - to form certain political qualities.

Its main tasks are:

    rooting in the consciousness and behavior of values, norms, orientations and patterns accepted in a given society;

    distribution of a certain type of political culture.

    The rational component is the transfer of basic political information, the formation of a system of knowledge about the political system. The rational component is implemented through school and university education and the media, controlled by the government.

    Emotional Component- this is the formation of a certain attitude to political objects and phenomena. It is closely related to the stable preference for a certain person in politics. The emotional component is realized through such means as ceremonial parades, demonstrations, processions, celebrations, presentation of passports, membership cards and awards.

    legal education

    Adjacent to political education is legal education, which is understood as the purposeful activity of state bodies and society, influencing the legal consciousness, culture and behavior of people to follow the law and its norms.

    Thanks to legal education, citizens develop confidence and independence in the legal sphere. This stimulates the legal activity of individual citizens, which implies conscious, proactive, social, moral and responsible behavior.

    Legal education includes the following elements:

    • legal experience of the company;

      pedagogical and psychological methods of influencing citizens (personal example, persuasion, encouragement, punishment, coercion);

      forms of education - the external and behavioral aspects of the relationship between the state and the population.

    Legal education is carried out with the participation of schools, universities, media, legal education and self-education.

    Philosophical education

    Despite the fact that philosophy is a difficult science for children to understand, it is the child who asks the first serious questions about being, the universe and the meaning of life. This is due to the fact that the baby is not yet bound by stereotypes and does not know philosophical concepts, and the adult, due to his knowledge, is embarrassed or afraid to ask any questions. The child, because of the purity of consciousness, is freed from embarrassment and fear.

    A child, and later a teenager, needs to be explained in simple terms such philosophical categories as matter, movement, space, consciousness, time, freedom, ideal, truth, goodness, justice, morality, reason.

    Cultivating a sense of beauty

    With the words "spiritual development" along with religion, art also evokes a clear association. The formation process can be divided into 4 stages:


      sensory-emotional experience;

    These same criteria constitute the main content of the sense of beauty.

    Impressions can be obtained through reading fiction, watching movies, listening to concerts, visiting exhibitions and museums. Art consists not only of the beautiful, but of other categories of aesthetics - ugliness, sublimity, baseness, tragedy and comedy. A comprehensive perception of all categories of aesthetics allows you to form a sense of beauty.

    After viewing, it is important to comment on what you see, and not only from the position of "like - dislike", but also to justify why, what feelings this or that object evokes. These actions will allow you to accumulate sensory-emotional experience and sensitively perceive reality.

    Over time, a person has favorite works of art, trends and authors. Their study will allow you to reasonably evaluate what you see. This stage is called knowledge accumulation.

    The next stage of development is analysis. The ability to analyze can be formed with the help of reviews of professional critics in magazines, television and radio programs. In this case, you need to compare different points of view, agree or refute them. Over time, your point of view will develop.

    Discussion with friends is also helpful.

    Mental education

    Mental education is the formation of a system of knowledge based on the foundations of science. The system includes the following categories:

      logical thinking;

    • Attention;



      development of inclination and talent;

      the desire to constantly learn new things and improve existing general educational and special knowledge, skills and abilities.

    This knowledge is obtained through:

      systematic training at school, university and other educational institution;

      extracurricular, extracurricular and independent work.

    The content of mental education depends on educational program, profile of vocational training and cognitive interests, which implies knowledge of a specific educational material, facts, terminology, symbols, names, titles, dates, concepts different kind, connections and dependencies between them, as well as methods of their use and understanding of the place of their application in the system of sciences.

    How does personality develop?

    The spiritual development of the child originates in the family with its characteristic style of education, which depends on the requirements of society. At each stage, spiritual development must meet these requirements.

      Infancy - a basic trust in the world is formed in the face of the mother.

      Age from 1 to 2 years. The child becomes independent as he walks independently, controls his needs and can express his desires.

      Age from 2 to 5 years. An important period in the life of the baby, which affects the spiritual and moral development and education. At this age, the main position in life is occupied by the game, through which the child learns to communicate with the world, gets acquainted with the basics of some forms of spiritual and moral development - religious, mental, moral. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the game.

      School age. School development comes to the aid of family development, where the child receives new knowledge and skills. In the same period, he may face failures in school, which can lead to insecurity. Therefore, it is important to support him during this period and explain that failures are just an excuse to become better.

      Middle and high school. This is a period of self-determination, when a teenager is looking for himself and his place in the world. At this time, his philosophical, political and legal development begins, the formation of a sense of beauty passes to the sensual-emotional stage.

      The period when the spiritual development of a person reached its fullness, and he formed the necessary baggage with which he will continue to go through life.

      The accumulated knowledge helps to find a life partner close in spiritual and moral development, work and take care of the family and children.

      The period after 50 years, when a person completes spiritual / moral development and rethinks his life through the acquired spiritual experience. As a result, he understands that his life is unique, realizes and accepts the logical outcome of life.

    Society development

    The spiritual development of society is continuous. It can be divided into spiritual and material progress, i.e. development from the lowest to the highest, and regression - development from the highest to the lowest.

    Progress criteria:

      spiritual and moral growth of the individual and society;

      weak confrontation between people;

      improving relationships between people;

      the freedom that society provides to the individual.

    The development of society can take the following forms:

      evolution - a gradual and smooth change in the spiritual life of man and society;

      revolution - radical, rapid and practically opposite changes that can affect both one and several aspects of spiritual and moral life;

    • reform - complex measures that contribute to changes in one or more aspects of public life.

    The development of spiritual culture in this case is a priority task not only for society, but also for the state as a whole.

Spiritual development- it harmonious development man in all aspects of his personality. What are these components? What are the components of a person?

One of ancient symbols, which can be found in the culture of many peoples, is a symbol of the trinity. It means body, soul and mind.

As you can see from the figure below, all these components are combined.

Trinity sign

How to balance these three parts? It is necessary to start developing all the components.

If we need to make concrete, then sand, cement and water are mixed in certain proportions. If the proportions are maintained, the concrete will be strong.

How does the mind develop? When the brain is stressed. The body - through exercise and nutrition.

How can a person develop his soul? Thinking?

Many talk about spirituality and condemn immoral acts and soulless people, but do not know what spiritual development is.

Spiritual development of man

Spiritual development of man- this is the development of all the basic elements of the universe (earth, air, fire, water and wood), corresponding to the main areas of human life. This is the oldest system, each element of which has its own symbol.


Earth is a symbol of our surroundings: people, country, city, home, friends, work, hobbies, clothes, property, order / disorder in the apartment.

Having embarked on the path of spiritual development, a person begins to change his environment. his house and appearance become cleaner, no, garbage, unwashed dishes, he begins to listen to different music, reads completely different books. And in general, wherever he is, he always improves the space around him.

The spiritual development of man is the knowledge of people. Knowledge of the beauty of human nature, nature, soul. Spiritually developed people, as a rule, are sociable. They are interested in the personality of other people, so they can easily talk to strangers or give a compliment.

Every day we can develop spiritually, contributing to the improvement of the space around us.


Air is a symbol of freedom. The wind goes where it wants to go. Freedom is a choice. The wider your possibilities, the more degrees of freedom you have.

There are several types or degrees of freedom.

There is freedom of time, space, freedom of thought and speech, financial freedom.

Freedom of time and space means that you yourself manage your time, and decide where you go and go.

Any trips and travels different countries and cities in order to get to know the local culture, their history and customs - this is spiritual development.

Financial freedom and its component Money is just one of several powers. We become more free the more our incomes become. Therefore, financial development is also a part of spiritual development.

The more people we serve, the more we earn

Robert Kiyosaki

If you work for one person, you earn a living wage. If you manage to be useful to thousands of people, you get thousands living wages. And if you helped millions, then millions.

The pursuit of a high salary or momentary profit is a rather illusory goal.

To shift the focus of your attention to the true needs of people and think about what they need is beneficial both spiritually and materially. Buttons


The tree is first of all our health. And good health is proper nutrition, constant movement and right thoughts.


Throw away all nutrition books! Only your body knows how to eat right. All diets and methods only contradict each other.

By listening to your body and learning to understand your body, you will no longer poison yourself with chemicals, semi-finished products, substitutes and other muck.

Nutrition is the basis good health. This includes water and air. Drink as much clean water as possible and be outdoors more often.

Adjusting your nutrition to the needs of the body, you are on the path of spiritual development.


Most people have a problem processing calories, many of us have the same type of movement, our joints lack flexibility.

Do you want a real miracle to happen to your health? Start walking at least 5 km a day for a month!

You need to move as much and as often as possible. Do not use the elevator, but take the stairs. Walk to the store instead of using the car.

By moving, if you are reluctant to move, you are heading towards spiritual development. And every step you take in this direction leads you to spiritual growth.


Any negative thoughts that make you suffer, experience stress, resentment, anger, envy - have a detrimental effect on your health.

You need to take responsibility for your thinking, because after all, you are their master. It is you who creates these thoughts. And with your thoughts, create your own. It's always your choice. Therefore, health is always in your hands.

Scientists have found that when a person starts to get angry, his heart and blood vessels suffer, and when he envies - negative impact the liver is exposed.

When a person follows the path of spiritual development, the successes and achievements of other people cause him only inspiration and joy.

Our body is like a litmus test. If it is unhealthy, it means that a person first of all thinks incorrectly, and as a result, acts.

If every morning you wake up with positive thoughts, joyful and inspired, you are overwhelmed with ideas and thoughts about the beautiful, you great mood- you are definitely moving towards spiritual development.


Fire is a symbol of energy and love. The sun is an inexhaustible source of light and energy, warming and loving us. With this love and this energy, you have to be careful not to get burned.

In order to develop spiritually in the fiery direction, one must learn to transform energy and consciously control it.

As you know, energy does not arise from nowhere and does not go anywhere, it only changes its states.

A person needs to be able to pass energy through himself - the more, the better. The more significant will be our success in the implementation of plans and fulfillment of desires.

We must be able to direct energy to what we need - to our goals and needs. For example, sexual desire is turned into the energy of love. Irritation, resentment, anger - into the energy of money, which will bring abundance into our lives.

We teach all this special training "" which has recently launched on our website.

Energy control, management and transformation is part of spiritual development.


Water is a symbol of our goals and desires. Just as a wide river is formed from small streams, and entire seas form from rivers, so our goals flow from small to large.

Spiritual development is the presence, correct setting and achievement of goals.

All 5 elements of the system are inextricably linked.

When a person has a goal and he strives for it, no illnesses take him. Our goals (water) affect our energy (fire). And the higher and nobler a person's dream, the more energy he receives.

All the great artists, thinkers, musicians, businessmen, scientists had great goals and were obsessed with their ideas.

Your goals are easily achieved if they are set correctly and aimed at a positive result.

All spheres of our life are invisibly interconnected. They are inseparable and mutually dependent. Every area of ​​our life expands as we begin to develop spiritually.

Where to begin spiritual development? Start with the weakest link. You decide. In any case, you will follow the path leading to success.

I sincerely wish you good luck!

Artur Golovin


Hello, Dear friends, site readers site - A guide to personal growth!

What is the spiritual development of man? With this topic, I open a new page, which is dedicated to knowledge from the field personal development and how you can use this knowledge to bring positive changes into your life.

The topic of personal growth is my, one might say, hobby, which I have been passionate about for more than ten years. Someone likes to embroider with a cross and finds an outlet for himself in this, and I seem to be filled with new knowledge, an understanding of how everything works in the world. I like to read books on positive thinking, apply knowledge in practice, just realize that by working on myself, I become better, and at the same time my life improves.

But before returning to this topic, I want to thank everyone who responded and shared with friends. Every comment is valuable to me! When I read your reviews, I understand that I am doing what I should be doing, and this gives me not only self-confidence, strength and inspiration, but also the desire to share everything that I understood and realized again and again. Thank you very much!

Everyone knows that in order to start living differently, you need to learn to think differently. You can learn to think differently by reading books or communicating with those who already think this way, are already on the step that I would like to climb.
To begin with, basically all the books were recommended to me and given to read by friends and acquaintances. Sometimes, it happened with books and, at first, I randomly received information about the author and his project, and then I looked for books. I didn’t have to look for a long time: “Energy Enema” lay right before my eyes on the counter of a book stall, and “Reality Transurfing” was carried away by the brother of my girlfriend, with whom at that time we worked together in the same company.

Secret knowledge

An interesting story happened with the purchase of the “Love and Above” program by Christy Marie Sheldon, to be honest, I was not going to buy it, I thought that now was not the time for such purchases, but ...

The week I was offered to buy this software, I was re-reading The Wisdom of the Ancients by Lobsang Rampa and just got to the meaning of the word "knowledge". Perhaps you are also interested in knowing what “knowledge” is:

KNOWLEDGE(Knowledge) - Knowledge? Do I have to explain what knowledge is? I think it should! In order for us to have knowledge, a confluence of three factors is necessary.

First of all, we must have a source of information on the basis of which we can judge something, because, as long as we do not have any data, it is impossible to judge either the presence or absence of something.

Secondly, we must have a way on the basis of which some conclusion can be drawn. After all, if we do not have such a way of understanding, we cannot draw a single logical conclusion, which means that we cannot approach the state in which we know something.

Finally, we must have some intuition in order to understand how our knowledge relates to what is happening. We also need this intuition to understand various aspects of what we wish to know.(Lobsang Rampa "The Wisdom of the Ancients").

That evening, I realized that if I want to go further, I need to somehow develop my intuition but I didn't know how to do it. And the next day, when I opened my e-mail box, I saw a letter that said that if I buy the “Love and Above” program during the day, then they will give me the “Development intuition according to the Silva method.

Have you already guessed? I no longer thought about money! I had the required amount, and I could receive the coveted gift. How did it happen, why exactly “Development intuition according to the Silva Method” was offered as a gift, and not some other program with a different name, I don’t know, it’s probably my Angels who take care of me. (Thank you!)

After all, it was from the Love and Above program that I learned a lot of necessary and useful information, I liked this program so much that I wanted to tell every person I know about it, and most likely, this is what prompted me to write the Success Cheat Sheet, and then to create this site.

The need for personal development

But just read a book or talk to the right person not enough. I noticed a long time ago, and most likely you noticed it too, that when you read any literature on positive thinking, you are in some kind of high spirits, you start to see everything in bright colors, it seems that everything is easy and simple.

But then, when the book is read, at first the high spirits disappear somewhere along with it, and a little later what I read about is forgotten. You can of course buy new book, read it, get a positive charge, but in order to attract the necessary changes in your life, you need to start putting the ideas from the book you read or the program you completed into practice.

From my life experience I can say that the second option works! True, the result comes after a while, but it suits me perfectly, because the main thing is to move forward!

In order for new knowledge to work and bear fruit, I first re-read, listen (if it is an audio book) several times all new or incomprehensible for the place, sometimes I write it down in a notebook interesting phrases, positive statements, conclusions. Then, if I like the idea, I think about how I can apply it in my life. And then, at the right moment, I put it into practice. Thus, knowledge is strengthened and stays with me forever.

Many authors recommend re-reading the book after a while. I think that this should be done because, having “worked through” the book, a person begins to see the world differently, and, reading the same book again, discovers new ideas. I can confess to you that I listened to “Reality Transurfing” in its entirety about five times and each time I learned something new and interesting for myself.

Love and above

For me, spiritual development consists in daily work on myself, on my thoughts, emotions. After all, everyone has situations when, without noticing it, you begin to get annoyed or offended, criticize, resent. All of these emotions are a reaction of previously accumulated negative experience, and by showing negative emotions, a person adds heaviness to his energy system, which prevents the achievement of goals. After all, it is easier to come to what you want with a light, all-penetrating energy of love, joy, happiness.

Therefore, it is simply necessary to monitor your thoughts and emotions:

  • come to your senses in time if you feel that you are starting to react negatively in any way;
  • stop to rethink what is happening;
  • remain silent or react positively, for example, turn everything into a joke or just mentally send love to the person who showed the negative;
  • analyze the situation - what was done and what was not;
  • admit your mistakes and try not to make them next time.

Meditation "Journey to the Light"

These are the conclusions I made for myself. But that's not all, I want to tell you about meditation, after which you can partially get rid of the accumulated negative experiences. This is Journey to the Light by Christy Marie Sheldon for Love and Above.

This meditation can be received as a gift by subscribing to a free master class "Four principles of increasing vibrations". This meditation helped me a lot, after doing it several times, I noticed that conflict situations in my life occur less and less. And you can also reduce the accumulated negative experience by doing good deeds, caring for others, doing charity work. Only all this must be done from a pure heart, with the desire to help another person, any living being.

With love and respect, Elena Azhevskaya.

Spiritual Development is an obligatory goal for everyone, for any worthy person! But, Spiritual Development people understand very differently and delusions in this area through the roof. Start looking into this issue. it is better everything from an adequate understanding - .

Development is a change in oneself, the ability of a person to become better: to purposefully reveal in himself the necessary talents, strength, abilities, to form necessary qualities and eliminate the shortcomings, vices and any negativity that makes a person unhappy, evil and weak.

And before considering in detail - what is Spiritual Development, let's consider the main misconceptions, illusions, that is, that it is not spiritual development!

Spiritual Development or the illusion of perfection?

The essence is this - true spiritual development is always confirmed by a person's life, his condition, the growth of pure and high joy in the heart, achievements and positive results, ideally in all areas of life.

If a person really develops spiritually, truly grows with his soul, this will inevitably lead to changes in his whole life: close people will notice positive changes in him, his work, career will go up, such a person’s problems are solved quickly, the efficiency of everything is growing and he succeeds more and more, enjoying life, his power of influence on people grows, some new talents and abilities appear that he had not noticed in himself before, material well-being improves, and many others. etc. Of course, this does not mean that everything is cloudless and there will be no trials and difficulties in life, but in general we can say that the whole Universe begins to help such a person.

And if a person allegedly develops spiritually, and his life at the same time, not only does not change for the better, but becomes even worse (no joy, no energy) - this is not spiritual development, but delirium, illusions that will inevitably lead him to disappointments and to collapse.

What is not Spiritual Development?

1. Simply, reading literature, accumulating knowledge in the intellect “on this topic”. If Knowledge (information) does not turn into experience, into feelings, qualities, skills, then this is not Development, but at best Knowledge. Development and Cognition are completely different things, I will quote from the excellent book “Two Lives”:

“You can answer me that you know and understand all this, but I will tell you that you do not know and do not understand anything. Because in the language of wisdom To know means to be able, and to understand means to act. The one who says that he knows and understands, and does not know how to act with enthusiasm in his working day, actually knows nothing. In its activity, it is no different from circus dogs and horses, which simply learned a series of habitual associations perceived in one sequence or another.

2. Many hours of sitting in meditation and numerous spiritual practices, without the realization of the relevant knowledge in one's own destiny, are also worth little. What is the use of owning energy techniques, knowing a lot of prayers and mantras, if you haven’t used all this to improve your life and other people’s, if you yourself, as a person, haven’t changed at all in your beliefs, life goals, on the scale of your personality. This is not spiritual development, the maximum is feeding your always hungry ego.

3. Separation from people and society, withdrawal into oneself, growth of closeness, arrogance, etc. Spiritual development must always be subordinated to the High Goal of Service to the World. If a person does not have such a Goal, to make the world a better place, to love people and help them, all his development will result in Pride-Himalayas, in an illusory elevation above others and will lead, sooner or later, to an inevitable fall-collapse.

4. Various kinds of extremes! A) Often a person who begins to engage in spiritual development (as he believes) forgets about his duties, about his Duty to his Family (leaves it, leaves children, etc.), to the Society (quits his job) - this is a big delusion! Spiritual Development, on the contrary, should lead to a more effective and worthy fulfillment of one's duties to those who are given to a person by Fate, cease to appreciate this and, as a result, quickly lose (leave with nothing).

V) Renunciation of the material! Spiritual development does not imply poverty and renunciation of material values, on the contrary, the more spiritual power a person has, the more financial potential he is able to manage and do it for the benefit of the entire Society. Grudjiev (Spiritual Teacher) on this occasion she says: - “Spiritual development can only be done by a person who is able to feed 10 of his own kind”. It is too early for a weak person who cannot even feed himself to engage in spiritual development; he has not even formed responsibility for his own life.

From an esoteric point of view, Spiritual Development is the aspiration and opening of a chakra, and for this a person must more or less open and develop the previous two chakras ( and ).

There are other illusions about spiritual development that need to be debunked.

Spirituality - one of the most complex concepts on Earth. A lot has been written and said about it, but no one has yet given an exhaustive, convincing definition and it is not clear enough why it is practically necessary for a person, which significantly reduces the possibilities of its development. A lot of stereotypes and contradictions do not allow to form an integral understanding of spirituality, therefore we will consider the primary issues of spirituality: its concept, meaning, development and main mistakes.

Understanding spirituality. Spirituality - this is the knowledge realized in a person about God, Good and Evil, about our society, his destiny and about everything that concerns the interaction of a person with higher powers, himself and the world around him. This knowledge determines most of the main manifestations of a person (thinking, psycho-emotional sphere, behavior, lifestyle), his individual characteristics, the attitude of other people towards him, the ability or inability to make any significant achievements, and much more.

The most important goals of spiritual development: achievement of perfection (inner strength, positivity), knowledge and realization of one's destiny. Truly spiritual knowledge makes a person's life joyful and happy, allows him to gain power over himself and his destiny, and brings him closer to God. Pseudo-spirituality, various delusions make a person weak and evil, lead to suffering and misfortune, oppose him to the will of higher powers.

inner strength - the ability to achieve any significant goals and overcome life's obstacles. It is characteristic of a few, they are born with it or form themselves with it, receiving the appropriate upbringing, they clearly know what they want, have a great desire for a goal, unshakable confidence in themselves and their strengths. They do not rely on chance and are convinced that everything in this world must be earned by their professionalism, development and activity, they actively act and achieve the goal, respect and recognition of others. "Nothing can stop me" is their motto.

Weakness - aimless existence, lack of dignity, respect for others and any significant achievements, endless doubts, insecurity, vulnerability, etc. Such people are in the majority, barriers stop them, failures break them, and they only make excuses: “What can I do?”.

In esotericism, inner strength has many clearly defined levels (stages of development), which describe the logic and sequence of changes in all the main components of a person: from his beliefs to external manifestations. Understanding these levels is extremely necessary for people, as it allows you to determine the direction of human evolution, the stages of his spiritual development, evaluate yourself, your strengths and find your place in the general hierarchy of beings in order to set more complex, but real goals and objectives, and answer many others. questions. The acquisition of power is subject to universal laws, but it can be light or dark, which is determined by the goals and methods being implemented.

There is no one way for everyone. Each of us is unique. Everyone has their own methods of passing the path and achieving their goals. Each of us has our own purpose. The Universe gave life to someone to start happy family but to someone to become a loner who is looking for the truth in this world. But despite this “difference”, everyone will fulfill the WILL OF THE CREATOR! For him, we are all equal and he has only one measure - this is our spiritual development.

What is meant by the spiritual development of a person?

Spirit is not something abstract. This is not another artistic image to indicate the level of human development. Spirit is an immortal particle of divine fire, embedded in each person by the Creator. Spirit is the highest faculty of the human soul, through which man comes to know God. The human spirit contains Divine grace in itself, is its conductor for all the forces of the soul.

“In every person there is a spirit - the highest side of human life, a force that draws him from the visible to the invisible, from the temporal to the eternal, from the creature to the Creator. This force can be weakened to varying degrees, its demands can be misinterpreted, but it cannot be completely silenced or destroyed. It is an integral part of our humanity.”

Saint Foefan the Recluse

Spiritual development lies in the need to unleash your creative potential to the fullest, go through your WAY of “I” in order to get closer to the Creator! Engage in self-development, do what your heart “lies” for and never look at others. Everyone moves along a vector that has developed over a million incarnations. Spiritual teachings and practices a large number of. Now there is a boom. Everyone became interested in spiritual development. But there is nothing strange in this, because now our Earth is at the beginning of its next round of development. And we must all comply with this.

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On the Internet you can see a large number of trainings on personal growth. But my opinion is that personal growth without spiritual is impossible. These are two sides of the same coin. There are many people around who have learned to achieve various goals. But is this their goal? If you ask if a person is happy, then most likely you will hear a negative answer. This is the reason that a person is engaged more in personal growth and forgets about his spiritual development. We have learned to look only outside ourselves and have forgotten about our inner world, where our SPIRIT lives.

You need to learn how to talk to your spirit and be a more spiritual person. But here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the term "spirituality" is not "religiosity". Religion can only cause struggle. I once met a Christian grandmother who rejected other religions and believed that there was only Jesus. I didn’t argue with her, I just ended the conversation politely, realizing that this person is far from spiritual, but simply “zombified”. Spirituality is based on love. When you create with love, you create in unity with your spirit. Then you can be called a spiritual person.

Where to start spiritual development?

When I began to engage in spiritual growth, I soon felt changes in all 7 areas of my life. I opened my amazing inner world with a lot of talents. Learned to create faster with the power of thought. I have more energy, improved relationships with parents and friends. Creative ideas and inspirations began to come. I even bought myself felt-tip pens so that I can immediately sketch the "insights" that come in the middle of the night! I understood my purpose. Quickly synced with my flow of abundance. I wanted to live and create with love, to help other people become more harmonious.

Spiritual development is a very important aspect in the life of every person. This is a very large and laborious work on oneself day by day. Spiritual development is necessary throughout your life. This must be learned by ourselves and taught to our future generation. Look around. Anger, hatred, resentment, irascibility, irritability, constant claims to each other, wars, murders for money - all this is a big wave that has covered our society. Each of us is stuck in the material world and cannot continue our development as a part of All This Great Creativity.

Choose what you like. Personally, I do yoga. To me, this concept of self-improvement is very clear and fits the lifestyle. Perhaps your spirit will be some other direction. This is what needs to be said here - you should never get hung up on one thing. Of course, if you like to meditate, then you are welcome. But everything flows, everything changes. Create your own teaching with which you will live harmoniously. It will also be changeable, but the most important thing is that it helps to effectively reveal your potential as a Creator and enhances your spiritual development as a person!

Life is the best spiritual practice, it is our the best teacher. Become more aware every day. Learn to observe the events of your life, to understand the signs that the Universe gives. Observe nature, learn from it. Look at everyday things and phenomena in a new way. The outside world is just a mirror of your inside. Start looking inward more. The external decorations themselves will begin to change following the change in the internal potential.