
Determine that the shoes are leather. How to distinguish leather from a substitute? How to determine if shoes are leather or not


durable beautiful skin used for sewing shoes, bags, clothes. big question how to check leather for authenticity. The fact is that current technologies make it possible to produce artificial leather that is almost indistinguishable from the real one - more durable, prestigious and expensive.

How to test genuine leather with fire and water

Artificial leather is a special material that resembles the natural skin of animals. A polyurethane film is applied to the fabric, which has different colour and texture, and the imitation outwardly practically does not differ from the original.

To check the authenticity of the skin, it must be scorched, wet or wrinkled.

If you do not want to pay for a fake, you need to master one of the verification methods that will help the consumer to distinguish artificial material from natural. The surest way is to test with fire and water.

  1. If you bring a match to the surface of the material and singe it, then nothing will be done to the real skin, and the artificial one will immediately melt.
  2. If you drop water on the surface of the product, then natural leather will absorb moisture, while artificial leather will not.

The problem is that not a single seller will allow either to burn his goods or to wet him. In addition, sometimes the manufacturer applies a protective coating to genuine leather, and it flares up when it comes into contact with fire. Therefore, it is important to know how to check genuine leather for authenticity without resorting to radical methods.

Other ways to check the authenticity of the skin

Artificial material, unlike natural, is less elastic, thinner, has a characteristic surface pattern, and differs in other characteristics. Here's what you can do in the shop:

  • Place your hand on the material. If he almost immediately "warmed up" to a pleasant body temperature - this is the skin. The polymer surface heats up for a long time and will become wet from the heat of the palm.
  • Check the cut of the material. If it is perfectly even, smooth, or the knitted base is clearly visible, then you have leatherette. At genuine leather the cut will be rough, rounded, with a clear weave of fibers.
  • If you look closely at the surface, then the pores on the artificial material will be exactly the same, and on the natural one - of different diameters and arranged in random order.
  • Stretch or wrinkle. Real leather is elastic. Unlike imitation leather, when squeezed or bent, it wrinkles, but does not change color, and when the pressure disappears, it instantly restores the structure.

When the production of artificial leather was in its infancy, it was possible to distinguish it from natural by smell. However, now this method does not work: flavors do their job.

How did our grandparents check the skin for naturalness? Yes, very simple. The main criterion was the smell. The smell of genuine leather is very difficult to confuse with another. But technology does not stand still, and now good leatherette has a similar smell and approximate structure, so it is very difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish genuine leather from an analogue. Let's figure out how to check the skin and what you should pay attention to.

- Ability to transfer heat.

You pick up leather ones, as the seller claims, and you want to make sure that his words are sincere. How to do it. Take the boot in your hands and hold it for a while. Very soon, the skin will become warm, and at the same time remain dry. And how will the leather substitute behave? It will take much longer to heat up from your hands, and since it is an artificial material and it does not let air through, your palm will become a little damp. So you will immediately understand that the seller is telling you a lie and the boot is made of artificial leather substitute.

- Size of the border edge thickness.

If the first test did not help you decide, then there is another way to check the skin for authenticity. Pay attention to the edge of the border: in genuine leather it is quite thick and a little rough, while in the substitute it is thin, smooth and even.

How to distinguish leather from leatherette

In order to distinguish leather from leatherette, you need to know a few tricks.

1. The elasticity of the leather product.

Bend the shaft and see how the material behaves. If it is really leather, then small wrinkles will appear on the fold, which will disappear when returning to its original shape. And even with a slight stretching of the leather product, it will immediately return to its original shape, which cannot be said about the artificial counterpart.

2. The skin does not change color.

In order to check the skin for naturalness, stretch it a little, or bend it, and press it, if there are no changes with the material and it has not changed color, you have a natural copy. And if the seller asks to take his word for it, and is categorically against you doing anything with supposedly leather boot it is most likely not natural.

3. Pungent smell.

Yes, no one canceled the smell test. Just don't go for it alone. In this case, a strong, non-natural odor will immediately tell you that you have an artificial analogue of the skin in front of you.

4. Holes in the form of pores.

Checking the leather on the shoes and making sure that it is natural is also not difficult. Take a closer look at the top layer of the boot, do you see the same pattern of pores on the entire surface? So this is real skin. And if the drawing differs in depth and shape, then an artificial specimen.

5. What is the base made of.

Pay attention to the cut of the product. Can you see fabric or knitwear in the gap? It's definitely leatherette. But if the base consists of chaotic fibers, then the product is leather.

There are several other ways to check the naturalness of the product. But, unfortunately, they can only be used at home, in confirmation that you really bought a leather product. This is a test with water and fire.

If you light a match and quickly bring it to the product, then if it is really leather, nothing will happen, and if not, then it will gradually melt. The test must be carried out on some inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

You also need to carefully test with water. Genuine leather does not absorb water, but its analogue does it fully.

By the way, genuine leather also has varieties. It all depends on what animal it is made from.

  • Pigskin is the most common and also the most affordable option.
  • They make rough ones from bull skin men's jackets, belts and sometimes . It is rigid and durable.
  • Made from cowhide quality shoes that won't wear out for a long time and at an affordable price. It is very similar in quality to bull skin.
  • Soft calf leather is used to make the bulk of bags, elegant shoes and stylish jackets. There are almost no creases on it, so in the sock it shows itself from the best side.
  • Sheepskin is one of the elite leathers that is suitable for the production of high-end products such as gloves, jackets, belts and bags.

Many tourists, coming to Florence, ask themselves the question “where to buy leather in Florence?”. Leather craftsmanship has always flourished in the city and has been known far beyond the borders of Italy for centuries. Today you will find a large number of shops and markets with leather products. So where to buy a leather bag or a leather jacket in Florence? Of course, the quality of branded products differs from leather goods sold in the markets, but you choose depending on your preferences:

If you prefer quality and do not look at the price, then you should go to the famous boutiques in Via Tornabuoni, Via Strozzi or Via Roma, located in the very center of the city, near the Duomo and Piazza della Repubblica. Here you will find original leather goods from Italian designers, which have always been considered as indicators of the highest class.

If you want to save money, then visit the San Lorenzo Market or the Porcellino Market. The goods sold in the markets are monotonous, the quality is not always up to par, but the prices will please you, and it is customary to bargain here.

If you want to find the best price / quality ratio, you should visit the shops of local manufacturers selling their brands.

-If you wish not to miscalculate the quality and be sure of the Italian origin of the goods, we advise you to visit the leather factory, where you can see what kind of leather and how leather bags and leather accessories are sewn.

But not only the quality of tailoring and finishing is important. leather bag or jackets, as well as what kind of leather products are made of: natural or artificial. Consider a few main features by which you can distinguish genuine leather from artificial:

1. Smell. Genuine leather has a natural, slightly noticeable smell, while artificial leather smells like synthetic materials. This smell is felt immediately.

2. Warm. Hold the product in your hand. If it warms up and retains your warmth for a while, then it is genuine leather. Faux leather does not transmit or retain heat.

3. In appearance. Genuine leather has a natural unique pattern, on artificial leather the pattern is repeated. However, here it is easy to confuse with printed leather, which has a monotonous pattern.

4. To the touch. Genuine leather is soft and supple, it has a soft, uniform texture and, when pressed and stretched, quickly regains its shape. At the bending points, genuine leather does not change its color, while creases remain on artificial leather. The reverse surface of natural leather is velvety and somewhat reminiscent of suede.

5. Slice. If there are open sections on a leather product, then the section of genuine leather can be identified by its fibrous structure, while the section of artificial leather has a smooth surface.

6. Material sample. If a product is accompanied by a sample of the material from which it is made, then a simple rhombus denotes a leather substitute, and a figured rhombus denotes genuine leather. However, here manufacturers can deceive you.

7. Opposition to the flame. Theoretically, when fire is brought to natural leather, it does not ignite, but begins to gradually shrink and emit a smell similar to the smell smoked chicken. However, due to the fact that Leather Products treated with an anil coating, genuine leather may catch fire. The artificial skin flashes when exposed to a flame and begins to behave like plastic bottle, sintering and producing a pungent odor and often black smoke. But be careful with such experiments so as not to spoil your leather product, as even real leather is deformed when exposed to fire for a long time.

8. Water. When water gets on natural leather, it is absorbed and a small amount remains on the skin. dark spot until the moisture is completely eroded from the surface of the skin. Faux leather does not absorb moisture. This method is more suitable when choosing a leather jacket.

So, according to the data simple advice, You can easily distinguish genuine leather from artificial. However, remember that each leather product has its own characteristics depending on the type of leather, its dyeing and processing, so do not get carried away with experiments, especially those that can damage the leather product, or entrust this matter to professionals. Happy shopping!


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How to distinguish genuine leather from artificial? Manufacturers are required to label products, but, unfortunately, labels cannot always be trusted. Modern technologies make it easy to imitate the skin. And what if you want to buy a leather item, for example, in a market in Europe or in a small family boutique?

By what signs can you quickly determine what is in front of you: leather or leatherette?

site collected the main methods that can be used simultaneously to make the right verdict.

1. Skin keeps you warm

The artificial material does not retain or transmit heat, while genuine leather will warm up in your hands almost immediately and retain its temperature for a while.

Leatherette from touch can also heat up slightly, but its surface will be slightly damp. The skin is always dry.

If you hold leatherette and natural leather in your hands, you can almost immediately feel the difference.

2. Unique pattern

Genuine leather has its own natural and unique pattern, while artificial material is characterized by a repeating pattern and “islands” of the same size. But in this case, there is a risk of confusing leatherette with printed leather - its pattern is also monotonous.

In addition to a special structure, genuine leather has pores, and if you look at it up close or through a magnifying glass, you can always see them. The pores are also arranged randomly. Modern technologies can already imitate them, but still, if you look closely, you can see that this is just a pattern, not holes.

3. Check the wrong side or cut

Not on all products it is so easy to see the wrong side, by which one can judge the naturalness of the material. Try to find an unprotected cut to see the structure.

Genuine leather is a large amount of suede fibers, and the basis of artificial material is natural fabric or synthetics.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish from natural leather and high-quality artificial material - eco-leather: the appearance can be almost identical, but the basis of eco-leather will always be fabric.

4. Weight is an argument

Genuine leather is always heavier than artificial leather. This is noticeable even in small products, and is especially noticeable in the example leather jackets. Certainly, different types skins can also have different weights - for example, sheepskin weighs less than bovine.

But artificial leather will still be lighter than any natural leather. Moreover, it can sometimes be even lighter than some fabrics.

5. Smell is the difference

Everyone who has ever bought shoes made of leather substitute knows what this difference is: new shoes It has a strong chemical odor that takes a long time to dissipate.

Leather things have an unobtrusive and light smell (if we are talking about high-quality material). However, manufacturers may use special fragrances that mimic the smell of leather. But such fragrances can deceive the buyer only if the artificial material is of good quality, because the smell of cheap chemical ingredients cannot be interrupted by anything.

6. Reaction to moisture

This is a very easy and visual way to distinguish leather from leatherette, but it is quite difficult to use it when buying. Genuine leather always absorbs moisture. This is especially noticeable on fair skin: A dark spot will show off on the product until the moisture is completely removed.

Leatherette will not absorb water and will not change color.

7. Tactile sensations

Genuine leather (except patent leather) will never be smooth. The texture may be different, but to the touch it is always a little rough. Artificial material is smooth and slippery.

If you bend the skin, it will change color slightly at the fold, but there will be no trace of a crease. Leatherette will not change color, but there will definitely be a trace.

Experts advise to pay attention to price A:Good quality genuine leather can't be cheap. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the types of skin.

Budget price segment

Pigskin, bovine, cowhide - these inexpensive varieties are distinguished by thickness, density and rigidity. For budget shoes and jackets, pig or cow leather is often used, and belts and backpacks are most often made from durable bovine leather.

Middle price segment

Calf, sheep, goat leather - soft and durable varieties. There are practically no creases on them. The leather is thin, but at the same time it is of very high quality and keeps its shape perfectly.

High price segment

Rare and expensive types of skin - deer, crocodile, snake, ostrich. Products from them are of the highest quality and original appearance, however, such a thing will cost the buyer a round sum.

There are enough reasons to choose genuine leather products. The quality of the material directly affects the rate of wear of shoes, comfort during wear and its presentability.

In addition, after have a hard day in new boots, you don’t have to worry about an unpleasant smell, since genuine leather has high breathability and allows the foot to “breathe”.

In pursuit of cheapness and mass delivery, manufacturers are increasingly replacing natural materials with synthetic ones. Now you can stumble upon leatherette among almost any type of product, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine authenticity. Many of us are accustomed to focusing on the smells emanating from shoes, hoping that this is the way to determine the material from which it was made. However, in the era of modern technology and flavor substitutes, this method is not the most reliable.

4 ways to distinguish leather shoes from leatherette

Heat transfer

The higher the heat inside the shoe, the higher the humidity. It is for this reason that a pressure difference appears, which allows excess moisture to be pushed out, and your feet do not sweat.

Synthetically made leather has very little breathability and practically does not remove moisture. You can notice this if you hold the shoes in your hands for a while - the skin will heat up very quickly from the warmth of the hands and will keep the temperature for some more time, while the leatherette will take longer. In addition, synthetic leather will feel cold and artificial even to the touch.


Undoubtedly, manufacturers have learned to fake even this eye-catching property of genuine leather. But this method is not so common, and such a check will take very little time. Leatherette is most often created using chemical impurities that are easily noticeable by smell. The skin, on the other hand, has its own unique, pleasant smell, which does not hurt the scent and is well felt.


One of the serious drawbacks of leatherette shoes is that after a short wear, the surface of the product is covered with small cracks, folds and scars. If you bend the leather patch, it will quickly take the opposite shape without damage in area.


The pores on the leather product are randomly distributed, and the pattern made up of them is unique and imperfect. It is these pores that allow the material to pass moisture and air. In the case of synthetic leather, its surface is often either covered with uniform “holes”, which clearly indicate the artificiality of their nature, or there are no pores on it at all.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes manufacturers of artificial leather shoes create a special, uneven pattern of pores on its surface, so this method, like the others, is recommended to be used in conjunction with others.

Test methods at home

What to do if the shoes have already been bought, and you still doubt the material from which it was made?

There are at least two ways that you can carry out at home and determine whether you got genuine leather or not.

Water exposure

As mentioned above, genuine leather has high breathability, which allows it to push moisture well “out” of the leg. This means that a small drop of water that has fallen on its surface should be absorbed very quickly, and the trace from it should disappear after a short time, when the moisture dries. In addition, drops that appear from reverse side, will be uneven and large due to the heterogeneity of the "holes".

How are the leather substitutes? If the material does not have pores at all, the drop will not be absorbed and, most likely, will simply roll down. This fact alone suggests that the legs will not only be uncomfortable, but also dangerous to health. After all, high humidity and heat accelerate the development of diseases such as, for example, a fungus.

Temperature exposure

As many people know, the skin does not burn well. Of course, safety precautions and good faith of sellers do not allow setting fire to shoes right in the store. But, if you want to do this experiment at home, hold an open fire close to the shoe area for a short time and see what the effect will be.

If the surface begins to melt instantly - you got leatherette. The test can be carried out on the label (material sample) if you are afraid of damaging the product.

IMPORTANT! Follow safety rules when testing with fire and do not keep it near the surface for too long.

Having studied and applied in the future such simple, but at the same time effective advice, it is much easier to determine what the shoes are made of and decide for yourself whether it is worth buying.