
Decoration of a kindergarten for the new year: decoration of the facade and premises. Kindergarten group decoration for the new year New Year's decoration of the territory of the kindergarten


Lyovushka- big head
handsome whale

Barbara-beauty, long braid

How beautiful and wonderful multi-colored balls

Queen of the year - a beautiful goat - Boxthorn

Traveling frog flew around the world for a long time and stopped at our kindergarten

Over the seas, over the waves, today here, tomorrow there. On the waves, the waves, the waves

I'm a cheerful snowman, I'm used to snow and cold. I'm taking the sleds to the guys, you all need to ride.

Winter has come and we wanted to please our children with beautiful and interesting figures. I decided to create a "New Year's multi-studio". So on our site appeared the Frog-traveler, Varvara-beauty long braid, Handsome whale, and what a wonderful Lion-big head turned out to be. He is very fond of children. The most important queen of our ball, of course, was the Goat Dereza. She took an honorable central place on our site. A cheerful snowman is driving a beautiful painted sleigh, and a beautiful fairy-tale ship is sailing along the waves, next to which majestic swans are swimming. Our children were simply delighted when they saw such a fabulous miracle. Only in cartoons or fairy tales can you see all this at once on one site. Children love to play and take pictures on our site. And there was no limit to the surprise of the parents, even they wanted to touch everything .

Hello dear readers! Traditionally, about a week before the New Year, people begin to decorate the interior of the house, while completely forgetting about the decor of the yard. In fact, in Russia, decorating a site for a celebration is not yet a very common phenomenon, so why not each of us become trendsetters in the New Year's "courtyard" fashion. Just imagine coming home and festive mood meets you in the courtyard of his own site. In this connection, the topic of today's review is "How to decorate the yard for the New Year."

Snowmen from tree cuts - simple and beautiful!

1. Decoration of the site with bows.

If you want to give the site a really festive and presentable look, decorate it with bows. Bows can be made independently from packing tapes or purchase ready-made ones in gift wrapping departments. Bows can be fixed on the fence, stair railing, street wall lamps, front door, lampposts or flower pot stands.

2. Decor of street flowerpots.

Flowerpots can be decorated with spruce branches, cones, walnuts, acorns or chestnuts, Christmas balls, bows or garlands. In addition, the flowerpot can be made independently in the style of "Santa Claus", for this you need to take a large tin can, paint it red, and "tighten" the black belt with a large plaque, you can put pine branches with rowan branches in the flowerpot.

3. Illumination of trees.

Garlands will help create Magic world on the site, but simple garlands will not work, you need to purchase special street garlands. Got it? Well, we take garlands and wrap them around the trunks of garden trees, we also distribute the “lights” symmetrically along the crown of winter beauties. In addition, you can purchase luminous icicles, which should be symmetrically distributed over the branches of trees.

4. Children's sleigh.

Old sleds can become a spectacular decoration of the site, you just need to correctly “submit” the idea. In fact, it’s not at all difficult to compose a composition, for example, we install a sled near the threshold leading to the house, put a portable lantern on the sled, with a lit street candle, and here we lay a bunch of spruce twigs. Other examples can be seen in the photo below.

5. Spruce branches.

The symbol of the New Year holiday is a beautiful Christmas tree, so the whole yard can be decorated with spruce branches. It is better to buy artificial branches, firstly, save nature, secondly, they are more flexible, thirdly, they retain their original appearance (do not fade). You can weave whole garlands from the branches, tightly tightening the branches with ordinary sewing threads, you can make a festive wreath or decorate flowerpots, windows, doors, lampposts with them.

6. Snow castles, fortresses, igloos.

If time allows, the whole family can go outside and make whole snow castles, build fortresses or igloos. Such snow castles will become a real decoration. suburban area.

7. Huge Christmas decorations.

I didn’t see such toys on sale, but such balls can be made independently from dense balls (sold in stationery stores), pour small pebbles into the ball for weighting, inflate it, cut out snowflakes from napkins and stick them with PVA glue on the sides of the ball, then the product can be varnished. The top can be cut out of thick cardboard, cut out a wide strip, glue it into a ring, glue a lid (also cut out of cardboard) on top of this ring, make punctures in the lid, thread a suspension wire, and glue the finished top to the ball. In addition, the ball can be decorated with rain, tinsel or a lush bow.

8. Street decorations made of ice.

A great solution for the decor of the site. How to make colored ice balls? We take Balloon, pour food coloring, pour water, tie a ball, put it in the freezer if the volume of the refrigerator allows, if not, take it out to the frosty street. After the water in the ball hardens, we cut the shell of the ball, take out our ice products and set off to decorate the backyard. In the case of ice cups, we perform the entire operation described above, plus add various elements to the glass - viburnum berries, mountain ash, bright leaves, etc., leave it in the cold until it freezes completely, bring it into the house, pour boiling water into a deep basin, dip the frozen glass, the ice will melt instantly and the ice glass will easily “come out” of the real glass. We decorate the yard for the new year with ready-made ice elements, they can be dispersed everywhere, even hung on trees.

9. Illumination of the house.

The house, illuminated by the dancing lights of street garlands, looks very impressive. Garlands can be dispersed along the edge of the roof, decorate windows, doors, stair railings. Now on sale you can find ready-made luminous wire structures, these can be fairy-tale figures, Santa Claus's sleigh, reindeer in harness, etc. Such figures can be fixed on the roof of the house or near the windows.

10. Decoration of the front door to the house.

The holiday needs to be met fully armed, so pay special attention to the front entrance to the house, it can be decorated with festive wreaths, compositions from spruce branches, inflatable figures of Santa Claus or Santa Claus, portable lanterns, bows or artificial Poinsettia flowers. Here you can give free rein to creativity, install identical, beautifully decorated flowerpots or a miniature Christmas tree on the sides of the door, which will welcome invited guests. Craftsmen can cut out plywood and paint the soldiers that faithfully guard the path leading to the house, and don't forget about the garlands, here they will look the best!

11. Gift boxes.

In the yard you can arrange large carton boxes in beautiful packaging and spectacular bows. You can see sample songs below.

12. Hanging planters.

A very effective type of decor for the site is hanging planters. These planters are sold in the garden departments, but they can be made by yourself, in the presence of elastic willow vines, or thick wire in a sheath. You can decorate the pots paper stars(how to make such stars and not only, we considered in the article), large beads, artificial snowflakes, spruce branches or wicker balls.

13. Festive wreaths.

We have a similar decoration is not yet in demand, but still slowly gaining momentum in popularity. Festive wreaths can be hung on the front door, railing or fence. How and from what to make a wreath yourself, you can find out in the article.

14. Garden cars.

A magnificent composition can be created with the participation of a garden wheelbarrow, which should be decorated with spruce branches, Christmas balls, rowan branches, and colored cones. You can install such a wheelbarrow right next to the thresholds, you definitely cannot hide such beauty!

15. Sleigh of Santa Claus.

A real thematic decoration, such a sleigh can be ordered from carpenters or, with the ability and desire, you can create it yourself. In such a sleigh, the figure of Santa Claus or a “bag of gifts” would be appropriate. In principle, if the sleigh will stand under the roof, on the veranda, they can be cut out of thick cardboard, which is then spray-painted and decorated with rhinestones (by analogy with paper sleighs for Christmas trees, read the article).

16. Snowmen.

The snowman is a classic of backyard decor, without it the image will seem incomplete, so we gather the whole family and set off to sculpt a snowman. In Russia, it is customary to decorate the head of this character with a bucket, try replacing the bucket with a knitted hat with the same scarf or pick up a top hat with a bow tie, any innovations are welcome!

17. Snowflakes.

Artificial snowflakes are sold everywhere, buy an unlimited number of plastic snowflakes, tie a line or thread to them, and hang them on trees, windows, fences, bushes, front doors, etc.

18. Snowballs in a bucket.

We take a foam ball (everything for creativity is sold in the departments), pierce it with a toothpick (we will hold the ball for it), cover it with a uniform layer of glue, and sprinkle it with artificial snow abundantly. We make the required number of snowballs, and put them in a galvanized bucket.

19. Textile decorations.

Everything is simple here, we find old unnecessary things - mittens, knitted hats, scarves, socks, Santa Claus hats, and hang them around the site.

20. Luminous figures.

An excellent solution for decorating the site is luminous figures, such figures can be purchased or created independently, for this you need to prepare a wire frame for the figure, which at the end is wrapped with a street garland.

New Year's preparations most often affect only the interior of the house, but after all, the site can be easily decorated to create a festive mood. The choice of exterior decor is very wide and varied. We offer a selection of some of the most interesting, in our opinion, options.

Garlands are a special attribute of the new year. In the garden or on the site, products from natural materials, for example, needles or cones. Such decorations can be bought or made with your own hands.

In decorating the adjoining area, you can show all your design talent. Create a New Year's installation - it's easy. You can make it from an old sleigh, wicker baskets or a garden bench. Decorate these items with New Year's attributes - you're done.

New Year is the time when a lot of LED lighting simply does not happen. Decorate trees, fences, bushes and even the house itself with it. There are luminous sculptures - great, they will complement the picture.

Frozen berries, seeds and fruits will help to decorate your site and take care of the birds. Fill them with cold water in a suitable mold, wait until it hardens completely and hang them in the garden.

Ice jewelry can contain absolutely any items, up to openwork napkins. Choose the decor to your liking and make your site unique.

Candles in the snow look incredibly impressive. If there is a suitable flashlight, you can place a candle directly into it, no - make candlesticks from improvised materials. For example, cans, pouring some snow and rowan there.

Snowmen can be called a traditional decoration of the site. It is not necessary to sculpt them at all - you can buy inflatable ones. Do you want to make snowmen yourself? Move away from the standard ideas: use lollipops instead of branches, or even put a snowman on his head.

The colorful ice sculptures are very beautiful. Fill the balloon with tinted liquid, let it freeze, and then remove the form. Ordinary balls are boring, but what about ice hands? The principle of their creation is the same, only a glove is used instead of balls.

There is a Christmas tree on the site - great, decorate it with toys. No - it doesn’t matter either, decorate ordinary trees. You can make toys in addition to garlands or LED lights.

Early twilight and cold are nothing to the children, who are looking forward to the most important holiday. After all, everyone knows that magical transformations happen at night!

All parents can feel like magicians if they order an original design kindergarten to the New Year. By choosing your favorite models from our catalog, you will create a really festive mood for the guys. And our aero designers will demonstrate all the wonders they are capable of:

  • Build light and durable decorations necessary for children's performances (thematic, fairy tales);
  • Literally from air and foil, latex to create your favorite characters of fairy tales, cartoons (Luntik, Fixies, Masha, Bear), films;
  • Create wonderful decorations from paper and quilt (pompoms, flowers, forfeits, lanterns) that will transform the ceiling and walls beyond recognition.

For all its incredible beauty and splendor, such a New Year's decoration of a group in a kindergarten has a very reasonable cost that will satisfy absolutely all parents.

Creating a fairy tale is our mission! The territory of the playground, illuminated with garlands and wicker figures of Grandfather Frost, Snowman, cute Snow Maiden placed at the entrance, will delight children and adults. Even the sleepiest toddlers, who usually go to their preschool without pleasure, will want to pass through the colorful arches. And wreaths of dried twigs, bunches of mountain ash, cones and shiny beads, ribbons fixed on the doors will create a feeling fairy house. To make the design of the group for the new year look appropriate, you can use an unusual decor for windows and walls. Snowflakes cut out of paper, felt, suspended on a fishing line from the ceiling will sway from the breath of air. Older pupils always enjoy carving and crafting them.

These traditional, but everyone's favorite jewelry can "argue" in popularity with vytynankas. Snow-white story pictures, which only adults can do, look on the glass like frosty paintings.
Many people like the Western tradition of creating an advent calendar. Every boy and girl will look forward to their turn to open a window or a drawer with a cherished number counting down the days until holiday date.

Christmas socks are another New Year's decoration in kindergarten, borrowed from Europe. Attach them to the lockers for clothes so that the kids can put postcards there, small toys for their friends.
Sewn in checkered fabric or knitted, shiny or decorated with fur - gift stockings are a great idea to implement.

Creating a festive entourage for the kids, you can use a variety of materials. Everyone's favorite air balloons, crafts from cardboard, colored paper, fabrics. And it doesn’t matter if they are made by hand or purchased in a store, the main thing is that they give joy. To create it, we offer balloons for the New Year:

All at the end of the year preschool institutions prepare the most grandiose matinee. Therefore, the design of the music hall for the New Year is kept secret from everyone. It should amaze not only the invited parents and grandparents, but also the young artists themselves. Our ideas and the work of aero design masters convincingly prove that we can create a unique decor for children.