
Schemes for tying beads. How to crochet a bead: a step-by-step master class. How to crochet a bead: a master class


Dear needlewomen! The step-by-step master class that we bring to your attention today contains detailed diagram crochet beads. This technique allows you to create unique jewelry elements that cannot be found in any store.

Tools and materials Time: 10 minutes Difficulty: 2/10

  • hook;
  • threads (it is better to use natural cotton, as it keeps its shape well):
  • wooden bead of any diameter.

Step-by-step instruction

To tie a bead with a hook and ordinary threads, you will not need much time. A step-by-step master class will make the work clear, and ready-made beads can be used as a bright element of jewelry in combination with other materials.

A few words about how to choose a hook for work, and for this you first need to decide on the threads. As a rule, on the packaging of each skein there are instructions on the recommended size of the knitting needles and hook for working with this particular thread. Therefore, pay attention to the yarn that you buy.

For the first experience, it is better not to take small beads and a thin thread. When you understand the principle, you can already start experimenting with sizes.

Step 1: cast on loops

It all starts with a set of loops for the first center circle. It is not formed with the help of air loops (as is usually the case), but is recruited immediately with single crochets. With such columns, the product is knitted completely.

For the initial set of loops, we fold the end of the thread into two three additions. Then we begin to tie this twist with single crochets, using the thread as a base. In total, for a circle, we need 6 such columns, after which we connect them into a circle with a connecting loop ( initial loops maybe more, the amount depends on the diameter of the bead and the thickness of the thread itself, the main thing is that there is not too large a hole in the center of the circle).

Step 2: form the columns

Next, we begin to form columns row by row, making even additions so that you end up with a small pancake. When the diameter of the pancake is slightly smaller than the diameter of the bead, you can stop making reductions. We will knit several rows without increments, and you will see how the shape of the pancake begins to round off.

We knit like this until about the middle of the bead (we periodically try it on for our harness, so as not to make a mistake with the size).

Step 3: make the cuts

After half the ball is ready, you can form rows with uniform decreases. how to do this is shown in great detail on step by step diagram crochet beads.

When the bead is completely hidden in the rows of strapping, we form a knot, but we do not cut the thread yet. Leave a fairly long tail. We stretch it through the hole of the bead, where we once again form knots. After that, the thread can be cut completely.

The sling bracelet is both a decoration and a toy for a newborn baby. It is a bracelet made of beads tied with yarn, diluted with ordinary wooden beads. Using the example of a sling bracelet, we will show how to crochet a bead.

You can vary the order on the ribbon of such beads as you like. Universal in terms of design is the rainbow color of the bracelet. For such a bracelet, you need to pick up 7 skeins of yarn of all colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple.

We select a suitable hook for the selected yarn. For tying, choose larger beads, and for dilution, choose smaller beads. We will string the beads on a thin, satin ribbon.

The bead is first tied with a set of 4 air loops (vp), which are closed in a circle with the help of a connecting column (ss).

In the next row, it is necessary to knit 2 sc in each loop from the previous row. Total in the second row should be 8 sc.

In the next row, repeat in the same way - 2 sc in each loop of the chain of the previous row.

In the next row we alternate - 1 sb, 2 sb, 1 sb, 2 sb.

The created case is evenly stretched over the volume of the bead.

Leaving a little distance to the end of the bead, we begin to decrease the loops in the same way as the increase, i.e. first, through 1 loop we knit 1 sbn, 2 sbn with one vertex, 1 sbn, 2 sbn with one vertex.

In the next row, we decrease in each loop.

Thus, we tie all 7 large beads with yarn different colors in turn. We string the tied beads, alternating with smaller wooden beads.

Today I will tell you how to crochet a bead, a kinder surprise container or something similar ... You can, of course, take some magazine from detailed description beads or toys and try to repeat ... or you can try to understand the principle and not use any more other people's descriptions)))

So, in order to understand how to crochet a bead, I suggest you do the following:

  1. Find an old bead at home, preferably quite large ...

2. Choose a thread for tying ... There are no recommendations on this at all ... everything is at will and taste, the only thing is that the thread should not be too thick. Iris or microfiber is quite suitable for training, but whatever, just don’t take too thin at first either ... (so as not to bother yourself once again)))

3. Now we remember how it fits and act by analogy ...

How to crochet a bead - master class

We make 3 and in the first from the beginning of the set we knit 6 (we considered this knitting ringlet earlier))), we close the ring.
4. The next row, as with knitting a circle, 2 st.b / n in each loop. We close the SS.
5. Next, 2 tbsp. b / n in every second loop, and between them 1 st.b / n. (Everything is as usual). We close the SS.
6. And now take a bead and try it on ... For my bead, these rows are enough to complete the rounding, if your bead is larger or the thread is thinner, then repeat step 5, if less, then experiment when knitting, or step 5 do not knit or omit item 4

7. Then we need to connect the straight part, i.e. several rows without additions (in each loop 1 st.b / n). To understand how many such rows to knit, you need to try on a bead all the time)))
8. For my case, 5 rows are enough.
How do you know when enough is enough?

Pure visual...

Before starting straight knitting, I have three rows with increments - that's the same number of rows after a straight fabric should fit. but with concessions. Now we will knit decreases, but before that, put the bead in her “clothes” and tie it right along it.
Only instead of increases, we make reductions. First, we knit a row through one two st.b / n together(1 st.b / n., 2st.b / n. with a common top), in the next row, every 2 tbsp. b/n. we knit with a common top and in the last row we reduce everything that is left (in general, I do everything there randomly, just to pull off the loops, but it would look good, that is, I do it “by eye”)))

crochet bead

And here it is - our first bead, tied by experience, is ready))).

It is necessary to remember, but it is better to write down how we tied it, so that we can repeat the same steps for tying the rest of the beads)))
The binding of the container from Kinder Surprise occurs almost according to the same technology, with the only difference being that the container has a flatter bottom than the bead, so... we think...))) and we knit item 4 twice and do not forget to take this into account when decreasing: wink:

Option to create a simple jewelry from tied beads

Now you can tie and put beads on it. It will turn out to be a kind of decoration ... I must say right away that I am not a fan of this kind of accessories, so I did not bother myself with various decorations of this craft, I expose it like this ... just for the sake of an example and in order to explain how to crochet a bead)))
P.S. if you wish, you can find a lot of pictures for inspiration on creating knitted beads on the Internet ... I don’t copy them here for the reason that these are solid copyright works))) But I can offer you. .. remember "Monsters Inc"?)))

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The ability to crochet allows you to create not only clothes and interior items. You will be able to manufacture original jewelry- beads, earrings, bracelets. The products are unique and high quality. Time and material costs for such needlework will require a minimum. Learning the wisdom of "jewelry" knitting is not difficult. Let's try to figure out for a start how to crochet a bead for beginners.

Choice of yarn and hook

If the color scheme of the future decoration is determined by the style priorities, the integrity of the image, then certain requirements are imposed on the type and quality of threads.

First, the yarn must be thin to get a neat binding. Choose threads with a thickness of at least 400m per 100g. Ideally - 500-600m per 100g. We choose a small hook, because knitting should be tight.

Secondly, threads made of cotton or viscose are best suited. You can also use wool, angora or mohair yarn.

Bead selection

In choosing the material of beads, the main criterion will be the use of jewelry. If we are talking about jewelry for interior items, bags, etc., then any beads will do. And if you are making sling beads, then the tied base should be made of natural material, such as wood. Suitable blanks from juniper, pine. Beads must not be painted or varnished.

How to crochet a bead correctly - a master class for beginners

As a rule, work begins with a ring. Next, RLS are knitted around. In this case, the circle first expands, then goes into a flat area. In conclusion, we narrow the canvas.

The number of columns and rows depends on the size of the bead, the thickness of the thread, the selected pattern.

Consider how different ways tie a bead.

The classic way of tying

This version uses the amigurumi technique. Sections repeated in a row are marked with asterisks *-*.

  • 1r .: 3 VP in the ring;
  • 2p .: 1 runway, 6 RLS, SS;
  • 3r.: 1 runway, double the number of stitches, knitting 2 sc, sl-st in each sc (= 12);
  • 4p .: 1 runway, * 1 RLS, 2 RLS with a common base *, SS (= 18);
  • 5r.: 1 runway, * 1 sc, 1 sc, 2 sc in a common base *, sl-st (= 27).

We knitted a flat circle. We try it on to the bead and, if the diameter is sufficient, we continue to tie the bead without increments, without performing the runway and SS - from the 6th p. along the 11th r.

We put the bead in the case and, having decided on a sufficient height of the flat area, we proceed to the reduction:

  • 12r .: * 1 RLS, we knit together 2 RLS * (= 18);
  • 13r.: * we knit together 2 sc * (= 9).

Openwork harness

We start with the ring. We knit StBN into it. Their number is determined by the size of the bead. In our case, this is 12 stbn. Without performing the connection column, go to the arches from 3 v / n. We attach them to StBN in each column of the previous river.

We continue to knit arches without increments, connecting with columns b. n. in the center of the front arch. So we knit 3-5 rows (depending on the size of the bead).

We try on an openwork basket on a bead and continue knitting.

Having reached the desired height, we proceed to the reductions. To do this, at the first stage we knit 2 v / p between the stlb, then - 1 v / p. Then we perform only the stlb, in the end - stbn through 1p.

When the bead is completely closed, cut off the thread, fasten the end and hide the tail.

Volumetric strapping

This binding is performed in two stages. First, we tie the bead in the standard way, making a dense fabric.

Then we take a thread of the second color - a contrasting or close in shade. We make a loop by threading the hook into the column of the previous strapping.

We knit StBN in a spiral, crocheting the previous rows.

So we knit to the end and fasten the thread. It turns out a very unusual bead!

We tie a bead in the shape of a flower: video master class

Two-color binding

The knitting principle repeats the standard version in terms of increases and decreases. Particular attention should be paid to the explanation of the transition to a different color of yarn. V amigurumi technique this problem can create a very ugly step transition.

Having connected the required number of rows with yarn of color No1, we take out the hook from the working loop. We pass it into the loop of the previous river. and then back to the working loop. Through these two loops we stretch the thread of color No2.

So we get neat transitions when changing the color of yarn for knitting StBN.

Striped harness

We collect 4 v / n yarn No1, close them in a ring StBN. Take the hook out of the loop.

With yarn No2 we knit 2p. from the resulting ring. We knit them like StBN. And so we continue - we knit 2 StBN in each p. We knit through the front walls of the loops.

Probably today it is difficult to find a young mother who does not know what slingobuses. But for those who are not yet in the know, I’ll still clarify that these are beads that your baby can play with while in a sling or in her mother’s arms.

To ensure the safety of the baby, only natural materials are used to create the slingo bus: wood (unpainted), cotton threads (you should check the durability of the dye), waxed cord or silk ribbon as a "fishing line".

The most fashionable (and popular) sling beads are knitted beads. Today I will tell you. With this article, I begin a series of publications on knitted beads - my hobby.

Master class with photo - How to tie a bead

Step 1. We select the hook for the threads that we have prepared for tying. How to do it? It's simple - the thread should completely cover the recess in the hook, it is not allowed that it sticks out or, on the contrary, there is a gap. Otherwise, the thread will constantly fly off the hook, and the knitting process will become more complicated.

I use for strapping threads Iris or Lily and hook 0.7. I tried to knit beads with a large crochet, but it turns out to be too voluminous, and a smaller hook is almost a needle (it will hurt if you don't get used to it).

Step 2 The threads and the hook are selected, we begin to bind the bead. To do this, we knit 5-6 air loops. Do not tighten the first loop (end) very tightly, it will still come in handy for us.

Step 4 Now we begin to knit single crochets. In the first row, you can not try to knit into the upper loops, but knit into the central ring. It looks even more interesting.

Step 5 To increase the size in each row, add loops. It's easy - just knit two columns in one loop. It is not necessary to make lifting loops for each next row. Here's what we get.

Step 6 Periodically apply knitting to the bead to understand how much to increase or, conversely, reduce.

Step 7 Well, we tied up to the middle. Now it will be necessary to put a bead into our “pouch” and knit with it already.

Tip: You will probably want to tighten the posts, but this is not necessary. On the contrary, try to knit loops of the same height, rather loose and voluminous.

Step 8 We are slowly approaching logical end in our task how to bind the bead. 2-3 rows before the finish, we begin to reduce the number of loops. To do this, we knit the columns through one.

Step 9 Well, the binding is completed. Now last loop we make it big, for this you need to crochet it well. Next, cut it with scissors, tighten the end, hide the end of the thread inside the strapping (we need a hook for this).

Step 10 Hurray, the bead is ready!

I hope that my master class helped you.

In the near future I plan to tell you how to collect knitted beads, how to make original accessories(for mothers and daughters), I will show the beads that I have already knitted.