
Making a corner for the attendants in kindergarten step by step. Memo on organizing a canteen duty in all age groups. The dependence of the design of the corner on the age of the children in the group


A duty corner should be organized in each kindergarten group. After all, since preschool age every child must necessarily take part in work, perform the simple duties of a duty officer. Duty fosters organization, independence, accuracy in children, thanks to which children become more confident in their actions.

For registration of the corner of duty in kindergarten National company offers special stands that will help to make the watch process organized and interesting. We offer several directions for decorating the duty corner at the preschool educational institution.

Stands Duty Corner with Pockets

On the stands for the corner of duty there are voluminous pockets where you can lay out according to the type of duty. These can be cards with children's pictures or photographs of children. In specially designed ones, you can enter the names and surnames of children in front of their personal pictures. And special ones will help to indicate the directions of shifts in kindergarten, for example, in the dining room, in the classroom, in a corner of nature. Due to the design features of the National equipment, stands in the duty area of ​​the preschool educational institution can be supplemented with hooks for aprons or towels.

Exhibition of children's handicrafts and drawings City of Craftsmen with Duty Corner

For a complex design of a group dressing room, you can combine the gallery of children's works The City of Masters with the Duty Corner. This arrangement of stands will be the most convenient for educators, children and their parents. Parents will be able to admire the creative achievements of their children, as well as monitor the participation of children in labor activity groups.

Exhibition of children's handicrafts, drawings The City of Craftsmen with a Corner of Duty 10140 rubles. Code 21513
City of craftsmen for 28 crafts 8190 rubles. Code 21511 1.8 x 0.8 m
Duty corner 1690 rubles. Code 21512
ATTENTION! When ordering a stand City of Masters stickers Disney Heroes as a GIFT!

Duty corner by day by week

For the design of the Corner of duty in the preschool educational institution, the National company offers a special stand for days, weeks and types of duty. Splash screens allow you to thematically designate the directions of duty. And the volumetric pockets are designed to be placed every day of the week.

We are on duty! RUB 6630 Code 21532

Mini stands Duty Corner with laminated pictures

Any mini stand National can be supplemented, thereby turning into a stand for attendants. They are inserted into the cell of the stand, on which you can enter the names and surnames of the children on duty with a marker.

Duty corner in the group stand

The shift corner in kindergarten is a great opportunity to teach a child to work, to bring discipline and responsibility in him. Among other things, accuracy, self-confidence and independence develop. It is as easy as shelling pears to design such a useful corner, it will not take much time, especially since you can find examples of cute stands on the Internet. Such a stand is no less important than, for example, one that introduces kids to the surrounding world of flora and fauna.

Several works will be presented for you a little below, but first we will analyze a couple of important aspects.

Bright and colorful

What are the duties of a duty officer?

  • Taking care of a corner of nature (watering flowers);
  • Set the table in the dining room;
  • Remove toys.

Good caregivers strive to turn this process into an adventure so that children feel engaged, not obligated. It is important to understand here that the design of the watch plays a very important role: the brighter and more colorful it is, the more interesting the child will be.

What information should be present at the stand?

The stand is the duty schedule. It is a canvas with special volumetric pockets. Cards for children are laid out here, each of which has its own picture (however, instead of cartoon characters and drawn animals, you can use photographs of children). Each pocket must be signed according to the day of the week. It is best for a specific duty to have its own color and card slots.

Types of corners of duty

Exists different kinds corners:

  • it can be one day, then you will have to change cards at the end of each working day;
  • three days;
  • on the full week(depending on the work schedule of the institution).

The number of duties is determined by the equipment of the kindergarten. Prices vary greatly based on the number of cells. The more convenient, the more expensive. It is much more profitable to arrange such a stand with your own hands. To do this, we need a drawing paper, felt-tip pens, paints, paper, glue, cardboard, scissors, a ruler, pencils and a little imagination.

Do-it-yourself watch corner - where to start?

You already know what you should be interested in, so try to find out which cartoon characters the kids like - you can ask them to tell about their favorite character. This information will be very useful in the future.

In general, it is not so difficult. Of course it is general advice- how the duty area will be decorated depends only on your imagination and ability to understand children.

When planning the design of a kindergarten, special attention should be paid to the duty area. As you know, it is necessary to start teaching children to work as early as possible. Correctly decorated, bright and beautiful duty corner in the kindergarten will serve as a good help in instilling diligence and discipline in children. accuracy, will stimulate preschoolers to fulfill their obligations.

Today, the corner of the attendant in kindergarten is made out mainly by the hands of educators and parents.

Why do you need a duty corner in a kindergarten?

The organization of the shift in kindergarten is an important part of the labor education of preschoolers. As a rule, in kindergarten, any group has its own duty schedule, according to which children are happy to take turns cleaning up the play area, helping to set the table before meals or watering flowers. This helps to teach children to work and instill in them certain skills from the very early age... As already mentioned, the process of labor education through duty in kindergarten will become more exciting if the duty corner in the kindergarten with duty schedules is colorfully arranged, and turn shifts into an interesting game.

Kindergarten watch with cartoon characters

Alternatively, you can draw on large sheet paper plot from a cartoon popular with most children("Masha and the Bear", "Shrek", "Ice Age", etc.), having discussed with the kids in advance what will be more interesting for them to play. Then you can even come up with a whole script based on the cartoon. It can be a fun story in which all children, each with a role to play, will happily take part.

You need to make pockets of colored paper or fabric, on which to sign the names of the children, and for children junior groups who cannot read, you can use their photos. Glue these pockets on a prepared sheet of Whatman paper and insert into them cards with tasks that children need to complete during the day. Such cards can be prepared from cardboard, tasks can be performed in the form of drawings: for example, a drawing of a watering can means watering flowers, and an image of a dining table means being on duty in the dining room, etc.

It is necessary to change the cards in the corner of the duty (and, accordingly, the tasks) every morning. Arriving at kindergarten, the child will watch what he has to do today. A well-done task necessarily brings the children closer to the goal set at the beginning of the game (find a treasure, free the princess, etc.).

The final of the game can be scheduled for New Year's party by developing an appropriate scenario for it (for example, a treasure can be new Year gifts). Well, and then you can come up with and new game with an equally gripping plot.

This is how easy it is to turn the kindergarten duty area into an exciting adventure game.

Lesson "Duty in a corner of nature", older age

Yuri Ulyanovskiy, corr. ITAR-TASS in Paris

According to Molny, this year the military power of the EU countries was called into question in two directions at once. At the level of individual states, this was forced by the crisis situation in the economy and finance, which led to a significant reduction in military budgets. At the global level, in general, a similar process has been observed, since integration within the framework of the European Union itself, which is so necessary at this difficult moment, is stalled. A striking example of this is the continuing misadventures of the A-400 M military transport aircraft, which was intended to become a symbol of Europe's unity in the field of armaments, which continued over the past year. Moreover, in the past 10 years, not a single new pan-European defense program has been adopted, the author writes.

As for France, at the moment the country exports mainly military equipment produced domestically. These are submarines, Rafale combat aircraft and Mistral command ships. "However, all experts acknowledge that retreating to national territory will help save jobs in the short term, but will weaken Europe's industrial armaments capabilities in the long term," Molni concludes. "However, there is concern that our defense policy will not change in the coming years. ...

Yulia Pogodaeva

Duty roster preschoolers of the preparatory group are becoming more complex both in terms of the content of work and in the forms of uniting children, as a result of the requirement for independence and self-organization in work.

One of the important tasks of the organization shifts is the formation in children of responsibility for the assigned work, the desire to work for the benefit of the team, the habit of systematic performance of duties.

An important assistant in the organization shifts v preparatory group is an corner where pupils, having come to kindergarten in the morning, can see what benefit they can bring to their group today.

In the practice of our kindergarten, children regularly are on duty in the dining room, on preparation for classes, on a corner of nature... Usually for each type shifts two children are assigned. Change on duty held daily. It is from this practice that I designed a corner of duty.

I have developed and a duty corner has been arranged in the preparatory group.

The corner has been decorated on white ceiling tiles acrylic paints... I have highlighted three zones duty roster: "V corner of nature"," Laying the tables "," Helping the teacher "- helping to prepare for classes.

I made a pocket out of cardboard for photographs of children.

Photos will be attached with Velcro tape.

The corner is ready, it remains to draw up a schedule shifts.

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